Cooper Bussmann Services & Application Guide: Downtime Reduction, Workplace Safety & Code Compliance

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Cooper Bussmann

Services & Application

Downtime Reduction, Workplace
Safety & Code Compliance
Services to Increase Your Productivity Through Protection

Section Contents
Cooper Bussmann Services
Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418
Engineering – OSCAR™ 2.0 Compliance
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-420
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .421
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Custom Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Application Guide
Fuse technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424-430
Motor circuit branch circuit protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432-434
Out-of-stock substitution/upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Industrial & commercial fuse applications . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Catalog number index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436-440
Sales support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441

RED indicates NEW information

Services &



Arc-Flash Safety and Productivity

The Cooper Bussmann® Services team has the experience
in power system design, analysis and electrical safety to best
assess and make recommendations that offer
maximum protection and productivity. We go beyond just 8 1
understanding electrical standards and regulations, actively

participating in improving circuit protection and electrical
Our comprehensive service offerings include: Total 2
1 - Electrical System One-Line Diagram Development
2 - Short-Circuit Current Analysis
Electrical Safety
3 - Overcurrent Protective Device Time-Current Curve
4 - Overcurrent Protective Device Coordination
5 - Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis 6 Bussmann 3
6 - Arc-Flash Hazard Label Production

7 - Electrical Safety Training
8 - Annual Maintenance

5 4
To Order:
To find out more contact your local Cooper Bussmann
representative, or visit us online at

Engineering Catalog Numbers

Description Catalog Number

One Line Description Development CBSV-ES-EN1
Data Collection CBSV-ES-EN2
Short-Circuit Study CBSV-ES-EN3
Selective Coordination Study CBSV-ES-EN4
Arc-Flash Study CBSV-ES-EN5
Labeling CBSV-ES-EN6
Arc-Flash Training CBSV-ES-EN7
Maintenace Plan for Arc-Flash Study CBSV-ES-EN8

418 Visit


Engineering – OSCAR™ 2.0 Compliance Software

Calculate Assembly SCCR with Ease &

Enhanced Cooper Bussmann® OSCAR™ Software
Speeds Code & Standards Compliance

The new Cooper Bussmann® OSCAR™ Version 2.0 SCCR

(Short-Circuit Current Rating) compliance
software easily guides you through entering your
electrical panel’s components and calculates an 2006
assembly SCCR. This award winning, online, essential
design tool allows you to comply quickly and accurately with
2008 NEC® and UL 508A Supplement SB for assembly
SCCR marking requirements:
• Industrial Control Panels [409.110]
• Industrial Machinery Electrical Panels [670.3(A)]
• HVAC Equipment [440.4(B)]

New Project Management Features:

• Simplify your panel design and project organization.
• Save and edit existing panel designs.
• Save multiple panels under a single project.
• Copy existing panels to new projects.

New Intuitive Navigation:

• Display your one-line diagram.
• Select from pre-loaded circuit templates.
• Identify the weakest link component automatically.
• Print reports and one-line diagrams for required
SCCR documentation.
• Utilize mouse-over tips to enhance your design.

Design with Confidence:

• Logic updated to current UL requirements.
• Extensive 55,000+ component database.
• Search by partial part number or device rating.
• Custom device option allows for entering specialized
component rating information.

To Subscribe:
Contact your local Cooper Bussmann distributor, or visit us
online at

Order Information

Description Catalog Number

Services &

OSCAR™ 2.0 Compliance Software CBSV-SC-EN8

Annual Subscription

Visit 419


Engineering – OSCAR™ 2.0 Compliance Software

Cooper Bussmann® OSCAR™ 2.0 Software

The Cooper Bussmann OSCAR 2.0 Compliance Software is maintained online to provide you with the most current UL design
standards, and to continuously update our product search database with new components and their individual ratings. This software
is available 24/7—365 with a one-year subscription.

Displays Panel Information Easily Search the OSCAR Database to

New User Interface Including Assembly SCCR Aid in Design & Part Selection

Displays Actual One-Line Diagram Red Circle Drop-Down Menus

Easily Identifies “Weakest Link” Enhance Search Capabilities
Component Limiting
Assembly SCCR
Improved Results & Documentation

Detailed Online Report or Print Option

Additional Features: • Save and edit existing panel designs.

• Simplify your panel design and project • Save multiple panels under a single project.
organization with the My Projects feature. • Select from pre-loaded templates of common circuit
• Copy existing designs to new projects. types for faster design development.
• Display your one-line diagram as each component • Detect combination ratings automatically.
is added through the new build-a-circuit • Utilize mouse-over tips to enhance your design.
graphical interface.

Computer System Requirements:

All calculating activity takes place on the Cooper Bussmann server. Your computer only needs to have sufficient band width
access to the Internet and the minimum requirements listed below. Performance is optimized by utilizing Internet Explorer and a
PC. Apple/Macintosh computers and other web browsers may compromise OSCAR 2.0 performance.
• Computer: Pentium 1 PC or equivalent
• Web Browser: Internet Explorer 5.5 with Java script and cookies enabled
• Internet Connection: ADSL minimum

420 Visit



Knowledge That Minimizes Risk to Maximize Productivity

and Protection

Technology evolves, the Code and standards change, and

new personnel are joining your operation. How do you
manage this changing environment while still focusing on what
you do best – running your operation? Expert training from
Cooper Bussmann is the solution. We provide the training
when and where you need it. Cooper Bussmann can deliver
our world-class safety and technical training on-site at your
facility or ours.

To arrange a Cooper Bussmann® training seminar, contact
your local Cooper Bussmann representative, or e-mail us
at [email protected].

Publications and e-Training Modules

Cooper Bussmann® Services has developed advanced,
value-added technical resources to meet the more
demanding needs around Code compliance, and
electrical design and safety.

How To Order: Training Catalog Numbers

For detailed descriptions on Description Catalog Number
this portfolio visit
Designing Commercial & Industrial Power Systems Per Person CBSV-ES-ED1
Hardcopy materials are available Understanding Short-Circuit Current Rating Basics 1 Hour CBTR-SC-1HP

through your local Cooper Bussmann Designing Panels with Higher SCCRs 2 Hour CBTR-SC-2HP
distributor. Understanding Electrical Safety Basics 1 Hour CBTR-ES-1HP
Electrical Hazards and Designing for Safety 2 Hour CBTR-ES-2HP
NFPA 70E Workplace Guidelines 8 Hours (0.8 CEU) CBTR-ES-1DA
Safety Basics User Kit Hard Copy CBSV-ES-ED3
Safety Basics Trainer Kit Hard Copy CBSV-ES-ED4
Safety Basics Video (VHS) Hard Copy CBSV-ES-ED5
Safety Basics CD Hard Copy CBSV-ES-ED6
Safety Basics Handbook Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED1H
Selecting Protective Devices (SPD) Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED2H
Electrical Plan Review (EPR) and Answer Sheet Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED3H
Interrupting Rating Overcurrent Protection DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED30H
Selective Coordination: Preventing Blackouts DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED31H
Services &

Current Limitation Overcurrent Protection DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED32H


Motor Starter Protection: Overcurrent DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED33H

Motor Protection DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED34H
Specification Grade Protection DVD Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED35H
Overcurrent Protection 6 DVD Set Hard Copy CBPUB-ES-ED36H

Visit 421



Performance and Compliance Certification for

Components and Assemblies

The Cooper Bussmann® Paul P. Gubany Center for High

Power Technology at Cooper Bussmann is the electrical indus-
try’s most comprehensive facility for testing and certifying elec-
trical components and assemblies.
OEM customers make the Gubany Center their first choice in
testing equipment such as:
• Drives, both AC and DC
• Circuit breakers
• Motor control centers
• Soft starters
• Fuses
• Power distribution panels
• Surge suppressors
• Cables

Wide Range of Capability

Built to exceed the short circuit capacity of today’s high power

electrical distribution systems, the Gubany Center performs:
• Ultra-high power testing from 200kA to 300kA at 600Vac,
• Medium power testing from 5kA to 200kA at 600Vac, single-
and three-phase; to 100kA at 1450Vac single-phase; to
100kA at 1000Vdc
• Low power testing up to 5kA at 600Vac, single-phase.

Our technicians conduct tests to many global agency

standards including:
• ANSI • IEC, and
• CE • Underwriters

To Order: Testing Catalog Numbers

To find out more contact your local Description Catalog Number
Cooper Bussmann
High Power Testing Hourly Rate CBSV-ES-TEHP
representative, or visit us online at Medium Power Testing Hourly Rate CBSV-ES-TEMP
Low Power Testing Hourly Rate CBSV-ES-TELP

422 Visit


Custom Products
Creating the Right Answers to Unique or Demanding
When you wish to gain a competitive edge or improve your
product's performance, have Cooper Busmann provide a
custom product that can:
• Improve functionality and utility
• Fit unique design needs
• Reduce labor and component costs
Our Expertise Is Your Advantage
For over 90 years, Cooper Bussmann has designed and
manufactured products that improve electrical safety and
performance. Whether it's modifying an existing product or
creating a new one, our experience effectively brings together
the skills to design, prototype, test, manufacture and secure
agency approvals to deliver a single component,
sub-assembly or finished product.
Cooper Busman can design and manufacture products that
• Fuses - with the right size and performance To Find Out More:
characteristics If you need a custom solution to a product problem, submit a
• Fuse holders and blocks - with the requisite terminations, Request for Quotation to your local authorized Cooper
mounting options and safety features Bussmann distributor or sales representative.

• Wire connection products - that make wiring simpler,

safer and faster
• Molded products - that give the unique shape your
product needs
• Power distribution products - that meet prevailing agency
and Code requirements
In-House Testing
All electrical performance testing of your custom products
can be performed at the Cooper Bussmann® Paul P. Gubany
Center for High Power Technology, an ASTA and CSA
accredited, and an ANCE Designated facility.
We're able to conduct electrical performance testing that
replicates any power system to be encountered in any
country, covering:
• Up to 300kA and 600Vac
• Up to 100kA and 1000Vdc
And our technicians conduct tests to many global agency
standards including:
• CE
Services &


• IEC, and
• Underwriters Laboratories

For product data sheets, visit 423

Application Guide

Fuse Technology
Circuit Protection than the normal operating current. A high level fault may be
The following is a basic introduction to overcurrent protection 50,000A (or larger). If not cut off within a matter of a few
and fuse technology. In depth information on the selection and thousandths of a second, damage and destruction can become
application of overcurrent protective devices is available in the rampant—there can be severe insulation damage, melting of
Cooper Bussmann publication “Selecting Protective Devices” conductors, vaporization of metal, ionization of gases, arcing,
(SPD). This publication is available free of charge as a PDF and fires. Simultaneously, high level short-circuit currents can
download at develop huge magnetic-field stresses. The magnetic forces
between bus bars and other conductors can be many hun-
Electrical distribution systems are often quite complicated. dreds of pounds per linear foot; even heavy bracing may not
They cannot be absolutely fail-safe. Circuits are subject to be adequate to keep them from being warped or distorted
destructive overcurrents. Harsh environments, general beyond repair.
deterioration, accidental damage, damage from natural
causes, excessive expansion, and/or overloading of the Fuses
electrical distribution system are factors which contribute to the The fuse is a reliable overcurrent protective device. A “fusible”
occurrence of such overcurrents. Reliable protective devices link or links encapsulated in a tube and connected to contact
prevent or minimize costly damage to transformers, terminals comprise the fundamental elements of the basic
conductors, motors, and the other many components and fuse. Electrical resistance of the link is so low that it simply
loads that make up the complete distribution system. Reliable acts as a conductor. However, when destructive currents occur,
circuit protection is essential to avoid the severe monetary the link very quickly melts and opens the circuit to protect
losses which can result from power blackouts and prolonged conductors, and other circuit components and loads. Fuse
downtime of facilities. It is the need for reliable protection, characteristics are stable. Fuses do not require periodic
safety, and freedom from fire hazards that has made the fuse a maintenance or testing. Fuses have three unique performance
widely used protective device. characteristics:
Overcurrents 1. Modern fuses have an extremely “high interrupting rating”—can
withstand very high fault currents without rupturing.
An overcurrent is either an overload current or a short-circuit
current. The overload current is an excessive current relative to 2. Properly applied, fuses prevent “blackouts.” Only the fuse nearest a fault
normal operating current, but one which is confined to the opens without upstream fuses (feeders or mains) being affected—fuses
thus provide “selective coordination.” (These terms are precisely defined
normal conductive paths provided by the conductors and other
in subsequent pages.)
components and loads of the distribution system. As the name
implies, a short-circuit current is one which flows outside the 3. Fuses provide optimum component protection by keeping fault currents
normal conducting paths. to a low value…They are said to be “current limiting.”

Overloads Voltage Rating

Overloads are most often between one and six times the The voltage rating of a fuse must be at least equal to or
normal current level. Usually, they are caused by harmless greater than the circuit voltage. It can be higher but never
temporary surge currents that occur when motors are lower. For instance, a 600V fuse can be used in a 208V circuit.
started-up or transformers are energized. Such overload The voltage rating of a fuse is a function of its capability to
currents, or transients, are normal occurrences. Since they are open a circuit under an overcurrent condition. Specifically, the
of brief duration, any temperature rise is trivial and has no voltage rating determines the ability of the fuse to suppress the
harmful effect on the circuit components. (It is important that internal arcing that occurs after a fuse link melts and an arc is
protective devices do not react to them.) produced. If a fuse is used with a voltage rating lower than the
Continuous overloads can result from defective motors (such circuit voltage, arc suppression will be impaired and, under
as worn motor bearings), overloaded equipment, or too many some fault current conditions, the fuse may not clear the
loads on one circuit. Such sustained overloads are destructive overcurrent safely. Special consideration is necessary for
and must be cut off by protective devices before they damage semiconductor fuse and medium voltage fuse applications,
the distribution system or system loads. However, since they where a fuse of a certain voltage rating is used on a lower
are of relatively low magnitude compared to short-circuit voltage circuit.
currents, removal of the overload current within minutes will Amp Rating
generally prevent equipment damage. A sustained overload
current results in overheating of conductors and other Every fuse has a specific amp rating. In selecting the amp
components and will cause deterioration of insulation, which rating of a fuse, consideration must be given to the type of load
may eventually result in severe damage and short-circuits if not and code requirements. The amp rating of a fuse normally
interrupted. should not exceed the current carrying capacity of the circuit.
For instance, if a conductor is rated to carry 20A, a 20A fuse is
Short-Circuits the largest that should be used. However, there are some
Whereas overload currents occur at rather modest levels, the specific circumstances in which the amp rating is permitted to
short-circuit or fault current can be many hundred times larger be greater than the current carrying capacity of the circuit.

424 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide

Fuse Technology
A typical example is the motor circuit; dual-element fuses Current Limitation – Component Protection
generally are permitted to be sized up to 175% and non-time- Areas within waveform
delay fuses up to 300% of the motor full-load amps. As a rule, loops represent destructive
energy impressed upon
the amp rating of a fuse and switch combination should be circuit components

selected at 125% of the continuous load current (this usually

corresponds to the circuit capacity, which is also selected at
125% of the load current). There are exceptions, such as when
the fuse-switch combination is approved for continuous Normal
load current
operation at 100% of its rating.
Circuit breaker trips
and opens short-circuit
Interrupting Rating Initiation of in about 1 cycle
A protective device must be able to withstand the destructive
energy of short-circuit currents. If a fault current exceeds the A non-current-limiting protective device, by permitting a short-
capability of the protective device, the device may actually circuit current to build up to its full value, can let an immense
rupture, causing additional damage. Thus, it is important when amount of destructive short-circuit heat energy through before
applying a fuse or circuit breaker to use one which can sustain opening the circuit.
the largest potential short-circuit currents. The rating which
defines the capacity of a protective device to maintain its
integrity when reacting to fault currents is termed its
“interrupting rating”. The interrupting rating of most branch-
circuit, molded case, circuit breakers typically used in
residential service entrance panels is 10,000A. (Please note
that a molded case circuit breaker’s interrupting capacity will
typically be lower than its interrupting rating.) Larger, more
expensive circuit breakers may have interrupting ratings of
14,000A or higher. In contrast, most modern, current-limiting Fuse opens and clears
short-circuit in less
fuses have an interrupting rating of 200,000 or 300,000A and than ⁄Ω™ cycle
are commonly used to protect the lower rated circuit breakers.
The National Electrical Code, Section 110-9, requires
equipment intended to break current at fault levels to have an A current-limiting fuse has such a high speed of response that
interrupting rating sufficient for the current that must be it cuts off a short-circuit long before it can build up to its full
interrupted. peak value.
If a protective device cuts off a short-circuit current in less than
Selective Coordination – Prevention of Blackouts
one-quarter cycle, before it reaches its total available (and
The coordination of protective devices prevents system power highly destructive) value, the device is a “current-limiting”
outages or blackouts caused by overcurrent conditions. When device. Most modern fuses are current-limiting. They restrict
only the protective device nearest a faulted circuit opens and fault currents to such low values that a high degree of
larger upstream fuses remain closed, the protective devices protection is given to circuit components against even very
are “selectively” coordinated (they discriminate). The word high short-circuit currents. They permit breakers with lower
“selective” is used to denote total coordination…isolation of a interrupting ratings to be used. They can reduce bracing of bus
faulted circuit by the opening of only the localized protective structures. They minimize the need of other components to
device. have high short-circuit current “withstand” ratings. If not limited,
short-circuit currents can reach levels of 30,000 or 40,000A or
higher in the first half cycle (.008 seconds, 60Hz) after the start
LPS-RK 200SP of a short-circuit. The heat that can be produced in circuit
1200SP components by the immense energy of short-circuit currents
2:1 (or more) can cause severe insulation damage or even explosion. At the
same time, huge magnetic forces developed between
2:1 (or more) conductors can crack insulators and distort and destroy
This diagram shows the minimum ratios of amp ratings of Low-Peak bracing structures. Thus, it is important that a protective device
Yellow fuses that are required to provide “selective coordination” limit fault currents before they reach their full potential level.
(discrimination) of upstream and downstream fuses.

Unlike electromechanical inertial devices (circuit breakers), it is

Services &

a simple matter to selectively coordinate fuses of modern

design. By maintaining a minimum ratio of fuse-amp ratings
between an upstream and downstream fuse, selective
coordination is assured.

For product data sheets, visit 425

Application Guide

Fuse Technology
Operating Principles of Cooper Bussmann® Fuses
The principles of operation of the modern, current-limiting
fuses are covered in the following paragraphs.

Non-Time-Delay Fuses
Figure 1. Cutaway view of typical single-element fuse.
The basic component of a fuse is the link. Depending upon the
amp rating of the fuse, the single-element fuse may have one
or more links. They are electrically connected to the end
blades (or ferrules) (see Figure 1) and enclosed in a tube or
cartridge surrounded by an arc quenching filler material.
Cooper Bussmann® Limitron® and T-Tron® fuses are both
single-element fuses.
Under normal operation, when the fuse is operating at or near
its amp rating, it simply functions as a conductor. However, as
illustrated in Figure 2, if an overload current occurs and
persists for more than a short interval of time, the temperature
of the link eventually reaches a level which causes a restricted Figure 2. Under sustained overload, a section of the link melts and an
arc is established.
segment of the link to melt. As a result, a gap is formed and an
electric arc established. However, as the arc causes the link
metal to burn back, the gap becomes progressively larger.
Electrical resistance of the arc eventually reaches such a high
level that the arc cannot be sustained and is extinguished. The
fuse will have then completely cut off all current flow in the
circuit. Suppression or quenching of the arc is accelerated by
the filler material. (See Figure 3.)
Single-element fuses of present day design have a very high
speed of response to overcurrents. They provide excellent
short-circuit component protection. However, temporary, Figure 3. The “open” single-element fuse after opening a circuit
harmless overloads or surge currents may cause nuisance overload.
openings unless these fuses are oversized. They are best
used, therefore, in circuits not subject to heavy transient surge
currents and the temporary over-load of circuits with inductive
loads such as motors, transformers, solenoids, etc. Because
single-element, fast-acting fuses such as Limitron and
T-Tron fuses have a high speed of response to short-circuit
currents, they are particularly suited for the protection of circuit
breakers with low interrupting ratings.
Whereas an overload current normally falls between one and
six times normal current, short-circuit currents are quite high. Figure 4. When subjected to a short-circuit current, several sections
The fuse may be subjected to short-circuit currents of 30,000 of the fuse link melt almost instantly.
or 40kA or higher. Response of current limiting fuses to such
currents is extremely fast. The restricted sections of the fuse
link will simultaneously melt (within a matter of two or three-
thousandths of a second in the event of a high-level fault
The high total resistance of the multiple arcs, together with the
quenching effects of the filler particles, results in rapid arc
suppression and clearing of the circuit. (Refer to Figures 4 & 5)
Short-circuit current is cut off in less than a half-cycle, long
before the short-circuit current can reach its full value (fuse
Figure 5. The “open” single-element fuse after opening a short circuit.
operating in its current limiting range).

426 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide

Fuse Technology

Cooper Bussmann® Dual-Element Fuses

There are many advantages to using these fuses. Unlike single-element fuses, the Cooper Bussmann® dual-element, time-delay fuses can be sized closer to provide both
high performance short-circuit protection and reliable overload protection in circuits subject to temporary overloads and surge currents. For ac motor loads, a single-element
fuse may need to be sized at 300% of an a.c. motor current in order to hold the starting current. However, dual-element, time delay fuses can be sized much closer to motor
loads. For instance, it is generally possible to size Fusetron Dual-Element Fuses, FRS-R and FRN-R and Low-Peak® Dual-Element Fuses, LPS-RK_SP and LPN-RK_SP, at
125% and 130% of motor full load current, respectively. Generally, the Low-Peak Dual-Element Fuses, LPJ_SP, and CUBEFuse®, TCF, can be sized at 150% of motor full
load amps. This closer fuse sizing may provide many advantages such as: (1) smaller fuse and block, holder or disconnect amp rating and physical size, (2) lower cost due
to lower amp rated devices and possibly smaller required panel space, (3) better short-circuit protection – less short-circuit current let-through energy, and (4) potential
reduction in the arc-flash hazard.

Insulated end-caps to help prevent

accidental contact with live parts.

Filler material
Figure 6. This is the LPS-RK100SP, a 100A, 600V Low-Peak, Class RK1, Dual-Element Fuse that has excellent time-delay, excellent current-limitation and a 300,000A interrupting rating. Artistic
liberty is taken to illustrate the internal portion of this fuse. The real fuse has a non-transparent tube and special small granular, arc-quenching material completely filling the internal space.
Small volume of metal to vaporize
Short-circuit element

Overload element

Figure 7. The true dual-element fuse has distinct and separate overload element and short- Figure 9. Short-circuit operation: Modern fuses are designed with minimum metal in the
circuit element. restricted portions which greatly enhance their ability to have excellent current-limiting
characteristics – minimizing the short circuit let-through current. A short-circuit current causes
the restricted portions of the short-circuit element to vaporize and arcing commences. The arcs
burn back the element at the points of the arcing. Longer arcs result, which assist in reducing the
current. Also, the special arc quenching filler material contributes to extinguishing the arcing
current. Modern fuses have many restricted portions, which results in many small arclets – all
working together to force the current to zero.
Filler quenches the arcs



Figure 8. Overload operation: Under sustained overload conditions, the trigger spring Figure 10. Short-circuit operation: The special small granular, arc-quenching material plays
fractures the calibrated fusing alloy and releases the “connector”. The insets represent a model an important part in the interruption process. The filler assists in quenching the arcs; the filler
of the overload element before and after. The calibrated fusing alloy connecting the short-circuit material absorbs the thermal energy of the arcs, fuses together and creates an insulating barrier.
element to the overload element fractures at a specific temperature due to a persistent overload This process helps in forcing the current to zero. Modern current-limiting fuses, under short-
current. The coiled spring pushes the connector from the short-circuit element and the circuit is circuit conditions, can force the current to zero and complete the interruption within a few
interrupted. thousandths of a second.
Services &

When the short-circuit current is in the current-limiting range of a fuse, it is not possible for the full available short-circuit current to flow through the fuse – it’s a matter of
physics. The small restricted portions of the short-circuit element quickly vaporize and the filler material assists in forcing the current to zero. The fuse is able to “limit” the
short-circuit current.
Overcurrent protection must be reliable and sure. Whether it is the first day of the electrical system or thirty or more years later, it is important that overcurrent protective
devices perform under overload or short-circuit conditions as intended. Modern current-limiting fuses operate by very simple, reliable principles.

For product data sheets, visit 427

Application Guide

Fuse Technology
Fuse Time-Current Curves
When a low level overcurrent occurs, a long interval of time will 400
be required for a fuse to open (melt) and clear the fault. On the 300
other hand, if the overcurrent is large, the fuse will open very
quickly. The opening time is a function of the magnitude of the 200
level of overcurrent. Overcurrent levels and the corresponding LOW-PEAK
intervals of opening times are logarithmically plotted in graph LPN-RK200 SP (RK1)
form as shown to the right. Levels of overcurrent are scaled on 80
the horizontal axis; time intervals on the vertical axis. The
curve is thus called a “time-current” curve.

This particular plot reflects the characteristics of a 200A, 250V, 40

Low-Peak® dual-element fuse. Note that at the 1,000A 30
overload level, the time interval which is required for the fuse
to open is 10 seconds. Yet, at approximately the 2,200A 20
overcurrent level, the opening (melt) time of a fuse is only 0.01
seconds. It is apparent that the time intervals become shorter 10
as the overcurrent levels become larger. This relationship is 8
termed an inverse time-to-current characteristic. Time-current
curves are published or are available on most commonly used

fuses showing “minimum melt,” “average melt” and/or “total 4

clear” characteristics. Although upstream and downstream 3
fuses are easily coordinated by adhering to simple amp ratios,
these time-current curves permit close or critical analysis of 2

Better Motor Protection in Elevated Ambients 1

The derating of dual-element fuses based on increased
ambient temperatures closely parallels the derating curve of .6
motors in elevated ambient. This unique feature allows for
optimum protection of motors, even in high temperatures. .4
Affect of ambient temperature on operating characteristics of
Fusetron and Low-Peak dual-element fuses. .2

Affect on Carrying .06

120 Capacity Rating


100 .03
Affect on
70 Opening Time
60 .01





–76°F –40°F –4°F –32°F 68°F 104°F 140°F 176°F 212°F
(–60°C) (–40°C) (–20°C) (0°C) (20°C) (40°C) (60°C) (80°C) (100°C)

428 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide

Fuse Technology
Better Protection Against Motor Single Phasing
When secondary single-phasing occurs, the current in the
remaining phases increases to approximately 200% rated full
load current. (Theoretically 173%, but change in efficiency and
power factor make it about 200%.) When primary single-
phasing occurs, unbalanced voltages occur on the motor circuit
causing currents to rise to 115%, and 230% of normal running
currents in delta-wye systems.
Dual-element fuses sized for motor running overload protection
will help to protect motors against the possible damages of

Classes of Fuses
Safety is the industry mandate. However, proper selection,
overall functional performance and reliability of a product are
factors which are not within the basic scope of listing agency In the above illustration, a grooved ring in one ferrule provides
activities. In order to develop its safety test procedures, listing the rejection feature of the Class R fuse in contrast to the
agencies develop basic performance and physical lower interrupting rating, non-rejection type.
specifications or standards for a product. In the case of fuses,
these standards have culminated in the establishment of Branch-Circuit Listed Fuses
distinct classes of low-voltage (600V or less) fuses; Classes Branch-circuit listed fuses are designed to prevent the
RK1, RK5, G, L, T, J, H and CC being the more important. installation of fuses that cannot provide a comparable level of
The fact that a particular type of fuse has, for instance, a protection to equipment.
classification of RK1, does not signify that it has the identical The characteristics of Branch-circuit fuses are:
function or performance characteristics as other RK1 fuses. In 1. They must have a minimum interrupting rating of 10kA
fact, the Limitron® non-time-delay fuse and the Low-Peak 2. They must have a minimum voltage rating of 125V.
dual-element, time-delay fuse are both classified as RK1. 3. They must be size rejecting such that a fuse of a lower
Substantial differences in these two RK1 fuses usually requires voltage rating cannot be installed in the circuit.
considerable difference in sizing. Dimensional specifications of 4. They must be size rejecting such that a fuse with a current
each class of fuse does serve as a uniform standard. rating higher than the fuse holder rating cannot be installed.
Class R Fuses
Class R (“R” for rejection) fuses are high performance,1⁄10 to
600A units, 250V and 600V, having a high degree of current
limitation and a short-circuit interrupting rating of up to 300kA
(RMS Sym.). Cooper Bussmann® Class R fuses include Class
RK1 Low-Peak® and Limitron® fuses, and RK5 Fusetron fuses.
They have replaced the K1 Low-Peak and Limitron fuses and
K5 Fusetron fuses. These fuses are identical, with the
exception of a modification in the mounting configuration called
a “rejection feature.” This feature permits Class R fuses to be
mounted in rejection type fuseclips. “R” type fuseclips prevent
older type Class H, ONE-TIME and RENEWABLE fuses from
being installed. The use of Class R fuse holders is thus an
important safeguard. The application of Class R fuses in such
equipment as disconnect switches permits the equipment to
have a high interrupting rating. NEC® Articles 110-9 and
230-65 require that protective devices have adequate
capacity to interrupt short-circuit currents. Article 240-60(b)
requires fuse holders for current-limiting fuses to reject
non-current-limiting type fuses.
Services &

For product data sheets, visit 429

Application Guide

Fuse Technology

Supplementary Overcurrent Protective Reliability and Maintenance of

Devices for use in Motor Control Overcurrent Protective Devices
Circuits Modern fuses have several significant advantages over
mechanical overcurrent protective devices - one of those
Branch Circuit vs. Supplemental Overcurrent
advantages is reliability. Whether the first day of the electrical
Protective Devices system or years later, it is important that overcurrent protective
Branch circuit overcurrent protective devices (OCPD) can be devices perform under overload and fault conditions as
used everywhere OCPD are used, from protection of motors intended.
and motor circuits and group motor circuits, to protection of Modern current-limiting fuses operate by very simple, reliable
distribution and utilization equipment. Supplemental OCPD principles. Fuses do not have to be maintained. By their
can only be used where proper protection is already being inherent design, fuses do not have elements or mechanisms
provided by a branch circuit device, by exception [i.e., to calibrate, adjust or lubricate. If and when fuses are called
430.72(A)], or if protection is not required. Supplemental upon to open on an overcurrent, installing the same type and
OCPD can often be used to protect motor control circuits but ampere rated fuses provides the circuit with new factory-
they cannot be used to protect motors or motor circuits. A very calibrated protection. The original design integrity can be
common misapplication is the use of a supplementary maintained throughout the life of the electrical system. One
overcurrent protective device such as a UL 1077 mechanical last point on fuse systems; the terminations, clips and
overcurrent device for motor branch circuit short-circuit and disconnects should be maintained as necessary.
ground fault protection. Supplementary OCPDs are incomplete
In contrast, circuit breakers are mechanical devices, even
in testing compared to devices that are evaluated for branch
those with electronic sensing, and circuit breakers require
periodic maintenance, testing, and if necessary reconditioning
AND SAFETY CONCERN!! Caution should be taken to assure
or replacement. This is required per the circuit breaker
that the proper overcurrent protective device is being used for
manufacturers' instructions, NFPA 70B Recommended
the application at hand. Below is a description of popular
Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance, and NEMA
supplementary overcurrent protective devices.
AB4. If circuit breakers are not properly maintained, the
Most supplemental overcurrent protective devices have very interrupting rating, circuit component protection, coordination,
low interrupting ratings. Just as any other overcurrent and electrical safety may be compromised.
protective device, supplemental OCPDs must have an See for more information on
interrupting rating equal to or greater than the available Reliability and Maintenance.
short-circuit current.

Supplemental fuses as listed or recognized to the

UL/CSA/ANCE Trinational 248-14 Standard
These are fuses that can have many voltages and interrupting
ratings within the same case size. Examples of supplemental
fuses are 13⁄32'' X 1 1⁄2'', 5 x 20mm, and 1⁄4'' x 1 1⁄4'' fuses.
Interrupting ratings range from 35 to 100,000 amps.

430 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide

Motor Circuit Branch Circuit Protection

Motor Circuits – Choice of Overcurrent Protection significant downtime and cost may be incurred in repairing or replacing
the starter. With properly selected fuses for Type 2 protection, after the
Motor circuits have unique characteristics and several
fault is repaired, only new fuses need to be inserted in the circuit; the
functions, such as short-circuit protection, overload protection starter does not have to be repaired or replaced.
and automatic/ remote start/stop, that may be required.
Sometimes the comment is made that users prefer circuit 3. Circuit breakers must be periodically tested to verify they mechanical
breakers because they can be reset. Let’s examine the choice operate and electrically tested to verify they still are properly calibrated
of either circuit breakers or current- limiting fuses for motor within specification. The circuit breaker manufacturers recommend this.
branch circuit protection. Typically circuit breakers should be mechanically operated at least every
year and electrically tested every 1 to 5 years, depending on the service
In the case to be examined, fuses and circuit breakers conditions. Modern current-limiting fuses do not have to be maintained
(includes magnetic only circuit breakers which are called or electrically tested to verify they still will operate as intended. The
MCPs or motor circuit protectors) are sized with the intent to terminations of both circuit breakers and fusible devices need to be
provide only short-circuit and ground fault protection for the periodically checked and maintained to prevent thermal damage. Plus
motor branch circuit protection per 430.52. Other means, such fuse clips should be periodically inspected and if necessary maintained.
as overload relays, provide the motor overload protection. 4. After a circuit breaker interrupts a fault, it may not be suitable for further
Typical thermal magnetic circuit breakers can only be sized for service. UL 489, the product standard for molded case circuit breakers,
motor branch circuit protection (typically 200% - 250% of only requires a circuit breaker to interrupt two short-circuit currents at
motor current) because if they are sized closer, the motor its interrupting rating. Circuit breakers that are rated 100 amps or less
starting current trips the circuit breaker’s instantaneous do not have to operate after only one short-circuit operation under “bus
mechanism. Magnetic only circuit breakers (MCPs) are bar” short-circuit conditions. If the fault current is high, circuit breaker
intentionally not provided with overload capability; they only manufacturers recommend that a circuit breaker should receive a
operate on short-circuit currents. There are some fuses such thorough inspection with replacement, if necessary. How does one know
as the FRS-R and LPS-RK fuses that can be sized close a circuit breaker’s service history or what level of fault current that a
enough for motor running overload protection or backup motor circuit breaker interrupts? With modern current-limiting fuses, if the fuse
running protection. But for the discussion in this section, interrupts a fault, new factory calibrated fuses are installed in the circuit.
assume current-limiting fuses are sized only for motor The original level of superior short-circuit protection can be there for the
short-circuit and ground fault protection. life of the motor circuit.

It is important to note that in this protection level being 5. After a fault, the electrician has to walk back to the storeroom to get new
discussed, a circuit breaker or fuses should only open if there fuses; that is if spare fuses are not stored adjacent to the equipment.
This does require some additional down time. However, if fuses opened
is a fault on the motor circuit. A separate overload protective
under fault conditions, there is a fault condition that must be remedied.
device, such as an overload relays, provides motor overload
The electrician probably will be going back to the storeroom anyway for
protection per 430.32. Here are some important
parts to repair the fault. If properly selected current-limiting fuses are
considerations: used in the original circuit, the starter will not sustain any significant
1. OSHA regulation 1910.334(b)(2) Use of Equipment states: damage or loss of overload calibration.
Reclosing circuits after protective device operation. After a circuit is With circuit breaker protection on motor circuits, after a fault
deenergized by a circuit protective device, the circuit may not be condition, it may be necessary to repair or replace the starter,
manually reenergized until it has been determined that the equipment so a trip to the storeroom may be necessary. And if the starter
and circuit can be safely energized. The repetitive manual reclosing of is not significantly damaged, it may still need to be tested to
circuit breakers or reenergizing circuits through replaced fuses is insure the let-through energy by the circuit breaker has not
prohibited. NOTE: When it can be determined from the design of the caused the loss of starter overload calibration. Also, the circuit
circuit and the over-current devices involved that the automatic breaker needs to be evaluated for suitability before placing it
operation of a device was caused by an overload rather than a fault back into service. Who is qualified for that evaluation? How
condition, no examination of the circuit or connected equipment is much time will that take?
needed before the circuit is reenergized.
In summary, resettability is not an important feature for motor
So the speed of reclosing a circuit breaker after a fault is not an
branch circuit (short-circuit) protection and resettability of the
advantage. The law requires that if the condition is a fault (that is the
branch circuit protective device is not a benefit for motor
only reason the circuit breaker or fuses should open on a motor circuit),
circuits. As a matter of fact, resettability of the motor branch
then the fault must be corrected prior to replacing fuses or resetting the
circuit breaker.
circuit overcurrent protective device may encourage an unsafe
practice. The function of motor branch circuit protection is fault
2. The typical level of short-circuit protection for the motor starter provided protection: short-circuit and ground fault protection. Faults do
by circuit breakers and MCPs is referred to as Type 1. This is because not occur on a regular basis. But when a fault does occur, it is
most circuit breakers are not current-limiting. So, for a loadside fault, important to have the very best protection. The best motor
the starter may sustain significant damage such as severe welding of branch circuit protection can be judged by (1) reliability - its
Services &

contacts and rupturing of the heater elements. Or the heater/overload

ability to retain its calibration and speed of operation over its

relay system may lose calibration. This is an acceptable level of

lifetime, (2) current-limiting protection - its ability to provide
performance per UL 508, which is the product standard for motor
Type 2 “No Damage” protection to the motor starter, and (3)
starters. Current-limiting fuses can be selected that can provide Type 2
“No Damage” short-circuit protection for motor starters.
safety - its ability to meet a facility’s safety needs. Modern
current-limiting fuses are superior to circuit breakers for motor
Consequently, with circuit breaker protection, after a fault condition, branch circuit protection.
For product data sheets, visit 431
Application Guide


Ampere (Amp) Class G Fuses Class R Fuses

The measurement of intensity of rate of 480V, 100kA interrupting rating branch These are high performance fuses rated
flow of electrons in an electric circuit. An circuit fuses that are size rejecting to 1
⁄10-600A in 250V and 600V ratings. All
ampere (amp) is the amount of current eliminate overfusing. The fuse diameter are marked “Current Limiting” on their
that will flow through a resistance of one is 13⁄32” while the length varies from 15⁄16” label and all have a minimum of 200kA
ohm under a pressure of one volt. to 21⁄4”. These are available in ratings interrupting rating. They have identical
Ampere is often abbreviated as “A”. from 1A through 60A. outline dimensions with the Class H
fuses but have a rejection feature which
Amp Rating Class H Fuses prevents the user from mounting a fuse
The current-carrying capacity of a fuse. 250V and 600V, 10kA interrupting rating of lesser capabilities (lower interrupting
When a fuse is subjected to a current branch circuit fuses that may be capacity) when used with special Class
above its amp rating, it will open the renewable or non-renewable. These are R Clips. Class R fuses will fit into either
circuit after a predetermined period of available in amp ratings of 1A through rejection or non-rejection clips.
time. 600A.
Class T Fuses
Amp Squared Seconds, l2t Class J Fuses An industry class of fuses in 300V and
The measure of heat energy developed These fuses are rated to interrupt a 600V ratings from 1A through 1200A.
within a circuit during the fuse’s minimum of 200kA AC. They are labeled They are physically very small and can
clearing. It can be expressed as as “Current-Limiting”, are rated for be applied where space is at a
“melting l2t”, “arcing l2t” or the sum of 600Vac, and are not interchangeable premium. They are fast acting fuses
them as “Clearing l2t”. “l” stands for with other classes. with an interrupting rating of 200kA
effective let-through current (RMS), RMS.
which is squared, and “t” stands for time Class K Fuses
Classes of Fuses
of opening, in seconds. These are fuses listed as K-1, K-5, or
K-9 fuses. Each subclass has The industry has developed basic
Arcing I2t designated I2t and lp maximums. These physical specifications and electrical
Value of the I2t during the arcing time are dimensionally the same as Class H performance requirements for fuses with
under specified conditions. fuses, and they can have interrupting voltage ratings of 600V or less. These
ratings of 50k, 100k, or 200kA. These are known as standards. If a type of
Arcing Time fuses are current-limiting. However, they fuse meets the requirements of a
The amount of time from the instant are not marked “current-limiting” on their standard, it can fall into that class.
the fuse link has melted until the label since they do not have a rejection Typical classes are K, RK1, RK5, G, L,
overcurrent is interrupted, or cleared. feature. H, T, CC, and J.

Breaking Capacity Class L Fuses Clearing Time

(See Interrupting Rating) These fuses are rated for 601 through The total time between the beginning of
6000A, and are rated to interrupt a the overcurrent and the final opening of
Cartridge Fuse minimum of 200kA AC. They are labeled the circuit at rated voltage by an
A fuse consisting of a current “Current-Limiting” and are rated for overcurrent protective device. Clearing
responsive element inside a fuse tube 600Vac. They are intended to be bolted time is the total of the melting time and
with terminals on both ends. into their mountings and are not the arcing time.
normally used in clips. Some Class L
Class CC Fuses Current Limitation
fuses have designed in time-delay
600V, 200kA interrupting rating, branch features for all purpose use. A fuse operation relating to short circuits
circuit fuses with overall dimensions of only. When a fuse operates in its
⁄32” x 11⁄2”. Their design incorporates a current-limiting range, it will clear a short
rejection feature that allows them to be circuit in less than 1⁄2 cycle. Also, it will
inserted into rejection fuse holders and limit the instantaneous peak let-through
fuse blocks that reject all lower voltage, current to a value substantially less than
lower interrupting rating 13⁄32” x 11⁄2” fuses. that obtainable in the same circuit if that
They are available from 1⁄10A through fuse were replaced with a solid
30A. conductor of equal impedance.

432 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide


Dual Element Fuse Melting I2t Peak Let-Through Current, lp

Fuse with a special design that utilizes Value of the I2t during the melting time The instantaneous value of peak current
two individual elements in series inside of the fuse link under specified let-through by a current-limiting fuse,
the fuse tube. One element, the spring conditions. when it operates in its current-limiting
actuated trigger assembly, operates on range.
overloads up to 5-6 times the fuse Melting Time
current rating. The other element, the Renewable Fuse (600V & below)
The amount of time required to melt the
short circuit section, operates on short fuse link during a specified overcurrent. A fuse in which the element, typically a
circuits up to their interrupting rating. (See Arcing Time and Clearing Time.) zinc link, may be replaced after the fuse
has opened, and then reused. Renewable
Electrical Load “NEC®” Dimensions fuses are made to Class H standards.
That part of the electrical system which These are dimensions once referenced
actually uses the energy or does the Resistive Load
in the National Electrical Code. They are
work required. common to Class H and K fuses and An electrical load which is characteristic of
provide interchangeability between not having any significant inrush current.
Fast-Acting Fuse
manufacturers for fuses and fusible When a resistive load is energized, the
A fuse which opens on overload and equipment of given ampere and current rises instantly to its steady-state
short circuits very quickly. This type of voltage ratings. value, without first rising to a higher value.
fuse is not designed to withstand
temporary overload currents associated Ohm RMS Current
with some electrical loads. The unit of measure for electric The RMS (root-mean-square) value of
resistance. An ohm is the amount of any periodic current is equal to the value
resistance that will allow one ampere to of the direct current which, flowing through
An overcurrent protective device with a flow under a pressure of one volt. a resistance, produces the same heating
fusible link that operates and opens the effect in the resistance as the periodic
circuit on an overcurrent condition. Ohm’s Law current does.
The relationship between voltage,
High Speed Fuses SCCR
current, and resistance, expressed by
Fuses with no intentional time-delay in the equation E = IR, where E is the See Short-Circuit Current Rating
the overload range and designed to voltage in volts, I is the current in amps,
open as quickly as possible in the and R is the resistance in ohms. Semiconductor Fuses
short-circuit range. These fuses are Fuses used to protect solid-state devices.
often used to protect solid-state devices. One Time Fuses
See “High Speed Fuses.”
Generic term used to describe a Class
Inductive Load
H non-renewable cartridge fuse, with a Short-Circuit
An electrical load which pulls a large single element. Can be classified as an overcurrent which
amount of current—an inrush current— exceeds the normal full load current of a
when first energized. After a few cycles Overcurrent
circuit by a factor many times (tens,
or seconds the current “settles down” to A condition which exists on an electrical hundreds or thousands greater). Also
the full-load running current. circuit when the normal load current is characteristic of this type of overcurrent is
exceeded. Overcurrents take on two that it leaves the normal current carrying
Interrupting Capacity
separate characteristics—overloads and path of the circuit—it takes a “short cut”
(See Interrupting Rating) short circuits. around the load and back to the source.
Interrupting Rating — IR Overload
Short-Circuit Current Rating (SCCR)
(Breaking Capacity) Can be classified as an overcurrent
which exceeds the normal full load The maximum short-circuit current an
The rating which defines a fuse’s ability electrical component can sustain without
to safely interrupt and clear short current of a circuit. Also characteristic of
this type of overcurrent is that it does the occurrence of excessive damage
circuits. This rating is much greater than when protected with an overcurrent
the ampere rating of a fuse. The NEC® not leave the normal current carrying
path of the circuit—that is, it flows from protective device.
defines Interrupting Rating as “The
Services &

the source, through the conductors,


highest current at rated voltage that an Short-Circuit Withstand Rating

overcurrent protective device is intend- through the load, back through the
conductors, to the source again. Same definition as short-circuit rating.
ed to interrupt under standard test

For product data sheets, visit 433

Application Guide


That condition which occurs when one- Substitution/Upgrades
phase of a three-phase system opens,
either in a low voltage (secondary) or Bussmann # Upgrade # Description Data Sheet #
high voltage (primary) distribution AGC-(AMP) ABC-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 1⁄4” X 11⁄4” FUSE 2001
system. Primary or secondary single- AGC-V-(AMP) ABC-V-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 1⁄4” X 11⁄4” FUSE WITH LEADS 2001
phasing can be caused by any number AGU-(AMP) LP-CC-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 2008
BAF-(AMP) LP-CC-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 2011
of events. This condition results in
BAN-(AMP) LP-CC-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 2046
unbalanced currents in polyphase FNM-(AMP) LP-CC-(AMP) TIME-DELAY, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 2028
motors and unless protective measures FNQ-R-(AMP) LP-CC-(AMP)* TIME-DELAY, 500V, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 1012
are taken, causes overheating and FNR-R-(AMP) LPN-RK-(AMP)SP TIME-DELAY, 250V, CLASS RK5 FUSES 1019/1020
failure. FRS-R-(AMP) LPS-RK-(AMP)SP TIME-DELAY, 600V, CLASS RK5 FUSES 1017/1018
KTK-(AMP) KTK-R-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 600V, 13⁄32” X 11⁄2” FUSE 1011
The symmetrical RMS available current
at the threshold of the current-limiting KTN-R-(AMP) LPN-RK-(AMP)SP FAST-ACTING, 250V, CLASS RK1 FUSE 1043
range, where the fuse becomes KTS-R-(AMP) LPS-RK-(AMP)SP FAST-ACTING, 600V, CLASS RK1 FUSE 1044
current-limiting when tested to the KTU-(AMP) KPR-C-(AMP)SP FAST-ACTING, 600V, CLASS L FUSE 1010
industry standard. This value can be MDL-(AMP) MDA-(AMP) TIME-DELAY, 1⁄4” X 11⁄4” FUSE 2004
read off of a peak let-through chart MDL-V-(AMP) MDA-V-(AMP) TIME-DELAY, 1⁄4” X 11⁄4” FUSE WITH LEADS 2004
where the fuse curve intersects the A-B MTH-(AMP) ABC-(AMP) FAST-ACTING, 1⁄4” X 11⁄4” FUSE
line. A threshold ratio is the relationship
of the threshold current to the fuse’s REN-(AMP) LPN-RK-(AMP)SP 250V RENEWABLE FUSELINK 1028
continuous current rating. RES-(AMP) LPS-RK-(AMP)SP 600V RENEWABLE FUSELINK 1028
Time-Delay Fuse TL-(AMP) T-(AMP) TIME-DELAY, 125V, PLUG FUSE 1035
A fuse with a built-in delay that allows W-(AMP) TL-(AMP) TIME-DELAY, 125V, PLUG FUSE 1035
temporary and harmless inrush currents *Not recommended for control transformer circuits.

to pass without opening, but is so

designed to open on sustained
overloads and short circuits.

Total Clearing I2t

Total measure of heat energy developed
within a circuit during the fuse’s clearing
of a fault current. Total Clearing I2t is the
sum of the melting I2t and arcing I2t.

Voltage Rating
The maximum open circuit voltage in
which a fuse can be used, yet safely
interrupt an overcurrent. Exceeding the
voltage rating of a fuse impairs its ability
to clear an overload or short circuit

Withstand Rating
The maximum current that an
unprotected electrical component can
sustain for a specified period of time
without the occurrence of extensive

434 For product data sheets, visit

Application Guide

Industrial Fuse Applications

Industrial Applications
1. Interior Lighting
2. Computer Power
3. Switchboards
4. Motor Control Center
5. Emergency Lighting
6. UPS Backup Power Supplies 5
7. Transformer/Emergency Generator 3
8. Forklift Battery Charging Station 4 6
9. HVAC Chillers/Blowers
8 9 13
10. Welding Circuits 7 12
10 11
11. Plant Lighting 15
12. Distribution Panels
13. Disconnect Switches 14
14. Programmable Logic Circuits
15. Conveyor System

Commercial Applications
1. Interior Lighting
2. HVAC Blowers
3. Computer Power
1 4. Branch Circuits

2 3 5. Emergency Lighting
6. Load Centers
5 7. Disconnect/Distribution Panels
4 8. HVAC/Chillers
9. Switchboards/Motor Control Centers
6 7 10. UPS Backup Power Supplies
11. Elevator Control Centers
8 10 11
9 12. Transformer/Emergency Generator

Services &

435 For product data sheets, visit 435


Catalog Number Index

Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page
Number Number Number Number Number

1025 * 1A2294 * 2608 * 3794 * 5592- 70

11 Type 400 1A2650 * 2610 * 3823 * 5623 *
11239 275 1A3398- 68 2611 * 3828 289 5672- 70
11240 275 1A3399- 67 2650 * 3833 * 5674- 70
11241 275 1A3400- 69 2654 * 3835 290 5678 *
11242 275 1A3746 * 2698 * 3839 * 5681- 70
11675- 299 1A4533- 68 270303 91 3959 * 5682- 70
11725- 299 1A4534- 68 2714 * 3998 * 5950 *
11960 * 1A4544 * 2772 * 39E * 5956- 70
13195 * 1A4708 * 2778 * 4070 * 5958 *
13926 * 1A4806 * 2795 * 4121 * 5960- 70
14002- 301 1A5018- 67 2833 * 4164 52 5961 *
14004- 301 1A5041 * 2834 * 4178 * 5TPH 414
15087 398 1A5220 * 2837 * 4180 * 60/100BS 235
15100 394 1A5600- 69 2838 * 4202 * 60/100LSC 235
15149 329 1A5601- 67 2839 * 4207 * 6125 *
15188- 308 1A5602- 67 2860 * 4261 * 6125TD *
15200 394 1A5603 * 2960 * 4287 * 6374 *
15242 * 1A5778 69 2989 * 4386 * 63A-DUMMY *
15288- 308 1A5779 69 2992 * 4393 289 64 _ _ _ 46
15506 * 1A5780 69 2A066 * 4399 * 6415 *
15515 * 1A5940 * 2A1279 295 4402 * 6417 *
15595 * 1A6004 * 2A8 * 4405 288 6418 *
15600 * 1A6049 * 30LSC 235 4406 288 6419 *
15602 * 1A8654 * 323A2433P6 * 4407 * 6420 *
15660 * 1A9619 * 32BS 235 4408 * 64200 *
15800 392 1B0021 * 3356 * 4410 * 6422 *
15900 * 1B0048 * 3373 * 4411 * 6424 *
15968 * 1B0049 * 3375 * 4412 * 6427 *
160___ 299, 300 1B0089 271 3411 * 4413 * 64913 *
162___ 299, 300 1BR021 * 3429 * 4415 * 64926 *
162__-_UL * 1BR048 * 3434 * 4421 290 6525-25-0341 *
163__ 297-298, 299-300 1BS1_ _ _ 113, 186 3512 * 4422 * 65372 *
163__-_UL * 1CIF * 3513 * 4423 * 65398 *
164___ * 2004 * 3515 * 4427 * 6725 *
165___ 299, 300 2081 * 3519 * 4428 * 675 *
1683A75H08 * 20BS 235 3520 * 4467 * 68_ _ _ 46
170E_ _ _ _ 173-177, 180-184 20LSC 235 3521 * 4482 * 68100 *
170F_ _ _ _ 178-179 21010 * 3525 * 4483 * 7 Type 400
170H_ _ _ _ 185-186 21040 * 3528 * 4512 * 70 Series 398
170L * 21050 * 3531 * 4513 * 70- 398
170M_ _ _ _ 117-172 21065 * 353837 * 4514 * 71-0192 *
170N * 21100 * 3544 * 4515 290 72 *
170R * 21200 * 3545 * 4520 289 74 Type 400
170T * 2127 * 3552 * 4522 * 75 Type 401
171A * 2177 * 3553 * 4525 * 76 Type 401
17415 * 2178 * 3554 * 4528 * 80 Type 401
175GDMSJD * 2201 * 3555 * 4529 * 80910 *
175GXQNJD * 2245 * 3556 * 4530 * 81 Type 401
1768A40H * 2322 * 3562 * 4532 * 82048 *
19315 * 24 Type 400 3569 * 4534 * 8414677 *
19320 * 2429 * 3571 * 4535 * 84345 *
1976 * 2430 * 3572 * 4537 * 8456A85H *
1A0065 91 2432 * 3575 * 4561 * 847966108 *
1A0835 * 246B9949BG * 3576 * 4567 * 8583A36H *
1A1119- 68 2487 * 3578 * 4574 288 8588A81H *
1A1120- 68 2494 * 3580 * 4586 * 88914568 *
1A1310 * 2499 288 3591 * 4648 * 9078A67G04 91
1A1360 * 25499 * 3594 * 4909 * 9435 *
1A1478 * 2601 * 3595 * 510 * 9483 *
1A1837 * 2602 * 3604 * 51215 * 9732 *
1A1838 * 2604 * 3723 290 51235 * 9789 *
1A1853 * 2605 * 3742 290 558730 * 9834 *
1A1907- 68 2607 * 3743 290 5591- 70 9835 *

* Not listed in this catalog. Call Cooper Bussmann Customer Satisfaction for more information. Call 636-527-3877.

436 For product data sheets, visit 436


Catalog Number Index

Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page
Number Number Number Number Number

9838 * B83 * C2617 * CBTR-ES-1DA 421 CIK 223

9841 * B84 * C2791 * CBTR-ES-1HP 421 CIL 223
9843 * B93 * C2909 * CBTR-ES-2HP 421 CJ 222
A3354705 * BAF 47 C30BS 235 CBTR-SC-1HP 421 CL1 195
A3354710 91 BAN * C30F 235 CBTR-SC-2HP 421 CM__CF 235
A3354720 * BAO 225 C30FBS 235 CBU * CM__F 225
A3354730 91 BBS 50 C4044 * CCB * CM__FC 225
A3354745 91 BBU 89-90 C4534 * CCC * CP14002 *
A404302 * BBU-EFID * C4559 * CCE * CPB16 _ 296, 299-300
AAO 225 BC (fuse blocks) 274 C515 58 CCG * CPDB- 296-297, 299-300
ABC 63 BC (fuses) 226 C517 58 CCP- 326-329 CPS-C *
ABCNA 85 BCA603 273 C518 58 CCSK-45 410 CT 191-192
ABC-V 63 BCBC 245-246 C519 58 CD 226 CUG *
ABFNA 85 BCBD 245-246 C520 58 CD1 * _D125 227
ABGNA 85 BCBS 245-246 C5237 * CD100 * _D16 227
ABS * BCC * C5268- 113 CD27 * _D27 227
ABU * BCCM 274 C5898 * CD33 * _D33 227
ABWNA 79, 85 BCF * C60BS 235 CDB * DCM 47
AC 226 BD (fuses) 226 C60F 235 CDC * DD 226
ACB * BD (switches) 244 C60FBS 235 CDN (fuses) 219 DEO 225
ACF * BDF * C6344 * CDNF100 352-355, 356-358, 371 DFC *
ACH * BDFLNF100 369-370 C7018 * CDNF16 352-355, 356-358 DFJ 97
ACK * BDFLNF175 369 C7019 * CDNF160 359-360, 371 DIA *
ACL * BDFLNF200 369-370 C7020 * CDNF200 361-362, 371 DLN-R 34
ACO * BDFLNF30 369-370 C7021- 403 CDNF25 352-355, 356-358 DLS-R 34
AD 226 BDFLNF400 369 C7024- 404 CDNF30 352-355, 356-358, 371 DRA-1 413
ADL * BDFLNF60 369-370 CAV 79, 85 CDNF32 352-355, 356-358 DRA-2 413
ADLSJ 81 BDFLNF600 369 CAVH 79, 85 CDNF400 363-364 DRLC-A *
ADMNA 79 BDNF1200 367-368 CB203107S2105 * CDNF45 352-355, 356-358 E-6188 *
ADOSJ 84 BDNF1600 367-368 CB3 * CDNF60 352-355, 356-358, 371 EBI055- *
AF * BDNF2000 367-368 CB5 * CDNF63 352-355, 356-358 EC-_ _ _ 195
AFS * BDNF3150 367-368 CBB * CDS 219 ECF *
AFX * BDNF600 365-366 CBC * CDS6 * ECL055- 76
AGA 62 BDNF800 365-366 CBF * CDS8 * ECL155- 77
AGA-V 62 BFW * CBP * CDS9 * ED 226
AGC 63 BG 274 CBPUB-ES-ED1H 421 CDSS 338 EDA 40
AGC-V 63 BGH * CBPUB-ES-ED2H 421 CEO 225 EDN 40
AGS * BH- _ _ _ _ 113, 225, 275 CBPUB-ES-ED30H 421 CFD100 334-336, 344-346 EET 191-193
AGU * BH-_ xxx 113, 186 CBPUB-ES-ED31H 421 CFD200 337-339, 346 EF 226
AGW 62 BM 274 CBPUB-ES-ED32H 421 CFD30 331-333, 344-346 EFC30 378-380
AGX 62 BMA603 273 CBPUB-ES-ED33H 421 CFD60 334-336, 344-346 EFC60 378, 380
AGX-V * BNQ21-WH 311 CBPUB-ES-ED34H 421 CFD600 346 EFF *
AGY * BP655 * CBPUB-ES-ED35H 421 CFD800 346 EFH *
AL-D 258 BQE 311 CBPUB-ES-ED36H 421 CFZ * EFJ100 378-380
ALS * BQQ41-WH 311 CBPUB-ES-ED3H 421 CGL 220 EFJ200 378-380
ALW * BRT * CBS * CH30J_ 254 EFJ30 378-380
AMG * BRW * CBSV-ES-ED1 421 CH30J_I 254 EFJ400 378-380
AMI * C08G 232 CBSV-ES-ED3 421 CH60J_ 254 EFJ60 378-380
AMWNA 79, 85 C08M 233 CBSV-ES-ED4 421 CH60J_I 254 EFJ600 378-380
ANL 52 C08NL 258 CBSV-ES-ED5 421 CH08 258 EFJ800 378-380
ANN 52 C10G 232 CBSV-ES-ED6 421 CH10 * EFL800 379-380
ASZ350B3 * C10M 233 CBSV-ES-EN1 418 CH10CL * EFS 226
AT * C10NL * CBSV-ES-EN2 418 CH10CM * EK *
ATC 55 C14G 232 CBSV-ES-EN3 418 CH14 258 ELN *
ATC-_ID 55 C14G_S 234 CBSV-ES-EN4 418 CH14-HP 258 EN6 *
ATC-FHID 55 C14M 233 CBSV-ES-EN5 418 CH14MS-_D 258 ENA *
ATF * C14M_S 234 CBSV-ES-EN6 418 CH22 258 ENF100 381-383
ATM 55 C14NL 258 CBSV-ES-EN7 418 CH810-HP 258 ENF1200 381-383
ATM-_ID 55 C19 * CBSV-ES-EN8 418 CHCC 257 ENF125 381-383
Services &

ATM-FHID 55 C22G 232 CBSV-ES-TEHP 422 CHM 257 ENF16 381-383


B221 247 C22G_S 234 CBSV-ES-TELP 422 CH-PLC 258 ENF1600 381-383
B222 247 C22M 233 CBSV-ES-TEMP 422 CHPV 257 ENF200 381-383
B40 * C22M_S 234 CBSV-SC-EN8 419-420 CIF 221 ENF2000 381-383
B48 * C22NL 258 CBT * CIH 223 ENF25 381-383

* Not listed in this catalog. Call Cooper Bussmann Customer Satisfaction for more information. Call 636-527-3877.

437 For product data sheets, visit 437


Catalog Number Index

Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page
Number Number Number Number Number

ENF30 381-383 FH2 * GG 226 HHD 56 HTC-45M 65

ENF3150 381-383 FHL * GH 226 HHF 56 HTC-50M 65
ENF32 381-383 FHN * GKB * HHG 56 HTC-55M 281
ENF400 381-383 FL- * GKJ * HHI 278 HTC-60M 65
ENF45 381-383 FL11H_ 88 GLD 51 HHJ 278 HTC-65M 65
ENF60 381-383 FL11K__ 88 GLH * HHL 56 HTC-70M 281
ENF600 381-383 FL11N * GLN * HHM 56 HVA 87
ENF63 381-383 FL11T__ 88 GLP 235 HHT 278 HVB 87
ENF800 381-383 FL12K__ 88 GLQ 53 HHX 56 HVJ 87
ENN * FL1A5 * GLR 54 HIF * HVL 87
EP * FL3H * GLX * HJL 285 HVR 87
ERK-28 411 FL3K__ 88 GMA 61 HJM * HVT 87
ERS2 * FL3T__ 88 GMA-V 61 HKA * HVU 87
ERS30 * FLB * GMC 61 HKL 285 HVW 87
ESD 225 FLD * GMC-V 61 HKP 282 HVX 87
ET 191-192 FLF * GMD 61 HKQ * HWA *
ETF * FLM * GMD-V 61 HKR 285 IXL70F *
EVF * FLN * GMF 54 HKT 285 J-_ _ 415
F01A * FLS * GMQ 53 HKU 285 J101/J *
F02A * FM 191-192, 194 GMT- 399 HKX 285 J201/J *
F02B * FM01A * GMT-A 399 HLA * J301/J *
F03A * FM08A * GMW * HLD 285 J60__ 266-267
F03B * FM09A * GOB * HLQ 53 J70032 216
F06A * FM09B * GRF 54 HLR 54 J70100 216
F07A * FMM 191-192, 194 GSK-260 410 HLS 399 JA600 268
F09A * FMX * H07C 224 HLT 399 JB1 *
F09B * FNA 51 H25_ 260-262 HME 278 JB3 *
F10A * FNJ * H60_ 263-265 HMF 278 JCA *
F15A * FNM 49 HAC-R * HMG 278 JCD- 78
F15B * FNQ 49 HAS-R * HMH 278 JCE- *
F16A * FNQ-R 18 HBC * HMI 278 JCG- 80, 82
F16B * FNW * HBH-I 66 HMJ 278 JCH- 80-81
F19B * FP-_ 414 HBH-M 66 HMK * JCI- 78
F29A * FR-1000 * HBM * HMR * JCK- 80-81
F38 402 FRN-R 35 HBO * HN-1 * JCK-A- 80-81
F380 * FRN-R-__ID 35 HBP- * HN-3 * JCK-B- 80-81
F60C * FRS-R 36 HBS- * HN-5 * JCL- 80-81
F61C * FRS-R-__ID 36 HBV-I 66 HOB * JCL-A- 80, 82
F62C * FSD * HBV-M 66 HOF * JCL-B- 80, 82
F63C * FT-_ 414 HBW-I 66 HPC-D 287 JCM *
F64C * FTI * HBW-M 66 HPD 286 JCN *
F65C * FTM * HC- * HPF 286 JCP *
F7036- * FWA 98-101, 197-198 HC1 * HPG 286 JCQ- 78
FA02 * FWC 205-206 HC2 * HPL * JCR-A 80, 82
FA2A * FWH 104-105, 201-204 HC3 * HPM 287 JCR-B- 80, 82
FA4H * FWJ 111-112, 213-214 HC7 * HPS 286 JCT- 78
FBI 66 FWK 211-212 HC8 * HPS2 287 JCU- 74-75
FBM 66 FWL 215 HCM * HRE 278 JCW- 78
FBP * FWP 207-210 HEB 279-280 HRF 278 JCX- 74
FC * FWS 215 HEC 279 HRG 278 JCY- 74
FCB * FWX 102-103, 199-200 HEF * HRH 278 JCZ- 74-75
FCC * G30060 274 HEG 279 HRI 278 JDN *
FCU * GBA 51 HEH 279 HRJ 278 JDZ- 74-75
FD200 344 GBB 63 HEJ 279 HRK 277 JF1 *
FD400 340-344 GBB-V 63 HET 279 HSK * JJN- 38
FD600 340-343, 346 GBC * HEX 279 HTB- 283-284 JJS- 39
FD800 340-343, 346 GDA 59 HEY 279 HTC-10M * JKS 24
FDM * GDA-V 59 HFA 278 HTC-140M 67 JN *
FE 191-192, 194 GDB 59 HFB 277 HTC-15M 67 JP600 268
FE2475- * GDB-V 59 HGA * HTC-200M 67 JPA-3 *
FEE 191-192, 194 GDC 60 HGB * HTC-210M 67 JSK-36 410
FEH * GDC-V 60 HGC * HTC-30M * JT 255-256
FF 226 GF 226 HHB 277 HTC-35M 281 JTN 255-256
FG 226 GFA * HHC 56 HTC-40M 281 JU *

* Not listed in this catalog. Call Cooper Bussmann Customer Satisfaction for more information. Call 636-527-3877.

438 For product data sheets, visit 438


Catalog Number Index

Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page
Number Number Number Number Number

JV-L 258 KGS-A * LPF1- 291 NDNAS 305 NTN-R- 415

K07C 224 KGT * LPJ__SP 23 NDND1 * NTQ23-WH 311
KAA * KGX * LPJ__SPI 23 NDNF1-WH 291 NTS-R- 415
KAB * KGY * LPN-RK__SP 29-31 NDNFD1-WH 291 NUE *
KAC 106 KIG 46 LPN-RK__SPI 29-31 NDNLFD1-WH 291 NXA *
KAD * KJA * LPRK-28 411 NDNV4- 304 NXC *
KAF * KJB * LPS-RK__SP 29-31 NFA * __NZ01 227
KAJ * KLC * LPS-RK__SPI 29-31 NFT2- 306 __NZ02 227
KAL * KLM 47 LPT * NFT3- 306 OEFMA 86
KAW * KLP * LS1D3 * NFTA 305 OEGMA 86
KAX * KLU 28 M09C 224 _NHG _ _ _ B 228-231 OHFMA 86
KAZ 52 KMH-C * M14C 224 NI 235 OHGMA 86
KBC 107 KOS15 * MAI 195 NITD 225 OIA *
KBD * KPF 46 MAS * NNB 415 OJ *
KBJ * KQO 46 MAX- 55 NNB-R 415 OLGMA 86
KBO * KQT 46 MAX-__ID 55 NNC 415 OPM-1038 250-251
KBR * KQV 46 MB- 42 NO.1 413 OPMNGSA 252-253
KBT * KQW-M * MBO * NO.100 * OPMNGSAAUX 252-253
KBY * KRP-C__SP 26-27 MC_ _ _ 195 NO.140 412 OPM-NG-SC3 252-253
KCA 46 KRP-CL 27 MCRW * NO.15 * OPM-NG-SM3 252-253
KCB 46 KS-19392-L36 * MDA 64 NO.2 413 OSD 225
KCC 46 KT3- 310 MDA-V 64 NO.201 * OSP *
KCD 46 KT4- 310 MDF * NO.204 * P- 41
KCE 46 KTE * MDL 64 NO.205 * P09C 224
KCF 46 KTJ * MDL-V 64 NO.213 415 P11C 224
KCH 46 KTK 47 MDM * NO.213-R 415 PCB *
KCJ 46 KTK-R 19 MDQ 64 NO.216 415 PCC *
KCM 46 KTN-R 32 MDQ-V 64 NO.216-R 415 PCD *
KCM-B 46 KTN-S * MDX * NO.220 412 PCF *
KCR 46 KTQ 50 MFN * NO.226 415 PCG *
KCS 46 KTS-R * MIC 51 NO.226-R 415 PCH *
KCV 46 KTS-S * MIJ * NO.242-R 415 PCI- *
KCY 46 KTU 28 MIN 51 NO.2621 415 PCT 399
KCZ 46 KU 321 MIS 52 NO.2621-R 415 PDB___ 296
KDA 46 KUH 321 MKA * NO.263 415 PDBFS___ 295
KDB 46 KURL 321 MKB * NO.263-R 415 PF1 274
KDC 46 KUSC 321 MKG * NO.2641 415 PF1- 291
KDD 46 KUX 321 MMB * NO.2641-R 415 PLK3-WH 310
KDE 46 KUXRL 321 MMT 191-193 NO.2642 415 PLU11-WH 309
KDF 46 KUXSC 321 MPR * NO.2661-R 415 PLU111-WH 309
KDH 46 KWN-R * MS100 * NO.2662-R 415 PLU1-WH 309
KDJ 46 KWS-R 33 MSK-45 410 NO.2664-R 415 PLU3- 309
KDM 46 L09C 224 MSL * NO.270 412 PMP 240-241
KDP 46 L14C 224 MSW710 * NO.2880 * PON 219
KDR 46 LA * MT 191-193 NO.36 411 PS 240-241
KDT 46 LA8D324 * MT12 * NO.4 413 PS1RPLSW *
KDU 46 LAA * MTC6 * NO.5 413 PSU11-WH 309
KDY 46 LAC * MTH * NO.6 413 PSU111-WH 309
KEF * LAG * MTMU * NO.616 415 PSU1-WH 309
KEM * LAN * MV055- 73 NO.616-R 415 PV- 48
KER * LAR * MV155- 73 NO.626 415 PVS-R 37
KEW 46 LCT 188-189 N512-BK 306 NO.626-R 415 QC202/J *
KEX 46 LCU * NBB * NO.642-R 415 QC203/J *
KFH-A 46 LD1 * NBC * NO.663 415 Quik-Spec AC Safety
KFM 46 LD2 * NBE * NO.663-R 415 Switches Switches 245-246
KFT 46 LEF * NC3- 307 NO.7 413 Quik-Spec Coordination
KFZ 46 LET 188-189 ND-1260 * NO.8 413 Panelboards 238-239
KGC * LKB * NDN111- 305 NON 25 Quik-Spec DC Safety
KGJ * LKC * NDN1A-WH 305 NOS 25 Switches 242
Services &

KGJ-A * LKN * NDN1-WH 305 NPL * Quik-Spec Solar Combiner


KGJ-E * LKS * NDN3- 304 NRA 305 Boxes 243-244

KGL * LMMT 188, 190 NDN63- 304 NSD 225 R11C 224
KGO-E * LMT 188, 190 NDNA100 305 NSE3-WH 307 R25_ 260-262
KGS * LP-CC 17 NDNA200 305 NSS3- 307 R60_ 263-265

* Not listed in this catalog. Call Cooper Bussmann Customer Satisfaction for more information. Call 636-527-3877.

439 For product data sheets, visit 439


Catalog Number Index

Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page Catalog Page
Number Number Number Number Number

REG * SOX 276 TL- 40 WKU *

REN * SOY 276 TP158HC 393 WKV *
RES * SPJ * TP15900 * WLF *
RFI * SPP * TP15900-4 391 WMB *
RFL * SRA-R * TP15914 390 WMM *
RK1SK-39 410 SRD * TPA 391 WMQ *
RK5SK-39 410 SRT-A * TPA-B 391 WPQ *
RLA * SRU 276 TPB * WQL *
RLC * SRU-BC * TPC 388 WQN *
RYA * SRW 276 TPCDS 388 WQP *
RYC * SRX 276 TPH * WSE *
S- 41 SRY 276 TPHCS- 395 WSH *
S3Holder * SSD 225 TPJ * WSL *
S500 59 SSN 276 TPL- 396 WSM *
S500-V 59 SSU 276 TPM 389 WSP *
S501 59 SSW 276 TPMDS 389 WSQ *
S501-V 59 SSX 276 TPN 397 WST *
S504 * SSY 276 TPS 392 WSU *
S505 59 STD 225 TPSFH- 414 WTJ *
S505-V 59 STI * TPW * WTK *
S506 60 STM * TPWDS * WTT *
S506-V 60 STY 276 TRF * WTZ *
S-8001 288 SYC * TS- 322-324 WUC *
S-8002 288 SZQ * TVS 406 WUD *
S-8101 288 T- 41 TVSS- 407 WUE *
S-8102 288 T1320-2R * TXLEJ 84 WUG *
S-8201 288 T30__ 269-270 TXMEJ 84 WUH *
S-8202 288 T60__ 271-272 TXQEJ 84 WUI *
S-8203 288 TB100- 312-313 UHA * WUQ *
S-8301 288 TB200- 314-315 UHC * WUR *
SA- 42 TB200HB- 314-315 UHJ * WUU *
SAMI- 259 TB300- 316-317 UHS * WUV *
SB 186 TB345- 316-317 UHT * WUW *
SC 22 TB400- 320 UHW * WUY *
SCV15 * TC 41 ULR * WVA *
SCV20 * TCF 20-21 VFNHA 83 WVQ *
SCY 276 TCF__RN 20-21 VKNHA 83 WVR *
SDA * TCFH__N 20-21 W- 40 WWD *
SDQ * TDC10 * WDOH6 83 WWG *
SEW-5B * TDC180 * WER 400 WWK *
SF25H * TDC600 * WFFHO 83 WWL *
SFB1030 * TDLEJ 84 WFLSJ 83 WWU *
SFD27 * TDP * WFOH6 83 WYG *
SFR1 * TFMEJ 84 WJON6 83 WZX *
SKA 276 TFQSJ 84 WKB * XL25X *
SL- 40 TGH * WKH * XL70F *
SM363 * THL * WKJ *
SOA72 305 TJD * WKMSJ 83-84
SOW 276 TKMEJ 84 WKS *

440 For product data sheets, visit

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Telephone: 636-527-3877 Telephone: 8621-2899-3888
Fax: 800-544-2570 Fax: 8621-2899-3997
Email: [email protected]
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Telephone: +52-55-5587-0211 Ext.720 Telephone: 91-413-267-2005
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Telephone: 44-1509-882737
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Fax: 561-241-6640 Cooper Bussmann Brazil
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Telephone: 55-11-4024-8400
Fax: 55-11-40-24-8424

Services &

For product data sheets, visit 441

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