DSLP Calculation

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No. OF

Doc. No.:

Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building

S.No Description Page No

1 Objective 3

2 Input 3

3 Basis 3

4 Terms & Definitions 3

5 Tolarable Risk 5

6 Steps for Evaluation 5

7 Procedure for Assessment of Risk 5

8 Calculation 6

9 Conclusion 6

Annexure - A (Risk Assessment Calculation for Switchgear & Control

10 7

11 Annexure - B (Reference Documents;IEC-62305-2) 12


Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building

1 Objective:
The objective of this calculation is to assess the requirement of lightning protection for 132kV Switchyard Control

2 Input:
2.1 132kV Switchyard Layout_SWPL-ATL-132KVSS-E-DWG-LYT-1001
2.2 Equipment Arrangement Plan for Control Building_SWPL-ATL-132KVSS-E-DWG-LPT-1013

3 Basis:

3.1 Lightning Calculation is carried out based on IEC 62305. This standard is divided into 4 parts as follows;

Part-1: General Principles

Part-2: Risk Management

Part-3: Physical damage to the structures and life hazard

Part-4: Electrical and Electronics systems within the stucture

Protection measures outlined on the basis of Part-2 &3 0f IEC 62305.

3.2 The protection study as per IEC 62305 divides the installations broadly into

1. Structures including contents and persons and

2. Service connected to the structure.

Structures, in a Substation environment are building with power and telecommunication lines as well as metalic
equipment such as tanks with pipe connections.

Services are Lines ( Power lines and Telecommuinication lines) and Pipes.

3.4 Substation buildings/oudoor structure & equipment are considered for the assessment of risk due to lightning.

3.5 The thunderstorm days per year (Td) is considered as 29 for Chitoor region.

4 Terms & Definitions

Following terms and definitions - reproduced from IEC 62305 for ready reference - are used in these calculation:

4.1 Sources and Types of damage to the structure:

Sources of damage is always the lightning current. The following situation shall be taken into account, depending on the
position of the point of strike relative to the structure (As per IEC 62305 Part-1)

S1 : Flashes to a structure
S2 : Flashes near a structure
S3 : Flashes to a line
S4 : Flashes near a line

Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building

Flashes to a Structure can cause:

a. Mechanical damage, fire and explosion due to the lightning arc itself, due to current resulting in ohmic
heating of the conductors.

b. Fire and / or explosion triggered by sparks caused by overvoltsges resulting from resistive / inductive

c. Injury to people by step & touch voltages.

d. Failure of internal system due to LEMP (Lightning Electromagnetic Impulse).

Flashes near a structure can cause:

Failure or malfunction of internal system due to LEMP.

Flashes to a line can cause:

a. Fire and/or explosion triggered by sparks due to overvolteges and lightning currents transmitted through the
connected service.

b. Injury to people due to touch voltages inside structure caused by lightning current transmitted through the
connected services.

c. Failure or malfunction of internal systems due to overvoltages appearing on connected lines and transmitted
to the structure.

Flashes near a line:

connected to a structure can cause failure or malfunction of internal systems due to overvoltages induced on
connected lines and transmitted to the structure.
As seen from above damage caused by lightning can be clarified into following;

D1 : Injury to living beings by electric shock.

D2 : Physical damage (fire, explosion, mechanical destruction) due to effrcts of lightning

current including sparking.

D3 : Failure of internal systems (failure of electrical & electronic systems) due to LEMP.

4.2 Sources and Types of damage to the services:

Sources for services are classified as S1, S3 and S4 (of 4.1 above) and correspondingly, the damage is classified as D2
and D3.
Each type of damage alone or in combination with others can cause different consequential losses that depend on the
characteristics of the objecte and its content.

4.3 Types of loss:

L1 : Loss of human life

L2 : Loss of service to the public

L3 : Loss of cultural heritage

L4 : Loss of economical value


Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building

The structure under discussion are a part of substation, which is not accessible to general public. Similarly, the services
employed within are dedicated for the use of substation and are not for general public. Accordingly, Loss L2 associated
with the loss of services to public will not be considered in the calculation.

Loss L3 is not relevant to substation building, hence will not be considered in the calculation. Loss L4, being purely of
economic nature is also not used in the assesment of risk.

The relationship between Source of damage, type of damage and assosiated type of loss is depicted in Table-1 of IEC
62305-2 and forms the basis of the calculation.

Hence, L1 will be considered in this type of structure.

4.4 Types of Risk:

Types of Risk are defined for each type of loss and have to be evaluated to determine the requirement of lightning
protection. The loss to be considered for Substation project, as outlined above, is L1 and accordingly, the risk
associated with loss L1 will be evaluated.
R1 : Risk associated with loss of human life
Each risk is the sum of its risk components. The risk components may be grouped according to the sources of damage
and the type of damage.

5 Tolerable Risk
RT : Tolerable risk

Tolerable Risk (RT) = 10-5 (Table - 4 as per IEC 62305-2)

Protection measures are not required if the derived risk (R) is less than the tolerable risk.

6 Steps for Evaluation

6.1 Object to be protected will be identified.

6.2 Losses for the particular structure will be identified along with the relevant corresponding risk.

6.3 Risk will be evaluated for each type of loss.

Each risk will be compared with the tolerable risk. If the calculated risk is less than the tolerable risk (R ≤ RT), then
lightning protection is not required.

6.5 In case the risk is higher than tolerable risk, correct protection measures will be identified.

7 Procedure for Assessment of Risk

7.1 Risk to be evaluated in a structure.

As per clause 4.2 of IEC 62305-2, the case under consideration involves only the Risk R1 (Risk of loss of human life),
other risks of loss (R2, R3 & R4) are not applicable.
Also, Risk, R1 is calculated by adding all the components of the risk described below;

R1 = RA+ RB + RC + RM + RU + RV + RW + R Z

Where the Risk & Risk Components are defined in clause 4.2 of IEC 62305-2.

Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building

Risk components for a structure due to flashes to the structure:

Components related to injury to living beings caused by electric shock due to touch and step voltage
RA: inside the structure and outside in the zones upto 3 Mtrs around down conductors. Loss of type L1,in
the case of structures holding livestock, loss of type L4 with possible loss of animals.
Component related to physical damage caused by dangerous sparking inside the structure
RB : triggering fire or explosion, which may also endanger the environment. All types of losses (L1,L2,L3,L4)
may arise and accordingly, this component will be considered in the assessment.


1. Risk components for structures with risk of explosion and for hospitals with life saving electrical equipments or other
structures when failure of internal systems immediately endangers human life. Hence, RC, RM, RW, RZ) are not
applicable for this type.
2. Risk components for a structure due to flashes to a line connected to the structure (RU, RV) are not considered for this
control building due to absense of power line.

3. Component related to failure of internal systems caused by overvoltages induced on incoming lines and transmitted to
the structure. Loss of type L2 and L4 could occur in all cases, along with type L1 in the case of structures with risk of
explosion, and hospitals or other structures where failure of internal systems immediately endanger human life.
Hence,this component is not considered.

In views of above, the equation for R1 relevant to this substation Project is,

R1 = R A + R B

7.2 Risk to be evaluated for a Structure

According to Clause 6.1 of IEC-62305-2, Each risk component is calculated using following general equation;
RX = NX x PX x LX Cl:6.1;Equation (5) of IEC 62305-2
RX is the Risk Component
NX is the number of dangerous events per annum (calc. based on Annexure-A of IEC 62305-2)
PX is the probability of damage to a structure (calc. based on Annex-B of IEC 62305-2)
LX is the consequent loss (calc. based on Annex-C of IEC 62305-2)

8 Calculation

Risk assessment calculation for the Switchyard Control building is attached in Annexure - A.

9 Conclusion

As per calculation, Lightning Protection is not required. However, as an additional precautionary measure, LPS class-IV
will be provided for switchyard control building.

9.2 Mesh method is used for lightning protection for Switchyard Control Building.

9.3 As an additional safety, Lightning spike is also considered for protection against lightning.

9.4 The nos. & location of air termination and down conductors are shown in the Lightning Protection Layout.

Lightning Protection air termination shall be provided with 25x3mm GS Flat for horizontal conductors as well as for down

Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building


Risk Assessment for Substation Building


Risk Assessment for Calculation for Switchyard Control Building

1 Characteristics:

Substation Building Dimension:

Length = 57 mtr
(Refer Drawing No. SWPL-ATL-
Width = 10.2 mtr

Height = 9.8 mtr

Construction: Concrete

Service connected: Power Cables - Trench routed

Calculation of risk components

Accordingly, RA = ND x PA x LA (Eq.6; Cl:6.2 of IEC 62305-2)

RB = ND x PB x LB (Eq.7; Cl:6.2 of IEC 62305-2)


A.1 Number of dangerous events for substation building per annum, ND, is calculated from Clause A.2.4 of Annexure-A

of IEC 62305-2.

ND = NG x AD x CD x 10(-6) (Eq A.4 of IEC 62305-2)

Where, NG = 0.1 x TD (Eq A.1 of IEC 62305-2)

NG is the lightning ground flash density (1// km2/year )

AD is the collection area of the structure (m2)

CD is the location factor of the structure (m2)

Where, TD = 18 (Thunderstorm days per year) (As per IS:2309)

NG = 0.1 x 18

NG = 1.8

Collection Area of switchyard control building,

AD = [(L x W) + (6 x H x (L+W)) + (9 x π x H2)] (Eq A.2 of IEC 62305-2)

AD = 7248 Sq.m

Location factor CD based on Table A.1, Cl:A.2.3

As per Table A.2 object surrounded by objects or trees of the same heights or smaller

Cd = 0.5 (Table A.1 of IEC 62305-2)

Hence, ND = 1.8 x 7248 x 0.5 x 10^(-6)

ND = 0.006523


Probability PA, PB & PC that a flash to Switchyard control building will cause injury to living beings is detemined from
Clause B.1, B.2 & B.3 of IEC 62305-2.

Thus, PA = Probability that a flash to a structure will cause injury to the living beings by electric shock.

PA = PTA x PB (Eq.B.1,Cl:B.2 of IEC 62305-2)

where, PTA = values of probability that a flash to a structure will cause shock to living beings due to dangerous touch
and step potentials.

PTA = 1 (Structure not protected by LPS) (as per Table B.1 of IEC 62305-2)

PB = 1 (Structure not protected by LPS) (as per Table B.2 of IEC 62305-2)

Hence, PA = 1

PB = 1 (Structure not protected by LPS) (Table B.2 of IEC 62305-2)


C.1 Consequent loss to human life (LX) is calculated based on Annexure - C of IEC 62305-2

LA = rt × LT x nz/nt x tz / 8760 (Eq. C.1;Table-C.1 of IEC 62305-2)

factor rt is a reducing factor for loss of human life depending on the type of soil or floor

(for concrete type structure

rt = 10(-2) (Table C.3 of IEC 62305-2)

factor LT is the typical mean relative numbers of victims injured by electric shock (D1) due to one dangerous event

LT = 10(-2) (Table C.2 of IEC 62305-2)

nz = The number of persons in the zone

nt = The total number of persons in the structure

Assuming structure as a single zone, ratio nz/nt in the formula to be equated to a value of 1.

tz = The time in hours per year for which the persons are present in the zone.

When tz is not known, the ratio tz / 8760 in the formula to be equated to a value of 1.

Thus, LA = 0.0001

As per table C.1; Clause:C.3, the loss LB refers to the mean relative amount of damage which may be caused by a
lightning flash, considering both its extent and effects.

LB = rp × rf x hz × LF x nz/nt x tz / 8760 (Eq. C.3;Table-C.1 of IEC 62305-2)

Reduction factor as a function of provisions taken to reduce the consequences of fire

where, rp =
(as per Table C.4 of IEC 62305-2)

(fixed manually operated extinguishing installations; manual alarm

rp = 0.5
installations; hydrants, fire compartments; escape routes)

Factor increasing the relative amount of loss in presence of special hazard, as per
where, hz =
table C.6 of IEC 62305-3)

hz = 1 (Since no special hazard is present)

where, rf = Reduction factor as a function of risk of fire of structure, as per table C.5)

rf = 0.01 (for ordinary risk of fire)

The typical mean percentage of persons injured by physical damage(D2) due to one
LF =
dangerous event (assuming type of service affected is Power Supply)

LF = 0.1 (Table C.8 of IEC 62305-2)

nz = The number of persons in the zone

nt = The total number of persons in the structure

Assuming structure as a single zone, ratio nz/nt in the formula to be equated to a value of 1.

tz = The time in hours per year for which the persons are present in the zone.

When tz is not known, the ratio tz / 8760 in the formula to be equated to a value of 1.

Thus, LB = 0.0005

C.2 Risk Calculation:

Hence, RA = 6.5234E-07 (Without Protection)

RB = 3.2617E-06 (Without Protection)

C.3 Thus overall Risk associated with lightning strike to Substation building is;

R1 (Control building) = RA + R B

R1 = 3.9140E-06 (Without LPS Protection) Hence, R1 ≤ RT

Since R1 ≤ RT (Tolerable risk as per Table-4, Clause-5.3 of IEC 62305-2) , Lightning Protection is not required.
However, as an additional precautionary measure, LPS class-IV protection will be provided for switchyard
control building.


As per Table-4, Clause-5.3 of IEC 62305-3, an equal spacing of down conductor is preferred around the
perimeter of the building. The distance between the down conductors shall be 20M for LPS Class-IV. Based on
this requirement, the no. of down conductors is estimated as below;

The perimeter of switchyard control building = 2 x (L + W)

= 2 x (57 + 10.2)
= 134.4 M
Min. Number of down conductors required = 134.4 / 20
= 6.72
= 7 Nos.

Lightning Protection Calculation for Switchgear & Control Building


Reference Documents;IEC-62305-2
– 20 – 62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E)

Table 1 – Sources of damage, types of damage and types of loss

according to the point of strike

Lightning flash Structure

Source of Type of
Point of strike Type of loss
damage damage

D1 L1, L4 a
S1 D2 L1, L2, L3, L4
D3 L1 b , L2, L4

S2 D3 L1 b , L2 , L4

D1 L1, L4 a
S3 D2 L1, L2, L3, L4
D3 L1 b , L2, L4

S4 D3 L1 b , L2, L4

a Only for properties where animals may be lost.

b Only for structures with risk of explosion and for hospitals or other structures
where failures of internal s ystems immediately endangers human lif e.

4.2 Risk and risk components

4.2.1 Risk

The risk, R, is the relative value of a probable average annual loss. For each type of loss
which may appear in a structure, the relevant risk shall be evaluated.

The risks to be evaluated in a structure may be as follows:

R1: risk of loss of a human life (including permanent injury),

R2: risk of loss of service to the public,
R3: risk of loss of cultural heritage,
R4: risk of loss of economic value.

To evaluate risks, R, the relevant risk components (partial risks depending on the source and
type of damage) shall be defined and calculated.

Each risk, R, is the sum of its risk components. When calculating a risk, the risk components

may be grouped according to the source of damage and the type of damage.

62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 21 –

4.2.2 Risk components for a structure due to flashes to the structure

RA: Component related to injury to living beings caused by electric shock due to touch and
step voltages inside the structure and outside in the zones up to 3 m around down-
conductors. Loss of type L1 and, in the case of structures holding livestock, loss of type
L4 with possible loss of animals may also arise.

NOTE In special structures, people may be endangered by direct strikes (e.g. top level of garage parking
or stadiums). These c ases may also be c onsidered using the principles of this part of IEC 62305.
RB: Component related to physical damage caused by dangerous sparking inside the
structure triggering fire or explosion which may also endanger the environment. All
types of loss (L1, L2, L3 and L4) may arise.
RC : Component related to failure of internal systems caused by LEMP. Loss of type L2 and
L4 could occur in all cases along with type L1 in the case of structures with risk of
explosion, and hospitals or other structures where failure of internal systems
immediately endangers human life.

4.2.3 Risk component for a structure due to flashes near the structure

RM: Component related to failure of internal systems caused by LEMP. Loss of type L2 and
L4 could occur in all cases, along with type L1 in the case of structures with risk of
explosion, and hospitals or other structures where failure of internal systems
immediately endangers human life.

4.2.4 Risk components for a structure due to flashes to a line connected to the

RU : Component related to injury to living beings caused by electric shock due to touch
voltage inside the structure. Loss of type L1 and, in the case of agricultural properties,
losses of type L4 with possible loss of animals could also occur.
RV: Component related to physical damage (fire or explosion triggered by dangerous
sparking between external installation and metallic parts generally at the entrance point
of the line into the structure) due to lightning current transmitted through or along
incoming lines. All types of loss (L1, L2, L3, L4) may occur.
RW : Component related to failure of internal systems caused by overvoltages induced on
incoming lines and transmitted to the structure. Loss of type L2 and L4 could occur in all
cases, along with type L1 in the case of structures with risk of explosion, and hospitals
or other structures where failure of internal systems immediately endangers human life.

NOTE 1 The lines taken into account in this assessment are only the lines entering the structure.

NOTE 2 Lightning flashes to or near pipes are not considered as a source of damage bas ed on the bonding of
pipes to an equipotential bonding bar. If an equipotential bonding bar is not provided, such a threat should als o be
considered .

4.2.5 Risk component for a structure due to flashes near a line connected to the

RZ: Component related to failure of internal systems caused by overvoltages induced on

incoming lines and transmitted to the structure. Loss of type L2 and L4 could occur in all
cases, along with type L1 in the case of structures with risk of explosion, and hospitals
or other structures where failure of internal systems immediately endanger human life.

NOTE 1 Lines taken into account in this assessment are only the lines entering the structure.

NOTE 2 Lightning flashes to or near pipes are not considered as a source of damage based on the bonding of
pipes to an equipotential bonding bar. If an equipotential bonding bar is not provided, such a threat should als o be

– 24 – 62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E)

– contents of the structure;

– persons in the structure or in the zones up to 3 m from the outside of the structure;
– environment affected by damage to the structure.

Protection does not include connected lines outside of the structure.

NOTE The structure to be considered may be subdivided into several zones (see 6.7).

5.3 Tolerable risk RT

It is the responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction to identify the value of tolerable risk.

Representative values of tolerable risk RT , where lightning flashes involve loss of human life
or loss of social or cultural values, are given in Table 4.

Table 4 – Typical values of tolerable risk RT

Types of loss R T (y –1 )

L1 Loss of human life or permanent injuries 10 –5

L2 Loss of service to the public 10 –3
L3 Loss of cultural heritage 10 –4

In principle, for loss of economic value (L4), the route to be followed is the cost/benefit
comparison given in Annex D. If the data for this analysis are not available the representative
value of tolerable risk RT = 10 -3 may be used.

5.4 Specific procedure to evaluate the need of protection

According to IEC 62305-1, risks R 1, R 2 and R 3 shall be considered in the evaluation of the
need of protection against lightning.

For each risk to be considered the following steps shall be taken:

– identification of the components R X which make up the risk;
– calculation of the identified risk components R X;
– calculation of the total risk R (see 4.3);
– identification of the tolerable risk RT ;
– comparison of the risk R with the tolerable value RT.

If R £ RT , lightning protection is not necessary.

If R > RT , protection measures shall be adopted in order to reduce R £ RT for all risks to
which the structure is subjected.

The procedure to evaluate the need for protection is given in Figure 1.

NOTE 1 In cases where the risk cannot be reduced to a tolerable level, the site owner should be informed and th e
highest level of protection provided to the installation.

NOTE 2 W here protection against lightning is required by the authority having jurisdiction for structures with a risk
of explosion, at least a class II LPS should be adopted. Exceptions to the use of lightning protection level II may be
allowed when technically justified and authorized by the authority having jurisdiction. For example, the use of
lightning protection level I is allowed in all cas es, especially in those cas es where the environments or c ontents
within the structure are exc eptionally sensitive to the effects of lightning. In addition, authorities having jurisdiction
may choos e to allow lightning protection level III systems where the infrequenc y of lightning activity and/or th e
insensitivity of the c ontents of the structure warrants it.

– 28 – 62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E)

5.6 Protection measures

Protection measures are directed to reducing the risk according to the type of damage.

Protection measures shall be considered effective only if they conform to the requirements of
the following relevant standards:

– IEC 62305-3 for protection against injury to living beings and physical damage in a

– IEC 62305-4 for protection against failure of electrical and electronic systems.

5.7 Selection of protection measures

The selection of the most suitable protection measures shall be made by the designer
according to the share of each risk component in the total risk R and according to the
technical and economic aspects of the different protection measures.

Critical parameters shall be identified to determine the more efficient measure to reduce the
risk R.

For each type of loss, there is a number of protection measures which, individually or in
combination, make the condition R £ RT . The solution to be adopted shall be selected with
allowance for technical and economic aspects. A simplified procedure for selection of
protective measures is given in the flow diagram of Figure 1. In any case, the installer or
planner should identify the most critical risk components and reduce them, also taking into
account economic aspects.

6 Assessment of risk components

6.1 Basic equation

Each risk component RA , RB , RC , R M, R U, R V, RW and R Z , as described in 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4

and 4.2.5 may be expressed by the following general equation:

R X = N X ´  P X  ´  L X (5)


NX is the number of dangerous events per annum (see also Annex A);
PX is the probability of damage to a structure (see also Annex B);
LX is the consequent loss (see also Annex C).

The number N X of dangerous events is affected by lightning ground flash density (NG ) and by
the physical characteristics of the structure to be protected, its surroundings, connected lines
and the soil.

The probability of damage P X is affected by characteristics of the structure to be protected,

the connected lines and the protection measures provided.

The consequent loss L X is affected by the use to which the structure is assigned, the
attendance of persons, the type of service provided to public, the value of goods affected by
the damage and the measures provided to limit the amount of loss.

NOTE W hen the damage to a structure due to lightning may also involve surrounding structures or the
environment (e.g. chemical or radioactive emissions), the consequent loss should be added to the value of L X.


62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 29 –

6.2 Assessment of risk components due to flashes to the structure (S1)

For evaluation of risk components related to lightning flashes to the structure, the following
relationships apply:

– component related to injury to living beings by electric shock (D1)

R A = ND ´ P A ´ L A (6)

– component related to physical damage (D2)

R B = ND ´ P B ´ L B (7)

– component related to failure of internal systems (D3)

R C = ND ´ P C ´ L C (8)

Parameters to assess these risk components are given in Table 5.

6.3 Assessment of the risk component due to flashes near the structure (S2)

For evaluation of the risk component related to lightning flashes near the structure, the

following relationship applies:

– component related to failure of internal systems (D3)

RM = NM ´ PM ´ LM (9)

Parameters to assess this risk component are given in Table 5.

6.4 Assessment of risk components due to flashes to a line connected to the

structure (S3)

For evaluation of the risk components related to lightning flashes to an incoming line, the
following relationships apply:

– component related to injury to living beings by electric shock (D1)

R U = (N L + NDJ ) ´ P U ´ L U (10)

– component related to physical damage (D2)

R V = ( N L + N DJ ) ´ P V ´ L V (11)

– component related to failure of internal systems (D3)

RW = ( N L + NDJ ) ´ PW ´ LW (12)

NOTE 1 In many cas es N DJ may be neglected.

Parameters to assess these risk components are given in Table 5.

If the line has more than one section (see 6.8), the values of R U, R V and RW are the sum of
the RU , R V and RW values relevant to each section of the line. The sections to be considered
are those between the structure and the first node.

In the case of a structure with more than one connected line with different routing, the
calculations shall be performed for each line.

62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 39 –

Table A.1 – Structure location factor C D

Relative location CD
Structure surrounded by higher objects 0,25

Structure surrounded by objects of the s ame height or smaller 0,5

Isolated structure: no other objects in the vicinity 1

Isolated structure on a hilltop or a knoll 2

A.2.4 Number of dangerous events N D for the structure

N D may be evaluated as the product:

N D = NG ´ A D ´ C D ´ 10 –6 (A.4)

NG is the lightning ground flash density (1/km 2 ´ year);
AD is the collection area of the structure (m 2) (see Figure A.5);
CD is the location factor of the structure (see Table A.1).

A.2.5 Number of dangerous events N DJ for an adjacent structure

The average annual number of dangerous events due to flashes to a structure connected at
the far end of a line, N DJ (see 6.5 and Figure A.5) may be evaluated as the product:

N DJ = NG ´ A DJ ´ C DJ ´ CT ×10 –6 (A.5)


NG is the lightning ground flash density (1/km 2 ´ year);

A DJ is the collection area of the adjacent structure (m 2) (see Figure A.5);
C DJ is the location factor of the adjacent structure (see Table A.1);
CT is the line type factor (see Table A.3);

A.3 Assessment of the average annual number of dangerous events NM due

to flashes near a structure

N M may be evaluated as the product:

N M = NG ´ A M ´ 10-6 (A.6)


NG is the lightning ground flash density (1/km 2 ´ year);

AM is the collection area of flashes striking near the structure (m 2).

The collection area A M extends to a line located at a distance of 500 m from the perimeter of
the structure (see Figure A.5):

A M = 2 ´ 500 ´ (L + W) + p ´ 500 2 (A.7)


Page 19 of 24
62305-2 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 43 –

NOTE 1 Protection measur es ar e effective in reducing P A only in structures protected by an LPS or structures
with c ontinuous metal or r einf orced c oncrete f ramework acting as a natur al LPS, wher e bonding and earthing
requir ements of IEC 62305-3 ar e satisfied.

NOTE 2 For mor e inf ormation s ee 8.1 and 8.2 of IEC 62305-3:2010.

B.3 Probability P B that a flash to a structure will cause physical damage

An LPS is suitable as a protection measure to reduce P B.

The values of probability P B of physical damage by a flash to a structure, as a function of

lightning protection level (LPL) are given in Table B.2.

Table B.2 – Values of probability P B depending on the protection measures

to reduce physical damage

Characteristics of structure Class of LPS PB

Structure not pr otected by LPS _ 1

Structure protected by LPS IV 0,2

III 0,1
II 0,05
I 0,02

Structure with an air-termination s ystem conf orming to LPS I and a continuous m etal or 0,01
reinforc ed concrete framework acting as a natur al down-conductor system
Structure with a metal roof and an air-termination system, pos sibly including natur al 0,001
components, with complete protection of any r oof installations against direct lightning
strikes and a continuous metal or r einforc ed concr ete framework acting as a natur al
down-c onductor system

NOTE 1 Values of P B other than thos e given in T able B.2 ar e possible if based on a detailed investigation taking
into account the r equirements of sizing and interc eption crit eria defined in IEC 62305-1.

NOTE 2 The char acteristics of LPS, including thos e of SPD for lightning equipotential bonding, ar e r eport ed in
IEC 62305-3.

B.4 Probability PC that a flash to a structure will cause failure of internal


A coordinated SPD system is suitable as a protection measure to reduce P C .

The probability P C that a flash to a structure will cause a failure of internal systems is given

P C = P SPD ´ CLD (B.2)

P SPD depends on the coordinated SPD system conforming to IEC 62305-4 and to the lightning
protection level (LPL) for which its SPDs are designed. Values of P SPD are given in Table B.3.

C LD is a factor depending on shielding, grounding and isolation conditions of the line to which
the internal system is connected. Values of C LD are given in Table B.4.


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Table C.1 – Type of loss L1: Loss values for each zone

Type of
Typical loss Equation
D1 L A = rt ´ L T ´ n Z / n t ´ t z / 8 760 (C.1)
D1 L U = r t ´ L T ´ n Z / n t ´ tz /8 760 (C.2)
D2 L B = LV = r p ´ rf ´ h z ´L F ´ n Z / n t ´ t z / 8 760 (C.3)
D3 L C = L M = LW = L Z = L O ´ n Z / nt ´ t z / 8 760 (C.4)


LT is the typical mean relative numbers of victims injured by electric shock (D1) due to one
dangerous event (see Table C.2);
LF is the typical mean relative numbers of victims by physical damage (D2) due to one
dangerous event (see Table C.2);
LO is the typical mean relative numbers of victims by failure of internal systems (D3) due to
one dangerous event (see Table C.2);
rt is a factor reducing the loss of human life depending on the type of soil or floor (see
Table C.3);
rp is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the provisions taken
to reduce the consequences of fire (see Table C.4);
rf is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the risk of fire or on
the risk of explosion of the structure (see Table C.5);
hz is a factor increasing the loss due to physical damage when a special hazard is present
(see Table C.6);
nz is the number of persons in the zone;
nt is the total number of persons in the structure;
tz is the time in hours per year for which the persons are present in the zone.

Table C.2 – Type of loss L1: Typical mean values of L T, L F and L O

Type of damage Typical loss v alue Type of structure

D1 10–2 All types

injuri es
10 –1 Risk of explosion
10 –1 Hospital, h otel, s chool, c ivic building
D2 –2
LF 5´10 Public entert ainment, church, museum
physical damage
2´10 –2 Industrial, commercial
10 –2 Others
10 –1 Risk of explosion
failure of intern al LO 10–2 Intensive c ar e unit and oper ation block of hospital
10 –3 Other parts of hospital

NOTE 1 Values of Table C.2 r efer to a continuous att endance of people in the structure.

NOTE 2 In case of a structure with risk of explosion, the values for L F and L O may need a mor e detailed
evaluation, considering the type of structure, the risk explosion, the zone c oncept of hazard ous ar eas and th e
measures to meet the risk.

W hen the damage to a structure due to lightning involves surrounding structures or the
environment (e.g. chemical or radioactive emissions), additional loss (L E ) should be taken into
account to evaluate the total loss (L FT ):


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L FT = L F + L E (C.5)


L E = L FE ´ t e/8 760 (C.6)

L FE being the loss due to physical damage outside the structure;

te being the time of presence of people in the dangerous place outside the structure.
NOTE 3 If values of L FE and t e ar e unknown, L FE ´ te /8 760 = 1 should be assumed.

Table C.3 – Reduction factor rt as a function of the type of surface of soil or floor

Type of surface b Contact resistance rt

k Wa

Agricultural, concr ete £1 10 –2

Marbl e, cer amic 1 – 10 10 –3

Gravel, m oquette, c arpets 10 – 100 10 –4

Asphalt, lin oleum, wood ³ 100 10 –5

a Values measur ed between a 400 cm 2 electrod e compressed with a uniform force of 500 N and a point of infinity.
b A layer of insulating materi al, e.g. asphalt, of 5 cm thickness (or a layer of gravel 15 cm thick) gener ally r educ es
the hazard t o a toler able level.

Table C.4 – Reduction factor r p as a function of provisions taken

to reduce the consequences of fire

Prov isions rp
No provisions 1

One of the following provisions: extinguishers; fixed manually oper ated extinguishing installations; 0,5
manual alarm installations; hydr ants; fire compartments; escape routes
One of the following provisions: fixed automatic ally oper ated extinguishing installations; automatic 0,2
alar m installations a
Only if protected against overvoltages and other damages and if firemen c an arrive in less than 10 min.

If more than one provision has been taken, the value of r p should be taken as the lowest of
the relevant values.

In structures with risk of explosion, r p = 1 for all cases.



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Table C.5 – Reduction factor r f as a function of risk of fire or explosion of structure

Risk Amount of risk rf

Zones 0, 20 and solid 1
Zones 1, 21 10 –1

Zones 2, 22 10 –3

High 10 –1
Fire Ordinary 10 –2

Low 10 –3

Explosion or fire None 0

NOTE 4 In case of a structure with risk of explosion, the value for r f may need a mor e detailed evaluation.

NOTE 5 Structures with a high risk of fire may b e assumed to be structures made of combustible materials or
structures with roofs made of combustibl e materi als or structures with a specific fire load larger than 800 MJ/m 2 .

NOTE 6 Structures with an ordin ar y risk of f ire may be assumed to be structures with a specific fire load between
800 MJ/m 2 and 400 MJ/m 2 .

NOTE 7 Structures with a low risk of fire may be assumed to be structures with a specific fire load less than 400
MJ/m 2 , or structures containing only a small amount of combustible materi al.

NOTE 8 Specific fire load is the r atio of the ener gy of the total amount of th e combustible materi al in a structure
and the over all surf ace of the structure.

NOTE 9 For the purp os es of this part of IEC 62305, structures containing hazard ous zones or containing s olid
explosive materi als should not be assumed to be structures with a risk of explosion if any one of the f ollowing
conditions is fulfilled:

a) the time of pres ence of explosive substances is lower than 0,1 h/year;
[2] [3]
b) the volume of explosive atmospher e is negligible according to IEC 60079-10-1 and IEC 60079-10-2 ;
c) the zone c annot be hit dir ectly by a flash and danger ous sparking in the zone is avoided.

NOTE 10 For hazard ous zones enclosed within metallic shelters, condition c) is fulfilled when the shelter, as a
natural air-termination s ystem, acts safely without punctur e or hot-spot pr oblems, and intern al s ystems inside the
shelter, if any, ar e pr otected against overvoltages to avoid danger ous sparking.

Table C.6 – Factor h z increasing the relative amount of loss

in presence of a special hazard

Kind of special hazard hz

No special hazard 1
Low level of panic (e.g. a structure limited to t wo floors and the number of persons not greater 2
than 100)
Aver age level of panic (e.g. structures designed for cultural or sport events with a number of 5
participants between 100 and 1 000 persons)
Diff iculty of evacuation ( e.g. structures with immobile persons, hospitals) 5
High level of panic (e.g. structures designed for cultural or sport events with a number of 10
participants – gr eater than 1 0 00 persons)

C.4 Unacceptable loss of service to the public (L2)

The loss value L X for each zone can be determined according to Table C.7, considering that:

– loss of public service is affected by the characteristics of the zone of the structure. These
are taken into account by decreasing (rf , r p) factors;


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– the maximum value of loss due to the damage in the zone must be reduced by the ratio
between the number of users served by the zone (n z) versus the total number of users (n t )
served by the whole structure.

Table C.7 – Type of loss L2: Loss values for each zone

Type of damage Typical loss Equation

D2 L B = L V = rp ´ r f ´ L F ´ n z /n t (C.7)

D3 L C = L M = LW = L Z = L O ´ n z /n t (C.8)


LF is the typical mean relative number of users not served, resulting from physical damage
(D2) due to one dangerous event (see Table C.8);
LO is the typical mean relative numbers of users not served resulting from failure of internal
systems (D3) due to one dangerous event (see Table C.8);
rp is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the provisions taken
to reduce the consequences of fire (see Table C.4);
rf is a f actor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the risk of fire
(see Table C.5);
nz is the number of users served by the zone;
nt is the total number of users served by the structure.

Table C.8 – Type of loss L2: Typical mean values of L F and L O

Type of damage Typical loss value Type of service

10 –1 Gas, water, power supply

physical damage 10–2 TV, telec ommunic ations lines
D3 10 –2 Gas, wat er, power supply
failure of intern al LO
systems 10 –3 TV, telec ommunic ations lines

C.5 Loss of irreplaceable cultural heritage (L3)

The loss value L X for each zone can be determined according to Table C.9, considering that:

– loss of cultural heritage is affected by the characteristics of the zone. These are taken
into account by decreasing (r f , r p ) factors;
– the maximum value of loss due to the damage of the zone must be reduced by the
ratio between the value of the zone (c z) versus the total value (ct ) of the whole
structure (building and content).

Table C.9 – Type of loss L3: Loss values for each zone

Type of damage Typical loss v alue Equation

D2 L B = LV = r p ´ r f ´ LF ´ c z / c t (C.9)
physical damage


L F is the typical mean relative value of all goods damaged by physical damage (D2) due to
one dangerous event (see Table C.10);
r p is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the provisions taken to
reduce the consequences of fire (see Table C.4);
rf is a factor reducing the loss due to physical damage depending on the risk of fire
(see Table C.5);


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