XT1672 32gb version (also works with XT1670 XT1671 and XT1676)
Download mmcblk0 image from here
Thanks to @jcbotelho for providing image
Freshly formatted microSD card of at least 32gb
Linux mint live usb/dvd
USB card reader
The BEST method to flash the sdcard with mmcbk0.img file is to use LINUX!
Windows user have no need to install Linux in pc, you can run Linux from a bootable usb-stick
or pendrive that is at least 8gb
0) Put the Moto g5 on mains charge until you have finished flashing the sdcard so it's fully
charged ready for the boot test!
1) Run linux, preferable cinnamon or mate versions of linux Mint
2) Insert the sdcard in pc or card reader and open "Disks" app
3) In "Disks" app select sdcard and you will see the sdcard partitions
4) Press "-" to delete the partition (delete all partitions if there is more than one)
5) Press "+" to create a new one and name it mmcblk0, set FAT(FAT32) file format and press
6) Press "Play" button to mount the sdcard, look to see what path the sdcard has (/dev/sd??)
and then close the "Disks" app
7) Go to Desktop, open "Computer" and navigate to the location when the img file is extracted
8) Open the window where img file is with root (right click on window and select "open as root")
9) In root window open the Terminal (right click on window and select "open terminal")
no need to type "su" in terminal, it has root already (see notes if using Linux live usb/dvd)
10) Type in terminal the comand written below and dont forget to eliminate that "1" from the
sdcard path,
that "1" can make the differnce betwen phone boot or not!!!!!
Things to note
Linux Live dvd doesn't have open as root so just open in terminal and add sudo to the start of
the commands
I've included this in the commands below
If you get a status error just remove status=progress from the terminal command below
Terminal comands
- if your sdcard is seen like " /dev/sdb1"
in terminal aply that comand:
sudo dd bs=4M if=mmcblk0.img of=/dev/sdb status=progress oflag=sync
If you get a size error of the sdcard in terminal you have to change the sdcard and try again!
Once you have firmware that is the same or newer than your current version you can remove
the sd card and run these commands (assuming you have fastboot all setup on your pc)
Imei fix
If your imei is 0 then follow instructions from here
You should be able to restore stock after & keep imei