Indian Association of Chemistry Teachers: National Standard Examination in Chemistry 2008-2009
Indian Association of Chemistry Teachers: National Standard Examination in Chemistry 2008-2009
Indian Association of Chemistry Teachers: National Standard Examination in Chemistry 2008-2009
This is question paper contains 100 multiple-choice Q.7 Which one of the following carbocations will
question. Each correct answer carries 3 marks and not rearrange ?
1 mark will be deduced for each wrong answer. No +
weightage II be given to unattempted question.
Q.1 Salicylic acid is a stronger acid than (A) (B)
p-hydroxybenzoic acid due to
(A) Steric hindracne CH3
(B) Hydrogen bonding CH3
(C) Mesomeric effect
(D) Solvation energy (C) CH3–CH–CH–CH3 (D)
Q.2 To reduce a nitroaldehyde to a nitroalcohol
the reducing agent of choice is Q.8 How many stercoisomers does the following
(A) LiAlH4 (B) NaBH4 compound have ?
(C) Molecular H2 (D) SnCl2
Q.3 The prduct of reamer-teimann reaction is a
(A) phenolic aldehyde (B) hydroxyamine Br
(C) nitroaldehyde (D) nitroalcohol (A) None (B) 2
Q.4 In the Dumas method for the estimation of (C) 4 (D) 6
nitrogen, 0.0237 grams of an organic
compound gave 2.21 mL of nitrogen at Q.9 Which of the following is a ‘‘superacid’’
754.32 mm of Hg pressure at 18°C. (Aqueous (A) (HF + SbF5) in SO2
tension at 18°C is 15.4 mm of Hg.) Therefore (B) (H2SO4+ SO3) in SO2
the percentage of nitrogen in the compound is (C) (HNO3 + BF3) in SO2
(A) 20.67% (B) 10.6% (C) 11.2% (D) 13.9%
(D) (H3PO4 + PF5) in SO2
Q.5 Which one of the following compounds can
be deprotonated by OH fastest ? Q.10 Which of the following series contains only
(A) HCOOH, pKa = 3.8 nucleophiles ?
(B) H2S, pKa = 7.0 (A) NH3, H2O, CN , I
(C) Toluene, pKa = 41
(B) AlCl3, NH3, H2O, I
(D) CH3NH2,pKa = 40
(C) AlCl3, BF3, H2O, NH3
Q.6 How many chiral carbn atoms does
(D) AlCl3, BF3, NO2+, NH3
Tetrachycline A (a broad spectrum antibiotic)
have ?
Q.11 What is the major product that will be formed
H 3C CH3
N in the following reacton ?
CH3–C–CH=CH2 + HCl
CH3 reagent O
(B) CH3—C—CH—CH3
Cl CH3 (A) meta-chloroperbenzoic acid
(B) ozone
(C) potassium dichromate
(C) CH3—C—CH2—CH2—Cl (D) alkaline hydrogen peroxide
CH3 Cl Cl CH3 (A) centre of symmetry
(B) plane of symmetry
Q.12 A nucleus with the following characteristics (C) axis of symmetry
is NOT NMR active (D) none of the above
(A) even mass number and even atomic
number Q.17 The absolute configurations of the chiral
centres 1,2 and 5 in the following molecule
(B) odd mass number and even or odd atomic
(C) even mass number and odd atomic
number 5
(D) None of these 1
Q.13 The specific rotation of an optically active
compound is dependent on H3C CH3
(A) concentration of the sample (A) 1R, 2R, 5R (B) 1S, 2S, 5S
(B) path length (C) 1R, 2S, 5R (D) 1S,2R,5S
(C) wavelength of the circularly polarized
light Q.18 The major product in the following reaction is
(D) all of the above 1. BH3, THF
2. NaOH, H2O2,H2O
Q.14 For cyclohexane, which of the following
factors does not make the boat conformation
(A) (B)
less stable than the chair conformation
(A) 1,3-diaxial interactions OH
(B) flag pole interactions OH
(C) angle strain
(D) torsional strain (C) (D)
Q.19 The following structures are
Q.23 A solution of urea was found to be isotonic
with a solution of salt XY of molecular
weight 74.6. If 0.15 moles of urea are
dissolved in a certain volume V mL of the
isotonic solution, the amount of salt in the
solutin will be
(A) enantiomers (B) identical (A) 22.4g (B) 5.6 g
(C) diastereomers (D) rotamers (C) 11.2 g (D) 7.46 g
Q.20 The major product in the following reaction is Q.24 The pH of 0.1 M NH4OH (Kb = 1.8 × 10 5) is
PhSNa (A) 1 (B) 13 (C) 5.7 (D) 11.1
Q.26 For the reaction P + Q oR the following
(B) PhS data was obtained
Set [P] [Q] Rate
I 0.125M 0.250M 0.01
II 0.250M 0.250M 0.04
III 0.250M 1.00M 0.08
The order of reaction is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 2.5
Q.31 A gas shows positive joule-thomson effect Q.38 The Bohr radius of the first orbit of hydrogen
below atom is 0.530 Å units. The radius of the third
(A) Critical temperature orbit will be
(B) Boyle temperature (A) 1.06 Å (B) 4.77 Å
(C) Transition temperature (C) 2.12 Å (D) 1.59 Å
(D) Inversion temperature
Q.39 If the bond energies are as follows
Q.32 Under high pressure conitions, van der waals' (i) C–H = 413.8kJ
equation for a real gas reduces to (ii) Cl–Cl = 238.0 kJ
(A) PV = RT (iii) C–Cl = 327.2 kJ
(B) PV + a/V = RT (iv) H–Cl = 429.8 kJ
(C) PV – Pb = RT the enthalpy of the reaction :
(D) (P + a/V2) (V – b) = RT CH4 + 2Cl2oCH2Cl2 + 2HCl will be
(A) +202.6 kJ (B) –202.6 kJ
Q.33 When an aqeous solution of Na2SO4 was
(C) +220.1 kJ (D) +870 kJ
electrolyzed, 1440 ml of hydrogen was
liberated at the cathode. The volume of Q.40 Oxalic acid, H2C2O4, reacts with
oxygen liberated at anode would be : permanganate ion according to the balanced
equation given below :
(A) 540 mL (B) 720 mL 5H2C2O4(aq) + 2MnO4 (aq) + 6H+(aq)
(C) 1440 mL (D) 2880 mL o2Mn2+ (aq) + 10CO2(g) + 8H2O(l)
Q.34 A reversible adiabatic expansion is an How many mL of 0.0154 M KMnO4 solution
(A) isothermal process are required to react with 25.0 mL of 0.0208
(B) isobaric process M H2 C2 O4 solution ?
(C) isoentropic process (A) 13.5 mL (B) 18.5 mL
(D) isochoric process (C) 33.8 mL (D) 84.4 mL
Q.35 The desalination of sea water involves the Q.41 Which of these mixtures constitute buffer
phenomenon of solutions ?
(A) Sedimentaton Mixture 1 : 25 mL of 0.10 M HNO3 and 25
(B) Distillation mL of 0.10 M NaNO3
(C) Precipitation Mixture 2 : 25 mL of 0.10 M HC2H3O2 and
(D) Reverse osmosis 25 mL of 0.10 M NaOH
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only
Q.36 CaF2 (Mol. Wt. = 78) has a solibility of (C) both 1 and 2 (D) neither 1 nor 2
1.6 × 10 2 g dm 3 at 293K. The solubility
Q.42 Nickel metal is added to a solution containing
product of CaF2 is
1.0 M Pb2+(aq) and 1.0 M Cd2+(aq). Use the
(A) 3.45 × 10 11 (B) 4.20 × 10 8
standard reduction potential to determine
(C) 2.56 × 10 4 (D) 4.69 × 10 9
which of the following reaction (s) will occur.
Q.37 Raman's scattering of visible light is shown Reaction 1 : Ni(s) + Pb2+ (aq) oPb(s) + Ni2+ (aq)
by Reaction 2 : Ni(s) + Cd2+ (aq) oCd(s) + Ni2+(aq)
(A) Polar molecules Reactions :
(B) Non-polar molecules Pb2+(aq) + 2e = Pb(s) E° = –0.13 V
(C) Molecules with permanent dipole Ni2+(aq) + 2e = Ni(s) E° = –0.23 V
moment Cd2+(aq) + 2e = Cd(s) E° = –0.40 V
(D) Ions (A) 1 only (B) 2 only
(C) both 1 and 2 (D) neither 1 nor 2
Q.43 An electrochemical cell constructed for the Q.47 What is the Na+ ion concentration in the
reaction : solution formed by mixing 20 ml of 0.10 M
Cu2+(aq) + M(s) oCu(s) + M2+(aq) has an E° = Na2SO4 solution with 50 mL of 0.30M
0.75 V. The standard reduction potential for Na3PO4 solution ?
Cu2+ (aq) is 0.34 V. What is the standard (A) 0.15 M (B) 0.24 M
reduction potential for M2+(aq) ? (C) 0.48 (D) 0.70
(A) 1.09 V (B) 0.410 V Q.48 Ultra violet light absorption occurring in
(C) –0410 V (D) –1.09 V protein is due to the presence of
(A) Alanine (B) Cysteine
Q.44 A 0.200 g sample of benzoic acid,
(C) Glutamic acid (D) Tryptophan
C6H5COOH, is titrated with a 0.120 M Ba
(OH)2 solution. What volume of the Ba(OH)2 Q.49 The amino acid prolin allows bending of a
solution is required to reach the equivalence polypeptide in secondary structure of protein.
point ? This is possible due to
[C6H5COOH,Molar Mass = 122.1 g.mol 1] (A) Presence of peptide bond
(B) Abence of hydrogen bond
(A) 6.82 mL (B) 13.6 mL (C) Presence of hydrogen bond
(C) 17.6 mL (D) 35.2 mL (D) Steric hindrance
Q.50 Which of the amino acid stabilizes tertiary
Q.45 The amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate, structure of protein through formation of
NaHCO3, in an antacid tablet is to be covalent bond ?
determined by dissolving the tablet in water (A) Tyrosine (B) Methionine
and then titrating the resulting solution with (C) Cysteine (D) Valine
hydrochloric acid. Which indicator is the
Q.51 Reversible binding of oxygen occurs through
most appropriate for this titration ?
(A) Fe (B) Cu (C) Mg (D) Ca
Acid ka
H2CO3 2.5 × 10 4 Q.52 A mixture of three amino acids glycine (Gly),
HCO3 2.4 × 10 8 lysine (Lys) and glutamic acid (Glu) was
(A) methyl orange, pKin = 3.7 separated by an anion exhchange
(B) bromothymol blue, pKin = 7.0 chromatography process. The order of elution
(C) phenolphthalein, pKin = 9.3 of amino acids from the column is
(D) alizarin yellow, pKin = 12.5 (A) Glu, Lys, Gly (B) Lys, Glu, Gly
(C) Gly, Luys, Glu (D) Glu, Gly, Lys
Q.46 According to this phase diagram, which
phases can exist at pressures lower than the Q.53 The negative charge of the cell membrane is
triple point pressure ? due to presence of
(A) Phospholipid (B) Protein
(C) Glycolipid (D) Glycoprotein
Q.64 For the atoms Li, Be, B and Na, the correct
Q.56 The template on which protein synthesis order of increasing atomic redius is :
occurs during translation is (A) B, Be, Li, Na (B) Li, Be, B, Na
(A) Protein (B) m RNA (C) Be, Li, B, Na (D) Be, B, Li, Na
(C) DNA (D) t RNA
Q.57 The biomolecule which does not have a Q.65 How many nearest neighbors surround each
secondary structure is ion in a face-centered cubic lattice of an ionic
(A) Lipid (B) Protein crystal ?
(C) DNA (D) RNA (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 12
Q.58 A currency counting machine counts 60 Q.66 Methyl-t-butyl ether, C5H12O, is added to
million notes per day. A bank has an many gasoline to promote cleaner burning.How
notes as number of oxygen atoms in 24.8 g of many moles of oxygen gas, O2 are required to
Na2S2O3 5H2O (M.W. = 248) burn 1.0 mol of this compound completely to
How many days would be required to count form carbon dioxide and water ?
these notes ? (A) 4.5 mol (B) 6.0 mol
(A) 9.33 × 1017 (B) 7.03 × 1010 (C) 7.5 mol (D) 8.0 mol
(C) 8.03 × 10 (D) 6.66 × 10 12
Q.67 1 mL of concentrated aqueous ammonia is
Q.59 What volume of water should be added to added dropwise to 1 mL of a dilute aqueous
1600 ml of a 0.205 N solution so that the solution of Cu(II). What observations can be
resulting solution will be 0.2 N ? made during this process ?
(A) 40 mL (B) 50 mL (A) The colorless Cu(II) nitrate solution turns
(C) 100 mL (D) 20 mL blue and yields a dark blue precipitate
(B) The colorless copper (II) nitrate solution
yields a white precipitate which turns
Q.60 Which of the following equations represented dark blue upon standing.
an oxidation-reduction reaction ? (C) The light blue copper (II) nitrate solution
(A) H2SO4 + 2NH3 o(NH4)2 SO4 yields a white precipitate which
(B) H2SO4 + Na2CO3 oNa2SO4 + H2O + redissolves to form a dark blue solution.
(D) The light blue copper (II) nitrate solution
turns dark
(C) 2K2CrO4 + H2SO4 oK2Cr2O7 + K2SO4 +
H2O Q.68 Two white solids, lead (II) chloride and silver
chloride can be distinguished from each other
(D) 2H2SO4 + Cu oCuSO4 + 2H2O + SO2 by -
(A) adding cold water to each : the silver
Q.61 Sapphire is a mineral of chloride will dissolve.
(A) Cu (B) Zn (C) Al (D) Mg (B) adding hot water to each : the lead (II)
chloride will dissolve.
Q.62 Which of these ion is expected to be colored (C) adding sodium chloride solution to each :
the lead (II) chloride will become warm
in aqueous solution ?
and release chlorine gas.
[I] Fe3+ [II] Zn2+ [III] Al3+ [IV] Sc3+ (D) adding zinc chloride solution to each : the
(A) [I] only (B) [III] only silver chloride will change to metallic
(C) [I] and [II] only (D) [I], [II] and [III] silver.
Q.69 A catalyst speeds up a chemical reraction by
Q.63 How many unpaired electrons are in a Fe2+ (A) shifting the equilibrium
ion in the ground state ? (B) increasing the activation energy
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6 (C) initiating the reaction
(D) decreasing enrgy of activation
Q.70 Evidence for the electron arrangement in Q.76 The maximum possible number of hydrogen
atoms has been obtained primarily from the bonds a water molecule can form is
study of (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 1
(A) isotopes (B) radioactivity
(C) stoichiometry (D) atomic spectra
Q.77 CuSO4 reacts with KCN to form water
Q.71 In which of the following pairs are both insoluble CuCN. This insoluble precipitate
molecules polar ? dissolves in excess of KCN, due to formation
(A) O2 and H2O (B) BF3 and PCl3
of the following complex
(C) SO2 and SCl2 (D) CS2 and NO2
(A) K2[Cu(CN)4] (B) K3[Cu(CN)4]
Q.72 In which of the following transition metal ion (C) Cu(CN)2 (D) Cu[KCu(CN)4]
complexes, the colour in not due to
d-d transition ? Q.78 An impossible arrangement of the set of
(A) [Ti(H2O)6]3+ and [CoF6]3 quantum number is :
(B) [Ti(H2O)6]3+ and [MnO4]
(C) [CoF6]3 and [CrO4]2 n " m s
(D) [MnO4] and [CrO4]2 (A) 3 2 –2 1/2
(B) 4 0 0 1/2
Q.73 The hydrated salt Na2SO4.nH2O loses all (C) 3 2 –3 1/2
water of crystallization on heating and is
(D) 1 0 0 –1/2
resuced to 44.1% of its original weight.
Therefore, the value n is
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 6 (D) 7
Q.79 Which of the following has the highest bond
order ?
Q.74 A match box exhibits
(A) O2 (B) O2+
(A) Cubic geometry
(C) O2 (D) O22
(B) Monoclinic geometry
(C) Tetragonal geometry Q.80 The simplest formula of a compound
(D) Orthorhombic geometry containing 50% of element ‘A’ (Atomic
weight = 10) and 50% of element ‘B’
Q.75 The noble gas was first time discovered by
(Atomic weight = 20) is
(A) Cavendish (B) Willian Ramsay
(A) AB (B) A2B
(C) Rayleigh (D) Frankland
(C) A2B2 (D) A2B3
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. B B A B A C D C A A B A D A D B C A C B D A B D A
Que. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans. D D D A A D C B C D A B B B A D A C A A B D D B C
Que. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Ans. A D A D C B A C A D C A C A D C C B D D C D B D B
Que. 76 77 78 79 80
Ans. B B C B B