Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Association of America
Author(s): W. V. Quine
Reviewed work(s):
Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 59, No. 8 (Oct., 1952), pp. 521-531
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 18/07/2012 11:46
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The American Mathematical Monthly.
W. V. QUINE, HarvardUniversity
The formulasof the propositional calculus,or the logicof truthfunctions,
are hereto be understood as builtup ofthestatement letters'p', 'q', 'r', * - * by
just the notationsof negation,conjunction,and alternation(or disjunction),
viz.'P3','pq', and 'p v q', to anydegreeofiteration. A formulais validifit comes
out trueunderall assignments of truthvalues to the letters,and consistent if
it comesout trueundersome.One formulaimpliesanotherifthereis no assign-
mentof truthvalues whichmakesthe firstformulatrueand the secondfalse.
Two formulas are equivalent iftheyimplyeach other.Implicationand equiva-
lence,so defined, are relationsofformulas; theyare notto be confusedwiththe
conditionaland biconditional,commonlyexpressedby 'D' and '=_'. These
latternotationswillbe omitted,beingtranslatableintotermsofnegation,con-
junction,and alternation in familiarfashion.
It will be convenientto use the words'conjunction'and 'alternation'in
slightly extendedsenses.Ordinarily one speaksofa conjunction oftwoor more
formulas; but I shallspeakalso ofa conjunction ofoneformula, meaningthereby
simplytheformulaitself.Thus everyformulais a conjunction at leastofitself.
Correspondingly foralternation.
Lettersand negationsof letterswillbe spokenof collectively as literals.A
conjunction ofliteralswillbe called a fundamental formulaifno letterappears
in it twice.Literalsthemselves countas fundamental formulas, in view of my
broad use of the word 'conjunction'.Finallyany alternationof fundamental
formulas willbe calleda normalformula, and thefundamental formulas ofwhich
it is an alternation willbe called its clauses.Fundamentalformulasthemselves
countas normal,in view of mybroad use of the word'alternation';a funda-
mentalformulais a one-clausenormalformula.In general,thus,normalfor-
mulasare simplywhathave beenknownin the literature as disjunctive normal
forms,or alternational normalforms,exceptthat normalformulasare subject
to one additionalrequirement: no lettercan occurin a clause twice.A normal
formulacannotcontain'pqp' nor'iqf3'nor'pqf3'.Mechanicalroutinesare well
knownfortransforming any consistentformulainto an equivalentwhichis
But thereremainsa problemwhich,despitethe trivialcharacterof truth-
functionlogic,has provedcuriouslystubborn;viz.,the problemof devisinga
generalmechanicalprocedureforreducingany formulato its simplestequiva-
lent.Since Shannon'scorrelation of the formulasof truth-function logicwith
electriccircuits, t this problemof simplification has takenon significance for
engineering; for,a techniqueforsimplifying truth-functionalformulas wouldbe
* See, e.g.,?10 ofmyMethods ofLogic,HenryHolt & Co., 1950.
t C. E. Shannon,A symbolicanalysisof relayand switching circuits,Trans. Amer.Inst. of
ElectricalEngineers, vol. 57, 1938,pp. 713-723.
theobviouswayofreducingnormalformulas to simplernormalequivalents.To
implement thissortofreduction,all we needare convenienttechniquesforspot-
tingsuperfluous clausesand literals.Now suchtechniquesare readilydevised,
as follows.
To say thatO vT is equivalentto 'I is the same as sayingthatgbimplies'I.
Also,as is slightly to say thatOrv'I is equiv-
lessevidentbut readilyverifiable,
alent to v'T is the same as saying that 4 implies r vT. To test a clause O for
superfluousness in a normalformula,therefore, we have onlyto see whether4
impliesthe restof the normalformula;and to testan occurrence of a literalr
in a clauseOD of a normalformulaforsuperfluousness, we have again onlyto
see whether 4 impliestherestofthenormalformula.Now the4 in eitherprob-
lemis a fundamental formula;and any questionofimplication on thepartofa
fundamental formula 4 is alwaysquicklysettled.To findwhether 4 impliesany
givenformulawe have merelyto markas true,throughout thegivenformula,
all the letterswhichoccuraffirmatively in 4, and as falseall the letterswhich
occurnegatedin 4, and thensee whetherthe givenformulathereuponcomes
out true(forall valuesofanyremaining letters).
Example1: We findtheclause'pr' of'pq v prv q?' superfluous by testingto
see ifit impliestherest,'pq v q?'. The testofimplication consistsin putting'T'
for'p' and 'F' for'r' (conformably with'pi') in 'pq v q*'; theresultis 'Tq v q7',
whichreducesto 'q v q'.
Example2: We findthefirstoccurrence of 'q' in 'pq v pqrv Mi?i'superfluous
bytestingto seeif'pr' impliestherest,'pq v q v Mie'.The testofimplication con-
sistsin putting'T' for'p' and 'r' in 'pq v q v fig'; the result'Tq v q v FqF' re-
ducesto 'q v q'.
Let us call a normalformulairredundant ifit has no superfluous clausesand
noneof its clauseshas superfluous literals.We nowhave a mechanicalroutine
forreducingany normalformulato an irredundant equivalent.Summedup, it
runsas follows.Firsttryeach clause in turnto see whetherit impliesthe rest
of the formula;wheneverany clause is foundwhichdoes implythe restofthe
formula, deleteit onceand forall beforecontinuing thesurvey.Afterall reduc-
tionsofthistypeare at an end,thentryeach "immediatesubclause"(a clause
minusone ofits literals)to see whetherit impliestherestoftheformula;ifit
does,deletethesuperfluous occurrenceoftheliteral.Whenthisprocesscan be
carriedno farther, we havean irredundant formula.
It seemsreasonableto hopethatthisprocedureofsimplification, issuingas
it does in a normalequivalentwhichis irredundant, may solve our original
problem;namely,the problemof reducingany normalformulato a simplest
normalequivalent.The procedure leads to a normalformulain whichno clause
is superfluous and no occurrences ofliteralswithinclausesare superfluous; and
it seemsreasonableto supposethat such a normalformulais as simpleas any
equivalentnormalformulacan be.
But this is not so. Consider the normal formula'pq v fiqv qi v qr'. This is ir-
redundant;no clause can be dropped,nor can any occurrences of literalsbe
VIis a are
conjunction among the whereof
literals 4 is a conjunction. 4 willbe
calleda primeimplicant of I ifand onlyif4 impliesI and subsumesno shorter
formulawhichimpliesI. 4 willbe calleda completion ofX withrespectto 'I if
and onlyif4 subsumesXand containsall lettersofI and no others.
THEOREM 1. Any simplest normalequivalent of 1?is an alternation
implicants of(D.
Proof.EveryclauseVIofa normalequivalentI of ( implies'I and therefore
(D.So, if t,'is nota primeimplicantof(, then &subsumesa shorterformulaV,&'
whichimplies(Dand therefore 'I. But thenI has one or moreredundantoccur-
rences literals,inVI,whichcouldbe deleted(as notedin earlierpages); so ' is
not a simplestnormalequivalent.
The above theorembringsout the relevance,to our simplification project,
oflistingtheprimeimplicants ofa formula'1. The wayto obtainsucha listwill
becomeevident,in thecase ofdeveloped(D,afterthenextthreetheorems.
THEOREM2. No primeimplicant
of(Dcontainsletters to 1.
Proof.If +? implies(Dand theletterin t is foreign
to 4I,thenanyassignment
oftruthvalueswhichmakes^L'truewillmakeTXtrue,regardless oft; i.e.,i/ will
will not be a primeimplicantof b.
imply 4', and hence Or'?
equivalentofa developednormalformula,
is suggestedby thenexttheoremto-
THEOREM 5. If 'I is a simplest
ofa developed
tI, theneachclauseofTXsubsumes
a clauseof*I.
Proof..Considerany clause'kof L'.By Theorems1 and 2,' containsno let-
tersforeign to 4b,nor,therefore,to '. Hence any clause of' which4 does not
subsumemustcontaina letteraffirmatively whichis negatedin 4 or viceversa.
Hence theassignment of truthvalues to letterswhichmakes4 truewillmake
all clauses of ' falseexceptthosewhich4 subsumes.Hence 4 mustsubsume
a clauseof I if4 is to imply'. But4 doesimply*I,since4 is equivalentto I.
In viewofTheorems1 and 5, we can obtaina panoramaofall simplestnor-
mal equivalentsof a developednormalformula41v * - - vti as follows.First
we list the primeimplicants, as seen earlier.Then we surveythe varioussub-
setsofthe list,such that4$ foreach i subsumesa memberofthesubset.Each
simplestsuchsubset,writtenas an alternation, is a simplestnormalequivalent
of01 v ... *On.
The surveyis facilitatedby constructing whatI shallcall thetableofprime
implicants of41v ... * v .,.The abscissasofthetable,inscribedacrossthetop,
are4, , 4$,.The ordinatesofthetable,inscribed downtheleftside,are the
primeimplicants of4, v ... v 4$n.In theinterior ofthetablewe entercrosses
in thosepositionswhoseabscissassubsumetheirordinates.
For the example'pqrsvfqrs v pq?sv pqrsv pqg v pqr?, whoseprimeimpli-
cantswerederivedearlier,the table is this:
pqrs Mqrs pqFs pqrs pqfr pqrS
Miqrs X
pqs X X
pr X X X X
Once we have the table of primeimplicants, we canvassall ways of so se-
lectingordinatesas to representall abscissas; i.e., to show crossesunderall
abscissas.We settleupon a selectionsuch that the alternationof the selected
ordinateswillbe as simpleas possible.In theabove examplethereis no choice;
no selectionofrows,shortofall three,exhibitscrossesin all columns.So in this
examplethe simplestnormalequivalentis 'pqrsv pqsv pr', whichuses all the
For anotherexamplelet us returnto 'p7 v pq v qrqr', v whichwas cited
earlierto showthatirredundant formulascould have simplerequivalents.To
we mustfirstexpandtheformulaintoa developednormalformula, thenderive
the list of primeimplicants,and finallyformthe table. The table turnsout
grs ~~~~x
Inspectionofthistableshowsjust fourshortestalternations
sentingbothabscissas.They are:
pq v fiq, pq v qrt qr v fiqt, qrv qrf.
to thecore'prv fir'givesa simplestnor-
Adjoiningany oftheseby alternation
mal equivalentoftheoriginalformula.We thusend up withfoursimplestnor-
mal equivalents:
prvfirvpqvfiq, pfvfirvpqvqfg,
pr vPrvqr v f, pv firvqrv7qf.
Applying (i) to this, we obtain 'pfv q fiq' as core. All rows and columns
disappear under (ii), so that we are leftwith 'prv qrv Miq' itselfas the simplest
normal equivalent of 'pf v fiqrgv fqr.
The method admits of one furtherrefinementwhich, though irrelevantto
all the foregoingexamples,saves much labor whereapplicable. I am indebtedfor
it in part to Nelson Goodman. Given a formulafor which a simplest normal
equivalent is wanted, the new tactic begins by transformingthe formulanot
into a developed normalformula,but ratherinto an irredundantnormalformula
by the routineof the early pages of this paper. This irredundantalternationis
thenseparated into as many subsidiaryalternationsas possiblesuch that no two
of them have lettersin common. (E.g.,' pq v fsv Jiqv t' would be separated into
'pq v fiq', 'fs', and 't'.) Then we expand each of these subsidiary alternations
independentlyinto developed normal formand proceed to finda simplestnor-
mal equivalent forit, by use of a reduced table of primeimplicantsas hitherto
explained. Finally we make a single alternationof the several results,and this
is a simplestnormalequivalent of the originalformula.
The value of this separation expedient,whereapplicable, is evident: it saves
the exorbitant development of all clauses with respect to all missing letters.
But we must prove that the modifiedmethodalways leads to the simplestnor-
mal equivalents. This will be proved as Theorem 8 below; the two intervening
theoremsare needed as lemmas.
THEOREM 6. The only.irredundantnormalformulaswhichare valid are 'p v
'qv ', etc.
Proof.Let 4? v' be a valid normal formula.Consider then any assignment
of truthvalues to letterswhich makes 45true. It makes ? vTi true, since this
is valid; moreoverc, being true under this assignment,can be deleted from
0D v' and the resultr vii will still be true.Thus everyassignmentwhichmakes
0 true makes r vi true; i.e., c implies r vii. But this implicationwas seen, in
early pages of the paper, to be the criterionof superfluousnessof the occurrence
of r in 0' v 'k. We see thereforethat no valid irredundantnormal formulacan
have the formf0 'vt. Still every valid normal formulais obviously an alterna-
tion of at least two clauses; any singleclause is falsifiable.Thereforeeveryvalid
irredundantnormal formulamust be an alternationof clauses none of which is
of the formOr; each of which, in other words, is a single literal. Every valid
irredundantnormalformulahas, in short,the formPj v ... v Pn. But obviously
twoof 1, * * * , Pn must,forvalidityof Pj v - * * v n, be negationsone of the
other.But theneach of 1, * * - , Pn otherthan those two is superfluous;or rather
thereare no others,since P1v ... v . is supposedto be irredundant. So
1 V
. . . V P is just 'p v ', or perhaps 'q v q', etc.
7. If no twoof (, * * *, (. havelettersin common,and 4 is a prime
implicantof 4J1v * * * v (D., then4 containslettersexclusivelyof (Difor somei.
Proof. By Theorem 2, thereis an i such that some of the lettersof 4 appear
in (Di. Now suppose (which will be proved impossible) that thereare also letters
in 4 foreignto 4?i; i.e., that 4 is 4lxwhere all the lettersof 4' but none of the
lettersof Xare lettersof (D. Since 4)is a primeimplicant,neither4'nor Ximplies
)1 v * .. v 4y. Hence 4' does not imply 4i, and X does not imply (D v . . .
V 4X-1V lcp+lV * * v 4 . Hence there is an assignmentof truthvalues to the
letters of -4 which makes 4' true and 4?i false, and there is an assignmentof
truthvalues to the restof the alphabet whichmakes X trueand (P v . . . v (D-,
v 4i+i v . . . v 4bnfalse. Pooling the two assignments(which we can do since
the sets of letters concerned are mutually exclusive), we have an assignment
which makes 4)true and (D v ... v 4?nfalse. But this is impossible,since 4 by
hypothesisimplied (D v * v (D..
THEOREM 8. If 4P V ... V 1b(n > 1) is irredundantand no twoof-D, *,n
havelettersin common,thenany simplestnormalequivalentof bhv . . . v (D will
be of theformTlLV . V vT,, whereTi, * , P are equivalentrespectively
only from 3, not W; and e3 was any assignmentwhich makes (i true. There-
fore (Di implies Ti. An exactly parallel argument,interchangingthe roles of
bl, * * * , (b with those of 'Il, * * *, T', shows converselythat 'J' implies (Di,
thus completingthe proofof Theorem 8.
Summarized, our results are as follows. We found, to begin with, a fairly
rapid method of reducing any normal formula (and thereforeany consistent
formula) to the extent of locating and cancelling any redundancies. But we
foundalso that an irredundantnormalequivalent was not necessarilya simplest
normal equivalent. Accordingly,taking a freshstart, we worked out a routine
which could be depended upon to reveal a simplest normal equivalent, and
indeed all the simplest normal equivalents. This routine,though not unman-
ageable, turnedout to be farmorelaborious than the methodof merelylocating
and cancellingredundancies. Moreover,the two methods are almost independ-
ent. The laborious method of findingsimplestnormalequivalents depends on a
preliminaryexpansion into a developed normal formula,and this expansion is
not affectedby any previouscancellingof redundancies.The only way in which
the cancelling of redundanciescontributesto the ultimate technique is in con-
nection with the auxiliary expedient of separation developed in these last few
pages. Clearly it would be desirable to finda quicker way of gettingsimplest
normal equivalents, say by gearing the whole routineto irredundantformulas
ratherthan to developed formulas.I have not seen how to manage this.
It may be usefulto note one particularclass of normal formulaswhich can
be exempted fromthe foregoingprocedures altogether; viz., those normal for-
mulas in which no one letteroccurs both affirmatively and negatively. Such a
formulais already reduced to simplestnormal formas soon as we have merely
deleted those of its clauses that subsume others of its clauses. I have proved
thisfactelsewhere,*forthe case whereall lettersare affirmative;and the present
extensionthen followedby substitutionof negationsof lettersforletters.
* Dos teoremassobrefuncionesde verdad,Memoriadel CongresoCientffico
Mexicano,(ahlo de
1951),vol. 1 (cienciasfisicas y matemdticas).At press.