Jumo Aquis 500 RS: Display Unit/controller For Digital Sensors With Modbus Protocol Brief Description

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Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
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Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
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Data sheet 202569 Page 1/13


Display unit/controller for digital sensors with
Modbus protocol

Brief description
The device has 1 digital interface, 1 analog temperature input, and 1 binary interface. The digital
interface is suitable for connecting sensors with a Modbus RS485 interface. If the connected
sensor does not have an integrated temperature sensor, an RTD temperature probe Pt100,
Pt1000, or NTC/PTC (up to 4 kΩ) can be connected to the analog temperature input. The volt-
age supply for the digital sensor is integrated into the device.
The LCD graphic display allows input signals to be displayed as digits or as a bar graph. Dis-
playing parameters in plain text ensures that operation is easily understandable and safe.
Two optional relay changeover contacts are used to implement simple switching or alarm func-
tions as well as demanding control tasks with P, PI, PD, and PID behavior. Upon request, the
device can also be supplied with 2 analog outputs (0 to 10 V or 0(4) to 20 mA) that can be freely
parameterized and scaled.

The device is suitable for tasks such as display, measurement, and control of: Type 202569/...
• Dissolved oxygen in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202613
• Free Chlorine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202630
• Total Chlorine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202631
• Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202634
• Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid in conjunction with sensors
acc. to data sheet 202636
• Bromine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202637
• Turbidity in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202670

Block diagram Special features

• Display: mg/l, ppm, % SAT, %, ‰, g/l,
ppb, µg/l, NTU, FNU, etc.
Others possible with use of the setup pro-
• Large LCD graphic display with
• Display can be selected: large digits, bar
graph, or trend display
• Integrated calibration routines:
depending on sensor: zero point, end
value, and 2-point
• Calib. logfile
• Protection type IP67 for surface mounting
Protection type IP65 for control cabinet
• User languages (possible to switch):
English, French, German
• Setup program (optional) allows easy pro-
gramming, plant
documentation, and download of addi-
tional user languages

Approvals/Approval marks (see Technical data

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 2/13

Functional description Display modes Measurement of free chlorine,

Three display modes are available: total chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
The device is designed for on-site use. A ro- ozone, hydrogen peroxide,
Large digits
bust case protects the electronics and electri- peracetic acid, bromine
cal connections against aggressive
For the measurement of the most important
environmental conditions (IP67). Alternatively,
disinfectants, the following membrane-cover-
the device can also be installed in a panel, al- ed, amperometric sensors with digital inter-
lowing frontal protection type IP65 to be face are available:
achieved. The electrical connections are • JUMO tecLine Cl2 (free chlorine),
In this mode, the measured values are dis-
made with installation-friendly screw connec- type 202630/50 and 202630/53
played as digits as usual.
tors. A ventilation screw with PTFE membrane • JUMO tecLine TC (total chlorine),
prevents the formation of condensate. Trend display
type 202631/52
• JUMO tecLine ClO2 (chlorine dioxide),
Display and control elements type 202634/65 and 202634/66
• JUMO tecLine O3 (ozone),
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) type 202634/60 and 202634/61
• JUMO tecLine H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide),
In this mode, the numerical value is supple-
type 202636/80
mented by a symbol indicating the direction
and speed at which the measured value is • JUMO tecLine PAA (Peracetic acid),
changing. type 202636/75
This can be useful for control optimization, for • JUMO tecLine Br (Bromine),
(6) (7) (8) (9) example. type 202637/71
The sensors are designed for continuous me-
(1) Switching output 1 or 2 is active asurement operation. The sampling rate of the
AQUIS 500 RS is fixed at 500 ms when using
(2) Binary output 1 is controlled Left to right: these sensors.
Rising quickly, at moderate speed, and slowly, The temperature of the measuring medium
(3) Keypad is locked stable, can be measured either internally, with the
(4) Alarm was activated falling slowly, at moderate speed, and quickly. sensor, or using an external temperature sen-
Bar graph sor connected to the analog temperature in-
(5) Device is in manual mode put of the JUMO AQUIS 500 RS.
(6) Device status

(7) Medium temperature Turbidity measurement

We recommend using the JUMO ecoLine
(8) Main measured value
NTU sensor (type 202670) for measuring the
(9) Unit of main measured value In this display, a cursory glance shows the turbidity to monitor water with low to medium
range in which the current measured value is turbidity.
found. This sensor operates based on the optical
The user can specify what should be dis- The bar graph is freely scalable. (nephelometric) measurement with 90° scat-
played at positions (7) and (8) on the display: tered light according to DIN EN ISO 7027 and
Measurement of dissolved oxy- covers a total range of 0 to 4000 NTU with 4
• No display gen measuring range sections. The measured val-
We recommend the use of the JUMO ecoLine ues are called up by the JUMO AQUIS 500 RS
• Compensated or uncompensated mea- with a fixed sampling rate of 1 s with the sen-
O-DO sensor (type 202613) for measuring
sured value sor. For displaying the measured value, the
dissolved oxygen.
This sensor operates optically according to user can choose between NTU and FNU.
• Temperature
the principle of luminescence quenching. For The temperature of the measuring medium
• Output level 1 or 2 displaying the measured value, the user can can be measured either internally, with the
choose between % Sat, mg/l, and ppm. To sensor, or using an external temperature sen-
• Setpoint value 1 or 2 improve the operating life of the sensor's lu- sor connected to the analog temperature in-
minescent layer, the sampling rate of the put of the JUMO AQUIS 500 RS.
Operation JUMO AQUIS 500 RS can be adjusted in the
range 1 to 60 s, depending on the applica-
Measurement with freely configu-
All parameters are displayed in clear levels tion. rable sensor
and in plain text to ensure ease of program- To compensate the salinity and ambient pres- To enable measurement with Modbus sensors
ming and operation. Operation is protected sure, these can be connected to the JUMO not included in the internal list of predefined
with a code word. Individual modification is AQUIS 500 RS. sensors, the sensor type can be selected as
possible if parameters are generally approved The temperature can be measured either in- "freely configurable sensor".
and/or are assigned to the protected area. ternally, with the sensor, or using an external Using this sensor type allows the temperature
temperature sensor connected to the analog and the compensated and uncompensated
The setup program (optionally available) for temperature input of the JUMO measured value to be read out. The sensor
PC enables easy configuration of the device. AQUIS 500 RS. must be capable of continuous independent

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 3/13

measurement. Cyclically-recurring actions (such as automat- The simple switching functions can be as-
To allow the sensor to be connected, the ic sensor washing) can be triggered by actua- signed to the main and auxiliary input.
Modbus addresses for the temperature value tion of a relay through a software function. High-order control functions can only be as-
in °C, the compensated and uncompensated The control is stopped while the washing pro- signed to the main input.
measured value, the byte sequence for trans- cess is being carried out.
fer, and the transfer speed (2400 to 38400 Bd)
must be set in the JUMO AQUIS 500 RS.
Analog outputs Relay outputs
The sampling rate for the sensor varies in the
range 1 to 60 s. A maximum of two analog outputs Two relay changeover contacts are available
(0(4) to 20 mA or 0(2) to 10 V programmable) for the main measurand and/or temperature.
Calibration are available. Depending on the user configu-
ration, the outputs output either the actual The following functions can be programmed:
The following calibration options are available
for the corresponding sensor types: value of one or both inputs or the current con- • Limit value switch
Measurement of dissolved oxygen trol signal of one or both controllers. (min/max) with programmable hysteresis
with JUMO ecoLine O-DO If actual values are output, output 1 always and ON/OFF-delay
• End value calibration outputs the value of the main input and output
2 always outputs the value of the temperature • Pulse length controller1
• Two-point calibration (main value only, see Control functions)
input. The start and end values of the measur-
Measurement with membrane-covered ing range can be freely adjusted.
JUMO tecLine 20263x series sensors • Pulse frequency controller1
The behavior of the outputs for the calibration,
• Steepness calibration (main value only, see Control functions)
fault (measuring range not met/exceed), and
• Two-point calibration hold operating statuses can be be pro- • Modulating controller1
Turbidity measurement grammed individually. (main value only, see Control functions)
with JUMO ecoLine NTU
• Two-point calibration • Pulse functions
for each of the 4 measuring range sections
Simulation function: (With this function, the output switches on
The analog actual value outputs and the relay and then off again when the defined
Measurement with freely configurable switching point is reached after a defined
outputs can be freely adjusted in "manual"
sensor time period)
mode. This function can be used in dry-run
• Zero point calibration
start-up of a plant, during troubleshooting, or
• Steepness calibration • Alarm
for servicing, for example.
• Two-point calibration (Measured value fault / out of range)

The behavior for the calibration and hold

Calibration logbook Min/max value memory alarm (measuring range not met/exceeded)
A calibration logbook is available for all sensor This memory stores the minimum and maxi- can be configured individually for both out-
types, allowing you to retrieve data concern- mum inputs. This information can be used to puts.
ing the last successful calibrations.The ar- evaluate whether the connected sensor is
chive location and maximum number of suitable for the occurring values.
entries varies as follows: Contact functions
Measurement of dissolved oxygen
with JUMO ecoLine O-DO
Digital input Max. limit value function

• Logbook in sensor The following functions can be activated with Hysteresis

• Up to 10 records the binary input: On
• Keypad lock
Measurement with membrane-covered
This function disables the operation of the
JUMO tecLine 20263x series sensors
• Logbook in sensor
• "HOLD" mode
• Up to 5 records Off
This function switches the outputs (analog
Turbidity measurement and relay) to the previously defined states. Process
with JUMO ecoLine NTU • Alarm suppression (controller alarm only) value
• Logbook in sensor This function enables temporary deactiva-
• Up to 10 records tion of the alarm via the corresponding
Min. limit value function
Measurement with freely configurable relay.
sensor The predefined function can be activated by Hysteresis
• Logbook in the JUMO AQUIS 500 RS short-circuiting the corresponding terminals On
• Up to 5 records (such as with the floating contacts of a relay).

Calibration timers
The calibration timer can (optionally) notify of
Controller functions
the need to conduct routine calibration. It is The device offers both simple switching func- Off
activated by entering the number of days after tions (limit value function, alarm window, and Limit Process
which recalibration should be scheduled alarm pulse contact) and high-order control Setpoint value
(plant or operator-specified). functions.
P, PI, PD, and PID structures can be freely 1
Can be assigned to the main measurand
Wash timer programmed as control functions. only.

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 4/13

Alarm window 1 Pulse length controller

Hysteresis (Output active when x > w and control structure P)

On 10%
100% 90%

Output level y
Switching period
Process 50% 50%
Distance 50%
Limit value
tOn tOff
Alarm window 2 90%
On Proportional band XP Process value X
0 X-W 1
Off Setpoint W
Distance Process
Limit value If the actual value x exceeds the setpoint value w, the P-controller controls in proportion to the
Setpoint control deviation. When the proportional range is exceeded, the controller operates with an out-
put level of 100 % (100 % cycle ratio).
Alarm pulse contact
Trigger condition longer than pulse dura- Pulse frequency controller
tion (Output active when x > w and control structure P)

Trigger On
condition 100%
Output level y

Maximum pulse frequency

On 50% of pulse frequency
Time 0%
Pulse duration No pulses Process value X
Proportional band XP
Alarm pulse contact 0 X-W 1
Trigger condition shorter than pulse dura-
Setpoint W
Trigger On
If the actual value x exceeds the setpoint value w, the P-controller controls in proportion to the
Off control deviation. When the proportional range is exceeded, the controller operates with an out-
Time put level of 100 % (maximum switching frequency).
Pulse On
Pulse duration

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 5/13

Technical data
Digital interface
Main input Display range Accuracy Temperature influence Baud rate
RS485 interface with 0.000 to 9.999 Depends on the Depends on the 2400 Bd
Modbus master functiona 00.00 to 99.99 sensor used sensor used 4800 Bd
000.0 to 999.9 9600 Bd
0000 to 9999 19200 Bd
38400 Bd
a No bus operation possible with several sensors.

Analog temperature input

Auxiliary input Measuring range Accuracy Temperature influence A/D converter
Temperature with Pt100 -50 to +250 °Ca ±0,5 K (up to 100 °C) 0.05 %/10 K Dynamic resolution
(automatic detection) ±0,8 K (as of 100 °C) up to 14 Bit
Temperature with Pt1000 ±0,5 K (up to100 °C)
(automatic detection) ±1,0 K (as of 100 °C)
Temperature Max. 4 kOhm ≤ 0.3 %b 0.05 %/10 K
NTC/PTC Input via table with 20
pairs of values via setup
Can be changed to °F.
b Depending on the supporting points.

Sampling rate
Analog temperature input Digital interface with Digital interface with Digital interface with Digital interface with
JUMO ecoLine O-DO JUMO tecLine 20263x JUMO ecoLine NTU freely configurable
500 ms Adjustable, 1 to 60 s 500 ms 1s Adjustable, 1 to 60 s

Measuring circuit monitoring

Input Measured value not met/exceeded Short-circuit Open circuit
Temperature Yes Yes Yes

Binary input
Activation Via floating contact
function Keyboard lock / HOLD / alarm stop

Controller type Limit value controller, pulse length controller, pulse frequency controller, modulating controller, continuous
Controller structure P, PI, PD, PID

Analog outputs (maximum 2)

Output type Signal range Accuracy Temperature influence Admissible load resistance
Current signal 0(4) to 20 mA ≤ 0.25 % 0.08 %/10 K ≤ 500 Ω
Voltage signal 0 to 10 V ≤ 0.25 % 0.08 %/10 K ≥ 500 Ω
The analog outputs behave acc. to NAMUR NE43 pursuant to the recommendation.
They are galvanically isolated, AC 30 V / DC 50 V.

Switching outputs (maximum 2 changeover contacts)

Rated load 3 A / AC 250 V (resistive load)
Contact life > 2 × 105 switching operations at rated load.

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 6/13

Voltage supply for sensors

Voltage supply for DC 24 V (20.4 to 28.8 V), max. 30 mA
digital sensors DC 5 V (5.1 to 5.25 V), max. 100 mA; max. pulse load 500 mA for 20 ms ED 5 %, not short-circuit-proof
Voltage supply for DC 12 V (10 to 20 V), max. 10 mA
inductive proximity switcha
e.g., type EI1808 NPOSS.

Setup interface
Interface for configuration of the device with setup program (optionally available) (for device configuration only).

Electrical data
voltage supply AC 110 to 240 V; -15/+10 %; 48 to 63 Hz
AC/DC 20 to 30 V, 48 to 63 Hz
DC 12 to 24 V; +/-15 % (connection only to SELV/PELV circuit admissible)
Power consumption approx. 14 VA
Electrical safety DIN EN 61010, part 1
Overvoltage category IIIa, pollution degree 2
Electrical connection Screw terminals
Conductor cross section max. 2.5 mm2 (voltage supply, relay outputs, sensor inputs)
Conductor cross section max. 1.5 mm2 (analog outputs, voltage supply for sensors)
Electromagnetic compatibility DIN EN 61326-1
Interference emission Class B
Interference immunity Industrial requirements
Not valid for protective extra-low voltage of power supply unit variants DC 12 to 24 V.

LCD graphic display 120 × 32 pixels
Background lighting Programmable:
• Off
• 60 seconds "ON" during operation

Material ABS
Cable inlet Cable glands, max. 3× M16 and 2× M12
Special feature Ventilation element for prevention of condensation (on IP67 surface-mounting case version)
Ambient temperature range -10 to +50 °C (Accuracy figures are adhered to in this range)
Operating temperature range -15 to +65 °C (Device functioning)
Storage temperature range -30 to +70°C
Resistance to climatic conditions Annual mean rel. humidity ≤ 90 % without condensation (derived from DIN EN 60721 3-3 3K3)
Protection types Surface-mounting case:IP67
acc. to EN 60529 Panel installation: Front IP65, rear IP20
Resistant to vibration Acc to. DIN EN 60068-2-6
Weight Approx. 900 g

Standard accessories
Cable glands
Mounting material
Operating manual

Approvals/approval marks
Mark of confirmity Testing laboratory Certifikates/certification numbers Test basis valid for
c UL us Underwriters Laboratories E 201387 UL 61010-1 all versions
No. 61010-1

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 7/13

Connection diagram
The connection diagram in the data sheet provides preliminary
information about the connection options. For the electrical
connection, only use the installation instructions or the
operating manual. The knowledge and the correct technical
execution of the safety information/instructions contained
in these documents are mandatory for mounting, electrical
connection, startup, and for safety during operation.

A screened cable with a maximum 8 mm diameter must be

Row 1 used as the transmitter cable between the sensor and trans-
The device is equipped with a guide plate for optimum cable
N L1
(L-) (L+) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 conduit.
11 12 13 14 15
Sensor cables are fed, with strain relief, through the plug-in ter-
Row 2
minals, where they are then connected (solder-free).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

Connection Terminal Row

Voltage supply for transmitter/controller
Voltage supply (23): AC 110 to 240 V; -15/+10 %; 48 to 63 Hz 1 N (L-)
Voltage supply (25): AC/DC 20 to 30 V; 48 to 63 Hz 2 L1 (L+)
Voltage supply (30): DC 12 to 24 V; +/-15 % 1

NC 3
Voltage supply for proximity switch
DC 12 V (10 to 20 V) 11 +
12 - 1

Voltage supply 24 V for digital sensorsa

DC 24 V (20.4 to 28.8 V) 14 +
15 - 1

Voltage supply 5 V for digital sensorsb

DC 5 V (5.1 to 5.25 V) 1-
2+ 2

NC 5
Modbus RS485 interface 3 Data -
4 Data +
7 Shield
RTD temperature probe in 2-wire circuit 8 2
8 9

For type 20263x/...
For type 202613/... and type 202670/...

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 8/13

Connection Terminal Row

RTD temperature probe in 3-wire circuit 8

Binary input 11


Analog output 1 13 +
0 to 20 mA or 20 to 0 mA or 4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA 14 -
0 to 10 V or 10 to 0 V
(galvanically isolated)
Analog output 2 15 +
0 to 20 mA or 20 to 0 mA or 4 to 20 mA or 20 to 4 mA 16 -
0 to 10 V or 10 to 0 V
(galvanically isolated)
Switching output K1 5 4 Pole
(floating) 5 Normally
4 closed contact
6 Normally
open contact
NC 7 1
Switching output K2 9 8 Pole
(floating) 9 Normally
8 closed contact
10 Normally
open contact

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 9/13


Panel installation/drilling diagram


Important information:
The drilling template is shown in
the operating manual B 202569.0
in original size.

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 10/13


Support pillar with pedestal, cantilever arm, and chain

Part no.: 00398163

Pipe mounting kit for JUMO AQUIS 500 DIN-rail mounting kit for JUMO AQUIS 500
Part no.: 00483664 for installation of the device on a DIN-rail of
Protective roof for JUMO AQUIS 500 35 mm x 7.5 mm acc. to DIN EN 60715 A.1
Part no.: 00398161 Part no.: 00477842

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 11/13

Application examples
Indicator/controller for dissolved oxygen


Voltage supply
1 or 2 relay(s)
for digital sensor

Digital sensor signal Optional:

(RS422/485 Modbus) Main dissolved oxygen value output
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V
Galvanically isolated

Temperature output
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V
Galvanically isolated

(2) (1) JUMO AQUIS 500 RS • Large cable lengths can be bridged without
(2) JUMO ecoLine O-DO risk of interference
(sensor for dissolved oxygen), • Reduced wiring effort as the voltage supply
type 202613/... for the sensor is integrated into the device
• Calibration option on device
• Minimized moisture problems on calibration

Indicator/controller for free chlorine or total chlorine or chlorine dioxide or ozone

oder hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid or bromine

Voltage supply
for digitale sensor Optional:
1 or 2 relay(s)
Digital sensor signal
(RS422/485 Modbus) Optional:
Calibrated analog output for free chlorine or to-
tal chlorine or chlorine dioxide or ozone or hy-
drogen peroxide or peracetic acid or bromine
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V,
galvanically isolated

Temperature output
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V,
(2) (3)
(3) galvanically isolated

(1) JUMO AQUIS 500 RS Benefits:

(2) Sensor type 20263x • Calibration option at the device
(3) Flow monitor, type 202811/20... • Calibrated output signal
• Flow monitoring option

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 12/13

Application examples
Indicator/controller for turbidity

(1) Optional:
1 or 2 relay(s)

Voltage supply Optional:

For digital sensor Main turbidity value output
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V,
Digital sensor signal galvanically isolated
(RS422/485 Modbus)
Temperature output
0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V,
galvanically isolated

• Large cable lengths can be bridged without
risk of interference
(1) JUMO AQUIS 500 RS • Reduced wiring effort as the voltage supply
(2) JUMO ecoLine NTU for the sensor is integrated into the device
(sensor for turbidity measurements), • Calibration option on device
type 202670/... • Minimized moisture problems on calibration

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000
Delivery address: Mackenrodtstraße 14 JUMO House 6733 Myers Road
36039 Fulda, Germany Temple Bank, Riverway East Syracuse, NY 13057, USA
Postal address: 36035 Fulda, Germany Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DY, UK Phone: +1 315 437 5866
Phone: +49 661 6003-0 Phone: +44 1279 63 55 33 Fax: +1 315 437 5860
Fax: +49 661 6003-607 Fax: +44 1279 62 50 29 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Internet: www.jumousa.com
Internet: www.jumo.net Internet: www.jumo.co.uk

Data sheet 202569 Page 13/13

Order details
(1) Basic type
Display unit/controller for digital sensors with Modbus protocol
(2) Basic type extension
10 For panel installation
20 Surface-mounted case
(3) Input
654 RS422/485 Modbus master
(4) Output 1 (for main value or continuous controller)
000 No output
888 Analog output 0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V
(5) Output 2 (for temperature or continuous controller)
000 No output
888 Analog output 0(4) to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V
(6) Output 3
000 No output
310 Relay with changeover contact
(7) Output 4
000 No output
310 Relay with changeover contact
(8) voltage supply
23 AC 110 to 240 V, +10 %/-15 %, 48 to 63 Hz
25 AC/DC 20 to 30 V, 48 to 63 Hz
30 DC 12 to 24 V, ±15 %
(9) Extra code
000 None

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Order code / - - - - - - /
Order example 202569 / 20 - 654 - 888 - 000 - 310 - 000 - 23 / 000

Stock versions
(Delivery within 3 working days of order receipt)
Type Parts no.
202569/20-654-888-000-000-000-23/000 00613453

(Delivery within 10 working days of order receipt)
Item Parts no.
Protective roof for JUMO AQUIS 500a 00398161
Pipe mounting kit for JUMO AQUIS 500b 00483664
DIN-rail mounting kit for JUMO AQUIS 500 00477842
Support pillar with pedestal base, cantilever arm, and chain 00398163
Holder for suspended fitting 00453191
Rear case wall kit for JUMO AQUIS 500 00506351
PC setup program 00483602
PC interface cable with USB/TTL converter and two adapters (USB transmitter cable) 00456352
The pipe mounting kit is required for installation of the protective roof.
b The JUMO AQUIS 500 can be fitted to a pipe (such as a support pillar or rail) with the pipe mounting kit.
The JUMO AQUIS 500 can be fitted to a DIN-rail of 35 mm x 7.5 mm (acc. to DIN EN 60715 A.1) with the DIN-rail mounting.

V4.00/EN/00598860 20256900T10Z003K000

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