Aerodynamic Design, Characterization and Flight Performance of RLV-TD

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Special Section:

Aerodynamic design, characterization and

flight performance of RLV-TD
G. Vidya*, K. Manokaran, V. R. Ganesan, M. Prasath, Sundeepkumar Epuri,
P. Balasubramanian, C. Babu, B. Venkatasubrahmanyam and
Priyankar Bandyopadhyay
Aeronautics Entity, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, India

RLV-TD configuration design evolution

Complete aerodynamic design and characterization of
ascent as well as descent phases of Reusable Launch (descent phase)
Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) have
been obtained through thousands of wind tunnel tests, The objective of this RLV-TD hypersonic experiment
flow simulations using various computational fluid (HEX) mission is to demonstrate the technologies related
dynamic codes and tailor-made engineering codes. to a future reusable two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) vehicle of
The evolution of the ascent and descent designs, aero- Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The chal-
dynamic characterization and flight performance is lenges involved in the configuration design are outlined
presented in this article. The flight data comparison of in Box 1. (1) Desirable lift-to-drag ratio at hypersonic
aerodynamic coefficients, control surface loads, pres- Mach numbers and high angles of attack during re-entry,
sure distribution and external acoustic levels with pre- in order to limit the deceleration levels to reasonable val-
flight data is good and therefore, providing confidence
ue and, achieve the required down range and cross range.
in using the ground-based data generation techniques
along with defined dispersion bands. Some of the (2) Provide adequate longitudinal, directional and lateral
minor deviations in the performance observed in controllability using elevon and rudder in the high
flight were resolved/understood in the post-flight dynamic pressure regime and using Reaction Control
analysis, whereas few effects observed in flight need System (RCS) jets also in low dynamic pressure regime.
further understanding. (3) Provide sufficient lift-to-drag ratio at low speeds to
limit the sink rate. (4) Minimize the aerodynamic heating
Keywords: Aerodynamic design and characterization, to an acceptable level for the given material. (5) Mini-
ascent and descent phases, flight performance, Reusable mize the centre of pressure movement with Mach num-
Launch Vehicle, wing body. ber. (6) Sizing of the fins in the ascent configuration to
ensure controllability in all the axes and to reduce the
static instability. (7) Flat-bottom surface of the fuselage
Introduction for ease of placement of tiles. (8) Sufficient fuselage
volume to accommodate avionics packages, actuators,
AERODYNAMICS plays a vital role in deciding the overall batteries, RCS fuel tanks and thrusters, etc.
capability of a flying machine and aerodynamic inputs
are used for the design and analyses of various systems Design choices
such as structure, trajectory, flight control system and
simulation studies. The data are generated using wind In order to meet the given mission requirements, the lift-
tunnel testing, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simu- ing body and wing-body configurations are considered.
lations and empirical/engineering methods. The uncer-
tainties on the aerodynamic coefficients are different Box 1. Design requirements in descent vehicle.
from that of the conventional launch vehicle and more Adequate aerodynamic efficiency (L/D; subsonic ~5
complex due to a large number of variables. and hypersonic ~2).
In this article, a brief description of the wing body Re- RCS jets used for 3 axes control at low dynamic
usable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV- pressure conditions.
TD) configuration design and its evolution, aerodynamic Stability and controllability at all flight regimes. Control
characterization and flight performance are presented. surface deflections limited to 30.
Lift to support overall mass of the TDV (~1750 kg).
Touchdown velocity, VTD < 80 m/s @ angle of attack 15.
Maximum load factor <4 g.
q-heat flux in the stagnation region <60 W/cm .
*For correspondence. (e-mail: [email protected])

48 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Lifting bodies have low lift-to-drag (L/D) ratio and hence of angle of attack () at Mach number (M) = 2, along
low cross and downrange and gliding capability. On the with engineering estimate using ‘WTAP’2. Even an up-
other hand, the wing body configuration has high L/D in ward elevon deflection of –20 results in trim at 0 angle
subsonic as well as hypersonic speeds, which gives better of attack only at Mach number 2.0. Therefore, changes in
cross and downrange. The wing-body configuration is se- the configuration were necessary to improve longitudinal
lected to provide high aerodynamic efficiency. To arrive at controllability, especially at supersonic conditions.
the geometrical details of this configuration, database of The wing airfoil was derived from NACA0012 with
winged-body vehicles having similar mission profile is used flat bottom surface. Further, the airfoil was reshaped from
for arriving at nominal values and trade-off studies are car- cambered to reflex type in order to reduce the excessive
ried out to assess the effect of various parameters on the pitching moment. The reflex airfoil is S-shaped with neg-
vehicle aerodynamic characteristics. Final values of vehicle ative camber for the aft 20% of the chord length to reduce
parameters are selected to meet the mission requirements. the pitch down moment and bring it close to zero about
Fuselage with ogive-shaped forebody, low-aspect-ratio the aerodynamic centre. The airfoil thickness-to-chord
double-delta wing with single vertical tail was the first ratio was varied from 10% to 12% from root to tip of the
configuration for which extensive wind tunnel testing was wing span. The wing planform area was reduced without
carried out. Figure 1 shows the RLV-TD configuration with sacrificing lift requirements. The forebody was re-
single vertical tail wing-body configuration with body flap. designed for better longitudinal controllability and to re-
Figure 2 shows the experimental and PARAS-3D CFD1 duce the directional instability level at supersonic and
results for pitching moment coefficient (cm) as a function hypersonic regimes. Body flap was removed due to the
constraints during RLV-TD/HS9 booster separation. The
single vertical tail was replaced with twin canted vertical
tail because of better aerodynamic control. The twin
canted vertical tail airfoil is a double-wedge type with
maximum thickness at 60% of chord. The rudders are
used for directional control and also as speed brakes and
thus augment the vehicle trimmability in pitch (rudderva-
tor). The fuselage configuration has to meet the volume
requirement apart from the aerodynamic requirements.
The fuselage has a blunt ogive forebody followed by D-
section fuselage. The ‘D’ section with semicircle top and
box-type bottom section is selected to facilitate (i) ease of
thermal protection system (TPS) tile manufacturing and
mounting on the bottom surface, and (ii) to have blended
low wing configuration to reduce aerodynamic heating.
The wing has a double-delta planform with 80 leading
edge strake angle and 45 main wing leading edge angle.
Figure 1. Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV- The 80/45 wing planform delays the wing stall and re-
TD) wing-body configuration with single vertical tail and body flap –
one of the earlier configurations for which detailed characterization
duces the centre of pressure movement over the operating
was carried out. range of Mach numbers. The wing has an aspect ratio of
2.16, 3 dihedral angle (wing tip section is at a higher
level than the wing root section) and wing span of 0.55
times the vehicle length. RCS thrusters of 12 numbers
were used for three axes controls during low dynamic
pressure conditions. The pitch RCS thrusters were placed
in the aft fuselage top and bottom surfaces, the yaw RCS
thrusters were placed at the aft fuselage side panels and
roll RCS thrusters were placed in the top and bottom sur-
faces of the wing. The control surface deflection was lim-
ited to 30. Figure 3 shows the finalized descent phase

RLV-TD configuration design evolution

(ascent phase)

Figure 2. Single vertical tail configuration pitching moment charac- The ascent configuration is a tandem arrangement with a
teristics with elevon deflections indicating trim issue at M = 2.0. wing-body configuration on the top of a 9 tonne solid
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Special Section:

rocket booster. The design is evolved by meeting various various fin planforms with span ranging from 1.2 to
design criteria dictated by aerodynamics, aero elasticity, 2.0 m were studied to improve the high  both in the
structures, propulsion and controls. The tandem arrange- nominal and off-nominal cases with acceptable aerody-
ments resulted in a large aerodynamic instability about namics (henceforth abbreviated to aero) and gain mar-
the centre of gravity. This instability is reduced by four gins. The aero and gain margins for the launch vehicles
fins placed on the base shroud near the base of the are generally kept at 6 and 3 dB for nominal and off-
vehicle. The fins have both fixed and movable (outer) nominal vehicle aero data respectively. However, this
parts; the aerodynamic control is through the movable type of new configuration with wing body on the top may
fins. During initial liftoff, where the dynamic pressure is call for higher margins. Another aspect is that even if the
very low, the pitch–yaw controls are achieved through vehicle is controllable with high  due to large static
secondary injection thrust vector controls (SITVC) and control force, flexibility may result in a reduction in the
the roll control is through roll RCS thrusters. As the gain margin. Therefore, the RLV-TD ascent vehicle con-
dynamic pressure builds up above 2 kPa, the movable figuration fin design has to meet the conflicting require-
fins are activated to control the vehicle in all three axes. ments of acceptable aero and gain margin for the required
The major hurdle in the finalization of the ascent performance.
vehicle configuration is the high aerodynamic moment The outcome of various fin design studies indicated
coefficient, i.e.  (the ratio of aerodynamic moment that the increase in root chord and leading edge sweep
about the centre of gravity to the moment of inertia about angle has little effect on , whereas, the increase in span
the pitch axis, also M /Iyy) of 20 (off-nominal 25) for the improves . Thickness distribution and wedge angle are
nominal case at Mach number 1.1, whereas in our influenced by structural design and actuator mounting
expendable launch vehicles,  ranges from 0.75 to 4.5. requirements, though the drag coefficient is affected
This parameter is a direct indication of how quickly a dis- adversely by these requirements. However, the off-nominal
turbance builds up in the form of angular acceleration.  of 25 is feasible only when the aero margin is reduced
Even though the static control force which is available to 1 dB with improved actuator bandwidth of 6.5 Hz. The
through the deflection of movable fins is more than the final fin design was selected based on the control and
aerodynamic disturbance force, high  posed difficulty structural dynamics consideration, where acceptable 
in the autopilot design due to the aerodynamic control and normal force coefficient slope due to movable fin
action not being fast enough to overcome the disturbance deflection, CN (control surface effectiveness) were
build-up. achieved. The ascent configuration shown has height
The core base shroud length is (1.22 m long with 6 which is 2.6 times the length of RLV-TD. There are four
flare angle) fixed and hence, the root chord of the fin fins placed in X-configuration at the core base shroud to
cannot be more than the core base shroud length unless improve the longitudinal stability and controllability dur-
over-hanging fin is desired. For the fin control, both all ing ascent phase. Each fin has a fixed part and movable
movable and movable tip fin options were studied and the part for pitch, yaw and roll controls, with a limit of
latter was chosen. Therefore, the base of the fin has the 30 deg.
fixed portion and the tip has the movable portion. The The effect of wake of the forebody on the fins is
captured in the design cycle using CFD simulations and

Figure 3. Finalized RLV-TD descent configuration with reflex wing

and canted twin vertical tail with body flap removed.

Figure 4. Volume lines from CFD simulation indicating interference Figure 5. Evolution of RLV-TD ascent configuration with major
flow field from wings and vertical tails over the aft fins. changes in the fin design.

50 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 6. Overall mission sequence of RLV-TD from liftoff to splashdown in sea along with angle of attack and control surface
deflection profile in the descent phase.

wind tunnel tests. The wake of the forebody, especially attack is small and the control is completely through
from the vertical tail (VT) and wing, passes over the fins elevon and rudder. The vehicle landed on virtual runway
placed at the aft (Figure 4), resulting in decrease of local in the sea with allowable sink rate so that the structure
angle of attack up to ~3 deg. was intact. Also, the trajectory was essentially planar, i.e.
Figure 5 shows the ascent configuration design evolu- angle of sideslip was not commanded, but produced as a
tion, where the fin design is changed from 1.2 m span result of various disturbances only and was close to zero.
with 30 deg sweep to the final design of 1.5 m span with Based on the mission sequence, aerodynamic charac-
15 deg sweep. Trailing edge sweep angle is 0 degree. The terization can be broadly classified into: (1) low speed,
fin area was increased by ~70%, whereas the movable fin liftoff regime with high angles of attack and launch pad
area was increased by ~45% to meet stability and control proximity effects; (2) ascent flight with small angles of
requirements (off-nominal  of ~32 and CN of ~0.6 at attack and fin deflection; (3) stage separation at hyper-
M = 1.1). sonic Mach number at small angles of attack; (4) high
altitude phase where RCS thrusters and control surfaces
are operated in combination at moderate to high angles of
HEX mission profile attack, and (5) Descent phase at supersonic to subsonic
Mach numbers with varying angles of attack and control
The overall mission sequence of RLV-TD is shown in surface deflections. The aerodynamic characterization
Figure 6; and has the following salient features. The was carried out for various configurations according to
RLV-TD placed in tandem with HS9 booster, was lifted- various phases of flight.
off from SDSC-SHAR first launch pad. During lift-off, The ascent phase mission profile is similar to launch
the vehicle experienced high angle of attack aerodynam- vehicle mission profile, where angle of attack is small,
ics at low speeds. Roll RCS thrusters were used during but the difference lies in the aerodynamic characteriza-
the low dynamic pressure regime prevailing during liftoff tion with fin deflections (elevons and rudders are always
for roll control. The vehicle attained low angle of attack in null position), which increases the number of models
after clearing the launch pad and was controlled by mov- and tests to an order of magnitude higher than that of a
able fin from subsonic to hypersonic Mach numbers. typical launch vehicle. During the descent phase, how-
RLV-TD was separated from HS9 booster at high alti- ever, the complexity and database requirements are higher,
tude, where the flow is hypersonic. The vehicle was re- since the number of variables increases (Mach number,
oriented to high angle of attack using a combination of angle of attack, angle of sideslip, elevon deflection, rud-
elevon deflection and yaw RCS firing. Upon entry into der deflection) and the range of angle of attack is also
sensible atmosphere, the angle of attack was brought wider according to the entry phase mission requirements.
down to reasonable levels as the vehicle decelerated to All the above factors drive the aerodynamic data
lower altitudes and low supersonic Mach numbers. Below requirements to a higher level than that involved in a
M = 2, closed loop guidance was used, where the angle of typical launch vehicle. Database for a conventional
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 51
Special Section:

Figure 7. Aerodynamic characterization for generation of inputs to various disciplines.

expendable launch vehicle results in tens of data tables, launch vehicle configuration, instrumenting the RLV
whereas the database for RLV-TD is in thousands. wing-body model with pressure ports located along the
longitudinal and lateral generators is an order of magni-
tude more complex, due to the thickness and volume
Aerodynamic characterization
availability, especially in the wing, vertical tail and con-
trol surfaces.
CFD codes, and engineering methods based on a database
Figure 7 shows a flowchart of aerodynamic characteri-
were used for conceptual design and sizing of various
zation and its end use in launch vehicle system design.
components. PARAS-3D, a Cartesian grid-based CFD code
was used extensively for configuration design trade-off stu-
dies. The message passing interface (MPI) based paralleli- Aerodynamic characterization in ascent phase
zation, capability to import CAD-based geometries, fully
automatic grid generation and adaptation capability make Aerodynamic characterization was carried out for liftoff
it ideal for production simulations. Other CFD codes such low-speed, high angle of attack conditions, small angle of
as UNS3D, SU2 (open source) and CFD++ (commercial attack from subsonic to hypersonic flight and stage sepa-
code) were also used for design and analysis. SAGA (Su- ration at hypersonic conditions, using a combination of
percomputer for Aerospace with GPU architecture) with a wind tunnel test data, CFD and engineering methods.
theoretical peak speed of 450 TeraFLOPS was exclusively The data obtained from low speed tests at high angles
used for thousands of CFD simulations in the design evo- of attack and load distribution generated through engi-
lution phase and aerodynamic characterization phase. neering method (cross-flow theory results matched to test
Various wind-tunnel facilities such as 1 m hypersonic data) were used for structural design, analysis of the base
tunnel and 0.25 m hypersonic tunnel at VSSC, Thiru- shroud as well as for liftoff simulation studies. Figure 8
vananthapuram, trisonic wind tunnel at NAL, Bengaluru, shows the sensitivity of normal force coefficient to prox-
and low speed wind tunnel at IIT Kanpur were used. imity of launch pad and umbilical tower, and also to wind
Eighteen models (scales 1 : 1 to 1 : 140) were fabricated direction when the vehicle is on the launch pad. This in-
and more than 4000 blowdowns were carried out. CFD formation was also used in choosing liftoff time.
and engineering codes were employed where wind tunnel The vehicle configuration in ascent phase was an un-
testing was not feasible. Pressure and load distribution conventional combination of winged body mounted on
were estimated only through CFD, since earlier validation the HS9 booster. Hence, fins were sized for both stability
studies for winged bodies indicated good match with test and pitch/yaw/roll control using the movable part of the
data for overall force and moment coefficients, especially fins. During this phase, the elevons and rudders were held
at design critical Mach numbers. Also, unlike the regular at null position. Aerodynamic characterization of the
52 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018
Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 8. Liftoff aerodynamic characterization showing the sensitivity of normal force coeffi-
cients to the launch pad umbilical tower and wind directions.

Figure 9. Ascent vehicle normal force and pitching moment coefficients without fin deflection.

vehicle consists of tests with and without fin deflection. number 1.1 for various fin deflections at 0 angle of
Figure 9 illustrates the variation of normal force and attack. The slight nonlinearity in the data is visible
pitching moment coefficients for various Mach numbers clearly. It can be observed that CFD prediction and test
without fin deflection at various total angles of attack  data match well at this Mach number.
with 0 roll angle. This shows the asymmetric nature of The results for incremental aerodynamic coefficients
the vehicle aerodynamics due to the configuration. The due to single fin deflection were properly transformed to
data are crucial input for trajectory and control system get aerodynamic coefficients due to various fin deflection
design. Peak value for pitching moment coefficient oc- combinations which can occur in flight. Few wind tunnel
curred at transonic Mach number and the value decreased tests carried out at select Mach numbers revealed that the
with increasing Mach number at supersonic values. linear superposition adopted led to a difference of ~20%
It is not possible to carry out tests for various fin de- at M = 1.1. Fin–fin interference decreased with increase
flections ranging from +30 to –30 for all the fins at in Mach number. Hence, fin–fin interference was studied
various Mach numbers, roll angles and angles of attack. in-depth using CFD codes and wind tunnel tests, especially
Hence, it was decided to test fins 2 and 4 for obtaining at M = 1.1, which was critical from controllability point
incremental aerodynamic coefficients due to fin deflec- of view. Combined fin deflection data have been generated
tion, and then suitably transform data to be used for fins 1 through wind tunnel tests to validate the derived fin deflec-
and 3. Figure 10 presents incremental normal force coef- tion data from individual fin deflections. In these tests, the
ficient due to fin 4 deflection as estimated using wind fin deflections were limited to 10, since mission simula-
tunnel tests and CFD code PARAS-3D at critical Mach tion studies revealed that fin deflection in the off-nominal

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 53

Special Section:

Figure 10. Fin numbering convention and incremental normal force coefficient comparison due to fin 4 deflection.

TD3 was planned at an altitude where the dynamic pres-

sure was of the order of 2 kPa. Time march study was
carried out to perform separation dynamics analysis and
to ensure collision-free separation during the flight. The
worst-case time march sequence accounting dispersion
band was done till separating distance of X = 0.5D
(D – diameter of HS9 booster), which happened at 1 sec
from separation. Aerodynamic coefficients of separating
HS9 body were measured for different attitudes, lateral
and longitudinal distances from the winged body. The
experimental data (Figure 12), indicate that axial force
coefficient (CA) increases gradually up to X = 0.3D and
a sudden jump is observed at X = 0.475D as HS9
experiences supersonic flow (noticed in Schlieren image
in Figure 12). At the starting of the separation (T = 0 sec),
the HS9 nose is in the wake of RLV and gradually
flow momentum increases during its longitudinal move-
Figure 11. Incremental normal force coefficient due to combination
of fin deflections. ment. Figure 12 also indicates that normal force coeffi-
cient (CN) increases linearly with angle of attack and
case does not exceed 10. Derived data match with experi- pitch down moment is generated about the centre of
mental data by about 10% for 13 out of 20 tested cases, for gravity (c.g.) of HS9. The pitching moment coefficient
the considered fin deflection range at M = 1.1 (Figure 11). of separating body has negative slope and thus separating
In case of axial force coefficient, base drag coefficient HS9 booster is statically stable. It is confirmed that
is influenced by the presence of jet. Hence, CFD simula- the separating HS9 does not collide with RLV (forebody)
tion results were used to correct the wind tunnel test results even for detrimental trajectory sequence. CFD simula-
for base drag coefficient alone, whereas the forebody tions were also performed to assess the effect of twin
drag coefficient was obtained from wind tunnel tests. retro rocket firing on separation aerodynamics.
Hinge moment created due to aerodynamic pressure The aerodynamics of separated booster was assessed
distribution is an important input for control actuation through a combination of wind tunnel tests and CFD
system design. Hinge moment coefficient acting on simulations. The booster, after separation from the
the movable fins during ascent phase with change in winged body, was statically stable from Mach number 2
angle of attack, Mach number and fin deflection were to 5 at small angles of attack. At high angles of attack,
estimated using CFD, since it is difficult to measure the booster has a tendency to tumble and the drag coeffi-
hinge moments using conventional balances and measure cient due to tumbling motion was estimated through
fin loads alone using a scaled model in wind tunnels. engineering methods. The aerodynamics of separated
In order to avoid sudden build-up of undesirable aero- winged body at high Mach number and high angles of
dynamic forces, separation of HS9 booster from RLV- attack was assessed using CFD. The data were used for

54 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 12. Wind tunnel time march tests for RLV-HS9 separation aerodynamics characterization.

Figure 13. RLV-TD descent phase longitudinal and lateral-directional stability characteristics.

separated body trajectory analysis and range safety spanning Mach number, angle of attack, elevon and rud-
studies. Videos obtained during flight also showed that der deflection was generated.
the orientation of the separated booster did not change Figure 13 gives an overview of the stability character-
much, indicating that the vehicle is statically stable. istics in descent phase of RLV-TD. The vehicle longitu-
dinal static stability is indicated by the gradient of
Aerodynamic characterization in descent phase pitching moment coefficient (Cm) with angle of attack.
The vehicle was statically stable in the operating angles
The challenge in aerodynamic characterization is the of attack ranging from M = 2.0 to low speeds, whereas it
number of variables involved and hence, a huge database was statically unstable at higher Mach numbers. The rolling

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 55

Special Section:

Figure 14. RLV-TD descent phase control surface characterization and comparison of data from wind tunnel
tests, CFD and engineering method.

moment coefficient slope with respect to angle of deflection of elevon. The agreement between test data
sideslip (Cl ) at various angles of attack was negative, and pre-test prediction using engineering code ‘WTAP’
which indicates that the vehicle has dihedral effect at all (utilizing the space shuttle database with suitable correc-
Mach numbers; this is expected due to the swept double- tions for geometry and centre of gravity location) is clear-
delta wing and its dihedral angle. The vehicle was direc- ly seen. Elevon effectiveness was better for downward
tionally stable (positive Cn) from low speeds up to low deflection compared to upward deflection. The increase
supersonic Mach number, above which it was directionally of elevon effectiveness with angle of attack is also more
unstable (negative Cn ). This characteristic was similar to for downward deflection.
the observations for the Space Shuttle, X-34 (refs 4, 5). Rudders, when deflected, due to their placement in the
The control system should be designed to cater to such aft end of the vertical tail, create force and moment coef-
stability switch-over. ficients. Figure 14 clearly shows the effect of symmetric
Flight control was through the deflection of elevon rudder deflection (same sign and magnitude for portside
from stage separation up to touchdown and rudder was and starboard rudder deflection) on incremental yawing
used in the high dynamic pressure phase of descent flight. moment coefficient at supersonic Mach number. The
Control surface deflections produce moments about all agreement between test data and CFD code is also clearly
three axes due to the distribution of pressure and their seen. Rudder effectiveness reduces at high angles of at-
placement with respect to centre of gravity/moment refer- tack ( > 10) and the rate of reduction is higher for
ence centre; these moments are used for controlling the higher rudder deflection. This information was used to
attitude of the vehicle. Control surface deflection studies tailor the trajectory profile and control surface deflection
were carried out for both symmetric and asymmetric setting during entry conditions.
elevon and rudder deflections to estimate aerodynamic Hinge moment coefficient acting on elevon and rudder
control derivatives such as rolling and yawing moment was obtained by special purpose wind tunnel test (Figure
coefficients due to elevon and rudder deflection. Upward 15). The variation of elevon hinge moment coefficient
elevon deflection produces pitch-up moment, whereas was found to be linear with elevon deflection up to 10
downward elevon deflection produces pitch-down and angles of attack up to 10. It was also observed that
moment. RLV-TD has negative pitching moment during a the positive deflection of elevon produced higher hinge
major portion of its descent phase and hence, upward moment than the negative deflections. Figure 15 shows
elevon deflection is needed to trim the vehicle at the the variation of elevon and rudder hinge moment coeffi-
desired attitude. Rudders when deflected symmetrically cients at supersonic Mach number. It can be observed that
produce primarily yawing and rolling moments; they pro- rudder effectiveness decreases with angle of attack.
duce pitching moment with asymmetric deflection. Rud- Reaction control jets are efficient to control reusable
ders were used for pitch trim and hence were deflected launch vehicles, especially at low dynamic pressure con-
inward to correct the negative pitching moment of the ditions. In this mission, roll RCS jets were fired during
basic configuration. low dynamic pressure regime at liftoff. Later, yaw RCS
Figure 14 shows the effect of symmetric (same sign for jets were fired at high altitudes after stage separation up
left and right elevon deflection) elevon deflection on in- to re-entry. The RCS jet effect can be classified as direct
cremental pitching moment coefficient at a typical hyper- jet effect, interference effect and impingement effect 6.
sonic Mach number for upward as well as downward The direct jet effect is due to the momentum of the pure jet.
56 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018
Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 15. Elevon and rudder hinge moment coefficient characterization through special purpose wind tunnel tests.

Figure 16. RCS jet-freestream interaction studies through wind tunnel tests and CFD.

The interference effect is due to the change in surface based on the literature, relevance to the mission and tools
pressure field in the vicinity of the interaction of lateral available. For ascent phase, only rotational dynamic
jet with the freestream flow. The impingement effect is derivatives due to pitch/roll/yaw rates have been esti-
due to the direct impingement of RCS jet on the body mated through an engineering approach using ‘CFD-
surface. RCS jet–freestream interaction resulted in the based load distribution’. The method uses the panel-wise
modification of pressure distribution over the vehicle, distribution of local normal force coefficient at a given
and thereby the force and moment coefficients. The RCS angle of attack about which the vehicle acquires the
jet-freestream interaction studies at hypersonic Mach pitch/yaw velocity to obtain the damping derivatives. The
numbers and high-altitude conditions for an idealized load distribution can be obtained from CFD simulations.
case (Figure 16), indicate complex flow features such as In this method local slope is assumed constant for small
bow shock due to jet injection, separation ahead of the change in instantaneous angle of attack during pitch or
jet, etc. 7. However, only CFD simulations were used for yaw motion. The induced local normal force coefficient
RCS jet–freestream interaction at high altitudes for the is obtained by multiplying the ratio of induced local angle
flight scale8, since wind tunnel testing was not feasible of attack to the vehicle angle of attack with the local
during this timeframe. Interaction for various combinations change in normal force coefficient. The summation of in-
of thrusters firing (pitch, yaw and roll) at various altitudes duced local normal force coefficients along the body
(30–75 km) and at various Mach numbers (3–5.3) and, re- length is equal to that due to pitch velocity, and the sum-
levant trajectory angles of attack were studied. It was ob- mation of induced local moment about centre of gravity is
served that (i) interference generated moments aid the RCS the moment coefficient due to pitch velocity. The damp-
firing, and (ii) there was coupling in roll and pitch when ing derivative due to rate of change of angle of attack is
yaw jets were fired due to change in pressure distribution calculated using Sack’s relations. The present computa-
over aft portion of one half of the vehicle. Interference tion does not include the time lag aspect which is signifi-
moments increased with dynamic pressure. cant at transonic Mach number with high angle of attack,
Dynamic derivatives are needed for mission studies. where there is flow separation. However, this effect
For this mission, only some important dynamic deriva- reduces at higher supersonic and hypersonic Mach num-
tives of ascent and decent configurations were estimated bers.

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 57

Special Section:

Dynamic derivatives for the descent phase, pitch and The ascent configuration, though an unconventional
yaw damping have been obtained through wind tunnel one, can be compared to other launch vehicles because of
‘forced-oscillation’ testing for Mach number up to 2. At low angle of attack flight profile. Repeat tests were done
Mach numbers >2.0, pitch and yaw damping derivatives for assessing the repeatability error. An engineering judg-
have been estimated using CFD-based load distribution ment for tunnel-to-tunnel variations was arrived at after
technique. Roll damping derivative has been estimated studying other launch vehicle wind tunnel variations,
using DATCOM methods. The conclusion is that the ve- with testing in different facilities. Tunnel-to-flight differ-
hicle has damping in pitch, yaw and roll in the complete ences were taken to be 50% higher than tolerance (both re-
descent phase. peatability error and tunnel-to-tunnel variations) based on
space shuttle literature10. This information was used to ar-
rive at expected differences for tunnel–flight considera-
Aerodynamic characterization of air data system
tion. The uncertainties were generated for maximum
expected angle of attack in flight and different compo-
Aerodynamic flow parameters such Mach number, angle
nents were added in root sum square manner.
of attack/sideslip, freestream pressure and dynamic pres-
For descent configuration, it was observed that uncer-
sure are required for navigation, guidance and control
tainty obtained from repeat tests was much smaller than
(NGC) system. A flush air data system (FADS) mounted
that obtained from data comparison for multiple tunnels
in the nose cap of RLV-TD is proposed for the estimation
and models. The Space Shuttle had an extensive wind
of air data parameters, using suitable algorithm utilizing
tunnel testing programme involving testing with different
flight pressure measurements. The pressure ports con-
models, using different tunnels and different testing tech-
ceived in the initial design were 17 and subsequently, this
niques. The basis for determining tunnel-to-flight uncer-
was revised to 9. Pressure measurements were carried out
tainties was to observe differences between the historical
through suitable wind tunnel tests utilizing scale models.
flight test measurements and the pre-flight predictions
The data were used for FADS algorithm calibration. De-
found for many similar vehicles. Since RLV-TD and
tails of FADS algorithm, its performance in flight and air
Space Shuttle have geometric, mission and aerodynamic
data parameter reduction are given in detail in a separate
data similarity, uncertainty data for tunnel to flight can be
paper in this special section. In addition, the complete
used from the space shuttle literature with additional 20%
functional qualification of the FADS system (sensors,
to account for limited wind tunnel test data. The uncer-
conduits, data acquisition system, etc.) was also carried
tainties were used in a correlated manner and perturbation
using out a low-speed wind tunnel. Being the maiden
of simultaneous parameters implemented considering
flight, FADS was in ‘monitoring’ mode in this mission.
reduction of probability for simultaneous occurrence of
multiple cases. Figure 17 shows the various components
Aerodynamic uncertainties of dispersion on aerodynamic data.

The data generated on ground through wind tunnels, em-

pirical correlations and computational resources and their Pre-flight acoustic envelope
associated uncertainties9 are crucial for the RLV mission.
Once the data are available, the design and implementa- Aeroacoustic levels are generated due to the unsteady
tion of any control system involves the testing for poten- pressure fluctuations of flow over the aerospace vehicle
tial errors called uncertainties or dispersions. In the field at high Reynolds number and during liftoff due to the
of experimental aerodynamics measurement, errors may propulsive jet. Peak pressure fluctuations occur in the
arise due to inbuilt characteristics of measurement in- transonic flow conditions due to shock oscillation, shock-
struments, data acquisition systems, testing techniques, induced flow separation and reattachment apart from
etc. Thus, there is a set of errors in wind tunnel measure- fluctuations in the boundary layer. High acoustic levels
ments, which combines to represent data reproducibility. can cause higher vibration excitation on the structural
Further, there are uncertainties in applying the wind tun- components, avionics packages, propulsion elements like
nel data to flight. These may arise due to Reynolds num- the valves, igniters, plumbing, etc. Low-level excitation
ber scaling, geometric fidelity, aeroelastic distortion for a long period may cause structural failure due to fa-
differences, real-gas effects, etc. The basis for determin- tigue. Therefore, the aeroacoustic characterization and
ing these uncertainties in the descent phase is the differ- evolving pre-flight envelope are important aspects for
ence between flight test measurements and pre-flight flight-worthiness of an aerospace vehicle.
predictions found for similar (in configuration or mis- Compared to launch vehicle acoustics, the wing-body
sion) vehicles like space shuttle and light combat aircraft configuration results in high acoustic levels due to vor-
(LCA). For the ascent phase, source of data is the differ- tex-dominated flow, transonic shock–vortex interaction,
ence between pre-flight and flight data of ISRO launch vortex burst and the upstream influence of control surface
vehicles. deflections on the above flow phenomena. The adequacy

58 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 17. Various components of aerodynamic dispersion accounted in the RLV-TD database.

was estimated using unsteady pressure ports on the aft fu-

selage. Power spectral density (PSD) data were scaled to
flight conditions using dynamic pressure and boundary
layer parameter. Displacement thickness and geometric
parameters were used as scaling parameters for the at-
tached and separated flow conditions respectively. The
wind tunnel PSD data were scaled to flight up to 800 Hz
and is further linearly extrapolated up to 8000 Hz in
octave band to meet the flight conditions. The one-third
octave band was generated for each ports and enveloped
across angles of attack, control surface deflections (ele-
von and rudder) for each Mach number corresponding to
the upper bound trajectory to get the environmental test
levels (ETL). The ETL levels were simulated in the
acoustic facility to obtain the vibration characteristics.
The vibration details were further used for flight accep-
tance tests for stages, actuator systems and avionics
packages. Figure 18 provides an overview of the method-
ology used for acoustics.

Figure 18. Sources of acoustics and prediction methodology for

acoustic test simulations. Aerodynamic performance in flight

Figure 19 shows the post-flight estimated normal and ax-

of subscale wind tunnel tests for arriving at the vibro- ial force coefficients in ascent phase. Normal acceleration
acoustic design environments has been demonstrated for measured in ascent phase, though the angle of attack is
the Space Shuttle ascent flight, where good correlations small, is considerably higher than the values obtained in
were observed with the wind tunnel acoustic data11. regular launch vehicle flights because of the winged-body
Acoustic levels during liftoff due to the HS9 solid booster configuration and fins which create reasonable normal
jet was predicted using spectrum source distribution acceleration levels. Hence, normal force coefficient has
(SSD) technique. An envelope of the jet noise for various been estimated for the ascent phase (Figure 19) along
liftoff heights up to vehicle clearing umbilical tower was with pre-flight values. The normal force coefficient was
obtained. A dispersion of +5 dB was added to the jet found to match well within the pre-flight dispersion
acoustic prediction. The complete in-flight noise levels bands at all Mach numbers. Side force coefficient could
were estimated using the unsteady pressure measurements not be estimated because the acceleration levels in the
on a scaled model. The core base shroud level was ob- perpendicular direction were very low. Post-flight esti-
tained from the aeroelastic test using a 1:15 scale aero- mated axial force coefficient was within pre-flight disper-
elastic model. Inter-stage pre-flight measurement was not sion, except at transonic Mach numbers where flight
available; therefore, the acoustic level at the inter-stage indicated a slightly higher value. This was addressed in

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 59

Special Section:

Figure 19. Pre-flight predictions and post-flight estimates of C N and C A in the ascent phase.

Figure 20. Pre-flight predictions and post-flight estimates of C N and C A in the descent phase.

the post-flight CFD simulations, and the results indicated well with flight data for M > 1.2. Wind tunnel data as
that minor geometric changes which were not simulated well as CFD results agreed well with flight estimate for
in wind tunnel test model caused this minor deviation in rudder hinge moment.
axial force coefficient. In flight, it was also observed that roll rates were
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)-based estimation induced due to yaw RCS jet firing as predicted by CFD
methodology was utilized to estimate aerodynamic coef- before flight, but the magnitude observed in flight was
ficients for the decent phase. The advantages are: (1) all found to be higher than the predicted value. Pitch rates
the flight parameters are matched and (2) it is possible to (coupling) were also observed, but the magnitude was
obtain the estimation error bounds. higher and increased with dynamic pressure. CFD simula-
The normal and axial force coefficients during descent tions were carried out for post-flight analysis, which indi-
phase were estimated (Figure 20). Post-flight estimate for cated the sensitivity of the interference effect for a given
normal force coefficient matched well with test data from Mach number, to the flight jet-to-freestream pressure ratio.
high supersonic Mach numbers till M = 1. Below M = 1, For dynamic derivatives, only roll damping was esti-
the estimate was lower than expected, but within the pre- mated since significant roll rates were excited in flight
flight dispersion bands. CFD data were closer to the esti- especially at transonic Mach numbers, which may be due
mate than test data. Post-flight estimate for axial force to low inertia in the roll axis. The initial flight estimate
coefficient matched well with test data at all Mach num- (Figure 22) indicates a higher damping than prediction
bers. CFD prediction for pressure drag coefficient was using DATCOM methods at Mach numbers less than 2 up
added to skin friction drag estimate from engineering to high subsonic Mach numbers, this is being investigated
methods, and the total axial force coefficient matched by another engineering approach based on steady-state
well with test data and post flight estimate. CFD results.
Hinge moment acting over elevon and rudder was Fifty-three pressure ports over fuselage, wing, vertical
estimated from in-flight actuator chamber pressure meas- tail, rudder and fuselage base were instrumented in flight
urements. Wind tunnel data were observed to be in line and aerodynamic external pressure measurements were
with the flight estimate for elevon hinge moment, except obtained both in ascent and descent phases of flight. The
at low transonic Mach numbers (Figure 21). CFD-based comparison of data indicates that (1) prediction is better
post-flight prediction for elevon hinge moment agreed in ascent phase compared to descent phase and (2) in

60 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

Figure 21. Elevon and rudder hinge moment comparison.

(OASPL) of the core base shroud peaks at 155.5 dB due

to its proximity to the booster jet. The measured liftoff
noise is higher by 2.8 dB compared to the predicted upper
bound. In the ascent flight, the OASPL comparison with
estimates is good in the transonic regime. However, in
the supersonic regime, the estimates are under-predicted.
The maximum difference of predicted value to flight data
is around 6 dB in the descent phase. Figure 24 provides a
Figure 22. Roll damping derivative in descent phase indicating more
damping in flight than predicted.
summary of OASPL prediction and flight data.
In addition, in this flight, the effect of RCS jet firing
was felt in the acoustic measurements at liftoff low
dynamic conditions.
descent phase, the prediction is closer to flight at M > 1
compared to lower Mach numbers. Figure 23 provides a
view of the ports used for flight measurements. Compari- Observations and lessons learnt regarding
son for coefficient of pressure (Cp ) data estimated aerodynamic design, characterization and flight
through flight pressure measurements and CFD simula- parameter estimation
tion results over two wing sections during descent phase
is shown in the figure for a typical supersonic Mach (1) Engineering methods, CFD tools, computing resources
number and high angle of attack combination. Since, pre- and wind tunnel facilities in-house and in the country,
flight pressure and load computation were only through worked in a harmonious manner for configuration design
CFD, the flight data provide confidence in the usage of studies and the final aerodynamic characterization of this
data at design Mach numbers for a typical re-entry vehicle, under ascent and descent phases. A recently
vehicle (all critical load cases are at M > 1). commissioned 1 m hypersonic tunnel has been utilized
Pressure was acquired though flight measurements in for generation of aerodynamic data at hypersonic Mach
all the nine FADS ports, during ascent and descent phas- number. The success of the mission also underlines the
es. Air data parameters were derived using FADS algo- maturity of CFD tools.
rithm in post-flight analysis phase and the following (2) One of the important lessons learnt in the configura-
features were observed: (1) angle of attack/sideslip could tion evolution phase of ascent vehicle is that keeping a
be estimated within 1 deg accuracy; (2) the accuracy of winged-body configuration on top of a cylindrical configu-
Mach number derived through FADS was better at M < 1. ration with fins poses severe aerodynamic and control is-
Post-flight analysis also revealed that calibration parame- sues. The validity of the choice of configuration with
ter, which is a function of port location and flow parame- double-delta wing and twin canted vertical tails has been
ters (M, ,  ), is sensitive to Cp dispersion, especially in successfully demonstrated in the descent phase of the flight.
supersonic Mach numbers. (3) The effort involved in the aerodynamic characteri-
Flight-measured acoustic levels were obtained from all zation of aerodynamically controlled vehicle spanning a
the six microphones (five external and one internal) from huge parameter space, is orders of magnitude higher,
liftoff to splashdown. The measured data were processed compared to a conventional expendable launch vehicle.
on-board to get the sound pressure levels (SPL) at dis- For this scaled demonstrator, thousands of data tables
crete time (250 ms) and transmitted back to the base have been generated as against few tens of data tables for
stations. At liftoff, the flight overall sound pressure level regular launch vehicles.
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 61
Special Section:

Figure 23. Distribution of static pressure ports on the leeward side of RLV-TD and C p comparison between flight data
and CFD results over wing sections in descent phase.

Figure 24. Acoustic levels over RLV-TD in ascent and descent phases (flight-measured values – blue,
pre-flight predicted – black).

(4) As observed in this mission, liftoff aerodynamics is derivatives may have to be estimated precisely for
significant as the vehicle had to clear the launch tower similar future missions, for which new facilities such
which was three times longer. Several wind tunnel tests as spin tunnel and very large low speed tunnels are
had to be carried out to cater to varying wind direction required.
and at various positions of the vehicle relative to the (6) Fins were used as control devices in ascent phase.
tower. Also, the time of launch became critical for this Only two control surfaces, elevon and rudder were used
mission due to liftoff-related aerodynamics. The magni- in this configuration in descent phase, unlike the other
tude of the problem may be reduced if the launch tower is winged reusable launch vehicles where a body flap was
tailor-made for the mission. also used. The behaviour related to the control surface de-
(5) Only few important dynamic derivatives were used flection (sign and magnitude) predicted before flight was
in this mission due to planar trajectory. Many cross- observed in flight too, in both ascent and descent phases.

62 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator

In this flight, rudder was used for pitch trim also, in the analysis and database generation for this aerodynamically
descent phase. intensive vehicle has been carried out through ground-
(7) The complex interference studies, such as fin-to-fin based facilities such as wind tunnels, CFD simulations
interference effect, and RCS jet effect on aerodynamics and engineering methods. Parameter estimation tech-
could be captured well by CFD tools. Wherever possible, niques have been applied in both ascent and descent
all the above have been validated through tests. However, phases of flight, and aerodynamic parameters have been
it is prudent to employ extensive scale-model testing reconstructed using flight data. Overall, the present flight
using wind tunnels for detailed RCS–freestream interfer- data comparison gives high level of confidence in using
ence characterization. This in turn, necessities the aug- the ground-based data generation techniques for a wing-
mentation of the existing testing facilities. body configuration.
(8) The dispersion bands have been arrived at based on
wind tunnel tests within the country and information from
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ficient experienced in ascent flight was slightly higher 5. Brauckmann, G. J., X-34 vehicle aerodynamic characteristics. J.
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(11) Pressure measurements over the winged body in 8. Vidya, G., Manokaran, K. and Jeyajothiraj, P., Aerodynamic inter-
various flight regimes indicated the goodness of CFD- ference effect on a winged body due to supersonic lateral jet in
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(M > 1) and flight angles of attack. However, it is neces- of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2015), Thiruvananthapuram, 3–5
sary to carry out wind-tunnel tests for pressure measure- December 2015.
9. Vidya, G. et al., Aerodynamic design, characterization and pa-
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11. Dougherty, N. S. and Guest, S. H., A correlation of scale model
(12) The measured acoustic levels are within the pre- and flight aeroacoustic data for the space shuttle vehicle, AIAA-
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and spectrum is comparable to the pre-flight spectrum for burg, Virginia, 15–17 October 1984.
most of the components. Acoustics due to the roll RCS
jet firing is seen as small jumps in the OASPL levels dur-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We acknowledge the work carried out by
ing liftoff at low dynamic pressure condition.
the team headed by Shri V. Nagarajan and Dr G. K. Suryanarayana
(NTAF, NAL, Bengaluru) and also the team headed by Prof. Kamal
Poddar and Prof. Sanjay Mittal (NWTF, IIT Kanpur). We also thank
Conclusion the reviewers for their valuable suggestions.

The maiden successful flight of ISRO’s RLV-TD took

place in May 2016. The complete aerodynamic design, doi: 10.18520/cs/v114/i01/48-63

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 114, NO. 1, 10 JANUARY 2018 63

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