SUBJECT: Inspection of Connecting Rods for Fretting and/or Galling and Repair of
The following procedure pertains to inspecting and insert shown in Figure 2 represents a typical case of
grinding the cI-ankpin bearing bsre of all connecting rods galling; while the connecting rod bearing bore shown
listed in the charts of this publication, .010 inch over is an example of severe galling and indicative of immi-
size; for the use of oversize bearings. Conclusive results nent failure of the connecting rod.
in the field have dictated that all connecting rods may
be reworked providing there is no fretting on the rod The seriousness of
galling is illustrated in Figure 3.
and cap faces and/or galling in the critical areas. In ad- This picture was made from an unretouched photo-
dition to the usual dimensional inspection procedures micrograph of an unetched section of metal removed
performed on connecting rods during overhaul, it is from a cracked connecting rod. The gall mark that caus-
necessary to make a very thorough visual check for ed the crack can be seen on the magnified view of the
fretting and galling. bearing surface.
Fretting occurs between the connecting rod parting Inspection for galling must be accomplished on all
´•face and cap face due to motion between the mating connecting rods during overhaul. The rods and bear-
surfaces. See Figure i. If this condition exists, the con- ing inserts must be thoroughly clean and examination
necting rod must be scrapped. During manufacturing, carried out with the aid of a 6 power magnifying glass
the contact faces of the rod and cap are ground very (minimum) or bench microscope. Do not mistake stains
precisely. Fretting on this surface can induce bending or discolo~-ation for galling’; surface blemishes are easily
in the bolt which could result in failure of the bolt and/or removed with a fine abrasive cloth, chemical cleaner
the connecting rod. or steel wool while galling cannot be removed. Galling
is a distortion in the metal and is compar~able to corro-
Galling, as shown in
Figure 2, is caused by a move- sion in the manner in which it weakens the metallic
ment between the surfaces of the bearing insert and structure of the connecting rod. When magnified, gall
the connecting rod
during periods loading
of high such marks will have a surface appearance similar to the
as is
produced during overspeed or excessive manifold magnified view in Figure 3. However, the spots vary
pressure operation. The visual evidence produced by in size and shape some have been found as small as
galling appears as if particles of metal from one con- pin heads; while in shape, they vary from circular or
tacting surface had welded to the other. The bearing oval to thin, rodlike marks.
General Aviation
Manufachners Association 1 of 6
Service Bulletin No. 4~39A
It has been found that the location of galling determines I-beam of the rod. Do not scrap a rod because of galling that
if the rod is
or is not likely to fail. Galling marks in the bear- is confined to this area; but also do not reuse a rod having
ing bore are critical except for the area directly under the gall marks in the critical area as shown in Figure 4.
As Received By
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As Received By
A’6P Service Bulletin No. 4391\
i. Check connecting rod by magnetic particle necting rods obsolete and limited the repair of
method to determine if rod is suitable for reuse. others. Do not reuse or perform the procedure
(See latest edition of S.I. 1285.) If magnetic par- herein described on any connecting rod unless
tide check indicateS rod is cracked, do not reuse. specifically permitted in the chart found at the
Page 3 of 6
Service Bulletin No. 439A
arbor with the hats perpendicular to the CRANKPIN BORE AND ACCELERATE
axis; lubricate the slave bolts and tighten STONE WEAR.
each bolt to its correct torque length. (See
latest edition of Service Table of Limits.) A d. Dimensional inspections are made with dial
Slave bolt is made by grinding sufficient bore gage, and measurements are taken at
material ~-om the side of the bolt to provide a minimum of two positions 90 degrees apart
clearance in the bearing area (see Figure 5). in that particular plane being measured.
b. Remove the arbor from the rod and stone e. To insure proper bore size crankpin bore
both sides of rod to remove a~ burrs. Then must not be out-of-round more than .0005
secure the rod on a suitable face plate of an inch. Thrust faces on large end must be
internal grinding machine with the crankpin
square with crankpin bore within .002 total
bore in the center of the face plate. indicator reading.
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Service Bulletii~ No. 439A
75059 Phosphate coated rod. Do not repair. Do not reuse. Replace with
LW-10646 rods.
75548 Phosphate coated rod. Do not repair. Do not reuse. Replace with
77450 rods.
77450 Tongue and grooved rod, Grind oversize and identify as n450-P10.
not phosphate coated. Mandatory replacement for 75548.
LW-10776 Tongue and grooved rod, Grind oversize and identify as 77450-P10.
phosphate coated.
LW-10646 Tongue and grooved rod, Grind oversize and identify as LW-10646-P10.
not phosphate coated, large
LW-19332 Tongue and grooved rod, Grind -oversize and identify as LW-19332-P10.
not, phosphate coated, large
On all other connecting rods listed in the chart below and reworkable identify rework in accordance
with paragraph 4.
-t ----Ctt (tt-- -t
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ST-236 Connecting Rod Assembly Use with large bearing bore rods.
ST-237 Connecting Rod Assembly Use with small bearing bore rods.
22306, 23988, 24264, 24264A, 24264B These numbers for Textron Lycoming reference only.
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