Communication Systems Overview

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Communication Systems Overview

Lathi & Ding Chapter 1

◮ Information representation

◮ Communication system block diagrams

◮ Analog versus digital systems

◮ Performance metrics

◮ Data rate limits

Next week: signals and signal space (L&D chapter 2)

Types of Information
◮ Major classification of data: analog vs. digital
◮ Analog signals
◮ speech (but words are discrete)
◮ music (closer to a continuous signal)
◮ temperature readings, barometric pressure, wind speed
◮ images stored on film
◮ Analog signals can be represented (approximately) using bits
◮ audio: 8, 16, 24 bits per sample
◮ digitized images (can be compressed using JPEG)
◮ digitized video (can be compressed to MPEG)
◮ Bits: text, computer data
◮ Analog signals can be converted into bits by quantizing/digitizing

The word “bit” was coined in the late 1940s by John Tukey, co-inventor of Fast Fourier Transform
Analog Messages
◮ Early analog communication
◮ telephone (1876)
◮ phonograph (1877)
◮ film soundtrack (1923, Lee De Forest, Joseph Tykociński-Tykociner)
◮ Key to analog communication is the amplifier (1908, Lee De Forest,
triode vacuum tube)
◮ Broadcast radio (AM, FM) is still analog
◮ Broadcast television was analog until 2009
Digital Messages
◮ Early long-distance communication was digital
◮ semaphores, white flag, smoke signals, bugle calls, telegraph
◮ Teletypewriters (stock quotations)
◮ Baudot (1874) created 5-unit code for alphabet. Today baud is a unit
meaning one symbol per second.
◮ Working teleprinters were in service by 1924 at 65 words per minute
◮ Fax machines: Group 3 (voice lines) and Group 4 (ISDN)
◮ In 1990s the accounted for majority of transPacific telephone use. Sadly,
fax machines are still in use.
◮ First fax machine was Alexander Bains 1843 device required conductive ink
◮ Pantelegraph (Caselli, 1865) set up telefax between Paris and Lyon
◮ Ethernet, Internet

There is no name for the unit bit/second. I have proposed claude.

Communication System Block Diagram (Basic)

◮ Source encoder converts message into message signal (bits)

◮ Transmitter converts message signal into format appropriate for channel
transmission (analog/digital signal)
◮ Channel conveys signal but may introduce attenuation, distortion, noise,
◮ Receiver decodes received signal back to message signal
◮ Source decoder decodes message signal back into original message
Communication System Block Diagram (Advanced)

Source Channel
Source Encrypt Modulator
Encoder Encoder

Channel Noise

Source Channel
Sink Decrypt Demodulator
Decoder Decoder

◮ Source encoder compresses message to remove redundancy

◮ Encryption protects against eavesdroppers and false messages
◮ Channel encoder adds redundancy for error protection
◮ Modulator converts digital inputs to signals suitable for physical channel
Examples of Communication Channels
◮ Communication systems convert information into a format appropriate
for the transmission medium
◮ Some channels convey electromagnetic waves (signals).
◮ Radio (20 KHz to 20+ GHz)
◮ Optical fiber (200 THz or 1550 nm)
◮ Laser line-of-sight (e.g., from Mars)
◮ Other channels use sound, smell, pressure, chemical reactions
◮ smell: ants
◮ chemical reactions: neuron dendrites
◮ dance: bees
◮ Analog communication systems convert (modulate) analog signals into
modulated (analog) signals
◮ Digital communication systems convert information in the form of bits
into binary/digital signals
Physical Channels
◮ Physical channels have constraints on what kinds of signals can be
◮ Radio uses E&M waves at various frequencies
◮ Submarine communication at about 20 KHz
◮ Cordless telephones: 45 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 1.9 GHz
◮ Wired links may require DC balanced codes to prevent voltage build up
◮ Fiber optic channels use 4B5B modulation to accommodate time-varying
◮ CD and DVD media require minimum spot size but position can be more
◮ The process of creating a signal suitable for transmission is called
modulation (modulate from Latin “to regulate”)
AM and FM Modulation
(a) Carrier

(b) Signal

(c) Amplitude modulated

(d) Frequency modulated

Analog vs. Digital Systems

◮ Analog signals
Values varies continously

◮ Digital signals
Value limited to a finite set
Digital systems are more robust

◮ Binary signals
Have 2 possible values
Used to represent bit values
Bit time T needed to send 1 bit
Data rate R = 1/T bits per
Sampling and Quantization, I
To transmit analog signals over a digital communication link, we must
discretize both time and values.

Quantization spacing is ; sampling interval is T , not shown in figure.
Sampling and Quantization, II
◮ Usually sample times are uniformly spaced.
◮ Higher frequency content requires faster sampling. (Soprano must be
sampled twice as fast as a tenor.)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

◮ Quantization levels are usually uniformly spaced (linear). Logarithmic

compression is useful for greater dynamic range.
Digital Transmission and Regeneration
Simplest digital communication is binary amplitude-shift keying (ASK)

(a) binary signal input to channel; (b) signal altered by channel;

(c) signal + noise; (d) signal after detection by receiver
Channel Errors
If there is too much channel distortion or noise, receiver may make a
mistake, and the regenerated signal will be incorrect. Channel coding is
needed to detect and correct the message.



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

To communicate sampled values,

we send a sequence of bits that
represent the quantized value.
For 16 quantization levels, 4 bits
PCM can use binary
representation of value.
The PSTN uses 8-bit companded
PCM (similar to floating point)
Performance Metrics
◮ Analog communication systems
◮ Metric is fidelity, closeness to original signal
◮ We want m̂(t) ≈ m(t)
◮ A common measure of infidelity is energy of difference signal:
|m̂(t) − m(t)|2 dt

◮ Digital communication systems

◮ Metrics are data rate R in bits/sec and probability of bit error

Pe = P{b̂ 6= b}

◮ Without noise, we never experience bit errors

◮ With noise, Pe depends on signal power, noise power, data rate, and
channel characteristics.
Data Rate Limits
◮ Data rate R is limited by signal power, noise power, distortion
◮ Without distortion or noise, we could transmit at R = ∞ and error
probably Pe = 0
◮ The Shannon capacity is the maximum possible data rate for a system
with noise and distortion
◮ Maximum rate can be approached with error probability approaching 0
◮ For additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels,
C = 12 B log(1 + SNR) = 21 B log 1 +
◮ The theoretical result does not tell how to design real systems
◮ Shannon obtained C ≈ 32 Kbps for telephone channels
(B = 3700 − 300 = 3400 Hz)
◮ Modern modems achieve higher rates by using more bandwidth
SDR (software-defined radio) lab on Friday
◮ We will give you your RTL SDR’s
◮ Bring your laptops, and headphones
◮ We’ll get you up and running!

Next week
◮ (Very brief) review of EE 102A
◮ Fourier series and Fourier transforms in 2πf
◮ Vector space perspective on signal processing
◮ L&D Chapter 2 (skim this, most should look very familiar)

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