The President of the Philippines is the head of state, head of government, and chief executive. The President has extensive powers including executive power, power of appointment and removal of officials, military power as commander-in-chief, pardoning power, borrowing power, diplomatic power, budgetary power, power to address Congress, and other emergency and tariff powers. The President is elected every 6 years and cannot serve more than one term. A Vice President, who is also elected, can serve no more than two consecutive terms and can be removed in the same manner as the President.
The President of the Philippines is the head of state, head of government, and chief executive. The President has extensive powers including executive power, power of appointment and removal of officials, military power as commander-in-chief, pardoning power, borrowing power, diplomatic power, budgetary power, power to address Congress, and other emergency and tariff powers. The President is elected every 6 years and cannot serve more than one term. A Vice President, who is also elected, can serve no more than two consecutive terms and can be removed in the same manner as the President.
The President of the Philippines is the head of state, head of government, and chief executive. The President has extensive powers including executive power, power of appointment and removal of officials, military power as commander-in-chief, pardoning power, borrowing power, diplomatic power, budgetary power, power to address Congress, and other emergency and tariff powers. The President is elected every 6 years and cannot serve more than one term. A Vice President, who is also elected, can serve no more than two consecutive terms and can be removed in the same manner as the President.
The President of the Philippines is the head of state, head of government, and chief executive. The President has extensive powers including executive power, power of appointment and removal of officials, military power as commander-in-chief, pardoning power, borrowing power, diplomatic power, budgetary power, power to address Congress, and other emergency and tariff powers. The President is elected every 6 years and cannot serve more than one term. A Vice President, who is also elected, can serve no more than two consecutive terms and can be removed in the same manner as the President.
ARTICLE 7 : Executive Department (Philippine • Power of Control
Constitution) Power of an officer
✓ alter ✓ modify Section 1: ✓ nullify The executive power shall be vested in the President of ✓ set aside what a subordinate officer had the Philippines. done President • Chief Executive • Military Power • Head of State Military power enables the president to • Head of the Government ✓ Command all the armed forces of the Philippines Election ✓ Suspend the privilege of the writ of Every second Monday of May , every six years habeas corpus ✓ Declare martial law. Section 2: • Pardoning Power - Authority to grant relief Qualifications from criminal contempt penalties • Natural born citizens of the Philippines ✓ Barrowing Power- The President may contract • Registered voter or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the • Able to read and write Republic of the Philippines • At least 40 years of age ✓ Diplomatic Power- The President may deal with • Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years foreign states and governments ✓ Budgetary Power- president shall submit to Section 3: congress a budget of expenditures and sources There shall be a Vice-President who shall have the same of financing qualifications and term of office and be elected with, ✓ Informing Power- President shall address and in the same manner, as the President. He may be congress at the opening of its regular sessions removed from office in the same manner as the ✓ Other Powers President. President is vested with the following powers: ✓ to call the Congress to special session ✓ President shall not be eligible for ANY re- ✓ to consent to the deputization of government election personnel by the Commission on Elections ✓ No Vice President shall serve for more than 2 ✓ to approve or veto bills consecutive terms ✓ to discipline its deputies ✓ to exercise emergency and tariff powers Prohibitions/ inhibitions
• Shall not receive any other emolument
• Shall not hold any other office of employment • Shall not directly or indirectly practice any other profession • Strictly avoid conflict of interest • May not appoint spouse or relatives
Powers of the President
• Executive power – power to administer laws • Power of Appointment - President may appoint officials of the Philippine government as provided by the constitution and laws • Power of Removal- Power to remove his appointees without approval from the legislature