About This Edition A winning road connects opposite sides of the board.
The University Edition is the second printed edition Spaces on the Tak board are connected only by their
of Tak. It is smaller than the original “Classic” edition, edges. Roads do not connect diagonally, and pieces do
and includes a cloth bag for added portability. not move diagonally.
We have included a capstone and 21 pieces per side, The game ends if either player makes a road, or runs
which is enough to play the 5x5 game. Additional piece out of pieces, or if the board is completely full. If the
sets and alternate game boards are available. To learn game ends without a road, then the player with the
more, visit James Ernest Games at jamesernest.com. most flat stones wins. Details in the pages that follow.
The Pieces Setting Up
There are two types of Tak piece: stones and capstones. The board starts empty. Check that each player has 21
Stones can be played in two ways: flat or standing. stones and one capstone. (If you are playing on a larger
or smaller board, see “How Many Pieces?” below.)
Flat Stones: Usually, stones are In the first game, determine randomly who will go
played flat, as shown here. first. After that, you should take turns going first.
Flat stones can stack, and they On the first turn of the game, each player places one of
can count as part of a road. their opponent’s stones. You may play this stone in any
empty space, and it must be flat.
Standing Stones: You can also place After this, players play their own stones.
a stone on end, as shown here.
For example, if White goes first, White plays a Black flat
Standing stones do not count as part stone, then Black plays a White flat stone, then White
of your road, and nothing can be takes the first normal turn.
stacked on top of them.
Note again that capstones can flatten stones of either In the long run, better players will score more points
color (not just the opponent’s color, as shown here). by playing more efficiently.
University Gambling Rules
The game of Tak has recently enjoyed a surge Calling Tak: When a player calls “Tak,” her
in popularity at the University, where Kvothe opponent must either add two coins to the
studies the arcane arts. pot, or resign.
Here is one of many optional systems for placing However, a player cannot be forced to pay
wagers on the game, devised by Tak historian this penalty twice in a row. The obligation
Daramin Centes. passes back and forth each time a different
player calls “Tak.” You can use a token to help
Ante: To begin, each player contributes an remember who called it last.
ante of ten coins. This creates a pot that will
go to the winner of the game. End Reward: The winner takes the pot, plus
a bonus equal to the number of unplayed
Bidding: Players bid, in coins, for the right pieces in the winner’s reserve. For example,
to go first. The high bidder goes first, and if you win with five unplayed pieces, you win
must pay his bid into the pot. (The second the pot plus an additional five coins from
player pays nothing extra.) your opponent.
US Tak Association
Join the US Tak Association for
the latest in Tak news and events!
Learn more at USTak.org.
Game created by James Ernest and Patrick Rothfuss.
Playtesters included Ira Fay, Rick Fish, Joe Kisenwether,
Nora Miller, Carol Monahan, Jeff Morrow, Paul Peter-
son, Boyan Radakovich, Jeff Wilcox, and Ben Wochinski.
To learn more about Tak, including its real-world history Illustrations by James Ernest and Nate Taylor. Edited by
and the variants, customs, and backstory of the game in the Carol Monahan, Cathy Saxton, and Mike Selinker. Special
world of Temerant, look for the Tak Companion Book by thanks to Cassidy Werner. Tak: A Beautiful Game is a
James Ernest and Patrick Rothfuss. You’ll find it in trademark of Cheapass Games, LLC. Made in the USA.
The Tinker’s Packs, at thetinkerspacks.com. Learn more about Tak at jamesernest.com/tak