MTAB CNC Programming Workbook PDF

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INTRODUCTION ‘This CNC Programming Workbook is developed especialy for subject EME 3066 — CADICAM according to MTAB PROGRAMMING LATHE instruction manual (MTAB, [Engineers (P) Led) for XLTURN, STARTURN and all FANUC Model machines ‘This will help you to learn the basic application of Canned Cycles lke Facing, Taming, ‘Threading, Grooving, and Peck Drilling. Example programs and detail drawings will exactly suit with soR materials, ie, Aluminium, beass and ete, However, you can alter date (feed rate and spindle speed) depends upon your cating tous, rolled stock, and axis rravels, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 | Direatves 7 Z| Comnionly Doak Prepariory O Codes 7 7 3 | Comma Vasa Misclansoas Mi Codes iy Example of Progra Standard Start Lines 6 3.” | Example of Program Standard Bading Lines 7 | Example of Progam Tool Change Lines 7 Eternal Paring Fal Facing Coote GO w ES Paving Cycle GH is 307 Taper Ping GBI ey 10 Rai ad nea nixplaion (GON and GOT) ai [11 | Pain Taig Cpe (ij a 1B. | Step Tang Cyee (GOO BT] [T3- Taper Taras (GBIF a TH, | Siock Renoval Turing GFiy 5. | Steak Removal Facing Cyols Tip H 16 Grooving Croke G3) a [| RoxcTineading Cyle G33) PEeSHeeee [eee TR Mialiple Threading Cres (G76) zB sreernal Turing 19, | Reck Dalng Cyeke 7A) 5 “Bi | Step Baring (Cay 8 31 Taal Threading (O70) 3 | Siok Removal or Taper Baring (G71) a] | Sioak Removal Boring (7) i recent eneeeerensneter one 10 [ DIRECTIVES LET ‘This directive allows the billet in the simulaion window to be given a size. ‘This definition should be placed at the start of the program, after the measure has optionally been set Beanple: [BILLET 330.0 2509 (Defines the et as Som long with & iamete of SOmmm) COMMENTS Comments begin with the open bracket character“ (“, They ean be used 10 notte a rograr, and are ignored when itis executed, Bsample: (Face taming cycle ‘STEP DIRECTIVE ‘This direeive switches over to single step execution on-sersen and when linked fo the Fanue machi, Example: [STEP ny EP OFF DIRE ‘This directive switches off single step execution on-scrozn and whon linked to ths Fane machine Example: (NOSTEP ‘SUBPROGRAM DIRECTIVE ‘This directive allows & program with 4 non-numeric name to be called asa svbprograrn, Example: (SUBPROGRAM 2 FRED M98 P2 COMMONLY USED PREPARATORY G CODES G cecies ar instructions dseribing machine tol movement CODE FINCTION Gio) Rapid Traverse Goi racer Terps (ete Fay [car | Gieilar erpoton (Cosi ‘GOS [Cir inerpolaton (Counter STockwisey wwe ‘Ga pera pan Tacs Ga ee apacin ey [Gat | Gate Raton Gai | Cae Compeaton Carat | Gat | Caer Camipesaton Lat CHE) iter Compton Right ~ GH | Cap spindle [G0 Connie Siig 1 a Ge Fishing Gvoe : GT) Seek Removal iw Taming ~ GE Maint Ping Git Pate Repeating [GH Beak Dang Gree GS | Grooving Cee a: Gis Malipe Teact Gai Being vee ‘Gar Taming Cyeke 7 GE eating Cpe Wi Facing Cpa oe Conant re oF Var Saris Gar Pest per inate a Feet par avctaton 100 Fast traverse ‘A G00 causes linear motion to the given postion at the maximum federate from the ‘current position that is predefined In the option file Example: GO0 X0.0 20.0 G01 Linear ‘A-GO1 causes linear motion w & position at the Inst specified federate from the current Position, The feel rate for the Linesr motion should be mentioned in the part program, Example: GO1 X30.0 2-1.0 £1000 G01 0.0 G02 Clockovive Are A.G02 causes clockwise are to the specified positon. Example: GO! X20.0 2-1.0 F1200 G02 X30.0 2-1.5 85.0 G02 X40.0 2:20. 15.0 {G03 Counter Clockwise Are A G03 eauses a counter clockwise ac 0 the specified position, Example: G0) X20.0 7-100 F120.0 G03 X30.0 2.15.0 R5.0 G03 x40.07-20.0 K-50 G04 Dwel AGO causes the program to wait fora specified smount of time, This ean be used for Arling cycles. Because drilling cycle requites time delay 10 finish the already drilled hole. The time can be specified in seconds with “X" or “U" prefix or in miliseconds with the “P” pref. Example: G04 X15 Gorurs G04 P1500 20 Imperial ‘A G20 causes position t0 be interpreted as being in imperial units, All input vues are Inches, This ean only beset atthe start of the main program, GA Metsic ‘A.G21 causes positon to be interpreted as being in metre nits (MM). This can only be Set ot the sar of the main progeem. By deftult metric unis will be taken for programming G28 Goto Reference Point ‘A.G28 causes a fast traverse to the specified position and then tothe machine daa, Example: G28 X34.0 75.9 628 Lo.0 Woo G40 Cancel Compensation A G40 cancels tools nose radius compensation, G41 Compensate Left A GSI enables tool nose radius compensition to the lft ofthe programmed path G42 Compensate Right A G82 enables to! nose radius compensation (othe right of the programmed path G50 Coordinate Set A GSO has 2 sers, G50 ereates a new coordinate system in which tools current position 's set to the specified coordinates. A coordinate seting has “X", "Z°, “U" or "W" prefix ‘onthe block, The new enordinates can be in absolute of inemental form, Example: G50 X0.0 20.0 G500-40.0 G30 Clamp Spindte ‘A GO sets the maximum spindle speed for constant surfase speed contol, The prefix °X",*Z","U" of “W" must not be on the block or ic will be interpreted 88 @ coordinate sting block Example: G80 $2000 G10 Finishing Cycle A G0 causes a range of blocks wo be exesuted, and then control passes tothe block after the G70. This wil be used ater the completion ofthe Roughing Cycle, ‘The “P” and “Q” values specify the “N” block sumnbers a the start and end ofthe profile. Example: G70 P10 Q20 P — First block of eyete Q-Last block of eyele Multiple Tura A.G71 causes the profile to be roughed out by turing. Control passes on to after the last block ofthe profile. Two G71 blocks are noeded to specify al the values. Examples (i) G11 U20R1S () G71 PIO Q20 UO Wo (Fits block; U~Depth of eat in mm Retraction oF Retardation amount in mat i) Second block: P—First block of eycle Q=Last block of eyele [U~Finishing allowance slong X-axis in mm W Finishing allowance along Z-axis in man 72 Multiple Facis G72 causes the profile to be roughed out by facing, Control passes ou to after the last block ofthe profile, Two G72 blocks are noeded to specity all the values. Examples (i) G72 W2.0 RLS GGT PIO QDOULO WLO () First block: W—Depth of cut in each passin Z-anis Retraction of Retardation amount in mm (i) Sccond block: P Fits lock of eyele Q- Last block ofeycle U Finishing sllowanoe along X-axis |W ~Finishing allowance slong Z-axis F~Feed rae os in A G73 causes the profile to be roughed out by displacing the profile, Control passes on to afer the fast block of the profile. Normally this eyele ean be applied for casting blocks. Two G73 blocks are needed to specify al the values. Example: (9) G73 U3.0 WAO RS (GTI QLUSOWAO FSO (i) Fest block: U— Distance and direction of relief amount in X-axis radius designation W Distance and direction of reli amount in Z-axis radi designation R-No. of panes oreyeles (Gi) Second block: P—Finst block of eyoie Q—Las block of eyele U—Finishing allowance in Xeaxis W ~ Finishing allowance in Z-axis F Feed rte (G74 tnd Face Peck Drilling A Gd is a Zaxis pecking cycle. This featore genorates eycles to dill material to @ predefined depth, The main application of this eye is for deep hole. Total depth divided by amount of peck isthe number of passes. TWo G74 blocks are required, Exumples ().G74 RO Gi) G74 X00 2-40.0 Q5000 F100 (First block: R— Return amount or retract valve ofeach peck in ram Gi) Second block: _X~ Start point (always 0) Z—Depth ofthe bole in mine Q—Depth ofthe eut in Z diretion (withoot sign) ia microns E-Fed rate 6161 Crete [A G76 is a multiple poss threading cycle, Two G76 blocks are required. Examples (i) G76 PO31S60 Q150 RO.S (4,76 X17.96 7250.0 PLO20 Q250 F1.S (First block: P03: No.of finishing passes 15: Pall out angle (60; Angle of thread Q—Minimam cutting depth x 1000 R- Finishing allowance Ui) Second block: X~Core diameter value of thread 2Z—End of te tread P Height of the thread x 1000 Q—Depih ofthe first eat 1000 F Thread's lead G81 Drilling C AGRE isa dling cy [A modally specified G81 differs in that it wil frst travel Tinea traverse to the given depth, after machining it will retract to the inital position to rapid travers, only Xeanis value is entered then grooving wil be performed. only Z-axis value is entered then drilling will be performed Example: G81 0-40 and G20 Turning Cvcle ‘8.690 is the diameter cuting eye. Ian R* vale is speci’ apering wil be performed. The dial rapid move willbe wo ‘he X position pls te “R® va Example: G90 X26,0 7.20.0 F60 and G90 X26.0 Z-20.0 R15 F60 192 Threading Cv ‘A G82 is used to perform one threading pass, The postion spesitied is that ofthe end of the threed. The“ value specifies the pitch, NOT the fed. Example: G92 X12.0 7.20.0 F1S AA G94 is an end face euting cycle. If an “RY value i specified taping will be performed, The inital rapid move will be tothe Z poston plus "R value Example: G94 10.0 Z-1.0 F60 and G4 X20.02-10.0 R-15 P60 ‘A G96 enables constant surface speed. Example it set the surface speed to 100 meters ‘Example: 696 S100 oon ile (G97 cancels constant surftoe speed, The spindle speed will not be change unt the next 'S" value is reached. Example: 687 G98 Feed per minute 698 sets the feed per minute mode, This isthe default, Example: G98 G99 F204 per revolution (698 sets the fed per evolution mode, nu COMMONLY USED MISCELLANEOUS M CODFS M codes are instruction deseribing miscellaneous funtion like calling the too, spindle sotation, coolant on and ete [cone FUNCTIONS Mido) Programe Sop ~ MOI | Optional Stop [Maz [Progam Fd _ W053 Spine on lockwise ‘MMOs Spindle on counterclockwise Ms) Spine tap 7 M06 | Tool change wos | Coaiaat on a M09 | Coated off a MIO] VieeiGhock Open Mii ViesiChuek Coe Fae M30 | Program Stop eset to Sak fies Capa Ta Wes Sapa To 7 ae Wait ipar Von WT Wa pat Fon We Wa inp Toh Wit] Wait inpa Do Moa] Subpioaram Call [9 Siprogeame Ea MoO Program Stop Cycle aperation i stopped after a block camtining MOO is executed, ‘MOL Optional Sto ‘Cycle operation is stopped after 2 block containing MOI is executed, This code is only fective when the optional stop switch on the machine control panel has been pressed, Mo? Program En ‘Stop the spindle. Tunns the coolant off: Terminates dhe CNC program, (MOB Spindle Forward Stars the spindle rotating clockwise at the lst specified spindle rat, Example: M03 $1200 and M03 MO4 Spindle Reverse Sart the spindle rotating counterclockwise atthe last spevfied spindle rte Example: M04 $1200 and M04 (MOS Stop Spindle ‘Stop te spindle without changing the spindle speed. MO6 Tool Chu ‘The “T™ prefix causes a tool change: it need not be paired with an “MO6”. The left most Aigt of “T* ignoring zeros, selects the new too, For safe practice tool changing operation should be done only in the home positon o sae postion. Example, to select tool 2; Example: M06 T0202 md 720 nd = T2 M08 Coolant On MOS tums the coolant on, Coolant OFF -MOD tums the coolant off ‘MIO. Chuck Open MIO opens the chuck MII Chuck Close MII close the chuck. Seis spindle rotation clockwise and coolant on, Example: M13 $1000 MA Spindle Reverse, Coolant On Sets spindle rotation counter clockwise and coolant on ‘Example: M14 $1000 M25 Quill Extend Extend the quill (ai stock, ‘M26 Quitt Retract Retruet the quill (til soo) 30 Program End & Rewind Slops the spindle. Tums the coolant off Terminates and resets the CNC program. This sommand is used at the end of program to stop the program and to bring the cursor to firs ine of program to repeat the program once again ‘M38 Door Open ‘Open the door, waiting until the doce is open, 9 Door Close ‘Close the door, waiting until the door is closed, M62 Set Output 1 Oa Set auiliary output fom. ‘M63 Set Output 2 Ow ‘Set auxiliary output 200, Mos. Lor Set easiliary oupt off MSS Set Output OFF Set auxiliary output 2 off M66 Wait for Input Ow ‘Wait unit auxiliary input 1 is on, ‘M@7 Wait for Input 2. On. Wei until antary input 2 ison ‘MI6 Wait fortnpat 1 Off Wait unl austiary input 1 is off "2000 anil auxiiay input is of, M98 Subprogeam Call [MOB causes another program to be executed. The “P” prefix specifies the program ‘number and the number of times to execu it There can be up to 999 repetitions. I the Value is omitted, ii called nce, ‘The right most four digits are the program number. The digits to the let are the number ‘of repetitions. Example is to execute program no, 12 once Example: M98 P12 and MOR P1O012 1s ‘M99 Subprogram Exit ‘M9 returns control 10 the program that called the current program. If @ “P* prefix is specified, then execution begs from the block after the subprogram cal, If an M99 is specified in the main program, then the execution is from the star of the program. This is called looping (or) nesting of two programs, Example: M99 end M99 PLO (Retums to the block following the call (Returns to the biock with “N° value 10 PROGRAM STANDARD START LINES ‘ogra as Hagia wi ile dion, I diamster programing B] sive, X30 280 defines the billet a SOme ong with 30am eter of 10 GET Gi G3 sinha ap tone ‘Satap Bleck ‘Machine defeat sering) G40 -Cance toa rads compensation (098 - Peed per minute Raw Gis ww GR = Goto meshine as Nis 306 Toaaa—Riie> Too change “TO#04 Tool ao. 410 Be landed int the spindle with too geometry ome register no 4 Noa 08 STD MDT Siar apne renee A ‘$1200 Spindle speed is stn 1200 rpm NOSO GH BT ZA GOT Rapids HaeTACE poston (Work di ON) Wow TF face ofrolled stock) X31 Tool rapid to positon of Stmm in N-acs (ameter programing) 22. Too apd to positon of im in Zanis $aERSESSESEETASISTE ‘N20 G28 Uo Wo ‘Nato Mos 220 M30 EE eee reer ee eee Pe PROGRAM STANDARD ENDING LINES (G28 Return wo machine Gu Ud Incromonally shove in Naas to machine 570 "WO -Inoromentally aay in Z-as to machine ro "MOS “Tus off spine 230 End of program and reset tet ‘TOOLS CHANGE LINES 8 Rena to machine vm 100 Incremetily above in X-ais to machine aro 1WO-toeromentally aay in Z-ais to machine 0 'N110 M06 T0303 | MO6 - Toot change (Too! used for fllowing machining operation) "T0303 -Tool mo 3 tobe leaded into the spindle with ool geometry ‘offet regiser no. 3 [Rizo Mos 51500 | M03 Stars spindle in clockwise dirston ‘1500 - New spindle sped seta 1500 rpm 'N130 G0 X073 | G00- Rapid to spcited positon 10. Tat rapid to centerline of pat 123 Tool rpid to pasition of 3m in Z-axis ca aa Full Facing Cyele (G94) 694 is an end face cutting eyee. x Sng PARTING AxSem FOR FACING (FULL FACING CYCLE [BILLET X20 260 No10 G21 G40 G98 1020 G28 uo Wo 1030 Mo6 TO404 NosoM03 $1200 Nos0 Goo x21 22 (End fave tening eyele N060 694 X07Z-1 P60 Nom 7-2 oso 7-3 090 Z-4 N10. ‘(Tool change ~ Call pating too! 110.628 Uo Wo 1120 M06 T0202 N30 Mo3 $800 ‘N14 Go0 X21 2-50 i i Pie 7 +e ay i sil So eating oft (Calling subprogsam 5555 ISO M98 POI2SSSS N60 6280 Wo Nivo Mos - 180 430 £ Gabprowram $838 Gor U-1 FIs ‘Remark: M98 ~Subprogram call M99 Subprogram end P ages xxx <———}- Subprogram Number ‘Nuraber of repetitions 18 ‘Step Facing Cycle (G94) sb» 4s (STEP FACING CYCLE [BILLET x20 260, NOLO G21 Gao G98 1No20 G28 uo Wo 1No30 Mos Tos0s ‘Noo M03 $1200 Noso G00 x21 22 End fece turning eyele 1060 G94 X10 Z-1 F60 No7O 2-2 Now 2-3 No90 7-4 N1002-8 ‘(Tool change ~Call parting tool 110628 uo Wo 120 Mos 10202 N30 M03 $800 N40 G00 X21 2-55 (Parting off (Calling subprogram 3555, NISO M98 POOISSS5 N16) G28 UOWO NIT MOS NIgO M30 ¥ Gbprogram S888 | 05335 | corwes {woo “Taper Facing R- (G94) fan “RY value is specified tapering will be performed. The initial rapid mave will Be to the Z position plus “R” value 220 2 3s | w (TAPER FACING R- [BILLET x20 260 NoW0 G2i G40 G9 NI90X19 020.628 Uo WO N200 X18, N00 M06 Toso N210 X17 ‘NO4OM03 $1200 N20 X16, 1NO50 G0 X21 22 123015 (Ene facing eysle - G94 N20 X14 1NO60 G94 X10 2-1 F60 N250 X13 NO70Z-2 1250 X12 OBO 2-3 N270XU 090-4 N280 X10 Nio0z-5 N290 G28 UO Wo NHOZ-6 1300 Mo6 T0202 NI20Z7 1N310.M03 #00) NI0Z8 1N320 G0 X21 2-50 NIW0Z9 (acting off NIS0Z-10 (Calling Sobprogram $355 N160 Goo X20 2-10 1340 MBS POO3SSSS (End facing eyele - G94 1NI70.G94 X20 Z-10 R-15 FOO N180 x20, N350 G28 LO Wo wo (PLAIN TURNING [BILLET x20 250 ‘N10 G21 Gao G98 1No20 G28 U0 WO 1NO30 M06 TO404 Nodo Mo3 $1200 N0S0 GOO X20 22 ‘NO6O GOI X19 F6O O70 GO1 2-30 OBO GO0 x20 22 O99 GI Xi N100 2-30 NI10 Goo x20 22 120601 X17 1302-30 N40 G00 x20 22 NIS0GOI X16 1602-30 N170 G00 x20 22 180.601 X15 1902.30 1N200 G00 x20 22 N210 GOI X14 N20 2-30 220 GOO X20 22 N240 GOI X13 2502-30 1N260 G00 X20 22 1N270 GOI X12 N280 2.30 N290 Gon x20 22 N300 Gor X11 107.30 1N320.G00 x20 72 1330 G01 X10 340-30 1350 G00 x20 22 1N360.G28 U0 WO 1N370. MOS 1N380 M30 4 Plain Turning Cyete (690) (PLAIN TURNING CYCLE [BILLET x20 750 Novo G21 G40 G98 1NO20 G28 150 WO 1030 M06 TO4O4 ‘Node M03 $1200 1Nos0 G00 X21 72 (Box turing eyele ‘O60 G90 X20 2-30 F60 NOT X19 Nos0 X18, ‘No90 X17 N10 x16 NIOXIS N10 x14 NIB0XI3, NH4O X12 NISO XI NI60 X10 N170.628 Uo Wo NBO Mos Ni90 Mos Fino a ing Cycle (G90) 20 ou fo Lu 4] fz 0 10 10 (STEP TURNING CYCLE (STEP TURNING CYCLE [BILLET x20 250 [BILLET x20 280 No10 G21 G40 G98 No10 G21 G40G98 1N020 G28 U0 Wo 1020 G28 U0 Wo 1NO30 M06 Todo 1030 M06 To408 O40 Mos $1200 ‘Noso Ma3 $1200 1050 G00 X21 22 1N0S0 G00 x21 22 (Bex tuning eyele 2N060.G90 X20 Z-10 F60 NO70 X19, NOBOXI8 1N090 X17 N00 x16 NUOXIS NI20X14, NI30 X13, N40 x12 NiS0 X11 N60 X10 N10 G0 x24 2-10 1N180.690 X20 7-20 190 x19 1N200 X18 N20 17 1N220 X16 N230 x14 1N240 G28 Uo Wo 1250 MOS N260 M30 (Box tuming eycle O60 G90 20 2-20 P60 Novo X19 Noo X18 1N080 X17 Ni100x16 NHOXIS NIOXI4 NI30 Goo x15 22 N40 G90 X14 7-10 F60 NISOXI3 NI60 X12 NI70 X11 N10 X10 1N190 G28 UO Wo ‘N20 Mos N210 M30 2 Peon eee an “RY value is specified tapering will be performed. The inital rapid move willbe to ‘the X postion plus the "R” value on (TAPER TURNING Re [BILLET x20 250 1No10 G21 Gao G9s, 1Na20 G28 U0 Wo 1NO30 M06 TO40$ ‘ogo M03 S1200 NOs0 G00 x21 22 (Box turning eyele ‘Nd)60.G90 X20 7-40 RO P60 [N70 X20 R05 ‘NBO X20 RE 1N090 X20 B.S Ni00.G28 UO Wo NEO Mos Niz0M30 |—Exit point diameter (TAPER TURNING Rt [BILLET x20 250 ‘NOLO G21 Gag GoR, 1No20 G28 Lo Wo 1NO30 M06 Toso No4o M03 $1200 NOSO G00 X21 2-10, (Box tuning cycle ‘O60 GO! X20 F60 1070 G90 X19 2-50 ROS O80 X18 Ri NOVO XI7 RLS N100.628 Wo Wo NIOMOS NI20M30 4 ‘Stock Removal Turning (G71) G71 causes the profile to be ronghed ont by taming Gn U05 RI G71 P90 Q1S0 V0.1 Wo. FSO (9 First block: U—Depth of cut in mam Retraction or Retardation emouat ip mm Gi Sccond block: P ~First block of eyeke Q=Last block of eyele U Finishing allowance slong X-axis in mm W Finishing allowance long Z-axis in ma F Feed rate (STOCK REMOVAL TURNING [BILLET x30 250 Na10 G21 G19. G98, 1No20 G28 U0 Wo ‘O30 Mos TOO oso Mos 1200 Nos0 G00 x30 25 160 G00 21 NO7OG71 HOS RI ‘NO80 G71 P90 Q150 V0.1 WO.L FSO 1050 Ga XO 100.601 20) N10 G03 X10 25 RS NI20G01 2-15 NI30X202-25 N140 G01 2-38 N150 G02 X30 2-40 RS Finishing evele 1160 G70 P90.Q150 NI70 G28 Uo Wo NI80 Mos NI90 M0 2s 7 os BOK ee i xy? t Bek i 1 26 ng Cyele (G72) G72 causes the profile to be roughed out by Facing. 030 926 / 920 e10 >— Gr wos Ri ‘G72 P90 Q180 U0.2 W0.2 F30 ()Fiest block: W —Depth of eutin enc passin Z-oxis R= Retraction oF Retardation amourt in mm (i) Second block: _P —First block of eyele Q- Last block of eycle U Finishing allowance along X-axis W Finishing allowance along Z-0xis F Feed rate (STOCK REMOVAL PACING CYCLE, [BILLET x30 250 NOL G21 G40 G98 1No20 G28 uo Wo 1NOB0 M05 Toso Novo M03 $1200 230 926 / 02 019 1050 G00 x31 25 1060 G00 z1 (Muli facing eyete No70G72 W0S RI ‘O80 G72 P90 QI80 U0.2 WO. F30 1090 Got 2.22.5 F40 Nio0 x30 N10 x26 NI20Z-175 NI30 X20 2-15 Ni40Z-10 130 602 X10 2-5 RS F40 N160 GOI 7.2.5 F50 NITOXS Z0 N180Z0 Pinishing eyete N160 G70 P90 QI80 1170628 U0 Wo N80 Mos NI90 M30 1 Fy Grooving Cyele (G75) G75 ROS G75 X8 2-15 P30.Q1500 F30 () First block: Retraction ater each cut (i) Second block: —_X- Groove diameter Z~Groove depth P~ Peck increment x 1000 Q-Too! movement x 1000 F Feed rate (Calling 3mm grooving tool N100 M06 T0202 N10. M03 S800 1120600 X13 2413, NI30G75 RI NI40 G75 X8 2-15 P00 Q500 F50 1150628 UO Wo 160 Mos NITOM30 2» [no ff Box-Thrending Cycle (G92) (G92 i used to perform ono threading pass. 20 M12x2P ASL TO, 10 ee (BOX THREADING CYCLE (BILLET X22 260 Novo G21 Gao G98 No20 G28 LO Wo 1No30 M6 TO4O4 Nao M03 $1200 1N050 G00 X21 22 (Multiple tring eyele O60 G71 UO.S RI ‘N070.G71 P80 Q130 V0.1 WO.1 F60 Noxo Got x10 090 20 N100.G01 x12 2-1 Ha Got Z.30° N20 G01 X20 130 GOI Z-40 Finishing eyele N40 G70 P80 Q150 F70 NIS0 G28 U0 WO (Grooving eyete ~ Calling Simm grooving too! Ni6o M06 T0202 NI70.M03 8800 NI80 G00 X13 2-23, N190 G75 R1 N200 G75 XB 2-25 P00 Q500 F50 N210 G28 V0 WO 30 er oe ets woo nd a neroxme See Horo ae S00 X9.7 = 9:7 —[ 00s 36 a Se " Mulile Threading Cys (676) 76 isa map pas threading cle Two G76 blocks are requied. @20 mi2xeP Gate] Dinwcr | Dep oF cat roe} Topco 5 [es 4s so fat [ino s [99] “ons [ogo 1676 7031560 Q30 RO.01 so —37 36 (G76 X9.54 7-210 P1226 Q400 F2 oe 3st (DFintblock: ——_P-03: No, of finishing passes 15: Pull out angle 60: Angle of thread Q- Minimum cutting depth x 1000 Finishing allowance (i) Second block: ~ Core diameter value of thread Z—End ofthe thread Height of the thread x 1000 (Q- Depth of the first cut x 1000 F-~Thead’s lead ‘Calling threading tool [N20 M06 T0606 1N250 M03 S500 1N260 G00 X14 24 1N270 G76 PO3IS60 Q100 RO.1S, N280 G76 X9.54 2.21 P1226 QUaS F2 1N290.G28 Lo Wo 300 Mos N31 M30 22 Step Boring (G90) 15 (PECK CRILLING CYCLE, [BILLET 3X30 260 Noto G2t G40 G98 ‘No20 G28 Lo Wo (Center det 1NOB0 M06 To101 ‘odo M03 S500 N0S0 GOO X0 23 NO60 G74 RI 2070 G74 XO 7-5 S00 F30 ‘N80 G28 Uo Wo (Gam drill ‘000 M6 Tost NID0.M03 1500 NI10G00 x0 23 NI20G74 RI NI30 G74 XO 2-35 9500 F309 N14 G28 UO WO (2mm dell 1NI50M06 TOSOS ‘Ni60.M03 S100 40 N170 G00 x03 NI80G74 RL N190 G74 X02-35 Q500 F30 1N200 G28 Uo Wo (10mm boring bar N210 M06 T0707 N20 MO3 $1200 1230 G0 X12 22 1N240.690 X13 2-30 280 X14 1260 X15 N270 X16 7-20 N280 X17 N290 X18, N300 X19, N310 X20 1N320628 UO WO N340. Mos N350 M30 Fy =I gq s 3 al ge ? pena — ULL 40 GNTERNAL THREADING taibuer x30 260 17000 x12 22 NoI0G21 G40 G98 N80 G0 X13 Z-30 No20 628 U0 WO Ni90 X14 (Gnu dit 200 X15, ORO MDs T0303 N210XI6 ‘oso M03 1500 N20X17 1030 Goo x02 N230 x18 1060 G4 RI Noo x19 NO70G74 XOZ33 9500 F30 250 x20 2-20 Noso2s U0 wo N260 X21.58 (Qn ail N270 4280 Wo ‘ap0 Mos Tosos (Calter heading wot ‘igo os Sioa 280 Moe TOIOT NI10 G00 X0 28 N250 MOS S500 NI20674 RI N3o0 Goo x18 73 130674 X02:35 Qs00F30 S10 676 #031560 Q100 Ro. 140.628 U0 Wo 1520 075 X24Z-15 P1226 0125 F2 (nn boring bar N330 G28 U0 Wo Niso Moo rot? Nao Mos igo Mos $1200 xasowa0 36 ‘Stock Removal for Taper Boring (G71) | SN | ae sf ees | 4 1 ? ey (PECK CRILING C¥ELE, (MULTIPLE BORING {BILLET x30 240 (BILLET x30 260 iso ora No10.G21 10058 170 000x073 Novo G21 Guo Gae NI90G74 XO 235 Qs00 30 020 G28 00 WO Nis0 G94 RT No20 28 U0 Wo 200 G28 U0 wo (Centre 190.074 X07.38 Q500F30 (Centr di (Un rng bar ‘oso woo To101 200628 UO WD NOS MOS ToI01 N2t0 MO6 TO77 odo M03 SiS00 (lm boring ta oso Mos son Mo3 S200 aso Ovo x023 Nato no Torr oso Gto x023 N20 Goo x1222 Nooo ct Na20 Mos Sa00 oso G74 RI Naor ose Nom 674X075 950 £30 N230 000 X12-22 NoT0G74 XO 5 00 0 N2S0 G7 P2600 U2 Wo. 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