Basic Laws of Electromagnetism Irodov PDF
Basic Laws of Electromagnetism Irodov PDF
Basic Laws of Electromagnetism Irodov PDF
Ha atia.altaCKOM Raune
I. Irodov
Preface 5
List of Notations 10
Appendices 299
1. Notations for Units of Measurement 299
2. Decimal Prefixes for Units of Measurement 299
3. Units of Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Quan-
tities in SI and Gaussian Systems 299
4. Basic Formulas of Electricity and Magnetism in SI
and Gaussian Systems 300
5. Some Physical Constants 304
Subject Index 305
List of Notations
E= l e (1.2)
eo 2 r'
E, (1.3)
42-E80 Ti,
1.1. Electric Field 13
ring in the vicinity of point A . We write the expression for the comp-
onent dE, of the field created by this element at a point C:
1 Xl
dE = cos a,
z 4ats, r2
where ? = q/2aa. The values of r and a will be the same for all the
elements of the ring, and hence the integration of this equation is sim-
ply reduced to the replacement of 2■ , dl by q. As a result, we obtain
4nso (a2 -1- Z2)3/ 2
It can be seen that for z>> a the field E z q/43-isoz2, i.e. at large dis-
tances the system behaves as a point charge.
Example 2. The field of a uniformly charged straight filament. A
thin straight filament of length 2/ is uniformly charged by a charge q.
Find the field intensity E at a point separated by a distance x from
the midpoint of the filament and located symmetrically with respect
to its ends.
It is clear from symmetry considerations that vector E must be
directed as shown in Fig. 1.2. This shows the way of solving this
1.1. Electric Field 15
problem: we must find the component dE, of the field created by the
element dl of the filament, having the charge dq, and then integrate
the result over all the elements of the filament. In this case
1 k dl
dEx =dE cos a= 43. , —cos a,
where k = qI21 is the linear charge density. Let us reduce this equation
to the form convenient for integration. Figure 1.2 shows that
dl cos a = rda and r = x/cos a; consequently,
dE x = cos a da.
4ne 0 r2 41[80x
This expression can be easily integrated:
E= 2 cos a da= 2 sin a°,
4neox 4:18,x
terms of these two concepts not only all the laws of electri-
city but also all the laws of magnetism can be described. Let
us go over to a systematic description of these properties.
to the field from the positively charged plane, while the lower arrows,
to that from the negatively charged plane. In the space between the
planes the intensities of the fields being added have the same direc-
tion, hence the result (1.10) will be doubled, and the resultant field
intensity will be
E = also, (1.11)
where a stands for the magnitude of the surface charge density. It can
be easily seen that outside this space the field is equal to zero. Thus,
E= 0 E = -2—
co E =0
E = r (r < a), (1.14)
r 43-cso
i.e. inside a uniformly charged sphere the field intensity grows linear-
ly with the distance r from its centre. The curve representing the de-
pendence of E on r is shown in Fig. 1.10.
E dS = (p)/80. (1.15)
We now make the volume V tend to zero by contracting it to the
point we are interested in. In this case, (p) will obviously tend to the
value of p at the given point of the field, and hence the ratio on the
left-hand side of Eq. (1.15) will tend to pis,.
The quantity which is the limit of the ratio of E dS to V as V –›- 0
is called the divergence of the field E and is denoted by div E. Thus,
by definition,
div E = lim — E dS. (1.16)
The divergence of any other vector field is determined in a similar
way. It follows from definition (1.16) that divergence is a scalar
function of coordinates.
In order to obtain the expression for the divergence of the field E,
we must, in accordance with (1.16), take an infinitely small volume V,
determine the flux of E through the closed surface enveloping this
volume, and find the ratio of this flux to the volume. The expression
obtained for the divergence will depend on the choice of the coordi-
nate system (in different systems of coordinates it turns out to be
different). For example, in Cartesian coordinates it is given by
aE x °Ey OEz (1.17)
Ox ay -L
1 az
cciEd1=0. (1.22)
This statement is called the theorem on circulation of
vector E.
In order to prove this theorem, we break an arbitrary closed
path into two parts 1a2 and 2b1
2 (Fig. 1.11). Since line integral (1.21)
cr c i) (we denote it by ) does not
depend on the path hetween points1
C 12
(a) (b)
(a) (b) (b)
12 4- 21 .1. 11 — ,J 12 = o '
A field having property (1.22) is called the potential field.
Hence, any electrostatic field is a potential field.
The theorem on circulation of vector E makes it possible
to draw a number of important conclusions without re-
sorting to calculations. Let us consider two examples.
Example 1. The field lines of an electrostatic field E cannot be
1.5. Circulation of Vector E. Potential 27
Indeed, if the opposite were true and some lines of field E were
closed, then taking the circulation of vector E along this line we would
immediately come to contradiction with theorem (1.22). This means
that actually there are no closed lines of E in an electrostatic field:
the lines emerge from positive charges
and terminate on negative ones (or go
to infinity).
Example 2. Is the configuration of an I ). I
electrostatic field shown in Fig. 1.12
No, it is not. This immediately becomes
clear if we apply the theorem on circula-
tion of vector E to the closed contour
shown in the figure by the dashed line.
The arrows on the contour indicate the
direction of circumvention. With such a
special choice of the contour, the contri- Fig. 1.12
bution to the circulation from its ver-
tical parts is equal to zero, since in
this case E 1 dl and E 0. It remains for us to consider the
two horizontal segments of equal lengths. The figure shows that the
contributions to the circulation from these regions are opposite in
sign, and unequal in magnitude (the contribution from the upper seg-
ment is larger since the field lines are denser, and hence the value of
E is larger). Therefore, the circulation of E differs from zero, which
contradicts to (1.22).
4a80 p dV
r 9 (1.27)
E (1.31)
= VT'
i.e. the field intensity E is equal to the potential gradient
with the minus sign. This is exactly the formula that can
be used for reconstructing the field E if we know the
function (p (r).
Example. Find the field intensity E if the field potential has the
form: (1) cp (x, y) — axy, where a is a constant; (2) cp (r) = —a •r,
where a is a constant vector and r is the radius vector of a point under
(1) By using formula (1.30), we obtain E = a (yi xi).
(2) Let us first represent the function cp as cp = axx
— — ay y
azz, where ax, ay and azare constants. Then with the help of for-
mula (1.30) we find E = ay j azk = a. It can be seen that in
this case the field E is uniform.
El = —OTIOl, (1.32)
4°2 k I4I
from formula (1.32) that the
projection of vector E onto
any direction tangent to the
equipotential surface at a given
point is equal to zero. This
means that vector E is norm-
al to the given surface. Fur-
ther, let us take a displace-
ment dl along the normal to the
surface, towards decreasing
Fig. 1.13 (p. Then Op < 0, and accord-
ing to (1.32), E 1 > 0, i.e.
vector E is directed towards decreasing IT, or in the direc-
tion opposite to that of the vector vp.
It is expedient to draw equipotential surfaces in such a
way that the potential difference between two neighbouring
surfaces be the same. Then the density of equipotential
surfaces will visually indicate the magnitudes of field inten-
sities at different points. Field intensity will be higher in
the regions where equipotential surfaces are denser ("the
potential relief is steeper").
Since vector E is normal to an equipotential surface every-
where, the field lines are orthogonal to these surfaces.
Figure 1.13 shows a two-dimensional pattern of an electric field.
The dashed lines correspond to equipotential surfaces, while the solid
lines to the lines of E. Such a representation can be easily visualized.
It immediately shows the direction of vector E, the regions where field
intensity is higher and where it is lower, as well as the regions with
greater steepness of the potential relief. Such a pattern can be used to
obtain qualitative answers to a number of questions, such as "In what
direction will a charge placed at a certain point move? Where is the
magnitude of the potential gradient higher? At which point will
the force acting on the charge be greater?" etc.
1.6. Relation Between Potential and Vector E 33
I M=
[p x El.
W = — p•E. (1.42)
It follows from this formula that the dipole has the mini-
mum energy (Wniin =—pE) in the position p if E (the
position of stable equilibrium). If it is displaced from this
Problems 39
• 1.1. A very thin disc is uniformly charged with surface charge
density a > 0. Find the electric field intensity E on the axis of this
disc at the point from which the disc is seen at an angle Q.
Fig. 1.19
where dq = 2%.R dcp = X„R cos cp dcp. Integrating (1) over cp between 0
and 2n, we find the magnitude of the vector E:
E= X° S.cost cp dcp — .X°
asof? 480R
It should be noted that this integral is evaluated in the most simple
way if we take into account that (cost cp) = 1/2. Then
cosy Tdcp= (cos2cp) 2n = n.
• 1.3. A semi-infinite straight uniformly charged filament has a
charge k per unit length. Find the magnitude and the direction of the
field intensity at the point separated from the filament by a distance y
and lying on the normal to the filament, passing through its end.
Solution. The problem is reduced to finding Ex and Ey, viz. the
projections of vector E (Fig. 1.21, where it is assumed that > 0).
Let us start with Ex. The contribution to Ex from the charge element
of the segment dx is
dE x -= sin a. (1)
4n1 s, r2
Let us reduce this expression to the form convenient for integration.
In our case, dx = r da/cos a, r = y/cos a. Then
dEx= da.
4 nsoy sin a
Integrating this expression over a between 0 and n/2, we find
Ex =X/4nse.
In order to find the projection Ey, it is sufficient to recall that
dEydiffers from dE, in that sin a in (1) is simply replaced by cos a.
Problems 41
This gives
dEy = (X, cos a dot)143180 and Ey=- 2143-ceo y.
We have obtained an interesting result: Ex = Eyindependently of y,
i.e. vector E is oriented at the angle of 45° to the filament. The modu-
lus of vector E is
Ef/ = 17274n e 0y
1.4. The Gauss theorem. The intensity of an electric field de-
pends only on the coordinates x and y as follows:
E = a (xi Yi)I(x2 + Y2),
where a is a constant, and i and j are the unit vectors of the X and
Y-axes. Find the charge within a sphere of radius' R with the centre
at the origin.
Solution. In accordance with the Gauss theorem, the required
charge is equal to the flux of E through this sphere, divided by so.
In our case, we can determine the flux as follows. Since the field E is
axisymmetric (as the field of a uniformly charged filament), we arrive
at the conclusion that the flux through the sphere of radius R is equal
to the flux through the lateral surface of a cylinder having the same
radius and the height 2R, and arranged as shown in Fig. 1.22. Then
q= E dS = so ErS ,
the centre of the sphere. Find the charge of the sphere for which the
electric field intensity E outside the sphere is independent of r. Find
the value of E.
Solution. Let the sought charge of the sphere be q. Then, using the
Figure 2.2 shows the field and the charge distributions for
a system consisting of two conducting spheres one of which
(left) is charged. As a result of electric induction, the charges
of the opposite sign appear on the surface of the right
uncharged sphere. The field of these charges will in turn
cause a redistribution of charges on the surface of the left
sphere, and their surface distribution will become nonuni-
form. The solid lines in the figure are the lines of E, while
the dashed lines show the intersection of equipotential sur-
faces with the plane of the figure. As we move away from
this system, the equipotential surfaces become closer and
closer to spherical, and the field lines become closer to ra-
dial. The field itself in this case resembles more and more the
field of a point charge q, viz. the total charge of the given
The Field Near a Conductor Surface. We shall show that
the electric field intensity in the immediate vicinity of the
surface of a conductor is connected with the local charge
density at the conductor surface through a simple relation.
This relation can be established with the help of the Gauss
Suppose that the region of the conductor surface we are
interested in borders on a vacuum. The field lines are nor-
mal to the conductor surface. Hence for a closed surface we
Forces Acting on the Surface of a Conductor 49
(19 4nso r•
An infinite conducting plane is a special case of a closed
conducting shell. The space on one side of this plane is
electrically independent of the space on its other side.
We shall repeatedly use this property of a closed con-
ducting shell.
54 2. A Conductor in an Electrostatic Field
V2 cp =O. (2.9)
Fig. 2.7
1 1
=- Er dr — q dr .-------
4nso r2 43-ceo R •
C=q1U. (2.12)
Er 4nso r-
60 2. A Conductor in an Electrostatic Field
• 2.1. On the determination of potential. A point charge q is at
a distance r from the centre 0 of an uncharged spherical conducting
layer, whose inner and outer radii are equal to a and b respectively.
Find the potential at the point 0 if r < a.
Solution. As a result of electrostatic induction, say, negative charges
will be induced on the inner surface of the layer and positive char-
ges on its outer surface (Fig. 2.9). According to the principle of super-
position, the sought potential at the point 0 can be represented in
the form
1 ( q , a_ dS , C o-+ dS
q)= 4nso r+ 1-C
yb ) '
where the first integral is taken over all the charges induced on the
inner surface of the layer, while the second integral, over all the
Problems 61
where To is a certain constant. Its value can be easily found from the
boundary condition: for r = R2, (PH = Ti. Hence
To = q2/4ate0R2.
From the condition TI (R1) = 0 we find that q2 = —q11/2/R1.
The cp (r), dependence (Fig. 2.10) will have the form:
q1 1—R21R1 41 f 1 1
Wii — 43180 r , (Pi= 41teo k r )
RI 1 •
• 2.3. The force acting on a surface charge.. An uncharged me-
tallic sphere of radius R is placed into an external uniform field, as a
result of which an induced charge appears on the sphere with surface
density a = a, cos *, where ao is a positive constant and is a polar
angle. Find the magnitude of the resultant electric force acting on
like charges.
Solution. According to (2.5), the force acting on the area element
dS is
dF — 6E dS. (1)
It follows from symmetry considerations that the resultant force F
is directed along the Z-axis (Fig. 2.11), and hence it can be represented
62 2. A Conductor in an Electrostatic Field
Fig. 2.11
where the minus sign indicates that the induced charge is opposite
to sign to the point charge q.
• 2.5. A point charge q is at a distance 1 from an infinite conduc-
ting plane. Find the work of the electric force acting on the charge q
done upon its slow removal to a very large distance from the plane.
on the other side of the conducting plane (Fig. 2.14). Indeed, only in
this case the potential of the midplane between these rings is equal to
zero, i.e. it coincides with the potential of the conducting plane. Let
us now use the formulas we already know.
(1) In order to find a at the point 0, we must, according to (2.2),
find the field E at this point (Fig. 2.14). The expression for E on the
I a 12
(A I
:////////4/,.° Ia A -I
al 2
q - q 0
(a) (b)
axis of a ring was obtained in Example 1 (see p. 14). In our case, this
expression must be doubled. As a result, we obtain
23 (R2+12)312 •
(2) The potential at the centre of the ring is equal to the algebraic
sum of the potentials at this point created by the charges q and q: —
1 (q q
4neo 1R ••V VR2+412 1 •
The distance between the wires is times larger than the radius of the
wires' cross section. Find the capacitance of the wires per unit length
provided that >> 1.
Solution. Let us mentally charge the two wires by charges of the
same magnitude and opposite signs so that the charge per unit length
is equal to X. Then, by definition, the required capacitance is
Cu = X/U, (1)
and it remains for us to find the potential difference between the wires.
It follows from Fig. 2.16 showing the dependences of the potentials
cp +and cp_ on the distance between the plates that the sought potential
difference is
IATA-1+ 164-1= 2 IAT+1. (2)
The intensity of the electric field created by one of the wires at a dis-
tance x from its axis can be easily found with the help of the Gauss
theorem: E = X/2as0x. Then
b— a
b a
I AT+ I = J E dx —
a (3)
where a is the radius of the wires' cross section and b is the separation
between the axes of the wires.
66 2. A Conductor in an Electrostatic Field
3.2. Polarization
Definition. It is natural to describe polarization of a dielec-
tric with the help of the dipole moment of a unit volume.
If an external field or a dielectric (or both) are nonuniform,
polarization turns out to be different at different points of
the dielectric. In order to characterize the polarization at a
given point, we must mentally isolate an infinitesimal volume
A V containing this point and then find the vector sum of the
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.2
P dS = — girt (3.6)
V •P= (3.9)
74 3. Electric Field in Dielectrics
i.e. the divergence of the field of vector P is equal to the volume density
of the excess bound charge at the same point, but taken with the oppo-
site sign. This equation can be obtained from (3.6) in the same manner
as the similar expression for vector E was obtained (see p. 24). For
this purpose, it is sufficient to replace E by P and p by p'.
When Is p' Equal to Zero in a Dielectric? We shall show
that the volume density of excess bound charges in a dielec-
tric is equal to zero if two conditions are simultaneously
satisfied: (1) the dielectric is homogeneous and (2) there
are no extraneous charges within it (p = 0).
Indeed, it follows from the main property (3.6) of the
field of vector P that in the case of a homogeneous dielectric,
we can substitute xsoE for P in accordance with (3.5), take
x out of the integral, and write
x e0E • dS — q' .
3.4. Vector D
The Gauss Theorem for Field D. Since the sources of an
electric field E are all the electric charges—extraneous and
bound, we can write the Gauss theorem for the field E in
the following form:
80E dS = (q+ A nt, (3.15)
where q and q' are the extraneous and bound charges en-
closed by the surface S. The appearance of the bound charge
q' complicates the analysis, and formula (3.15) turns out
to be of little use for finding the field E in a dielectric even
in the case of a "sufficiently good" symmetry. Indeed, this
formula expresses the properties of unknown field E in terms
of the bound charge q' which in turn is determined by un-
known field E.
This difficulty, however, can be overcome by expressing
the charge q' in terms of the flux of P by formula (3.6). Then
3.4. Vector 15 77
D = soE P, (3.17)
D = 808E, (3.20)
1 +q •
Fig. 3.4 Fig. 3.5
First of all, the absence of extraneous charges means that the field
D has no sources: the lines of D do not emerge or terminate anywhere.
However, the field D exists and is shown in Fig. 3.6b. The lines of E
Lines of E Lines of D
(a) (6)
Fig. 3.6
and D coincide outside the sphere, but inside the sphere they have
opposite directions, since here the relation D = 80 8E is no longer va-
lid and D = 80E + P.
r ,............„)....
2 i-7-1-7i
''''' T' T
Fig. 3.7 Fig. 3.8
projection of vector E not onto the unit vector T'but onto
the common unit vector T, then E„. =- — Er , and it fol-
lows from the above equation that
= E2r, (3.22)
Dn = a, (3.26)
(y r 8—
a . (3.27)
• 3.1. Polarization of a dielectric and the bound charge. An extra-
neous point charge q is at the centre of a spherical layer of a heteroge-
neous isotropic dielectric whose dielectric constant varies only in the
radial direction as s = alr, where a is a constant and r is the distance
from the centre of the system. Find the volume density p' of a bound
charge as a function of r within the layer.
Solution. We shall use Eq. (3.6), taking a sphere of radius r as
the closed surface, the centre of the sphere coinciding with the centre
of the system. Then
42-0. Pr = q' (r),
where q' (r) is the bound charge inside the sphere. Let us take the
differential of this expression:
431 d(r2 •Pr) = — dq'. (1)
Problems 87
Here dq' is the bound charge in a thin layer between the spheres with
radii r and r + dr. Considering that dq' = p'4itr2 dr, we transform (1)
as follows:
r2 dPr 2rPr dr = —p'r2 dr,
p, ddPrr+ r2 pr
The graphs of the funtions E (x) and cp (x) are shown in Fig. 3.11.
It is useful to verify that the graph of Ex (x) corresponds to the de-
rivative —acp/Ox.
(2) In accordance with (3.13), the surface density of the bound
charge is
8 1 pa >0.
= Pn=xFoEn= (s— 1) pa/E= 6-
This result is valid for both sides of the plate. Thus, if the extraneous
charge p > 0, the bound charges appearing on both surfaces of the
plate are also positive.
In order to find the volume density of the bound charge, we use
Eq. (3.9) which in our case will have a simpler form:
013 x
p __= a ( 8-I 8-1
ax ax P
0 a b r
Fig. 3.13 Fig. 3.14
neous dielectric and having the outer radius b and the dielectric con-
stant E. Plot approximate curves for E (r) and cp (r), where r is the dis-
tance from the centre of the sphere, if the sphere is charged positi-
Solution. By definition, the capacitance C = q/cp. Let us find the
potential cp of the conductor, supplying mentally a charge q to it:
00 b 00
1 q 1
cp= ET dr — dr + d r.
4neo sr2 4n8o :2
a a b
U= E dr, (1)
Problems 91
where we assume that the charge of the inner plate is q > 0. Let us
find E with the help of the Gauss theorem for vector D:
1 q1
4nr2 D= q, E = D=
880 4ae, E rg 418, ar
Substituting the latter expression into (1) and integrating, we find
4na a
U= In , C —°
40180a a In (b/a)
3.7. The Gauss theorem and the principle of superposition.
Suppose that we have a dielectric sphere which retains polarization
38o 38lo
where we used the fact that field intensity inside a uniformly charged
sphere is E = pr/3a0, which directly follows from the Gauss theorem.
It remains for us to take into account that in accordance with (3.4),
p1 = P.
(2) The creation of a spherical cavity in a dielectric is equivalent
to the removal from a sphere of a ball made of a polarized material.
92 3. Electric Field in Dielectrics
Here we took into account that cos = 11r. As 1 —> 0 the quantity
a' ---).- 0, i.e. if the charge q is just at the interface, there is no surface
charge on the plane.
(2) Let us imagine at the interface a thin ring with the centre at
the point 0 (Fig. 3.17). Suppose that the inner and outer radii of this
ring are r' and r' + dr'. The surface
q bound charge within this ring is
1. dq'=--a' • 2a-cr' dr'. It can be seen
from the figure that r2 = /2 + r'2,
whence r dr = r' dr', and the expres-
sion for dq' combined with (1) gives
/# .7 dq' =
Integrating this equation over r be-
tween 1 and oo, we obtain
Fig. 3.17 -
e + 1 q.
• 3.10. A point charge q is on the plane separating a vacuum
from an infinite homogeneous dielectric with the dielectric permittivi-
ty 8. Find the magnitudes of vectors D and E in the entire space.
Solution. In this case, it follows from the continuity of the normal
component of vector D that E2,,, = eEin. Only the surface charge a'
will contribute to the normal component of vector E in the vicinity
of the point under consideration. Hence the above equality can be
written in the form
a'/2e0 = e (—aV2E0).
We immediately find that a' = 0.
Thus, in the given case there is no bound surface charge (with the
exception of the points in direct contact with the extraneous point
charge q). This means that the electric field in the surrounding space
is the field of the point charge q q', and E depends only on the dis-
tance r from this charge. But the charge q' is unknown, and hence
we must use the Gauss theorem for vector D. Taking for the closed
surface a sphere of radius r with the centre at the point of location of
the charge q, we can write
2nr2D, 2nr2D = q,
where D o and D are the magnitudes of vector D at the distance r
from the charge q in the vacuum and in the dielectric respectively.
Besides, from the continuity of the tangential component of vector
E it follows that
D = eDo.
Combining these two conditions, we find
Do= 2a D=
(1+ e) r 2 231 (1+0r2
94 4. Energy of Electric Field
E = 80° = 2n (1 + a) so r2 •
It can be seen that for e = 1 these formulas are reduced to the al-
ready familiar expressions for D and E of the point charge in a vac-
The obtained results are represented graphically in Fig. 3.18. It
Field E Field D
Fig. 3.18
should be noted that the field D in this case is not determined by the
extraneous charge alone (otherwise it would have the form of the field
of a point charge).
"1, 2 — F1•d1;.
Thus, it turns out that the sum of the elementary works
done by two charges in an arbitrary system of reference K
is always equal to the elementary work done by the force
acting on one charge in another reference system (K') in
which the other charge is at rest. In other words, the work
6A1, 2 does not depend on the choice of the initial system of
The force F1acting on charge 1 from charge 2 is conserva-
tive (as a central force). Consequently, the work of the given
force in the displacement d1i can be represented as the de-
crease in the potential energy of interaction between the
pair of charges under consideration:
6 A1, 2 = dW127
where W12 is the quantity depending only on the distance
between these charges.
2. Let us now go over to a system of three point charges
(the result obtained for this case can be easily generalized
for a system of an arbitrary number of charges). The work
performed by all forces of interaction during elementary
displacements of all the charges can be represented as the
sum of the works of three pairs of interactions, i.e. SA =
= SA 1,2 ± M1,3 ± 6A 2,3. But as it has just been shown,
96 4. Energy of Electric Field
W= —
2 2 wi. (4.2)
W= 2 Qat• (4.3)
= pcp dV , (4.4)
98 4. Energy of Electric Field
W = 2( q±(P+ q-W-)*
Since q_ = — q+, we have
W +((pi_ q)_) =- — qu ,
2q 2
where q = q+is the charge of the capacitor and U is the
potential difference across its plates. Considering that
C = q/ U, we obtain the following expression for the energy
of the capacitor:
U CU2 q2
2 2
2C •
100 4. Energy of Electric Field
dw _
Fig. 4.2 D dS (E dl= D2 (1),
2 2
wh ere A is a point at the beginning of the imaginary tube.
It remains for us to make the last step, i.e. integrate the obtained
expression over all the tubes, and find the energy localized in the entire
field. Considering that potential q is the same at the endf aces of all
the tubes (since they originate on the surface of the conductor), we
(I) .D dS,
HT= 2—
layer is given by
808E 2
dW = 2 43-cr2dr,
dl- 1+ d1+
1=1+— 1-
Fig. 4.3
A = E• xec, dE = d X8 2E2 =d E 2) .
Hence, the total work spent for the polarization of a
unit volume of a dielectric is
A = E•P/2, (4.13)
which coincides with the second term in formula (4.11).
Thus, the volume energy density w = E•D/2 includes
the energy E0E2/2 of the field proper and the energy E•P/2
associated with the polarization of the substance.
4.4. A System of Two Charged Bodies 105
W= E"2
dV 8°E1dV
ecEi• E2dV , (4.14)
Fx = Ox
,a •
We must pay attention to the following circumstance.
It is well known that the force depends only on the position
of bodies and on the distribution of charges at a given in-
stant. It cannot depend on how the energy process will deve-
lope if the system starts to move under the action of forces.
And this means that in order to calculate Fx by formula
(4.16), we do not have to select conditions under which all
the charges of the conductor are necessarily constant
(q = const). We must simply find the increment dW under
the condition that q = const, which is a purely mathemati-
cal operation.
It should be noted that if a displacement is performed at
constant potential on the conductors, the corresponding
calculation leads to another expression for the force: Fx =-
= OWIOx 1,. However (and it is important!) the result
108 4. Energy of Electric Field
Fu = 2 '
• 4.1. Energy of interaction. A point charge q is at a distance /
from an infinite conducting plane. Find the energy W of interaction
between this charge and the charges induced on the plane.
Solution. Let us mentally "freeze" the charge distributed over the
plane and displace under these conditions the point charge q to in-
finity. In this case the charge q will move in the potential field which
is equivalent to the field of a fixed fictitious point charge q, located
In order to find the difference W1 W2, we note that upon the expan-
sion of the shell (Fig. 4.5), the electric field, and hence the energy
localized in it, changed only in the hatched spherical layer. Conse-
W1—W2= (EI— 4str2 dr,
where El and E2 are the field intensities (in the hatched region at a
distance r from the centre of the system) before and after the expan-
sion of the shell. By using the Gauss theorem, we find
q q. E =
47(80 r2 41(8, r2 '
Problems 113
and incorrect. This is due to the fact that this approach does not take
into account the additional work performed by electric forces upon
the change in the configuration of the charge q located on the expand-
ing shell.
e 4.6. A point charge q is at the centre of a spherical uncharged
conducting layer whose inner and outer radii are a and b respectively.
Find the work done by electric forces in this system upon the remov-
al of the charge q from its original position through a small hole
(Fig. 4.6) to a very large distance from the spherical layer.
Solution. We shall proceed from the fact that the work of electric
forces is equal to the decrease in the electric energy of the system. As
is well known, the latter is localized in the field itself. Thus, the prob-
lem is reduced to determination of the change in the field as a result
of this process.
It can be easily seen that the field around the charge q will change
only within the spherical layer with the inner radius a and the outer
radius b. Indeed, in the initial position of the charge there was no
field in this region, while in the final position there is a certain field
(since the conducting spherical layer is far from the charge q). Conse-
quently, the required work is
so E 2
A=0— W1=- — r 2 dV.
Considering that E = q/43-ceor2 and dV = 4nr2 dr, and integrating,
we obtain
q2 a—b
A— <O.
87mo ab
114 4. Energy of Electric Field
where E1is the intensity of the field created by one plate (E = 0/2e0).
It is in this field that the charge located on the other plate moves.
This work is completely spent for increasing the electric energy:
AW = A'.
(2) In this case, the force acting on each capacitor plate will de-
pend on the distance between the plates. Let us write the elementary
work of the force acting on a plate during its displacement over a dis-
tance dx relative to the other plate:
60SU 2 dx
— c/Ei
2 x2
A, = 80SU 2 I 1 1 )
2 k x, x2
(C2 — CO U2 80SU 2 1 1 \
2 2 k x2 x,
< 0.
permanent voltage U. Find the force f' acting on a unit surface of the
plate from the dielectric.
Solution. The resultant force f acting per unit area of each plate
can be represented as
= to — f', (1)
where fo is the electric force acting per unit area of a plate from the
other plate (it is just the force per unit area when the dielectric is
absent). In our case, we have
f = 1018, f o = GE = a2/280, (2)
where E is the field intensity in the region occupied by one plate, creat-
ed by the charges of the other plate. Considering that a = D =
= seoU/12, and substituting (2) into (1), we obtain
fo (1 — 1/e) = a (e — 1) 80 U2/2h2.
For example, for U = 500 V, h = 1.0 mm and a = 81 (water), we get
= 7 kPa (0.07 atm).
• 4.9. The force acting on a dielectric. A cylindrical layer of a
homogeneous dielectric with the dielectric constant a is introduced
into a cylindrical capacitor so that the layer fills the gap of width d
between the plates. The mean radius of the plates is 12 such that R >> d.
The capacitor is connected to a source of a permanent voltage U. Find
the force pulling the dielectric inside the capacitor.
Solution. Using the formula W = q2/2C for the energy of a capac-
itor, we find that, in accordance with (4.16), the required force is
OW q2 OC/Ox U2 OC
Fx — (1)
q= 2 C2 — 2 Ox '
Since d << R the capacitance of the given capacitor can be calculated
by the formula for a parallel-plate capacitor. Therefore, if the diele-
ctric is introduced to a depth x and the capacitor length is 1, we have
eeox • 2a12 80 (/— x)• 2nR so• 2nR
(ex+1 — x). (2)
5. Direct Current
5.1. Current Density. Continuity Equation
Electric Current. In this chapter, we shall confine our-
selves to an analysis of conduction current in a conducting
medium, especially in metals. It is well known that electric
current is the transfer of charge through a certain surface
S (say, the cross section of a conductor).
In a conducting medium, current can be carried by elec-
trons (in metals), ions (in electrolytes), or some other parti-
cles. In the absence of electric field, current carriers perform
chaotic motion and on average the same number of carriers
of either sign passes through each side of any imaginary
surface S. Thus, the current passing through S in this case
5.1. Current Density. Continuity Equation 117
j dS = at (5.4)
charge q as ,c p d V and the right-hand side of Eq. (5.4) as
p dV
j dS= — ap dV.
5.2. Ohm's Law for a Homogeneous Conductor 119
Proceeding in the same way as for the flux of vector E in Sec. 1.4, we
find that the divergence of vector j at a certain point is equal to the
decrease in the charge density per unit time at the same point:
--aplat. (5.6)
p.i=o. I (5.7 )
This means that for direct current the field of vector j does not have
j= — E = GE, (5.10)
j = a (E E*). (5.11)
Since the potential decreases over the segment R from left to right,
I > 0. This means that the current flows in the positive direction
(from 1 to 2). In the present case, pi< 11)2, but the current flows from
point 1 to point 2, i.e. towards increasing potential. This is possible
only because an e.m.f. is acting in this circuit frdm 1 to 2, i.e. in
the positive direction.
It follows from here that the higher the value of 1, the closer the po-
tential difference across the current terminals to its e.m.f., and vice
5.5. Joule's Law 131
RI 2. (5.19)
Fig. 5.11 Fig. 5.12
dq g — qIC
dt R •
• 5.1. Resistance of a conducting medium. A metallic sphere of
radius a is surrounded by a concentric thin metallic shell of radius b.
The space between these two electrodes is filled with a homogeneous
poorly conducting medium of resistivity p. Find the resistance of the
gap between the two electrodes.
Solution. Let us mentally isolate a thin spherical layer between
radii r and r + dr. Lines of current at all points of this layer are per-
pendicular to it, and therefore such a layer can be treated as a cylin-
drical conductor of length dr and a cross-sectional area 4Tcr2. Using
formula (5.9), we can write
4nr2 '
Integrating this expression with respect to r between a and b, we get
R p 1 1
4a a b)•
• 5.2. Two identical metallic balls of radius a are placed in a
homogeneous poorly conducting medium with resistivity p. Find the
resistance of the medium between the balls under the condition that
the distance between them is much larger than their size.
Solution. Let us mentally impart charges +q and — q to the balls.
Since the balls are at a large distance from one another, electric field
near the surface of each ball is practically determined only by the
charge of the nearest sphere, and its charge can be considered to be
uniformly distributed over the surface. Surrounding the positively
charged ball by a concentric sphere adjoining directly the ball's sur-
face, we write the expression for the current through this sphere;
I = 4na2 j,
where j is the current density. Using Ohm's law (j = Elp) and the
formula E = q/43180a2, we obtain
I = q/eop.
Let us now find the potential difference between the balls:
U = cp+ — 2q/4nsoa.
The sought resistance is given by
11 = U// = p/2na.
This result is valid regardless of the magnitude of the dielectric con-
stant of the medium.
O 5.3. Two conductors of arbitrary shape are placed into an in-
finite homogeneous slightly conducting medium with the resistivity p
and the dielectric constant 8. Find the value of the product RC for
this system, where .R is the resistance of the medium between the
Problems 137
o 82132 -8191
s0 U.
Hence it follows that a = 0 for sipi =- 2. 2'
• 5.6. Nonhomogeneous conductor. A long conductor of a cir-
cular cross section of area S is made of a material whose resistivity
depends only on the distance r from the conductor axis as p = a/r2,
where a is a constant. The conductor carries current I. Find (1) field
intensity E in the conductor and (2) the resistance of the unit length
of the conductor.
Solution. (1) In accordance with Ohm's law, field intensity E is
related to current density j, while j is related to current I. Hence we
can write
.c j2nr dr= (Elp)2ar dr.
The field intensity E is the same at all poi is of the cross section of
the given conductor, i.e. is independent of r. We can easily verify
this by selecting a rectangular contour in the conductor so that one
side of the contour coincides with, for example, the conductor's axis,
and then applying to this contour the theorem on circulation of
vector E.
Thus, E can be taken out of the integral, and as a result of inte-
gration we obtain
E = 2nal/S2.
(2) The resistance of a unit length of the conductor can be found
with the help of the formula R = Dividing both sides of this
equation by length 1 of the section of the conductor, having resistance
I? and voltage U, we find
Ru = 2sta/S2.
0 5.7. Ohm's law for nonuniform subcircuit. In the circuit
shown in Fig. 5.14 the e.m.f.'s e and eo of sources, the resistances
R and R 0, and the capacitance C of a capacitor are known. The inter-
nal resistances of sources are negligibly small. Find the charge on
plate 1 of the capacitor.
Solution. In accordance with Ohm's law for a closed circuit con-
Problems 139
A m = —A W or Am = (8 — 1) COU2.
RI 2 dt, (1)
from which it follows that first of all we must find the time dependence
I (t). For this purpose, we shall use Ohm's law for the part 1R2 of
the circuit (Fig. 5.16):
RI = cpt— cp2 = U,
RI = gIC. (2)
Let us differentiate (2) with respect to
dI 1 r dI dt
C I — RC •
Integrating the last equation, we obtain
/0e - tIRC, Fig. 5.16
In = (3)
I o RC
where /0 is determined by condition (2) for q = go, i.e. /0 = go/RC.
Substituting (3) into (1) and integrating over time, we get
qg (1_ 2t/RC).
2C e-
[v x13]. (6. 2)
B = [to q [v X 11 (6.3)
4x r3
* Formula (6.3) is also valid in the case when the charge moves
with an acceleration, but only at sufficiently small distances r from
the charge (so small that the velocity v of the charge does not noti-
ceably change during the time rIc).
144 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
1 2q
Fig. 6.2
B= Bi . (6.6)
dB B
Fig. 6.3 Fig. 6.4
right. All current elements will form the cone of vectors dB, and it can
be easily seen that the resultant vector B at point A will be directed
upwards along the Z-axis. This means that in order to find the magni-
tude of vector B, it is sufficient to sum up the components of vectors
dB along the Z-axis. Each such projection has the form
[o Idl
dBz = dB cos — cos 13,
4 7.2
where we took into account that the angle between the element dl
and the radius vector r is equal to n12, and hence the sine is equal to
unity. Integrating this expression over dl (which gives 2nR) and taking
into account that cos f3 = 111r and r = (z 2 R2)1127 we get
p., 2nR2/
B= (6.12)
4n (z2 + R2)3/2 •
Hence it follows that the magnitude of vector B at the centre of the
current ring (z = 0) and at a distance z >> R is given by
u,, 2n I luo 2Rflat
Bz=0 =--43.-c - R__ ,Bz.>.:>R — (6.13)
4n z3 •
148 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
BdS= O. (6.14)
B dl = 110/, (6.15)
j dS. (6.16)
Bdl=µo dS = 1.1,0 hi dS. (6.17)
The fact that circulation of vector B generally differs
from zero indicates that in contrast to electrostatic field,
field B is not a potential field. Such fields are called
vortex, or solenoidal fields.
Since circulation of vector B is proportional to the cur-
rent I enveloped by the contour, in general we cannot
ascribe to magnetic field a scalar potential which would be
related to vector B through an expression similar to E
—vp. This potential would not be single-valued: upon
each circumvention of the current and return to the initial
point, this potential would acquire an increment equal to
[to/. However, magnetic potential win can be introduced and
effectively used in the region of space where the currents
are absent.
The Role of the Theorem on Circulation of Vector B.
This theorem plays almost the same role as the Gauss
theorem for vectors E and D. It is well known that field B
is determined by all currents, while circulation of vector B,
only by the currents enveloped by the given contour. In
spite of this, in certain cases (in the presence of a special
symmetry) the theorem on circulation proves to be quite
effective since it allows us to determine B in a very simple
This can be done in the cases when the calculation of
circulation of vector B can be reduced, by an appropriate
choice of the contour, to the product of B (or B 1) by the
length of the contour or its part. Otherwise, field B must
be calculated by some other methods, for example, with
the help of the Biot-Savart law or by solving the cor-
responding differential equations, and the calculation be-
comes much more difficult.
Fig. 6.8
V X B= tto j. (6.26)
This is precisely the differential form of the theorem on circulation
of vector B. Obviously, the direction of curl B coincides with that of
vector j, viz. the current density at this point, while the magnitude
of V X B is equal to [to/.
In an electrostatic field, circulation of vector E is equal to zero,
and hence
V xE=0. (6.27)
A vector field whose curl is equal to zero everywhere is a potential
field. Otherwise it is called the solenoidal field. Consequently, electro-
static field is a potential field, while magnetic field is a solenoidal field.
Naturally, the same expression can be obtained for the force acting
per unit length of the conductor with current I.
6.6. Ampere's Force 157
Jo Pm
Considering that ab is the area bounded by the loop and Iba = pm,
we obtain
M = pmB sin a,
which in the vector form is written as (6.36).
Concluding this section, we note that expression (6.36)
is valid for nonuniform magnetic fields as well. The only
requirement is that the size of the current loop must be
sufficiently small. Then the effect of nonuniformity on the
rotational moment (torque) M can be ignored. This pre-
cisely applies to the elementary current loop.
An elementary current loop behaves in a nonuniform
magnetic field in the same way as an electric dipole in
an external nonuniform electric field: it will be rotated
towards the position of stable equilibrium (for which
pm tt B) and, besides, under the action of the resultant
force F it will be pulled into the region where induction B
is larger.
SA = F dx = IB1 dx = IB dS, (6.38)
where dS is the increment of the area bounded by the con-
In order to determine the sign of magnetic flux 0, we
shall agree to take the normal n to the surface bounded by
the contour always in such a way that it forms with the
direction of the current in the circuit a right-handed system
(Fig. 6.15). In this case, the current I will always be a posi-
tive quantity. On the other hand, the flux 0 may be either
positive or negative. In our case, however, both 0 and
d0 = B dS are positive quantities (if the field B were
directed towards us or the jumper were displaced to the
left, d'D < 0). In any of these cases expression (6.38) can
be represented in the form (6.37).
2. The obtained result is valid for an arbitrary direction
of the field B as well. To prove this, let us decompose vec-
tor B into three components: B = Bn + B1 Bx. The
component 131 directed along the jumper is parallel to the
current in it and does not produce any force acting on the
jumper. The component 13, (along the displacement) is
responsible for the force perpendicular to the displacement,
which does not accomplish any work. The only remaining
component is Bn, which is normal to the plane in which
the jumper moves. Hence, in formula (6.38) instead of B
we must take only B,.. But B, dS = c/0, and we again
arrive at (6.37).
3. Let us now consider any current loop which is arbi-
trarily displaced in a constant nonuniform magnetic field
(the contour of this loop may be arbitrarily deformed in
this process). We mentally divide the given loop into infinite-
ly small current elements and consider their infinitesimal
displacements. Under these conditions, the magnetic field
in which each element of current is displaced can be as-
sumed uniform. For such a displacement, we can apply to
each element of current the expression dA =I d'0 for the
elementary work, where d'D expresses the contribution of
a given element of current to the increment of the flux
through the contour. Summing up elementary works for
all the elements of the loop, we again obtain expression
Problems 163
A= I d(1). (6.39)
In the given case, the work A > 0, while upon the reverse rotation
A < 0.
It should be noted that work (6.40) is accomplished not at the
expense of the energy of the external magnetic field (which does not
change) but at the expense of the e.m.f. source maintaining the current
in the loop. (This question will be considered in greater detail in
Chap. 9.)
• 6.1. Direct calculation of induction B. Current I flows along
a thin conductor bent as is shown in Fig. 6.16. Find the magnetic
induction B at point 0. The required data are presented in the figure.
Solution. The required quantity B = B_ B_, where B_ is the
164 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
Substituting (1) and (3) into (2) and integrating the result over r
between a and b, we obtain
B =2 In
(b— a) a•
(2) The magnetic moment of a turn of radius r is Pmi
and of all the turns, pm = Pmi dN, here dN is defined by formula
(3). The integration gives
nIN b3— a3 TIN
Pm= b— a (a2 + ab b2).
3 3
• 6.3. Current I flows in a long straight conductor having thn
shape of a groove with a cross section in the form of a thin half-ring
of radius R (Fig. 6.18). The current is directed from the reader behind
the plane of the drawing. Find the magnetic induction B on the axis 0.
Solution. First of all, let us determine the direction of vector B
at point 0. For this purpose, we mentally divide the entire conductor
into elementary filaments with currents dI. Then it is clear that the
sum of any two symmetric filaments gives vector dB directed to the
right (Fig. 6.19). Consequently, vector B will also be directed to the
Therefore, for calculating the field B at point 0 it is sufficient to
find the sum of the projections of elementary vectors dB from each
current filament onto the direction of vector B:
B= c dB sin cp (I)
In accordance with (6.11), we have
dB = (2)
where dl = (IITc) dcp (see Fig. 6.19). Substituting (2) into (1), we get
2n 2R , sin (I) cl(P= '°I •
166 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
while B' is the magnetic induction of the field at the same point due
to the current flowing through the part of the conductor which has
been removed in order to create the cavity.
Thus, the problem implies first of all the calculation of magnetic
induction B inside the solid conductor at a distance r from its axis.
Using the theorem on circulation, we can write 2TfrB = [toar2j, whence
B = (1/2) Rorj. This expression can be represented with the help of
Fig. 6.20 in the vector form:
[j X r].
Using now this formula for Bo and B', we find their difference (1):
1-to [j xrj—±—
21L )-[jxr1=_7_[ix(r---111.
Thus, in our case the magnetic field B in the cavity is uniform, and
if the current is flowing towards us (Fig. 6.21), the field B lies in the
plane of the figure and is directed upwards.
Problems 167
(a) (b )
The meaning of vectors i1and ill is clear from Fig. 6.23b. In our
case, the magnitudes of these vectors can be found with the help of
168 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
R 0= V go 11111 — 360 Q.
go a
If R < 131) then Fm > Fe, and the wires repel each other. If, on
the contrary, R > R 0, Fm < Fe, and the wires attract each other.
This can be observed experimentally.
Thus, the statement that current-carrying wires attract each other
is true only in the case when the electric component of the interac-
tion can be neglected, i.e. for a sufficiently small resistance R in the
circuit shown in Fig. 6.24.
Besides, by measuring the force of interaction between the wires
(which is always resultant), we generally cannot determine current I.
This should be borne in mind to avoid confusion.
• 6.8. The moment of Ampere's forces. A loop with current I
is in the field of a long straight wire with current / 0 (Fig. 6.25). The
plane of the loop is perpendicular to the straight wire. Find the moment
of Ampere's forces acting on this loop. The required dimensions of the
system are given in the figure.
Solution. Ampere's forces acting on curvilinear parts of the loop
are equal to zero. On the other hand, the forces acting on the rectilinear
parts form a couple of forces. We must calculate the torque of this
Let us isolate two small elements of the loop (Fig. 6.26). It can be
seen from the figure that the torque of the couple of forces correspond
170 6. Magnetic Field in a Vacuum
from the straight wire can be found with the help of the theorem on
B = ji0//2otr. (3)
Let us now substitute (3) into (2), then (2) into (1) and, conside-
ing that dl = dr and x = r cos cp, integrate the obtained expression
over r between a and b. This gives
M = (10/n) II o (b — a) sin cp,
vector M being directed to the left (Fig. 6.26).
6.9. A small coil with current, having the magnetic moment
pm, is placed on the axis of a circular loop of radius R, along which
current I is flowing. Find the force F acting on the coil if its distance
from the centre of the loop is / and vector pm is oriented as is shown
in Fig. 6.27.
Solution. According to (6.33), the required force is defined as
F = pm013/On, (1)
where B is the magnetic induction of the field created by the loop
at the locus of the coil. Let us select Z-axis in the direction of the vec-
tor pm. Then the projection of (1) onto this axis will be
F = pm aBz Iaz = pm0.1310z,
where we took into account that Bz = B for the given direction of
current in the loop. The magnetic induction B is defined by formula
(6.12), whence
OB 3 RoR2//
Oz = 2 (0+//95/2'
Problems 171
Since 8B/oz < 0, the projection of the force F2 <0, i.e. vector F
is directed towards the loop with current I. The obtained result can
be represented in the vector form as follows:
3 p,OR2//
2 (12 + R2)5/2 pm' Pm
dS 2
find the relation between the surface and volume elements of the cur-
j dV = j6li•61) dl = i dS.
The meaning of the quantities appearing in this relation is clarified
in Fig. 6.28. In the vector form, we can write
j dV = i dS. (1)
The Ampere's force acting on the surface current element in this
case is determined by the formula obtained from (6.28) with the help
of substitution (1):
dF = X B'] dS, (2)
where B' is the magnetic induction of the field at the point of location
of the given current element, but created by all other current elements
excluding the given one. In order to find B', we proceed as for cal-
culating electric force (Sec. 2.3). Let Bi be the magnetic induction
172 7. Magnetic Field in a Substance
of the field created by the surface element itself at a point very close
to its surface (see Fig. 6.29, where it is assumed that the current is
flowing from us). According to (6.22), Bi = (1/2) tio i.
Further, using the theorem on circulation of vector B and symmetry
considerations, we can easily see that the magnetic induction of the
field outside the cylinder near its surface is equal to
B = pio//2aR, (3)
while inside the cylinder the field is absent.
The latter fact indicates that the field B' from the remaining cur-
rent elements at points 1 and 2 very close to the cylinder surface (see
Fig. 6.29) must be the same and satisfy the following conditions inside
and outside the cylinder surface:
B' = Bi and B = B' Bi = 2B'.
Hence it follows that
B' = B/2. (4)
Substituting this result into (2), we obtain the following expression
for the required pressure:
dF 2B' B2
19 = dS =119, = 2R0
Taking into account (3), we finally get
P = ito/2/8n2R2.
It is clear from formula (2) that the cylinder experiences lateral com-
(, , BdS=0. (7.2)
f f
• 0+0+0
surface of the cylinder. The current I' induces the same mac-
roscopic magnetic field as that of all molecular currents
taken together.
Let us now consider another case: a magnetized magnetic
is nonhomogeneous. Let, for instance, the molecular currents
be arranged as shown in Fig. 7.2, where the line thickness
corresponds to the intensity of molecular currents. It follows
from the figure that vector J is directed behind the plane
of the figure and increases in magnitude with the coordi-
nate x. It can be seen that the molecular currents are not
compensated inside a nonhomogeneous magnetic, and as
a result, the macroscopic volume magnetization current I'
appears, which flows in the positive direction of the Y-axis.
Accordingly, we can speak about the linear i' and surface j'
current densities, i' being measured in A/m and j' in A/m2.
Calculation of Field B in a Magnetic. It can be stated that
the contribution to field B from a magnetized magnetic
is equal to the contribution that would be created by the
same distribution of currents I' in a vacuum. In other
words, having established the distribution of magnetization
currents I', we can find, with the help of the Biot-
Savart law, the field B' corresponding to them, and then
calculate the resultant field B by formula (7.1).
176 7. Magnetic Field in a Substance
J dl = /', (7.5)
where I' j' dS and integration is performed over an
arbitrary surface stretched on the contour F.
In order to prove this theorem, we shall calculate the
algebraic sum of molecular currents enveloped by contour F.
Let us stretch an arbitrary surface S on the contour F
(Fig. 7.3). It can be seen from the figure that some molecular
currents intersect the surface S twice (once in one direction
and for the second time in the opposite direction). Hence
such currents make no contribution to the resultant mag-
netization current through the surface S.
However, the molecular currents that are wound around
7.2. Circulation of Vector J 177
I VXJ=j', (7.6)
i.e. the curl of magnetization J is equal to the magnetization current
density at the same point of space.
A Remark about the Field of J. The properties of the
field of vector J, expressed by Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6), do not
imply at all that the field J itself is determined only by the
currents I'. The field of J (which is bounded only by the
178 7. Magnetic Field in a Substance
7.3. Vector H
Theorem on Circulation of Vector H (for magnetic fields
of direct currents). In magnetics placed into an external
magnetic field magnetization currents are induced. Hence
circulation of vector B will now be determined not only
by conduction currents but by magnetization currents as
B dl = [1,0 (/ r), (7.8)
Hd1=/. (7.12)
x H=j, (7.13)
1 H2 ti — H it = 1,, (7.21)
184 7. Magnetic Field in a Substance
Ben I a 2 B2 1
, Bin
Field B Field H
Fig. 7.9 Fig. 7.10
Fig. 7.18
The minus sign indicates that vector j' is directed against the normal
vector n which forms the right-hand system with the direction of cir-
13/ P o
Fig. 7.22 Fig. 7.23
• 7.7. A winding containing N turns is wound on an iron core
in the form of a torus with the middle diameter d. A narrow transverse
slot of width b (Fig. 7.22) is cut in the core. When current I is passed
through the winding, the magnetic induction in the slot is B. Find
the permeability of iron under these conditions, neglecting the dis-
sipation of the field at the edges of the slot.
Solution. In accordance with the theorem on circulation of vector H
around the circle of diameter d (see Fig. 7.22), we have
(ad b) H bH0 = NI,
where II and Ho are the magnitudes of H in iron and in the slot re-
spectively. Besides, the absence of field dissipation at the edges means
B = Bo.
Using these two equations and taking into account that B
= ttli0H and b < d, we obtain
a dB
11= ix oNI—bB •
Solution. (1) Let, for the sake of definiteness, vector B on the axis
be directed upwards and coincide with the X-axis. Then, in accordance
with (6.34), Fx = pm0.1310x, where we took into account that the
magnetic moment pm is directed as vector B (for paramagnetics) and
hence replaced On by Ox.
Next, since pm = JV = yHV and.
OB/Ox = —2aBoxe-Qxz, we have
F x = — Axe-2ax 2, (1)
where A = 2aB2xVINuo.
Having calculated the derivative
dF,Idx and equating it to zero, we ob-
tain the following equation for deter-
mining xm: 1 — 4ax2 = 0, whence
xm -1/2 17a- . (2)
(2) Substituting (2) into (1), we
find 11111111111 M
Ro Frn e Fig. 7.24
B8v V a
where we took into account that p. ^ 1 for paramagnetics.
• 7.9. A long thin cylindrical rod made of a paramagnetic with
the magnetic susceptibility x and cross-sectional area S is arranged
Fig. 7.25
along the axis of a current-carrying coil. One end of the rod is at the
centre of the coil, where the magnetic field is B, while the other end
lies in the region where the magnetic field is practically absent. Find
the force with which the coil acts on the rod.
Solution. Let us mentally isolate an element of the rod of length dx
(Fig. 7.25). The force acting on this element is given by
dFx =dpm
Onx •
Suppose that vector B on the axis of the coil is directed to the right
(see the figure), towards positive values of x. Then B, = B, On = Ox,
198 8. Relative Nature of Electric and Magnetic Fields
dF,,==xHS dx OR = XS B dB.
Ox u[to
Having integrated this equation, we obtain
= XS c XSB 2
B dB=
2iutp4 •
The minus sign indicates that vector F is directed to the left, i.e. the
rod is attracted to the current-carrying coil.
•7.10. A small sphere of volume V, made of a paramagnetic with
magnetic susceptibility x, was displaced along the axis of a current-
carrying coil from the point where the magnetic induction is B to the
region where the magnetic field is practically absent. Find the work
against the magnetic forces accomplished in this case.
Solution. Let us direct the X-axis along the axis of the coil. Then
the elementary work done against the magnetic forces upon the dis-
placement of the sphere by dx is equal to
6A —F x dx= dx, (1)
P m any
where Fx is the projection of the magnetic force (6.34) onto the X-axis
The minus sign indicates that the work is done against this force.
Suppose that vector B on the axis is directed towards positive
values of x. Then Bx = B and an = Ox (otherwise, Bx = — B and
On = — Ox, i.e. the derivative OBx/an does not depend on the direction
of vector B). Considering that pm = JV = xHV, we rewrite Eq. (1)
in the form
OB , xV
ti A= —X12 V - ar = B dB.
Ox Iltto
Integrating this equation between B and 0, we obtain
xV xB2V
A=— B dB =-_--
14to J 211,[10 •
them. This could be done only because the two fields were
static. In other cases, however, it is impossible.
It will be shown that electric and magnetic fields must
always be considered together as a single total electromagnetic
field. In other words, it turns out that electric and magnetic
fields are in a certain sense the components of a single physi-
cal object which we call the electromagnetic field.
The division of the electromagnetic field into electric
and magnetic fields is of relative nature since it depends to
a very large extent on the reference system in which the
phenomena are considered. The field which is constant in
one reference frame in the general case is found to vary in
another reference frame.
Let us consider some examples.
A charge moves in an inertial system K at a constant velocity v.
In this system, we shall observe both the electric and magnetic fields
of this charge, the two fields varying with time. If, however, we go
over to an inertial system K' moving together with the charge, the
charge will be at rest in this system, and we shall observe only the
electric field.
Suppose two identical charges move in the system K towards each
other at the same velocity v. In this system, we shall observe both
electric and magnetic fields, both these fields varying. In this case it
is impossible to find such a system K' where only one of the fields
would be observed.
In the system K, there exists a permanent nonuniform magnetic
field (e.g., the field of a fixed permanent magnet). Then in the system
K' moving relative to the system K we shall observe a varying mag-
netic field and, as will be shown below, an electric field as well.
Thus, it is clear that in different reference frames different
relations are observed between electric and magnetic fields.
Before considering the main points of this chapter, viz.
the laws of transformation of fields upon a transition from
one reference system to another, we must answer the
question which is important for further discussion: how do
an electric charge q itself and the Gauss theorem for vector E
behave upon such transitions?
Charge Invariance. At present, there is exhaustive evi-
dence that the total charge of an isolated system does not
change with the change in the motion of charge carriers.
This may be proved by the neutrality of a gas consisting
of hydrogen molecules. Electrons in these molecules move
at much higher velocities than protons. Therefore, if the
200 8. Relative Nature of Electric and Magnetic Fields
B c = Bx ,
Ey — voBz By 4- V o E z IC 2
9y —
17.1-02 (8.2)
= Ez+ voBy .trz .8,—vo Eyle2
pa 0.-132
where it is assumed that the X- and X'-axes of coordinates are directed
x – vo t t—xvoica
Y-1 – (vgle)2 iri —(voic)2
202 8. Relative Nature of Electric and Magnetic Fields
along the vector vo, the Y'-axis is parallel to the Y-axis and the Z'-axis
to the Z-axis.
It follows from Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2) that each of the vectors
E' and B' is expressed both in terms of E and B. This is
an evidence of a common nature of electric and magnetic
fields. Taken separately, each of these fields has no absolute
meaning: speaking of electric and magnetic fields, we must
indicate the system of reference in which these fields are
It should be emphasized that the properties of electro-
magnetic field expressed by the laws of its transformation
are local; the values of E' and B' at a certain point in space
and time in the system K' are uniquely determined only by
the values of E and B at the same point in space and time
in the system K.
The following features of the laws of field transformation
are also very important.
1. Unlike the transverse components of E and B, which
change upon a transition from one reference system to an-
other, their longitudinal components do not change and remain
the same in all systems.
2. Vectors E and B in different systems are connected
with each other through highly symmetric relations. This
can be seen most clearly in the form of the laws of trans-
formation for the projections of the fields [see (8.2)].
3. In order to obtain the formulas of the inverse trans-
formation (from K' to K), it is sufficient to replace in for-
mulas (8.1) and (8.2) all primed quantities by unprimed
ones (and vice versa) as well as the sign of vo.
Special Case of Field Transformation (vo <c). If the
system K' moves relative to the system K at a velocity
vo ec, the radicals in the denominators of formulas (8.1)
can be replaced by unity, and we obtain
Eii = Eii, B6 =
Ei = E1 + [vo x B1— [vo x E]/c2. (8.3)
Hence it follows that
charge of the particle is q > 0. Then the Lorentz force in the system K'
F ' a' + q[—v 0 B] =q [v 0X B] — q[vo x B] = 0
which, however, directly follows from the invariance of the force upon
nonrelativistic transformations from one reference frame to the other.
- vo
Fig. 8.4 Fig 8.5
• 8.1. Special case of field transformation. A nonrelativistic
point charge q moves at a constant velocity v. Using the transforma-
tion formulas, find the magnetic field B of this charge at a point whose
position relative to the charge is defined by the radius vector r.
Solution. Let us go over to the system of reference K' fixed to the
charge. In this system, only the Coulomb field with the intensity
E' = r,
4aso r
is present, where we took into account that the radius vector r' = r
in the system K' (nonrelativistic case). Let us now return from the
system K' to the system K that moves relative to the system K' at
the velocity —v. For this purpose, we shall use the formula for the
field B from (8.4), in which the role of primed quantities will be played
by unprimed quantities (and vice versa), and replace the velocity vo
by —vo (Fig. 8.4). In the case under consideration, vo = v, and hence
B = B' [v X E']/c2. Considering that in the system K' B' = 0
and that c2 = lisop.o, we find
110 q [v x r]
B= •
4a-c r3
We have obtained formula (6.3) which was earlier postulated as
a result of the generalization of experimental data.
210 8. Relative Nature of Electric and Magnetic Fields
where we took into account that according to (3.29), E' = EL/8. The
surface density of bound charges is
10'I -P —go vB.
At the front surface of the plate (Fig. 8.5), a' > 0, while on the opposite
face a' < 0.
• 8.3. Suppose we have an uncharged long straight wire with
a current I. Find the charge per unit length of this wire in the reference
system moving translationally with a nonrelativistic velocity vo
along the conductor in the direction of the current I.
Solution. In accordance with the transformation formulas (8.4),
the electric field E' = No X B] will appear in the moving reference
system, or
= —v,p,0/72nr (1)
where r is the distance from the wire axis.
The expression for B in this formula was obtained with the help
of the theorem on circulation.
On the other hand, according to the Gauss theorem (in the moving
system) we have
E. = XV2a80r, (2)
where X' is the charge per unit length of the wire.
A comparison of (1) and (2) gives
= —v0//c2,
where c2 = 1/80µo. The origin of this charge is associated with the
Lorentz contraction experienced by the "chains" of positive and nega-
tive charges (they have different velocities!).
• 8.4. There is a narrow beam of protons moving with a relativis-
tic velocity v in the system of reference K. At a certain distance from
the beam, the intensity of the electric field is equal to E. Find the
Problems 211
induction B' of the magnetic field at the same distance from the beam
in the system K' that moves relative to the system K at the velocity Co
in the direction of the proton beam.
Solution. This problem can be solved in the most'simple way with
the help of formulas (8.1). But first we must find the induction B in
the system K at the same distance from the beam where the intensity E
is given.
Using the theorem on circulation of vector B and the Gauss theo-
rem for vector E, we find
B = i.tb//2nr, E = X123-Egor,
where r is the distance from the beam, I = Xv is the current, and X
is the charge per unit length of the beam. It follows from these formulas
B/E = sotto//X = v/c2,
where c2 = 1/sotto. Substituting the expression for B from this for-
mula into the last of transformation formulas (8.1), we obtain
c2 1 (vo/c)2
If in this case Co < v, the lines of B' form the right-handed system
with the vector vo. If vo > v, they form the left-handed system (since
the current I' in the system K' in this case will flow in the opposite
• 8.5. A relativistic charged particle moves in the space occupied
by uniform mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields E
and B. The particle moves rectilinearly in the direction perpendicular
to the vectors E and B. Find E' and B' in the reference system moving
translationally with the particle.
Solution. It follows from the description of motion of the particle
that its velocity must satisfy the condition
vB = E. (1)
In accordance with the transformation formulas (8.1), we have
E+ [v X13]
E' =0,
since in the case under consideration the Lorentz force (and hence
the quantity E [v X B]) is equal to zero.
According to the same transformation formulas, the magnetic
field is given by
B— [v X E]/c2
the two vectors E' and B' will be also perpendicular to the vector v 0
(Fig. 8.10). The magnitudes of the vectors E' and B' can be found by
the formulas
E , =- E 2±(v0B)2 B2 +(V0E/C2)2
V 1—(volc)2 ' V I.- (710/0 2 •
The angle between the vectors E' and B' can be found from its tan-
gent through the formula
tan a' = tan (a/+a'B)= (tan a'E + tan a'B)/(1 — tan aE tan a'B).
Since tan ce = voB/E and tan a'B = voE/c2B (Fig. 8.10), we obtain
vo (B2+ E2/0)
tan a' (1—R2) EB •
This formula shows that as vo c (r3 1), the angle a' ri/2. The
2/ I
/ I (DB
Vo 0 X'
Find the intensity E of the field created by this charge at a point whose
radius vector relative to the charge is equal to r and forms an angle 15
with the vector v.
Solution. Suppose that the charge moves in the positive direction
of the X-axis in the system of reference K. Let us go over to the sys-
tem K' at whose origin this charge is at rest (the axes X' and X of
these systems coincide, while the Y'- and Y-axes are parallel). In the
system K' the field E' of the charge has a simpler form:
1 q r,
E' =
43180 r'3
and in the X'Y' plane we have
1 q 1 q
E' x', E' = (1)
x 4nso r'3 43180 r' 3
Let us now perform the reverse transition to the initial system K,
which moves relative to the system K' with the velocity —v. At the
moment when the charge passes through the origin of the system K,
the projections x and y of vector r are connected with the projections
x' and y' of vector r' through the following relations:
x= r cos 0=x'171-132 y=r sin 0=y' (2)
where R = v/c. Here we took into account that the longitudinal dimen-
sions undergo the Lorentz contraction, while the transverse dimensions
do not change. Besides, in accordance with the transformations inverse
216 8. Relative Nature of Electric and Magnetic Fields
to (8.2), we obtain
E x = E. , Ey -= EYI 171 — (32.
Substituting into these expressions (1) where x' and y' are replaced
by the corresponding expressions from formulas (2), we get
Ex —
1 q x 1 q u
E, -
4318 0 r' 3 ,/1—S2 ' .1 4a-cso r '3 -Vi_pz
9. Electromagnetic Induction
9.1. Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
Lenz's Law
In the previous chapter it was established that the relation
between the "components" of an electromagnetic field, viz.
electric and magnetic fields, is
mainly determined by the C
choice of the reference system. In
other words, the two components
of electromagnetic field are in-
terrelated. We shall show here
that there exists a still closer
connection between the E- and
B-fields, which is exhibited in
phenomena of electromagnetic
Faraday's Discovery. In 1831 Fig. 9.1
Faraday made one of the most
fundamental discoveries in electrodynamics—the pheno-
menon of electromagnetic induction. It consists in that
an electric current (called the induced current) appears in
a closed conducting loop upon a change in the magnetic flux
(i.e. the flux of B) enclosed by this loop.
The appearance of the induced current indicates that the
induced electromotive force appears in the loop as a result
of a change of the magnetic flux. It is important here that
el does not at all depend on how the change in the magnetic
flux (T) was realized and is determined only by the rate of
its variation, i.e. by dD/dt. Besides, a change in the sign
218 9. Electromagnetic Induction
— N dtD1 . (9.3)
radius (see Problem 9.5). Since the electric field is a vortex field-
the direction of the force acting on the electrons always coincides with
the direction of motion, and the electrons
continuously increase their energy. During the
time when the magnetic field increases 1
ms), the electrons manage to make about a
million turns and acquire an energy up to 400
MeV (at such energies, the electrons' veloc-
ity is almost equal to the velocity of light
c in vacuum).
The induction accelerator (betatron) re-
sembles a transformer in which the role of
the secondary winding consisting of a single Fig. 9.4
turn is played by an electron beam.
9.3. Self-induction
Electromagnetic induction appears in all cases when the
magnetic flux through a loop changes. It is not important
at all what causes the variation of this flux. If in a certain
loop there is a time-varying current the magnetic field of
this current will also change. And this leads to the variation
of the magnetic flux through the contour, and hence to the
appearance of induced e.m.f.
Thus, the variation of current in a circuit leads to the
appearance of an induced e.m.f. in this circuit. This phe-
nomenon is called self-induction.
Inductance. If there are no ferromagnetics in the space
where a loop with current I is located, field B and hence
total magnetic flux T through the contour are proportional
to the current I, and we can write
€I30= LI (9.14)
where L is the coefficient called the inductance of the circuit.
In accordance with the adopted sign rule for the quantities
and I, it turns out that al and I always have the same
signs. This means that the inductance L is essentially a
positive quantity.
The inductance L depends on the shape and size of the
loop as well as on the magnetic properties of the surrounding
9.3. Self-induction 227
the key short-circuits the source for a very short time and then dis-
connects it from the circuit without breaking the latter.
The current through the inductance coil L starts to decrease, which
leads to the appearance of self-induction e.m.f. = —L dlldt
Fig. 9.8
RI = - h (9.18)
Separating the variables, we obtain
dl R
Integration of this equation over I (between / 0 and I) and over t
(between 0 and t) gives In (///b) = —RLIt, or
1= _re-"' (9.19)
where v is a constant having the dimension of time:
= Vil. (9.20)
It is called the time constant (or the relaxaton time). This quantity
characterizes the rate of decrease in the current: it follows from (9.19)
that v is the time during which the current decreases to (1/e) times its
initial value. The larger the value of v, the slower the decrease in the
current. Figure 9.8 shows the curve of the dependence I(t) describing
the decrease of current with time (curve 1).
Example 2. Stabilization of current upon closure of a circuit.
At the instant t = 0, we rapidly turn the switch S counterclock-
wise from the upper to the lower position (Fig. 9.7b). We thus con-
nected the source to the inductance coil L. The current in the cir-
cuit starts to grow, and a self-induction e.m.f., counteracting this
increase, will again appear. In accordance with Ohm's law, RI =
230 9. Electromagnetic Induction
=-- Ws, or
RI=W—L (9.21)
Tir •
We transpose W to the left-hand side of this equation and introduce
a new variable u = RI — W, du = R dI. After that, we transform
the equation thus obtained to
dulu = —dart
where T = Lai is the time constant.
Integration over u(between — W and RI — W) and over t (be-
tween 0 and t) gives In [(RI — g)I( — W)] — tit, or
= I, (1—e-0), (9.22)
where /0 = W/.// is the value of the steady-state current (for t 00).
Equation (9.22) shows that the rate of stabilization of the currentis
determined by the same constant T. The curve I(t) characterizing the
increase in the current with time is shown in Fig. 9.8 (curve 2).
On the Conservation of Magnetic Flux. Let a current
loop move and be deformed in an arbitrary external mag-
netic field (permanent or varying). The current induced in
the loop in this case is given by
•+ di:130
= —
R R dt •
If the resistance of the circuit R = 0, c101dt must also be
equal to zero, since the current I cannot be infinitely large.
Hence it follows that cI) = const.
Thus, when a superconducting loop moves in a magnetic
field, the magnetic flux through its contour remains constant.
This conservation of the flux is ensured by induced currents
which, according to Lenz's law, prevent any change in the
magnetic flux through the contour.
The tendency to conserve the magnetic flux through
a contour always exists but is exhibited in the clearest form
in the circuits of superconductors.
Example. A superconducting ring of radius a and inductance L
is in a uniform magnetic field B. In the initial position, the plane of
the ring is parallel to vector B, and the current in the ring is equal
to zero. The ring is turned to the position perpendicular to vector B.
Find the current in the ring in the final position and the magnetic
induction at its centre.
The magnetic flux through the ring does not change upon its rota-
tion and remains equal to zero. This means that the magnetic fluxes
9.4. Mutual Induction 231
of the field of the induced current and of the external current through
the ring are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. Hence LI
rta2B, whence
I = na2BIL.
This current, in accordance with (6.13), creates a field B1 =- agoa/3/2L
at the centre of the ring. The resultant magnetic induction at this
point is given by
Bres= B— B1= B (1 — riot/24
IL 12 = L21. I (9.25)
This remarkable property of mutual inductance is usually
called the reciprocity theorem. Owing to this theorem, we
232 9. Electromagnetic Induction
this volume.
Let us now find the energy dW in the volume of the entire elementa-
ry tube. For this purpose, we integrate the latter expression along
the tube axis. The flux c/(13 = B dS through the tube cross-section is
* This is due to the fact that in the long run expressions (9.31)
and (9.32) are the consequences of the formula 6,4 add = I dt and of
the fact that, in the absence of hysteresis, the work 6./1 add is spent only
on increasing the magnetic energy dW. For a ferromagnetic medium,
the situation is different: the work 611. addis also spent on increasing
the internal energy of the medium, i.e. on its heating.
238 9. Electromagnetic Induction
constant along the tube, and hence c/0 can be taken out of the integral:
d0 da
dW H
2 , 2•
Here we used the theorem on circulation of vector H (in our case, pro-
jection H1=--- H) .
Finally, we sum up the energy of all elementary tubes:
The first two terms in this expression are called the intrinsic
energies of currents I1and 12, while the last term, the mutual
energy of the currents. Unlike the intrinsic energies of cur-
rents, the mutual energy is an algebraic quantity. A change
in the direction of one of the currents leads to the reversal
of the sign of the last term in (9.34), viz. the mutual energy.
Example. Suppose that we have two concentric loops with currents
Il and /2whose directions are shown in Fig. 9.14. The mutual energy
of these currents ( W12 = L121112) depends on three algebraic quantities
whose signs are determined by the choice of positive directions of cir-
cumvention of the two loops. It is useful to verify, however, that the
sign of W12 (in this case W12 > 0) depends only on the mutual orien-
tation of the currents themselves and is independent of the choice of
the positive directions of circumvention of the loops. We recall that
the sign of the quantity L12 was considered in Sec. 9.4.
Field Treatment of Energy (9.34). There are some more
important problems that can be solved by calculating the
magnetic energy of two loops in a different way, viz. from
the point of view of localization of energy in the field.
Let B1 be the magnetic field of current /1, and B2 the
field of current /2. Then, in accordance with the principle
of superposition, the field at each point is B = B1 +B2 ,
and according to (9.31), the field energy of this system of
currents is W = (B2/2p,Ro) dV. Substituting into this
formula B2 = /3,2 ± -22 + 213032, we obtain
240 9. Electromagnetic Induction
W=1 dV 2Nto
dV 131.132 dV . (9.35)
where 1J1 and 4:1)1 are the total magnetic fluxes piercing
loops 1 and 2 respectively. This expression can be easily
obtained from formula (9.34) by representing the last term
in it as the sum (1/2) L121112 +(1/2) L „I 211and then taking
9.7. Energy and Forces in Magnetic Field 241
dinate x, i.e. L (x) is known. Find the Ampere's force acting on the
jumper, in two ways: for I = const and for (13 = const.
0 x X
Fig. 9.15 Fig. 9.16
Here we took into account the fact that when I = coast, B = coast
as well. Equating these two expressions, we obtain
p = B2/2110.
Magnetic Pressure. The expression for pressure obtained
in Example 3 can be generalized for the case when the mag-
netic field is different (B1and B2) on different sides of a sur-
face with current (conduction current or magnetization cur-
rent). In this case, the magnetic pressure is given by
p = Bi .Hi B2.H2
2 2
The situation is such as if the region with a higher magnetic
energy density were the region of higher pressure.
Relation (9.45) is one of the basic relations in magneto-
hydrodynamics which studies the behaviour of electroconduct-
ing liquids (in electrical engineering and astrophysics).
• 9.1. Induced e.m.f. A wire in the shape of a parabola y = kx2
is in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane XY.
A jumper translates without initial velocity and at a constant acceler-
ation a from the apex of the parabola (Fig. 9.17). Find the e.m.f.
induced in the formed contour as a function of the coordinate y.
Solution. By definition, el = daVdt. Having chosen the normal n
to the plane of the contour in the direction of vector B, we write c/(1) =
B dS, where dS = 2x dy. Considering now that x = Vylic, we
gi= —B-2 j/ylk dyldt.
During the motion with a constant acceleration, the velocity dyldt =
= ]/2ay, and hence
—By "Ii8allc•
Problems 245
This formula shows that O( y. The minus sign indicates that 4'i
in the figure acts counterclockwise
• 9.2. A loop moves arbitrarily. A closed conducting loop is moved
arbitrarily (even with a deformation) in a constant nonuniform mag-
netic field. Show that Faraday's law (9.1) will be fulfilled in this case.
0 x
Fig. 9.17
Fig. 9.21
777, —=evBo .
The last equation can be written, after cancelling v, in the form
p = eroBo.
We differentiate this equation with respect to time, considering
that ro = const:
dP er ° (5)
dt ° dt •
248 9. Electromagnetic Induction
Bo= 2 (11).
Since the frame has been stopped after rotation, the current in it
vanishes, and hence Al = 0. It remains for us to find the increment
of the flux AO through the frame (AO = —
Let us choose the normal n to the plane of the frame, for instance,
so that in the final position n is directed behind the plane of the figure
(along B). Then it can be easily seen that in the final position 02 > 0,
while in the initial position cl)i < 0 (the normal is opposite to B),
and AO turns out to be simply equal to the flux through the surface
bounded by the final and initial positions of the frame:
Ael=02+ I Pl1= Ba dr,
b -a
2 8 K
Fig. 9.22 Fig. 9.23
The left ends of the rails are shunted through resistor R. At the instant
t = 0, the jumper received the initial velocity vo directed to the right.
Find the velocity of the jumper as a function of time, ignoring the
resistances of the jumper and of the rails as well as self-inductance of
the circuit.
Solution. Let us choose the positive direction of the normal n
to the plane of the circuit away from us. This means that the positive
direction of circumvention of the circuit (for induced e.m.f. and cur-
rent) is chosen clockwise, in accordance with the right-hand screw
rule. It follows from Ohm's law that
c/( dS
RI=— — — –= (1)
dt dt
where we took into account that when the jumper moves to the right,
d(I3 > 0. According to Lenz's law, the induced current I causes the
Ampere force counteracting the motion, directed to the left.
Having chosen the X-axis to the right, we write the equation of
motion of the jumper
m dvIdt = I1B, (2)
where the right-hand side is the projection of the Ampere force onto
the X-axis (this quantity is negative, but we omit the minus sign
since, as can be seen from (1), current I < 0).
Eliminating I from Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain
day = — a dt, a = B2121mR.
The integration of this expression, taking into account the initial
condition, gives
In (vivo) =-- — at, U voe—at.
250 9. Electromagnetic Induction
where r is the distance from the cable axis. In order to evaluate this
integral, we must find the dependence B(r). Using the theorem on
circulation, we have
* NI 1
B — r Ba<r<b Br>b =0• (2)
r<a 22-ca2 ' 231 r '
dimensions are given in Fig. 9.25. The number of turns on the coil
is N, and the permeability of the surrounding medium is unity. Find
the amplitude of the e.m.f. induced in this coil if the current I =
= Im cos cot flows along the straight wire.
Solution. The required e.m.f. ei= doidt, where c = ND1
and D1is the magnetic flux through the cross section of the coil:
1.10h/ in b
(Di = Bn dS — i 11° lh dr
2n r 22E a
where Ba is determined with the help of the theorem on circulation
of vector B. Taking the time derivative of I and multiplying the
obtained result by N, we find the following expression for the amplitude
value of induced e.m.f.:
nolKoIrn N , b
in a —
• 9.11. Calculation of mutual inductance. Two solenoids of the
same length and of practically the same cross section are completely
inserted one into the other. The inductances of solenoids are L1and L2.
Neglecting edge effects, find their mutual inductance (modulo).
Solution. By definition, the mutual inductance is
L12 (13142, (1)
where Tiis the total magnetic flux through all the turns of solenoid 1
provided that current 12 flows in solenoid 2. The flux D1 =
where N1is the number of turns in solenoid 1, S is the cross-sectional
252 9. Electromagnetic Induction
It remains for us to substitute (2) into (1) and recall that IS --- pm.
Then q = ttoNp„,I2aR, and
pm = 2aRqltioN.
(c) aD dS — aq (10.2)
at at '
On the other hand, according to the continuity equation
(5.4), we have
dS= — at ' (10.3)
it = +ap (10.6)
According to (10.4), the lines of the total current are con-
tinuous in contrast to the lines of conduction current. If
conduction currents are not closed, displacement currents
close them.
We shall show now that the introduction of the concept of
total current eliminates the difficulty associated with the
dependence of circulation of vector H on the choice of the
surface stretched over contour F. It turns out that for this
10.1. Displacement Current 255
E dl = — a13 dS
— D dS = p dV, (10.10)
H dl = j dS, B dS = 0, (10.11)
V X E= at , V •D = p, (10.13)
VxH=j+ V O. (10.14)
SdA+P, (10.21)
S [E X II]. I (10.23)
266 10. Maxwell's Equations. Electromagnetic Field Energy
Poynting vector is directed inside the wire normally to its lateral sur-
face (Fig. 10.7). Consequently, the electromagnetic energy flows into
the wire from the surrounding space! But does it agree with the amount
of heat liberated in the conductor? Let us
calculate the flux of electromagnetic energy
through the lateral surface of a section of
the wire of length 1:
ER •27tal = 22-taH•El = I = RI2,
where U is the potential difference across
the ends of this section and R is its resist-
ance. Thus, we arrive at the conclusion that
the electromagnetic energy flows into the
wire from outside and is completely con-
verted into Joule's heat. We must agree
that this is a rather unexpected conclu-
sion. Fig 10.7
It should be noted that in a power
source, vector E is directed againgt current I
I, and hence in the vicinity of the source 92
the Poynting vector is directed outside:
in this region, electromagnetic energy flows W1
into the surrounding space. In other words, I
it turns out that the energy from the source Fig. 10.8
is transmitted not along the wires but
through the space surrounding a conductor
in the form of the flux of electromagnetic energy, viz. the flux of vec-
tor S.
Example 3. Figure 10.8 shows a section of a balanced (twin) line.
The directions of currents in the wires are known as well as the fact
that the wires' potentials are irp, < w2. Can
we find where (to the right or to the left) the
power source (generator) is?
The answer to this question can be ob-
tained with the help of the Poynting vector.
In the case under consideration, between the
wires, vector E is directed downwards while
vector H is directed behind the plane of the
figure. Hence, vector S =[E X H] is directed
to the right, i.e. the power source is on the Fig. 10.9
left and a consumer is on the right.
Example 4. Charging of a capacitor. Let us take a parallel-plate
capacitor with circular plates of radius a. Ignoring edge effects (field
dissipation), find the electromagnetic energy flux through the lateral
"surface" of the capacitor, since only in this region the Poynting vector
is directed inside the capacitor (Fig. 10.9).
On this surface, there is a varying electric field E and a magnetic
field H generated by its variation. According to the theorem on cir-
culation of vector I3, it follows that 25taH = Ita201:110t, where the
268 10. Maxwell's Equations. Electromagnetic Field Energy
dW=E dD•V =d
o E2
7 =d
2DD v) .
Having integrated this equation, we find the formula for the energy W
of a charged capacitor. Thus, everything is all right in this case too.
Fig. 10.11
• 10.1. Displacement current. A point charge q moves uniformly
along a straight line with a nonrelativistic velocity v. Find the vector
of the displacement current density at a point P lying at a distance r
from the charge on a straight line (1) coinciding with its trajectory;
(2) perpendicular to its trajectory and passing through the charge.
-ud t
Fig. 10.12 Fig. 10.13
For the displacement of the charge from point 1 to point 2 (Fig. 10.17)
over the distance v dt, we have v dt•sin a = r da, whence
da v sin a
dt r (4)
Substituting (4) into (3) and then (3) into (1), we obtain
H =-- qvr sin agnr3, (5)
where we took into account that R = r sin a. Relation (5) in vector
form can be written as follows:
H= q [v X r]
4J-c r3 •
Thus we see that expression (6.3) which we have postulated earlier
is a corollary of Maxwell's equations.
• 10.6. Curl of E. A certain region of an inertial system of reference
contains a magnetic field of magnitude B = const, rotating at an
Fig. 10.16
angular velocity co. Find V X E in this region as a function of vectors
w and B.
Solution. It follows from the equation V X E -OBI& that
vector V x E is directed oppositely to vector dB. The magnitude of
this vector can be calculated with the help of Fig. 10.18:
dB I = Bco dt, I dB/dt = Bw.
V X E = --[J) X B].
• 10.7. Poynting's vector. Protons having the same velocity v
form a beam of a circular cross section with current I. Find the direc-
tion and magnitude of Poynting's vector S outside the beam at a
distance r from its axis.
Problems 275
Fig. 10.18
solenoid is being increased. Show that the rate of increase in the energy
of the magnetic field in the solenoid is equal to the flux of Poynting's
vector through its lateral surface.
Solution. As the current increases, the magnetic field in the solenoid
also increases, and hence a vortex electric field appears. Suppose that
the radius of the solenoid cross section is equal to a. Then the strength
of the vortex electric field near the lateral surface of the solenoid
can be determined with the help of Maxwell's equation that expresses
the law of electromagnetic induction:
9 OB a aB
2naE =Ica- — E= —- ---
at 2 a
The energy flux through the lateral surface of the solenoid can be re-
presented as follows:
8 ( B2
(120= EH •22-cal=2-ca21-
0t 2110
where 1 is the solenoid length and 2-ca21 is its volume.
Thus, we see that the energy flux through the lateral surface of the
solenoid (the flux of vector S) is equal to the rate of variation of the
magnetic energy inside the solenoid:
cl) = S•2Ical = OW/0t.
276 10. Maxwell's Equations. Electromagnetic Field Energy
U= E dr= In — (5)
2aso a
A comparison of (4) and (5) gives
(I) = U/.
This coincides with the value of power liberated in the load.
• 10.10. A parallel-plate air capacitor whose plates are made
in the form of disks of radius a are connected to a source of varying
harmonic voltage of frequency (a. Find the ratio of the maximum values
of magnetic and electric energy inside the capacitor.
Solution. Let the voltage across the capacitor vary in accordance
with the law U = Umcos cot and the distance between the capacitor
11.1. Equation of an Oscillatory Circuit 277
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.1 Fig. 11.2
Fig. 11.3
17A -- (2)2, (11.12)
— 6/co, = cos 6, co/coo = sin 6. (11.15)
After this, the expression for I takes the following form:
coqme-3t cos (cot + a + 6). (11.16)
It follows from (11.15) that angle 6 lies in the second quad-
rant (n/2 < 6 < it). This means that in the case of a non-
zero resistance, the current in the circuit leads voltage in phase
(11.14) across the capacitor by more than n/2. It should
be noted that for R = 0 this advance is 6 = 102.
The plots of the dependences Uc (t) and I (t) have the form
similar to that shown in Fig. 11.3 for q (t).
Example. An oscillatory circuit contains a capacitor of capacitance
C and a coil with resistance R and inductance L. Find the ratio be-
tween the energies of the magnetic and electric fields in the circuit at
the moment when the current is at a maximum.
According to equation (11.3) for an oscillatory circuit,
dI q
When the current is at a maximum, dI/dt = 0, and RI =
Hence the required ratio is
Wm/We = L/CR2.
Quantities Characterizing Damping.
1. Damping factor 13 and relaxation time t, viz. the time
during which the amplitude of oscillations decreases by a
factor of e. It can be easily seen from formula (11.11) that
= 1/(3. (11.17)
2. Logarithmic decrement X of damping. It is defined as the
Naperian logarithm of two successive values of amplitudes
measured in a period T of oscillations:
a (t)
X — ln a(t+T) =13T ' (11.18)
Here is one more useful formula for the Q-factor in the case of
a weak damping:
Q 2:t
value during the time T = 1/(3. During this time, Ne oscillations will
occur. If T is the period of damped oscillations, then
N e -= =
1113 1 V (00
T 23-0/ o_13 2- La /
Considering that coo = 1/LC and p= R I2L, we obtain
1 4L
2a V CR2
Example 2. Find the time during which the amplitude of current
oscillations in a circuit with a given Q-factor will decrease to 1/11
of its initial value, if the frequency of damped oscillations is equal
to co.
Since the current amplitude 4, (X e – Ott the time to during which
the amplitude decreases by a factor of ri is determined by the equation
rl = 034. Hence
to = (ln Ti)/13.
On the other hand, the Q-factor is also related to [3:
Q= = at/(3T = co/2[3.
Eliminating 13 from the last two equations, we obtain
2Q ,
to = — ni 1/.
coL —Ri/coc .
tan cp = (11.36)
Fig. 11.6 Fig. 11.7
voltages UR, Um and UL defined by formulas (11.32)-
Resonance curves for current I Tr, ((o) are shown in Fig.
11.5. Expression (11.35) shows that the current amplitude
has the maximum value for coL — 1/(oC = 0. Consequently,
the resonance frequency for current coincides with the na-
tural frequency of the oscillatory circuit:
or res = wo =1/1LC. (11.37)
The maximum at resonance is the higher and the sharper
the smaller the damping factor [3 = R/2L.
Resonance curves for the charge qm, (w) on a capacitor are
shown in Fig. 11.6 (resonance curves for voltage Ucm
across the capacitor have the same shape). The maximum of
charge amplitude is attained at the resonance frequency
(09 res =- 1764 — 2132, (11.38)
which comes closer and closer to w() with decreasing
In order to obtain (11.38), we must represent qm, in accord-
ance with (11.30), in the form qm. =- / m/co where I m is
defined by (11.35). Then
qm =-. (11.39)
✓o,a _or+4132,0
11.3. Forced Electric Oscillations 289
Z =1/ R2+ (coL — 1RoC)2. (11.46)
It can be seen that for co = coo = 1/V-LC, the impedance
has the minimum value and is equal to the resistance R.
The quantity appearing in the parentheses in formula
(11.46) is denoted by X and is called the reactance:
X = coL — 1/6)C. (11.47)
Here the quantity coL is called the inductive reactance,
while the quantity 1/coC is called the capacitive reactance.
They are denoted X L and Xcrespectively. Thus,
XL = Xc= 1/coC, X = X L— Xc,
z if R2+ x2.
It should be noted that the inductive reactance grows with
the frequency co, while the capacitive reactance decreases
with increasing co. When it is said that a circuit has no ca-
pacitance, this must be understood so that there is no capac-
itive reactance which is equal to 1/coC and hence vanishes
if C 00, (when a capacitor is replaced by a short-cir-
cuited section).
Finally, although the reactance is measured in the same
units as the resistance, they differ in principle. This difference
consists in that only the resistance determines irreversible
processes in a circuit such as, for example, the conversion
of electromagnetic energy into Joule's heat.
Power Liberated in an A.C. Circuit. The instantaneous
value of power is equal to the product of instantaneous
values of voltage and current:
P (t) = UI = UmI racos cot cos (cot — cp). (11.49)
Using the formula cos (cot — cp) = cos cot cos +
sin cot sin cp, we transform (11.49) as follows:
P (t)U mlm (cos2cot cos cp + sin wt cos cot sin cp).
Of practical importance is the value of power averaged
over a period of oscillation. Considering that (cos2cot
= 1/2 and (sin cot cos cot) = 0, we obtain
p) Clam
cos T. (11.50)
292 11. Electric Oscillations
11.1. Free undamped oscillations. Free undamped oscillations
occur in an oscillatory circuit consisting of a capacitor with capacitance
C and an induction coil with inductance L. The voltage amplitude
on the capacitor is Um. Find the e.m.f. of self-induction in the coil at
the moments when its magnetic energy is equal to the electric energy
of the capacitor.
Solution. According to Ohm's law,
RI = U `60
where U is the voltage across the capacitor (U = (pi — y2). In our
case, R = 0 and hence is = —U.
It remains for us to find voltage U at the moments when the electric
energy of the capacitor is equal to the magnetic energy of the coil.
Under this condition, we can write
CU 2 1 L/2 CU 2
2 2 2 2 /
whence I U I = Um/ 1727
As a result, we have I I = Um/ 1127
11.2. An oscillatory circuit consists of an induction coil with
inductance L and an uncharged capacitor of capacitance C. The resist-
ance of the circuit R = 0. The coil is in a permanent magnetic field.
The total magnetic flux piercing all the turns of the coil is cp. At the
moment t = 0, the magnetic field was abruptly switched off. Find
the current in the circuit as a function of time t.
Solution. Upon an abrupt switching off of the external magnetic
field at the moment t = 0, an induced current appears, but the capac-
itor still remains uncharged. In accordance with Ohm's law, we have
d€13 r dl
RI — —
dt dt •
In the given case R = 0, and hence (P + LI = 0. This gives (P = L/0,
where /0 is the initial current (immediately after switching off the
After the external field has been switched off, the process is de-
scribed by the following equation:
0=— —L (1)
294 11. Electric Oscillations
Q — 2 (P) V L•
• 11.4. Damped oscillations. An oscillatory circuit includes a
capacitor of capacitance C, an induction coil of inductance L, a resistor
of resistance R, and a key. The capacitor was charged with the key
open. When the key was closed, a current began to flow. Find the ratio
of the voltage across the capacitor at time t to the voltage at the initial
moment (immediately after closing the key).
Solution. The voltage across the capacitor depends on time in the
same way as the charge does. Hence we can write
U=Ume -(3t cos (cot+ a). (1)
At the initial moment t = 0, the voltage U (0) = Um, cos a, where
Um is the amplitude at this moment. We must find U (0)IU,, i.e.
cos a.
For this purpose, we shall use another initial condition: at the
moment t = 0, current / = q• = 0. Since q = CU, it is sufficient to
Problems 295
differentiate (1) with respect to time and equate the obtained expres-
sion to zero at t = 0. We obtain —13 cos a — co sin a = 0, whence
tan a -= —f3/(o. The required ratio is
U (0) 1 1
— cos a — (2)
Urn 471±tan2 1/1±(13/6))2
The quantities Um and U (0) are shown in Fig. 11.8.
Considering that (o2= cog — 132, we transform (2) as follows:
U (0)/Um = 1/1— 0/0)02 = — R2C/4L,
where we took into account that p = RI2L and coa = 1/LC.
• 11.5. In an oscillatory circuit with a capacitance C and induc-
RITyy(Do e'Rt
c— 2/3 sin (cot — 6)= In, LIde-13tsin (cot — 6),
where angle 6 is, in accordance with (1), in the second quadrant, i.e.
assumes the values 31/2 < 6 < at. Thus, the voltage across the capacitor
lags behind the current in phase.
11.6. Steady-state oscillations. An induction coil of inductance
L and resistance R was connected at the moment t = 0 to a source of
external voltage U = Urn cos wt. Find the current in the circuit as
a function of time.
Solution. In our case, RI = U — LI, or
I (RIL) I =Urncos wt.
The solution of this equation is the general solution of the homogeneous
equation plus the particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation:
I (t)= Ae-(R/L)t—
2 + 02L2 cos (6) t —(1)),
In our case cp < 0, which means that the current leads the external
voltage (Fig. 11.10).
• 11.8. An a.c. circuit, containing a series-connected capacitor
and induction coil with a certain resistance, is connected to the source
co C
• 11.9. Vector diagram. A circuit consisting of a series-connected
capacitor of capacitance C and induction coil with resistance R and
inductance L is connected to an external voltage with the amplitude
Urn and frequency co. Assuming that current in the circuit leads in
phase the external voltage, construct the vector diagram and use it
for determining the amplitude of voltage across the coil.
Solution. The vector diagram for the case under consideration is
shown in Fig. 11.11. It is readily seen from this diagram that the
298 11. Electric Oscillations
Unit of mea-
Nota- surement SI unit
Quantity tion Ratio
300 Appendices
Table 3. Cont.
Unit of mea-
Nota- surement SI unit
Quantity tion Ratio SI
Field E of a point 1 q q
charge --
4neo r2 r2
Field E in a parallel-
plate capacitor and 4na
E- E-
at the surface of a 8 o8
Potential of the field 1
of a point charge (1)2= 43teo r = r
Relation between E E= E dl
and cp •(1), (P1 —(1)2=
Appendices 301
Table 4. Cont.
Circulation of vector
E in an electros- E d1=0
tatic field
Electric moment of a P=q1
Electric dipole p in
field E F=p OE
, M=[p X E], W= —p-E
Relation between po-
larization and field P = xe0E P =x E
Relation between o-', (5' -= Pn=x80En o =P,=xE,
P and E
Definition of vector D D=e0E-FP D =E -F4nP
Relation between a 8=1±X e =1+47m
and x
Relation between D D = eaoE D = eE
and E
Gauss theorem for
vector D DdS= q D dS= 4nq
Capacitance of a ca- C =--
Capacitance of a par- 880S 8S
allel-plate capaci- C= C
tor h 41th
Energy of system of
charges Tv= T2 qi(pt
Total energy of in-
teraction pq) dV
Energy of capacitor W = qU 12 = CU 2/2 = q2/2C
Electric field energy E•D E •D
density w=
w= 2 8n
Continuity equation j dS= — .j= — :
Ohm's law RI = (Pit-cP2+412, j= (E± E*)
Joule-Lenz law Q = RI 2, Qs p= p12
Lorentz force F =qE.-1-9 [v XBJ F = qE +.÷[v X II]
302 Appendices
Table 4. Cont.
Table 4. Cont.
Laws of transforma- 1
tion of fields E and B E' =E+[voX 13] E' =E+ [vo x BI
for vo<< c 1 1
B' B— — [vo xE]
[v o XE]
Electromagnetic field E.B= inv
invariants E 2— c2B2 =inv E 2— B2 =inv
Induced e.m.f. &XI 1 dc1:1
— =—
dt c dt
Inductance L=-
- L=c0II
Inductance of a so-
lenoid Rixon2V L= 4nun2V
E.m.f.. of self-induc- dI dl
tion dt c2 L dt
Energy of the mag- LI 2 ,7 1 LI 2
netic field of a cur- W= vy=---
2 c 2
Magnetic field energy B•H B•H
w- w=
density 2 8n
Displacement current OD it OD
density jd -
at jd= 4n at
Maxwell's equations r
in integral form E dl = — 13 dS (1Edl= dS
D dS= p dV D OS= 4n p dV
H dl = c (j+D)dS H dl
(j+-T dS ht
BdS=0 B dS= 0
Maxwell's equations
in differential form VXE=—B V X E — 113
•D= p V •D
V X 11 =i+i) cXH= c 0+2. )
V•B=0 V•B= 0
304 Appendices
Tabl. 4. Cont.
Relation between E
and H in electro- E V soe-= HVI.41.0 E "V" =-- H
magnetic wave
Poynting's vector S=[EXH] [E X HI
Density of electro- 1
magnetic field mo- G=— [E X Ill G— [E X11]
mentum c2 4c
I. lrodov