Update On Traumatic Acute Spinal Cord Injury.: DOI: 10.1016/j.medine.2016.11.007

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Update on traumatic acute spinal cord injury.

Part 1
DOI: 10.1016/j.medine.2016.11.007

Traumatic spinal cord injury requires a multidisciplinary approach both for specialized

treatment of the acute phase and for dealing with the secondary complications. A suspicion or

diagnosis of spinal cord injury is the first step for a correct management.

A review is made of the prehospital management and characteristics of the acute phase of

spinal cord injury. Respiratory monitoring for early selective intubation, proper identification

and treatment of neurogenic shock are essential for the prevention of secondary spinal cord

injury. The use of corticosteroids is currently not a standard practice in neuroprotective

treatment, and hemodynamic monitoring and early surgical decompression constitute the

cornerstones of adequate management.

Traumatic spinal cord injury usually occurs as part of multiple trauma, and this can make

diagnosis difficult. Neurological examination and correct selection of radiological exams

prevent delayed diagnosis of spinal cord injuries, and help to establish the prognosis.


Spinal cord injuries/physiopathology

Spinal cord injuries/diagnosis


Traumatic spinal cord injury (SI) is a devastating neurological condition. The management of

SI demands the contribution of important healthcare resources, since coordinated and

multidisciplinary action is required not only for highly specialized care in the acute phase but

also for the associated secondary complications that arise over the long term.1

The worldwide incidence of traumatic SI varies greatly: although a global incidence of 2.3

cases/100,000 inhabitants was estimated in 2007,2 the figures found in the literature cover a

broad range. In the concrete case of Spain, the few existing epidemiological studies offer

global figures of between 0.8 and 2.3 cases/100,000 inhabitants.3,4

Traumatic SI can give rise to a range of neurological problems, including motor and sensory

function loss, intestinal and bladder dysfunction, spasticity, neuropathic pain and autonomic

Acute traumatic SI involves primary and secondary injury mechanisms. The primary

mechanism is related to the initial mechanical damage caused by local deformation and

energy transformation within the spinal cord at the time of injury, and this damage is

irreversible. The secondary mechanisms intervene after the initial traumatic event and lead to

tissue destruction during the first hours after injury. These secondary mechanisms include

processes such as ischemia, axonal degeneration, vascular dysfunction, oxidative stress,

excitotoxicity, demyelination and inflammation leading to cell death, and are potentially

avoidable and/or reversible. This concept is crucial for the development of protective

strategies aimed at improving the prognosis of patients with acute traumatic SI.

Pre-hospital care and transfer

Damage to the spine and spinal cord is generally associated to high energy traumatisms such

a traffic accidents and falls from a height. However, in elderly people or individuals with pre-

existing spinal disorders, SI may be caused by minor traumatisms. Initial assessment at the

site of the accident is carried out using the usual ABCDE (Airway, Breathing, Circulation,

Disability, Exposure) sequence. Protection of the spine is important, though adequate

management of the airway, bleeding control and other forms of critical care are also crucial.

Basic neurological exploration, assessing patient capacity to mobilize all four extremities

(including feet and hands) contributes to the diagnosis, particularly if early intubation is

needed. The presence of certain clinical signs can cause us to suspect acute SI (Table 1).

Table 1.

Signs suggestive of spinal cord injury.

Weakness or paralysis of the extremities

Sensitivity alterations of the trunk or extremities
Speech difficulty (hypophonia)
Abdominal breathing
Hypotension and paradoxical bradycardia
Flexed elbows position
Spinal pain or deformity
Paresthesias. Electric discharge sensation
Absence of pain in the presence of predictably painful injuries

The current recommendation in reference to the immobilization of trauma patients is to apply

selective immobilization, identifying those individuals that may benefit from this measure.5–
The devices used for immobilization are associated to complications such as increased

intracranial pressure, difficulties accessing the airway, restricted lung function, pain,

agitation, pressure ulcers and the prolongation of patient transfer time. The use of a cervical

collar does not completely limit mobility of the cervical spine. When vertebral damage is

suspected, the entire spinal column is to be immobilized, since the presence of additional

non-contiguous vertebral injury occurs in up to 20% of the cases.8 Although strong

supporting evidence is lacking9,10 and negative effects may even occur, the recommendation to

immobilize patients with suspected vertebral-spinal cord injury is based on anatomical,

mechanical and clinical considerations—the aim being to prevent the development or

worsening of SI in the presence of unstable vertebral damage.11

Immobilization is not indicated in patients with penetrating trauma in the absence of

neurological symptoms.6,7,12 Algorithms have been developed in the case of closed trauma

patients, in an attempt to avoid indiscriminate immobilization.13–16 The most widely used

criteria in the out-hospital emergency care setting are those proposed by the National

Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS)14 and the Canadian C-Spine

Rule (CCSR).15 The NEXUS establishes 5 low risk criteria which when met could discard

cervical damage (Table 2). The CCSR combines high and low risk criteria and the capacity to

rotate the head 45°. In this regard, the patient is without risk and therefore will not need

immobilization if one low risk criterion is met and the patient can voluntarily rotate the head

45°17 (Table 3). These or similar immobilization algorithms have been incorporated to
emergency team intervention protocols throughout the world.5,17–21The National Institute for

Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guide on the assessment and management of spinal

injuries favors the CCSR criteria in evaluating the cervical spine, though its immobilization

recommendations combine NEXUS and CCSR criteria. Although it is agreed that a selective

immobilization algorithm should be applied, there is no consensus regarding which algorithm

is best. In the United Kingdom, the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care drafted a consensus

document suggesting that an algorithm similar to that proposed by the NEXUS might be

appropriate, though this remains to be confirmed.6 There is controversy in the literature

regarding inclusion of the injury mechanism as a risk criterion; whether different algorithms

should be used in conscious and unconscious patients; and regarding which patients are

amenable to auto-rescue measures.6,22,23

Table 2.

NEXUS low risk criteria for cervical spine injury.

Absence of pain on midline

Absence of focal neurological defects
Normal patient alertness
Absence of intoxication
Absence of painful injury causing distraction
Table 3.

Canadian C-Spine immobilization criteria.

The usual immobilization technique involves the use of a spinal table with straps and head

fixation, with the use of a cervical collar.7,24 However, this practice—a standard for many

emergency care teams—is changing. The immobilization methods may be different during

rescue, retrieval and transport, and can be modified according to the clinical condition of the

patient, placing priority on the ABC approach. In the management of trauma patients, spinal

protection maneuvering should be the norm until clinical evaluation can be made.

Immobilization devices may be difficult to fit in patients with certain characteristics (short

neck or spinal deformities) or in individuals that fail to cooperate or are restless, and fitting

moreover takes time. Under these circumstances, and when “rapid rescue” is needed, manual

immobilization can be maintained,6,21 followed by fitting of a cervical collar of adequate size,

if indicated. Mobilization is to be carried out trying to preserve the vertebral axis, applying

linear traction upon the cervical spine and avoiding deformities of the spine and movements

of the head and neck. The High Arm In Endangered Spine (HAINES) or modified HAINES

technique is currently more widely recommended than the classical log-roll procedure, since

it causes less mobilization of the spine.25 The long spinal table, Kendricks rescue device and

scissor-type stretcher can also be used during rescue. The National Association of EMS

Physicians and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma limit use of the

spinal table to certain situations,23 regarding it as a “rescue” device, rather than a transport

device.6 For transport purposes, the vacuum mattress combined with a cervical collar affords

similar or better immobilization compared with the spinal table, and is more

comfortable.21,26 Transport can also be safely made using the ambulance stretcher, correctly

fastening the patient with straps together with the cervical collar.23 In children, the

disproportion between the head and rest of the body may require the addition of cushioning in

order to preserve body posture and avoid neurological deterioration. The same applies to

individuals with spinal kyphosis. Mobilization and transfer should be limited as far as
possible. Inter-exchanging immobilization means are therefore needed between the pre-

hospital and in-hospital settings.

The suspicion or confirmation of SI, together with safe transfer to hospital, constitutes the

first step in correct patient management. In the event of life-threatening situations, the patient

should be taken to the nearest hospital center, followed by referral to a center specialized in

SI as soon as possible (preferably within the first 24h). The choice of transport will depend

on the available means, patient stability and the distance to the hospital center.27 Transport by

air does not necessarily have to be used, though it may be recommended for distances of over


ABC and resuscitation

Once in the hospital setting we must continue with the immobilization and life support

measures, with the conduction of radiological evaluations and the indication of specific

treatments. The management of life-threatening situations takes priority over any radiological


As in all trauma cases, acute management of the patient with SI requires preservation of the

airway, breathing and circulation.

Airway and breathing

Continuous monitoring of respiratory failure is required in all patients with cervical

SI.29 Effective respiratory muscle function is lacking in the case of C1–C2 injuries. Lesions at

C3–C4 level in turn produce bilateral phrenic nerve paralysis, and ventilation becomes

dependent upon the accessory muscles. Consequently, patients with complete motor damage

above C5 almost invariably require ventilatory support. Tetraplegic patients with adequate

ventilation at the expense of important respiratory labor must be intubated and placed under
mechanical ventilation without delay. Injuries below C5 cause paralysis of the intercostal and

abdominal muscles, and most affected individuals will require ventilatory support.

The loss of respiratory capacity results from exhaustion of the ventilatory muscles, ascending

spinal cord edema or bleeding, the accumulation of secretions, atelectasis, other associated

traumatisms, or other patient conditions. Lesions below T5 usually do not produce respiratory

failure of neuromuscular origin.

Lung edema secondary to traumatic SI may be cardiogenic (due to high catecholamine and

beta-endorphin levels) and/or non-cardiogenic (pulmonary hyperpermeability).

Echocardiographic studies and the new cardiopulmonary assessment devices may be of help

in determining the predominant mechanism. Pulmonary thromboembolism and pneumonia

are complications that tend to manifest after the first 24h.

Endotracheal intubation may be particularly difficult in patients with cervical SI. Intubation is

sometimes needed before the lesion and is location are confirmed. Consequently, patients

requiring to be intubated following trauma are to be managed as cervical SI cases, ensuring

preservation of the airway with as little movement of the cervical spine as possible.

Emergency intubation in the case of suspected or confirmed cervical SI must be carried out

with a rapid induction sequence (to reduce coughing and spontaneous movements), with

linear manual traction stabilization of the spine.24 Traction must be done carefully in order to

avoid distraction—particularly in lesions affecting the occipitocervical junction. In patients

with cervical immobilization, use of the Airtraq device reduces the risk of failure.30 There is a

lack of evidence on the usefulness of other intubation devices.

If securing the airway and ventilatory support are not initially required, the need for

intubation should be monitored by means of PCO2 and spirometry with the measurement of

vital capacity (which shows excellent correlation to other lung function tests) and peak
inspiratory pressure (PImax).31,32 This offers a simple and global evaluation of inspiratory

muscle strength, and constitutes one of the best point of care markers. In general terms,

PImax estimates the strength of the inspiratory muscles (diaphragm), being recorded under

residual volume and with maximum inspiratory effort. Ventilatory failure most often occurs

beyond the fourth day after trauma. This is relevant for monitoring and for the decision to

maintain postoperative intubation in patients undergoing early surgery – particularly those

subjected to neck surgery.

Circulation: prevention and treatment of hypotension

Adequate an early resuscitation with fluids is a priority concern in the treatment of

hypotension, in order to maintain adequate perfusion and avoid secondary damage to the

central nervous system.33 The most appropriate resuscitation target and optimum mean blood

pressure (MBP) value for maintaining spinal cord perfusion are not clear. Non-controlled

studies using fluids and vasopressor drugs to secure an MBP of 85mmHg during a minimum

of 7 days in patients with acute SI have reported favorable results.34–36 Many studies

underscore that hypotension must be identified, seeking the cause and starting resuscitation

with fluids. Further studies are needed to define the ideal MBP and the role of fluids and drug

support in this regard.

The initial base defect or lactate concentration can be used to assess shock and the need for

resuscitation with fluids.37

Neurogenic shock is common in patients with acute SI above level T6.38 However, before

assuming that SI is the origin of hypotension, other causes of hemodynamic instability in

trauma patients should be discarded, such as bleeding, pneumothorax, myocardial damage,

cardiac tamponade, sepsis related to abdominal injuries, adrenal gland failure, etc. The

physical examination and symptoms are scantly sensitive in patients with SI;
thoracoabdominopelvic imaging studies are therefore required in order to rule out other

possible causes of hypotension.

Neurogenic shock is secondary to sympathetic denervation, which leads to arterial

vasodilatation and blood sequestration in the venous compartment, together with interruption

of cardiac sympathetic innervation (T1–T4) with unopposed vagal nerve activity that

promotes bradycardia and reduces cardiac contractility. Neurogenic shock is therefore

characterized by a drop in arterial pressure and systemic vascular resistances, with a variable

heart rate response. Spinal injury above T6 should be suspected in all polytraumatized

patients with hypotension and bradycardia, particularly in the absence of signs of peripheral


Experimental studies have shown that hypotension and hypovolemia are deleterious for the

damaged spinal cord, contributing to hypoperfusion and perpetuating the secondary damage.

Higher lesion levels are correlated to more severe hypotension. It is essential to restore

intravascular volume and, if necessary, start vasopressor drug treatment.36 Bradycardia-

dysrhythmias can lead to hypotension and asystolia – this being more frequent in the first two

weeks after injury. Hypoxia, laryngeal or tracheal manipulation maneuvers, and hypothermia,

worsen bradycardia. Atropine must be at hand whenever airway manipulation is intended in

patients with cervical SI. The need for chronotropic drugs (atropine, adrenalin, noradrenalin)

or phosphodiesterase inhibitors (aminophylline, theophylline) is more frequent in patients

with cervical SI. The β2 receptors are an attractive target for modulating vagal nerve activity

and thus raising the heart rate in the absence of significant risks.39 A cardiac pacemaker to

deal with bradycardia is reserved for those patients with symptomatic bradycardia that fails to

respond to drug treatment.

The autonomic nervous system is interrupted in cases of injury above T6, giving rise to

alterations in thermoregulation due to the incapacity of the hypothalamus to control

temperature due to the loss of vasomotor control. The affected patients can present

hypothermia as well as incapacity to dissipate body heat.40 Temperature monitoring is

essential during management of the acute phase.

Diagnosis of acute traumatic spinal cord injury


The immediate effects of complete SI include loss of movement and sensitivity below the

level of the lesion. Furthermore, the patient may suffer neurogenic shock, flaccid paralysis of

the bladder and intestine with urinary retention and paralytic ileus, and alterations of all

systems below the level of the lesion. Initial phase spinal shock is also observed,

characterized by a loss of reflex activity and flaccidity below the level of the lesion. This

period usually lasts days or weeks, and is subsequently followed by spasticity.

The clinical diagnosis starts with the basic neurological examination. Loss of consciousness

and the mechanism of injury are to be evaluated as far as possible. If the patient is conscious,

detailed motor and sensory assessment is indicated. However, such evaluation is often not

possible in polytraumatized patients, which moreover may be sedated or intubated. In these

circumstances, it is therefore advisable to manage the patient as if vertebral-spinal cord injury

were effectively present. Table 1 describes the alarm signs that may cause us to suspect the

presence of such damage at initial exploration.

The neurological exploration is made according to the International Standards for the

Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (http://asia-spinalinjury.org/wp-

content/uploads/2016/02/International_Stds_Diagram_Worksheet.pdf) of the American

Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) and the International Spinal Cord Society.41 This system
describes the level and extent of the lesion, based on a systematic evaluation of sensory and

motor function. In addition to being of prognostic value, this assessment based on the ASIA

scale is of use in monitoring the patient neurological course. This evaluation has been

protocolized to be carried out upon patient admission, after 72h, after one month and at

discharge, and also in certain situations in which worsening of SI may be suspected. Table

4 offers basic definitions of terms used in assessing SI.

Table 4.

Definitions of basic terms and ASIA classification.

Loss of motor and/or sensory function in the cervical segments of the

spinal cord secondary to damage of the neural elements within the spinal
canal. It causes functional disorders of the arms, trunk, legs and pelvic
Tetraplegia organs.
Loss of motor and/or sensory function in the thoracic, lumbar or sacral
segments of the spinal cord secondary to damage of the neural elements
within the spinal canal. It causes functional disorders of the trunk, legs
Paraplegia and pelvic organs.
Skin area innervated by the sensory axons of each segmental nerve
Dermatome (root).
Myotome Muscle innervated by the motor axons of each segmental nerve (root).
The most caudad key muscle group with a muscle balance of 3/5 or
more, provided the muscle balance of the higher positioned muscles is
Motor level 5/5
The most caudad dermatome with normal light tactile and pain
Sensory level sensitivity on both sides of the body.
level The most caudad level where motor and sensory function are normal.
The level of greatest vertebral damage as evidenced by the radiological
Skeletal level studies.
Motor index Sum of the motor function scores (maximum 100).
Sum of the scores of each dermatome; 28 dermatomes are evaluated on
each side of the body, with a total of 112 for pain and 112 for tactile
Sensory index sensation.
Absence of motor and sensory function in the inferior sacral segments
Complete lesion (S4–S5).
Preservation of motor and/or sensory function below the neurological
Incomplete lesion level, including sacral segments S4–S5.
Zone of partial Referred to dermatomes or myotomes below the neurological level that
preservation remain partially innervated; the most caudad segment with some motor
(ZPP) or sensory function defines the extent of the zone of partial preservation;
only in complete lesions.
ASIA classification
A: complete Absence of motor and sensory function extending to sacral segments
lesion S4–S5.
B: incomplete Preservation of sensory function extending to sacral segments S4–S5
sensory and with absence of motor function.
Preservation of motor function below the neurological level, and over
C: incomplete one-half of the muscles below the neurological level have a muscle
motor balance of under 3.
Preservation of motor function below the neurological level, and at least
D: incomplete one-half of the muscles below the neurological level have a muscle
motor balance of 3 or more.
E: normal Normal motor and sensory function in all segments.

In relation to the sensory exploration, we assess 28 dermatomes in each side of the body (C2

to S4–S5, considering the latter as a single dermatome). For each dermatome, we assess

sensitivity to pain (needle prick) and superficial tactile sensitivity (cotton friction) based on a

three-point scale (0=none; 1=impaired; 2=normal). Deep anal sensitivity is also evaluated by

rectal digital testing, registered as either present or absent.

We likewise explore muscle balance in 5 key muscle groups of the upper extremity and in 5

of the lower extremity (in each side of the body). Muscle balance is scored from 0 to 5

according to the Medical Research Council scale. Elbow flexion (C5), carpal extension (C6),

elbow extension (C7) and flexion of the fingers (C8) and abductors of the little finger (T1)

are evaluated in the upper extremity. Hip flexion (L2), knee extension (L3), ankle

dorsiflexion (L4), extension of the big toe (L5) and ankle plantar flexion (S1) are evaluated in

the lower extremity. As part of the motor evaluation, we assess voluntary contraction of the

external anal sphincter through rectal digital testing, registered as either present or absent.

The sensory level is the most caudad intact dermatome referred to both sensitivities (tact and

pain). The motor level in turn is defined by the most caudad key muscle with a muscle score

of at least 3, provided the key muscles above that level are intact (muscle score 5). In the
regions where there are no dermatomes for evaluation, the motor level is taken to be the same

as the sensory level.

The neurological level of the lesion refers to the most caudad segment of the spinal cord in

which both motor and sensory function are bilaterally normal. It is the most cephalic of the

sensory and motor levels.

ASIA disability scale

Spinal cord injury is generally classified as “complete” or “incomplete”, based on the

presence of sacral preservation. The latter refers to the presence of sensory or motor function

in the most caudad sacral segments (preservation of light tact or pain sensation in S4–S5,

deep anal sensation, or voluntary contraction of the anal sphincter).

A complete lesion is defined as the absence of sacral preservation (no sensory or motor

function in segments S4–S5), while an incomplete lesion is defined as the presence of sacral

preservation (some preserved sensory or motor function in segments S4–S5).

The ASIA scale comprises 5 grades (Table 4). Grade A corresponds to complete SI; grades

B, C and D are incomplete lesions of different grades; and grade E is indicative of normal

motor and sensory function (this grade being applied provided the patient has suffered some

degree of spinal cord injury that has recovered).

Clinical syndromes
 •

Central spinal cord. Central spinal cord injury is the most frequent type of incomplete lesion.

It is characterized by greater motor weakness in the upper extremities than in the lower

extremities, sphincter alterations and variable degree of sensory involvement. These

presentations are more common in patients with previous degenerative changes of the

vertebras that suffer hyperextension.42

 •

Brown-Sèquard (cord hemisection). This presentation is characterized by loss of deep

sensitivity ipsilateral to the lesion, with contralateral alteration of heat-pain sensitivity. Pure

cord hemisection is rare in traumatic SI, combining Brown-Sèquard symptoms and central

cord symptoms (Brown-Sèquard plus syndrome).

 •

Anterior spinal cord. This presentation can result from direct damage to the anterior part of

the spinal cord due to retropulsion of a bone or disc fragment, or can be caused by damage to

the anterior spinal artery. It is characterized by paralysis and alteration of heat-pain

sensitivity, with preservation of the posterior cords (light tact sensation and positional


 •

Medullary cone. These are lesions of the sacral spinal cord (cone) and lumbar nerve roots

within the neural canal. Medullary cone injuries result in paralysis of the bladder, intestine

and lower extremities. Depending on the affected level, these cases can manifest as mixed

superior and inferior motor neuron syndromes.

 •

Cauda equina. These are lesions of the lumbosacral roots below the medullary cone, located

within the neural canal. The clinical manifestations are similar to those of medullary cone

injury, making it sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two presentations.

Imaging diagnosis
The indications of radiological exploration in diagnosing traumatic SI depend on the

circumstances of trauma, the need to perform tests for diagnosing associated lesions, and the

availability of techniques in each individual center.

Clinical protocols contemplated in the Eastern Association of Trauma39 guides allow us to

discard cervical spine injuries in asymptomatic patients without performing imaging

explorations. The NEXUS14 and CCSR criteria15 are very sensitive in discarding significant

cervical injuries without conducting radiological studies. Patients with spinal pain,

neurological symptoms, and unconscious trauma patients, require radiological evaluation. In

patients with masking associated injuries or short-duration altered consciousness, we can

decide to use spinal protection measures until the mentioned injuries are treated or sufficient

consciousness is regained to allow adequate clinical assessment. However, if urgency is a

priority concern, these individuals must be evaluated under the same criteria as in

unconscious polytraumatized patients.43

In patients requiring a radiological study, it is advisable to evaluate the entire spine, since the

incidence of multiple vertebral fractures is close to 20%.8 Plain X-rays with anteroposterior

and lateral projections of the entire spine were traditionally indicated, together with transoral

projection in the cervical spine, though the current tendency is to perform computed axial

tomography (CAT) with sagittal and coronal reconstructions.44 Spiral CAT, while more

expensive, is more sensitive and specific than conventional radiology44,45: it allows easier

identification of fractures that might go undetected on plain X-rays; ensures correct

visualization of the occipitocervical and cervicothoracic junctions; affords full visualization

of the entire spine with reconstructions allowing improved characterization of canal invasion;

and provides information of help in surgical treatment. Plain X-rays studies in flexion and

extension are useful for assessing instability secondary to ligamentous damage, but should be

avoided in the acute phase of patients with neurological deficits.

Emergency magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is usually difficult to perform in acute

polytraumatized patients. Emergency MRI is indicated in traumatic SI in those cases where

the neurological defects cannot be explained by the radiological findings, or when

neurological deterioration occurs, with a view to discarding the possible presence of epidural

hematoma or other causes indicating emergency surgical treatment. Magnetic resonance

imaging should be performed as soon as allowed by the clinical condition of the patient,

because it is able to detect damage to soft tissues and ligaments in the setting of neurological

damage, and is moreover able to adequately characterize the type of SI involved (contusion,

edema, bleeding, cord sectioning). This information in turn can be complemented by clinical

evaluation based on the ASIA scale in order to establish the prognosis of SI. In patients with

cord sectioning or intramedullary hemorrhage, neurological recovery generally can be

expected to be poor or inexistent, while in individuals with spinal cord edema or contusions,

greater recovery may be observed.46,47Furthermore, MRI allows us to evaluate canal

involvement, the degree of spinal cord compression, and the length of the lesion – these

factors also being important for predicting the severity of the damage and patient recovery.48,49

Evaluation of associated injuries

The mechanism underlying SI may involve high or low intensity forces. High energy

traumatisms are the presentations most often associated to damage at other levels, and in

close to 37% of the cases multiple fractures are present.50,51 The type of lesion associated to SI

varies according to the level of the lesion—head injuries being more frequent in patients with

cervical lesions, while thoracoabdominal injuries are more often seen in patients with SI at

dorsal level.52

In patients with suspected or confirmed SI, in the same way as in all trauma cases, tertiary

evaluation of the traumatism is required in order to reduce the incidence of undetected

lesions, since physical examination can be conditioned by the level of the lesion, due to the
existence of sensitivity and motor alterations.53,54 In other words, following initial

resuscitation, identification and classification of all the lesions is a priority concern. In this

respect, we must repeat the entire physical exploration, evaluate the mechanism of injury, the

basal characteristics (age, comorbidity and genetic predisposition), and the level of SI.55 This

protocol is completed with laboratory tests, expert review of the imaging studies, and the

conduction of complementary studies in the event of new clinical findings. Assessment is

time dependent: it is advisable to perform evaluation in the first 24h after trauma and to

repeat it once the patient is able to communicate.53,54

The main considerations in clinically evaluating the associated lesions are:

 a.

Document the presence of traumatic brain injury, particularly in cervical injuries, in order to

perform a correct neurological evaluation and plan rehabilitation. This should be done early,

based on the Glasgow coma scale (GCS).56

 b.

Associated thoracoabdominal injuries are to be considered in all patients with SI, using

imaging techniques. The first diagnostic approach in unstable patients is to perform Focused

Abdominal Sonography for Trauma (FAST), though the technique of choice is CAT,

whenever allowed by the clinical condition of the patient or when ultrasound proves


 c.

In fractures of the extremities-pelvis, the main concern should be to secure early stabilization

in order to maintain a good range of mobility and facilitate rehabilitation.59

 d.
In very high energy impacts we must discard aortic damage, and in the event of added

cervical luxation/fracture (fundamentally at level C1–C3), we must discard cerebrovascular

injuries using AngioCAT/MRI.60,61

Together with tertiary evaluation of the SI, we must quantify severity and estimate the

probability of survival based on trauma severity scores, in order to facilitate the decision-

making process and reduce morbidity-mortality.62,63 The trauma scales used should assess the

anatomical lesion, the physiological changes that occur, and the functional reserve of the


Multiple scores have been developed, grouped according to different aspects (anatomical,

physiological and combined scores). In the case of patients with SI, the most widely cited and

used instruments are the Injury Severity Score,66 the Trauma Score Revised67 and the

TRISS,68which together with inclusion of the GCS allow complete evaluation – determining

which patients may benefit from rehabilitation, and contributing to optimize resource

utilization. Furthermore, in trauma patients with SI admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU),

the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) and Sequential Organ

Failure Assessment (SOFA) scales have been validated for establishing the prognosis.69,70

In evaluating the associated lesions in spinal cord patients, adequate tertiary assessment and

the definition of a functional prognosis based on the combination of different scales are

essential, since no universally accepted score has been established.

Current management includes surgical decompression, hemodynamic control, and

methylprednisolone in selected cases. However, these early treatment measures are associated

to only modest functional recovery.

The search for an effective neuroprotective strategy capable of preventing secondary lesions

in the context of acute traumatic SI remains a priority concern both in clinical practice and in

basic research.

Corticosteroids formed part of the initial therapeutic repertoire. Methylprednisolone is

believed to reduce membrane peroxidation and lessen inflammation. It exerts immune

modulating effects, inhibiting neutrophil and macrophage infiltration of the spinal cord,

which might improve the functional outcomes. Three clinical trials and other non-randomized

studies, with important limitations, have been carried out to evaluate the use of

methylprednisolone following traumatic SI.71–73 Based on the existing evidence, the

generalized administration of high dose methylprednisolone in traumatic SI is not

recommended.74,75 The use of the drug must therefore be carefully evaluated on the basis of

the patient characteristics and intercurrent disease conditions, in view of its side effects in

terms of infections, respiratory alterations, gastrointestinal bleeding and

mortality.74,76 Specifically, there is no evidence that the administration of corticosteroids has a

beneficial effect in cases of complete traumatic SI. In the event of non-stabilized acute SI—or

in the presence of neurological deterioration—the administration of corticosteroids could be

started in the first hours, with short dosing schemes and taking the potential side effects into


Current investigations in acute traumatic SI are exploring the use of certain treatments with

neuroprotective intent (riluzole, minocycline, G-CSF, FGF-2 and polyethylene glycol), as

well as neuroregenerative strategies (chondroitinase ABC, self-assembling peptides and Rho

inhibition). Many cell therapies (embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells, induced pluripotent

stem cells, mesenchymal stromal cells, Schwann cells, olfactory ensheathing cells and

macrophages) have also been found to be promising.78–80

However, due to the many factors that condition lesion progression, restoration of the

damaged spinal cord will probably require a number of repair strategies applied in


Some experimental studies have suggested that cooling attenuates the secondary lesion

mechanisms.81 Initial clinical studies involving direct cooling of the spinal cord during

surgery have not revealed benefits. However, a recent study investigated the use of

hypothermia (33°C), with favorable results.82 In any case, the existing evidence is too weak to

recommend systemic hypothermia.83

Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


The aim of treatment in acute traumatic spinal cord injury is to preserve residual neurologic
function, avoid secondary injury, and restore spinal alignment and stability. In this second
part of the review, we describe the management of spinal cord injury focusing on issues
related to short-term respiratory management, where the preservation of diaphragmatic
function is a priority, with prediction of the duration of mechanical ventilation and the need
for tracheostomy. Surgical assessment of spinal injuries based on updated criteria is
discussed, taking into account that although the type of intervention depends on the
surgical team, nowadays treatment should afford early spinal decompression and
stabilization. Within a comprehensive strategy in spinal cord injury, it is essential to identify
and properly treat patient anxiety and pain associated to spinal cord injury, as well as to
prevent and ensure the early diagnosis of complications secondary to spinal cord injury
(thromboembolic disease, gastrointestinal and urinary disorders, pressure ulcers).


Spinal cord injuries/surgery

Spinal cord injury/pain


Prolonged mechanical ventilation


El objetivo en el tratamiento de la lesión medular aguda traumática es preservar la función

neurológica residual, evitar el daño secundario, y restaurar la alineación y la estabilidad de
la columna. En esta segunda parte proporcionaremos un enfoque en el tratamiento de la
lesión medular en cuestiones relativas al manejo respiratorio a corto plazo, donde es
prioritaria la preservación de la función diafragmática, así como la posibilidad de predecir la
duración de la ventilación mecánica y la necesidad de traqueostomía. Abordaremos la
valoración quirúrgica de las lesiones de columna en función de unos criterios de
tratamiento actualizados, teniendo en cuenta que, aunque el tipo de intervención depende
del equipo quirúrgico, en el momento actual el tratamiento implica descompresión y
estabilización precoz. En el tratamiento integral del paciente con lesión medular es
fundamental identificar y tratar adecuadamente el dolor asociado a la lesión medular, así
como la ansiedad, al igual que prevenir y diagnosticar precozmente complicaciones
secundarias a la afectación que la lesión medular ocasiona en todos los sistemas del
organismo (enfermedad tromboembólica, alteraciones gastrointestinales, afectación del
sistema urinario, úlceras por presión).

Palabras clave:
Lesión medular/cirugía

Lesión medular/dolor


Ventilación mecánica prolongada


Respiratory support. Prolonged mechanical ventilation

The need for respiratory support in the acute phase of a spinal cord injury has a variable
incidence. The two most important markers used to predict the need for intubation are the
level at which the injury occurs and the score shown on the ASIA impairment motor score.

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) at cervical or thoracic levels affect the spinal nerves innervating the
respiratory muscles. The diaphragm, the main muscle involved in breathing, is innervated
from the third, fourth, and fifth cervical spinal segments. Injuries above C5 level cause
paralysis of the diaphragm, the intercostal and abdominal muscles and without the
appropriate respiratory support they are incompatible with life and they require intubation
in almost 100 per cent of the cases. In incomplete upper cervical injuries (C2–C4) or lower
injuries (C5–T5) spontaneous ventilation may be feasible. However, the respiratory function
is substantially compromised and ventilation failure can be due to fatigue.1

Respiratory dysfunction in patients with acute SCIs is associated with three factors: muscle
strength, secretion retention, and anatomic dysfunction. The first 24h after the occurrence
of the SCI predispose to the development of complications (atelectasis, pneumonia,
thromboembolism, and pulmonary oedema) that are the main cause of morbimortality. In
respiratory failure, the associated traumatic injuries and the patient's basal situation (age,
comorbidity, and genetic predisposition)2,3 can also play a significant role.

The need for respiratory support occurs more commonly four days after the lesion of
muscle fatigue so if conservative management is required, a close monitoring of respiratory
function will be required too. What we will have to do is monitor the levels of
pCO2 (capnography/arterial blood gas) and perform one spirometry, while measuring the
vital capacity (excellent correlation with pulmonary function test) and the maximum
respiratory pressure (estimating the strength of respiratory musculature). These are the
indicators of respiratory failure: vital capacity<15ml/kg, maximum respiratory pressure
<−20cmH2O, and increased levels of carbonic dioxide.1,4 Recent studies show that, on the
MRI, the mere presence of injury or swelling at C3 level predicts the occurrence of
respiratory failure.5

Patients with injuries above T5 level, serious associated injuries or patients requiring
respiratory monitorization should be admitted in intensive care units in order to minimize
damage secondary to hypoxia. We should remember that if the patient needs respiratory
support, then the intubation will have to be planned, since urgent intubations in situations
of respiratory failure increase the risk of neurological damage.3

When it comes to applying ventilation to these patients, the special characteristics of SCI
should be observed. Even though it has been reported that patients have “healthy” lungs,
up to 60 per cent show associated thoracic traumatisms. In these cases, we will need to
implement a strategy of protective ventilation.

Preserving the diaphragmatic function needs to be a primary goal since it is a key goal in
respiratory function. The ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction occurs early with
the diaphragmatic inactivity in any of the modalities of controlled ventilation. In order to
avoid it, the goal with these patients should be keeping the total support provided by the
ventilator in order to avoid fatigue, thus allowing the patient's initiation of most of the
cycles (certain level of diaphragmatic contraction) and the adjustment of breathing time
(while avoiding autotrigger, and auto-PEEP).6

The practices of setting breathing patterns like the tidal volume and the PEEP have evolved
during the last years. The practice of ventilating with high tidal volumes has been
abandoned after different studies showed that ventilating with volumes of 10–15ml/kg, and
volumes of 10ml/kg makes no difference at all. It has been confirmed that keeping plateau-
pressures <30cmH2O affects the prognosis.7 When it comes to PEEP, the theory was using
0cmH2O to avoid air entrapment in patients with impaired breathing out muscles. If we
have in mind that breathing out is a passive phenomenon the aforementioned argument
simply does not stand. Also, the use of PEEP increases residual functional capacity and
avoids the cyclic alveolar collapse, while avoiding the pulmonary lesion associated with
mechanical ventilation (MV). This is why PEEP zero is not recommended, at least in the
acute phase, instead PEEP levels capable of minimizing the atelectrauma with the adequate
plateau-pressure (PEEP≥5cmH2O and plateau-pressures<30cmH2O)8 are recommended.

Prolonged mechanical ventilation

When it comes to defining the concept of prolonged MV there is a great variability in the
actual medical literature. In general, when the patient is ventilated for over 21 days during,
at least, 6h/day we usually talk about prolonged MV. The possibility of predicting the
duration of MV facilitates implementing weaning strategies where tracheostomy plays a
significant role.

It is well known that the location and degree of the injury affects both the initiation of VM
and how successful the weaning process will be. Among the highest risk factors we have
injuries above C5 and ASIA A. Recently it has been confirmed that both a motor index<10,
and the presence of respiratory complications are important predictors. Also the duration
of MV is a factor: age (>45 years old), concomitant pulmonary conditions, history of
smoking, low level of consciousness (GCS<9), comorbidity and Injury Severity Score≥16.9–
In patients with acute MV hospitalized in the ICU, acute renal failure is associated with
longer durations of MV.12

In the MV weaning process we will need to take into account the breathing physiopathology
of MV, at what level the injury occurs, and the degree of respiratory function when
initiating MV. The respiratory function is usually assessed through arterial blood
gas/capnography and spirometry. One of the most important indicators is effective cough
(flow>2.71s, or maximum breathing pressure −20cmH2O). Also, we will need to assess the
diaphragmatic function using, if possible, ultrasounds. Before initiating the weaning
process, the patient's vital signs need to be stabilized.13

At present, the weaning process focuses on the progressive withdrawal of the ventilator
using a T-tube or pressure support techniques. When compared between the two, it is
evident that the T-tube reduces the time of MV since it achieves a progressive increase of
muscle strength. Regardless of the modality of weaning process that we use, the
withdrawal of MV in tetraplegic patients is a slow process. The weaning process is
considered successful when the patient is fine after spending 48h without any assisted
ventilation. In these patients, the most benefitial technique is BPAP because it avoids the
cyclic alveolar collapse following minimum PEEP. We need studies endorsing its use in
patients with spinal cord injuries, though at present it can be a possibility to take into
consideration in carefully selected patients.14

The role of tracheostomy

Tracheostomy is a common proceeding in patients with traumatic, acute spinal cord
injuries. It is part of an effective therapy of patients in whom the implementation of
prolonged MV is expected since it facilitates the weaning process. The main risk factors for
needing one tracheostomy are: the cervical spinal level at admission and motor
index<10.11,15 The contributing factors are an impaired level of consciousness at admission
(GCS<9), Injury Severity Score≥16, and associated thoracic injuries.16

In these patients, the tracheostomy should be performed during the first seven days
because this would be extremely benefitial when it comes to managing breathing and
reducing complications.17 If a patient requires anterior spinal cervical fixation, the best
moment to perform the tracheostomy will have to be determined.18

Until recently, surgical tracheostomy was an elective proceeding in these patients while the
cutaneous tracheostomy was counterindicated. At present, it has already been confirmed
that the percutaneous tracheostomy is a safe technique to be performed in the ICUs in
patients with spinal cord injuries without neck extension. There are different techniques of
percutaneous tracheostomies (Ciaglia, Griggs, Fantoni, Frova, balloon-tracheostomy), and
even though studies comparing these different techniques when it comes to safety and
effectiveness in patients with SCI are needed to establish what the ideal method would be,
the most widely accepted technique today is the single dilator one (Ciaglia Blue Rhino). The
percutaneous dilation technique is faster, it minimizes the occurrence of injuries in the
adjacent structures of the neck and associates fewer late stromal infections. This is an
important advantage in patients in whom spine fixation through anterior approach is

Surgical assessment

Traumatic lesions of the spine with neurological compromise usually translate into vertebral
fractures or luxations that, while taking into account damage to the neural structures,
should be considered and treated as unstable in order to avoid more serious neurological
damage. The adequate immobiliation techniques should be observed in order to guarantee
osseous alignment and absolute bed rest until implementing the eventual treatment that
will include the corresponding criteria depending on the affected region of the spine.

Management criteria have not always been uniform given the lack of universally accepted
classifications. Several factors influence these criteria, like the level of fracture, its
morphology, the alignment of the affected segments, the neurological affectation, and the
expected stability.21Approaching the occipitoatloaxoid region is a different story given its
complexity, the different possible options available, and the experience of the surgical
team. Martín-Ferrer22 published a very useful review with the results he obtained.

Approaching the occipitoatloaxoid region should be a job for an experienced team given its
surgical technical complexity, and the existing different management criteria for every type
of injury based on whether it affects the atlas, the axis, and interrelations, together with the
occipital joint. Its description exceeds the goal of this chapter, and is the reason why the
existing reviews of this condition should be taken into consideration.22,23

At the subaxial spine level, several classifications based on the biomechanics of the injuries
have been developed and then submitted for ongoing review. From the mechanistic
classifications, published before the boom of the digital modalities of actual images, by
Holdsworth, Allen et al.,24 Harris, and White and Punjabi, the Subaxial Injury
Classification25 and Cervical Spine Injury Severity Score25 systems provide a reliable
guideline for the assessment of fracture instability and, consequently, give the
corresponding treatment. The Subaxial Injury Classification holds an important correlation
with the clinical manifestations; it identifies three major characteristics that should be
taken into consideration: the morphology of the injury, the state of the disc–ligamentous
complex, and the presence, or not, of neurological clinical manifestations. Based on the
severity score of clinical manifestations, an option of definitive treatment is
recommended21,26(Table 1). There has also been controversy on how to approach and
stabilize cervical fractures and subluxations. The benefits associated with the
aforementioned approach are that there is not as much tissue damage or bleeding, that it is
easy to access the injured intervertebral disc complex, and that it is possible to decompress
the spinal canal,27 and reliably perform intersomatic fixation in circumscribed injuries to one
or two vertebral segments.28 The posterior approach allows us to release fragments from
neural arches, and gives us the possibility of reducing any posterior articular apophysis, and
safely stabilize pedicle screws.27 However, it usually associates a higher risk of complications
of the surgical wound and, in case of protrusion or herniated disc, decompression would be
required through the anterior approach prior to the reduction. Depending on the
experience of the surgical team is, the actual results can be similar.

Table 1.

Subaxial injury classification.

Subaxial injury classification Score


No abnormality 0

Compression 1

Burst +1=2

Distraction (hyperextension, facet perch) 3

Rotation/translation (facet dislocation, tear-drop or flexion-compression

injury) 4

Disc–ligamentous complex

Intact 0

Indeterminate (isolated interspinous widening, MR signal change only) 1

Disruption (widening of disc space, facet perch or dislocation) 2

Neurological state

Intact 0

Radicular injury 1

Complete spinal cord injury 2

Incomplete spinal cord injury 3

Image of spinal cord compression with neurological deficit +1=1

Tomada de Vaccaro et al.25

In the study of thoracolumbar spinal injuries, classifications based on instability criteria

according to the three-column concept developed by Denis and McAfee29 were used. Thus,
the most widely used classification is that of Magerl et al.,30 with further reviews for its
clinical application. Aebi29describes this classification by distinguishing three types of
injuries based on the structures affected and the mechanism of production. Its treatment
and management has evolved and changed with the passing of time. Until the decade of
the 1990s, the main focus of interest was the techniques of posterior stabilization. The last
two decades have seen the birth of techniques of anterior and combined
approaches.31,32 One review of 733 patients conducted by a German multicentre
group33 describes the results and complications of the different techniques available, with
correlation results of major deformities using the anterior approach, but without any
differences in neurological progression, and a 15 percentage of overall perioperative
complications. However, the compression of the canal per se is not a criterion for surgical
management, as it has already been discussed in several reviews.34

In sum, in the surgical assessment of spinal injuries there are several factors that come
together and should be handled with updated criteria; also, the type of intervention to be
implemented will depend on the experience of the surgical team. In general, the correct
surgical management includes a combination of spinal decompression, correction of the
deformity, and reduction and fusion of the fracture in order to be able to provide vertebral
stability in the long run.

When should the surgical management be approached?

The actual surgical management of traumatic SCIs includes decompression and stabilization.
However, there is no consensus on when is the best time to approach surgical
management. While some advocate for early surgical decompressions in order to minimize
the compression time of the spinal cord, what is the best time to perform decompression,
at least in a prospective and randomized way, has not been established yet.

Evidence from experimental studies indicates that prolonged spinal cord compressions after
suffering from one traumatic SCI exacerbate the secondary injury and are inversely
proportional to neurological recovery.35 This would endorse the theory that decompressive
surgery after one traumatic SCI attenuates the mechanisms of secondary injuries and
improves neurological outcomes.35

The arguments in favour of early decompressions include less secondary injuries, shorter
hospital stays and shorter ICU stays, and fewer medical complications, and comorbidities.
The arguments against early decompressions include the risk of neurological impairment,
and complications associated with emergent surgical interventions.36

In a recent systematic review, El Tecle et al. analyzed the medical literature in an effort to
determine the optimal moment to approach surgical management. Both in experimental
and clinical trials, researchers found a large variability in the definition of early
decompression when compared to late decompression (1min and 8h in experimental trials,
and less than 24 and 72h in clinical trials). Data from experimental trials favour early
decompressions, yet from a clinical standpoint there is little evidence showing feasibility
and safety in early decompressions. Also, there is no conclusive evidence of better results in
any of the two groups. The results from the clinical trials were variable. Thus, some trials
confirmed recoveries in patients who underwent early decompressions (these trials defined
early decompression as those decompressions performed in <24h), while others confirmed
that eary surgeries increase mortality and neurological impairment.36 All clinical trials were
retrospective, except for the Surgical Timing in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study37 in 2012, and
Jug et al.’s study in 2015. In this last study, the neurological results of 22 patients with
traumatic cervical SCIs who underwent early decompressions and instrumented spinal
fusions before 8h were better than the neurological results of 20 patients who underwent
surgery after 8 and before 24h.38 The Surgical Timing in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study is a
new prospective, multicentre, cohort clinical trial conducted in 6 centres of the United
States in patients with cervical SCIs with ages between 16 and 80 years old, GCS>13, initial
ASIA classification A–D, cervical spine compression confirmed through MRI or myelo-CT
scan, neurological level of the injury between the C2 and T1, and being capable of giving
their informed consent. Patients with cognitive impairment, penetrating cervical injuries,
prior neurological conditions, vital injuries preventing early decompressions, who arrived at
the hospital >24h and those who underwent surgery >7 days after the SCI were precluded
from the study. Out of 470 patients, 313 met the study criteria; among them, 182 were
operated in less than 24h and constituted the early surgery cohort, while 131 were
operated after 24h and constituted the late surgery cohort. Both groups were followed
prospectively six months after the injury. The outcomes measurements were changes in the
ASIA classification, in the rate of complications and in mortality. The conclusion was that
early decompressions (<24h) in cervical, traumatic SCIs can be performed safely and are
associated with better neurological results (19.8 per cent of patients who underwent early
surgeries showed a 2 point score improvement in the ASIA classification versus 8.8 per cent
of those who underwent late surgeries).37

In sum, even though there is not enough evidence to endorse that early decompression
interventions lead to better neurological results after the occurrence of traumatic SCIs, it
seems proven that they are feasible and clinically safe. Considering that in traumatic SCIs,
the priority is to maximize both the possibilities and degree of recovery,39 in today's
practice we should recommend the early surgical management (decompression and
instrumented fusion) based on the feasibility and availability of the expert surgical teams of
each hospital.

Pain and anxiety

The patient with acute SCI has pain killing and sedation needs during the time he/she is
being managed in the ICU or the trauma centre that are common to other polytraumatized
patients, but with special considerations in the progression and management of his/her

The pain of patients with acute SCIs has several origins and characteristics, and based on
these, different progression and prognosis. According to the series, its incidence is highly
variable ranging between 26 and 96 per cent.40

In its most recent review, the International Association for the Study of Pain proposes three
main types of pain associated with SCIs: nociceptive pain, neuropathic pain, and a third
group that includes other remaining types of pain41,42 (Table 2). Nocioceptive pain is usually
described as a dull, constant, continuous pain that grows worse with movement, improves
with rest, and is localized in areas of preserved sensitivity. Neuropathic pain depends on
whether it is located “above” (at present, this is not considered a typical type of pain
associated with SCI), “at” or “below” the level of the neurological injury. It is often
described as a burning sensation, pressure, itch or electric current, and can be associated
with allodynia or hyperalgesia and located in areas of impaired sensitivity.43

Table 2.

Classification of pain associated with spinal cord injuries (International Spinal Cord Injury

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Musculoskeletal Associated to spams
Visceral Constipation
Nocioceptive pain Other Decubitus ulcer

Neuropathic pain
Pain associated with SCI Syringomyelia
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

At SCI level Cauda equine syndrome

Below the SCI Post-thoracotomy pain
Other neuropathic pain Carpal tunnel syndrome

Other type of pain

Unknown causes

Adapted and translated from Finnerup,41 2013.

Acute pain coming from injured osteoarticular structures may be considered nocioceptive
pain according to the classification designed by the International Association for the Study
of Pain, and shows characteristics that are common to other traumatized patients; as such
it becomes more intense with move and varies on the vectors of strengths applied on the
fracture focus.

The injured neural structures are source of the so-called neuropathic pain. In its physiology,
anatomical changes are implied in nerve structures, inflammatory processes, neuronal
hyperexcitability–that activates the transfer in pain pathways, and sympathetic
activation.44 This type of pain can be classified under two categories: at the same injury
level, or below the injury. In the former one, the changes located in the neurons of the
posterior horn of the spinal cord generate impulses that are transmitted towards the pain
pathways. Similarly, the injury or root compression may also generate lancinanting pain of
radicular or metameric distribution. It is in the acute phase when this pain becomes more
common–at injury level, it maintains over time and becomes chronic, being characteristic
its appearance during the first few weeks.44,45 This is why its diagnosis is important both for
the early stabilization of the fracture and assessment of the need for radicular

Finally, the infralesional neuropathic pain is of late appearance though it may appear at any
time during the first year of SCI.40

Thus, in the strategy of managing pain in the acute phase of one SCI, we should assess the
type of pain the patient has during its progression from the very moment of hospital
Nocioceptive pain should be responsive to the usual protocols: paracetamol, opioids and
anti-inflammatory drugs.46

Even though there are few references on its initiation in the acute phase, in the
pharmacological armamentarium for the management of neuropathic pain we find
anticonvulsants, tricyclic antidepressants, sodium channel blockers, and opioids, among

According to the recommendations by the International Association for the Study of Pain
and associated reviews, pregabalin48 stands as the first-line therapy, being the only known
drug for the management of neuropathic pain of SCIs,40 associated to tramadol,49 tricyclic
antidepressants, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, duloxetine50 as a long term strategy,
and opioids51 as major analgesia in the acute phase, with a recommendation of trying to
limit the time of administration.

Thus, in our routine clinical practice there is usually a correlation among paracetamol,
opioids–morphine–and gabapentin,52 while nowadays pregabalin is preferred, that requires
high doses (>300mg/day) after several weeks of therapy.

Anxiety in the polytraumatized patient is a known factor that may require sedation in order
to guarantee the patient's wellbeing and security while enabling routine neurological
evaluations. The situation of patients with AML translates into a crisis where pain, sensory
privation, confusion, anxiety and rejection overlap,53 making psychological support,
communication with the patient, and management of acute symptoms necessary. For early
sedation, the administration of opioids is recommended, together with benzodiazepines–
midazolam, lorazepam, and the induction of anaesthesia with propofol52 in order to
guarantee powerful anaesthesia. In patients who do not need intubation it is advisable to
reduce the level of anxiety by implementing a strategy of cooperative sedation with
propofol, midazolam, and fentanyl. However, in patients who need prolonged MV, deep
sedation will be necessary during the first few days, with the use of medications with short
half lives in case they need routine neurological evaluations. Dexmedetomidine should not
be used in cervical and thoracic SCIs due to its sympathetic-lytic effects.

The prevalence of pain, anxiety, and depression in the acute phase of SCIs is high. Pain can
amount to 77 per cent, and there can be confluence with depression in 22–35 per cent of
the case.54 The high prevalence of pain interferes with the initial treatment of rehabilitation,
and up to 47 per cent of patients report pain in various locations,45 that in 30–42 per cent of
patients is categorized as moderate-severe pain. However, the intensity of pain is not a
determining factor per se in the concurrence of depression in the progression of spinal cord
injuries (SCI).

The evaluation and management of chronic pain in SCI patients is one of the key aspects in
the comprehensive approach of these patients, since it is going to have a significant impact
on the patient's future quality of life.55

Secondary prevention

After SCIs, respiratory and cardiac functions need special attention. However, all systems of
the human organism are affected, and this is why both the prevention and early diagnosis
of any associated complications are part of the comprehensive management of these

Venous thromboembolic disease

Patients with acute SCIs have a higher risk of suffering from venous thromboembolic
disease than other patients with severe trauma.56 This is due to the simultaneous presence
of venous stasis, transient states of hypercoagulability, and intimal lesions. Using screening
tests, the silent deep venous thrombosis could be detected in up to 62 per cent of all
patients.57 The generalized use of thromboprophilaxis is believed to be behind the
reduction of deaths due to pulmonary thromboembolisms (8.5 per cent from 1983 to 1985,
and 3.3 per cent in 2014).58

The venous thromboembolic disease is more common in patients with paraplegia, complete
lesions ASIA A, concomitant fractures of lower limbs, acute phases of the injury (more
common during the first 3 months), without prophylaxis or delayed onset, prior
thromboembolism, and thrombophilia.56,58

The Doppler ultrasound scan, the impedance plethysmography, and phlebography are the
recommended diagnostic methods.59,60 Clinical diagnosis is not very reliable; 65 per cent of
deep venous thrombosis may not show any evident clinical signs.61 Similarly, determining
the D-dimer amount in the acute phase of SCIs is not useful and is not recommended; it
may be useful for screening during the rehabilitation phase since its negative predictive
value is high.62 The phlebography has been considered the best diagnostic test, but it is an
invasive method not without complications. The Doppler ultrasound scan can be performed
at the patient's bedside, is less invasive, and more cost-effective than the phlebography,
and this is why it is the recommended method to diagnose deep venous thrombosis in
patients with SCIs. When the Doppler ultrasound scan is negative and clinical suspicion is
high, the phlebography should be performed, prophylaxis is mandatory and, if it is not
counterindicated, should be initiated during the first 72h after the occurrence of the
SCI.58,60,63 The use of low molecular weight heparines is recommended during the 8th–12th
weeks.58–60,63 Also, moving the lower limbs, using mechanical methods like sequential
compression devices or elastic stockings, and low molecular weight heparines58,61,63,64 may
help. However, placing filters in the inferior vena cava (IVC) is not recommended as a
routine prophylactic regimen.58,59

Gastrointestinal alterations

Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions are a common consequence of SCIs. Both the

gastroparesis and paralytic ileus occurring during the first 24–48h are due to a lack of
sympathetic and parasympathetic activity during the spinal shock phase, and usually resolve
within 2–3 days. Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions make their debut with abdominal
distension that may worsen the respiratory function in patients with high cervical or
thoractic SCIs. Management is based on keeping the patient in absolute diet, and placing
one open nasogastric catheter until the return of bowel function.63 The use of
metoclopramide, neostigmine, or erythromycin can be effective too.

Dysphagia with its corresponding risk of aspiration is present in up to 16–41 per cent of
patients with quadriplejia.65 Also, other risks factors are the presence of tracheostomy,
cervical orthosis, anterior cervical surgery, and concomitant TBI (traumatic brain injury),
among others. An assessment of the swallowing function should be performed before
starting any oral feeding.

The acute abdomen process, though rare, is hard to detect in patients with SCIs. Signs like
pain, stiffness, or abdominal defense are usually absent, mainly in high SCIs. Haemorrhages
and intestinal perforation, cholecystitis, and pancreatitis are common causes.66–68 SCIs,
especially the cervical SCI, associate a high risk of stress ulcer occurrence.69 An early
management with nutritional support and prophylaxis with H2 blockers or proton pump
inhibitors (PPI) for four weeks63,68 is recommended. Its prolonged use may increase the risk
of intestinal infection due to Clostridium difficile. Cholelithiasis is more common in patients
with SCIs than in the general population70; it is suggested that sympathetic innervation
leads to impaired vesicle motility, that in turn leads to bile stasis and to the formation of
stones. Pancreatitis may be misdiagnosed in patients with acute SCIs. In a study conducted
by Pirolla et al., of 78 patients with acute SCIs, pancreatitis was diagnosed in 11.5 per cent
of the patients, and an increased level of pancreatic enzymes in 37.1 per cent of the
patients that, in more than two thirds, was accompanied by an adynamic
ileus.67 Cholecystitis and pancreatitis should be included as part of the differential diagnosis
of acute abdomen in patients with spinal cord injuries.

The upper mesenteric artery syndrome is less common, but a characteristic trait of SCIs. It is
manifested by recurrent abdominal distension, pain, and vomits after eating.71

As soon as the patient starts being fed through enteral feeding, one programme should be
established in order to achieve periodic bowel movements. This is usually accomplished
through a combination of oral and rectal laxatives.

The urinary system

During the period that comes right after the occurrence of one SCI, the reflex activity of the
urinary tract is lost. There is urinary retention even in incomplete patients. Oliguria, possibly
as a result of the formation of the third space, is common in the early phase. The placing of
one transurethral catheter from the beginning avoids the over-distension of the vesicle and
the monitoring of diuresis. If the transurethral catheter is counterindicated (uretheral
trauma) one suprapubic catheter should be placed.

There can be an immediate or early presence of priapism right after the occurrence of the
SCI, which is indicative of complete SCI. It is characterized by being of high flow (non-
ischaemic) and resolves within a few hours without any specific treatments; it rarely
requires urological consultation.72

Based on our own experience, the rhabdomyolysis (CPK>500IU/L) that occurs in 51.5 per
cent of the patients with acute SCI requires ICU admission during the first 48h after the
occurrence of the injury. Even though prognosis looks good and does not have a direct
influence on mortality or the average hospital stay, it is a variable that should be taken into
consideration when trying to establish the most adequate therapy.73

The vesicle re-education programme should also be initiated during the acute phase,
though it is not as urgent as the bowel programme. Vesicle emptying using intermittent
catheterization (initially every 4–6h) is associated with fewer complications than the
permanent catheter. It requires the adjustment of fluids in order to be able to maintain
diuresis <100ml/h, so that the volume of catheters is kept aroud 400ml and vesicle
distension is avoided.74 The patient needs to be hemodynamically stable, have an adequate
fluidification of respiratory secretions and, in general, not require any IV fluids.


After the occurrence of one SCI there is a quick loss of nitrogen with negative nitrogen
balance associated with flaccid paralysis and muscle atrophy due to denervation below the
injury.75 The more serious the SCI is (quadriplegy, upper body paraplegia, and ASIA A
injuries), the more severe the loss is, that will go on for another 2–4 weeks yet despite
nutritional support. Energetic expenditure (EE) at rest is lower than the estimates and trying
to correct the loss of nitrogen by increasing the caloric intake can lead to overfeeding. The
indirect calorimetry is the most reliable method to measure the EE and assess the caloric
needs of patients with SCI.63,76 Serum levels that are low in proteins, and malnutrition are
associated with higher mortality rates.77

The recommendation is to start feeding during the first 72h, yet a pilot study (Dvorak et al.,
2004) did not find any differences in the nutritional state, in the incidence of infection, in
the time of MV, or in the average stay of patients with early initiation of feeding (<72h)
compared to patients with late initiation of feeding (>120h).78

There are no studies conducted in humans on how the numbers of glucose influence the
prognosis of patients with acute SCIs. Its influence on other neurocritical populations is part
of an ongoing debate. In one systematic review, Kramer et al. conclude that the strict
control of glycemia does not seem to influence mortality in neurocritical patients; even
levels in very low ranges were associated with worse neurological prognosis, and this is the
reason why intermediate levels are the most suitable of all.79

Pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers may be prevented and prevention strategies should start at hospital
admission and extend during the hospital stay. They occur in areas of bony prominences as
a result of the pressure exerted by support structures. The factors contributing to its
occurrence during the first few days are loss of sensitivity, immobility, TBI, spinal
immobilization devices such as Crutchfield skull traction tongs, and boards; also casts, and
splints in cases of injuries accompanied by limbs affectation. Any areas of bony
prominences are at risk, especially the occiput, shoulder blades, sacrum and coccyx, ankles
and heels; also chin, ears, and clavicles in patients who wear neck braces.
The patient should not wear any spinal immobilization devices upon arrival at the hospital
emergency room. On some occasions, the board will be maintained during long periods of
time, until the completion of radiological scans, with the corresponding risk of developing
subdermal injuries that could become evident from the very first hour of maintained

The presence of spinal cord injuries leads to bed immobilization and bed rest, and use of
Crutchfield skull traction tongs or neck braces until definitive surgical management. Piling
pillows to liberate areas at risk (heels, sacrum, shoulder blades) and changing the patient's
position every 2–3h are essential preventive measures. Also, if special beds are available to
allow changes of position without moving the patient they will surely facilitate the task and
barely move the patient's spine. With each repositioning, the patient's skin should be
examined for the early detection of injury progression. Similarly, the daily inspection and
cleaning of the areas of pin insertion (cranial traction, halo) and skin underneath the neck
braces should be observed. Also the periodic assessment of nutritional state63 is

Conflicts of interests

We the authors declare that while conducting this paper there were no conflicts of interests
linked whatsoever.

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