Labor Law Notes: Part I: Labor Standards
Labor Law Notes: Part I: Labor Standards
Labor Law Notes: Part I: Labor Standards
Job Evaluation
- Evaluation of different job levels References to a Labor Question
- How? Criteria that mgmt. deemed it
proper (point rating) 1. Constitution
- Example of criteria: education, years of 2. Labor code
3. Civil code
experience, responsibility for people,
4. Jurisprudence (Art.8)
responsibility for funds, responsibility for 5. Special laws (ex: magna carta…)
company property, exposure to elements of 6. Revised penal code
environment 7. CBA
- Job evaluation is based on the nature of the 8. Employment contract
job 9. Employer practice
- Look at the job itself, regardless of the 10. Intl Agreements (ILO)
person and in relation to other jobs in the
- Point rating then to be tallied Labor Code
- General law
Performance Evaluation - All labor laws are codified here
- Took effect November 1, 1974
- how people perform their work
- Job evaluation is different from performance
evaluation CBA
- Contract as long as it does not contravene
Management Prerogative any law, moral, customs, and public policy.
c. Right to Strike
Rules and Regulations o SSS Case
o They are prohibited.
- Details of law that congress has no line of o Recourse (EO No. 180): go to Public
Sector Labor Management Council
- Does the sec of labor has the power to
(PSLMC) to raise their grievances
promulgate rules and regulations in
implementation of labor laws? Is it not an
undue delegation of power?
o Yes. Sec of Labor has such power. Principle of Tripartism
The rule making authority of the sec 1. Government
of labor is explicitly provided in the 2. Er Sector for policy formulation
labor code 3. Ee Sector and adjudication
1. Corporation Code
o covered by the Labor Code and all of On the part of adjudication, where do you find it
its provisions in the principle of tripartism
2. GOCC w/ Original Charter or formed
under the General Corporation Law - Bcoz there are representatives of NLRC in
o covered by the Civil Service Law Er and Ee sector
Among these rights, which is the basis of the - Livi supplied manpower to do promo merch
rights of labor and mgmt? - Workers performed work under supervision
and control of CMC
- Right to Property bcoz rights of labor and - There was termination
mgmt. as property rights can be used in - Accdg to CMC, there is no eer as provided
whatever way they want under the agreement
- SC held that CMC is the er of the promo
merch. It involves labor only contracting.
Social Equilibrium Livi has no substantial capital + the work is
directly related to the business of the
- Balance between exercise of rights of labor principal. More importantly, CMC exercises
and rights of mgmt. power of control.
- But we actually have constant clash that’s
why we have labor laws
Four Fold Test
Basic Principles
- Employer (er): who employs the services of DO 18-A
other for a fee - You can outsource regular jobs by a
- Employee (ee): person who renders services contractor. If you do so, the er is the
to another for a fee contractor
Two Tiered Test/ Economic Dependence Test
- Who hires an ee for compensation and
(Case of Sevilla and Francisco)
exercises supervision and control over the ee
not only as to the result of the work but also 1. Putative power of control
the methods by which the work is to be 2. Underlying economic realities
Francisco Case
Alcatel vs Relos
Dumpit-Murillo Case, Fuji TV vs Espiritu, and
- Not continuous hiring Behino vs ABSCBN
- If they are not hired, pwede sila mahire sa
iba or mag-side line - They are ees of their respective ers. There is
- They are hired for project (there must be a power of control. There is EER
beginning and an end date for the
undertaking that is not necessarily part of
the business; the undertaking must be How relevant is mode of compensation
identifiable and segregable.) (boundary-hulog, piece rate, etc) in determining
- SC ruled that this is a legitimate project EER?
based employment
- Irrelevant; not determinative of EER.
Labor Organization
- Can be an er if they hire ee
Right to Hire Graceful exit from employment is a management
- This is not absolute. There are limitations
under the law
Philippine Aids Prevention Control
Stipulation against Marriage - No discrimination for those afflicted with
- You cannot establish as condition for - Prescription of law on AIDS Confidentiality:
employment the results of the HIV test should not be
- May an er require an ee to submit herself
Minimum Age to HIV test?
- Secure permit o No, it is prohibited by law. It cannot
- Working hours require.
o Below 15 – 4 hrs a day/ 20 hrs in a - May an ee voluntarily test for HIV?
week o Yes
o 15 to less than 18 – 8hrs a day/ 40hrs - Drug test may be required but not the HIV
in a week testing.
- Income: all for the needs of the child; 20%
to the family
- Trust fund: 30% or at least 200,000; Magna Carta for Disabled Person
however, if it is below 200k, there must be - G.R. there should be no discrimination for
an account disabled persons; meaning, it cannot be a
- Not for hazardous works; not for alcoholic
ground to deny employment
beverages - XPN: if it impairs the business
SOLE may rule on If there is a claim for Form or Mode of Compliance/ Mechanisms to
issue of EER. If there is reinstatement, NLRC Ensure Compliance with Minimum Standards of
EER, jurisdiction is na hindi na Regional Employment
retained with SOLE. If Director
none, jurisdiction 1. Joint assessment (joint effort of DOLE and
should be with the the establishment)
NLRC. (Ruling in 2. Inspection (wait for the inspection)
Bombo overturned in 3. Occupational Health and Safety Standards
Restaurant business. Waiters. One of them live - IRR = issued by WB subject to review by
as one group. Some of them requested the er to WC and approval by SOLE
live sa tabi ng restaurant para on time lagi. The - Review by WC = to determine if in
er granted it pinagbabayad sila 500. accordance with the guidelines
Minimum wage
- Agencies:
1. RTWPB – Wage Board - 12 months no wage order
2. NWPC – Wage Commission - XPN: supervening conditions/event in case
a. SOLE of extraordinary inflation
b. NEDA – to take policy directions of
the govt
3. Congress – created Board & XPN to Minimum Wage Order
Commission by virtue of RA 6727
- Board subject to review by Commission
Before Wage Order is release 2. Non-unionized
- Mandatory to have public hearings and NCMB SENA NLRC
In Wage Distortion, which levels are affected?
- Rank and file perhaps upto supervisors bcoz
RULE: It is not necessarily required to restore
they are usually receiving minimum wage
historical gap. Significant gap is sufficient. Ensure
that there will still be sufficient distinction between
two levels
3Ps (Sound Management Compensation
1. Pay for position Non-Compliance with Wage Order
2. Pay for performance
3. Pay for person - Liability:
1. Double Indemnity
2. Imprisonment and/or fine aside from
double indemnity
What if there is increase by virtue of
performance in managerial level or in
supervisory level?
Case of Prubankers
- There is no wage distortion.
- Wage distortion is attendant upon - Regionalized; consider the living conditions
implementation of WAGE ORDER only