A Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Urea
A Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Urea
A Spectrophotometric Method For Determination of Urea
Another method would be to add a ketone that competes for hydroxylamine with the
ketone produced by condensation between urea and diacetylmonoxime.
Both possibilities were examined using maleic acid and several ketones. Phena-
zone (antipyrine) appeared to be the most successful reagent, although the mechanism
is probably partially different from that postulated above.
Reageuts. Urea was obtained from Merck, phenazone from Bayer, and diacetylmon-
oxime and 4-aminophenazone (4-aminoantipyrine) from BDH. Other reagents were
obtained from Carlo Erba.
Solution I, diacetylmonoxime (0.5 g) dissob-ed in IOO ml of 5”,,) (v/v) acetic acid.
Solution II antipyrine (0.4 g) dissolved in IOO ml of 40?~, (v/v) sulfuric acid
(analytical grade). The solution is stable.
Recommended pvoceduve. The blood is deproteinized by trichloroacetic acid
or according to the procedure described previously for blood glucose determina-
tionl. The latter procedure allows the same filtrate to be used for both urea and glu-
cose determinations. To LJ ml of acid cadmium sulfate solution (13 g 3CdS0, - SH,O
dissolved in 63.5 ml I ,V sulfuric acid and diluted to I 1 with water) in a centrifuge
tube, is added 0.1 ml of osalated blood. After a few minutes, when the solution has
become brown, 5.9 ml of sodium borate buffer (6.2 g boric aciddissolvedin rsoml IN
sodium hydroxide and diluted to I 1 with water) are added. The mixture is shaken
and after a few minutes centrifuged for a short time at about 2000 rev./min. To I ml
of the clear supernate, distilled water is added to a volume of 5 ml; then I ml of solu-
tion I and 4 ml of solution II are added; the solutions are mixed and heated in a
boiling water bath for jo min. When the contents of the test tubes are mixed, it is
necessary to use rubber gloves or to employ test tubes with ground stoppers to avoid
contact with hands, because traces of urea from the skin may affect the results.
4fter the tubes hale been cooled under running water, the color developed is
measured on a Beckman DL or on an Unicam spectrophotometer at 460 rnp against
a blank treated in the same manner. The color given by the blank is a \ery faint
yellow. A common clinical photometer may be used, provided that a standard curve
is made on the same apparatus; we used an Elvi photometer with filter 490. The
absorbance curve has a sharp peak at 460 rnp (Fig, I). The color is stable for at least
20 h even when exposed to direct light. The E:‘:;,, is 5.900. Beer’s law is followed
between 0.1 and 2 /&g/mlin the final solution, thus, with I ml of filtrate, a range
of blood urea between 0.1 and 2 g"/,.,is covered.
fluence on the color produced. The best results were obtained at a 40’31 concentration
r A
Recovery exfieriments
To I ml of blood filtrate, corresponding to 0.01 ml of blood, various concentra-
tions of urea ranging from 1-12 ,ug in I ml of water were added; the mixture was
diluted to 5 ml with water and the reaction performed. A mean recovery of 98.7
f 4.4% was obtained.
it may be supposed that, under the conditions used, urea does not react directly with
diacetylmonoxime but with the product formed by interaction between phenazone
and diacetylmonoxime. This is proved by the completely different behaviour of 3-
aminophenazone, whose 4-position is occupied.
From a practical point of view, the reaction with antipyrine offers several
advantages. It has a very high sensitivity (Et”&, 5.900), the color is stable, and
the standard curve follows Beer’s law over a rather large range (between 0.1 and
2 pg/ml), so that small samples of blood can be used and a single test can cover varia-
tions of blood urea ranging between 0.1 and 2 g o/oo. In the routine clinical laboratory
the filtrate from 0.1 ml of blood may serve for repeated tests both for urea and for
blood glucose determinations. Simply by reducing the amounts of the reagents, the
test could be easily adapted for samples of IO ~1 of blood.