University THE PUNJAB... : Semester
University THE PUNJAB... : Semester
University THE PUNJAB... : Semester
Roll No.
First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
9. Microsolt Excel is a
None of above
Answer the following short queslions. Ilach question carries equal marks' (2 x 10) 20
3. Describe and explain IF- ELSE forrnula in MS Excel with example. Also Write any
6. A Simulated experience generated by computer, like visiting the surface of the sun is called
A. Artificial Solar visitation C. Extended experience
B. Virtual reality D. Vica rio us actuality
7 . A part of the computer that all other parts are connected to. lt allows all of the parts to communicate'so
they work together
A. Operating System B. Disk Drive C. Motherboard D' Output Device
8. The output quality of a printer is measured by
A. Dot per sq. inch C. Dot Per inch
B. Dots printed Per unit time D. All of the above
9. Which is valid statement
A. 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
B. 1 MB = 1024 Bytes
C. L KB = 1000 Bytes
D. 1 MB = 1000 Bytes
10. software performs functions specific to a business or industry'
-A. Retail
B. Open source
C. Shareware
D. Custom
First Semester 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme I Rott No. ...........
PAPER: Computer (Introduction and Applications) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: COMP-l1l/ CMP-11019 MAX. MARKS:50
Q2. Give brief answers to the following questions (Short Questions). Marks: (10x2=20)
Questions) Marla: 30
Q3. Give detail answers to the following questions (Long
I.What are the rnain types of cornputers? Describe in detail with their usage in real life.
2. Defi ne mahvare and its type in detail?
3. How to safeguard your persotral inforrnation?
4. Write dowir the proiedure to create the following Table also write to change the table
background color, border color, border style columns height and rows width'
4. What is EEPROM?
-i. Explain how you create and manipulate charts in MS Excel. Also Explain Slide
Q.s Define software. What are the different types of System Software and Application
Software? Explain
with examples.
First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proqramme
l. MS-Excel is an example of
a. Application Software -
b. Presentation Software
c. Operating System
d. Utility Program
7 Which of the following is a t-vpe of impact printer?
a. Inkjet printer
b. Laser printer
Photo printer
d. Dot matrix printer
3. converts analog signals into digitat signals and digital signals into analog signals.
a. Router
c. Hub
d. Switches
4. is sequential access device
a. Tape storage
b. CD
c. RAIvI
d. DVD
5, The IC (integrated circuit) was used in .generation of computers for the first
a. lst
b. 2nd
c. lrd
d. 4rh
6. A is a computer that controls a computer network
a. Laptop
b. Desktop
c. Server
d. Client
7. Which of the following is a mechanical machine?
a. Desktop Computer
b. Photocopy Machine
c. Laptop Computer
d. Mainframe
8. is the process of obtaining data from input device during a machine cycle.
a. Fetcl.r
b. Decode
c. Execute
d. Store
9, is not a communication device.
a. NIC
b. Modem
c. Cable Modem
d. Coaxial cable
10. option tile all open program windows side-by-side on the screen.
a. Split
b. Freeze panes
Arrange all
d. None of the above is true
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aaaat a aaa a a a aaa
Second Semester - 2018 aaa aaaaaaaa
RouNo. .....................
aa aaaaaaaaa'
lVlarks (2*10:20)
Q2. Give Short answer of the following questions'
Q. 1
RollNo. ..................... :
o e o o t o o o oo a a aa aaaa a a a a a!
& Min.
. PAPER: Computer Qntroduction and Applications) TIME ALLOWED:
2 Hrs. 45
Counse Code: COMP-lll Part-tr
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.
(2 x l0)20
Ansrvcr thc lbllo$,ing short qucstions. [:rch question cltrrics eqttal nurks.
9. IJxpLain DIJNlS'/
t0. Whilt alc Ntrslcrl I'utlctiotts ir.r Excel?
Ausrvcr lbllorling Lorrg Qtrcstions. (10 x 3) 30
3. Explain irr)rv vL.lrr cl.cltc:-lidcs ln N,!S',l)orvcl'PoiII ,Also wIitc atrl'two fc.rltlles o{'l\4s
Q. l
1. Which of the following is not inside the system unit
A.iiAM B. Monitors C. Hard Disk D. Adapter
3. ----isacollectior-r of unp rocessed items, which can incluCe text, numbers, images, audio and video.
o 'Ihe
term --------refers to the sharpness or clarity of an image.
10. GB is approximately
Q' 2 .{[s$'cr thc lbtlou'ing short questions. Each qucstion carries eclual rnarls. (2
x 10)20
l)c:crrhu rtlti exPliiitr lF- {onrult'r in NIS Llrcel wilh exantpie.
Also Wiite any 1wo
L'eatLrres ol MS Power point with their uses ancl applications?
aaaaaa aaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaaaaa
2) What is the difference between use of a <div> and a <frame> tag in the
3) Do all HTML elements need both opening and closing tags? Give suitable
8) Explain the difference between how method parameters are passed for
variables that contain object references and variables that contain
primitive data t5rpes.
a) which component is responsible for converting byte code into machine specific code?
a. a)JVM b)JDK c) JtT d)JRE
d) Which tag should be used to pass information from JSpto included JSp?
a. a) Using <7ojsp:page> tag b) Using <Zojsp:param> tag
b. c) Using <7ojsp:import> tag d) Using <yojsp:useBean> tag
e) what is it called where child object gets kiiled if parent object is killed?
a. a)Aggregation b) Composition
b. c) Encapsulation d) Association
aaaa a a aa aaaa aaaaoaa
Third Semester 2018 i :
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme :..1:T.IJ:'.';:'.':'i:'.':'.':'.':';'..:
Q.3. How the steps input, process and output are graphically shown in a l0
flow chart? Differentiate between an algorithm and a flow chart?
Write an algorithm to calculate and print square of a number (i.e.,
Write C+ program to print theseries and also display coresponding
averuge and sum ofeven numbers in the range from 2 to 88. How
you can print only odd numbers in the above series?
Q.4. Write program to read from the user a value of t and prints out yl, l0
y2 andy3 in C+r such that:
yl = sin(e''2" ) , y2 = eT and y3 = cos(sin e') .
Q.5. a) For an object thrown at an angle "O" and initial velocity "u", the l0
horizontal range "R" is given by:
u'z sin(20),
- where 59.8 m/s2 and u= l20m/s.
^ c
Write a program to print out R against,angle O values. Take angle
varies from 300 to 600 in step size o[3u.
Comment on the following: inl mainQ and getchQ,
Third Semester 201E
Examination: 8,,S. 4 Years Prosfamm9
PAPER: Computer Science-I TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl..
Course Code: COMP-2l 1/IT-21335 ".
Attempt this Poper on this Question Sheet only.
Ql: Each question has FO{.IR possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.
i. Which one of the following is not an output device?
(a) Monitor (b) Web-cam (c) Digital projector (d) Printer
ii. Decimal number 48 has its equivalent binary that is equal to:
(a) 110000 (b) 110100 (c) 011000 (d) 0lll0l0
iii. For int a, A; which of the following is true in C++:
(a) Your variable: A (b) Your variable: a (c) Your variable: a and A (d) false
iv. Which of the following is true for choosing variable name in C+r program:
(a) numeric (b) alphabet (c) alphanumeric (d) both b and c
v. The graphical representation ofarranged numbers ofsteps written to solve for a
particular problern is called:
(a) solution (b) pseudo code (c) algorithm (d) flow chart
vi. The file extension of C+t program is:
(a) .cpp (b) .c't-t (c) c program (d) .doc
vii. In case of for loop, it is:
(a) fixed iterations loop (b) condition control loop (c) easy loop (d) incremental
viii, In case of while loop it is:
a) f,rxed iterations loop (b) condition control loop (c) easy loop (d) incremental
ix. C++ is run under:
(a) interpreter (b) compiler (c) translator (d) both a and b
x. The series of input, process and storage of data in a computer process is:
(a) Presentation prograrn (b) information cycle (c) application program (d) All
UNTYERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ...RoIl No. ..................
Fourth Semester - 20lS \
Examination: B.S.4 Years Programme '.. \
PAPER: Computer -fV TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. ....
Course Code: COMP-2031CMPA2316 Part- I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 '.
-- Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet only.
Please encircle the correct ontion. Each MCO carries I Mark This Paper will be collected
back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Question #: 1 (1x10=10) r
5' Which form event is used to assign the default values to form
and controls on the
6. Which form property will put text in the tifle bar of the form?
Question #: 2 , quesuons.
short questions.
snorr exl0)20
2. write a program to display first 5 numbers with their squares and cubes.
3 ' write a program that get ten numbers from user in an array and display maximum
'..Roll No.
PAPER: Computer Science-Il TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints, '.,.
S"*" crd.rbol,r-rlz /rr.z3
Attemot this Parer olihig
For an obiect thrown at an angle "O" and initial velocity "n", the
horizontal range "R" is given by:
li = '
u2 sin(20\
-"''--' 1
, where g:9.8 rn/s' and
u= fl20 160lm/s, wirh h=I0.
Write a progranr to print out R against angle O values using arrays.
Take angle varies from 300 to 600 in step size of 10. Also calculate
maximum value of R at the eiven data set.