Role of Finacial System in Indian Economy
Role of Finacial System in Indian Economy
Role of Finacial System in Indian Economy
Finance holds the key to achieving long-term growth prospective for any country. As the
economy grows and becomes more complex and market-oriented, the financial sector starts
playing a crucial role in supporting growth by channeling domestic and foreign capital into
productive investments. Increasing access to the financial system is also a main concern for
making growth more balanced and sustainable, from both economic and social perspectives.
Financial systems one of the industries in an economy. It performs certain essential functions
for the economy including maintenance of payment system, collection & allocation of the
savings of society and creation of a variety of stores of wealth to suit the preferences of
savers. It is a link between the saving & investments by providing the mechanism through
which savings of savers are pooled and are put into the hands of those able & willing to
invest by financial intermidateres. The role of financial system is thus, to promote savings
and their channelization in the economy through financial assets that are more productive
than the physical assets. Developing countries attach great importance to financial sector
development and deepening in the pursuit of their poverty reduction goal. By mobilizing
savings, facilitating payments and trade of goods and services, and promoting efficient
allocation of resources, the financial sector is seen as playing a critical role in facilitating
economic growth and, directly through broadening access to finance and indirectly through
growth, contributing to poverty reduction
Keywords: Economic, poverty reduction, Financial services, Finacial Intermidaters,
Fiancial Assets, Foreign Capital.
Meaning and definition of financial system:
The financial system is possibly the most important institutional and functional vehicle for
economic transformation. Finance is a bridge between the present and the future and whether
the mobilization of savings or their efficient, effective and equitable allocation for
investment, it the access with which the financial system performs its functions that sets the
pace for the achievement of broader national objectives.
According to Christy, the objective of the financial system is to “supply funds to various
sectors and activities of the economy in ways that promote the fullest possible utilization of
resources without the destabilizing consequence of price level changes or unnecessary
interference with individual desires.”
According to Robinson, the primary function of the system is “ to provide a link between
savings and investment for the creation of new wealth and to permit portfolio adjustment in
the composition of the existing wealth.
A financial system or financial sector functions as an intermediary and facilitates the flow of
funds from the areas of surplus to the deficit. It is a composition of various institutions,
markets, regulations and laws, practices, money manager analyst, transactions and claims and
Short-term securities are those which mature within a period of one year. E.g. Bills of
exchange, treasury bills, etc. medium term securities are those which have a maturity period
ranging between one and five years.
e.g. Debentures maturing within a period of 5 years. Long-term securities are those which
have a maturity period of more than five years. E.g. government Bonds maturing after 10
Structure and Function of of Indian Financial System
Financial System is a set of institutional arrangements through which financial surpluses in
the economy are mobilised from surplus units and transferred to deficit spenders.
The institutional arrangements include all conditions and mechanisms governing the
production, distribution, exchange and holding of financial assets or instruments of all kinds
and the organisations as well as the manner of operations of financial markets and institutions
of all descriptions.
Thus, there are three main constituents of financial system:
(a) Financial Assets
(b) Financial Markets, and
(c) Financial Institutions.
As stores of value, financial assets command certain advantages over tangible assets
(physical capital, inventories of goods, etc.) they are convenient to hold, or easily storable,
more liquid, that is more easily encashable, more easily divisible, and less risky.
(ii) Mobilisation of Savings:
Financial system is a highly efficient mechanism for mobilising savings. In a fully-monetised
economy this is done automatically when, in the first instance, the public holds its savings in
the form of money. However, this is not the only way of instantaneous mobilisation of
(iii) Allocation of Funds:
Another important function of a financial system is to arrange smooth, efficient, and socially
equitable allocation of credit. With modem financial development and new financial assets,
institutions and markets have come to be organised, which are replaying an increasingly
important role in the provision of credit.
Structure of Indian Financial System:
Financial system operates through financial markets and institutions.
The Indian Financial system (financial markets) is broadly divided under two heads:
(i) Indian Money Market
(ii) Indian Capital Market
The Indian money market is the market in which short-term funds are borrowed and lent. The
money market does not deal in cash, or money but in bills of exchange, grade bills and
treasury bills and other instruments. The capital market in India on the other hand is the
market for the medium term and long term funds.
Role of financial system in economic development of a country
Relationship between financial system and economic development
The development of any country depends on the economic growth the country achieves over
a period of time. Economic growth deals about investment and production and also the extent
of Gross Domestic Product in a country. Only when this grows, the people will experience
growth in the form of improved standard of living, namely economic development.
Role of financial system in economic development of a country
The following are the roles of financial system in the economic development of a country.
Savings-investment relationship
To attain economic development, a country needs more investment and production. This can
happen only when there is a facility for savings. As, such savings are channelized to
productive resources in the form of investment. Here, the role of financial institutions is
important, since they induce the public to save by offering attractive interest rates. These
savings are channelized by lending to various business concerns which are involved in
production and distribution.
Financial systems help in growth of capital market
Any business requires two types of capital namely, fixed capital and working capital. Fixed
capital is used for investment in fixed assets, like plant and machinery. While working capital
is used for the day-to-day running of business. It is also used for purchase of raw materials
and converting them into finished products.
Fixed capital is raised through capital market by the issue of debentures and shares.
Public and other financial institutions invest in them in order to get a good return with
minimized risks.
For working capital, we have money market, where short-term loans could be raised by
the businessmen through the issue of various credit instruments such as bills, promissory
notes, etc.
Foreign exchange market enables exporters and importers to receive and raise funds for
settling transactions. It also enables banks to borrow from and lend to different types of
customers in various foreign currencies. The market also provides opportunities for the banks
to invest their short term idle funds to earn profits. Even governments are benefited as they
can meet their foreign exchange requirements through this market.
Government Securities market
Financial system enables the state and central governments to raise both short-term and long-
term funds through the issue of bills and bonds which carry attractive rates of interest along
with tax concessions. The budgetary gap is filled only with the help of government securities
market. Thus, the capital market,money market along with foreign exchange market and
government securities market enable businessmen, industrialists as well as governments to
meet their credit requirements. In this way, the development of the economy is ensured by the
financial system.
Financial system helps in Infrastructure and Growth
Economic development of any country depends on the infrastructure facility available in the
country. In the absence of key industries like coal, power and oil, development of other
industries will be hampered. It is here that the financial services play a crucial role by
providing funds for the growth of infrastructure industries. Private sector will find it difficult
to raise the huge capital needed for setting up infrastructure industries. For a long time,
infrastructure industries were started only by the government in India. But now, with the
policy of economic liberalization, more private sector industries have come forward to start
infrastructure industry. The Development Banks and the Merchant banks help in raising
capital for these industries.
Financial system helps in development of Trade
The financial system helps in the promotion of both domestic and foreign trade. The financial
institutions finance traders and the financial market helps in discounting financial instruments
such as bills. Foreign trade is promoted due to per-shipment and post-shipment finance by
commercial banks. They also issue Letter of Credit in favor of the importer. Thus, the
precious foreign exchange is earned by the country because of the presence of financial
system. The best part of the financial system is that the seller or the buyer do not meet each
other and the documents are negotiated through the bank. In this manner, the financial system
not only helps the traders but also various financial institutions. Some of the capital goods are
sold through hire purchase and installment system, both in the domestic and foreign trade. As
a result of all these, the growth of the country is speeded up.
Employment Growth is boosted by financial system
The presence of financial system will generate more employment opportunities in the
country. The money market which is a part of financial system, provides working capital to
the businessmen and manufacturers due to which production increases, resulting in
generating more employment opportunities. With competition picking up in various sectors,
the service sector such as sales, marketing, advertisement, etc., also pick up, leading to more
employment opportunities. Various financial services such as leasing, factoring, merchant
banking, etc., will also generate more employment. The growth of trade in the country also
Based on this paper The Indian financial system has undergone structural transformation over
the past decade. The financial sector has acquired strength, efficiency and stability by the
combined effect of competition, regulatory measures, and policy environment. While
competition, consolidation and convergence have been recognized as the key drivers of the
banking sector in the coming years