Scope and Delimitation

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Academic Emotions Affecting Senior High School Students’

Self-Regulated Learning and Achievement,

North Fairview High School


Scope and Delimitation

The research study primarily focused on three major variables: academic emotions and
self-regulated learning and achievement of senior high school students.

The participants’ class-related emotional experiences and self-regulated strategies were

measured using two applied survey questionnaires, the Academic Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ)
and Self- Regulation Formative Questionnaire (SRFQ) (Gaumer Erickson, A.S. & Noonan, P.M,
2018), designed to identify how academic emotions relate to self-regulated learning, and they
greatly affect academic achievement. The possible linkage between the two were analyzed by
going deep into the results of the survey conducted during the finals of first semester up to the
midterm of second semester.

The respondents in the study were from North Fairview High School, Grade 12 students
of Humanities and Social Sciences A of the school year, 2019-2020. Since the researchers and the
respondents have been together for several years, the researchers have witnessed and observed
that the participants are more likely to experience such academic emotions. As such, the researchers
would be able to get an accurate and reliable response from the participants.

Moreover, the researchers used the survey questionnaires as data gathering instruments
for them to be able to distinguish and scrutinize the effects of academic emotions on senior high
school students’ self-regulated learning and achievement, that is definitely why choosing
participants that are in the same class with the researchers is the most convenient move the
researchers made.

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