B. Symbolic Delivery: Chapter 6 - Consummation of Sale

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- When execution of public instrument is NOT tantamount to an

actual delivery:
• when there is a stipulation to the contrary
• when the subject matter was not subject to the control of the
1. To preserve the subject matter • when control of the seller did not subsist for a reasonable
length of time
Art. 1163. Every person obliged to give a determinate thing is a also
obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father
of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires b. Symbolic Delivery
another standard of care.
- Must involve or cover the subject matter, and cannot take a
2. To deliver the subject matter form relating to the payment of purchase prices.
Art. 1495. The seller is bound to transfer the ownership and to deliver c. Constitutum Possessorium
the thing which is the object of the sale, to the buyer.
- Takes effect when at the time of perfection of the sale, the
3. To deliver the Fruits and Accessories seller held possession of the subject matter in the concept of
4. To Warrant the Subject Matter owner, and pursuant to the contract, seller continues to hold
physical possession no longer in the concept of owner, but as a
lessee or any other form of possession.
Principles on Tradition: (Santos v Santos)
d. Traditio Brevi Manu
• acceptance by the buyer is not essential for delivery by the seller to
- Mode of delivery where before the sale, the would-be buyer
achieve its legal effects
was already in possession of the would-be subject matter, say
• Express intention on the matter at the point of delivery is not a lessee, and pursuant to sale, he would now hold possession
essential for tradition to produce its legal consequences in the concept of an owner.
• only way to prevent the legal consequences of tradition from coming e. Traditio Longa Manu
into effect at the point of delivery is by an express reservation to
- Constructive delivery of a thing effected by mere agreement,
the contrary
such as when the seller points the property subject matter and
the buyer agrees that from the time on he is the owner, without
TYPES OF DELIVERY need of actually delivering physical possession.
1. Actual Delivery f. Delivery of Incorporeal Property
- When the thing sold is placed in the control and possession of - Incorporeal property is having no physical existence. It can only
the buyer. be effect thru constructive delivery.
- Key word is CONTROL, not possession in determining the legal g. Delivery by Negotiable Document of Title
effect of tradition. (Power Commercial and Industrial Corp. v h. Delivery through Carrier
 Free along Side Ship (F.A.S. Sales) – delivery of the goods
2. Constructive Delivery alongside the vessel completes the effect of tradition
- There is an existing agreement between seller and buyer that  Free in board (F.O.B Sales) – seller shall bear all expenses until
the latter is understood to have control of the subject matter the goods are delivered, depending on whether the goods are
of the sale. to be delivered FOB at the point of shipment or at the point if
a. Execution of Public Instrument  Cost, Insurance, and Freight (C.I.F. Sales) – amount quoted by
the seller and agreed by the buyer covers not only the cost of
- When the sale us made thru a public instrument, the execution
the merchandise but also the cost of insurance and freight.
shall be equivalent to the delivery of the subject matter of sale,
if from the deed the contrary does not appear or cannot clearly
- Execution of a public instrument is tantamount to an actual 1. Delivery must be made pursuant to a valid sale
delivery provided that at the time of execution, the seller has
control over the property. It is not enough that the seller has - When a sale is void, no title can be conveyed. No mam can do
ownership and right of possession. He must have CONTROL. anything except what he can do lawfully.
(Addison v Felix) 2. Delivery must be effected when seller has ownership over the
- The control must subsist for a reasonable length of time, subject matter of sale so delivered
otherwise it can be rebutted by a clear and convincing evidence - Seller must own the property. No man can dispose of that
such as an interposition of a third party. (Danguilan v IAC) which does not belong to him.
- In execution of a public instrument to be effected as a delivery,
there must be no legal impediments that exist and no
 To whom delivery must be made: to the buyer or his duly
interposition of a third party.
authorized rep only, unless the buyer specifically designated
- When it comes to a 3rd party and the issue centers on the title someone to receive delivery.
or ownership of the subject matter, execution of a public
 When Buyer refuses to accept: buyer cannot refuse without
instrument would produce the effect of tradition/sale, but only
just cause. Acceptance of the buyer is NOT a condition for the
insofar as the title is concerned provided at the time of
completeness of delivery.
execution there was no legal impediment on the part of the
seller to transfer title to the buyer, even if at the time of sale,
control and possession were not in his hands.
 Art. 1588. When the buyer’s refusal to accept the goods is D. Time – reasonable time
without just cause, the title passes to him from the moment E. Demand and delivery — be made at a reasonable hour
they are placed at his disposal.
F. Expenses in putting the goods in a deliverable state – borne by
the seller
A. Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods LESS RULES ON EFFECTS OF DELIVERY FOR IMMOVABLES
than what he contracted to sell
1. Unit price Contract – price is determined by way of reference
- Buyer MAY REJECT them to a stated rate per unit area ( 1k per sqm)
- But if buyer ACCEPTS, knowing that it is less, he must pay for 2. Lump Sum Contract – full purchase price for an immovable the
the full price area of which may be declared based on the estimate or where
- If the buyer has used or disposed of the goods before he knows both the area and boundaries are stated ( 1 million for 1,000
that seller is not going to perform his contract in full, buyer shall sqm)
not be liable for more than fair value to him of the goods
 Expenses of Delivery and Registration on Real Estate: in (Vive
B. Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods Eagle Land Inc. v CA), the expenses of delivery and registration
LARGER than what he contracted to sell on Real Estate must be borne by the seller unless there is a
- Buyer MAY ACCEPT the goods he bought, and REJECT THE REST stipulation to the contrary.
- If the buyer ACCEPTS the whole, he must pay for the full price - In (Chua v CA), the registration of the title of the buyer over the
- If the subject matter is indivisible, buyer may reject the whole purchased real estate is not an ingredient necessary for
tradition to have full effect.
C. Where the seller delivers to the buyer the goods contracted
but mixed with goods of a different description - The obligation of the seller is to transfer to the buyer the
ownership of the thing sold. In the sale of real property, seller
- Buyer may ACCEPT the contracted goods and REJECT THE REST is NOT obliged to transfer in the name of the buyer a new
- If the subject matter is indivisible, buyer may reject the whole certificate if title, but rather to transfer ownership of the real
property. There is a difference between the transfer if the
certificate if title in the name of the buyer, and the transfer of
 When goods held by a 3rd party: seller has not yet fulfilled his the ownership to the buyer.
obligation to deliver unless and until such 3rd person
acknowledges to the buyer that he holds the goods on the
buyer’s behalf.
 Reservation of Ownership: ownership will not transfer to the
buyer in case of express reservation, such as when the parties
stipulate that ownership will not transfer until the purchase
price is fully paid.
 Sale by description and/or sample: the sale may be rescinded if
the bulk if the goods delivered do not correspond with the
description or the sample
 On Sale or Return: to give the buyer an option to return the
goods instead of paying the price, the ownership passes to the
buyer on delivery, but he may revest the ownership in the seller
by returning or tendering the goods within the time fixed in the
contract, or if not time has been fixed, within a reasonable
 Sale on Approval, Trial, Satisfaction, or Acceptance: ownership
then passes to the buyer when he signifies his approval or
acceptance to the seller or does not signify his approval or
acceptance, but retains the goods without giving notice of
rejection, then if a time has been fixed for the return of the
goods, on the expiration of a reasonable time.
 Form of Such Special Sales: there must be a clear agreement to
either sale of return or sale on approval

Written Proof of Delivery – written acknowledgement of a person

that he has actually received the thing. A bill of lading and a
factory consignment invoice are not proofs of delivery
Time, Place, and Expenses of Delivery —
A. First, depends on what is agreed upon in the contract
B. If no agreement, place of delivery is seller’s place of business, if
not, his residence
C. In case of specific goods, when the contract was made in some
other place, then that place is the place of delivery

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