Analysis of Motor - Pump Vibration - Kishore Karuppaswamy

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9/18/2019 Analysis of motor/pump vibration | Kishore Karuppaswamy

Analysis of motor/pump vibration

Posted on June 8, 2018

Vibration in a pump can be due to

1.Electrical imbalance
2.Mechanical unbalance – motor, coupling, or driven equipment
3.Mechanical effects – looseness, rubbing, bearings, etc.
4.External effects – base, driven equipment, misalignment, etc.
5.Resonance, critical speeds, reed critical etc
To solve a vibration problem one must differentiate between cause and effect
Is the vibratory force the cause of the high levels of vibration or is there a resonance that
amplifies the vibratory response.May be the support structure is just not good enough to
minimize the displacement.
There are many different forces and interactions as a result of the power source and the
interactions between the stator and rotor.

These can be classified as (frequency vibration oversize, symmetry, load, and unbalance)
Can be remembered as “FOULS” in a pump/motor 1/8
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“F” stands for frequency of vibration like twice line frequency vibration,
“O” stands for oversize coupling and parts
“U” stands for unbalance like motor, thermal, driven machine etc
“L” stands for load related vibration
“S” stands for Symmetry of rotor/stator

“F” category
1.Twice Line Frequency Vibration:
2.One Times Line Frequency Vibration:
3.Rotor Bar Passing Frequency vibration:
4.Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies of core Vibration

“O” category
5.Oversize Coupling and parts:
“U” category
6.Motor Unbalance.
7.Thermal Unbalance
8.Coupling Unbalance:
9.Driven Machine Unbalance:
“L” category
10.Load Related Magnetic Force Frequencies and Mode Shapes
“S” category
11.Elliptical stator due to Fundamental Flux:
12.Non Symmetrical Air-gap:
13.Eccentric Rotor:
14.Broken Rotor Bar:
15.Maintaining Balance in the Field:
16.Forcing Frequency Response Vibration

A brief explanation is as follows

1.Twice Line Frequency Vibration:
The power source of a pump is a sinusoidal voltage that varies from positive to negative
peak voltage in each cycle. Many different problems either electrical or mechanical in
nature can cause vibration at the same or similar frequencies
A power supply produces an electromagnetic attracting force between the stator and rotor
which is at a maximum when the magnetizing current flowing in the stator is at a maximum
either positive or negative at that instant of time.As a result there will be 2 peak
electromagnetic forces (causes vibration here) during each cycle of the voltage or current
wave reducing to zero at the point in time when the current and fundamental flux wave pass
through zero 2/8
9/18/2019 Analysis of motor/pump vibration | Kishore Karuppaswamy

This will result in a frequency of vibration equal to 2 times the frequency of the power
source (twice line frequency vibration). This particular vibration is extremely sensitive to
the motor’s foot flatness, frame and base stiffness and how consistent the air gap is
between the stator and rotor, around the stator bore. It is also influenced by the eccentricity
of the rotor.
2.One Times Line Frequency Vibration:
Although not nearly as prevalent as twice line frequency vibration, one times line frequency
vibration can exist. Unbalanced magnetic pull may result in vibration at line frequency (one
times line frequency) as well as the usual twice line frequency vibration. If the rotor or
stator moves from side to side, the point of minimum air gap may move from one side of
the motor to the other. When the frequency of this motion corresponds to the frequency of
the travelling flux wave, the unbalanced magnetic pull will shift from side to side with the
point of minimum gap, resulting in vibration at line frequency. This line frequency vibration
is normally very small or non-existent, but if the stator or rotor system has a resonance at,
or near, line frequency, the vibration may be large.
3.Rotor Bar Passing Frequency Vibration:
High frequency, load-related magnetic vibration at or near rotor slot passing frequency is
generated in the motor stator when current is induced into the rotor bars under load. The
magnitude of this vibration varies with load, increasing as load increases. The electrical
current in the bars creates a magnetic field around the bars that applies an attracting force
to the stator teeth. These radial and tangential forces which are applied to the stator teeth
create vibration of the stator core and teeth. This source of vibration is at a frequency
which is much greater than frequencies normally measured during normal vibration tests.
Due to the extremely high frequencies, even very low displacements can cause high
velocities if the frequency range under test is opened up to include these frequencies.
Though these levels and frequencies can be picked up on the motor frame and bearing
housings, significant levels of vibration at these higher frequencies will not be seen
between shaft and bearing housing where they could be damaging. 3/8
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4.Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies of Core Vibration:

Under the applied magnetic forces (due to phase current) the stator core is set into
vibration in the same manner that a ring of steel would respond if struck. Depending upon
the modal pattern and frequencies of the exciting force, as described above, the stator
would vibrate in one or more of its flexural modes m of vibration.

5.Oversize Coupling: 4/8
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One consideration in coupling selection is coupling size. The coupling should be large
enough to handle the application, including the required service factor, but should not be
exceptionally large. Potential results of oversize couplings are:
*Increased motor vibration due to increased coupling unbalance and/or a change in the
critical speed or rotor response due to increased weight. This is particularly true for flexible
shaft machines.
*A greatly oversize coupling can result in greatly severe shaft bending, excessive vibration,
and, heavy rubbing of seals, ultimately resulting in catastrophic shaft failure.
6.Motor Unbalance:
Balancing is required on all types of rotating machinery, including motors, to obtain a
smooth running machine. This is performed in the factory in a balance machine at a level of
precision determined by the motor speed, size, and vibration requirements. Fundamental
requirements for precision balance on any machine are:
*Parts must be precision manufactured for close concentric and minimal unbalance
*Looseness of parts, which can result in shifting during operation, causing a change in
balance, must be avoided or minimized.
*Balance correction weights should be added at or near the points of unbalance.
7.Thermal Unbalance:
Thermal unbalance is a special form of unbalance. It is caused by uneven rotor heating or
uneven bending due to rotor heating. The proper solution is to determine the reason for
uneven heating affecting shaft straightness, and fix the rotor.All rotors will have some
change in vibration in transitioning from a cold state to a hot one.However, if the
application is one of continuous duty, and, vibration levels are not excessive during start-
up (i.e. motor cold), it is permissible to allow more change cold to hot without any damage
to the motor. In these situations if the lowest vibration levels are desired at operating
conditions, a hot trim balancing procedure can be performed. To perform this procedure,
run the motor until all conditions thermally stabilize, and quickly perform a trim balance. If
necessary,run the motor again after the initial trial weights have been installed and let the
motor thermally stabilize before taking additional vibration measurements for final weight
8.Coupling Unbalance:
Use of a proper key and a balanced coupling leaves the machine alignment and mounting
and the driven equipment balance as the remaining major factor in system vibration.
9.Driven Machine Unbalance:
Under normal circumstances, the unbalance of the driven machine should not significantly
affect the motor vibration. However, if the unbalance is severe, or if a rigid coupling is being
used, then the unbalance of the driven machine may be transmitted to the motor
10.Load Related Magnetic Force Frequencies and Mode Shapes
The frequencies of the load related magnetic forces applied to the stator teeth and core
equal the passing frequency of the rotor bars. A magnetic force is generated at the passing
frequency of the rotor slot (FQR), which is motor speed in revolution per second times the
number of rotor slots The forces applied to the stator teeth are not evenly distributed to
every tooth at any instant in time; they are applied with different magnitudes at different
teeth, depending upon the relative rotor-and stator-tooth location. This results in force
waves over the stator circumference. The mode shape of these magnetic force waves is a
result of the difference between the number of rotor and stator slots 5/8
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11.Elliptical stator due to Fundamental Flux:

For 2-pole motors the Electro-mechanical force will attempt to deflect the stator into an
elliptical shape. The primary resistance to movement is the strength of the core back iron
and the stiffness of the housing around the stator core, which is restraining the core’s

12.Non Symmetrical Air-gap: 6/8
9/18/2019 Analysis of motor/pump vibration | Kishore Karuppaswamy

Twice line frequency vibration levels can significantly increase when the air gap is not
symmetrical between the stator and rotor.

13.Eccentric Rotor:
An eccentric rotor, which means the rotor core OD is not concentric with the bearing
journals, creates a point of minimum air gap which rotates with the rotor at one times
rotational frequency. Associated with this there will be a net balanced magnetic force acting
at the point of minimum air gap, since the force acting at the minimum gap is greater than
the force at the maximum gap.This net unbalance force will rotate at rotational frequency,
with the minimum air gap, causing vibration at one time rotational frequency.The flux
causing the magnetic force is the fundamental flux wave, which rotates around the stator at
the synchronous speed of the motor. The rotor attempts to keep up with the rotating flux
wave of the stator, but the rotor slips behind the stator field as needed to create the
necessary torque for the load. When the high point of the rotor (point of minimum air gap)
aligns with the high point (maximum) of the stator flux, the force will be a maximum, and
then it will decrease, becoming small under a point of minimum flux. Thus, an unbalance
force is created which rotates at rotational speed and changes in magnitude with slip. The
end result is a one times rotational speed vibration, which modulates in amplitude with slip.
This condition occurs at no load or full load. 7/8
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14.Broken Rotor Bar:

If a broken rotor bar or open braze joint exists, no current will flow in the rotor bar.As a
result the field in the rotor around that particular bar will not exist. Therefore the force
applied to that side of the rotor would be different from that on the other side of the rotor
again creating an unbalanced magnetic force that rotates at one times rotational speed and
modulates at a frequency equal to slip frequency times the number of poles. If one of the
rotor bars has a different resistivity a similar phenomenon (as in the case of a broken rotor
bar) can exist.Broken rotor bars or a variation in bar resistivity will cause a variation in
heating around the rotor.This in turn can bow the rotor, creating an eccentric rotor, causing
basic rotor unbalance and a greater unbalanced magnetic pull. 8/8

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