Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management For The United States: Absence Management Guide
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management For The United States: Absence Management Guide
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management For The United States: Absence Management Guide
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Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States:
Absence Management Guide
Preface i
1 Absence Management 1
Overview of Absence Management ........................................................................................................................... 1
Overview of Absence Rate Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 3
Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll ............................................................................................................ 4
Rate Definitions for Absence Plans and Payments .................................................................................................... 5
Define Absence Elements for the US ........................................................................................................................ 6
Derived Factors for Absences ................................................................................................................................. 12
Absence Eligibility Profiles for the US ...................................................................................................................... 12
Set Up Absence Plans ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Absence Components ............................................................................................................................................ 15
How the Absence Management Components Work Together for the US ................................................................ 17
Employee Absence Records for the US .................................................................................................................. 19
2 Examples 21
Process and Administer Absences for the US ........................................................................................................ 21
Set Absence Payment Rates for the US ................................................................................................................. 25
Build Accrual Band Matrixes for the US .................................................................................................................. 28
Create Qualification Bands ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Define Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan for the US ............................................................................. 38
Define Absence Plans for the US ............................................................................................................................ 41
Create Absences for California Sick Pay Rates ....................................................................................................... 47
Enable Absences for Time Card Entries .................................................................................................................. 53
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States:
Absence Management Guide
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Preface
Absence Management Guide
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Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Preface
Absence Management Guide
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Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
1 Absence Management
High-Level Steps
Here are the different absence and payroll steps you need to follow.
Procedure Action
Create Rate Definitions Create rate definitions to use in calculating absence payments, liability balance calculations, and
salary reduction calculations.
Use the Manage Rate Definitions task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
For further information, see Overview of Absence Rate Definitions for the US in the Help Center.
Create Absence Elements Create an absence element for each absence plan that transfers absence payment information for
payroll processing.
Use the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area. These elements use the
Absences primary earnings classification.
During absence element definition, the template provides the option to automatically create the Final
Disbursements and Discretionary Disbursements elements.
For further information, see Define Absence Elements for the US in the Help Center.
Create Derived Factors Create derived factors to define how to calculate certain eligibility criteria that change over time.
Use the Manage Derived Factors task in the Absence Administration work area.
For further information, see Derived Factors for Absences in the Help Center.
Create Eligibility Profiles Create eligibility profiles to define criteria that determine whether a person qualifies for objects that
you associated with the profile.
Use the Manage Eligibility Profiles task in the Absence Administration work area.
For further information, see Absence Eligibility Profiles for the US in the Help Center.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Procedure Action
• Days-to-hours conversions
• Absence entitlements based on employee attributes, such as grade
Use the Manage Fast Formulas task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
• Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Implementing Absence Management Guide on the
Help Center
• Oracle Cloud Absence Management: Fast Formula Reference Guide (2065671.1) on My
Oracle Support
Create Absence Plans Create an absence plan, and select the absence element within the plan itself.
Use the Manage Absence Plans task in the Absence Administration work area.
For further information, see Set Up Absence Plans for the US in the Help Center.
Create Absence Types Create absence types, and associate your absence plans to them.
Use the Manage Absence Types task in the Absence Administration work area.
For further information, see Set Up Absence Plans for the US in the Help Center.
Process Accruals If an employee is enrolled in an accrual plan, you must run the accrual process.
For further information, see Absence Processing and Administration for the US in the Help Center.
This transfers the absence information to the payroll process, assuming the absence is approved
and the option to transfer information to payroll is configured. This:
For further information, see Employee Absence Records for the US in the Help Center.
Process Payroll Once the information is transferred to payroll and the entries are generated, you can process the
payroll that includes the absence entries. Then view the resulting absence balances on the person's
Statement of Earnings (SOE).
View Absence Balances Once you have processed and archived payroll, the employee's absence and accrual balances are
displayed on their SOE, payslip, check advice, and reports.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Procedure Action
Use the following tasks located in the related work areas to configure objects for processing absences in payroll:
Related Topics
• Define Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan for the US
Use the Manage Rate Definitions task in the Payroll Calculation work area to create rate definitions.
When a person's absence payment is at a different rate than their salary, you use rate definitions to determine the rate. Create
these rate definitions before you define absence elements. To do this:
1. Set up an element rate definition for each type of base salary subject to this payment.
These rate definitions are marked as base rates.
For further information, see Rate Definitions for Absence Plans and Payments for the US in the Help Center.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
2. Set up a derived rate definition, and use the base rate as your contributor type.
For further information, see the Set Absence Payment Rates for the US in the Help Center.
Related Topics
• Define Payroll Elements for Processing Absences for the US
• Set Absence Payment Rates for the US
Absence Plan
In Oracle Fusion Absence Management, you can select a rate rule on the Entries and Balances tab of the Create Absence
Plan page. The rate rule calculates the units passed to payroll when you record an absence. You can select rate rules for the
absence payment, final disbursement, discretionary disbursement, and liability balance calculation.
For third-party absence providers, the application transfers the rate information and override rates in the XML file attached to
the Load Absence Batch process.
Absence Element
If you don't specify rates in the absence plan, you can specify a rate when you create the absence elements. The type of
absence information determines the rates you can select. For example, for plans where you transfer accrual balances and
absences, you can select different rates for these calculations.
• Absence payments
• Discretionary disbursement
• Final disbursement
• Liability balance rate
As best practice, specify a rate in either the plan or the element. If you specify in both, ensure the rate for the element is same
as the rate you selected in the corresponding plan.
When you associate a payroll element to a salary basis, you specify an input value that holds the base pay on a worker's
element entry. The monetary amount or rate recorded in the element entry is the salary value in the worker's salary
information held on the assignment. If you specify a rate, the formula uses this rate if it doesn't find one defined in the
absence plan or absence element.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Related Topics
• Defining Payroll Elements for Processing Absences: Procedure
Note: Do not enter rate rules at the plan level if you have already defined them at the employment level. If you
enter the rates at both the element and the plan levels, the rate at the plan level takes priority.
When you choose this in the template It creates this This is what happens when you select a rate
definition for it
Calculate absence liability? <element name> Liability balance Calculates the cost of a worker's accrual
balance to determine employer liability.
For example, if the employee is terminated or
loses eligibility for the absence plan, you can
determine employer liability for worker time
accruals for the rest of the accrual term.
Does this plan enable balance payments <element name> Final Disbursement indirect Calculates the payment of accruals when
when enrollment ends? element plan participation ends.
For example, if the worker is terminated or
loses eligibility for the absence plan, you
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
When you choose this in the template It creates this This is what happens when you select a rate
definition for it
can use a rate definition to calculate the final
accrual balance. Create a rate definition that
considers the worker's salary details and
calculates the payment value for each unit of
accrued time.
Does this plan enable partial payment of <element name> Discretionary Disbursement Calculates the payment when paying out part
balance? indirect element of an accrual balance.
For example, if the worker is terminated
or loses eligibility for the absence plan,
you can disburse the remainder of the
accrual balance. Create a rate definition that
considers the worker's salary details and
calculates the payment value for each unit of
accrued time.
Which rate should the absence payment N/A Calculates the payment during an accrual
calculation use? and qualification absence period.
For a qualification absence plan, you can
select this rate definition to calculate payment
for a qualification absence period. When
you create the qualification plan, you define
qualification bands to specify the percentage
of payment during an absence period.
For example, you want to pay the worker
75 percent pay up to the first 90 days of the
absence. You use a rate definition to define
the calculation method to translate that
percentage into an actual payment value.
Which rate determines the salary reduction N/A Defines the rate at which the process
amount? reduces the person's regular salary.
Related Topics
• Define Absence Plans for the US
• Set Absence Payment Rates for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Accrual Balances Used for tracking purposes and maintain time Select this option for a vacation accrual plan
off balances for employees based on certain that isn't processed through payroll. The
criteria. Statement of Earnings (SOE) wouldn't include
this leave.
Accrual Balances and Absences Used tracking purposes to maintain time off Select this option for a vacation accrual plan
balances, but they have an absence payment that is processed through payroll. The SOE
component related to the accrual. would show this leave separately.
Qualification Absences Typically triggered by an event, such as Select this option for a maternity plan that is
having a baby. processed through payroll. The SOE would
show this leave separately.
No Entitlement Absences Usually for tracking unpaid absences, and Select this option for a no entitlement leave
there is no accrual balance maintained. plan that is processed through payroll. The
SOE would show this leave separately.
Basic Absence Earnings This element is used for the regular payment of an absence, such as vacation or PTO time. Also use
this for payment of longer periods of absences, such as a maternity leave or short-term disability.
Unpaid Absences
When defining the element for any unpaid absence attached to an absence plan, select the following
in the element template:
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
For further information, see Define Payroll Elements for Processing Absences for the US in the Help Center.
1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, start the Manage Elements task.
2. Click Create.
3. Select a US LDG.
4. Select Absences as the primary classification.
5. Select a secondary classification based on the type of absence you are creating.
◦ Maternity
◦ Sickness
◦ Vacation
◦ Other
6. Click Continue.
7. Enter the following.
Value Description
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Note: If you select Days, and the absence payment for this element is subject to overtime rules, you
a. Create a fast formula for conversion to hours.
b. Select the work units conversion rule related to these calculation units.
9. Select the types of absence information that you want transferred to payroll:
◦ Accrual Balances
◦ Accrual Balances and Absences
◦ Qualification Absences
◦ No Entitlement Absences
10. Click Next.
11. Enter the following additional details.
a. Select the appropriate absence payment option for reducing regular earnings for salaried employees:
b. Select the absence payment rate. Leave blank if you are using the base rate.
c. Select how you want the absence payment to be taxed.
d. Select whether to calculate the absence liability.
If you select Yes, do one of the following:
i. Select the liability rate you defined through the Manage Rate Definitions task.
ii. Provide an empty value to use the rate calculation based on the basic salary.
e. Select the appropriate balance payment options for:
Question Steps
Does this plan enable balance i. Select Yes to configure a final disbursement element and to maintain balances for
payments when enrollment ends? the disbursement hours and payments.
ii. Select a rate to use for the calculation. Leave blank to use the basic salary rate.
iii. Select the taxation method.
Does this plan enable partial i. Select Yes to configure a discretionary disbursement element and to maintain
payment of balance? balances for disbursement hours and payments.
ii. Select a rate to use for the calculation. Leave blank to use the basic salary rate.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Question Steps
iii. Select the taxation method.
If you have standard earnings and absence elements in the same payroll run that reduce regular earnings, the payroll
calculation reduces earnings in this sequence:
The template also creates additional elements, depending on the options selected in the template to transfer absence
information, as shown in the following table:
<Absence name> This is the element you created for the absence plan.
<Absence Name> Entitlement Retro This indirect element processes absence payments and deductions during retroactive processing.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
<Absence Name> Discretionary Indirect element used to process partial payment disbursements in retroactive processing.
Disbursement Retro
<Absence Name> Final Disbursement This indirect element processes final payment disbursements during retroactive processing.
You must determine how to cost element eligibility records, including which type of costing to apply and which input value to
cost. Determine which account numbers to specify for the cost account segments, such as the natural account, and which
offset account balances the cost account.
For further information, see Global Human Resources Payroll Costing Guide (1918574.1) on My Oracle Support.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Related Topics
• Define Payroll Elements for an Absence Accrual Plan for the US
• Set Absence Payment Rates for the US
Related Topics
• Derived Factors
Category Description
Personal Includes gender, person type, postal code ranges, and other person-specific criteria.
Employment Includes assignment status, hourly or salaried, job, grade, and other employment-specific criteria.
Derived factors Includes age, compensation, length of service, hours worked, full-time equivalent, and a
combination of age and length of service.
Related coverage Includes criteria based on whether a person is covered by, eligible for, or enrolled in other benefits
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Category Description
Some criteria provide a fixed set of choices, such as gender. The choices for other criteria, are based on values defined in
tables, such as person type. You can define multiple criteria for a given criteria type.
For example, define a "Floating Holiday" absence element. Create a profile that says only full-time employees are eligible and
attach that profile to the floating holiday absence plan.
To configure the user-defined criteria, use the Manage Eligibility Profiles task, located in Plan Configuration. For further
information, see the document Global Human Resources Cloud Implementing Absence Management on Oracle Cloud Help
Related Topics
• Eligibility Profiles
Note: You must have the role of Human Resources Manager to perform these operations.
Absence Plans
Absence plans determine the rules for defining eligibility, accruing leave time, and receiving payments during the absence
period. You can select from the following.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Accrual Calculates time earned by an employee on a periodic basis, including maximum amounts of accrued
time and maximum amounts of time that can be carried forward to the next term.
Agreement Time agreed upon between the employer and employee in accordance with statutory rules.
Compensatory A variation of an accrual plan where units worked form the basis of the accrual. You can offer this
type of plan can be for work outside of a regular schedule instead of paying overtime.
No Entitlement A plan that has neither accrual nor entitlements defined. Commonly used to track unpaid absences.
Qualification Employee's entitlement to time off is not earned on a periodic basis but is granted to them.
Commonly used for maternity, jury duty, military, and so on.
Plan Rules
Plan rules define a person's eligibility for the plan, and the amount of time they receive.
Plan eligibility Associates an eligibility profile to the plan to determine what workers are enrolled in that plan. An
eligibility profile defines criteria used to determine whether a person qualifies for certain absence
Waiting periods For an accrual plan, defines whether an employee accrues time only after a specified amount of time
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Vesting periods For an accrual plan, defines if an employee can use any accrued time after a specified amount of
time lapses.
Plan limits
For an accrual plan, identifies the type of limits:
• Carryover
Maximum amount of time an employee can carry over to the next cycle.
• Ceiling
Maximum amount of time an employee can accrue.
1. Use the Entries and Balances tab of the Manage Absence Plan task to configure your
absence plan to pass the absence information to payroll.
2. Select the Transfer absence payment information for payroll processing option.
3. Select the absence element you defined previously during the Creating Absence Elements
1. Select the Transfer absence payment information for payroll processing option.
2. Select the absence element you defined previously during the Creating Absence Elements steps.
Use the Manage Absences task in the Person Management work area to enroll employees in the absence plan or verify
automatic enrollment into a plan.
Related Topics
• Build Accrual Band Matrixes for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Absence Components
Implementing the absence management policy of your enterprise involves configuring the following absence components:
Absence Types
Use the Manage Absence Types task in the Absence Administration work area to create absence types. Absence types can
include rules to determine when users record or manage an absence of that type.
There are several fields you set when you create your absence types.
Field Description
Absence Pattern An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules you use as a starting point when you create
an absence type. For further information, see Absence Patterns below.
Unit of Measure Choose whether this absence type is in measurements of Days or Hours.
Absence Rules When you create an absence type, such as sick leave, you include rules to determine when the
employee records or manages an absence of that type.
For example, you can create a rule where workers can record absences only of a particular duration.
An alert appears if they set a duration that exceeds the maximum.
Select Maintenance options • You can choose to enable an absence type for time card entry. For further information, see
Enable Absences for Time Card Entries in the Help Center.
• Select who can update an employee's absence information.
Absence Plans Associate your previously defined absence plans to your absence types.
Absence Reason If you have defined absence reasons, you can select which reasons are valid for any particular
absence type. For further information, see Absence Reasons below.
Display Features Decide which fields or sections you want to show or hide for specific user roles when they record or
approve a specific absence type.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Absence Patterns
An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules that you use as a starting point when you create an absence type. You
can select one of the following predefined patterns.
• Illness or injury
• Childbirth or placement
• Generic absence
For example, use the Generic Absence pattern to create an absence type for scheduling vacation time based on the time
accrued under a vacation accrual plan
For example, the Childbirth or Placement pattern includes a field for selecting whether the absence type applies for childbirth
or adoption placement.
Absence Categories
You can choose to create absence categories to group absence types for reporting and analysis. For example, you can
create an absence category called "Family Leave" and associate with it related absence types, such as maternity, paternity,
and child care.
Use the Manage Absence Categories task in the Absence work area to create Absence Categories.
Absence Reasons
When a worker schedules an absence, you can require that they provide a reason, such as out sick, doctor's appointment,
and so on. Absence reasons are independent of absence types, so you can allow a reason to be valid for multiple absence
types. When you create an absence type, you select the reasons appropriate to it.
Use the Manage Absence Reasons task in the Absence Administration work area to create absence reasons. Use the
Manage Absence Types task to associate them with an absence type.
Absence Certifications
You can choose to create certification requirements for absences. These absences would require documentation for
authorization before approval. For example, in case of an absence due to illness, you could set up a requirement that workers
must submit a doctor's certificate within a stipulated period of time. This ensures they receive full payment for the absence
Use the Manage Absence Certifications task in the Absence work area to create absence certifications.
Related Topics
• Define Absence Plans for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Absence Plans Use the Manage Absence Plans task to create absence plans.
Absence Types Use the Manage Absence Types task to define them.
Absence Categories Use the Manage Absence Categories task to create absence categories and associate them with
absence types.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Absence Reasons Use the Manage Absence Reasons task to create absence reasons.
Absence Certifications Use the Manage Certifications task to set up a requirement. Associate the requirement as an action
item with an absence type, so that every absence associated with the absence type is subject to
that requirement.
Related Topics
• Define Absence Plans for the US
• Managers can perform entries for their reports using the Manage Absence Records task
• Absence administrators can perform the entry
• The employee can perform the entry using Self-Service, if you have allowed it
• Summary Record: Contains absence information, such as the start and end date, the
absence rate, and the units.
• Daily Breakdown: Provides the absence date and any factor to be applied, such as the
percentage to use when calculating the absence payment.
The Absence Entitlement component creates element entries for the transaction to be processed by
Note: This occurs when the absence was approved and the option to transfer to
payroll was configured on the absence plan.
Related Topics
• How Calculation Cards Work Together for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 1
Absence Management Guide Absence Management
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
2 Examples
This process:
1. Determines a worker's plan eligibility.
2. Enrolls an eligible worker in an accrual plan.
3. Terminates the enrollment of ineligible workers.
To manage enrollments for individual employees:
1. Start the Manage Absence Records task from the Person Management work area.
2. Navigate to Plan Participation.
3. Select Enrollments and Adjustments.
4. Click Add Enrollment.
5. Select the appropriate plan and start date.
6. Click Submit.
To manage enrollment for multiple workers:
1. Start the Schedule and Monitor Absence Processes task in the Absence Administration work area.
2. Run the Update Accrual Plan Enrollments batch process.
3. Enter the following filters as needed.
Parameter Description
Effective Date Evaluates and updates plan enrollments that are effective on the specified date.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Parameter Description
Legal Employer Limits processing to workers assigned to the selected legal employer.
Person Selection Rule Limits processing to specific workers that you include in the person selection rule. Use the
Person Selection formula type to include specific workers who meet special requirements for the
absences batch process. You define the formula using the Manage Fast Formulas task and select
that formula in this field.
Absence Plan
Limits processing to enrollments for only the selected accrual plan. If you don't select an absence
plan, you must select at least one of the following:
◦ Person
◦ Business Unit
◦ Legal Employer
4. Click Submit.
This process:
1. Calculates the accrual balance for each active enrollment
2. Updates plan balances
3. For absence plans configured to do so, transfers the information to Oracle Fusion Global Payroll.
Enable this transfer by selecting the Transfer Absence Payment Information for Payroll Processing option on the
Create Absence Plans page. If you do not select this option, the absence information is not available for payroll
To run this process on individual employees:
1. Start the Manage Absence Records task from the Person Management work area.
2. Navigate to Plan Participation.
3. Select Accruals.
4. Select the appropriate option.
5. Enter an effective date, and select Calculate accruals and balances.
6. Click Submit.
To run this process for multiple employees:
1. Start the Schedule and Monitor Absence Processes.
2. Run the Calculate Accruals and Balances batch process.
3. Enter the following filters as needed.
Parameter Description
Effective Date
Calculates the accrual balance for only those plans that are effective on the specified date.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Parameter Description
If you leave the Absence Plan field empty, the process calculates the accrual balance for multiple
plans with differing accrual periods on the effective date.
If you select an absence plan, the process calculates the accrual balance for the accrual period of
the selected plan as of the effective date.
Legal Employer Limits processing to workers assigned to the selected legal employer.
Person Selection Rule Limits processing to specific workers that you include in the person selection rule. Use the
Person Selection formula type to include specific workers who meet special requirements for the
absences batch process. You define the formula using the Manage Fast Formulas task and select
that formula in this field.
Payroll Relationship Group Limits processing to workers with payroll employment records included in the selected group.
Define payroll relationship groups to run the process for a group of people within a payroll or a
group of people in multiple payrolls.
If you select:
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Parameter Description
Legislative Data Group Limits processing to a group of one or more absence types that are associated with the legislative
group that you select.
Absence Plan
Limits processing to calculating accrual balances for only the selected accrual plan. When you
select this field, the Repeating Period field appears.
If you don't select an absence plan, you must select at least one of the following parameters:
◦ Legislation
◦ Business Unit
◦ Person
◦ Payroll
◦ Changes Only
The process calculates accrual balances for each worker selected by the other parameters.
Repeating Period
Limits processing to the selected accrual period for the selected plan. This field appears only
when you select a value in the Absence Plan field.
4. Click Submit.
1. Start the Withdraw Accruals and Balances process from the Schedule and Monitor Absence task in the Absence
work area.
2. Enter the following as needed.
Parameter Description
Effective Date Withdraws the accrual balance for only those plans that are effective on the specified date.
Processing Option
Limits processing to the following processing options:
◦ Enrollment deletion
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Parameter Description
Legal Employer Limits processing to workers assigned to the selected legal employer.
Person Selection Rule Limits processing to specific workers that you include in the person selection rule. Use the
Person Selection formula type to include specific workers who meet special requirements for the
absences batch process. You define the formula using the Manage Fast Formulas task and select
that formula in this field.
Payroll Relationship Group Limits processing to workers with payroll employment records included in the selected group.
Define payroll relationship groups to run the process for a group of people within a payroll or a
group of people in multiple payrolls.
Legislative Data Group Processes only those absence types that are associated with the legislative data group you
Absence Plan Withdraws accrual balance for only the selected accrual plan.
Related Topics
• Employee Absence Records for the US
• How the Absence Management Components Work Together for the US
• Overview of Absence Management for the US
• Set Up Absence Plans for the US
1. Define an Element rate definition, and mark this rate definition as a base rate:
a. In the Payroll Calculation work area, start the Manage Rate Definitions task.
b. Click Create.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Periodicity Annually
Currency US Dollar
j. Click Submit.
The task automatically creates the rate contributor, including a default periodicity.
k. Ensure this periodicity matches the rate definition's periodicity (for this example, annually).
2. Define a Derived rate definition.
This rate definition will have a Base Rate contributor type, which utilizes the Element rate definition you defined in the
previous step.
a. In the Payroll Calculation work area, start the Manage Rate Definitions task.
b. Click Create.
c. Select the Derived Rate category.
d. Enter an effective date, such as 2010-01-01.
e. Select your US LDG.
f. Click OK.
g. Enter the basic information.
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Periodicity Annually
Currency US Dollar
Field Value
Periodicity Annually
For further information, see Overview of Absence Rate Definitions for the US in the Help Center.
3. During absence element definition:
a. For How do you want to reduce earnings for employees not requiring a time card, choose Select
rate to determine absence deduction amount.
b. For the Rate to Determine Absence Deduction Amount, leave this field blank. By leaving this field blank,
the payroll calculation automatically reduces the salary by the regular pay rate.
c. For Which rate should the absence payment calculation use, select the derived sick pay rate you
configured previously (75 percent rate).
For further information, see Define Absence Elements for the US in the Help Center.
Related Topics
• Define Absence Elements for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
b. Click Create.
c. Enter your effective date, and select an Accrual plan type.
d. Click Continue.
e. Set up your general information on the Plan Attributes tab.
f. Click Accrual.
g. Select the Matrix accrual definition.
h. Change the ceiling rule and carryover rule to Include in Matrix.
4. Add the first band to the plan.
a. In the Accrual Matrix section, click Create.
b. Enter 1 for the sequence.
c. Start the Expression Builder.
d. Click Derived.
e. Expand Length of Service, and select Less than 5 years.
f. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
g. Click OK.
h. Enter 15 for the accrual rate.
i. Enter 45 for the ceiling.
j. Enter 15 for the carryover limit.
5. Repeat for the second band, using the appropriate values:
◦ Sequence: 2
◦ Expression Builder: Greater than or equal to 5 years
◦ Accrual Rate: 20
◦ Ceiling: 60
◦ Carryover limit: 15
6. Save your work.
Band Sequence Location Length of Service Accrual Rate Maximum Carryover Ceiling
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
[Person.Location]="California" AND
g. Click OK.
h. Enter 15 for the accrual rate.
i. Enter 45 for the ceiling.
j. Enter 15 for the carryover limit.
5. Repeat these steps for the remaining bands, using the appropriate values from the chart above.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Band Sequence Effective Start Date Grade Range Accrual Rate Maximum Carryover Ceiling
1 April 1, 2014 A1 - A3 15 15 45
3 April 1, 2015 A1 - A3 20 20 30
1. Start the Manage Absence Plans task in the Absences work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Specify an effective date of April 1, 2014, and select an Accrual plan type.
4. Click Continue.
5. Set up your general information about the Plan Attributes tab.
6. Click Accrual.
7. Select the Matrix accrual definition.
8. Change the ceiling rule and carryover rule to Include in Matrix.
9. In the Accrual Matrix section, click Create.
10. Create band 1 and band 2 using the following expressions:
11. Enter the appropriate values for the Accrual Rate and Ceiling and Carryover Limit.
12. Save your work.
13. Set the session effective date to April 1, 2015.
14. Create band 3 and band 4, using the same expressions that you used for band 1 and band 2:
15. Enter the appropriate values for the Accrual Rate and Ceiling and Carryover Limit.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Related Topics
• Derived Factors for Absences
5-10 75 10
11-20 75 20
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Status Active
Term Duration 30
g. Click Entitlements.
h. Select the Matrix entitlement definition.
4. Add the first band to the plan.
a. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click Add.
b. Enter 1 for the sequence.
c. Start the Expression Builder.
d. Click Derived.
e. Expand Length of Service, and select 5 to 10 Years.
f. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
g. Click OK.
5. Repeat for the second band, using the appropriate values.
◦ Sequence: 2
◦ Expression Builder: 11 to 20 Years
6. For each band you created in the Qualification Band Matrix section, create band details in the Qualification
Details section:
a. Place the cursor on the band matrix sequence you want to update.
b. In the Qualification Details section, click Add.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
1 75 percent up to 10 days of 10 75
2 75 percent up to 20 days of 20 75
This table shows the band details you must create for Bands 1 and 2. Band 1 is for workers that have
completed between 5 and 10 years of service. Band 2 is for workers that have completed between 11 and 20
years of service.
d. Repeat for the next band matrix sequence.
The following table shows the band information you create using the expression builder in the Qualification Band Matrix
1. Start the Manage Absence Plans task in the Absence Administration work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter an effective date.
4. Select Qualification as your plan type.
5. Click Continue.
6. Set up your general information in the Plan Attributes tab.
Field Value
Status Active
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Term Duration 2
7. Select Entitlements.
8. Select the Matrix entitlement definition.
9. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click Add.
10. For the first band, enter the following.
a. Enter 1 for the sequence.
b. Start the Expression Builder.
c. Click Entities.
d. Expand Person, and select Grade.
e. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
f. Next to this expression, enter = "A1".
[Person.Grade] = "A1"
g. Click OK.
11. For each band you created in the Qualification Band Matrix section, create band details in the Qualification
Details section.
a. Place the cursor on the band matrix sequence you want to update.
b. In the Qualification Details section, click Add.
c. In the table, enter the following band details.
This table shows the band details you must create for Bands 1 and 2.
d. Repeat for the next band matrix sequence.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Status Active
Term Duration 25
g. Click Entitlements.
h. Select the Matrix entitlement definition.
4. Add the first band to the plan.
a. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click Add.
b. Enter 1 for the sequence.
c. Start the Expression Builder.
d. Select Derived.
e. Expand Length of Service, and select Fewer than 5 Years.
f. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
g. Click OK.
5. Repeat for the second band, using the appropriate values.
a. Enter 1 for the sequence.
b. Start the Expression Builder.
c. Select Derived.
d. Expand Length of Service, and select Greater than 5 Years.
e. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
f. Next to this expression, enter AND.
g. Select Entities.
h. Expand Person, and select Grade.
i. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field.
j. Next to this expression, enter = "A1".
[LengthOfService.Greaterthan5years] AND [Person.Grade] = "A1"
k. Click OK.
The following table shows the band details you create for Band 1 in the Qualification Details section.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
The following table shows the band details you create for Band 2 in the Qualification Details section.
Related Topics
• Examples of Qualification Bands
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Which rate should the calculate absence liability use? Liability Rate
Does your absence plan enable balance payments when enrollment Yes
Which rate should the final disbursement payment use? Final Disbursement Rate
Does your absence plan enable payment of partial accrual balances? Yes
Which rate should the partial disbursement payment use? Partial Disbursement Rate
Before you begin, make sure you configured a rate definition to determine the monetary value of a unit of absence.
Depending on your enterprise, configure separate rates to calculate liability, discretionary disbursement, and final
disbursement payments. You configure a rate definition using the Manage Rate Definitions task in the Setup and Maintenance
or Payroll Calculation work area.
Field Value
Primary Classification
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Element: Basic Information page, complete the following.
Field Value
Vacation Payment
Vacation Payment
Reporting Name
Field Value
7. Click Next.
8. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Accrual Liability and Balance Payments section, complete
the following.
Field Value
Calculate absence liability?
Leave blank
Which rate should the liability
balance calculation use?
Note: The payroll process uses the employee's regular salary rate for the liability
Does this plan enable balance
payments when enrollment ends?
How do you want the payout
amount to be taxed?
Does this plan enable partial
payment of the balance?
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Which taxation method should
the discretionary disbursement
payment use?
9. On the Create Elements: Additional Details page, in the Absence Payments section, complete the following.
Field Value
Absence payment
Which rate should the absence
payment calculation use?
The template generates all the related elements, balances, and formulas.
Related Topics
• Overview of Absence Management for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Before you begin, you must have defined:
For further information, see Define Absence Elements for the US in the Help Center.
• Eligibility profile that restricts the plan to just full time employees
For further information, see Global Human Resources Cloud Implementing Absence Management on the Help
• Derived factors for the following lengths of service:
This topic describes how you define:
• After a 1-month waiting period from hire date, the employees in Grades A and B earn 2 days of vacation time
incrementally every 2 months with a 20-day ceiling, a 5-day carryover limit, and a 5-day negative balance permission.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
1. In the Absence Administration work area, start the Manage Absence Plans task.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Absence Plan dialog, enter the following.
Field Value
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Absence Plan page, enter the following.
Field Value
Plan Vacation
Status Active
6. Click Save.
7. Select Participation, and enter the following.
Field Value
Duration 1
8. Click Save.
9. Select Accruals, and enter the following.
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Duration 2
UOM Months
Ceiling 20
10. In the Accrual Matrix section, create the following accrual bands.
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
1. In the Absence Administration work area, start the Manage Absence Plans task.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Create Absence Plan dialog box, enter the following.
Field Value
4. Click Continue.
5. On the Create Absence Plan page, enter the following.
Field Value
Plan Maternity
Status Active
Term Duration 6
6. Click Save.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
8. Click Save.
9. Select Entitlements.
10. In the Entitlement Attributes section, select Matrix.
11. Define the first qualification band matrix.
a. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click Add.
b. In the Sequence field, enter 1.
c. Click Expression Builder.
d. In the Derived tab, expand Length of Service and select LengthOfService_LessThan5.
e. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field, and click OK.
f. In the Create Absence Plan page, click Save.
12. Define the second qualification band matrix.
a. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, click Add.
b. In the Sequence field, enter 2.
c. Click Expression Builder.
d. In the Derived tab, expand Length of Service and select LengthOfService_EqualToorGreaterThan5.
e. Copy the content preview line into the Expression field, and click OK.
f. In the Create Absence Plan page, click Save.
13. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, select the LengthOfService_LessThan5 row.
14. In the Qualification Details section, enter the following.
15. In the Qualification Band Matrix section, select the LengthOfService_EqualToorGreaterThan5 row.
16. In the Qualification Details section, enter the following.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Absence Payment Rate Rule Select your Maternity Leave rate definition
Related Topics
• Absence Eligibility Profiles for the US
◦ Regular earnings
◦ Commissions
◦ Piece-rate earnings
4. Based on those earnings and hours worked, it determines the pay rate.
In this example, you want to configure absences for the following scenario:
• A California employee reports a sick day on 5/10/17.
This makes the 90-day date range for earnings calculations to be for the period beginning 1/29/17 to the period
ending 5/6/17.
• The employee earns a regular base rate of 31.25 USD per hour and works 40 hours per week.
• The employee is eligible for monthly commissions.
• The employer runs biweekly payroll.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
• During this 90 day period, the employee accrues the following earnings.
Period Ending Earned Date Earnings Type Earnings Amount Earnings Hours
Based on these values the sick pay rate would be 50 USD per hour.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
7. Set the start date of the absence plan as the effective as-of date.
8. Click Select and Add from the Actions menu.
9. Click Submit.
10. In Balance Feeds by Element, click Create.
11. Add the following elements.
◦ Regular Salary Earnings Results
◦ Paid Time Off Earnings Results
◦ Holiday Earnings Results
For each, be sure to select the Hours Calculated input value and select Add.
12. Click Submit.
13. Click Done.
Field Value
Status Active
Periodicity Hourly
Currency US Dollar
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Note: This is the balance you created in the Define the Earnings Balance section
Note: This is the balance you created in the Define the Hours Balance section.
Field Value
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
7. Click Next.
8. Enter the following.
Field Value
How do you want to reduce earnings Select rate to determine absence deduction amount pay.
for employees not requiring a time
Which rate should the liability balance Commission Sick Pay Rat
calculation use?
Note: This is the rate you defined earlier in this example
9. Click Next.
10. Click Submit.
11. Create element eligibility for the base and indirect elements.
12. Click Done.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
1. Start the Manage Absence Plan task in the Absence Administration work area.
2. Create a plan with the following values on the Entries and Balances tab.
Field Value
For further information, see Set Up Absence Plans for the US in the Help Center.
3. Enroll the employee.
When the employee reports an illness-related absence, the payroll process calculates the sick pay rate based on the
correct pay rate.
Run Payroll
When you run the payroll process:
1. The rate definition divides the applicable earnings by the applicable hours. This derives the sick pay rate.
2. The process divides the applicable earnings of 28,000 USD by the applicable hours of 560.
3. The process pays the sick pay at the 50 USD per hour rate.
Related Topics
• Overview of Absence Management for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
Field Value
Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of Payroll Time Types for User
Unfiltered data source for setup tasks List of Payroll Time Types for Administrator
pAssignmentId Assignment
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
6. Click OK, then Next, then Next, and then Save and Close.
7. Click Create to create a second layout. Specify the following:
Field Value
Filtered Data Source for Time Entry List of Absence Types for User
Unfiltered data source for setup tasks List of Absence Types for Administrator
pAssignmentId Assignment
9. Click OK, then Next, then Next, and then Save and Close.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Chapter 2
Absence Management Guide Examples
1. Click Create.
2. Name your profile, such as ABC Company Time Entry Profile.
3. Enter an appropriate effective date.
4. From the Layout Set dropdown, select the layout you created in the previous section.
5. On the Worker View tab, select all action items you want enabled for your employees.
6. On the Manager View tab, select all action items you want enabled for your managers.
7. Click Next, then Next, then Next, and then Save and Close.
1. Click Troubleshoot.
2. Search for and select an employee.
3. Click Assign Profile to Person.
4. Select the profile that you created in the previous section.
5. Click OK and then Save and Close.
Related Topics
• Time Cards for the US
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Glossary
Absence Management Guide
The base definition that governs certain rules so that Oracle Global Human Resources can perform differently for
different countries and territories in order to meet statutory requirements. Can be predefined by Oracle or defined during
implementation using the Manage Legislations for Human Resources task.
Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for the United States: Glossary
Absence Management Guide