Stage Design: Rubric For Art

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Stage Design : Rubric for Art


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Design details The design The design The design is Historical and
captures the somewhat based on the cultural details
\"flavor\" of the captures the logical principles are missing from
play or topic by \"flavor\" of the of design, but the design.
including several play or topic by has little
details that including a few \'flavor\".
accurately reflect details that
the period, reflect the period,
culture or theme. culture or theme.
Design concept Student turns in a Student turns in a Student turns in a Student turns in a
complete, complete, complete design partial design
interesting, and interesting design concept, but concept.
completely concept and lacks a rationale.
justified rationale rationale, but the
for their design rationale needs to
concept. be expanded.
Neatness of Renderings look Renderings look Renderings look Renderings are
Renderings professional. clean, with like they have dirty , smudged,
Clean, neat, no barely noticeable been revised and creased.
creases. Could be smudges and frequently with a They have not
placed in a creases. few noticeable been done with
working eraser marks and pride.
portfolio. creases. Needs
redoing to put in
Group Helps group stay Participates in Participates in Does not
Participation focused and group activities group activities. particpate
contributions willingly, Did not distract willingly
greatly helped the contributing others. AND/OR
group achieve its some valuable distracts others
goals. work and/or from their task.

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