Beekeeping and Practice
Beekeeping and Practice
Beekeeping and Practice
David Heaf
This document comprises an update of an article which appeared in four parts in The Beekeepers
Quarterly (Issues 91, 92, 93 & 94, 2008) together with an introduction on various possible ethical
stances beekeepers might adopt. This introduction is added because it was pointed out by an aspiring
sustainable beekeeper that there should moral principles behind sustainable beekeeping that are more
fundamental than those of sustainability or bee-appropriate management. This introduction on ethics
is an effort to get closer to the 'why' of the approach described, rather than just the 'what'. Anyone
wishing to skip the 'why' may wish to jump directly to the more practical discussion which starts
under the heading Part 1 of Towards Sustainable Beekeeping below (page 5).
The dominator
The dominator holds that nature is for supporting the existence of the human race. Therefore it is
merely a source of raw materials to serve human goals and to be conquered, controlled, subdued,
domesticated. The dominator seeks the maximum utility and profit that is legally and economically
possible. Nature on its own follows a course of trial and error by the natural selection. But by
breeding technology the trial and error process runs more efficiently, from a limited pool of starting
material, and at the expense of fewer misfits.
The dominator beekeeper will modify the genetics of his bees by whatever available technique
that is also profitable. It may involve artificial insemination and even recombinant DNA technology.
If he cannot find the desired genetics locally, he will import them, if necessary from the other side of
the world. He will keep his bees in conditions that give him greatest control over them, using frames,
embossed foundation, queen excluders, synthetic acaricides, antibiotics, swarm prevention, queen
clipping etc. If possible he will try to breed out any tendency to swarm and select for supersedure.
Mindful of the labour cost, he will open the hive only as often as he needs for maintaining full
control. He will take as much honey as possible and leave sugar in exchange. In search of lucrative
pollination contracts he will truck bees thousands of miles. By his supering strategy, including
In the remainer of this document just 'he' will be used, but in all cases 'he' or 'she' is meant.
chequerboarding if he deems it profitable, he will make sure during the main flows that the bees
perceive empty space above their heads that urgently must be filled.
The steward
The steward also sees nature from an anthropocentric perspective but, unlike the dominator, he
recognises definite limits. He sees himself as entrusted with the use of nature, not with its
consumption. The steward at least endorses a duty to care for organisms other than humans,
regardless of the extent to which they resemble humans in their capacity for suffering. The problem
is then one of ranking the intrinsic values of organisms which the steward recognises. Subjecting an
animal to a particular form of husbandry or breeding must not happen arbitrarily. Although human
interests prevail over those of animals and plants, the latter's interests are more important than purely
economic interests. Accordingly, society accepts that animals can be used for various purposes, but
sets limits on that use. However, bees fall outside such control. The steward's duty of care extends to
species conservation, protection of ecosystems to the extent that sometimes human interests must
yield to avoid putting nature out of joint. The steward does not want to damage its integrity but will
gladly domesticate it within limits.
The beekeeper with the steward attitude to nature favours the more traditional methods of
breeding, but, like the dominator, would resort to modern techniques if a very good case could be
made, for instance risk of entire loss of the species in a particular region due to epidemic. He will
keep his bees in the way that most beekeepers do, though perhaps avoiding extremes such as queen
clipping or not letting the bees winter on their own honey. He will nevertheless control swarming in
the conventional ways, though try to balance his inspection frequency against the possible harm it
does to his colonies. He will also inspect comb for disease and treat accordingly, perhaps favouring
non-synthetic acaricides and, instead of antibiotics, comb replacement combined with requeening.
He is willing to migrate short distances with his colonies to ensure that they are presented with a
good supply of nectar and pollen. He will err on the cautious side when deciding how many hives a
particular locality can support.
The partner
The partner regards animals as potential allies, thus presupposing that they have their own 'say' when
interacting with humans. He conceives nature as an interplay of life forms, in which each invests its
own expressiveness and intrinsic value. This need not conflict with a scientific approach but does
call for a respect for nature. Mankind distinguishes itself from other life forms in that it is not only
embedded biologically in nature but also is free to have a conscious relationship with nature, an
ethical attitude to it. The partnership is nevertheless asymmetrical, because it consists of the
interaction between life forms at different levels of organic complexity. Organic or ecological
husbandry satisfies the requirements of the partner but so does a sustainable husbandry that is not
necessarily certified organic. In such husbandries, technological exploitation can occur as long as the
animal is not unnaturally forced, i.e. its species-specific functions are not prevented. The exploitation
might even be of mutual benefit. Biodiversity including diversity of husbanded species is respected.
Compared with the dominator and the steward, the partner beekeeper is willing to accept lower
profits in return for maintaining his bees under somewhat more bee-friendly conditions. When
breeding he avoids any form of laboratory based genetic modification, though would nevertheless
accept conventional queen breeding in mini-nuclei. His hive may or may not contain frames. If it
does, he will make them deep enough to contain the brood nest in one box. If he uses foundation,
perhaps only as starter strips, it will be from beeswax produced by colonies that have not been
treated with synthetic chemicals. If he does not use a queen excluder, he will manage his hive to
minimise the chance of the queen laying in the honey boxes. By keeping inspections to a bare
minimum, reducing colony density in the landscape, allowing healthy drone populations and letting
the bees winter on their own honey he will optimise colony health. If, despite these measures, his
bees succumb to disease, he will opt for requeening and comb replacement rather than using
chemicals, or he will cull colonies. To control Varroa he will use formic acid, which is already
present in the hive or some other natural acaricide that does not contaminate his wax. To raise new
queens and make increase he will as far as possible work with the swarming process, intervening to
make splits when the time is ripe.
The participant
The participant sees nature as the totality of interdependent and interwoven life forms. Mankind is an
integral part of nature therefore respect is due to other organisms, not only because of their intrinsic
value, but also because nature's complexity. The innumerable relationships and balances between
organisms have a surplus value that exceeds their usefulness to mankind. This has implications that
are more far reaching for the participant than for the partner. The participant is more biocentric in his
principled choices for setting limits on man's interventions in nature. Although he must also
inevitably intervene in nature for the purpose of food production, in doing so he tries as best he can
to make use of the inherent dynamism of natural processes. He bases his science and technology on a
holistic approach guided by observable phenomena. But participation is not necessarily incompatible
with advanced technology. For example, it could be used to investigate the conditions the animal
concerned is aiming for, so that husbandry of it can best accord with its essential nature.
Relative to the partner, the participant beekeeper's interests are even more centred on his bees and
on their contribution to the natural surroundings. He works with locally adapted bees, raising and
selecting them for maximum health. Although he would like to harvest a modest honey crop, he is
willing to forego it if there is any risk that by taking it he would have to feed sugar. He is then
content to stop at helping maintain the population of bees in the landscape by providing 'bee-
appropriate' homes for them in which only natural comb occurs, supported by spales or top-bars. The
bees themselves thus determine their optimal cell size and its distribution in the colony, as well as the
population of drones they require at any particular time. He avoids supering altogether as he sees it
placing unnecessary stress on a colony to fill the space that would be constantly appearing above it.
His queens are free to roam the whole hive. He applies the principle that the bees work from the top
downwards so he gives extra space underneath the colony by nadiring. This helps minimise swarms
being triggered by lack of space. If the bees are nevertheless intent on swarming, provided that the
siting of his apiary is not too urban, he allows them to do so and uses the swarms to start new
colonies. He disturbs his colonies as little as possible, maybe even only once a year, and instead
observes his bees from outside the hive, learning as much as he can from hive sounds and entrance
phenomena. He uses no chemical treatments whatsoever. His Varroa policy is co-adaptation or co-
evolution of bee and mite. He harvests his honey by taking one or more boxes of it from the top of
his hives provided they are broodless and he leaves plenty of honey for the colony's winter needs. He
has no wish to return to the practice in skep beekeeping of asphyxiating colonies to harvest the
honey. He will be reluctant to move his colonies at all unless the natural food supply has become
threatened by unforeseen conditions. He welcomes an ethical scientific study of bees, including
sophisticated analytical techniques, especially if this will tell him how to keep his bees in an even
more bee-friendly way or conserve the species and its habitats.
In populating the cells of the matrix it is assumed that both consumers and producers generally
accept the evaluations to be made. The ones given in the Table can of course be modified, removed
or supplemented to suit the purposes of the person or persons carrying out the evaluation. The matrix
can be used to test any action in the honey production chain to see how it impacts the four interests
with respect to the three principles. For example, not everything that the beekeeper does to his
colonies has its impact confined to his bees and himself. Using synthetic pyrethroids to kill Varroa
results in measurable pyrethroid degradation product concentrations in the honey. Or, overstocking a
region with honey bees could impact the biota negatively by out-competing particular species of wild
bee and rendering them locally extinct.
Regardless of his attitude to nature, any beekeeper wishing to undertake an ethical assessment of
his own methods may at least find the ethical matrix a useful way of structuring it. It is presented
here with the same four stakeholders given in the source. However, in beekeeping there are two
other, albeit smaller, stakeholder groups to take into consideration: the neighbours and other
beekeepers in the vicinity. We have to consider if any of our actions impact their wellbeing,
autonomy and the justice due to them.
None of the foregoing specifically addresses laws governing beekeeping. All laws originate at
sometime in the past from moral intuitions of men or women. The more glaringly obvious
considerations of wellbeing, autonomy and justice are usually the first to end up in law. It has been
suggested to me that people with attitudes to nature at the two extremes, namely dominator and
participant, might be more inclined to break a apiculture law, only for different reasons. For
example, the profit motivation might lead to compromises with food standards. The presence of
antibiotic contamination or even added sucrose in honey would be an example. And beekeepers
trying to pursue a totally natural comb policy in jurisdictions where fixed comb is not allowed might
be tempted not to register with the authorities and even hide their hives.
Part 1 of Towards Sustainable Beekeeping, The Beekeepers Quarterly, 91 February 2008
On being asked to write on this subject, I looked around for comprehensive, explicit and concise
definitions of the term 'sustainable beekeeping' but was unable to find any that met those criteria. The
nearest I got to it was a booklet entitled Bees and Rural Livelihoods from Bees for Development, a
UK based organisation that works to assist beekeepers in developing countries3.
To be sustainable, a human activity should meet the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of people elsewhere on the planet, or future generations, to meet their own needs. Meeting
needs sustainably is often seen in terms of a 'three-legged stool' comprising social needs, economic
needs and environmental needs. Take away one of those 'legs' and the whole thing falls down.
Another useful picture for understanding sustainability is that of the ecological footprint. Put
simply, it is the area of land that each person requires to sustain their lifestyle. A fair earth share is
about 1.8 global hectares per capita. On average, a person in Britain uses about 5.3 gha per capita.
The figure is even higher in some other western countries. It means that if everyone in the world
lived like British people do they would need three planet earths to sustain them. The whole thing
works only because a majority of people in the developing world survive on far less than one 'fair
earth share'. But many of them aspire to a better standard of living and certainly deserve their fair
earth share. For fairness to be restored, the only logical way that lies within the power of human
beings is for those who live on three planets, so to speak, to reduce their consumption. This option
has major implications for beekeeping. Minimising consumption is one key criterion of sustainability
that we shall frequently refer to in the following discussion.
The ecological footprint can be further divided according to particular material flows. For
example, the carbon footprint is part of our ecological footprint that has received particular attention
in the context of global climate change. How much carbon a beekeeping operation consumes is a
factor to take into consideration when judging its sustainability. We need to consider the embodied
energies of the materials we use. A beekeeping enterprise doing just this was presented in the
previous issue of The Beekeepers Quarterly4. It offset its carbon consumption by investing in
'carbon-reducing projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation'. However,
some regard carbon offsetting as a form of 'greenwash' in that it merely postpones the real solution,
namely reducing consumption to one planet living. Indeed, hard liners in the 'business as usual' camp
even argue that the best carbon-reducing project is nuclear energy.
This series of articles attempts to show the practical implications of what sustainable beekeeping
involves. As we are concerned with a human activity involving an animal, namely the bee, there is an
obvious fourth factor necessary for our activity to be sustainable, which does not seem to fit into the
'legs' already mentioned, namely how we treat the bee. Do we deal with it in a way that is appropriate
to the essential nature of the bee; are our beekeeping methods bee-appropriate, bee-friendly?
In addition to the four factors society, economy, environment and bee-appropriateness, there is
one general and very important overarching principle to be borne in mind throughout this discussion.
What is sustainable in a practical sense varies from place to place on the planet. For example, we
would not recommend making a hive of wood in a region where timber is scarce or where wood
digesters such as termites abound.
As the discussion proceeds, it becomes clear that it is difficult to consider just one of the four
aforementioned factors in isolation. They affect each other such that we are forced to balance them
one with another. For example, it would seem absurd to most beekeepers if they were required to be
so bee-friendly that they could no longer rob a colony of its surplus honey. Even so, a new balance
between man and bee will have to be found unless we want to risk losing bees altogether.
Out of the four factors, I will deal with the matter of how we look after the bees themselves first
because on it depends the entire success of our beekeeping operation. Some beekeepers, especially
the more hard-headed among professional beekeepers, may regard some or all of what I propose as
ridiculous. In which case nature will continue to be their teacher. Indeed, we may already be seeing
some of the lessons in the form of colony collapse disorder (CCD) and the spread of alien pests such
as mites and beetles. But in Britain and many other countries, the great majority of hived colonies are
managed by amateurs and part-timers working on a small scale. Provided they look after their bees,
they are the ones who could have greatest influence for the future well-being of honeybees and the
husbandry that goes with them. We do not need to tell beekeepers about the important environmental
service performed by their bees or about the important socioeconomic benefits from them. I hope
that the larger group of beekeepers whom I am addressing, those who are not solely profit-driven,
will find something in this series of articles that will be useful in making their operation more
Bee-appropriate beekeeping
When I started beekeeping, I heard my mentor say from time to time when different ways of doing
things were under discussion 'I don't expect the bees are bothered one way or the other what we do'.
In a sense he was right. The honey bee (Apis mellifera) seems to be able to make any sort of cavity
into its home and even sustains colonies on comb constructed out in the open. However, with the
homes we give them and how we manage them, we can take care not to work against the bee's
intentions. We can avoid stressing the colony, especially at times of the year when it is less capable
of rectifying our mistakes. Coldness/heat, wetness/drought and shortage of food, or of food of
adequate quality, if beyond or nearly beyond the capacity of the bee to cope with, can be expected to
predispose to stress and thence disease. We will look at the issue of heat and moisture management
in the hive first.
For my being made fully aware of the implications of framed beekeeping, I am indebted to books
by Johann Thür9 and Abbé Warré8. Thür gives a persuasive argument for observing the principle of
retention of nest scent and heat (Nestduftwärmebindung) in hive design and resurrects the hive of
Abbé Christ (1739-1813) which was identical in concept to Warré's. Later in this series of articles I
will discuss a type of frame, originally designed for a Warré hive, that minimises violation of the
nest heat retention principle and may offer at least an interim solution in countries where the law
requires combs to be very easily removable and replaceable.
Figures 4-7. hTBH combs: new comb on top-bar (top left); comb with brood
below (top right); examining a new comb already with brood
(bottom left); wax makers building comb (bottom right).
Photos: Courtesy Phil Chandler.
Figure 8. Warré vTBH comb with some drone cells bottom right.
If hives cannot be kept in the shade of trees or vines, the aforementioned gabled roof would be
indicated. Access by mice to the quilt is prevented by an internal board. This arrangement works well
with the Warré quilt in continental Europe. It remains to be seen whether it works in northern sub-
tundra climates where Warré beekeeping experiments are starting in 2008. There, the board might
usefully be perforated or replaced all or in part with a metal screen. The question at issue here is
whether a quilt should be impermeable to water vapour if there is a high risk of condensation and
freezing above the bees. Otherwise, it is highly sustainable because all materials are renewable. All
the wooden parts can be made from recycled wood if available. There is no plywood in the
construction. Plywood has a higher embodied energy than plain wood and contains synthetic resins
for bonding.
In the next article I shall conclude thermological and hygrological concerns by discussing the
design of the hive body and the floor. What freedom we can give a colony to build the kind of comb
that meets its natural inclinations will also be discussed.
Part 2 of Towards Sustainable Beekeeping, The Beekeepers Quarterly, 92 June 2008
In Part 1 of this series we considered the 'triple bottom line' of any sustainable operation, namely its
social, economic and environmental aspects. In drawing up the balance sheet, a satisfactory outcome
regarding all three is essential for sustainability. And to those aspects we added a fourth that is
crucial to the success of our beekeeping, namely how we treat the bee itself. Thus we gave priority to
bee-appropriateness or bee-friendliness, beginning with discussing the thermal and hygrological
issues to be considered when providing a shelter for bees. We presented top-bars as a more bee-
friendly comb support than frames, and the arrangements for covering the brood nest.
Here we conclude thermological and hygrological concerns by discussing the design of the hive body
and the floor, primarily in the context of a vertical top-bar hive. We also discuss what freedom we
give to the bees when they build their comb.
Figure 10. The hive-body box of J. L. Christ's tiered, top-bar magazine hive.
Each box, ca. 300 mm square internal plan, has an entrance which
can be closed, a shuttered window at the back and six top-bars.
The entrance of only the bottom box is kept open13.
Concentrating now on the vertical, tiered top-bar hive, such as those of Christ (Fig. 10, above) or
Warré, a sustainable option for very cold climates might be a combination of a thicker wall, some
renewables-derived insulation protected from the wet and with appropriate internal dimensions. A
large bee swarm hanging freely is about 30 cm wide. In winter, a Langstroth has a cluster diameter of
20 - 35 cm3. If a hive is sized to just fit such a cluster – say 30 x 30 cm – there should be occupancy
and therefore warming of most of the width of the inside. Such a size cuts down on voids for
convection currents and helps prevent the condensation and mould commonly associated with the
walls and outer combs of wide-bodied hives. However, this measure alone does not suffice for very
cold climates. Here walls should be thicker, i.e. at least 25 mm, possibly as much as 38 mm in sub-
tundra regions. As the boxes are narrower, the extra weight is manageable. Thickening the hive wall
approaches the situation in the hollow tree.
A narrow inside is bee-friendly for another reason; it places the bulk of the winter fuel supply, if
not all of it, above the cluster which naturally works upwards into its stores and in extreme cold is
unable to move sideways. Colonies can starve with peripheral combs of stores only a few centimetres
How deep should the box be? If the comb is to be removed and replaced, as required by law in
some states, it must not be inconveniently deep. But it also must not be so shallow that the brood nest
is excessively divided by top-bars. Warré experimented with some 350 hives of several different
designs before settling for a depth of 210 mm, which gives a comb depth of about 195 mm allowing
for bee space8. This happens to be only a few millimetres more than the brood comb depth in a
National hive. Jean-Marie Frèrès accidentally rediscovered the importance of the depth of 210 mm.
He made several hive bodies 300 mm deep. The bees rapidly built comb to an average depth of 193
mm then stopped. Allowing for bee space and a top-bar he realised the wisdom of Warré's choice of
210 mm14. The apparent smallness of a hive element of only 300 x 300 x 210 mm internally is made
up for by vertical expansion.
Whether or not to insulate a hive also depends partly on the severity of a typical winter. Too
much insulation loosens the cluster and thus could increase activity and consumption of stores. Or it
could nullify some of the benefit from insolation, which at that time of year falls more horizontally,
i.e. on the hive walls. So there is a balance to be struck. Insulating again raises the problem of choice
of sustainable insulating material (see Part 1). An alternative to pieces of polystyrene wrapped with
plastic sheeting is preferable, for example some sort of natural fibre. One solution is a double-walled
hive such as that of William Broughton Carr (WBC). But this greatly increases complexity, material
use, capital cost and inconvenience for the beekeeper. Furthermore, Warré was surprised to discover
in his experiments that colonies in his double-walled hives consumed 2 kg more honey from
November to February. For extremely cold climates, excess use of resources would also be the case
with single-walled hives wintered in bee houses, but not the case if hives are wintered in a cellar that
has been constructed for other purposes such as winter storage of foods. Another traditional solution
is surrounding the hive with straw bales protected from precipitation, in which case the obvious
question is why not make the hive of straw in the first place?
Natural comb
Most beekeepers will find it impractical to let the bees build entirely natural comb, for example by
using, instead of frames, a perforated board or even top-bars without starter strips. Aside from the
constraints of the cavity size and shape, the comb produced in this way has its architecture entirely
determined by the bees, including comb spacing, cell size distribution and undulations. Beekeepers
usually prefer to guide the bees' comb building to some extent. This can range from plain top-bars to
top bars with a beading of wax along their undersides as starter (see Figs. 11 & 12), to top-bars with
starter-strips of foundation, to frames with starter-strips of foundation, to frames filled with wired
Figures 11 & 12. Natural comb in Warré hives viewed from below. Left: box
only two-thirds completed (one broken comb); Right: filled
box with some combs crossing to adjacent bars despite use
of wax starter-beads on top-bars.
A full sheet of foundation is the most bee-unfriendly option as it predetermines cell-size. This has
two aspects: drone comb and worker comb. Drone comb is usually regarded as unproductive because
hives with it have been found, albeit in experiments where it was given artificially, to store less
surplus honey16. Drones consume stores. So, following Langstroth17, drone comb building is
discouraged by using worker size foundation and, more recently for Varroa control purposes, capped
drone brood is removed or drone pupae forked out.
While we do not know the long term importance of a natural population of drones to long-term
health of colonies we should be willing to question these practices. We do know that a beekeeping
landscape well populated with drones helps maximise the frequency, and thus quality, of queen
mating. At worst, a poorly mated queen will fail prematurely as an egg layer and, at best, the workers
will supersede her because they can detect when a queen is poorly mated18. Multiply-mated queens
produce colonies that are better able to resist the development of American foulbrood after artificial
inoculation with Paenibacillus larvae spores19. Genetically more diverse colonies of honey bees, i.e.
with a higher number of patrilines, are better able to maintain stable brood temperatures20, and are
fitter and more productive21. Furthermore, it is believed that drones contribute a lot of the food
energy they consume to warming the nest. Whilst the importance of their role in thermal regulation is
a matter for research, if this is true then it potentially frees up more workers to go foraging.
Letting the bees determine worker cell size may also be important. Some argue that foundation
embossed to give cells larger than in natural comb has impacted bee health, particularly as regards
resisting infestation with Varroa destructor. The 'small cell' school holds that bees are better able to
tolerate Varroa if the cell size is reduced, initially by using special small-cell foundation22. Certainly
it has been shown that Varroa infestation is lower with smaller cells23, 24. However, regimenting bees
with foundation is hardly bee-friendly whatever its cell-size and a paper published after this series of
articles has called the efficacy of the small-cell approach into question54. A possible course of action
is to let bees find their own mix of cell-sizes by preparing top-bars or frames with no more than a
beading or lamina of plain wax. The extra wax production might use some of the incoming nectar
that would otherwise add to the honey surplus, but it is likely to maximise the health of the bee
population in colony and landscape. Furthermore, Warré noted in his experiments that bees drawing
natural comb took no longer to complete a comb than those given foundation. But, if the instinct to
build free comb has become weakened, wide starter strips of foundation may be needed, at least
Using foundation adds a lot to the complexity, cost and ecological footprint of beekeeping
through the milling, wiring and redistribution involved. It may also contain chemical residues and
viable foulbrood spores. Frames, too, are rarely made by the beekeeper himself but in a factory
somewhere. There is much more wood wasted in their manufacture than with hive bodies and they
greatly increase the footprint and cost of beekeeping.
Without any kind of wax starter, be it bead or lamina, the bees are entirely free to orientate their
comb according to their requirements in the cavity presented. If comb orientation in relation to the
earth's magnetic field is at all important, as seems to be the case25, freely built natural comb would
allow this. In which case it would also make sense to minimise the amount of iron in the hive.
In the next part in this series we shall discuss the bee's need for seclusion, their foraging and
colony density, feeding and a holistic approach to the problem of bee diseases and pests.
Part 3 of Towards Sustainable Beekeeping, The Beekeepers Quarterly, 93 September 2008
In the last issue, part two of this series concluded our consideration of the thermal and hygrological
issues of sustainable, bee-appropriate beekeeping and discussed how to provide for manageable
natural comb. In this part we look at how to minimise the stress on bees regarding their needs for
seclusion and appropriate nutrition. Both these factors affect colony health which is the essential
theme of this article.
To recap: we are aiming for beekeeping which provides a satisfactory economic benefit to the
beekeeper whilst fairly sharing the honey with the bees, which enhances our environment and which
is therefore beneficial to society. If we keep bees in a way that accords best with the nature of the
bee, i.e. that is bee-friendly, our own inputs will be minimised and thus the sustainability of our
operation maximised.
Seclusion or intrusion
Disturbance unsettles colonies. Probably the commonest form is the intentional disturbance by the
beekeeper himself. Every opening of the hive that lets the heat out forces the bees to repair the
damage – repairing broken comb and repropolising – and to restore the 'thermal structure' of the
colony by extra heat-production activity. In winter, the cluster can take as much as three days to
return to normal26. Depending on the extent of comb manipulation, even in summer the restoration of
the pre-opening condition could take as much as a day.
The repair work is done at the expense of other activities, and certainly increases energy
consumption, thereby reducing stores and/or a honey surplus. Opening a colony already coping with
the challenges of pests and disease may tip the balance towards its succumbing to them. Thus, to be
bee-friendly, such interventions should be minimised whilst maintaining good management, and
could involve just one hive opening in the real sense per year, namely at harvest. A vertical top-bar
hive, such as that of Warré8, makes possible this low frequency of intrusion because new elements
are added only below the brood nest, i.e. by nadiring. In nature the brood nest grows sideways and
downwards, and combs can extend to 1.5 metres tall. Adding boxes below allows the colony to
expand indefinitely and does not let the heat out of the brood nest because the latter can be lifted
intact together with its covering. A simple manual lift allows a single operator to do this without any
obvious disturbance to the bees27. Full boxes of honey are removed from the top, if possible only
once, namely at the end of the main nectar flow.
Even a horizontal top-bar hive can be worked to some extent without letting the heat out of the
brood nest as it is worked from the back, i.e. away from the entrance, and the top-bars, which abut
one another, retain the nest heat. Combs can then be harvested or moved further back and new space
However, the extremely infrequent disturbance possible with the vertical top-bar hive is not
possible where it is believed, or there is a legal requirement that, to control disease, bees must be
induced to construct comb in frames that can be removed for inspection. Moveable frames are a
relatively recent phenomenon in the history of beekeeping. Could they be a contributor to the rise of
bee diseases and epidemics? Such a question could be answered by a well conducted, ideally multi-
regional, research programme.
Controlling swarming is another reason colonies are disturbed at frequent intervals. But bee-
appropriate management accommodates the bee's instincts. Arguably the most inconvenient of those
instincts is swarming and we use all sorts of methods to reduce or manage it. Certainly swarming and
our management of it can impact all three aspects of the sustainability of an operation: economic,
environmental and social. We double up on equipment at least for a while and natural swarms could
be a public nuisance. So just letting the bees fly is not good practice. Some management methods
that avoid frequent opening of the hive include various kinds of swarm traps fitted at the hive
entrance. These have the disadvantage of being relatively labour intensive. Bait hives with swarm
lures are another option (Figs. 13 & 14). To work well they should be a few metres off the ground in
a prominent location; be about 40 litres capacity; have had bees in before; have an entrance of about
12 square centimetres at the bottom; face southward; and be over 300 metres from the parent
colony28. Provided they are checked regularly, there is no need to use actual hives for this purpose.
One trigger of swarming can be minimised by giving plenty of space for the brood nest ahead of
demand. This is easily done by the bottom-expansion method described above, ensuring that at least
one element is present below the growing brood nest. No weekly comb inspection is needed. Indeed,
inspection might even provoke swarming. We shall return to the matter of swarming in a later article
in the context of breeding.
An empty element at the bottom of the colony also allows disturbance during feeding to be
minimised. A container of feed can be placed on the floor. No heat is let out of the brood nest.
Indeed, the colony appears rarely to notice the intrusion.
Figures 13 & 14. Bait hives: (left) made of recycled tongue-and-groove timber
prominently sited on the roof of a garden shed ; (right) two
Warré boxes in use as a bait hive with another bait hive of
recycled timber to their left.
Beekeepers accustomed to opening hives frequently will probably find the bee-friendly, non-
interventionist approach advocated here difficult to adjust to. Admittedly, after even a few years of
frame beekeeping experience, no opening can be a little frustrating at times. So what are the
alternatives for surveillance? Firstly, consider the history of the colony: the date of hiving and
weight; its expansion rate; whether it has swarmed etc. Secondly, there are the conditions in the
environment: has the weather been so bad soon after hiving that the bees could not forage and are
likely to need emergency feeding? Thirdly, observe the activity at the hive entrance. Is the colony
foraging at the same rate as others in the apiary? If not, depending on its history, it could be a failing
colony. Does the proportion of foragers returning with pollen look about right? If not, there may not
be a laying queen. Would you expect there to be one already or was it not so long ago that it
swarmed? A lot of information can be gained from entrance activity. Is it purposeful or are the bees
scurrying around as if looking for something? Storch's excellent book on the hive entrance is worth
reading29. Fourthly, we can heft the hive to check the status of stores. This can be done by just lifting
one side a fraction, or by using a simple weighing device. Fifthly, listen to the colony by putting an
ear to the box. Can you hear the normal bustle of a good sized colony or is it very faint. Are queens
tooting and quacking at one another? If you have cause for concern about queen status compare the
sound after a sharp tap. Is it a 'hiss' that's gone in a second or a prolonged grumbling? And finally,
novices, while gaining confidence, might start with a hive with a shuttered window in each box such
as the Frèrès-Guillaume version of the Warré hive. It is less sustainable though, because of the high
embodied energy of glass and the increased construction complexity.
Figure 15: Observing the hive entrance ('Der Bienenfreund' (1863) by Hans
Thoma, with the kind permission of Staatliche Kunsthalle,
Karlsruhe; the cover picture of H. Storch's book29)
We should also consider unintentional disturbances. This will only be brief as the manuals on
beekeeping usually cover this particular nuisance quite well. Intrusion by people other than
beekeepers, namely vandalism and theft, of course reduce an operation's economic sustainability. If
we can, we keep our hives well screened and away from thoroughfares. Roger Delon, who kept over
600 modified Warré hives in the Vosges/Jura region, found that he needed to padlock and chain them
under communal steel roofs in fours with concrete blocks set in the ground as anchors!30 The extra
materials and cost were clearly necessary to make beekeeping viable in that locality, but it seems
hardly sustainable in the full sense.
The risk of major disturbance, even destruction, of colonies by animals varies a lot according to
locality and therefore local knowledge amongst beekeepers would be the first point of reference.
Beekeepers have always sought to protect their hives from such disturbance, if only for the sake of
economic sustainability. Protection from farm livestock is generally easy. But the list of intruders
that present more of a challenge is almost endless: insects (wasps, small hive beetle), rodents (mice),
birds (woodpeckers), mammals (bears). Solutions include insect lures, fencing off apiaries, wire
netting the hive, putting it on a platform accessible only by ladder, hanging it in trees or keeping it in
a building. The more elaborate the defences, the less sustainable the operation and there may come a
point where the extra materials used make its continuation at a given site hard to justify on
environmental, let alone economic, grounds. Interestingly, the logo of Bees for Development is a
top-bar hive in a tree ( What could be simpler?
Finally, extraneous vibration is a source of disturbance worth taking into consideration. Passing
trucks or trains shake the ground. Even heavy rain or hail on flat, metal-clad roofs has been identified
as a cause of colony disturbance. Such roofs are more likely to transmit this vibration to the colony
than sloping roofs made only of wood. If it happens in winter, it could loosen the cluster and risk
increasing consumption of stores.
Should a sustainable beekeeper feed his bees? Ideally, no. Bees are supposed to feed us, not we
them. So routine feeding is not the ideal option. However, there are bound to be emergencies when a
colony, through no fault of its own, i.e. through no inherent genetic weakness or failing queen, falls
on hard times. It may be because of a long patch of bad weather or through some manipulation that
the beekeeper has done, such as artificial swarming to make increase. These are the times when we
can justifiably feed.
The need routinely to feed can be eliminated by always leaving sufficient honey for the bees.
This seeming erosion of the harvest, and therefore of our profit, can be minimised by using a hive in
which colonies winter very economically. Warré consistently found that his hive needed 12 kg stores
for winter whereas his Dadants needed 18 kg. This has since been confirmed by others. The better
thermal performance of the Warré hive largely accounts for the difference.
What to feed is a source of endless controversy amongst beekeepers. The sustainable option is
not to feed sugar or corn syrup. They are usually products of intensive monocultural agriculture and
are processed in a chemical refinery before being transported long distances. The energy
consumption, environmental degradation and pollution involved do not justify their use. Routine
sugar feeding entails procurement, additional equipment, preparation, distribution and cleaning – all
of which add complexity, cost and labour to the operation. If sugar must be used, then the gold
standard would be organically certified, refined, i.e. crystallised, sugar. The choice of the actual plant
source for sugar, whether cane or beet etc, depends on its relative environmental, social and
economic impact. Food miles, supporting sustainable livelihoods and fair trade should all come into
the equation.
If sugar is not fed, then it leaves only honey as the possible primary energy source. Honey is the
natural choice. A sustainable beekeeping operation retains sufficient comb or extracted honey to
satisfy emergency feeding. Life cycle analysis has shown that, compared with sugar, honey is the
sustainable and ethical sweetener40. A compromise would be to feed a sugar and honey mixture
which in Demeter beekeeping guidelines is enhanced by the addition of chamomile tea and a trace of
But two objections to feeding honey to bees immediately come to mind. One is that the honey
used, even honey from the same apiary, may contain sufficient foulbrood spores to spread infection.
This objection is based on the 'germ theory of disease', i.e. that micro-organisms cause disease. In
contrast there is the view that if, through our husbandry, we create the conditions for disease, for
example by over intensification, frequent hive opening and other stresses, then the micro-organisms,
which are generally ubiquitous in small amounts, will find conditions in which to proliferate. The
micro-organisms, i.e. the symptoms of the disease, will start to manifest, whereas beforehand, only
ultra-sensitive detection methods yet to be invented, would detect them. Sustainable beekeepers have
the opportunity to create bee-friendly conditions in which bees can cope with challenges from micro-
organisms by using their own defences. Obviously, one condition would be not to feed honey from a
colony known to have had foulbrood. Its spore burden may be way beyond the capacity of the
recipient colony's defences, especially as it is already most likely under stress through having to be
fed artificially. Foulbrood has been seen as nature's way of weeding out weak stocks. Brood that has
been chilled in spring provides an opportunity for foulbrood to get a hold.
The other objection is that, compared with honey, sugar has been found to increase colony
survival over long northern winters, especially where honey stores have a relatively high pH, ash,
conductivity and/or protein content, for example from honeydew or heather. But it really depends on
how well the bee is adapted to its local forage. For example, a less thrifty bee imported from the
south will quite likely require its winter food to be imported from the south too in the form of sugar.
Similar arguments apply to the choice between feeding pollen or pollen substitutes. If pollen
diversity and quantity are low, the question must be asked as to whether the site is at all suitable for
sustainable beekeeping.
If a beekeeping operation can be managed so as to rely on nectar and pollen then it will be
supported by marginal land, gardens, trees and crops that need pollination. No additional land needs
allocating to produce food for bees.
Diseases and pests
We have so far discussed shelter (parts 1 & 2), natural comb (part 2), seclusion, nutrition and colony
density as factors that we can optimise to create healthy living conditions for bees. Another highly
important factor is comb renewal. Given the choice, queens prefer to lay on new comb and
beekeepers have long recognised that good management calls for systematic renewal of comb. But in
framed beekeeping, systematic comb renewal is not easy. Either one goes to the extreme of a Bailey
comb change or one seeks to replace two or three combs in the brood nest each year. Both involve
intervention by the beekeeper and it is all too common to let combs in decent shape stay there for
years. But in Warré's vertical top-bar hive, comb renewal is inbuilt into the way the hive is expanded
in spring. Hive elements are added under the two already containing the colony. In the following
months, as new comb is added below that of the previous year, the brood nest moves gradually
downwards onto the new comb.
Despite our best efforts to make conditions for our bees as ideal as possible, there is an additional
factor that commonly demands our intervention if our bees are to thrive. This is the destructive
pressure from Varroa. As already discussed, managing Varroa by maintaining extremely low colony
densities will not appeal to many. Instead, we try to make conditions in the hive unfavourable to
Varroa. One way is by using chemicals. These increase in acceptability to the organically inclined in
the sequence: synthetic pyrethroids, thymol, organic acids and powdered sugar.
There are two primary reasons against putting synthetics into hives. The first is the burden on bee
health through the direct effects of the chemical or through their having to detoxify or otherwise deal
with it in their metabolic processes. The other is the impact on human health through ingesting
chemicals via the honey produced, for example 3-phenoxybenzaldehyde, a degradation product of
tau-fluvalinate41. Other reasons include the associated increase in the complexity of the operation and
labour involved; the increase in its ecological footprint through these chemicals having to be
manufactured, a process that usually produces a far greater weight of waste than the weight of
product produced; and the increase in cost of production of honey which is especially high if
patented acaricide delivery systems are used.
Bought foundation usually introduces a complex spectrum of wax soluble chemicals into hives.
All the foundation manufacturers whom I contacted on this matter when writing this article said they
do not monitor wax residues. However, just how serious is the contamination of foundation by
pesticides introduced by beekeepers only became apparent after this article was published in The
Beekeepers Quarterly55. Toxicology recognises the potential health burden from small traces of
substances migrating from manufactured products including from plastics and from finishes. We
should keep them away from our hives. To avoid chemical introduction via foundation, it should be
home made or from a clean source, for example Demeter (organic) certified. Such wax fetches a
higher price as it is preferred by cosmetics manufactures for its low residues content42.
Of chemicals put in hives, those used to control Varroa take up the greatest portion by weight. To
what extent can we do without them? One approach, namely using foundation with a reduced cell-
size, was mentioned in part 2 but in bee-friendly beekeeping we are not using foundation. Dusting
the bees with powdered sugar keeps mites at tolerable levels but needs doing regularly which means
opening the brood nest, something to be avoided if possible. Some colonies on frames without small-
cell foundation survive with no chemical treatment but such reports are not yet the rule19. Feral
populations are recovering or have recovered in regions where Varroa has been introduced44. This
has been attributed to a reduction in Varroa virulence as the bee and mite co-evolve39. Another factor
suggested for feral recoveries is interruption of the brood cycles by natural swarming. This gives a
clue to a sustainable Varroa management strategy. French commercial Warré beekeepers have found
that artificial swarming gives satisfactory control. At peak foraging time in warm settled weather, all
the bees are swarmed into a new hive. The brood is left on the site of the old hive and the new one is
taken to another apiary out of flying range. Returning field bees repopulate the brood combs and
raise a new queen. Egg laying and therefore Varroa reproduction is interrupted in both halves45.
Certainly in the long term, to step off the treadmill of Varroa treatments, mite and bee will need
to co-adapt and this means tolerating a mite population that is sufficient for mite and bee fully to
interact with each other. Beekeepers in several countries are well down the road to co-adaptation, but
their colony losses would be unacceptable to some. Even so, I believe it is the only sustainable
solution to the Varroa problem.
Whether breeding Varroa tolerant strains is viable vis-à-vis the degree of monitoring and breed-
purity maintenance involved remains to be seen46.
If chemicals have to be used just to keep colonies alive while co-adaptation is taking place then it
needs to be part of integrated pest management, i.e. monitoring Varroa burdens and treating only
when absolutely necessary and at the most appropriate time. The organic acids are preferable for
their documented low residues. Essential oils, such as thymol, are less acceptable because of their
absorption into wax. But any intervention just further postpones the achievement of co-adaptation.
European beekeeping has not yet had to deal with the challenge of small hive beetle (SHB). It
appears that strong colonies with no crannies to hide in will cope with the SHB challenge. Top-bar
hives with their natural comb may prove well suited to this.
And if disease manifests we cull the hopeless cases, artificial swarm into a clean hive those cases that
merit it and, if it is a minor ailment, let the colony remedy the matter itself. In the extreme case of
culling and burning, the economic loss with a top-bar hive is a lot lower than with one filled with
frames and foundation. Above all, we do not keep diseased colonies that we try to prop up with
Part 4 of Towards Sustainable Beekeeping, The Beekeepers Quarterly, 94 December 2008
In the first three parts of this series we have looked at sustainable approaches to how we give shelter,
seclusion and nutrition to our bees and how we manage comb construction, colony density, pests and
diseases. We have kept the bee-friendliness of our interventions in mind as the key to successful
beekeeping whilst at the same time having regard to the environmental impact and socioeconomic
benefit of our operation. Overriding principles throughout have been minimising consumption by
keeping the operation as simple as possible and enabling the bees to take care of their own nutrition
and health. We have identified the top-bar hive as the simplest and identified two basic types: the
horizontal/long format often referred to as the Kenyan top-bar hive, and the vertical/tiered format
designed by Abbé Émile Warré and named by him 'The People's Hive'.
Figure 19. Honey harvest from a Warré hive (Photo: Steve Ham, Spain)
Breeding and making increase
As well as the economic value aspect of sustainability, namely harvesting honey and other hive
products, we do not forget the impact of beekeeping on the environment and its more general benefit
to society. It is interesting to note a recent intensification of interest in the latter aspect, not only in
the media but also from the recent UK government survey of beekeepers, which among other things
was interested in finding out to what extent they would no longer replace colonies that are lost.
That there have been larger losses than usual in many countries in recent years is beyond dispute.
For example the average colony survival in USA over the 2007/8 winter was estimated at 64%,
slightly higher in the UK. All sorts of reasons have been put forward including aspects of
management, for example the practice of trucking thousands of colonies from state to state, which
cannot possibly be regarded as either bee-friendly or environmentally sustainable. But a central
aspect of management has rarely come under scrutiny, namely breeding. In part two we mentioned
the importance for bee health of having plenty of genetically diverse drones and thus the need to
dispense with drone-suppression measures. Here we will look at how queens are raised.
The splits described above result in artificial swarms and, even though they use queen cells that are
part of the natural swarming process, they nevertheless involve a degree of interference in the normal
process of multiplication. Like a colony, a natural swarm also has a more intimate relationship to its
queen than is likely to be produced in an artificial swarm. At the very least, this relationship
comprises the quantity and mix of bees, i.e. the ages of the bees and thus their stages of development
and corresponding functions in the colony. And I have been struck by the speed with which a natural
swarm fills an empty Warré hive box with comb and builds up a vigorous colony. I prefer to start
new top-bar colonies with natural swarms. But this is clearly not an option for everyone. It requires
much more vigilance at the apiary and in non-rural areas risks annoying neighbours.
It is not always practicable or safe to take a swarm, for instance if it is high in a tree. So in order
to minimise losses of swarms, some inexpensive bait hives can be distributed in the vicinity of the
apiary and inspected frequently. Ideally the hives should be in an elevated prominent position at
about 3 m from the ground, 300 m or more from the apiary, have a volume of about 40 litres and an
entrance size of about 12 square centimetres54. It should also smell of bees. This can be achieved by
coating the inside with beeswax and the entrance area with propolis. Bait hives have been made from
all sorts of containers. An ingenious solution involving a piece of drainage pipe from which the
swarm can be simply lifted and transferred to a Warré hive is shown in Figure 21.
Swarms will nevertheless be lost. But in what sense is this a loss? It certainly reduces the
profitability of beekeeping, but it also has the potential to restock the landscape with feral colonies,
most of which, at least in the UK, were wiped out by Varroa. Thus an apparent loss is partly
mitigated by the contribution to the environment.
I thank Dr. Johannes Wirz (Goetheanum, Switzerland) for introducing me to Warré beekeeping,
Bernhard Heuvel (Germany) for his helpful advice on sustainable beekeeping and Phil Chandler
(Devon) and Dr William Hughes (Wales) for kindly offering web space to support this work. I thank
John Moerschbacher and Berhard Heuvel for reading and commenting on the ethical introduction. I
thank John Phipps, editor of 'The Beekeepers Quarterly' for suggesting this series of articles, for his
helpful comments towards it and for enabling the Warré approach to be made known in the
anglophone regions. I also thank Dr. Naomi Saville for her helpful advice on appropriate hives
design in Jumla, Nepal. Finally, this document would be less comprehensible and have many more
typos without the careful copy-editing by my wife, Pat.