Policies and Procedures On Outsourced Ancillary Services

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To ensure the quality of outsourced diagnostic services, Mansaiay Medicare Hospital shalt only outsource routine
Laboratory Examinations from Laboratories in which it has signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with.

An ancillary procedure/test is requested by physician following an out-patient consultation. The patient presents the
laboratory request/s to the laboratory. The laboratory personnel (medical technologist/ laboratory aide) scrutinizes the
request and verifies pertinent patient information, informs the patient about the relative cost of the outsourced test and
directs the patienf/s to the laboratory/laboratories on which the outsourced test/s is available. If test/s needs special
preparation or is run only on certain day of the week, the laboratory personnel is instructs patient of the test preparaiion/s ,
checks the date/time of the outsourced test from the published schedule of the outsourced laboratory and informs fhe
pattern of the date/ttme of the availability of the said test/s.

Ancillary procedure/test is requested by physician on a patient admitted in the hospital ward. The nurse carries out
physician’s orders relative ta laboratory test to be requested. The nursing attendant presents the laboratory request/s to
the laboratory.

The laboratory personnel (medical technologist/ laboratory aide) verifies pertinent patient information and scrutinizes the
request for the type of outsourced test.

Medical Technologist goes to fhe ward, identifies fhe patient and collects the needed specimen. If test/s needs speciat
preparation, patient is instructed of fhe test preparatian/s.

The specimen/sample is brought to the laboratory for processing (according to the required preparation/procedure of
the outsourced laboratory) and the blood component's is collected by another staff on duty by fhe same personnel (if no
available staff is on duty}. The blood component/s is then placed on fhe appropriate transport media.

The laboratory personnel informs the ward/unit that the blood product is ready for transport. The ward/unit informs patient's
relative/guardian ta go to the laboratory ta pick up the specimen for transport.

The laboratory personnel give the specimen (in the appropriate transport media) and the corresponding laboratory
request ta the patient's relafiYe/gugrdian.irrfatrns.imTi/her...
of fhe special transportation instructions, the relative cost of the outsourced test the laboratory/laboratories on
which the outsourced test/s is available.

Patient is responsible for the payment of the outsourced laboratory test.


An ancillary procedure/test is requested by physician following an out-patient consultation. The patient presents the
laboratory request/s to the OPD nurse. OPD Nurse verifies pertinent patient information, informs the patient about the
relative cost of the outsourced test and directs the patient/s to the diagnostic clinic/s on which the outsourced lest/s is
available. If test/s needs special preparation or is run only on certain day of fhe week, fhe nurse fnsfrucfs pafienf of fhe fesf
preparafion/s, checks fhe date/time of the outsourced test from the published schedule of fhe outsourced diagnostic
clinic and informs the patient of the date/time of the availability of the said test/s.

Ancillary procedure/test is requested by physician on a patient admitted in the hospital ward. The nurse carries out
physician's orders relative to diagnostic test to be requested. The nurse informs the patient about the relative cost of the
outsourced test. If test/s needs special preparation or is run only on certain day of the week, the nurse is instructs patient
of the test preparation/s , checks the date/time of the outsourced test from fhe published schedule of fhe outsourced
diagnostic clinic and informs fhe patient of the date of the avaffability of the said test/s.
Nurse instructs patient's relative/guardian to arrange transport at the hospital ambulance service. If transportation is
ready nurse directs the driver to the diagnostic clinic/s on which the outsourced test/s is available.

Patient is responsible for the payment of the outsourced laboratory test.

Official results of the outsourced diagnostic examinations will be attached on patient's record; a photocopy shall be filed
and logged on the Outsourced Diagnostic Tests Logbook in the Records Section of the Hospital.

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