Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027

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The document discusses a report on hypersonic missiles from 2019-2027 and an upcoming summit on hypersonic weapons.

Hypersonic weapons can fly at speeds above Mach 5 and are being developed by countries like the US, Russia, and China for their ability to drastically reduce strike times against targets. Their development is seen as important for national defense.

Developing hypersonic weapons presents major technical challenges like extreme heat management during flight, guidance systems capable of operating at such speeds, and integration into broader military strategies and capabilities.

October 28-30, 2019 l Washington, D.C.


Find out more . . .

Content Overview
In advance of our Hypersonic Weapons Summit, we
have worked closely alongside our Partners Market
Forecast (ASD Media BV) in our mission to inform
you of the latest innovations and key components
of developing hypersonic weapons - Integration,
Testing, Materials, Propulsion and Sensors - to
properly defend our global posture.
Keep reading to find out more.
October 28-30, 2019
Washington, D.C.
Global Supersonic & Hypersonic
Weapons – Classification Based 3
on Type Guidance System &

Global Supersonic & Hypersonic

Weapons - Trends and Insights 3
Major Findings 4
Major Conclusions
Global Supersonic & Hypersonic
Weapons market by Regions 5

Global Supersonic & Hypersonic

Weapons market by Type 5

Global Supersonic & Hypersonic

Weapons Market by Type 6
Regional Breakdown

Countering Supersonic and

Hypersonic Weapons 7
Directed Energy Weapon
Space Based Sensors 7
Glide Breaker
2 Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027 Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027
Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons –
Classification Based on Type
In this report our partners have classified Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons under 3 major groups.
They are:

Type Technology

Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons -
Trends and Insight:
In the air domain The perceived A number of nations, A high probability of Accuracy, range
the sale of combat efficacy of principally China, reaching the target and speed
aircraft is predicated Supersonic & Russia and the is required if only are the design
on the associated Hypersonic Weapons United States are a small number of drivers for guided
Supersonic and has had effects actively engaged in the Supersonic & weaponry. These
Hypersonic reaching beyond the development of hypersonic Weapon three performance
Weapons package. Beijing and Moscow. Global Supersonic & is to be used to criteria exist in
The aircraft per se Several other states Hypersonic weapons engage. If a greater tension to one
is only part of the with a mature capable of flight at number is to be another, with mission
campaign. Also of defense industrial speeds of Mach 5 used then a lower designs trading
significance are the base have also and above. When probability for each off accuracy,
weapons on offer either independently combined with round reaching range and speed
as part of any deal. developed Developments in the target can be depending on the
As such a proposed or pursued C4ISR, their use has accepted. requirement, type
weapons package, development of the potential to and size of the
air-to-air and air-to- such weapons in drastically reduce warhead.
surface, can act as concert with a the strike time
a discriminator in partner nation, while against a broad
selecting a particular a wider pool of target set.
aircraft. nations have bought
off the shelf.

Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027 3

Major Findings:
Efficient aerodynamic lift-to-drag (L/D) configurations in guided missiles for
high Mach numbers are not efficient for low Mach numbers. A compromise
in efficiency is required

The United States Armed Forces is revving up testing of hypersonic cruise

missiles. There are currently 5 active hypersonic test programs in various
stages of planning at the RTS [Ronald Regan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site]

The United States, China, Russia and India are investing a major portion of
their missile defense budget to redesign Kill Vehicles, Multi-Mode Seekers,
New Propellants and Navigation on Chip. Areas for technology investment
include: Persistent discrimination in the current and future MBDS sensor
architecture; high power lasers; Multi-Object Kill Vehicle (MOKV) technology
and other advance technology for high-risk/high-pay off breakthroughs.
The advanced technology investments are informed by capability gap
assessments and focus on concepts that bring upgraded capability to the
warfighter. The goal is to provide capabilities that enable the future BMDS to
keep pace with new and evolving threats.

The United States, China and Russia are developing guided missile
technologies that address User-Defined capability gaps, while providing an
innovative means of reducing the cost basis of guided missiles in general.
These objectives are addressed by the development of a modular open
architecture contrast for guided missiles and their subsystems. The primary
obstacle to a modular open architecture lies not in the hardware, but in the
underlying algorithms used in the development of guidance and control and
fire control software

Major Conclusions:
Russia and China will Major missile Several upcoming New electrically Russia and China
increase export of Original Equipment missile programs powered solid state are the top exporters
Anti-Aircraft missile Manufacturers are combine the lasers (SSLs) may be of Supersonic
systems with dual developing algorithm capabilities of 3 the most promising & Hypersonic
role features of technology that separate systems alternative for Weapons. India
area in air defense supports modular (two forward firing laser weapons that and Saudi Arabia
as well as medium open architectures systems and one can be mounted are the top two
range anti-aircraft for guided missiles. drop/glide system) on large mobile importers. The U.S.
engagement These algorithms are into a single product platforms such as market is the largest
capabilities. adaptable to physical line in order to surface vessels. for Supersonic and
changes in the design benefit the logistics Hypersonic weapons
of a guided missile chain. with China being the
and allow subsystems second largest.
to be independently
procured and rapidly
integrated into the

4 Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027

Tables and Graphics on Hypersonic Market Forecast:
Highlighted in the following tables and graphs are numbers related to the main market forecast and event based forecast.
These tables and graphics are meant to shed light on the market size of Global Supersonic & Hypersonic weapons.

Table 1
Market Forecast Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons by Regions (U.S. $BN) 2019-2027

Americas Market Forecast will grow by 6.7% CAGR from 2019-2027,
with a cumulative US $49.8 billion during this period.
Europe Market Forecast with grow by 5.0% CAGR from 2019-2027,
with a Cumulative US $19.3 Billion during this period
Asia Market Forecast with brow by 6.1% CAGR from 2019-2029, with
a cumulative US$35.9 Billion during this period
Middle East Market Forecast will grow by 7.4% CAGR from 2019-
2027, with a cumulative US$13.3 Billion during this period
Africa Market Forecast will grow by 6.3% CAGR From 2019-2027, with
a cumulative US$8.9Billion during this period

Table 2
Market Forecast Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons by Type (U.S. $BN) 2019-2027

Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027 5

continued . . .
Table 3
Market Forecast – Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons by Guidance System (U.S. $BN) 2019-2017

Table 4
Market Forecast Global Supersonic & Hypersonic Weapons by Technologies (U.S. $BN) 2019-2027

6 Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027

Countering Supersonic and Hypersonic Weapons:
The Armed forces in the United States and in the EU believe that the stage to knock out
hypersonic weapons is during their relatively long cruise phase, in which they do not change
course abruptly. Hypersonic missiles during that stage are not particularly hard to intercept,
but it would require advanced warning. What’s more, hypersonic weapons are difficult to
track via existing space based sensors.

Hypersonic weapons targets are 10 to 20 times dimmer than what the United States normally
tracks by satellites in geostationary orbit. And so the U.S. would need to combine radar with
a network of space based sensors to effectively track and target an adversary’s hypersonic

The urgency in developing a defense shield is driven by the fact that China is outpacing the
United States in development of offensive hypersonic weapons. In August 2018, the country
reportedly conducted the maiden flight of a new hypersonic test vehicle, named starry Sky 2
which boosts its speed by wave riding on its shockwaves. The vehicle reached Mach 505 for
more than six minutes and topped out at Mach 6.

Some of the technologies that are now being considered as possible defenses against
hypersonic weapons are: (please bold the yellow highlighted)

Directed Energy Weapons – (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly
focused Energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. From the last decade,
development of DEWs have gathered pace in the U.S., Russia, China and Germany among
many other nations. Lasers are the most mature of the DEW technologies, becoming smaller
and more powerful over the years.

Three categories of DEW’s are:

• High Energy Laser Weapons (HEL)
• Particle Beam Weapons
• High Power Microwave Weapons (HPM)

Space Based Sensors - To track hypersonic gliders, the vantage point of space would be
advantageous. The utility of space sensors has been studied for decades so the Pentagon
has plenty of data to draw from. Electronic eyes in low-Earth orbit would be looking sideways
at objects, “with the coldness of space behind them”. A constellation of missile-tracking
satellites in low and medium early orbits would add a new set of eyes to the existing missile
shield in the U.S.

The foundation of a space layer for missile defense would be satellites and sensors, but it
would also need artificial intelligence and other advance technologies to process data and
give commanders real-time updates. The data collected by the new sensor layer would be
meshed with that from existing missile warning satellites and other sources of intelligence.

Glide Breaker – DARPA wants an interceptor that can stop weapons that are hypersonic.
The agency has begun soliciting proposals for Glide Breaker, its project to stop boost-glide
vehicles that are lofted high into the atmosphere atop a ballistic missile, and then glide down
to Earth.

Hypersonic Missiles Report 2019-2027 7

October 28-30, 2019 l Washington, D.C.

The major global super powers, the United States, Russia, and China are
now engaged in a race to build and test hypersonic weapons, with the
ultimate goal of deployment capabilities. To win this race it is crucial to the
United States that redundancies are eliminated, ideas are shared and that
the best available technology is integrated to properly defend our global

At this summit we will engage with high level leadership in both

government and industry for discussions on the future plans of the To learn
hypersonic capabilities of the United States. Along with programmatic
overviews, integrational challenges and plans, we are also excited to more
bring procurement perspectives on the needs from both prime based about the
Key themes running throughout the summit include:
• Integration Challenges
• Thermal Management Forecast
• Global Hypersonic Strategy report
• Creating Partnerships to Achieve Operational Hypersonic Flight CLICK HERE
• Procurement Needs to Field Hypersonics in All Domains


Market Forecast is an ASD Media BV Brand. All facts and figures in this report are
believed to be correct at the time of publication, but cannot be guaranteed. The
findings, conclusions and recommendations that Market Forecast delivers in this
report are based on information gathered in good faith from both primary and
secondary sources, whose accuracy we are not always in a position to guaran-
tee. Therefore Market Forecast (ASD Media BV) is not able to accept any legal
liability whatsoever for any actions taken or for an consequential loss or damage
caused based on the information provided in this report.

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