Whitefly Management in Tomato: Training Course Guide

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in Tomato
Training course guide


This training manual was prepared primarily from the cited

references. Technical support provided by the publications of
Srinivasan R, AVRDC and Tarsem Singh Dhillon from Punjab
Agriculture university, Ludhiana, Punjab, India are gratefully
acknowledged. A part of the information and images have been
collected from acknowledged websites.

Special thanks to the Department of Horticulture, Bhutan for

sending their horticulture officers to India for a training program
on tomato production in late 2015. The experiences gained during
the program were utilized in formulating this manual.

Advice in this manual is also based on practical knowledge gathered

during AVRDC developmental projects implemented in recent years
in Jharkhand, Odisha and Punjab states of India.

Sincere thanks has been extended for the review and comments by
Warwick Easdown and Ravishankar Manickam and editing and
layout by Sreeram.

1. Introduction

2. A framework of training

3. Whitefly and its damage

4. How to identify whitefly through its biology

- Life cycle
- Damage causing stages

5. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) – a disease caused

by whitefly - Symptomatic identification

6. A simple way of distinguishing between different viral


7. Management of whitefly and diseases transmitted

- Biological methods
- Physical and cultural methods
- Organically acceptable methods

8. Suggestive session plan

9. Practical exercises

10. Communication materials

11. Quiz for pre and post test


hiteflies carry and spread diseases New crop varieties are also being developed
that have a major impact on global with increased tolerance to whiteflies, and to
food production. In the tropics and the plant diseases carried by them.
subtropics, whiteflies have become one of
the most serious crop protection problems. In 1997, tomato yellow leaf-curl begomovirus
Economic losses are estimated in the millions was discovered in Florida, USA. This is the
of dollars. worst viral disease transmitted by the whitefly,
Bemisia spp[5] and this poses a chronic
While several species of whitefly cause crop problem in greenhouses. Whiteflies can also
losses through direct feeding, a species become serious pests during late summer.
complex, or group of whiteflies in the genus
Bemisia are important in the transmission of Whitefly control is difficult and complex,
plant diseases. as whiteflies rapidly gain resistance to
chemical pesticides. The USDA recommends
Efforts to develop environmentally friendly "an integrated program that focuses on
integrated pest management systems, with prevention and relies on cultural and biological
the goal of reducing insecticide use aim to control methods when possible."
re-establish the ecological equilibrium of
predators, parasitoids, and microbial controls
that were once in place.

Tomato plant affected by Yellow Leaf Curl virus carried by Whitefly


Purpose of this training package: Duration of the training course:
To provide technical, extension teaching and Ideally a full working day will be required with
practical skills to extension workers and a field visit to nearby fields for on-the-ground
community workers. experience. However, the number of days can
be varied depending on the need.
Participants for the training course: Materials needed:
Agriculture extension workers, field staff, seed The training package has relevant technical
company staff, NGOs and community bulletins, pamphlets, formats and survey sheets
development workers, who propose to train to be used by the trainers. This package will
farmers. help the trainees when they actually go to the
villages for training the farmers. Ideally the
Resource personnel: trainees should also develop complementary
Scientists from national and international training packages in local languages as part of
research and extension institutes, leading seed this training program.
companies, progressive and innovative farmers,
agripreneurs who can apply the principles of Monitoring and Feedback mechanism:
adult learning. To judge the success or failure of any training
program, and how it can be improved, it is
Training approaches to be used: important to assess its impact. Structured
The sessions should include both classroom and questionnaires will be administered to the
field oriented hands-on sessions. Group work, participants once or twice after a fixed interval.
role plays and case studies are integral parts The first one will be given immediately after
of this training program. The manual has the end of the program to measure changes in
suggestions and directions on how to conduct knowledge, another one after three months and
each session. if possible one more after six months to assess
the practical impact of the program.

WHITEFLY AND ITS • The Bemisia sp. of whiteflies transmit begomo

viruses that cause Tomato yellow leaf curl. Active
DAMAGE adult insects are responsible for almost all virus
spread into and within crops.
• The whitefly acquires the virus while feeding and
• Whiteflies are small, soft-bodied sucking insects that sucking sap from the phloem tissue of virus-infected
look like tiny white triangles, less than one-tenth of an plants. The insect needs to feed on an infected plant
inch long, that often rest on the undersides of plants. for at least 15 minutes to acquire the virus and then
• Several species of whiteflies may infest tomato. Proper feed for 15 to 30 minutes to transmit the virus to
identification of sweet potato whiteflies and green- another host plant.
house whiteflies is important because other whitefly
species do not cause economic damage in tomato.
• Feeding is concentrated on the leaf undersides, where
whiteflies remove so much plant sap that the plants
are seriously weakened.
• Infested leaves have numerous chlorotic spots. These
spots grow together forming different sized yellow
areas. In severe cases, only the veins remain green.
Some leaves appear completely brown and dried.
Wilting and leaf drop may occur. A sticky, black Whiteflies on the lower surface of the leaves
mould may be found on leaves and stems.


• Pale, wilting leaves are a sign that whiteflies • Eggs hatch into a first instar nymphal stage
are sucking juices from leaf undersides. As you that has legs and antennae and is mobile;
approach infested plants to inspect the lower Crawlers or first instar nymphs crawl a short
sides of wilted leaves, hundreds of tiny white distance before settling to feed on plant tissue.
moths take to the air in a cloud.
• There are four immature or nymphal stages.
• If the whiteflies have been feeding for several The second and third instar nymphs are
days, the leaves may have a sticky substance stationary and remain attached to the leaf
(whitefly honeydew) and ants may be present surface, and have a scale-like appearance.
as honeydew consumers. They continue feeding until developing into
the fourth and final nymphal stage.
Where To Look
• The easiest way to find whiteflies is to brush • The last/fourth nymphal instar, often called
or shake the leaves and look for the whitefly the pupa or the red-eyed nymph, is the easiest
adults which fly off. Inspect the undersides of to identify. These fourth instar nymphs stop
the leaves for the stationary immature insects. feeding, then pupate and emerge from the
pupal case as fully developed adults.
• Use a hand lens to examine both immature
insects and adults. Whiteflies hold their wings • The active adult whitefly is largely
somewhat vertically tilted, or rooflike, over the responsible for virus spread from plant to
body; the wings do not meet over the back but plant. It takes 18 to 28 days from egg to adult
have a small space separating them. in warm weather and 30 to 48 days in winter.

Life cycle Damage causing stages:

• Females lay up to 150 eggs each. Eggs are • Second and third instar larval stages that feed
attached to the underside of the leaf surface, on the leaves and suck sap.
usually younger leaves. Eggs hatch in eight to
ten days. • Adults that suck juices and transmit the virus.

Lifecycle of whitefly


• Tomato yellow leaf curl virus is one of the
most damaging pathogens of tomato, and it
limits production of tomato in many tropical
and subtropical areas of the world.
• The virus can be efficiently transmitted
during the adult stages. This virus transmission
has a short acquisition access period of 15–20
minutes, and latent period of 8–24 hours.
• A study demonstrated that TYLCV is
transmitted to offspring for at least two
generations through the infected insect’s egg[5].
TYLCV DNA was present in the progeny of Infested plant
insects that had acquired the virus through the
egg. The adult progeny of the viruliferous which is sometimes referred to as 'bonsai' or
insects and their own progeny were able to broccoli'-like growth.
infect tomato test plants, producing typical • Flowers formed on infected plants commonly
disease symptoms. [11] do not develop and fall off (abscise).
• Fruit production is dramatically reduced,
Symptoms: particularly when plants are infected at an early
• The new growth of plants with tomato age. It is not uncommon for losses of 100% to
yellow leaf curl has reduced internodes, giving be experienced in fields with heavily infected
the plant a stunted appearance. plants.
• The new leaves are also greatly reduced in
size and wrinkled, are yellowed between the Strategies to effectively manage the disease will
veins, and have margins that curl upward, be discussed in detail in the chapter on
giving them a cup-like appearance. ‘Whitefly Management’ as the disease is
• Plants often take on a bushy appearance, controlled by managing the whitefly.

Tomato Yellow Tobacco Mosaic Cucumber Mosaic Tomato spotted wilt virus
leaf curl disease Virus
Transmitted Whitefly: Seed borne and Aphids in a non-persistent Thrips,
by Bemisia tabaci does persist in manner Frankliniella occidentalis
plant debris in
the soil
Symptoms Chlorotic spots Light and dark Leaves often are stunted and bushy Chlorotic or necrotic
Yellowing green mottled (shortened internodes) and may rings on the leaves and
Upward curling areas on leaves. have distorted and malformed may also appear on the
and drying of Leaves on infected leaves. fruits
leaves plants are often
small, curled, and Leaves may appear mottled
puckered (intermingling of dark green, light
green, and yellow tissue), a similar
symptom to those caused by other

The most characteristic symptom of

CMV is extreme filiformity, or shoe
stringing, of leaf blades

Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Plant affected by Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Close view of leaf affected by tobacco mosaic Cucumber mosaic virus

Fruits damaged by cucumber mosaic Spotted wilt virus on fruits


• An integrated pest management program
for whiteflies includes following good cultural
practices, such as host-free periods, conserving
natural enemies, routinely monitoring fields for
trouble spots, and using pesticides only when

• The best way to control whiteflies is to grow

the crop under protected conditions, in green
houses or polynethouses. If farmers practice
open cultivation, they will have to adopt some Ladybird beetle feeding on
preventive practices to avoid complete crop larvae

Biological Control
The natural enemies of whitefly include small
birds, spiders, lacewings, hoverflies, ground
beetles, mirid bugs and damsel bugs. The
adults and larvae of some ladybirds also feed
on whiteflies. Habitat, such as a border of
perennial plants, needs to be available all year
round as a refuge for these predators.

Physical and cultural controls Pirate Bug feeding on whitefly

• At the beginning of the season, hang sticky nymphs
yellow traps above the plants to provide early
detection of an invasion. Tapping the plants
with a stick will cause the whiteflies to fly up
and stick onto the traps. Whiteflies are strongly
attracted to the colour yellow, so avoid wearing
yellow clothing around whiteflies or else you
may carry them from plant to plant.

• Use a floating row cover such as a Vege Net Row cover to protect young
for early-season protection, when grown in crop
open conditions.
check phosphorus and magnesium levels, as
• For small areas, vacuuming in the early deficiencies in these are believed to contribute
morning (when whiteflies are cold and slow to whitefly infestations.
moving) can remove many of the adults before
they have a chance to lay many eggs. They may • Adult whiteflies are repelled by silver-
also be collected in plastic bags and destroyed. coloured mulches. Place reflective polyethylene
mulches on planting beds before seeding or
• Handpick older leaves to remove young transplanting to significantly reduce the rate of
whitefly stages. colonization by whiteflies and delay the build
up of damaging numbers of whiteflies by
• Avoid using a lot of nitrogen fertilizer, 4 to 6 weeks. This delay in infestation can be
including manures, as succulent growth will especially important if virus transmission is
increase whitefly population. It can be useful to a major concern.

Organically acceptable methods

• Cultural and biological control as well as

sprays of insecticidal soaps (one tablespoon of
soap powder in 4 L of water) and one or two
teaspoons of oil plus Azadirachtin
(Nimbecidine EC available formulation
0.03% = 300ppm : Dosage @ 5 ml / Litre) spray
are acceptable for use on organically certified
Yellow sticky trap in the field
• Monitor the activities of the adult whiteflies
by setting up yellow pan traps and sticky traps
at 30 cm from the ground.

• Yellow empty tins or plates smeared with

Castor oil can also be kept in the field.
Whiteflies get trapped on them, and they can be
wiped off every day and the castor oil
re-applied. The number of traps needed
depends on the intensity of the pest.
50 traps/ha will be optimum.

• Collect and remove whitefly infested leaves Yellow traps in polyhouses

from the plants and those which were shed due
to the attack of the pest and destroy them.
• Apply LASTRAW @ 5 ml/litre of water. This
is a specially formulated concoction produced
Spray a 5% solution of Neem Seed Kernel
by Pest Control India (PCI) for controlling all
extracts mixed with neem oil. To prepare
soft-bodied sucking pests such as mealy bugs,
enough mixture of the extract to spray an area
thrips, white flies, mites, aphids, scale insects
of 4000 m2, 3-5 kg of neem kernel is required.
and plant hoppers. Apply when sucking pests
Remove the outer seed coat and use only the
are noticed and repeat application 2-3 times at
kernel. If the seeds are fresh, 3 kg of kernel is
weekly intervals for effective control.
sufficient. If the seeds are old 5 kg is required.

Pound the kernel gently and tie it loosely with

a cotton cloth. Soak this overnight in a vessel
containing 10 litres of water and filter the next
morning. On filtering, 6-7 litres of extract can
be obtained. Between 500-1000 ml of this extract
should be diluted with 9 or 9.5 litres of water
and mixed with 5 ml of neem oil.

Mix 500 to 2000 ml of this solution with water

in a 10 litre capacity sprayer, along with 100 ml
of khadi soap solution to help the extract stick
well to the leaf surface. The concentration of the
extract can be increased or decreased
depending on the intensity of pest attack.


• The preferable location for the training
program is a tomato field with or without
infestation. Practical insights are more useful
than a theoretical presentation.
• If no infestation is found in the field, an open
discussion can be facilitated so trainees can
share their past experiences with this problem.

S.No Topic Duration Resource person /facilitator

1 Identification of the insect pest 30 min Entomologist
2 Observation of the symptoms 40 min Entomologist/Pathologist
and diagnosing them
3 Symptomatic identification of
yellow leaf curl virus
3 Distinguishing between differ- 40 min Pathologist
ent viral symptoms
4 Managing the pest and the 60 min Entomologist/Pathologist
disease transmitted

Purpose: • Groups share their experiences of managing the
To impart skill in identifying the carrier and disease problem.
symptoms • The facilitator/trainer will discuss in detail all the
To demonstrate a practical means of managing the symptoms and management practices.
infestation. • How to differentiate leaf curl disease from other
viral diseases will also be explained.
A. Field visit, observation using a lens, collection of B. Powerpoint with interactive discussion
• If the class has to be conducted in a closed room
• Participants will divide into groups with a com- with Powerpoints and images, a video can be
bination of experienced and beginners in each played on the identification of life stages of
group. whitefly.
• Groups will go for a pest survey in the field, • The group will be divided into small groups and
check for the presence of adult insects and identi- asked to work on their experiences in managing
fy disease symptoms. the pest and disease.
• Plants with suspected symptoms should be • The findings will be consolidated to prepare a
collected and brought back to the full group for common management strategy with input from
further discussion. the facilitator.

Training manual

Handouts of
• Whitefly and its management
• Yellow Leaf curl virus

Videos from YouTube

• Life cycle of whitefly


1. White fly is a tiny sucking insect 8. Using lot of nitrogenous fertilizer will
a. Yes increase whitefly populations
b. No a. Yes
b. No
2. Whitefly settles and feeds on the c. No idea
underside of leaves
a. Agree 9. Whitefly attack is greater when tomato is
b. Disagree grown in
c. No idea a. Open field
b. Polyhouses
3. Whiteflies carry leaf curl virus c. No difference
a. Yes d. Can’t say
b. No
c. No idea 10. Whiteflies do not cause significant dam-
age to the crop
4. Controlling whiteflies will free the crop a. True
from leaf curl virus b. False
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. No idea

5. Growing tomatoes under protected con-

ditions can prevent attack by whiteflies
a. Yes
b. No

6. Yellow sticky traps can be used to attract

adult flies
a. Yes
b. No

7. The beneficial insects that can feed on

the larvae have to be protected
a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. No idea

TYLCV Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
spp. Species
Kg Kilogram
ml Millilitre
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
Min Minutes
L Litres

1. Srinivasan R (Ed.).2010.Safer tomato production methods: A field guide for soil fertility and pest
management, AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Shanhua, Taiwan. AVRDC Publication No.10-
740. 97 p.

2. AVRDC.1990.Vegetable production training manual. Asian Vegetable Research and

Development center, Shanhua, Tainan. 447 p. Reprinted 1992

3. AVRDC International Cooperators' Fact Sheet.

4. AVRDC publication. Natural enemies help farmers control pests.[rev].pdf

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomato_yellow_leaf_curl_virus

6. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r783301211.html

7. https://www.pestcontrolindia.com/organic/

8. http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/garden/use-row-covers-extend-your-season

9. http://www.agritech.tnau.ac.in/org_farm/orgfarm_pestanddisease.html

10. http://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/pest-control/how-to-kill-whiteflies-

11. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0042682297989376
AVRDC - South Asia
ICRISAT Campus, Patancheru 502 324
Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Tel: +91-40-30713755
Fax: +91-40-30713074 / 75


Compiled by: PVL Bharathi

Edited by: Warwick Easdown

Contributors: M Ravishankar,
Swarna Sarika, Devender Pal Kaur

Designed by: Sreeram Banda


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