Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Assignment 4
Figure 1
2. For the amplifier circuit in Figure 1 with VCC = +5 V and RC = 1 kΩ, find
VCE and the voltage gain at the following dc collector bias currents: 0.5 mA,
1 mA, 2.5 mA, 4 mA, and 4.5 mA. For each, give the maximum possible
positive- and negative- output signal swing as determined by the need to
keep the transistor in the active region. Present your results in table.
Figure 2
8. An npn BJT with grounded emitter is operated with VBE = 0.700 V, at which
the collector current is 0.5 mA. A 5-kΩ resistor connects the collector to a
+5-V supply. What is the resulting collector voltage VC? Now, if a signal
applied to the base raises vBE to 705 mV, find the resulting total collector
current iC and total collector voltage vC using the exponential iC – vBE
relationship. For this situation, what are vbe and vc? Calculate the voltage
gain vc/vbe. Compare with the value obtained using the small-signal
approximation, that is, – gm RC.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
15.The transistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 6 is biased to operate in the active
mode. Assuming that β is very large, find the collector bias current IC.
Replace the transistor with the small-signal equivalent-circuit model of
Fig. 7 (remember to replace the dc power supply with a short circuit).
Analyze the resulting amplifier equivalent circuit to show that
Figure 6
Figure 7
Find the values of these voltage gains (for α ≈ 1). Now, if the terminal
labelled vo1 is connected to ground, what does the voltage gain vo1/ vi
16.An amplifier with an input resistance of 100 kΩ, an open-circuit voltage
gain of 100 V/V, and an output resistance of 100Ω is connected between a
20-kΩ signal source and a 2-kΩ load. Find the overall voltage gain Gv.
Also find the current gain, defined as the ratio of the load current to the
current drawn from the signal source.
17.A CE amplifier utilizes a BJT with β = 100 biased at IC = 0.5 mA; it has a
collector resistance RC =10 kΩ. Find Rin, Ro, and Avo. If the amplifier is fed
with a signal source having a resistance of 10 kΩ, and a load resistance RL
= 10 kΩ is connected to the output terminal, find the resulting Av and Gv.
If the peak voltage of the sine wave appearing between base and emitter is
to be limited to 5 mV, what vsig is allowed, and what output voltage signal
appears across the load?
18.Two identical CE amplifiers are connected in cascade. The first stage is fed
with a source vsig having a resistance Rsig =10 kΩ. A load resistance RL =10
kΩ is connected to the collector of the second stage. Each BJT is biased at
IC = 0.25 mA and has β = 100. Each stage utilizes a collector resistance at
RC = 10 kΩ.
(a) Sketch the equivalent circuit of the two-stage amplifier.
(b) Find the overall voltage gain, vo2 / vsig.
19.A CE amplifier utilizes a BJT with β = 100 biased at IC = 0.5 mA and has
a collector resistance RC = 12 kΩ and a resistance Re = 250 Ω connected in
the emitter. Find Rin, Avo, and Ro. If the amplifier is fed with a signal source
having a resistance of 10 kΩ, and a load resistance RL =12 kΩ is connected
to the output terminal, find the resulting Av and Gv. If the peak voltage of
the sine wave appearing between base and emitter is to be limited to 5 mV,
what vsig is allowed, and what output voltage signal appears across the