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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, in order to explore the deformation behavior of double-sided tube hydroforming in square-
Received 3 September 2013 section die, effect of external pressure on the critical effective strain was theoretically analyzed firstly.
Received in revised form 15 January 2014 And then a special experimental setup was designed for double-sided tube hydroforming in which the
Accepted 1 February 2014
difficulty of simultaneous loading was overcome using two independent intensifiers and servo controlling
Available online 12 February 2014
while the sealing of external pressure was guaranteed by the O rings assembled in the interfaces of
mandrel/base plate and outer cylinder/base plate. Furthermore, 5A02-O aluminum alloy tubes with outer
diameter of 63 mm and thickness of 2 mm were investigated under different external pressures varying
Double-sided tube hydroforming
External pressure
from 0 to 80 MPa. At the same time, numerical simulation was conducted using the Abaqus/Explicit
5A02 aluminum alloy software. It is shown that increasing of external pressure has an effect on the fraction of grain boundaries,
Transition zone the number and size of the microvoids and the microhardness in the transition zone, and thus increases
Microstructure the critical effective strain in the transition zone. It can be concluded that the deformation ability of
the transition zone is improved by the external pressure in double-sided tube hydroforming of square-
section. This investigation shows that double-sided tube hydroforming is a potential forming method for
the fabrication of lightweight hollow structures using the tubes with low ductility.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0924-0136/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1342 X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351
Fig. 1. Principle of double-sided tube hydroforming in a square-section die: (a) initial stage; (b) corner filling stage.
adopted Stoughton’s plane-stress model based on Hill’s 48 yield normal stress can be controlled artificially, has not appeared in the
criterion and proposed a new sheet metal formability model that published academic papers.
takes the through-thickness normal stress into account. Matin and In the present study, theoretical analysis of the effect of external
Smith (2005) improved their model proposed in 2003 by assuming pressure (through-thickness normal stress) on tube formability in
that the in-plane strain ratio as constant according to the prac- a square-section die was carried out based on the classical theory
tical observation. Jain and Wang (2005) have made a theoretical of plastic instability. Then a special experimental setup for double-
analysis of plastic instability for the tube under different load- sided tube hydroforming was designed and 5A02-O aluminum alloy
ing conditions, and then drawn a conclusion that the formability tubes were bulged in the experimental setup with a square-section
of the tube could be improved by imposing liquid pressure on die cavity under the combined action of internal pressure and
the tube outside no matter how much axial feeding participated external pressure. In addition, numerical simulation was conducted
in the process. In the study of effect of external pressure on the using the Abaqus/Explicit software. The thickness distribution and
plastic instability of the thin-wall tubes, Guven (2009) obtained effective strain distribution were validated detailedly with experi-
the circumferential limit strain and axial limit strain considering mental, theoretical and simulation study. Finally, the deformation
the effect of through-thickness normal stress using three differ- mechanism in the transition zone under different external pres-
ent necking criteria. Moreover, initial imperfection was assumed sure is clarified by the electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD),
to be inevitable for the actual sheet materials and the influence fracture morphology and micro hardness.
of through-thickness normal stress on formability was discussed
based on the M-K model. Allwood and Shouler (2009) proposed 2. Principle of double-sided tube hydroforming in a
a generalized forming limit diagram (GFLD) accounting for the square-section die
possibility that all six components of the stress and strain ten-
sors in sheet forming may be non-zero. Assempour et al. (2010) The principle of double-sided tube hydroforming in a square-
modified the FLC based on the M-K model by using Hill48 3D section die is shown in Fig. 1. Compared with the conventional
yield criterion. Nurcheshmeh and Green (2012) did the similar tube hydroforming of square section in which the tube is deformed
work and obtained both the FLC and FLSD with the effect of a toward to the die corner only by the function of internal pressure,
non-negligible through-thickness normal stress. The forming limit external pressure is introduced to the tube outside simultane-
models mentioned above considered the influence of through- ously in the double-sided tube hydroforming of square section
thickness normal stress by using three-dimensional yield criteria. and the tube is deformed under the hybrid effect of internal pres-
However, Banabic and Soare (2008) used a general method to sure and external pressure. The external pressure, as a supporting
describe the effect of the normal pressure while maintaining the role to increase the normal compressive stress, could change the
plane-stress characteristic of the model. In addition, Jain et al. stress state and increase the hydrostatic pressure for the tube, thus
(2004) established the merits of applying external counter pres- improve its deformation ability.
sure in tube hydroforming using the finite element simulation. The loading path for the double-sided tube hydroforming in a
Liu et al. (2012) simulated the effect of through-thickness normal square-section die is shown in Fig. 2. It should be ensured that the
stress on the sheet formability using the finite element software internal pressure is greater than the external pressure for a cer-
based on the ductile fracture criterion. Although Wang (2009) has tain value in the process of establishment for external pressure
investigated the role of through-thickness normal stress in viscous (T0–T1) owing to the shape feature of the tube. The specific rela-
pressure bulging of overlapping sheets and double-sided viscous tionship between internal pressure and external pressure is shown
pressure bulging, the normal stress induced by the overlapping as follows according to the mechanical equilibrium condition.
sheet or the viscous medium was uncontrollable and the shear t
stress also play an important role on the formability improvement pi = pe 1 + (1)
for the target sheet. As the above mentioned issues are concerned,
most investigations of influence of through-thickness normal stress where pi is the internal pressure, pe is the external pressure, t is
on sheet formability are focused on the theoretical analysis and the initial thickness of the tube and r is the inside radius of the
numerical simulation. The systematical experimental work about tube. In the stage of establishment for external pressure (T0–T1),
double-sided tube hydroforming, in which the through-thickness the internal pressure and external pressure are increased to their
target values respectively according to Eq. (1). In the corner filling
X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351 1343
t 2 d¯ √ t 2 √ t tensile test was conducted on an Instron 5569 machine along the
√ ıε̄ − 3 √ ¯ − pi ıε̄ − 3 pe ıε̄ = 0 (17) axial direction of tube. The true stress–strain curve is shown in Fig. 4
r 3 dε r 3 r
and the material parameters are shown in Table 1.
Rearranging Eq. (17), a new form of expression can be obtained
√ √ 4.2. Experimental setup
1 d¯ 2 3¯ − 3(pi − pe ) 3( + pe ) 1
= = = (18)
¯ dε 2¯ + pi z The special experimental setup for double-sided tube hydro-
Hence, critical effective strain forming was designed and assembled, as is shown in Fig. 5. The
1 + pi n + pi n
pi − pe
experimental die is mainly composed of outer cylinder, mandrel,
ε̄ = nz = n √ = √ = √ 1+ (19) die cavity, clamping blocks and base plates. The cross-sectional
3 + pe
3 + pe 3 + pe
shape and length of the bulging area can be changed by replacing
When the friction coefficient = / 0, calculation process is very the die cavity and clamping blocks with others. The experimen-
complicated and no further analysis has been conducted in this tal die, which is different from the conventional hydroforming die
study. By comparing Eqs. (12) and (19) conclusion can be drawn that consist of up die and low die, was designed into closed cylinder
the external pressure has no effect on the critical effective strain of structure in order to solve the sealing problem for external pres-
the straight wall area under the assumption of zero friction in the sure. The sealing of internal liquid and external liquid was achieved
tube/die interface, because hydrostatic pressure has no influence by the O rings assembled in the spaces between mandrel and tube,
on the yield behavior of the tube in terms of Mises yield function. mandrel and base plate, outer cylinder and base plate. Moreover,
In conclusion, external pressure can improve the formability of the clamping force should be applied on the base plate through
the corner area for the tube, but has no effect on the critical effective press machine in order to avoid the separation of base plate and
strain of the straight wall area. The deformation ability of the tran- outer cylinder due to increasing external pressure.
sition zone, where is the most dangerous area for fracture, may be The experimental study of double-sided tube hydroforming in
improved by the external pressure theoretically. However, it should a square-section die was carried out on the 10 MN hydroforming
be noted that once the tube is deformed to contact the die closely machine in Harbin Institute of Technology. To carry out the double-
in straight wall area, there are two different extreme situations for sided hydroforming experiment, the hydroforming machine was
the tube/die interface. One is that external liquid could exist on the upgraded. Another intensifier (intensifier B) was introduced to sup-
tube/die interface completely in the straight area which is the same ply the external pressure while the intrinsic intensifier (intensifier
as in the corner area. The other situation is that the external liquid A) was used to supply the internal pressure. The two intensifiers
will be squeezed out from the tube/die interface, and in fact the were both controlled by servo valves. The control system was re-
external pressure has no possibility to exist on the tube/die inter- designed and a new double-pressure control mode was introduced.
face. The difference between these two situations is that the friction When experiments are performed the internal pressure was
condition on the tube/die interface. If the second condition is cor- provided by intensifier A through the inlet on the mandrel, while
rect in actual hydroforming process, the contact pressure between the external pressure was supplied by intensifier B through the inlet
the tube and die, N, is equal to the internal pressure pi . As a result, on the outer cylinder. In particular, the two independent intensi-
the friction force on the tube/die interface would increase with the fiers could be coupled together by the servo valves A and B, whose
increasing internal pressure due to the external pressure, and thus signals were supplied by the control system, to achieve accurate
cause more inhomogeneous deformation in the straight wall area,
which is disadvantageous for the corner filling of the tube. Table 1
Material parameters of 5A02-O aluminum alloy tube along the axial direction.
4. Experimental Material parameters Value
Fig. 5. Experimental setup of double-sided tube hydroforming process: (a) three-dimensional model; (b) experimental setup.
servo controlling. And then both of the internal pressure and exter- specimens for EBSD were cut from the transition zone, as shown
nal pressure could be increased or decreased strictly according to in Fig. 7, and prepared by electropolishing at room temperature
the loading path implemented into the control system in advance. within 8 s, in electrolytic solution containing 90% perchloric acid
The tube used in this study has a total length of 234 mm. The and 10% absolute ethyl alcohol. The EBSD data was collected with a
square-section die cavity has a side length of 63 mm, equal to the step size of 6.0 m. Meanwhile, fracture morphology was observed
outer diameter of the tube, and a bulging length of 140 mm. Three by scanning electron microscope (SEM). In addition, microhardness
loading paths, in which the external pressure is 0 MPa, 40 MPa and in the transition zone was measured using the Vickers hardness
80 MPa respectively, were used in this study, as is shown in Table 2. tester.
Table 2
Three loading paths used in the experimental study.
T0 T1 T2 T3
1 pi 0 0 25 0
pe 0 0 0 0
2 pi 0 42.7 65 0
pe 0 40 40 0
3 pi 0 85.4 105 0
Fig. 6. One quarter plane strain finite element model of double-sided tube hydro-
pe 0 80 80 0
forming in a square die.
1346 X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351
Fig. 7. Cracked tubes under different external pressures: (a) 0 MPa; (b) 40 MPa; (c) 80 MPa.
ε = −εt (21)
It can be found that Eqs. (12) and (24) are the same actually,
in other words, the critical effective strain obtained from the equi-
librium equation of the straight wall has no dependence on the
external pressure. The values of circumference stress 0 and the
critical pressure difference pi − pe can be obtained based on the
numerical simulation results with the assistance of experimental
study, and they are about equal to 230 MPa and 20.4 MPa respec-
tively. As a result, the relationship of critical effective strain and
external pressure can be easily got according to Eqs. (23) and (24),
as is shown in Fig. 9. It can be found that increasing tendency of the Fig. 9. Comparison of the critical effective strain in the transition zone between
experimental results and theoretical prediction.
critical effective strain in the transition zone obtained from exper-
imental study is the same as obtained by the theoretical prediction
based on the instability criteria of the corner area. Moreover, the referring to the point of maximum load-bearing capacity, but neck-
data got from experimental study is a litter higher than the theoret- ing will play a dominant role in the subsequent deformation before
ical prediction. The reason of this phenomenon is that the critical fracture in which the thinning is unavoidable for many materials
effective strain obtained from classical plastic instability theory is in the actual deformation process.
Fig. 10. Effect of external pressure on the thickness of the tube: (a) external pressure = 0 MPa; (b) external pressure = 40 MPa; (c) external pressure = 80 MPa; (d) comparison
of thinning ratio between different external pressures.
1348 X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351
Fig. 11. The effect of friction coefficient on the strain distribution: (a) = 0.2; (b) = 0.4; (c) = 0.6; (d) comparison of the PEEQ (equivalent plastic strain) distribution of
the middle layer of the tube under different friction conditions.
Fig. 10 shows the contour of through thickness normal strain localize at the transition zone earlier with higher friction force and
under different external pressure and the corresponding compar- lead to the earlier fracture for the tube.
ison of thinning ratio distribution when the pressure difference is It has been concluded from Fig. 8(b) that external pressure has
reach to 20.4 MPa. It can be found from Fig. 10 that the external a little effect on the thickness distribution in the straight wall area
pressure has no influence on the thickness distribution of the tube and corner area. In other words, the increasing of internal pressure
before the occurrence of necking instability no matter how much due to the existence of external pressure has a little function on the
the external pressure is. In fact, an appropriate ductile fracture cri- friction conditions on the tube/die interface in the experimental
terion should be implemented into the FEA software in order to study, which means that the external pressure could still exist on
predict the effect of external pressure on the thickness distribution the tube/die interface after the tube is deformed to contact with the
of the tube after occurrence of necking, which will be discussed in die. In a word, all the results presented above show that the external
the further investigation. pressure has a contribution to the improvement of the deformation
Furthermore, the contour of equivalent plastic strain under ability of the transition zone for the tube.
different friction conditions on the tube/die interface and the
corresponding comparison of equivalent plastic strain distribution 5.2. Effect of external pressure on microstructure
in the middle layer of the tube are shown in Fig. 11. It can be seen
from Fig. 11, increase of the friction coefficient on the tube/die Fig. 12 shows the microstructure of the as-received tube. From
interface could cause the more inhomogeneous deformation for Fig. 12(a), it is clearly seen that the grain size of the as-received
the tube. The higher friction force will make the deformation in the tube is close to equiaxed grain but not very uniform. Fig. 12(b)
straight wall area more difficult once the tube is in contact with gives the grain boundaries distribution of the as-received tube in
the die under internal pressure, and the deformation will mainly which the blue line represent 15–180◦ grain boundaries, the green
occur in the corner area and transition zone. On the contrary, line represent 5–15◦ grain boundaries and the red line represent
when the friction force on the tube/die interface is relatively low, 0–5◦ grain boundaries. The fraction of low angle grain boundaries
the deformation in the straight wall area is still possible in spite (LAGBs, <15◦ ) is about 62.8% while the fraction of high angle grain
of the occurrence of contact between tube and die, which could boundaries (HAGBs, >15◦ ) is about 37.2%.
make the tube obtain homogeneous deformation along the hoop It is generally known that low angle grain boundaries (LAGBs,
direction. In addition, the friction conditions have a little influence <15◦ ) is the result of the movement and rearrangement of dislo-
on the location and the equivalent plastic strain of the transition cations, and a high density of LAGBs suggest that the material has
zone under the same internal pressure. But the deformation may experienced more deformations (Biyikli et al., 2010). Fig. 13 shows
X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351 1349
Fig. 12. Microstructure of as-received tube: (a) grain distribution; (b) grain boundaries distribution (Image Quality map).
the grain boundaries distribution (GBs) under different external 5.3. Effect of external pressure on fracture morphology
pressures and the comparison of grain boundaries number between
the as-received tube and the cracked tubes. It can be found that the Ductile fracture is a fracture mode that dominated by the plas-
number of LAGBs increased and the number of HAGBs decreased tic deformation. Ductile fracture in metals and alloys usually occurs
with the increase of external pressure in the transition zone. When via the nucleation, growth and coalescence of microscopy voids due
the external pressure is increased from 0 MPa to 80 MPa the frac- to the inclusions and the second phase, which is often referred to
tion of LAGBs increase from 80.8% to 86.6%. The results imply that as micro void coalescence (MVC). For the metals with good plas-
the amount of deformation in the transition zone is enhanced by ticity, such as low carbon steel, quenched and tempered steel and
increasing the external pressure. aluminum alloy, significant necking may occur before fracture, and
Fig. 13. GBs distribution under different external pressures: (a) 0 MPa, (b) 40 MPa, (c) 80 MPa, (d) comparison of GBs distribution under different external pressures.
1350 X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351
Fig. 14. Effect of external pressure on fracture morphology: (a) 0 MPa; (b) 40 MPa; (c) 80 MPa.
the final fracture surface usually consists of microscopic dimples 5.4. Effect of external pressure on microhardness
and shear lip. For the polycrystalline material with higher ductility
such as pure aluminum and pure gold, the development of plastic Fig. 15 shows the dependence of Vickers hardness in the tran-
deformation is abundant and the percentage reduction of area can sition zone of the cracked tubes on the external pressure. It can
reach 100% which cause the occurrence of pure shear fracture (Liu be found from Fig. 15 that microhardness in the transition zone
et al., 2002). increases with the increase of external pressure from 0 to 80 MPa.
In order to reveal the effect of external pressure on the frac- When there is no external pressure applied on the tube outside,
ture behavior of 5A02 aluminum alloy tube when it is deformed the hardness of the tube in the transition zone is just 69.31 HV.
toward to the die corner, fracture surface under different external However, the hardness is increased to 71.76 HV when the exter-
pressures was surveyed using the scanning electron microscope nal pressure is 80 MPa, corresponding to an increment rate of
(SEM). Fig. 14 shows the fracture surface morphology of tubes 3.5%. In general, the deformation at room temperature for 5A02
under different external pressures, 0 MPa, 40 MPa and 80 MPa, aluminum alloys in annealed condition always experiences a sig-
respectively. Comparing the three pictures in Fig. 14, microscopic nificant strengthening with the increase of plastic strain, as shown
dimples almost exist everywhere with an average size of 30 m in Fig. 4. In other word, higher strength for materials reveals that
when the external pressure is zero. When the external pres- they have experienced larger plastic deformation. Therefore, the
sure is increased to 40 MPa, the size of the microscopic dimples
is reduced to about 16 m and the shear lips start to appear
on both sides in the thickness direction. Moreover, the micro-
scopic dimples only appear in the center of thickness direction of
the tube if external pressure of 80 MPa is imposed on the tube
outside, the quantity and size of the micro voids significantly
In conclusion, the number and size of microscopic dimples,
as well as the proportion of microscopic dimples area, are all
reduced with the increase of external pressure due to the change
of the stress state. When the external pressure increase, the stress
state is transformed from approximate plane stress state to three-
dimensional stress state and the increased hydrostatic pressure
can strongly inhibit the nucleation, growth and coalescence of
micro voids. The greater the external pressure, the stronger of the
inhibitory action. Therefore, the fracture mode is changed from
MVC to pure shear fracture with the increase of external pressure
which could make the tube achieve higher plasticity. To sum up, the
fact that applying pressure on tube outside can inhibit the nucle-
ation, growth and coalescence of micro voids and thereby improve
the plastic deformation ability of the tube is confirmed in terms of
the microstructure. Fig. 15. Effect of external pressure on hardness in the transition zone.
X.-L. Cui et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1341–1351 1351
increase of Vickers hardness caused by external pressure indicates Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
that external pressure can improve the formability for the tube. (HIT.NSRIF.201134). The authors wish to express their grat-
itude to the funding. Special thanks to Mr. Peng Lin for his
6. Conclusions assistance in the microstructure analysis.
Procedia CIRP 23 (2014) 1 – 6
5th CATSConference
2014 - CIRP
onConference on Assembly Systems
Assembly Technologies and Technologies
and Systems
Joining of functionally adapted and weight-optimized semi-finished parts by electromagnetic compression is investigated taking into account
that the resulting component is further processed by hydroforming. For this purpose both ends of an aluminum tube are connected to steel
tubes. During the subsequent hydroforming of the hybrid tube the joints are exposed to extreme loading. Finite-Element-Simulation is applied
for characterizing and quantifying these loads. The electromagnetic joining process is analyzed, the joints are characterized by microstructural
analysis and the resulting properties of the joint are evaluated by model experiments.
© 2014 Published
© The Published by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V. B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of 5th CATS 2014 in the person of the Conference
Chair Prof.
Selection Dr.peer-review
and Matthias Putz [email protected].
under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of 5th CATS 2014 in the person of the Conference
Chair Prof. Dr. Matthias Putz [email protected]
Keywords: Electromagnetic forming, joining, hydroforming
2212-8271 © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of 5th CATS 2014 in the person of the Conference
Chair Prof. Dr. Matthias Putz [email protected]
2 Verena Psyk et al. / Procedia CIRP 23 (2014) 1 – 6
1.2. Electromagnetic forming and magnetic pulse welding of this special process combination. However, in contrast to
[17], where form-fit joints are preferred, the focus is set on
Welding of different materials is frequently related to magnetic pulse welding, here, because it is expected that the
severe problems or might even be completely impossible. In loads acting on the joint during the hydroforming process are
many of these cases, impact welding processes as magnetic extremely high and the according demands on the connection
pulse welding offer an interesting alternative. Magnetic pulse cannot be fulfilled by interference-fit or form-fit joints.
welding is a process variant of electromagnetic forming
frequently using the compression setup and resulting in a
2. Description of the manufacturing task
metallically bonded joint [9].
For electromagnetic compression a tubular workpiece is
For the analysis, an aluminum tube ((EN AW-6060-O;
positioned in a cylindrical inductor. Due to a sudden discharge
ø76 mm x 2.5 mm; length: 340 mm) shall be connected at
of a connected capacitor, damped sinusoidal current flows
both sides to steel tubes (St34 mod; ø76 mm x 2.5 mm; length:
through the inductor, inducing an according magnetic field
290 mm). The resulting hybrid tube part shall be mechanically
and a current in the tube– provided that the latter is made of
preformed (crash formed) to allow insertion into the
highly electrically conductive material. Due to the interactions
hydroforming die for the final forming with pressurized fluid.
of the currents and the magnetic field, Lorentz forces result
The welding zone has to withstand significant cross section
and if the resulting stresses in the material reach the yield
deformations during crash forming and for hydroforming leak
stress, workpiece compression is caused. During this
tightness of the connection has to be guaranteed. Considering
deformation the workpiece is accelerated within several
lightweight design aspects, the overlap of the joining partners
microseconds and can achieve velocities in the magnitude of
should be as short as possible. Here, a length of 10-30 mm is a
102 m/s and strain rates in the magnitude of 103 to 104 s-1 [10].
realistic value.
For welding tubes by electromagnetic compression, the
ends of the two joining partners are positioned coaxially
oriented, overlapping each other, and with a small gap in- 3. Quantification of the weld loading
between them in the cylindrical inductor. The above
mentioned procedure causes deformation of the outer tube, so In order to estimate the loads acting in the welding zone a
that it collides with the inner one. If the collision parameters simplified finite-element-analysis (FEA) of the crash forming
(i.e. especially the impacting angle and velocity) are suitable, and the hydroforming was carried out. Thereby, only a section
a jet effect occurs sweeping away oxides and impurities. Thus, of the work piece with an axial length of 90 mm including one
the workpiece surfaces are cleaned and accordingly reactive. joint in the middle of the regarded area was considered. The
Due to the close approximation and supported by the contact tubes were modeled in a simplified way as cylindrical
pressure, atomic bonding of the surfaces results, which is components with an overlap of 10 mm and also a simplified
often – but not necessarily – related to a wavy shape of the tool geometry was considered. The latter one was derived
contact zone. [11] The advantages of magnetic pulse welding from the geometry of the real part by extruding the
as high strength of the joint and none or significantly less approximately rectangular cross section in the joint area
formation of intermetallic phases compared to thermal joining featuring a width of 98 mm, a height of 42.5 mm and a corner
have frequently been described in literature [11-15]. radius of 15 mm.
steel tube remarkably. The joining zone shows significant 5.1. Tensile tests
local curvature. Consequently, these joints can be expected to
feature stronger strain hardening effects and higher geometric As a first model experiment, tensile tests of the joint were
stiffness compared to the straighter ones achieved with a carried out. The according specimens were milled from the
mandrel. Both effects necessitate higher forces during hybrid tubes. The specimen geometry is shown in Fig. 5
hydroforming in order to reverse the bulging. As a together with the most important results of these tests – i.e.
consequence, more expensive equipment will be required for relevant strength values and photos of the torn specimens
hydroforming. indicating the failure mode.
However, what is even more important concerning the
feasibility of the combined magnetic pulse welding and
hydroforming is the consideration of the accumulated strain in
the hybrid tube over the complete production chain. The more
deformation is introduced in the mechanical preforming
operations and during magnetic pulse forming the less
formability is available for hydroforming (see also [16]).
Moreover, the diameter reduction introduced during
mechanical preforming and magnetic pulse welding has to be
reversed by hydroforming. Consequently, necessary
deformation during hydroforming increases if the compression
is more significant. This means that the compression should be
as slight as possible. Therefore, joining with a supporting
mandrel seems to be more appropriate considering the
influence of the different geometries on the parameters of the
subsequent hydroforming process as well as on the formability
of the hybrid tube.
Additionally, the microstructure of the steel tube clearly
shows an influence related to the application of a supporting
mandrel. In case of joining without mandrel the grain structure
close to the contact surface is significantly finer compared to
that farer away from the contact surface. In case of joining
with a supporting mandrel this effect was not observed. Due to
the extreme and local occurrence of the grain refinement, it is
not likely that higher deformations due to the more severe
compression and the curvature of tube surface in the joining
area are the reason for the phenomenon. However, the Fig. 5. Tensile tests of joints a) without and b) with a mandrel
microstructure reminds of a surface that has been hardened by
hammering. The most important conclusion from these tests is that,
The difference in the microstructures of the specimens with the exception of very few specimens, failure typically
joined with and without a mandrel suggests that also the occurred in the aluminum base material. This shows that the
impacting process develops differently. The unsupported steel endurable stress in the joint area is higher than the tensile
tube gives way to the moving aluminum tube by being stress of the aluminum tube, which is slightly below 100 MPa,
compressed itself. Thereby, the deceleration of the aluminum here. In case of the tubes welded with supporting mandrel,
tube is related to the deformation – i.e. at first the acceleration visual inspection of the joint area shows no damage or
and later the deceleration of the steel tube. This might include deterioration in this zone. For the specimens joined without
multiple small impacting processes similar to hammering the supporting mandrel, a slight detachment of the aluminum and
surface. In contrast, the steel tube that is supported by the the steel tube can be observed at the end of the joint. This
mandrel cannot be deformed significantly. In this case the phenomenon occurs already early in the process at a stress in
aluminum tube impacts with the steel tube and is stopped the range of 15-35 MPa and is related to a temporary drop of
abruptly. Consequently, the microstructure is similar to cases, the transferable tensile force and the according stress.
in which tubes are magnetic pulse welded to massive inner However, after overcoming this critical load, the joint strength
parts [19, 20]. is again higher than the tensile stress of the aluminum
material. Nevertheless, the joints produced with supporting
mandrel turn out to be better compared to the specimens
5. Estimation of the feasibility of the process chain on the joined without support.
basis of model experiments Apart from this general conclusion, the results of the
tensile tests can also be exploited for a first feasibility
If and how these differences influence the joint quality was estimation of the combined process. An important output
investigated by suitable model experiments. These tests also value from the numerical simulation, presented in section 3,
serve as a basis for a first estimation of the feasibility of was that during crash forming and subsequent hydroforming
hydroforming of magnetically pulse welded hybrid tubes. the joint has to withstand a maximum total force of
Verena Psyk et al. / Procedia CIRP 23 (2014) 1 – 6 5
approximately 42 kN. Assuming that this force is detachment of the steel and the aluminum tube might have
homogeneously distributed along the circumference of tube occurred (compare Fig. 6a, last forming step).
and joint, respectively, a circumferential section of 10 mm
length, corresponding to the width of the tensile specimens,
has to transfer a maximum force of 1.9 kN. This value
corresponds more or less to the yield stress of the aluminum
and the joined specimens, respectively. The maximum
transferable force is in the range of 2.5 kN. This suggests that
under the precondition that the hydroforming geometry can be
achieved with the regarded aluminum material, the joint can
be expected to withstand the load.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present work aims at determining the optimal working conditions to manufacture an aluminium component
Received 12 May 2015 by warm sheet HydroForming. The following parameters were considered: temperature, blank holder force, oil
Received in revised form 22 October 2015 pressure; while, as output variables, die filling and maximum oil pressure. The optimization procedure was pre-
Accepted 28 November 2015
liminary based on numerical data. A finite element model was created and great attention was paid to the mate-
Available online 30 November 2015
rial modelling: an extensive characterization for evaluating the mechanical and deformative behaviour at
different temperatures was conducted; in addition, the effect of modelling different plastic behaviours was con-
Warm HydroForming sidered through the implementation of two yield criteria (the anisotropic Barlat '89 criterion and the isotropic
Al 6xxx series Von Mises one). Results from the optimization procedure indicated the room temperature as the optimal work-
Multi-objective optimization ing condition when implementing the Barlat '89 criterion, while the optimal temperature was higher (about
FEM 110 °C) when considering the isotropic formulation. It is relevant that, irrespective to the yield criterion, the
Yield criterion tuning of both the numerical models was possible, but HydroForming tests confirmed the validity only of the an-
isotropic criterion. In fact, results from the optimization procedure based on experimental data indicated the
room temperature as the optimal condition, highlighting the key role played by the yield criterion in the process
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Starting from this scenario, it is quite clear that Al alloys can be con-
sidered the most attractive alternative to conventional carbon steel
In these last years, mass reduction and pollutant emissions limita- grades, especially for their excellent corrosion resistance. As widely re-
tion are considered the main tasks to be reached by car manufacturers. ported in literature, the main limiting drawback of Al alloys is the
The adoption of light alloys for vehicles lightweighting is one of the poor formability at room temperature, mainly due to the high percent-
most promising solutions to this problem. Hirsch demonstrated that re- age of alloying elements needed to ensure high mechanical properties
placing steel by aluminium (Al) leads to mass reductions ranging from [4]: if compared to traditional deep drawing steels, Al alloys exhibit
40 to 60% (reducing the mass of the car of 100 kg can save about 9 g (in the same working conditions) a formability reduction of almost
of CO2/km) with a subsequent improvement in fuel efficiency [1]. Car two thirds. In addition, low formability leads to the need of increasing
manufacturers have thus largely adopted Al alloys for producing auto- the number of forming steps that, in turn, makes not convenient the
motive components (bonnets, doors, front structures, wings, crash ele- massive adoption of such alloys. The abovementioned limitations can
ments and bumpers) since such a material allows a suitable be overcome adopting, for example, warm working conditions, able to
combination of improved surface quality and mechanical properties determine an improvement of the ductility due to the increased strain
(30% of weight reduction with no appreciable changing in car perfor- rate hardening [5], the reduction of the flow stress and the increase of
mance) [2]. In particular, 6xxx series Al alloys are preferred when high the material toughness [6]; the high strain rate hardening is determi-
strength and surface quality are needed, whereas 5xxx series Al alloys nant at elevated temperatures (about 300 °C) for improving the
are usually adopted when energy absorption and/or higher drawability Forming Limit Curve (FLC) of the material, while at lower temperatures
are requested [3]. (below 200 °C) the formability is also strongly affected by the strain
hardening [7]. Another solution for producing lightweight automotive
components using Al alloys is to adopt innovative stamping processes,
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Palumbo),
like for example the sheet HydroForming (HF): in such a process the
[email protected] (V. Piglionico), [email protected] (A. Piccininni), punch is replaced by a fluid (oil) under pressure [8–11] and higher
[email protected] (P. Guglielmi), [email protected] (L. Tricarico). level of geometrical complexity and/or strain levels along with a more
0264-1275/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
412 G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423
Table 1 adopted, since it is assumed that friction influences the tube thinning
Chemical composition. during the process [15–16]. A good alternative approach is the adoption
Si % Fe % Cu % Mn % Mg % Cr % Zn % Ti % Al % of the inverse analysis, based on the minimization of the difference be-
0.67 0.42 0.23 0.10 0.92 0.18 0.04 0.07 Bal.
tween numerical and experimental data (an output parameter usually
affected by the friction): for example, Korkolis and Kyriakides compared
the experimental evolution of the axial strain of a formed tube with the
correspondent one predicted by numerical simulations in order to eval-
uniform strain distribution can be obtained. The simultaneous adoption uate the CoF value able to best fit experimental data [17].
of warm conditions and HF (Warm HydroForming, WHF) surely repre- As concerns the material modelling, it is necessary to perform an ac-
sents a logical consequence since it is able to combine the advantages curate mechanical and technological characterization of the Al alloy
coming from both the solutions. One of the drawbacks of the WHF pro- and, at the same time, to choose the most appropriate yield criterion
cess is the higher complexity in determining the working window, since (YC). The mechanical characterization can be carried out through ten-
it is affected by a larger number of variables than the process at room sile tests in order to determine flow stress curves (according to temper-
temperature, like: temperature, blank holder force (BHF) and oil pres- atures and strain rates) which usually gives a detailed description of the
sure. Despite the literature provides several examples of analytical material plastic behaviour, while the deformative behaviour can be de-
models useful to better understand such a process, the complex interac- fined evaluating FLCs; but the way (i.e. the load conditions) the material
tion among the parameters needs the adoption of a more suitable ap- enters the plastic field has to be properly chosen. The anisotropy of the
proach, for example based on a numerical model [12]. In fact, finite material can strongly affects the material plasticity, thus making the
element (FE) simulations give the possibility to investigate the process classical and more largely adopted isotropic Von Mises formulation
and the effect of the abovementioned parameters, thus avoiding the not suitable when modelling sheet forming processes. Hill, in 1948
trial and error approach in the process development stage; actually, [18], proposed a first simple anisotropic yield model in the form of a
such a technique is successfully applied to: (i) reduce the product de- quadratic function; since then, several formulations have been devel-
sign time, (ii) compare design options, and (iii) understand the way oped to account for the material anisotropy to obtain a better descrip-
the process parameters affect the manufacturing process [13]. The tion of the plastic behaviour and, at the same time, to answer to the
main drawback related to the FE approach is the need of tuning the increasing needs from the application field [19–20]. Alternatively,
model, in terms of both material implementation and tribological condi- some authors proposed new yield criteria, usually extensions of previ-
tions evaluation. In order to properly define the tribological conditions ous issued formulations, which revealed to be more suitable for the sin-
to model the interaction between blank and tools, even if the simple gle investigated case study [21]. On the other hand, great efforts were
Coulomb model is adopted, it is necessary to correctly tune the Coeffi- spent to enhance the process potentiality through several optimization
cient of Friction (CoF) according to the working conditions. Various so- procedures: generally, the most used approach is based on algorithms
lutions are reported in literature for the CoF evaluation: pin-on-disk test (in most of cases a gradient based type) which stop when the conver-
represents a well-assessed solution to evaluate the values to be imple- gence to a solution is reached [22–23]. Their limitation of leading to
mented within numerical models [14]; in other cases, the choice of local optima can be overcome by the adoption of more sophisticated so-
the friction test depends on the investigated forming process. In the lutions: genetic algorithms as well as simulated annealing algorithms
case of tube HF, for example, tube upsetting friction test is usually reveal to be more effective [24–26]. One of the most interesting
Fig. 4. The facility used for WHF tests: a) press machine (3D overview); b) main quotes of the case study.
414 G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423
analysis methodology: in such a way both the FE models were able to and 220 °C) were investigated as well as three different orientations
reproduce the thickness profile experimentally measured on the with respect to the rolling direction (0°, 45° and 90°). Tensile tests
formed part. Finally, WHF tests were carried out and the optimization were performed on a 20 tons electromechanical INSTRON tensile test
procedure was repeated using data from experimental tests for valida- machine, equipped with the specifically designed furnace shown in
tion purposes. Fig. 1a, able to heat the specimen thanks to 9 radiant heaters positioned
around the specimen.
2. Material and methods The furnace allowed to monitor the whole test with an optical 3D
strain measurement system based on the Digital Image Correlation
2.1. The investigated aluminium alloy (DIC) technique. As reported in Fig. 1b, the strain field of the specimen
could be calculated using images acquired during the test; in order to
A single batch of AA6061, 0.5 mm thick, was purchased in the T6 correlate images, the surface of the specimens had to be properly pre-
condition. The chemical composition is reported in Table 1. pared painting a stochastic pattern.
It was used for the material characterization (the evaluation of the
mechanical and deformative behaviour) and for WHF experiments as 2.3. Evaluation of the deformative behaviour
The deformative behaviour was determined by means of formability
2.2. Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour tests conducted at different temperature levels using a specific equip-
ment able to heat the blank (by the punch) and to acquire the strain
The mechanical behaviour was determined by means of tensile tests field during the whole test (the DIC system was embedded into the
in warm conditions. Dog bone specimens (gauge length: 100 mm; equipment). Tests were carried out using a Nakajima equipment assem-
width: 15 mm) were adopted. Three temperature levels (20 °C, 110 °C bled on the tensile test machine: in particular, the equipment is
Fig. 6. Digital Image Correlation system used for thickness reduction evaluation.
G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423 415
Fig. 7. Validation of the thickness measurements using the DIC system through the comparison with data measured by an ultrasonic thickness gauge.
composed of a hemispherical punch (diameter 90 mm), a circular draw by the programmable logic control (PLC) of the press machine. The PLC
die and a blank holder ring; heating cartridges were used to heat up the uses temperature values coming from the thermocouples for activating/
punch. In addition, in order to acquire the strain field of the blank during deactivating the electric cartridges in the lower and the upper plate in
the test, the sensors of the DIC system were embedded in the equip- order minimize the difference between the set point and the actual tem-
ment. During each test the temperature in the centre of the blank perature in the blank holder and in the die. In fact, as shown in Fig. 5b,
(where rupture was expected to occur) was continuously monitored thermocouples are positioned in both the blank holder (TC2 and TC3)
by a pyrometer. Fig. 2 shows the formability equipment and its and the die (TC6): the heating phase is concluded when the tempera-
components. ture difference between the die cavity and the blank holder is smaller
A constant punch speed of 60 mm/min and an acquisition frequency than the threshold value (5 °C in the experiments of this work), thus as-
of 10 Hz were used for all tests. Both the punch and the blank were ap- suring a uniform temperature distribution. The blank to be formed was
propriately lubricated: this allowed to drastically reduce the friction and introduced into the tools (between the upper die and the Blank Holder)
forced the rupture in the central position of the specimen, as shown in once the system reached the target temperature and no lubricant was
the example reported in Fig. 3. used in the experiments.
In particular, the Analysis Methods AM3 (“Evaluation of the situation The forming fluid (oil) was introduced through the lower die at the
directly before the crack will happen”) detailed in the ISO 12004-1 same temperature of the tools; oil pressure was controlled through a
(2008) standard was implemented to calculate limit strains before the proportional electronic valve (maximum pressure: 350 bar) also man-
necking occurrence. aged by the PLC in order to reproduce any pressure profile defined by
the user. In the present work, investigated values of temperature and
2.4. Warm HydroForming facility and case study time exposure were respectively limited to 220 °C and 60 s, so that
the working condition did not alter the supply condition of the material.
WHF tests were carried out using the facility shown in Fig. 4a: it is a Thickness values in the longitudinal direction could be measured on the
2500 kN electro-hydraulic press machine (4 electric motors supported formed component adopting the methodology resumed in Fig. 6.
by additional 2 hydraulic cylinders for increasing the closing force) spe-
cifically designed and produced as a prototype.
In Fig. 4b the geometry of the investigated case study is shown: it is a
stepped die characterised by two depths cavities, respectively equal to Table 2
Adopted levels of the factors investigated by CCD plan.
12 mm and 20 mm.
The press machine is suitable for both WHF and SuperPlastic Point pmax/σy BHp0/σy BHpfin/pmax T
Forming tests, being equipped with heated tools for warm (up to Cube (upper value) 0.1 0.06 1.2 220
350 °C) and hot conditions (up to 1000 °C). Cube (lower value) 0.02 0.02 0.6 RT
According to Fig. 5a, heated tools for WHF (both the lower and the Axial (upper value) 0.1 0.06 1.2 220
upper one) contain a Nickel Alloy 600 plate embedding 6 electric car- Axial (lower value) 0.02 0.02 0.6 RT
Axial (centre) 0.06 0.04 0.9 110
tridges (9 kW in the bottom tool and 15 kW in the upper tool), managed
416 G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423
Table 3
Hollomon's model parameters and yield strength values according to temperature.
integration points [31] were used for modelling the deformable blank
(initial thickness was set to 0.5 mm).
In addition, due to the symmetry of the case study, only half of the
blank was taken into account in order to reduce computational costs.
The symmetry of the blank was modelled constraining the translational
DoF in the x-direction and the rotational DoF in both y- and z-direction
of the nodes lying along the longitudinal axis [32-33]. The blank surface
was partitioned into two regions: the internal one (AOIL), on which the
oil pressure was applied, and the external one (ABHF), on which the BHF
was applied.
Fig. 9. Definition of the output parameter F%.
The blank holder force (BHF) and the oil pressure (P) were gradually
increased during the process according to the profiles plotted in Fig. 8b:
in such a way the initial value of both the blank holder force (BHF0) and
The undeformed blank, prepared as described in Section 2.1, was the pressure (P0) could be set thus avoiding inertial effects.
preliminary acquired by the DIC system; the same blank was again ac- The hardening behaviour of the investigated Al alloy was modelled
quired after the WHF test, thus obtaining the strain field of the formed using data from tensile tests; in particular, the Hollomon's model
part. (Eq. 1) was used to fit the flow stress curve in the rolling direction:
In order to check the accuracy and the effectiveness of the proposed
methodology for the thickness acquisition, data obtained through the σ ¼ Kεn : ð1Þ
DIC system were compared with the thickness values measured by
means of an ultrasonic thickness gauge. Fig. 7 shows data acquired In order to investigate the effect of adopting different yield criteria,
using both the methodologies. and according to literature [34–35], the Von Mises isotropic formulation
Since the fitting between data can be considered satisfactory, the was implemented and adopted as a reference for comparing the results
evaluation of the thickness distribution of the formed components when the anisotropy was taken into account. In particular, the Barlat '89
was carried out through the DIC system for all the analyses detailed in criterion [36], reported in Eq. 2, was used:
the present work.
Ф ¼ ajK1 þ K2 jm þ ajK1 −K2 jm þ cj2K2 jm ¼ 2σ m
Y ð2Þ
2.5. Numerical modelling where σY is the yield stress, K1 and K2 are the stress tensor invariants, a
and c are functions of the Lankford's parameters and the value of the ex-
The numerical model shown in Fig. 8a was created adopting the ponent m depends on the crystallographic structure (equal to 8 for FCC
commercial FE Explicit code LS-Dyna. The blank holder (not reported alloys). Such a criterion is not only considered suitable for modelling the
in figure) and the die were modelled as rigid surfaces while about Al behaviour but, which is fundamental for the robustness of the
10,000 Belytschko-Tsay shell elements with five through-thickness simulation, gave to the authors the possibility of determining the
Fig. 11. a) Evolution of the longitudinal strain during a tensile test; b) normal anisotropy index according to longitudinal strain.
abovementioned constants through experimental tests. In fact, flow 2.6. Response Surface Methodology and multi-objective optimization
stress curves (along the three considered orientations) were directly
implemented in the model as well as the Lankford's parameter as func- In order to evaluate the effect of the most influencing process pa-
tion of the major strain. Rupture occurrence was numerically estimated rameters, i.e. the oil pressure, the initial and final value of the load ap-
directly implementing the FLCs [37], which were experimentally deter- plied by the blankholder (respectively, BHF0 e BHFfin) and the working
mined, too. temperature, a numerical campaign of FE simulations was scheduled ac-
Computational costs were further reduced also adopting the mass cording to a Central Composite Design (CCD) plan, being such an ap-
scaling technique, which allowed to dramatically reduce the simulation proach one of the most experimental design used in process
time. The complete tuning of the numerical model thus needed a sensi- optimization studies [38]. As factors of the CCD the maximum oil pres-
tivity analysis. In particular, results were analysed after changing both sure (pmax), the initial blank holder pressure (BHp0), the final (BHpfin)
the mass scaling and the element size and compared to experimental blank holder pressure and the temperature were considered. The max-
data. imum oil pressure was expressed as a percentage of the material yield
The minimum time increment was chosen in order to avoid any in- stress (σy), while the initial and the final (BHpfin) blank holder pressure
ertial effect (the kinetic energy resulted negligible with respect to both were normalized using σy and pmax, respectively. The initial (BHF0) and
the internal and the total energy). final (BHFfin) values of the BHF could consequently be calculated. The
Simulations using element dimensions ranging from 1 mm to 3 mm investigated temperature levels were the same used for the alloy
were also run in order to evaluate the effect of the mesh size on both the characterization.
thickness distribution and the failure prediction: even if a mesh size of The adopted CCD scheme, as listed in Table 2, was characterized by
2 mm already allowed to correctly predict the real thickness distribu- investigation points located at the centre and at each vertex of the
tion measured on the part, the dimension was set to 1 mm since such hyper-cube (four factors were considered); additional axial points
a value allowed to properly predict also the failure occurrence at the (called “star points”) were located at a distance α (equal to 1.0 in the
same pressure level used in experiments. present work) from the design centre.
Fig. 13. Variation of the thickness reduction profile when changing the CoF value while keeping all process parameters (T = 220 °C, BHF = 76–131 kN, p = 10–84 bar) and the Yield con-
dition (Barlat '89) unchanged.
Results from FE simulations were analysed in terms of response var- taken into account evaluating the anisotropic behaviour of the material
iables able to properly describe the process output: pb%, which is de- in terms of Lankford's parameters (R0, R45 R90): strains along both the
fined as the ratio between the bursting pressure and the test pressure longitudinal and transversal direction (respectively major and minor
(pburst/pmax ∗ 100) and F% (Flatness), which is defined (see Fig. 9) as strain) were monitored in three different points up to the onset of neck-
the ratio between the flat part of the component measured along the ing (dashed line in Fig. 11a).
longitudinal direction and the deepest part of the die cavity (Lc/ R-values could be thus calculated as the ratio between the minor
Ld ∗ 100). strain and the thickness strain. The evolution of the normal anisotropy
Simulation results, collected in terms of the abovementioned output as a function of the major strain is reported in Fig. 11b.
variables, were used for creating Response Surfaces (RSs). In particular, Forming limit strains were determined for different specimen geom-
the commercial software modeFRONTIER was adopted: as described by etries according to the abovementioned ISO Standard, as plotted in Fig.
the schematic workflow in Fig. 10, for each output parameter an 12.
interpolant Radial Basis Function (RBF) was adopted for correlating Experimental data were thus fitted in order to define the Forming
the 4 input variables (I.V.) to the 2 Output Variables (O.V.). Limit Curves at each investigated temperature level (a first order regres-
Each RS was determined fitting data from simulations: the whole sion line was used for fitting data in the drawing region, while a polyno-
data set was divided into two groups, the Validation Set (about 10% of mial approximating function was used for the stretch side).
the starting data set) and the Training Set (containing the remaining
90%) [39,40]. The latter set was used to initially train the RS, while the 3.2. Surfaces interaction properties (Coefficient of Friction)
Validation Set allowed to evaluate the RS performance in terms of abso-
lute residuals. The choice for the most accurate RBF algorithm was based To accurately model the interaction between the tools and the blank,
on: (i) the RS fitting capability in terms of minimizing the value of the proper Coefficient of Friction (CoF) values were determined using the
Mean Leave One Out Error (MLOOE), usually optimal if less than 0.2; inverse analysis technique. It was based on the comparison between
(ii) the evaluation of the absolute residuals calculated using the Valida- the experimental thickness distribution acquired by means of the DIC
tion Set. system in the longitudinal direction and the correspondent numerical
Obtained RSs could be used in the optimization procedure for evalu- one. The value of the CoF was determined (for each level of the working
ating optimal working conditions able to maximize the Objective Func- temperature and each yield criterion) minimizing the difference be-
tions (O.F. in Fig. 10). In particular, a multi objective genetic algorithm tween experimental and numerical thickness distributions. For exam-
was used (MOGA-II), setting a number of successive generations equal ple, the graph in Fig. 13 clarifies how the CoF at the temperature of
to 100 [41]. 220 °C was determined for the numerical model implementing the
Barlat '89 yield criterion.
3. Material characterization It is worthy of notice that the FE model is strongly affected by such a
parameter. A complete overview of the obtained results is proposed in
3.1. Mechanical and deformative behaviour of the investigated alloy Fig. 14, in which numerically predicted thickness reductions along the
longitudinal path of the formed part have been compared with the cor-
An extensive mechanical characterization in terms of tensile tests respondent experimental ones. In the same figure CoF values have been
was carried out to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the Al reported for each temperature level and YC: it is important to highlight
alloy. The strength coefficient (K), the strain hardening exponent (n) that, through the inverse analysis, it was possible to determine proper
and the yield stress at the investigated temperature levels (when setting friction conditions able to tune any numerical model and thus to predict
the strain rate to 0.0013 s−1) have been reported in Table 3. the thickness distribution on the component. But, since the isotropic
Differences in the strength properties when considering the rolling yield formulation was not able to completely describe the material be-
(0°), the transverse (90°) and the intermediate (45°) direction were haviour when working conditions changed, it was necessary to adopt
G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423 419
Fig. 14. Numerical/experimental comparison of the thickness distributions: a) room temperature, BHF = 102–145 kN, p = 10–52 bar; b) T = 110 °C, BHF = 94–188 kN, p = 10–120 bar;
c) T = 220 °C, BHF = 76–131 kN, p = 10–84 bar.
different CoF values according to temperature. On the contrary, when level of pb% along with the highest values of F%. On the contrary, FE sim-
the YC taking into account the material anisotropy was used, a constant ulations assuming the isotropic yielding behaviour predict the exten-
CoF value could be set at any temperature level. sion of the region characterised by the highest values of pb% up to
about 130 °C and the shifting of the region characterised by the highest
4. Results and discussion values of F% towards the range 80°–130 °C. Such an effect of the YC on
the output F% is more clearly presented in Fig. 16, where the predicted
4.1. Numerical evaluation of the optimal working range extensions at different temperature levels of the flat region of the
deepest part have been highlighted on formed components.
According to the CCD scheme, a total number of 50 simulations were It is worthy of notice that, despite the accuracy of both the FE models
run using the FE models implementing the two different yield criteria. (the one implementing the Von Mises criterion and the one using the
Fig. 15 shows the contour plots concerning the RSs created using nu- Barlat '89 formulation) in predicting the thickness distribution thanks
merical data (in terms of F% and pb%) obtained from the FE model to the fine tuning of the CoF, the output variable F% remarkably changes
implementing the Barlat '89 YC (contours in Fig. 15a and Fig. 15b) and if the material anisotropy is neglected. According to the values reported
from the FE model implementing the isotropic YC (contours in Fig. 15c in Fig. 14, the estimated CoF at 110 °C is the lowest, thus clarifying why
and Fig. 15d). such an intermediate temperature level is more suitable in order to ob-
Comparing the contour plots in Fig. 15 it may be noted that the tain a well-formed component.
choice of the YC strongly affects final results: if results from the numer- Bubble charts in Fig. 17 are useful to understand how the values of
ical model implementing the anisotropic YC are considered, setting the the output variables predicted by the optimization algorithm for certain
working temperature to the lowest values allows to obtain the highest combinations of the input variables (virtual designs, represented by
420 G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423
Fig. 15. Contour plots of the RSs created using data from FE simulations: a) pb% (anisotropic YC), b) F% (anisotropic YC), c) pb% (isotropic YC), d) F% (isotropic YC).
triangles) change according to the working temperature; in the same the most accurate/robust results, a set of WHF experiments was de-
graphs also the designs used for evaluating the RSs (real data, represent- signed starting from the CCD plan adopted for numerical analyses. The
ed by circles) have been plotted. incremental space filler (ISF) algorithm was adopted to define new com-
Optimal virtual designs are the designs able to maximize the two binations of the factors (I.V.): since such an algorithm is able to generate
output variables; thus, they are located along the dashed lines in Fig. an uniform distribution of designs in the input space (it considers the
17, which represent the Pareto fronts. Such fronts suggest that it is pos- existing points in the database and adds sequentially new points
sible to manufacture a well-formed (the highest F%) and sound (pb% where the minimum distance from the existing points is maximized
equal to 100) component if the temperature is set to intermediate [39]), the original design space was uniformly filled. Results from WHF
values (ranging from 80 to 110 °C) when the alloy behaviour is tests were again analysed in terms of F% and pb%. In Fig. 18 tests conduct-
modelled as isotropic. On the contrary, if the anisotropic YC is imple- ed at different temperatures but setting the same value of the maximum
mented, the optimal working condition moves towards the room pressure (pmax/σy0 = 0.05) have been presented in terms of F%.
temperature. It is important to highlight that the numerical model implementing
the anisotropic YC was able to accurately predict the sheet capability of
4.2. Experiments for the validation of virtual designs filling the die cavity: in fact, results in terms of F% agree well with the
experimental ones. Moreover, if the working temperature was in-
In order to validate numerical results and to determine which YC is creased, not only the extension of the flat region decreased, but ruptures
able to properly describe the real material behaviour and to furnish also occurred. The accuracy of the numerical model implementing the
anisotropic YC was further confirmed by the comparison between nu-
merical and experimental thickness distributions along the longitudinal
direction: as Fig. 19 shows, a good overlapping could be achieved in all
the investigated working conditions.
The abovementioned experimental data were also used to create the
RSs for both the response variables in order to repeat the optimization
procedure: results from such an optimization based on RSs created
using experimental data have been presented in Fig. 20a, which shows
the Pareto Front composed by optimal virtual designs.
It may be noted that experiments indicated as optimal the working
conditions characterised by the lowest temperature values, confirming
the accuracy of the optimization results obtained by the FE model
implementing the anisotropic YC. Finally in Fig. 20b all Pareto fronts
(both numerical and the experimental ones) have been compared. It
may be noted that the Pareto front obtained using experimental data
(only the portion of the Pareto front characterized by the best F% values
was considered) agrees well with the one obtained using the FE model
implementing the Barlat '89 YC.
The matching between the Pareto fronts obtained using RSs based
Fig. 16. Extension of the flat region of the deepest part according to temperature using on both experimental and numerical data (using the Barlat '89 YC) con-
both YC. firms the effectiveness of the proposed optimization methodology. But
G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423 421
Fig. 17. Results from the optimization procedure: a) isotropic YC; b) anisotropic YC).
Fig. 19. Thinning evolutions acquired using the DIC system compared with the correspondent numerical ones: a) BHF = 111–219 kN p = 10–208 bar; b) BHF = 63–157 kN p = 10–
120 bar; c) BHF = 55–115 kN p = 10–84 bar.
422 G. Palumbo et al. / Materials and Design 91 (2016) 411–423
Fig. 20. a) Pareto fronts obtained from the procedure based on RSs created using experimental data, b) comparison between Pareto fronts obtained using RSs based on numerical and ex-
perimental data.
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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764
a r t i c l e in fo abstract
Article history: The material properties for the analytical and numerical simulation in sheet metal processes, especially
Received 23 December 2008 in tube hydroforming process, are generally obtained from the uniaxial tensile test of raw sheet
Received in revised form material. However, the validation of the formability and reliability of the numerical simulation for the
21 May 2010
tube hydroforming process arises from the fact that the material characteristics of tubes are different
Accepted 21 May 2010
from those of the raw sheet materials. In order to determine the most suitable material property of the
Available online 1 June 2010
tubular material for the evaluation of forming limit on the THF process, the uniaxial tensile test for the
Keywords: specimens of the raw sheet metal and the roll-formed tube and the free bulge test for the roll-formed
Tube hydroforming tubular material are carried out in this paper. The forming limit curves are also derived using plastic
Forming limit curve
instability based on three kinds of necking criteria, which are Hill’s local necking criterion for sheet and
Plastic instability
Swift’s diffuse necking criteria for sheet and tube, to describe and explain the forming limits for the roll-
Flow stress
Uniaxial tensile test formed tubular material in the THF process. In order to acquire the informative data on the forming
Free bulge test limit curves in the THF process, the loading condition of the free bulge test is controlled. The proper
band from nearly necking initiation to nearly bursting initiation has been defined for the roll-formed
tubular material in the THF process. It can be concluded that the flow stress of the tubular material
should be determined from the actual free bulge test to find the practically valuable forming limit curve
for the THF process.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction useful for the tubular material even with the same grade and
composition. In other words, flow stress, strain hardening, yield
Since tube hydroforming (THF) process has been increasingly strength, etc., which are widely used as the material properties,
attracting attention in the automotive industry for the manufac- differ between the sheet and tubular materials [3–6].
turing of various components, to improve the productivity of During the period in which the new THF process is developed
hydroformed structures, there is a need to design the actual THF to replace the conventional process or to adapt it to the
process. Recently, the numerical simulation method, especially manufacturing of specific components, it is essential to perform
the finite element method (FEM), has been widely used to predict the analytical or numerical simulation for the developed process
and estimate the formability of the THF process [1,2]. However, before the detailed design and prototyping stages [7]. In this case,
validation of the formability and reliability of the numerical the suitable material properties should be applied in the
analysis for the THF processes arises from the fact that the simulation of the newly developed hydroforming process in order
material characteristics of tubes, which are formed using sheet to confirm the results from the analysis of the THF process.
material through rolling, welding and sizing operations, are However, the mechanical data from the tubular materials are
different from those of the raw sheet metal. Therefore, any hardly acquired in the THF processes. The material properties for
material properties taken from the sheet material may not be the analysis of sheet metal forming processes are generally
obtained from the uniaxial tensile test using the specimens of the
sheet material. However, the process conditions and the state
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 82 51 510 2310; fax: +82 51 513 3760. of stress in the THF processes are different from those in the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (W.-J. Song), [email protected] conventional sheet metal forming processes. Thus, in order to
(S.-C. Heo), [email protected] (T.-W. Ku), [email protected] (J. Kim), analyze accurately the THF process, the analytical or numerical
[email protected], [email protected] (B.-S. Kang).
Tel.: + 82 51 510 2493; fax: + 82 51 514 3690.
simulation should adopt the material properties directly mea-
Tel.: + 82 51 510 1531; fax: + 82 51 513 3760. sured in a test method with a similar state of stress conditions to
Tel.: + 82 51 510 2477; fax: + 82 51 513 3760. the THF process. Fuchizawa and Narazaki [3] had conducted the
0890-6955/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
754 W.-J. Song et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764
free bulge test with nonconstant bulge width and then concluded from the actual free bulge test to find the practically valuable
that in the case of titanium tube, the material properties from forming limit curve for the THF process.
both tests, bulge and uniaxial tensile test, were different. Koc et al.
[4] proposed several methods to determine the tubular material
properties by experimental and analytical approaches. Sokolowski 2. Characterization of flow stress of tubular material in THF
et al. [5] described a practical test method for determining the process
flow stress of the tube material and compared among experi-
mental, analytical and numerical results, using the flow stress of 2.1. Flow stress based on uniaxial tensile test with sheet and
the tube material. However, few previous works compared the tubular material
material properties of the tubular material with the uniaxial
tensile and the free bulge tests. In order to evaluate the material property for the tubular
The reliable evaluation of formability in the THF processes can material in the THF process, two kinds of tests were executed. The
be considered as whether fracture or necking initiation in the material tests to obtain the mechanical property were conducted
formed product occurred or not. The necking initiations are for material in Table 1. Uniaxial tensile tests for the raw sheet
characterized by localized line thinning across the surface of tube metal and the roll-formed tubular material and free bulge test for
on the scale of tube thickness. Without a reliable prediction the roll-formed tubular material are performed.
method of forming severity, normal process and material
variations inevitably lead to necking and bursting for THF
2.1.1. Uniaxial tensile test for the raw sheet material
processing. The forming limit diagram, which had been initially
The specimens of the raw sheet material before the roll-
suggested by Gensamer and matured by Keeler and Backhofen [8]
forming process were prepared from three different directions,
and Goodwin [9], provides useful empirical information on the
i.e., the rolling direction (RD), 451 from the rolling direction and
forming severity in the absence of a neck or any kinds of defects
the transverse direction from the rolling direction (TD).
[10]. The dependence of the forming limit curve on strain path is
The results of the uniaxial tensile tests are summarized in
typical of all materials including steel alloys, copper and brass, as
Table 2. Stress–strain relationships of the raw sheet material are also
reported by Kleemola and Pelkkikangas [11]. The effects on strain
shown in Fig. 1. It is noted that the yield behavior of the sheet
path inhibit its utility regarding the analysis of processes that are
material was slightly different with respect to the test, but the work
inherently non-linear, such as the THF process [12]. Stoughton
hardening behavior of the sheet material is almost the same with
[13] and Stoughton and Zhu [14] rediscovered the effect and
respect to the test direction in sheet plane. It means that the process
proposed that it is necessary to use the forming limit stress
to manufacture the sheet material, i.e., the rolling process, does not
diagram in all forming operations in order to evaluate effectively
affect the material properties with planar direction in this material.
the forming severity. The forming limit curve based on strain has
However, the total elongation on 451 from the rolling direction is the
been already well understood. These models include the diffuse
greatest one among those from three test directions.
instability criterion described by Swift [15] that appears to define
qualitatively the characteristic shape of the strain-based forming
limit curve for positive minor strains. In addition, Hill [16] 2.1.2. Uniaxial tensile test for the roll-formed tubular material
described the relationship between the r value of the material and The specimens from the roll-formed tubular material are also
angle from the through-thickness neck direction to the uniaxial prepared at three different directions, i.e., the welding direction
tension axis. Zhu et al. [17] added the moment equilibrium in the (01), 901 from the welding direction and the opposite side (1801)
plane of the sheet to this analysis, leading to two solution classes, from the welding direction in Fig. 2. The uniaxial tensile test for
one applicable to the right-hand side of forming limit curve and the tubular specimens is very carefully performed in order to
the other the reduced solution obtained by Hill. Kulkarni et al. consider the curvature in the grip zone of the tubular specimens.
[18] introduced the geometric imperfection to predict the forming The test jigs, which have the same shape of the inner and outer
limit curve of aluminum alloy tubular materials numerically and curvatures of the tubular specimens, are adopted in the uniaxial
analytically and verified with the associated experiments. The tensile test of the tubular material.
necking pressures for some kind of aluminum alloy and steel alloy
materials were well predicted with the extended stress-based
forming limit curve (XSFLC), which is characterized by the mean Table 1
and equivalent stress, by Simha et al. [19] and Sorine et al. [20] Compositions of test material.
who investigated the prediction of necking phenomena in high
Component (WzT%)
strength steel tubes with multi-axial loading conditions.
In order to determine the most suitable material property of C 0.0927
the tubular material for the evaluation of forming limit on the THF Si 0.0076
process, the uniaxial tensile test for the specimens of the raw Mn 0.5195
P 0.0098
sheet metal and the roll-formed tube and the free bulge test for S 0.0093
roll-formed tubular material are carried out in this paper. The
forming limit curves are also derived using plastic instability
based on three kinds of necking criteria, which are Hill’s local
necking criterion for sheet and Swift’s diffuse necking criteria for Table 2
sheet and tube, to describe and explain the forming limits for the Uniaxial tensile test results of the raw sheet material.
roll-formed tubular material in the THF process. In order to
Test direction Ultimate Uniform Total
acquire the informative data for the forming limit curves in the strength elongation elongation
THF process, the loading condition of the free bulge test of the (MPa) (%) (%)
tubular blank is controlled. The proper band from nearly necking
initiation to nearly bursting initiation has been defined for the RD (Rolling direction) 391.76 27.38 32.80
451 385.96 25.18 32.84
roll-formed tubular material in the THF process. It is concluded TD (Transverse direction) 385.78 24.26 31.92
that the flow stress of the tubular material should be determined
W.-J. Song et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764 755
700 stress and strain relationship based on the converted stress and
strain points from the free bulge test. Because of the lack of
600 informative data that can describe the fully plastic zone of the
material, it is assumed that the initial strain value on the effective
500 stress and strain relationship is the same as that from the uniaxial
True Stress [MPa]
Opposite Area
of Welding
Welding Area
Fig. 2. Tubular specimens from the roll-formed tube and the curvature-jig for the grip zone of the tubular specimens.
Table 3
Uniaxial tensile test results of the roll-formed tubular material.
Test direction Ultimate strength (MPa) Uniform elongation (%) Total elongation (%)
3.1. Plastic instability based on local necking criterion 3.2. Plastic instability based on diffuse necking criterion
Hill’s local necking criterion is introduced as the plastic 3.2.1. Diffuse necking criterion for tube
instability condition and then onset of plastic instability is As the second instability condition, it is assumed that plastic
assumed to occur when the following constraint is satisfied: instability occurs when dp ¼0 and dFaxial_feeding ¼ 0 simultaneously
ds1 ¼ s1(de1 +de2). Assuming that the stress ratio remains fixed [15]. This leads to the following simultaneous constraints:
the deformation of the neck ds2 ¼ s2(de1 + de2) is also satisfied ds1 ¼ s1(2de1 + de2) and ds2 ¼ s1de1 + s2de2. From Eq. (3) and the
[22]. From Eq. (3) and the instability constraints mentioned above constraints, the variation of the principal stress compo-
previously, the variation of the principal stress can be written as nents in terms of the principal hoop stress can be written as
de ða þ1Þ de ð3þ aÞ 2
ds1 ¼ s1 2 ds1 ¼ s1
s 2 s 2
de aða þ 1Þ de
ds2 ¼ s1 2 ð5Þ ds2 ¼ 1a þ a2 s21 ð8Þ
s 2 s
Based on Eqs. (1) and (5), the variation of the effective stress is From Eqs. (1) and (8), the variation of the effective stress can be
deduced as derived as
" # " #
ð1 þ aÞ að2a1Þ2 þ2ð2aÞð1 þ aÞ
ds ¼ sde ð6Þ ds ¼ sde ð9Þ
2ð1a þ a2 Þ1=2 4ð1a þ a2 Þ3=2
Thus the following instability criterion in terms of sub-tangent Thus the plastic instability condition in terms of sub-tangent Z
Z for the isotropic materials is obtained: for the THF process is obtained as
1 1 ds ð1 þ aÞ 1 1 ds að2a1Þ2 þ 2ð2aÞð1 þ aÞ
¼ r ð7Þ ¼ r ð10Þ
ZL s de 2ð1a þ a2 Þ1=2 ZT s de 4ð1a þ a2 Þ3=2
W.-J. Song et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764 757
700 700
600 600
400 400
300 300
200 200
True S-S curve : 0°
True S-S curve : 90°
100 100 Bulge Test Data
True S-S curve : 180° Curve-Fitted Data
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
True Strain Effective Strain
12.98MPa 14.05MPa 15.06MPa 15.97MPa 16.89MPa
Effective Stress [MPa]
Effective Strain
Fig. 3. Stress–strain relationship in uniaxial tensile test of the specimen from the
roll-formed tubular material: (a) true stress-strain curve and (b) curve-fitted
stress-strain curve. Bursting
3.2.2. Diffuse necking criterion for sheet
The third assumption is that the condition for plastic
instability is satisfied when the load reaches a maximum value 4
along both principal directions [15]: dF1 ¼0 and dF2 ¼0, with
F1 ¼ pr2p Faxial_feeding Fsealing + Ffriction and F2 ¼prl, where l is tube
length. This condition leads to the following simultaneous 0
0 1 2 3 4
constraints: ds1 ¼ s1de1 and ds2 ¼ s2de2. From Eq. (3) and the
plastic instability constraints, the variation of the principal stress Process Time [sec]
components in terms of the principal circumferential stress can be Fig. 4. Stress–strain relationship in free bulge test of the roll-formed tubular
written as material.
de 1 de h ai
ds1 ¼ s1 s2 s1 ¼ 1 s21 3.3. Limit strains and limit stresses for forming limit curve
s 2 s 2
de 1 de 1
ds2 ¼ s2 s1 s2 ¼ a a s21 ð11Þ To obtain forming limit curves in terms of strains for the above
s 2 s 2
three cases, it is necessary to introduce the critical principal
strains ec1 , ec2 along the circumferential and axial direction,
Based on Eqs. (1) and (11), the variation of the effective stress is
respectively. With the work hardening law s ¼ Kðe0 þ eÞn ,
deduced as
Eqs. (7), (10) and (13) can be written as
" #
að2a1Þ2 þð2aÞ2 1 1 ds n W
ds ¼ s de ð12Þ ¼ ¼ ¼ i ði ¼ L,T,SÞ ð14Þ
4ð1a þ a2 Þ3=2 Zi s de ðe0 þ eÞ Xi
Thus, the plastic instability criterion based on the diffuse necking Assuming the proportional loading, the equivalent strain can be
criterion for sheet is obtained as described as
s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 1 ds að2a1Þ2 þ ð2aÞ2 4 2
2 w
2 1(z) h
Ffriction t
t0 1()
Faxial_feeding 1 r0
2 2(z) 2(z)
Faxial_ feeding
Fsealing Fsealing
Fsealing Ffriction
Determine the forces in F.B.D Curve fit using the effective values
Fig. 5. Analytical determination of flow stress through the free bulge test.
Table 4 From Eq. (3), sc1 and sc2 , the circumferential and axial stress
Free bulge test results of the roll-formed tubular material. when the bursting occurred can be obtained as
Mathematical model s ¼ Kðe0 þ eÞn s ¼ K en 4
sc1 ¼ Kðe0 þ Yec1 Þn e ec1 þ ec2
3 2
Yield strength, se ¼ 0:002 ¼ sY , (MPa) 215.18 150.95
c 4 c n
c 1 c
Strength coefficient, K (MPa) 514.66 436.87 s2 ¼ Kðe0 þ Ye1 Þ e e2 þ e1 ð17Þ
3 2
Work hardening coefficient, n 0.362 0.171
Initial strain, e0 0.0904 –
free bugle tests were conducted for material in Table 1 and Fig. 6 4.2. Evaluation between necking and bursting in the
shows the configuration of the free bulge test machine and die set. tubular material
The loading sequence of the free bulge tests is represented in
Fig. 7. Axial feed displacement with the same internal pressure For the majority of all cases, the bursting was distributed
level at each loading path, which means that different loading randomly in the perimeter of the roll-formed tubular blank. Also,
histories can be assigned to the tubular material in each free bulge bursting appeared in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) near the
test, was changed, as shown Fig. 7. As the result of excessive welding zone of the tubular blank. It means that these tubular
pressurizing with the specified loading paths during the free materials have good weldability and welding condition in the roll
bulge tests, the tubular blank that occurred in bursting is forming process. In the moment that the tubular blank with
illustrated in Fig. 8. excessive internal pressure is nearly burst, the actual phenomena
Initial Tube
Axial Feed
Internal Pressure
Axial Feed
Fig. 6. Configuration of the free bulge test machine and die set.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Axial Feed Displacement [mm]
Bursting Spot
Welding Area
Heat Affected Zone
Bursting on the opposite area of HAZ
Bursting Spot
Welding Area
Heat Affected Zone
Nearly Necking Area
Fig. 9. Proposed definition of zone from necking to bursting in tubular material: (a) bursting on the opposite area of HAZ and (b) bursting on the area near HAZ.
initiation in the THF process, the forming limit stress curve for the
Nearly Bursting Area material property with the initial strain value from the free bulge
test of the tubular blank agrees well with the converted test
results. However, the forming limit stress curve based on the
diffuse necking criterion for tube estimates lower in the forming
Intermediate Area severity than the rest of the necking criteria. On the other hand,
for the material properties from the uniaxial tensile test with the
initial strain value, the forming limit of processes is quite highly
predicted by comparing with the converted test values. It is noted
Nearly Necking Area that the practical valuable forming limit stress curve in the THF
process should be found in combination with the reasonable
analytical results and the converted free bulge test results for the
0.40 specified material.
5.2. Evaluation of forming limit in THF process
Major Strain [ε1]
Table 5
Comparison of material properties with respect to test method and specimen type.
Test Tensile test Tensile test Free bulge test Free bulge test
n n n
Mathematical model
s ¼ Kðe0 þ eÞ s ¼ Kðe0 þ eÞ s ¼ Kðe0 þ eÞ s ¼ K en
Yield strength, se ¼ 0:002 ¼ sY , (MPa) 261.86 349.84 215.18 150.95
Strength coefficient, K (MPa) 680.71 617.44 514.66 436.87
Work hardening coefficient, n 0.235 0.210 0.362 0.171
Initial strain, e0 0.0107 0.0904 0.0904 –
0.50 0.50
0.45 0.45
0.40 0.40
0.35 0.35
0.30 0.30
0.25 0.25
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.15
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
-0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Minor Strain [ε2] Minor Strain [ε2]
Major Strain [ε1]
-0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Minor Strain [ε2]
Fig. 11. Comparison of forming limit strain curves with respect to necking criterion: (a) local necking criterion for sheet; (b) diffuse necking criterion for tube and
(c) diffuse necking criterion for sheet.
from the free bulge tests. Forming limit stress curve to predict 6. Conclusions
reasonably the necking and bursting can be shown in Fig. 13(b),
which can be calculated using the forming limit curve data based In this study, the analysis of the determination of the forming
on the strain values in Fig. 13(a). limit curve using the analytical approach and the experimental
W.-J. Song et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764 763
700 700
600 600
Major Stress [σ1]
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Minor Stress [σ2] Minor Stress [σ2]
Major Stress [σ1]
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Minor Stress [σ2]
Fig. 12. Comparison of forming limit stress curves with respect to necking criterion: (a) local necking criterion for sheet; (b) diffuse necking criterion for tube and
(c) diffuse necking criterion for sheet.
results was performed. In terms of analyzing the necking criteria, the strain from the free bulge tests. In order to find the reasonable
forming limit curve for the material property without the initial forming limit curve for the THF process, it is noted that all of the
strain value from the free bulge test of the tubular blank is quite well aspects in the analytical forming limit curves and the results from
fitted with the major and minor strain from a series of free bulge the free bulge test should be considered. Also the practical valuable
tests. Especially in the region of the negative value of minor strain, forming limit stress diagram from the free bulge test has been
the forming limit curve based on the local necking criterion for sheet determined using the reasonable forming limit curve from the actual
is more reasonable than the others, but in the region of the positive test results. Consequently, it is shown that the forming limit curve
value of minor strain, the forming limit curve based on the diffuse through the free bulge test can play an important role in the
necking criterion for sheet is well-fitted with the major and minor evaluation of formability for the THF processes.
764 W.-J. Song et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) 753–764
0.40 References
[1] J. Kim, S.W. Kim, W.J. Song, B.S. Kang, Analytical and numerical approach to
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[15] H.W. Swift, Plastic instability under plane stress, Journal of Mechanics and
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[19] C.H.M. Simha, J. Gholipour, A. Bardelcik, M.J. Worswick, Prediction of necking
in tubular hydroforming using an extended stress-based forming limit curve,
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-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 129 (2007) 36–47.
Minor Stress [σ2] [20] M. Sorine, C.H.M. Simha, I.V. Riemsdijk, M.J. Worswick, Prediction of
necking of high strength steel tubes during hydroforming—multi-
axial loading, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 50 (2008)
Fig. 13. Rearranged forming limit strain and stress curves for THF processes: 1411–1422.
(a) forming limit strain curve and (b) forming limit stress curve. [21] J. Kim, Y.W. Kim, B.S. Kang, S.M. Hwang, Finite element analysis for bursting
failure prediction in bulge forming of a seamed tube, Finite Elements in
Analysis and Design 40 (2004) 953–966.
Acknowledgements [22] R. Hill, in: The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1983.
This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering
Foundation (KOSEF) NRL Program grant funded by the Korea
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Optimization of the operating conditions is one of the most significant studies in the hydroforming pro-
Received 6 March 2009 cess, which affect the forming of successful components. In this work, a finite element model was estab-
Received in revised form 27 July 2010 lished for bi-layered tube hydroforming process using ANSYS LS-DYNA pre-processor and LS-DYNA solver
Accepted 13 May 2011
in order to predict the most efficient and acceptable operating condition for certain material properties
Available online 23 June 2011
and initial blank geometry.
Experiments were conducted to check the model validation and the resultant bulge height and thick-
ness reduction were seen in good agreement with the numerical results. The major failure modes of the
process were investigated. Different sets of loading paths (relations between axial feed and internal pres-
Optimization sure) were tested and compared to each others. Applying internal pressure in advance of the axial push-
Failure ing was found to give the best formability for the process.
Loading path Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Finite element analysis
0965-9978/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
816 A.G. Olabi, A. Alaswad / Advances in Engineering Software 42 (2011) 815–820
were compared with the experimental ones. Both modes of failure rigid plunger using ANSYS/LS-DYNA pre-processor. By taking
were numerically investigated. advantage of symmetry, a 1/8th section of the X-branch was mod-
Bi-layered tubing is suitable for chemical use in special environ- elled (Fig. 1).
ments (sea floor piping). Another important application is the The two layers were modelled using thin shell elements with
bimetallic CRA-lined pipe [5], which has a liner pipe made of cor- the Belytschko-Tsay element formulation with shell thickness
rosion-resistant-alloy (CRA) and an outer pipe made of low-cost change option activated [7]. A mesh convergence study was carried
steel, has been utilized in oil production, nuclear power plants out to minimize mesh refinement effect on the accuracy of the
and refining industry increasingly. Islam et al. [6] studied the mul- numerical results. It was found that 1140 and 1020 quadrilateral
ti-layered tube hydroforming process. Finite element simulations mapped meshed elements for the outer layer and inner layer,
using implicit code ANSYS were performed to explain stress distri- respectively, were able to give converged solutions within a rea-
bution in the hydroformed part. The multi-sheet hydroforming sonable amount of time and hence this mesh was used throughout
with the very thin middle layer was investigated by Lang et al. the study.
[7]. The process parameters effect on the process formability was The interfaces between the two layers, outer layer and die, the
discussed experimentally and numerically. Mac Donald [8] simu- both layers and the plunger were modelled with an advanced auto-
lated cross branch bulge forming of bimetallic tubes using finite matic surface-to-surface contact algorithm. A coefficient of friction
element method. A thin layer made of stainless steel was used to of 0.57 between the two layers and 0.15 in the rest of contacts was
protect a copper tube. Alaswad and Olabi [9] investigated the effect applied. The materials properties were obtained for the two layers
of geometrical factors on bi-layered tube hydroforming of X using a tensile test of a flattened part of the tubes used for the
branch. experiments. Bilinear kinematic hardening models were used for
In this paper, a finite element model is established for bi-lay- the both layers with the following parameters (see Table 1).
ered tube hydroforming using ANSYS LS-DYNA pre-processor and The material properties used for the rigid die and the plunger
LS-DYNA solver. Experiments have been conducted using the tube were of EN21 hardened tool steel. Although the die and the plunger
hydroforming machine of Dublin City University to check the were assumed to be rigid, realistic material properties were de-
numerical model validation. Based on the studied model, both fined because these values are used by the LS-DYNA code for calcu-
types of defects have been investigated and different sets of load- lation of the contact friction and stiffness [7]. The die was
ing paths were examined. A comparison of the used loading paths constrained for all degrees of freedom and the taper end plunger
was drawn. was constrained for all degrees of freedom except for Z-translation.
cally hydroformed in X branch die with a die corner radius of Density (gm/cc) 8.80 8.98
3 mm using different settings of loading paths. Elastic modulus (GPa) 100 105
Poisson’s ratio 0.33 0.33
The finite element model was built in four parts: (a) outer tube Yield stress (MPa) 980 220
(L = 120 mm, OD = 24 mm, ID = 22 mm), (b) inner tube (L = Tangent modulus 0.59 0.21
120 mm, OD = 22 mm, ID = 20.3 mm), (c) rigid die and, (d) taper
Fig. 6. Bursting failure due to big thickness reduction in the bulge top.
Fig. 8. (a) Failure in bulge forming machine for high axial feed and (b) Failure in FE simulation.
represents a linear loading path, (B and C) are pressure advanced From the paper, the following conclusion points were drawn:
paths in which the hydraulic pressure was raised to a certain mag-
nitude in advance of the axial pushing, while (D and E) are the feed 1. A finite element model was developed for bi-layered tube
advanced path in which axial feed was raised in advance of the hydroforming using ANSYS LS-DYNA pre-processor and LS-
internal pressure. All the studied loading paths have the same DYNA solver. Numerical model was found to be validated when
maximum internal pressure and axial feed. compared with the experimental results.
Based on the numerical model, bulge heights, wrinkles height, 2. Two different types of failure (bursting and wrinkling) were
and thickness reduction values were recorded and a comparison presented for bi-layered tube hydroforming process.
of the applied loading paths was presented. 3. Different sets of loading paths were tested. Best formability of
From (Fig. 10) it can be found that applying linear loading path the process was achieved when applying advanced internal
(A) results in small bulge height with small wrinkle and thickness pressure loading paths.
Change of parameter
Loading path
References [6] Islam MD, Olabi AG, Hashmi MSJ. Feasibility of multi-layered tubular
components forming by hydroforming and finite element simulation. J Mater
Process Technol 2006;174:394–8.
[1] Grey JE. Apparatus for making wrought metal ts. Patent no 2203,868; 1939. P.
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[8] Mac Donald BJ. Non linear finite element simulation of complex bulge forming
[3] Ahmed M, Hashmi MSJ. Three-dimensional finite-element simulation of bulge
processes. PhD thesis. School of mechanical engineering. Ireland: Dublin City
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University; 2000.
[4] Ray P, Mac Donald BJ. Experimental study and finite element analysis of simple
[9] Alaswad A, Olabi AG. A numerical study of the effect of geometrical factors on
X-and T-branch tube hydroforming processes. Int J Mech Sci
bi-layered tube hydroforming. In: Proceeding of 7th European LS-DYNA
[5] Wang X, Li P, Wang R. Study on hydro-forming technology of manufacturing
bimetallic CRA-lined pipe. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2005;45(4–5):373–8.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390
Tehran, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An approach for substituting conventional manufacturing method of a three pieces shell
Received 9 April 2006 fender by one piece has been proposed. This approach is based on sheet hydroforming
Received in revised form process, which has many advantages over conventional stamping processes. For produc-
21 July 2007 tion of shell fender by sheet hydroforming, two possible manufacturing procedures have
Accepted 24 July 2007 been evaluated numerically, namely; pure stretching and draw-in. In addition, results of
both finite element simulations and experiments on small size specimens show superi-
ority of draw-in procedure. The advantage of draw-in over pure stretching procedure has
Keywords: been explained using thickness variation measurements. Furthermore, the draw-in proce-
Sheet hydroforming dure of shell fender has been optimized with respect to initial blank size, fluid pressure and
Auto body parts required tools using an explicit commercial forward finite element program. Finally, the
Stamping effects of sheet material and fluid pressure on the required deformation force in laboratory
Fluid pressure scale have also been evaluated.
FEM © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 61114069; fax: +98 21 88006076.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], m h [email protected] (M.H. Parsa).
0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
382 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390
Fig. 3 – Conventional stamp welded fender shell parts: (A) tailor blank and (B) cup head.
Fig. 6 – Hydroforming tool models used for simulations: (a) punch; (b) pressure chamber with guide or semi-die device; (c)
schematic assembled model.
is processed with the aid of this program, which will subse- ent boundary conditions using a commercially available FEM
quently calculate the initial blank shape and size in one step code.
(Parsa and Pournia, 2004). The shape of the predicted blank for During all of simulations, tools (punch, pressure chamber
simulation of a full size draw-in procedure is shown in Fig. 5. In components and semi-die device) were considered to be rigid,
addition, 1/8 size blank was also used for simulations of draw- while sheet metals constitute deformable material. The fluid
in procedure in order to compare the simulations’ outcomes pressure was assumed to be uniformly distributed over the
with experimental results. surface of sheet metal whose opposite surface was located in
In the case of pure stretching, maximum circular blank front of the punch. Therefore, punch movements and liquid
diameter of 1200 mm for full scale and 150 mm for 1:8 scale pressure acted in opposite direction and could be varied, sepa-
were considered, since available sheet material for deforma- rately. The fluid pressure was varied from 0 to 30 Mpa. Contact
tion plays an important role. condition between the surface of sheet and tools was defined
as the surface to surface contact based on the nonlinear con-
2.4. Tools tact strategy (Harnau et al., 2005). Also it was assumed that the
Coulomb law of friction prevailed and the coefficient of fric-
Fig. 6 illustrates the shape of tools and their arrangements tion was considered be equal to 0.01. For simulation of shell
used for forming simulation of shell fender by sheet hydro- fender production, two cases, namely stretching and draw-in
forming. The mainly considered tools consisted of fluid were considered.
pressure chamber, semi-die device or guide and punch. In all In the case of draw-in procedure based on the considered
of simulations, the tools were considered to be rigid. tools configurations, contact could be established between
punch, blank holder and one side of sheet metal surface, while
2.5. Boundary conditions movement of other side sheet metal surface that is subjected
to fluid pressure in some limited area was assumed to be
The quality of final products manufactured using sheet hydro- controlled by semi-die device. Also it was assumed that the
forming method, largely depends on the process parameters periphery of the initial blanks had the possibility of moving
such as pressure, friction, size of initial blank and position of in three directions, rotating in two directions and deforming
the punch and semi-die device. To establish the proper pro- according to the shape of punch and semi-die device.
cess parameter combinations after preliminary initial blank In the case of stretching, contact could be established
calculations, several simulations were conducted under differ- between punch, blank holder and one side of the sheet metal
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390 385
surface. It was considered that periphery of the initial blank extensometer, and some accessories to control the pressure.
was fixed and there was no possibility of movement or rota- The pressure container had been designed to withstand the
tion. pressurized fluid and gave enough space for the deformed
specimen. A tightly screwed cover plate was used to close
2.6. Optimization procedures the container at the top. The punch penetrated through the
concentric hole in the cover plate. To seal the container an
After determination of the best process for production of the o-ring was used under the cover plate. Also a 2 mm flat rub-
shell fender (draw-in process) and defining applicable range of ber diaphragm was used under the cover plate for sealing the
the fluid pressure variation, forward sheet hydroforming sim- pressurized container.
ulations of the shell fender were carried out. The main aims
of these series of simulations were attempted, (i) to obtain an 3.2. Experimental procedure
optimum blank shape and size, (ii) to define the best position
of the punch, (iii) to determine the most efficient combina- At the beginning of the sheet hydroforming test, after locating
tion of fluid pressure and punch stroke and (iv) to study the the initial blank in the desired position and orientation on the
necessity of using additional tool (guide or semi-die device) for upper surface of rubber diaphragm, the cover plate was tightly
minimizing the defects that might occur in some parts of the screwed on the container and then the punch was inserted in
work piece. There are two main criteria for selecting the opti- the position. The entire test rig was placed on a die set, which
mum conditions; (a) strain distribution should be uniform as was positioned in a single action press. To move the heavy
much as possible; (b) strain should not exceed the maximum upper plate of die set, two hydraulic jacks were used. Using
allowable biaxial strain of the sheet material defined by FLD a pressure feeder, the fluid pressure in the container could
diagrams. Several simulations were carried out and based on be increased while the punch would be moved downward
the mentioned two criteria, the optimum manufacturing con- separately to form a complex part. During the deformation,
ditions of shell fender were defined. The results of simulations internal pressure could be recorded by a pressure gauge, which
will be presented in Section 4. was assembled across the feeding fluid line. Also the draw-
ing force and punch stroke could be recorded using a load
cell and extensometer, respectively. Finally, after shaping of
3. Experimental tools and procedure shell fender and stopping the movement of hydraulic press,
the fluid pressure was released and then the upper plate of
3.1. Experimental tools die set lifted using hydraulic jacks.
For experimental tryout, the blank sizes of 1/8 full scale uti-
Initially it should be point out that the experimental tools had lized in simulations were used for pure stretching and draw
been designed for studying the effect of parameters on form- in procedures. In the case of pure stretching condition, the
ing behavior of small size shell fender in laboratory testing as periphery movements of 150 mm diameter circular blanks are
a means of sheet hydroforming performance evaluation for constraint by the beads. While in the case of draw-in condi-
production of full size shell fender. All the tests were carried tion, the initial blanks were located in the desired position and
out using 40-t hydraulic single action press. A photograph and orientation on upper surface of the rubber diaphragm with
a schematic of the used equipment for hydroforming test are possibility of free movement of periphery of blank.
shown in Fig. 7. The designed experimental test rig consisted In the preliminary test series that had been carried out for
of a pressure container, cover plate, punch, guide, load cell, revealing the capabilities of pure stretching and draw-in pro-
Fig. 8 – The deformation of mesh for pure stretching of IF steel sheet to the depth of (a) 25 mm and (b) 30 mm compared with
(c) experimental results.
cedures, different sheet metals (low carbon steel sheet (St14), For evaluating the thickness and strain distributions in
IF steel sheet and 2024 aluminum sheet with thickness of specimen deformed by sheet hydroforming process in differ-
0.8 mm with mechanical properties shown in Table 1 were ent conditions, circular grid of 4 mm diameter was printed
used. In addition, various combinations of fluid pressure and on one face of sheet material. After deformation, the circu-
punch travel based on the simulations’ results were tested. lar grid transformed into ellipse and therefore strain could be
The fluid pressure varied from 0 to 20 MPa. The criterion for calculated based on the measurements of circular grid diam-
selection of the process parameters for further experiments eter change (ISO 12004, 1997). In all the experiments for every
was free tearing condition of the specimens. condition, three specimens were tested and the results were
In the next step after selection of optimum process con- reported.
ditions with regards to the preliminary experimental and
simulation results, the effect of using material flow controlling
device (semi-die or guide) with various designs were exam- 4. Results and discussion
ined. This device was also evaluated at various fluid pressures
and for different sheet materials during draw-in procedure of At first, it must be realized that which of the two processes,
sheet hydroforming process. In addition, the effect of using i.e. pure stretching or draw-in of sheet metal during hydro-
various steel sheets on the punch force in the case of apply- forming could lead to a sound shell fender. For answering
ing fluid pressure and without applying fluid pressure was this question, simulations of the mentioned cases were car-
investigated. ried out using commercial finite element software capable of
Fig. 9 – The pictures of (a) low carbon steel (St14) and (b) aluminum sheet deformed by sheet hydroforming set-up under the
condition of pure stretching.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390 387
Fig. 10 – Effective plastic strain distribution in sheet hydroforming of fender shell using low carbon (St14): (a) drawing and
(b) stretching.
simulating large deformation. In Fig. 8, as an example, the In the next step, sheet hydroforming of shell fender under
resulted deformation of mesh for pure stretching of IF steel the condition of draw-in was evaluated, both numerically
sheet to the depth of 25 and 30 mm was compared with the and experimentally. Results of simulation in this condition
experimental results. As illustrated, the deformation at the predicted possibility of manufacturing sound shell fender, if
nose of the punch was so concentrated that sound product suitable combination of fluid pressure and punch stroke were
could not be produced. Simulation and following experimen- used. If the selected fluid pressure at the beginning of defor-
tal evaluation for sheet hydroforming of aluminum and low mation was less than 7 MPa, too much wrinkling would appear,
carbon steel sheet (St14) in pure stretching condition led to while increasing of fluid pressure up to 15 MPa, helped in pre-
the same results. In Fig. 9 pictures of aluminum and low car- vention of wrinkling and further increase of fluid pressure had
bon steel sheet (St14) deformed using experimental set up no effect on the produced part. Based on the uniformity of
of sheet hydroforming are shown. As shown, deformation of strain distribution and lessening of biaxial strain from critical
these sheet materials under the condition of pure stretching value criteria, fluid pressure of 10 MPa was selected. For clari-
also lead to fracture. Therefore, sheet hydroforming under the fying the main difference between two procedures (stretching
condition of pure stretching for the production shell fender in and draw-in), the deformed meshes of low carbon steel (St14)
all rang of considered fluid pressure led to fracture and there- in two different conditions of sheet hydroforming have been
fore it was not considered practical for manufacturing of this compared in Fig. 10. Results of simulations show that even in
part. optimum fluid pressure of 10 MPa, producing sound part under
Fig. 11 – Path determined along the main length of the part for thickness measurements.
388 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390
Fig. 13 – Result of simulation for production of shell fender (a) with and (b) without using semi-die device.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s p r o c e s s i n g t e c h n o l o g y 1 9 8 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 381–390 389
5. Conclusion
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An experimental program has been carried out for hydroforming of stainless steel micro-tubes. Under
Received 16 July 2010 careful control, it was found that failure takes place randomly, which is significantly different from
Accepted 7 June 2011 observations of failure in hydroforming of macro-tubes, where failure loads and locations are predictable.
Available online 23 July 2011
This occurs because wall thinning of micro-tubes in forming processes is non-uniform, i.e. localized
necking takes place randomly. To investigate the localized thinning mechanism, an integrated crystal
plasticity finite element (CPFE) modeling system has been developed. In this paper, a simplified plane
strain CPFE model is presented and used to investigate the localized thinning and failure features in
Micro-mechanics modeling
hydroforming of micro-tubes. The crystal plasticity equations were implemented in the ABAQUS/Explicit
Crystal plasticity FE modeling FE code through a user-defined material subroutine, VUMAT. Single crystal, three-grain and polycrystal
FE models were generated to study the localized thinning/necking mechanism and the effect of differing
adjacent grain orientations, as well as the number of grains across the smallest specimen dimension, on
the necking features. It has been confirmed from the analyses that the localized thinning observed in
hydroforming of micro-tubes is significantly affected by the microstructure and grain orientations of the
Ó 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
0997-7538/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
68 W. Zhuang et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 31 (2012) 67e76
the feasibility of the hydroforming concept for the production of linearly to a maximum value of 400 MPa to ensure the blank material is
micro-tubes. This machine enables micro-hydroforming of tubular fully in contact with the die surface to form the desired part.
components having diameters between 0.2 and 1 mm. It is equip-
ped with a spindle driven pressure intensifier which enables the 2.2. Examination of the features of tube failure
application of up to 4000 bar internal pressure, the closing force
being realized by a hydraulic drive, and the axial punches being Roughly one hundred micro-tubes having the same initial and
moved by linear actuators with spindle gears. final geometry were formed using exactly the same hydroforming
Tests for the hydroforming of micro-tubes have been carried out parameters. Despite carefully controlling the process, failure
using the machine. The length of the stainless steel tubular workpiece occurred in random locations for most of the formed micro-tubes;
is 16 mm, and the outer diameters of the initial and formed tubes are examples are shown in Fig. 1. Visual inspections showed that
800 mm and 1030 mm, respectively. The experimental process is shown fracture took place in different locations, and in a random manner,
in Fig. 3b. At the beginning of the process the tube blank (800 mm) is before the die cavity was filled completely by the expanding tube.
placed into a die cavity (1030 mm) that corresponds to the final shape of To investigate the random failure features, microstructure exami-
the component. The dies are closed and the closing force applied while nation of the material was carried out to look at the relationship
the tube is internally pressurized by a liquid to expand the component. between grain size, as well as grain orientation distribution, and
Additionally the tube ends are axially compressed by sealing punches. the failure mode of the material.
The final tube is formed under the simultaneously controlled action of In order to examine the microstructure at the failure location,
internal pressure and axial force. The forming pressure is applied a formed micro-tube was cross-sectioned at the location of the
Fig. 3. Experimental setup for the hydroforming of micro-tubes. (a) Micro-tube hydroforming machine. (b) Micro-tube hydroforming tooling and test set-up.
70 W. Zhuang et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 31 (2012) 67e76
rupture using a micro-wire cutting technique. By mounting, pol- number of finite elements, Nel, within a single crystal grain
ishing and etching, the grains in a cross-section at the location of (a polycrystal is simply an assemblage of single crystals with
failure were revealed. Fig. 4 shows the sample, grains and grain displacement compatibility at the common boundaries). The a slip
boundaries at two locations in the cross section. First, it can be system is characterized by mai and saj . The number of slip systems
observed that the grain size is non-uniform in the vicinity of the and their orientations depends on the crystal lattice structure, e.g.
failure. Fig. 4c shows that the grain size is more uniform where no an FCC crystal has 4 independent primary slip planes, and each has
obvious localized necking has been observed; there is an average of 3 independent slip directions (i.e. a ¼ 1,2,.,12). At the beginning of
approximately 2 grains across the thickness at that location. deformation, sa ¼ 0 for all a, and the slip plane normals mai and slip
However, Fig. 4d shows some large grains close to the failure; in directions saj are the same for all of the elements within a single
some areas, only one grain across the thickness of the material can
crystal grain; the initial grain orientation is defined by VGRAIN
be observed. In addition, localized necking is evident at the internal
(introduced later) according to a probability distribution that
surface of the deformed tube, near the failure (Fig. 4d). Once
characterizes the polycrystal grain orientation distribution. When
localized necking occurs, failure takes place quickly. In the
plastic deformation occurs, mai and saj may have different values for
following sections, CPFE models have been created to study the
localized necking features observed in the micrographs. the elements within a grain (in the finite strain formulation
employed here; not the case when a small strain formulation is
3. Crystal viscoplasticity constitutive equations used). The use of mai and saj ensures that the same orientation is
assigned to all elements within a grain.
Crystal plasticity theories are used to represent the flow of Material strain hardening is specified based on the slip system
dislocations along slip systems in metallic crystals in terms of strain hardness, ga. The self, haa, and latent, hab, hardening moduli
resolved shear strains. In particular, crystalline slip is assumed to are defined by Asaro (1983) and Peirce et al. (1982), which are
obey Schmid’s law, i.e. the slipping rate g_ a in any particular slip directly related to accumulated shear strain g:
system a is related to the shear stress, sa, acting on that slip system.
The crystal plasticity theory used in this paper follows the pio- hab ¼ hðgÞhh0 sech2 jh0 g=ðgs g0 Þj a ¼ b (5)
neering work of Taylor (1938), Hill and Rice (1972) and Asaro qhðgÞ asb
(1983). The set of crystal viscoplasticity constitutive equations
used are summarized below: X
g¼ jga j (6)
sa ¼ mai sij saj (1) a¼1
Table 1
The values of the material parameters for Eqs. (1)e(6).
Fig. 8. A three-grain structure; the orientation of the large grains I and III are fixed and
the orientation of grain II varies.
factor (hence the resolved shear stress) is zero in the center of the
grain (a ¼ 45 ), and remains relatively small even at its outer
extents since the grain size is small (6 span). The influence of this
hard central grain causes the thinnest section to be located away
from the interfaces between the small grain and the two large
grains, i.e. the constraint of the small grain being difficult to deform
plastically is felt by the neighboring grains until a sufficient
distance away from that interface is reached (it is a compromise
between the central grain, grain II, and the adjacent grains, as
grains I and III would prefer to localize at the interfaces with the
central grain, where their resolved shear stress is largest). However,
as the orientation of the small grain was changed to 20 and 30 ,
the ratio tII/tmin reduced to 1.34 and 1.13, respectively. It can be
observed from Fig. 9a that grain II deformed more as its orientation
varied from 0 to 30 , demonstrating a reduction in the localization Fig. 9. The dependence of localized necking behavior on the variation of the orien-
of plastic strain in the grains adjacent to grain II. Fig. 9b shows the tation of grain II, as depicted in Fig. 8. (a) Strain and necking variations as the orien-
variation of tII/tmin with grain II orientation; the ratio tII/tmin tation of grain II changes. (b) Thinning behavior as a function of relative grain
approaches 1 as the orientation of grain II varies from 0 to 45 .
5.3. Deformation effects for polycrystalline micro-tubes progresses very quickly and leads to localized failure of the
Two cases were studied to investigate thinning for hydro- Fig. 10c shows the progression of thinning with deformation, t/
forming of micro-tubes with polycrystalline material microstruc- t0, where t0 is the initial thickness of the tube, for the three loca-
tures. In the two cases, the grain structures and grain orientations tions, A, B and C indicated in Fig. 10a and b, during the forming
of the tube blank were identical, but the degree of deformation was process. Location A represents the thinnest location and location C
different. This simulates the process of forming tubes with different the thickest. It can be observed that during the initial tube
final diameters from workpieces with the same initial diameter. expansion process, there is no obvious localized thinning taking
The initial dimensions and grain structure of the material blank are place. However, when the deformation progresses to a certain
shown in Fig. 5. For the first case (Fig. 10a), the radius of the die is extent (a deformation ratio above 1.05), more thinning occurs at
515 mm, thus, the ratio of final diameter to initial diameter, the location A. During the subsequent deformation, the localized
deformation ratio, is 1.3. For the case shown in Fig. 10b, the radius of thinning at A progresses very quickly and the thinning at location C
the die is 596 mm, hence the deformation ratio is 1.5. progresses slowly. This indicates that failure must take place at
Predicted localized thinning for the two cases is shown in location A. The other location of localized thinning, B, does not
Fig. 10a and b. It is clear that the wall thicknesses of the formed progress very much by the end of the deformation process as
tubes are non-uniform and the amount of localized thinning localization at A has taken over the deformation.
increases with deformation dramatically and non-proportionally. This localized thinning feature can be further demonstrated in
The ratios of the maximum and minimum values of wall thick- Fig. 11 for deforming the tube to the die with the radius of 596 mm
ness in Fig. 10a to those in Fig. 10b are 0.97 (31.9/32.9) and 0.64 (deformation ratio: 1.5). It should be noticed that the deformed
(13.7/21.4), respectively. It can be seen that the maximum value of tube is not perfectly circular before the material finally contacted
the wall thickness remains approximately the same as the defor- the die surface. Even if the maximum pressure is reached, some
mation progresses, but the minimum value of the wall thickness particular areas of the tube surface may have difficulty deforming
decreases sharply with further deformation. This indicates that to the die surface due to the slip systems of the grains. It can be seen
once necking (localized thinning) takes place at a location, it from Fig. 11a that once the necking takes place at specific locations,
74 W. Zhuang et al. / European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 31 (2012) 67e76
Fig. 11. Thinning progress in forming a micro-tube to a deformation ratio of 1.5. (a)
Field plots for the deformation history, and, (b) normalized thinning profiles for
different deformation ratios, where R is the average radius of the tube at the given
deformation ratio.
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The objectives of this research was to experimentally and numerically study the stamp hydroforming process
as a means for shaping aluminum alloy sheets. In stamp hydroforming, one or both surfaces of the sheet metal
are supported with a pressurized viscous 4uid to assist with the stamping of the part thereby eliminating the
need for a female die. The pressurized 4uid serves several purposes: (1) supports the sheet metal from the
start to the end of the forming process, thus yielding a better formed part, (2) delays the onset of material
failure and (3) reduces wrinkle formation. This paper focuses on the experimental and numerical results
of the stamp hydroforming process utilizing a 4uid pressure applied to one surface of the sheet metal. The
e7ects of applying a constant, varying and localized pressure to the surface of 3003-H14-aluminum sheet alloy
were evaluated. Experiments demonstrated draw depths improvements up to 31% before the material failed.
A failure prediction analysis by Hsu was also carried out to predict an optimal 4uid pressure path for the
varying 4uid pressure case. The commercial ;nite element analysis code Ls-Dyna3D was used to numerically
simulate the stamp hydroforming process. Both isotropic and anisotropic material models were used and their
predictions compared against the experimental results. The numerical simulations utilizing Barlat’s anisotropic
yield function accurately predicted the location of the material failure and the wrinkling characteristics of the
aluminum sheet.
? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sheet hydroforming; Stamping; Fluid forming; Fluid pressure; Failure; Tearing; Wrinkling; Material
1. Introduction
There are a multitude of parts, both in size and complexity that can be made from sheet metals,
usually produced in large quantities on mechanical presses. There are signi;cant expenses associated
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-517-353-0819; fax: +1-517-353-1750.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Pourboghrat).
0020-7403/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1816 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of the stamp hydroforming process
Improved drawability Applied pressure delays fracture onset
Low wear rate of tooling Eliminates contact between forming tools
Reduced thinning in ;nal part Pressure aids in the uniform distribution of strains
Signi;cant economic savings Eliminates the need for a female die and heating/curing oven
Environmentally friendly Consolidates multiple stamping operations, eliminates some ;nishing operations and
reduces scrap/waste
Optimized processing Better ;nish and all inclusive heating/forming/curing
Complex shapes Forms complex parts with convex contours
Cycle time Longer than traditional stamping
Temperature challenges DiIcult to maintain isothermal conditions throughout processing
Fluid pressure–punch stroke Optimal path may be part-speci;c
with the necessary tooling and the processes require a fair amount of ingenuity and skill to bring
the economic costs down to a suitable level. Numerous studies have been conducted on traditional
sheet stamping methods such as mechanical stretch forming and deep drawing, both methods that
require a male and female die for the proper forming of a ;nished part. McClintock [1] and Rice
and Tracey [2] conducted studies on sheet metals demonstrating a rapid decrease in fracture ductility
as a hydrostatic pressure, applied across the material, was increased. Clift et al. [3] and Hartley et
al. [4] demonstrated that for sheet metals, the use of a hydrostatic pressure prevented the initiation
and spreading of microcracks within the metallic material. Based on the success found using a
hydrostatic pressure to delay the onset of fracture, the idea of stamp hydroforming was investigated
both experimentally and numerically as a possible method for shaping aluminum and ferrous sheet
metals. The process of stamp hydroforming, unlike conventional stamping, involves supporting the
bottom of the sheet with a bed of viscous 4uid during the stamping process. This external support
provides a through-thickness compressive stress that delays the onset of tensile instabilities as well
as reduces the formation of wrinkles due to tensile frictional forces.
The advantages of the stamp hydroforming process are numerous and the process is receiving
signi;cant attention from both the automotive and aerospace industries. Advantages, illustrated in
Table 1, include improved formability of the blank due to the applied pressure by the 4uid, low wear
rate of dies and punch, a better distribution of plastic deformation when compared to conventional
stamping, signi;cant economic savings associated with the decreased tooling, and the potential for
reducing the amount of ;nishing work required [5].
A schematic of the hydroforming process, as shown in Fig. 1, represents a part that is being
formed by a hemispherical punch. At the start of the process the sheet is placed across the clamping
mechanism, as shown in Fig. 1(1). Fig. 1(2) shows the upper 4uid chamber lowered and the sheet
clamped securely between the two die halves, creating a seal for the upper 4uid chamber. The 4uid
is injected into the chamber and then pressurized. At this point in the process the punch begins to
travel into the sheet forcing it to take the hemispherical shape, ;nally deforming into a fully formed
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1817
Fig. 1. A schematic of the stamp hydroforming process with a hemispherical punch. (1) Material is placed on the draw
bead with the 4uid chamber in the raised position. (2) Fluid chamber is lowered and ;lled. Material held in place by
clamping mechanism. (3) Punch begins to move upward. Fluid pressure in chamber is controlled to force the material to
conform to the shape of the punch. (4) Fluid is drained. The 4uid chamber is raised and the punch is lowered to remove
the part.
part after the punch penetrates deeper into the blank, Fig. 1(3). As the punch begins to deform the
material the volume in the upper 4uid chamber decreases thereby causing the pressure to increase
due to its incompressible nature. This 4uid pressure serves two main purposes. First, it delays the
onset of material fracture as described earlier [1–4] and secondly, it forces the material to conform
much more closely to the shape of the punch than the parts formed without the resisting 4uid. The
latter causes a larger volume of the sheet to deform uniformly at a lower punch stroke, thus delaying
excessive thinning and postponing the onset of material fracture. Once the punch has reached the
prescribed draw depth, the 4uid is drained and the upper chamber removed, Fig. 1(4).
2. Hydroforming challenges
The challenges that are present during the stamp hydroforming process can be classi;ed into
two broad categories: material and 4uid pressure. The material challenge refers to the choice and
behavior of the sheet metal. One of the major obstacles concerns the delicate balance between
the 4uid pressure and the ductility of the material chosen for the hydroforming process. The 4uid
pressure needs to be high enough to stretch and bend the work piece through its radius of curvature
to conform to the shape of the punch, yet the material needs to be ductile enough to form without
1818 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Fig. 2. A generic curve illustrating the optimum 4uid pressure–punch stroke path for the stamp hydroforming process.
The second challenge is the relationship between the 4uid pressure and the punch stroke during
the process. As shown by Yossifon and Tirosh [6–10] 4uid pressures within the upper 4uid chamber
that are too high will cause the material to bend to the radius of curvature of the punch much
faster than the ductility of the material may allow. This will lead to premature rupturing of the sheet
metal. On the other hand, if the 4uid pressure is too low the sheet may not stretch enough during
the process and wrinkle. Therefore, there is the need to establish an upper and lower limit on the
4uid pressure, as it relates to the punch stroke, to determine an optimum 4uid pressure–punch stroke
path to ensure limited rupturing and wrinkling failures of the ;nished part. A generic curve is shown
in Fig. 2 to help illustrate this idea.
In the stamp hydroforming of sheet metals the diIculty lies in ;nding this appropriate 4uid
pressure–punch stroke path while avoiding rupture and wrinkling instabilities. Lo et al. [11] and Hsu
and Hsieh [12] performed a series of experiments and analyses that established this 4uid pressure–
punch stroke path for the stamp hydroforming of metallic hemispherical cups.
In this paper, the stamp hydroforming experiments that were conducted with 3003-H14-aluminum
sheet alloy and a common ferrous sheet metal purchased o7 the shelf from a local supplier will be
described. The signi;cance of this work is in its thoroughness in studying stamp hydroforming both
experimentally and numerically, as described below:
(A) Experimental studies:
(1) Types of deformation:
(a) Pure stretch.
(b) Draw-in.
(c) Combination of draw-in and pure stretch.
(2) Types of pressure loading:
(a) Fluid pressure applied to one surface of the sheet metal:
(i) Constant 4uid pressure.
(ii) Varying 4uid pressure.
(b) Pressure applied at the punch–sheet interface, using a vinyl sheet.
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1819
3. Experimental work
The experimental apparatus was built around an Interlaken 75 double action servo press, shown
in Fig. 3a, where the double action refers to the clamping mechanism moving independently of
the punch mechanism. The ability to independently control both the clamp and the punch a7ords
the opportunity for various modi;cations of the experimental procedure. The experimental process
started with a few modi;cations that were made to a limiting dome height (LDH) test setup, including
drilling ports for pressure measurement, removing the air during the ;lling process and for ;lling
and draining the 4uid chamber. Fig. 3b shows a picture of the in-house designed die that was used
to study the stamp hydroforming process.
Attached to the 4uid line is a regulator/controller that is used to accurately control the 4uid
pressure within the 4uid chamber as the sheet is deformed by the punch, as shown in Fig. 4. If the
pressure is too high, based on a user-de;ned pro;le, then the pressure in the system is reduced to
the appropriate level. If the pressure is too low then the regulator pulls additional pressurized 4uid
from a pressure vessel that is in-line with the rest of the system. A pressure intensi;er is used to
supply the necessary volume and pressure to the reservoir prior to the start of the hydroforming
The experimental procedure used vegetable oil as a resisting 4uid. Due to its incompressible
nature, as the punch began to deform the sheet metal, the volume in the 4uid chamber decreased
causing the pressure to increase. In the case of the 4uid pressure being applied to the topside of the
sheet, the 4uid pressure served two main purposes. Firstly, it delayed the onset of material fracture
as described earlier [1–4]. Secondly, the 4uid pressure forced the material to conform much more
closely to the shape of the punch than the parts formed without the resisting 4uid. The latter also
caused a larger volume of the sheet to deform plastically at a lower punch stroke, thus delaying
shear localization and postponing the onset of fracture.
The experimental setup was used to form 101:6 mm (4 in) diameter hemispherical cups using
3003-H14-aluminum alloy sheet and a common ferrous sheet material purchased o7 the shelf from
a local material supplier. The experiments that were conducted could be broken down into two
major categories: 4uid pressure applied from one side of the material, and a localized punch–sheet
contact region pressure applied using a stretchable vinyl sheet. It should be mentioned that in all
1820 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Fig. 3. (a) The modi;ed Interlaken servo press 75 used for the stamp hydroforming process. (b) the in-house designed
die set for the stamp hydroforming process with 4uid applied form one side of the draw blank [13].
the experiments the punch contacted the bottom of the sheet and the 4uid pressure was applied to
the top surface of the sheet (see Fig. 4).
Three di7erent types of experiments were performed using the 4uid pressure applied from one
side of the sheet metals:
(1) Evaluation of pure stretching.
(2) Allowing the material to draw-in.
(3) Combination of stretch and draw-in.
Each of the above three di7erent categories were further evaluated using the following pressure
Fig. 4. The regulator and controller system used for sheet hydroforming from one side.
3 16
Pressure (MPa)
1.5 8
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000
(a) Punch Displacement (mm) (b) Punch Displacement (mm)
Fig. 5. Experimental 4uid pressure curves. (a) Constant, (b) varying 4uid pressure pro;les.
Therefore, a total of nine di7erent combinations of experiments were conducted to evaluate the
sheet hydroforming process. Below, the results and signi;cant ;ndings of each test will be
1822 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Fig. 6. Example of material sag in unsupported regions when a constant 4uid pressure is applied on one side of the draw
blank material (gap exaggerated to illustrate e7ect).
Punch Force versus Displacement for 3003-H14 Aluminum Sheets under a constant fluid
pressure applied from one side of the material
Punch Force (N)
2758 kPa
1370 kPa
690 kPa
5000 0 kPa
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 7. Punch force versus displacement for 3003-H14-aluminum alloy sheet metal using a constant 4uid pressure applied
form one side of the draw blank, pure stretch experiments.
several pressure levels in order to quantify the upper bound of the 4uid pressure/punch stroke diagram
for the constant 4uid pressure, pure stretch experiments. Maintaining a constant 4uid pressure allowed
for an impressive increase in the forming depth of 12–31% over parts that were formed without the
resisting 4uid (i.e., conventional stamping). This improved formability could be attributed to several
factors, but is mostly caused by changes in the boundary conditions. One explanation could be that
when the sheet bulges in one direction (e.g., toward the punch) followed by a deformation in the
opposite direction, the in-plane and bending strains in the sheet will reverse, causing the sheet to
work harden. Depending on the amount of the work hardening, the resistance of the sheet to failure
will increase. Also, this reverse bending and stretching causes the entire sheet metal in the die cavity
to deform plastically and therefore strain localization over the punch surface will be delayed. Another
reason for the improved formability could be that when the initial bulging occurs it creates more
material in the die cavity to be deformed by the punch (see Fig. 6), in comparison with conventional
stamping where the length of the sheet in the die cavity is shorter (see Fig. 1(1)). As is discussed
in Section 5, this improved draw-depth was also observed in the numerical modeling.
Fig. 8. Wrinkling in the aluminum sheet after draw-in. (a) No 4uid pressure, (b) 70 psi 4uid pressure applied to the
topside of the sheet.
in the unsupported region (between the punch–sheet interface and the die corner region) increases,
resulting in the eventual wrinkling of the sheet metal in these regions.
Figs. 8a and b show the wrinkles that form in a sheet formed without (conventional stamping) and
with a 4uid pressure of 483 kPa (70 psi). The wrinkles initiate in the 4ange area (under the blank
holder) and gradually extend toward the center of the cup, as the draw depth increases. It was noted
that although the loading was symmetrical, the wrinkles occurred along one side of the sheet metal.
It was later found that this was caused by the anisotropic properties of the 3003-H14-aluminum alloy
sheet, as shown in Table 4. This table shows that the values of the parameter (R=t =w ) are di7erent
along the rolling (R0 ), transverse (R90 ) and 45◦ direction (R45 ). The R values for an isotropic sheet
metal would be 1.0 everywhere.
Overall, the application of the 4uid pressure from one side of the sheet did not help with the
wrinkling problem. In fact, to some extent the application of the 4uid pressure exacerbated it by
creating larger compressive stresses, as the unsupported sheet was pushed over the surface of the
punch. The wrinkling problem became proportionally worse with the increase in the 4uid pressure
applied to one-side of the sheet.
80000 Fe w/pressure
Punch Force (N)
70000 A l w/pressure
60000 Fe no pressure
A l no pressure
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
D isplacem ent (m m )
Fig. 9. Punch force versus displacement for both the Al and Fe sheet materials using a varying 4uid pressure applied
from one side of the sheet blank, pure stretch experiments.
not ironed out; in fact as the 4uid pressure was increased the wrinkling became more pronounced.
This was attributed to the increased compressive stresses in the hoop direction caused by the 4uid
pressure pushing the sheet over the punch surface, exacerbating the already wrinkled part.
In an attempt to explore di7erent design ideas, the process was conducted using a thin vinyl sheet
in place of the counteracting 4uid. The vinyl material was a stretchable material that was used to
simulate the e7ect of a localized hydrostatic pressure. As the punch moved into the sheet metal
the vinyl counteracted the motion and added a pressure at the location of the sheet metal that was
in contact with the punch. The goal of these experiments was to investigate the overall e7ect the
pressure has on the unsupported regions of the material during processing. Since the vinyl only
provided a counteracting force over the area of the material being shaped by the punch there was
no reverse bulging of the material within the unsupported regions of the sheet metal.
Fig. 10 illustrates the results achieved through the use of the localized pressure for the 3003-H14-
aluminum alloy sheets, while Fig. 11 represents the results for the ferrous sheets. In both cases the
use of the localized pressure increased the draw depth by 3–10%. This may indicate the advantages
of applying the 4uid pressure where only the punch and the sheet come into contact and will be
discussed further in Section 3.6.
By coating the punch with a thin layer of grease prior to forming, the surface area that contacts the
vinyl could be quanti;ed. Using this value an approximate equivalent pressure could be calculated
using the relationship between the forces applied by the punch and the surface area (P = F=A). For
the single vinyl sheet this was calculated as 148 kPa (21:5 psi), while the use of two vinyl sheets
was calculated as being equivalent to applying a 4uid pressure of 159 kPa (23 psi). Since the vinyl
sheet had no e7ect on the sheet metal that was not in contact with the punch then it was concluded
that this vinyl sheet was applying an equivalent 4uid pressure locally instead of globally. Therefore,
based on the increased draw depths achieved using a relatively low localized pressure, it could be
assumed that increases in the 4uid pressure, applied locally, should result in better formability of
the sheet metals.
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1827
No Vinyl
Punch Force (N)
1 Vinyl Sheet
2 Vinyl Sheets
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Displacem ent (m m )
Fig. 10. Force versus displacement for 3003-H14-aluminum sheets with a hydrostatic force applied by vinyl sheets, pure
stretch experiments.
Punch Force (N)
No Vinyl Sheet
1 Vinyl Sheet
2 Vinyl Sheets
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 11. Force versus displacement for ferrous sheet metal with a hydrostatic pressure applied by vinyl sheets.
1828 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Punch Force (N)
12500 Al No Vinyl
11500 Al 1 Vinyl
10500 Al 2 Vinyl
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 12. Results for the combination experiments performed on the 3003-H14-aluminum alloy sheet, using vinyl sheet to
apply a localized pressure at the punch–sheet interface.
For the draw-in experiments the vinyl sheets showed no discernible trend. The vinyl requires a
tight clamp at the edges of the sheet so that as the part is being formed the vinyl counteracted this
movement. Since the part was allowed to draw-in, the vinyl material moved along with the part and
therefore applied no counteractive pressure as the part was formed.
The use of the localized pressure was also investigated during the combination experiments. Results
for the aluminum alloy could be found in Fig. 12, while the results for the ferrous sheet are shown in
Fig. 13. For both materials increased draw depths of approximately 1.5 –3% were achieved through
the use of the small-localized pressures.
3.6. Fluid pressure applied from both sides of the sheet material
A new experimental die, illustrated in Fig. 14, was designed that o7ers several advantages over
the existing die design. The new die ;lls the sealed bottom chamber with 4uid that is equalized
with the 4uid in the upper chamber. As the pressure in the upper 4uid chamber increases due to the
volume change, the displaced 4uid will be forced into the bottom chamber thereby equalizing the
pressure between the chambers.
This equal pressurization on both sides of the sheet metal allows for the support of the material
that is not in contact with the punch and prevents the sheet from an uncontrolled bulging in these
regions. On the other hand, the new die design would still be able to o7er the increased formability
caused by reverse loading the sheet (see Fig. 7), through creating a di7erential pressure between the
top and bottom chambers. In the case of equal pressurization, the material that is in contact with the
punch will experience a pressure that is representative of the localized hydrostatic pressure applied
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1829
Punch Force (N)
Fe No Vinyl
Fe 1 Vinyl
20000 Fe 2 Vinyl
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 13. Results for the combination experiments performed on the ferrous sheet, using a vinyl sheet to apply a localized
pressure at the punch–sheet interface.
Fig. 14. The dual 4uid pressure die design that allows the pressurized 4uid to be applied on both sides of the sheet
metal [13].
1830 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
by the vinyl sheet, resulting in deeper draw depth prior to material failure. This new die design
should also be able to use 4uid pressures above the limiting 3848 kPa pressure with the current one-
sided die design. Results from the experiments conducted with this new die, 4uid from both sides
of the sheet metal, will be presented in future papers.
The 4uid pressure-spiking problem discussed before will be alleviated through the implementation
of a constant 4uid pressure reservoir in-line with the current regulator/controller. This constant source
will allow for better tuning of the controllers and will help eliminate any spikes that could occur
outside the error of the physical devices.
4. Theoretical analysis
The limit theorem of plasticity has been used by Hsu and Hsieh [12] to study the hemispherical
punch hydroforming process. Following their analysis, the limit (failure) pressure for the hemispher-
ical punch has been determined for the experiments described in Section 3.4.
A geometrical interpretation of the hydroforming process is shown in Figs. 15 and 16. The work-
piece under consideration is divided into three zones according to the deformed shape: The re-
gion where the workpiece stays contact-free from the die (zone I), the unsupported area (zone II),
and where the workpiece has been compressed onto the surface of the punch (zone III). In their
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1831
analysis, Hsu and Hsieh [12] used the Tresca yield criterion and considered the normal anisotropy
of the material. Below, the set of equations derived by Hsu and Hsieh [12] for hemispherical sheet
hydroforming will be given. For the axisymmetric problem, the polar equilibrium equation in the
rim area is
d t
(tr ) + (r − ) + f(P1 ) = 0; (1)
dx r
where r and are radial and hoop stresses, respectively, r is the polar coordinate, t is the thickness,
P1 is the blank holding pressure, f(P1 ) = 2P1 is friction stress, and is the coeIcient of friction.
From the incremental theory of plasticity due to Hill [15], equivalent strain-rate is
1+R 2 2R 2
˙e = √ (˙r ) + ˙r ˙ + (˙ ) ; (2)
1 + 2R 1+R
where ˙r ; ˙ correspond to strain rate components and ˙e is the e7ective strain rate, and R is the
normal anisotropy parameter. Solving the equilibrium equation for zone I:
b b
f(P1 ) 0 (rI )n Rn=2
rI (r) = dr + dr; (3)
a t a r
G(r; h; )
rI = ln ; (4)
2 1=2
r 2 2
− 1+ cos
a a
+ 2(1 − sin ) 1 −
G(r; h; ) = a ; (5)
+ 2 1 + − cos
a a 2
h h
+2 − − 1 HV − −1
a a a a
− − 160
−1 a a
= sin when ; (6)
− − 1¿0
a a
2(1 + R)
Re = ; (7)
1 + 2R
1832 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
h 1 when − − 1 ¿ 0
a a
Hv − −1 = : (8)
a a
0 when − − 1 6 0
a a
For zone II, with the continuity condition:
(a+) cos
0 (rII )n Rn=2
rII (r) = rI [r = (a + ) cos ] + dr; (9)
a r
F(r; h; )
rII = ln ; (10)
1 − sin + 1 + − − cos
a a 2
F(r; h; ) = 2a + (sin − cos ) (11)
h h
+ − − 1 HV − −1
a a a a
−1 (a + ) cos − r
= sin : (12)
When combining the instability criterion of anisotropic material under biaxial plane strain condition
and the power–law hardening relationship, the critical 4uid pressure causing rupture in the workpiece
can be determined by equating the critical stress to Eq. (9), which can be expressed as
2P1 [b − (a + ) cos ]
0 t
n+1 b n=2 G n
1+R R e ln r
n n
√ = + dr (13)
1 + 2R
(a+) cos r
(a+) cos n=2
Re ln Fr
+ dr
a cos r
n+1 1=2
n √1+R
2n 1+2R
= 1 + − 1; (14)
a PQ
where PQ is the normalized blank holding pressure. To solve Eq. (13) for the experiments described
in Section 3.3, a general numerical method was used to calculate for the limit (failure) pressure as
follows: The Newton–Raphson method was used to solve for the value of the 4uid pressure as
f(PQ n )
PQ n+1 = PQ n − (15)
f (PQ n )
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1833
b−a a + b + (b − a)x
f(t) dt = f d x: (18)
a 2 −1 2
The following values for the constants were used in the calculations (taken from the experimental
setup) (Table 2):
Fig. 17 shows the predicted limit (failure) 4uid pressure from the numerical analysis and the
variable 4uid pressure applied in the actual experiment. Rupture in the sheet occurred when the
Table 2
Data input to numerical analysis
n R 0 y BHF t A b
0.0476 0.89 0.13 95:0 MPa 202:4 MPa 482:2 MPa 1 mm 50:8 mm 88:9 mm
Fluid Pressure (Mpa)
2.0 Exprimental
Numerical Analysis
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
Punch Stroke (mm)
Fig. 17. Experimental 4uid pressure compared against numerical analysis from Ref. [12].
1834 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
pressure crossed the limiting “failure” pressure curve. This compares well with the results shown
in Fig. 32, for varying 4uid pressure case. Although the analytical model developed in Ref. [12]
can be used as a guide for choosing the limit (failure) 4uid pressure, its application is limited
to hydroforming of hemispherical cups formed by varying 4uid pressure. Furthermore, its results
cannot be applied to experiments conducted in Section 3.3, where constant 4uid pressure is applied
throughout the forming process, which resulted in maximum deformation prior to rupture (e.g.,
compare Figs. 7 and 32).
Therefore, to predict the limiting (failure) 4uid pressure for hydroforming of complex parts, the
FEA method must be used. In this paper, FEA of hydroforming of a 3003-H14-aluminum alloy
sheet was carried out using Barlat Yield 89 anisotropic yield function. This numerical analysis will
be presented next.
An important goal of this research is to determine an optimum method of production for a new
product. To achieve a better understanding of the deformation of the sheet metal during the forming
process, numerical analysis was employed. The goal was to aid in the prediction of the ;nal part
geometry, compare results against experimental data and to reduce the amount of trial and error asso-
ciated with the experimental aspect of the work. For the stamp hydroforming process the numerical
study was performed using the explicit ;nite element code, Ls-Dyna3D [17].
Two types of ;nite element models were used for this study: quarter- and full-model. Two types
of element were used for the blank, shell elements with 7 integration points through the thickness
and solid elements consisting of ;ve layers with 1 integration point through the thickness. The initial
models were created using UnigraphicsJ and imported as IGES ;les. HypermeshJ was then used
to create the ;nite element mesh, assigning the boundary conditions, and build the Ls-Dyna input
deck for the analysis. The full-size ;nite element shell model used approximately 10,500 four-noded
shell elements, while the quarter-model, illustrated in Fig. 18, used 4600 shell elements.
The punch, die, and the blank holder were created using rigid material. The sheet blank was ini-
tially modeled using the isotropic material number 18 in Ls-Dyna (*MAT POWER LAW
PLASTICITY). This is the von Mises yield function de;ned as follows:
! = 12 Sij Sij − 13 Q 2 ; (19)
where Sij is the deviatoric stress, and Q is the hardening law.
This material uses the Hollomon power–law hardening rule de;ned as
Q = k Q n ; (20)
where “k” is the strength coeIcient, and “n” is the work hardening exponent.
To determine the hardening coeIcients for the AA3003-H14 material, a uniaxial tensile test was
carried out. The results are reported in Table 3.
Fig. 19 shows the experimental true stress–strain curve for the material and the curve ;t with the
power–law hardening model using the calculated values of “k” and “n”.
The fully integrated shell element (ELEFORM #16) with 7 integration points through the thickness
was used in the modeling of the blank. To prevent draw-in, the blank holder was given a constant
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1835
Table 3
Aluminum alloy, 3003-H14, properties
force applied to its center of gravity (250 kN (56 kip)). Since the part has symmetric features, a
quarter-model was used for the same process, as shown in Fig. 18. In the quarter-model the edge
of the material on both forming axes (x; y) were constrained to enforce symmetry, while in the full
3D model no constraints were applied to the sheet.
Forming limit diagrams (FLD) displaying contour plots of the minor and major strains were used
to determine the locations, and the punch height, at which the sheet metal would fail due to tearing.
The Ls-Dyna code’s new post-processor has the ability to calculate the FLD plot and to project them
on the desired shell elements. This allows the location of the failure points to be easily determined.
To reduce the calculation time while maintaining accuracy, an adaptive meshing scheme was used.
In this scheme only those areas coming into contact are re;ned. The re;nement scheme uses an
angle change re;nement method with a maximum re;nement level of three. In addition, a one-pass
adaptivity with an approach criterion is used.
1836 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Fig. 19. Punch force versus punch displacement, using k and n values from Table 3.
Punch Velocity
Velocity (mm/ms)
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30
Time (ms)
Fig. 20. Punch velocity used for the ;nite element simulation.
The main goal of the numerical analysis was to verify the predictions of the hydroforming model
for the aluminum alloy. Once the accuracy of the numerical model is established, it could be used
as a design tool for other materials. Various examples were run including pure stretch (stamping),
draw-in, constant and varying 4uid pressure applied to one side of the sheet. Each of these cases
will be discussed next.
For the traditional stamping case the punch was given a trapezoidal velocity pro;le to ;t the curve
shown in Fig. 20 with a maximum punch speed of 2 mm=ms. The results of both the FLD-numerical
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1837
and experimental analysis for sheet stamping without pressure are shown in Fig. 21. The experimental
result shows that the material failure occurs at a stamping depth of 24:6 mm (0:969 in). For the
numerical result the FLD contour plot was used to determine the failure point. From the plot it was
determined that the initial failure would occur around the center of the sheet at a punch depth of
23:6 mm (0:93 in). This represents a 4% discrepancy between the experimental and the numerical
results, which for all practical purposes is acceptable.
Fig. 22 shows the punch force–displacement for the experimental and numerical analysis up to
the initial failure. It was noted that the experimental punch force was slightly higher than the
numerical predictions. The load cell used in the experimental investigations has a capacity of 311 kN
(70; 000 lbf ) with an error of 1%. If an error of less than 0.5% is assumed (1500 N (337 lbf )), and
this error is subtracted from the experimental data, then we get the results shown in Fig. 22 (Adjusted
force), which matches the numerical predictions very well.
5.2. Constant 3uid pressure applied to one-side of the sheet (pure stretch)
In the experimental procedure, the punch was ;rst raised until it touched the bottom of the sheet
and then stopped. Then, the 4uid pressure was increased to a desired value and kept constant at that
level before the punch was allowed to move up to deform the sheet. To simulate this in the numerical
model, the punch was controlled by the displacement pro;le shown in Fig. 23. The constant pressure
used in the simulation was ramped up over a time period of 7 ms. Similar to the experiments, at the
constant pressure level of 3448 kPa (500 psi), the numerical model predicted that the sheet would
fail, before the punch moves, along its corner radii due to strain localization (see Fig. 24).
In the experiments with a constant 4uid pressure of 2758 kPa (400 psi) it was found that the sheet
sometimes fails along the corner radii, as shown in Fig. 25, soon after the punch starts deforming
the sheet. With further investigation, it was found that due to an initial controller–regulator problem
in the experimental setup the 4uid pressure was not being kept at the desired constant level of
1838 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Numerical Vs. Experimental Without Pressure K=202, n=0.0475
Adjusted Force
Punch Force (N)
Punch Displacement (mm)
Fig. 22. Predicted and measured punch force versus punch displacement curve.
Punch Displacement
Z-Displacement (mm)
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00
Time (ms)
Fig. 24. FLD results. Failure is predicted at the edges for a 3448 kPa (500 psi) pressure.
Fig. 25. Pressure pro;le shown in Fig. 26 was applied to the topside of the sheet. Failure occurred at a draw depth of
0:32 in.
2758 kPa (400 psi), but instead was ramping up from 2758 kPa (400 psi) to 7000 kPa (1015 psi).
Fig. 26 shows the actual 4uid pressure curve, which was applied to the sheet, resulting in the
premature sheet failure, as shown in Fig. 25. To verify the robustness of our numerical modeling, it
1840 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Pressure (kPa)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Time (ms)
Fig. 26. The actual pressure pro;le applied to the topside of a 3003-H14-aluminum sheet alloy.
was decided to apply the same pressure pro;le (Fig. 26) to the blank, modeled with solid elements,
and to calculate the punch height and location where the sheet fails, using plastic strain data. Fig. 27
shows the corresponding plastic strain contours developed on the upper surface (where the pressure
was applied) and the bottom surface of the hydroformed sheet metal. The model predicts that the
aluminum sheet would fail at its corner radii on the top (Fig. 27a). This compares very well with
the actual failure location observed in the experiments (Fig. 25). The numerically predicted punch
height at the failure point was 6:6 mm (0:26 in), which faired well against the experimental punch
height of 8:1 mm (0:32 in).
In pure stretch experiments, with constant 4uid pressure maintained throughout the whole process,
a signi;cant increase in the punch depth, before failure, was noticed (see Fig. 7). The numerical
model also predicts higher punch depths, before failure, when constant pressure is applied to the
topside of the sheet. Fig. 28 shows the numerical punch force–displacement plots, up to the failure
point, for several constant 4uid pressures. It is obvious that compared to conventional stamping
(no 4uid pressure), the hydroformed aluminum sheet reaches signi;cantly deeper punch depths,
before it fails. This increase in the punch depth improves with increasing the 4uid pressure, up to
a maximum value of 2758 kPa (400 psi). Fig. 29 shows the failure punch depth–pressure plot for
both the experiments and the numerical simulations. Fig. 30 shows the experimental and numerical
punch force–displacement curves for the case of constant 4uid pressure of 2758 kPa (400 psi), up to
the failure point. Besides the obvious improvement in the failure punch depth, the pressurized 4uid
also forces the sheet to better conform to the shape of the punch, resulting in a better-formed part
and a possible reduction in the springback, as shown in Fig. 31 (Fig. 32).
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1841
Fig. 27. Plastic strain contours, predicted with a solid model, for a 3003-H14-aluminum sheet alloy after the pressure
pro;le in Fig. 26 was applied to its topside. (a) Topside of the sheet, (b) bottom side of the sheet. Results clearly match
the failure location observed in the experiment, Fig. 25.
Numerical Punch Force vs. Displacement for 3003-H14 Aluminum Sheets Under a
Constant Fluid Pressure Applied From One Side of The Material
2758 Kpa (400psi)
2069 Kpa (300psi)
Punch Force (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Punch Displacement (mm)
Fig. 28. Numerical punch force–displacement results for 3003-H14-aluminum alloy sheet at constant 4uid pressures applied
to the topside of the sheet.
1842 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Poly. (Numerical)
Failure Depth (mm)
Poly. (Experimental)
20 520 1020 1520 2020 2520 3020
Pressure (Kpa)
Fig. 29. Failure depth versus pressure results for 3003-H14-aluminum alloy sheet. Comparison between experiment and
numerical results.
In the case of varying 4uid pressure, the pressure was applied to the top surface of the sheet
incrementally up to 14:4 MPa (2080 psi). In the numerical simulation, the punch was given a velocity
pro;le (Fig. 20), since in the experiments the punch was not stopped during the process of applying
the 4uid pressure. The 4uid pressure pro;le applied in the numerical analysis was taken from the
experimental data (see Fig. 5b). The timing of the pressure pro;le was changed in order for it to be
applied in the numerical analysis. Fig. 30 shows the predicted punch force, before failure, matching
the experimental values very well (3% error).
Fig. 33 shows the resulting part when hydroforming experiments with draw-in were performed. It
is clear from Fig. 33, that the material is anisotropic and wrinkling occurs along the rolling direction
of the sheet. Initially in the numerical analysis, the von Mises isotropic material model (material
number 18 in Ls-Dyna: ∗MAT POWER LAW PLASTICITY) was used. Fig. 34 shows the resulting
deformed shape of the sheet using this material model. From this ;gure the isotropic nature of this
material model is clear, since the wrinkles occur along both axes of the material.
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1843
Punch Force (N)
5000 Experimental
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 30. Punch force versus punch displacement for the 400 psi constant 4uid pressure.
Fig. 31. Part shape comparison between: (a) conventional stamping (no 4uid pressure), and (b) a hydroformed sheet with
a constant 4uid pressure of 2758 kPa (400 psi) applied to its topside. Besides improved formability, the hydroformed part
conforms to the shape of the punch more closely too, possibly resulting in a reduced springback.
Barlat and Lian [16] developed an orthotropic material model for anisotropic sheet metals with
plane stress conditions. This material model uses the Lankford parameters (R0 ; R45 and R90 ) for the
de;nition of anisotropy as follows:
! = a|K1 + K2 |m + a|K1 − K2 |m + c|2K2 |m − 2Q m ; (21)
1844 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
x + hy
K1 = ;
x + hy 2
K2 = + p2 +2xy : (22)
The anisotropic material constants (a; c and h) are obtained through the R0 ; R45 and R90 as
follows (17):
R0 R90
a=2−2 ;
(1 + R0 )(1 + R90 )
c = 2 − a;
R0 (1 + R90 )
h= : (23)
R90 (1 + R0 )
The anisotropy parameters (R0 ; R45 and R90 ) are determined from uniaxial tensile tests performed
in 0◦ , 45◦ and 90◦ measured from the rolling direction of the sheet. An iterative method is used to
;nd the “p” value. This particular material model is used in Ls-Dyna to simulate the anisotropic
behavior of the material (Material #36 in Ls-Dyna: ∗MAT 3-PARAMETER BARLAT). The material
properties for the AA3003-H14 used in this simulation are shown in Table 4 below.
Experimental, Variable
Punch Force vs. Displacement
Punch Force (N)
0 5 10 15 20
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 32. Punch force versus punch displacement for varying 4uid pressure.
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1845
Fig. 33. Experimental results for the draw-in case with 4uid pressure of 70 psi applied to the topside of the sheet.
Fig. 34. Numerical draw-in simulation using an isotropic material model in LS-Dyna.
1846 M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848
Table 4
Material properties for 3003-H14 using Barlat model
Fig. 35. Numerical draw-in simulation using an anisotropic material model (Barlat YLD-89) in LS-Dyna. A better com-
parison with the experiments (Fig. 33) could be seen.
Fig. 35 shows the resulting deformed shape of the sheet using this anisotropic material model. It
is clear that the numerical model correctly predicts the wrinkling behavior of the aluminum sheet
when utilizing Barlat’s material model.
M. Zampaloni et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 45 (2003) 1815 – 1848 1847
6. Conclusions
A total of nine di7erent combinations of experiments were conducted to evaluate the sheet hy-
droforming process. These experiments included studying the e7ect of boundary condition (i.e.,
pure-stretch, draw-in and their combinations) and pressure loading (i.e., constant and varying 4uid
pressure and a localized pressure applied using a vinyl sheet) on the deformation of 3003-H14-
aluminum sheet alloy. Overall, the experimental results show that the sheet hydroforming process
is a viable processing method that deserves some additional attention based on the signi;cant ad-
vantages that it provides in potential cost savings (no female die needed), improved formability
and part shape accuracy. Further experimentation is needed, however, in order to validate the die
design that accounts for the dual 4uid pressures applied to the upper and lower surfaces of the sheet.
In addition, the investigation into the wrinkling and rupturing characteristics needs to be continued
and a characteristic punch stroke/4uid pressure path should be determined to minimize the occur-
rence of these instabilities. The numerical analysis of the hydroforming process with the commercial
;nite element code Ls-Dyna 3D seems to capture the failure and wrinkling characteristics of the
3003-H14-aluminum sheet alloys very well. The accuracy of the numerical predictions, however,
is very sensitive to the material properties of the sheet metal. Accurate material characterization
methods are required to ensure that the model can accurately capture the deformation behavior of
the material.
The authors wish to thank the Manufacturing Research Consortium at Michigan State University
and its member companies GM and Ford for providing the funding support for this research work.
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Hyae Kyung YI 1, Hong Sup YIM 1, Gun Yeop LEE 1, Sung Mun LEE 1, Gi Suk CHUNG 2, Young-Hoon MOON 1
1. Engineering Research Center for Net Shape and Die Manufacturing, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea;
2. Technical Research laboratories, POSCO, Jeonnam 545-090, Korea
Received 21 April 2010; accepted 10 September 2010
Abstract: The friction coefficient between tube and die in guide zone of tube hydroforming was obtained. In hydroforming, the tube
is expanded by an internal pressure against the tool wall. By pushing the tube through tool, a friction force at the contact surface
between the tube and the tool occurs. In guiding zone, the friction coefficients between tube and die can be estimated from the
measured axial feeding forces. In expansion zone, the friction coefficients between tube and die can be evaluated from the measured
geometries of expanded tubes and FE analysis.
Key words: tube hydroforming; friction coefficient; lubricant; axial force; internal pressure
1 Introduction
Fig.4 Friction coefficient distribution with different lubricants Fig.5 Friction coefficient distribution with different lubricants,
at internal pressures (STKM11A) diameters and internal pressures
4 Conclusions
Technical paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Sandwich panels are commonly used in various applications to improve the stiffness-to-weight ratio of
Received 4 September 2012 structure components. While producing flat sandwich panel is relatively straightforward, manufacturing
Received in revised form 17 January 2013 of shaped sandwich components can be a challenging task. This paper presents the use of hydroforming
Accepted 29 January 2013
technique in forming bi-layered and sandwich materials with an open-cell foam core. Hydraulic bulge
Available online 17 March 2013
experiments were conducted to form bi-layered and sandwich blanks into a dome shape. Various failure
modes were observed from the experiments. Finite element simulations were conducted to understand
the different failure mechanisms that could occur during the deformation process. The investigation
Sandwich panels can facilitate the selection of geometry and property of the constituents of the sandwich material for
Failure analysis successful hydroforming.
© 2013 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction with metal face sheets and perforated sheet metal core. The exper-
imental results showed that, due to bending, the dominant failure
Light-weight sandwich panels are commonly used in various mechanism is core shear. From numerical analysis, it was also found
industries to improve the stiffness and reduce the weight of struc- that the required core shear strength is proportional to the face
ture components. In aviation and aerospace industry, sandwich sheet strength. Jackson et al. [3] conducted experiments in incre-
panels are widely adopted in body and airfoil design of the air- mental forming of sandwich panels. With the loading from the
craft to obtain a better stiffness to weight ratio. In automotive forming tool, the soft core was non-uniformly deformed. From the
industrial, sandwich panels are designed as shock-absorbing and previous work, it can be observed that while forming sandwich pan-
impact-resistant materials in racing car. These sandwich panels els, the high contact force between the tool/die and the sandwich
generally consist of metal face sheets, such as steel or aluminum blank generally results in crushing or fracture of the lower strength
sheets, and a porous light-weight core, such as a honeycomb or core material.
metal/polymer foams. In order to prevent damage of the open cell foam core while
While producing flat sandwich panels is relatively simple, man- forming shaped sandwich panels, sheet hydroforming technique
ufacturing of shaped sandwich panel can be costly and time can be considered. In the automotive industry, sheet hydroforming
consuming. The face sheets are formed in a stamping press first. The process is used to produce components with complicated shapes
shaped core is then produced from expensive machining or mold- that are difficult to form using traditional stamping processes. In
ing process. Finally, an adhesive bonding operation is required to sheet hydroforming, the hydraulic fluid can uniformly exert pres-
assemble the face sheets and the core. sure on the workpiece surface. The technique could reduce tooling
An alternative to the traditional approach is to produce flat contact, avoid excessive localized deformation, reduce springback,
sandwich panels first and then forms the panels into the desired and improve the part strength. Sheet hydroforming has been widely
shapes. The approach, however, generally results in the collapse studied. Hill developed an analytical model to describe the defor-
of foam core. Elzey and Wadley [1] analyzed the open die forg- mation of the metal sheet in a bulge test [4]. Chakrabraty et al.
ing of structural sandwich with porous core. It was shown that improved Hill’s work by including hardening coefficient. The effects
the deformation process can lead to a non-uniform core density of work hardening on the thickness and the dome height are also
and thickness distribution (indication of core collapse). Mohr [2] investigated [5]. Shang et al. developed a model to predict the influ-
conducted deep drawing experiments using thin sandwich blanks ence of the die radius on sheet hydroforming [6]. They also found
that allowing draw-in of the flange can improve the formability
of the sheet metal [7]. Hein et al. presented the forming mech-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial anisms at different areas in free hydroforming of a single blank
Distribution, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. Tel.: +1 979 845 4903. [8]. Controlling the blank holder force to improve the formability
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Wang). of the sheet was reported by Shulkin et al. [9]. A comprehensive
1526-6125/$ – see front matter © 2013 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Wang, C.-K. Yang / Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15 (2013) 256–262 257
to the adhesive bond, the core material and the bottom sheet could
be formed into the upper die cavity.
2. Hydroforming experiments From the experiments, it was observed that limited deformation
was achieved in bulge forming of sandwich blanks. The bi-layered
To produce shaped panels, bi-layered blanks (Fig. 1a) and sand- panel, on the other hand, can be deformed into a deeper dome
wich blanks (Fig. 1b) with open-cell foam core are used in the shape. That is, while the top face sheet was stretched, the foam
hydroforming experiments. The premise is that during the form- blank was “pulled” and deformed with the face sheet. During hydro-
ing process, the hydraulic fluid is allowed to flood the pore of the forming, the fluid can flow into the porous open cell foam core.
open-cell foam without collapsing the foam core. Fig. 2 depicted the Thus, no foam damage (collapsing of foam core) was observed. The
process. Fig. 2a showed that the upper face sheet was first clamped. failures in forming the bi-layered and sandwich specimens can be
Then the hydraulic fluid can fill the sealed chamber without dam- classified into three categories.
aging the foam core. In Fig. 2b, with continuous increase of the The first type of failure is top face sheet fracture. It can be
hydraulic pressure, the upper face sheet can be deformed. And due detected from a sudden pressure drop. The fracture location can
258 J. Wang, C.-K. Yang / Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15 (2013) 256–262
Fig. 3. Fracture occurred at the top face sheet. understanding of the failure mechanisms. Hydroforming of differ-
ent bi-layered and sandwich panels were analyzed using ABAQUS
be at the radius of the clamping die or at the area near the edge to investigate the effects of material properties and bonding
of the foam blank as shown in Fig. 3. As the top face sheet was strength on the success or failure of the process. Due to the sym-
stretched over a hard corner (the die radius or the edge of the foam), metry, an axisymmetric model was used to simulate the sandwich
the deformation was localized and the fracture occurred. No frac- panels (as shown in Fig. 6) and the bi-layered panels. The linear
ture near the pole of the dome was observed as the area was more hybrid element was utilized in the foam and face sheets, and the
uniformly deformed. cohesive elements COHAX4 was adopted in the adhesive layer. The
Delamination between face sheet and foam blank was observed hydraulic fluid can pass through the edge of the open cell foam
in many experiments, especially in forming sandwich panels. It was and flood the pores. The pressure loading of ramping up to 2 MPa
found that delamination can take place between the top face sheet was applied on the inner surface of the top face sheet for both the
and the foam (Fig. 4), or between the bottom face sheet and the bi-layered and sandwich panels. The friction coefficient for the con-
foam. The different failure modes could be due to the difference in tacts between sheet metal, foam, and the die/holder was assigned
bonding strength at the two interfaces. It should be noted that the to 0.1.
sandwich blank can delaminate into three separate pieces at the
end of the experiment. Finite element simulations were conducted
3.1. Material parameters
(and presented in the next section) to investigate the different fail-
ure mechanisms.
In the simulation, 0.8 mm thickness aluminum 5052 sheet was
The third failure mode was the circumferential buckling of the
selected as the material of the face sheet. The mechanical prop-
bottom face sheet. The failure can occur without complete delam-
erties of aluminum 5052 were considered isotropic material and
ination initially. As the sandwich panel was further deformed,
the elastic/perfect plastic material model was assumed to describe
separation of the foam blank from one of the face sheets can be
the constitutive behavior of the material. For aluminum 5052, the
observed. Fig. 5 shows that, along with the foam blank the buck-
Young’s modulus, yielding strength, and the Poisson’s ratio are set
led bottom face sheet was separated from the top face sheet.
at 70.3 GPa, 89.6 MPa, and 0.33, respectively.
It is believed that the buckling was due to the induced hoop
The open-cell foam, Duocel (from ERG Aerospace Corporation),
stress and the non-uniform adhesive strength at the interface
has 8% relative density. The matrix of cells and ligaments is com-
between the bottom face sheet and the foam blank. As this failure
pletely repeatable, regular, and uniform throughout the entirety
mode was not common and was resulting from defects in speci-
of the material. The properties of the foam are shown in Table 1
men preparation, it was not further studied in the finite element
The mechanical properties of foam materials have been widely
studies [13–17]. In order to investigate the effects of foam prop-
3. Finite element analysis erties on the results of hydroforming process, the constitutive
model developed by Gibson and Ashby [13] was adopted. The
As various failure modes were observed in the experiments,
finite element simulations were conducted to obtain a better
Fig. 4. Delamination between the top face sheet and the foam blank. Fig. 6. Finite element model of a sandwich panel.
J. Wang, C.-K. Yang / Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15 (2013) 256–262 259
Table 1
Mechanical properties of Duocel foam (8% relative density) [12].
= C1 (1)
Es s
Fig. 7. The normal stress and displacement of the adhesive bond between the face
pl ∗ 3/2 sheet and the foam.
= C2 (2)
ys s debonding of the adhesive. Hence, the energy toughness Gnc can be
where Es , S and ys are the Young’s modulus, density, and yield approximated as
strength of the raw material in foam, respectively, and * is the 1 1 2
density of the foam. C1 and C2 are geometry related constants. Gnc = ı = (5)
2 2 Ẽ/t
From the experimental data [13], the values of the constants are
recommended that C1 = 1 and C2 = 0.3. The Poisson ratio of open- where t is the thickness of the adhesive and Ẽ is the modulus defined
cell foam was 0.3. The open-cell foam was also assumed to have as Ẽ/t = /ı. For simplicity, the behavior of the adhesive in the first
an elastic-perfect plastic behavior during the analysis. In the finite and the second shear directions was assumed the same as that of the
element hydroforming simulations, the aluminum Al6101-T6 used normal direction in the present study. The base case properties of
as the raw material of foam has the properties of Es = 68.9 GPa and the adhesive are given in Table 2. To investigate different potential
ys = 193 Mpa. The relative density of the foam was set at differ- failure modes, a number of different adhesive strength values were
ent values from 8% to 24%. The htydrostatic pressure effect on the used in the simulations.
mechanical property of the open cell foam was not considered. In the finite element analysis, once the energy failure criterion,
Eq. (3), is satisfied in a cohesive element, the element is not able to
take any further load, and then the element is removed to depict
3.2. Cohesive zone model
the delamination.
Fig. 11. Bottom face sheet delamination in hydroforming of sandwich panels with
Fig. 8. Delamination in hydroforming of bi-layered panels. a lower strength in the bottom adhesive.
mostly near the edge of the foam block. As a result, the top face sheet
fracture can easily occur. If the top face sheet has a high strength
to delay fracture, the delamination of the bottom face sheet can
occur. For the model in Fig. 11, the foam density is 8%; and the
adhesive strengths are 6.0 MPa and 1.5 MPa for the top and bot-
tom interfaces, respectively. As can be observed in the figure, the
delamination, due to insufficient adhesion strength at the bottom
interface, was initiated near the perimeter/edge of the foam and
sheet metal blanks. The delamination can shift to the top interface
only when the adhesion strength at the bottom interface is much
stronger than the adhesion strength at the top.
Compared to forming bi-layered panels (Fig. 8), a lower dome
height was obtained when forming sandwich panels (Fig. 10) given
the same material properties for the face sheet, adhesive, and foam.
In the analysis, the foam is not evaluated for damage as no failure
criterion for the foam was specified.
Fig. 9. Face sheet fracture in hydroforming of bi-layered panels.
As shown earlier, the mechanical properties of the foam is deter-
mined by its relative density. For low relative density (i.e. 8%), the
delamination was initiated at the bottom interface. The upper inter-
to be considered. Since no deformation limit is specified for the face can then delaminate at a later stage. A high relative density
elastic-perfect plastic foam model, no foam failure was predicted. leads to a high Young’s modulus, which in turn makes the foam
The result is in agreement with the experiments that, although difficult to bend. As a result, shown in the simulation, the bottom
the ligaments of the foam were plastically deformed, no significant interface was not subject to significant stress, and the delamination
damage was noted. occurred at the top interface first.
4.2. Failure modes in hydroforming sandwich panels 4.3. Parametric study in hydroforming of bi-layered panels
From finite element simulation, it was found that the defor- The effect of the foam’s relative density on the attainable dome
mation behavior of sandwich panels was different from that of height in the bulge test of bi-layered panels was further investi-
bi-layered panels. The model in Fig. 10 has a foam density of 8% gated quantitatively. The maximum dome height at the onset of
and an adhesive strength of 1.5 MPa for both top and bottom inter- delamination was plotted against the adhesive strength for the
faces. The figure shows the bottom face sheet provides high bending foam blank with 8%, 16% and 24% relative density. Fig. 12 shows
rigidity and thus the deformation of the top face sheet took place the plots in three sizes of foam diameters, 101.6 mm, 127.0 mm, and
152.4 mm. The filled mark presented the final dome height without
delamination at 2 MPa maximum hydraulic pressure.
It can be seen that the gain in the dome height due to the
improved adhesion strength was initially significant (large slop) for
panels with low relative density foam. Also note that panels with
high relative density foam required a stronger adhesive strength
to carry the foam during the hydroforming process to achieve a
specified dome height (e.g. a horizontal line at 10 mm). It can also
be observed that for a given adhesive strength (e.g. a vertical line
at 3 MPa), a panel with a higher relative density foam (24%) had
a lower dome height compared to a panel with a lower relative
density foam (8%). To reach a certain dome height, the difference
of the required adhesive strength between each foam density was
decreased with increased foam diameter as observed from Fig. 12a
through c.
Fig. 10. Face sheet fracture near the edge of the foam in hydroforming of a sandwich For low relative density foam (8%), the effect of foam diame-
panel. ter is further illustrated in Fig. 13. Without curve fitting, the data
J. Wang, C.-K. Yang / Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15 (2013) 256–262 261
Fig. 13. The maximum attainable dome height vs. adhesive strength for blanks
different foam diameter for bi-layered panels.
5. Conclusion
Fig. 12. Maximum attainable dome height vs. adhesive strength for foam with 8 mm The work was supported by a grant from National Science Foun-
thickness and different diameters (D) for bi-layered panels: (a) D = 101.6 mm, (b) dation (CMMI-0825986). The authors would like to thank Professor
D = 127 mm, and (c) D = 152.4 mm.
Farhang Pourboghrat at Michigan State University for conducting
some of the experiments.
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