Energizing The Countryside, Electrifying The Future: National Electrification Administration
Energizing The Countryside, Electrifying The Future: National Electrification Administration
Energizing The Countryside, Electrifying The Future: National Electrification Administration
Presidential Republic
Decree 269 Act No.
(1973) 10531
c. Institutional Internal human capital growth and development; empowered membership, competent
Capability Program leadership and management; corporate image building, with shared practical vision, one
signage, one design, one color, one identity, among others
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 3
3. Prioritize the Empowerment Program for the Electric Consumers
a. Education and For the Electric Consumers to be well-educated and informed on the power
Information industry from unbundling of services to power costing
b. Organization Of the Electric Consumers at the barangay, municipal/city, provincial, national
levels, as well as, into sectoral organization or movement, such as farmers, fisher
folks, labor, women, youth, IPs, religious, business, professional, barangay
government unit, media, etc.
Of the ECs (electric consumers with the electric coops) as a national center to self-
govern the movement similar to NRECA
c. Mobilization Of the Electric Consumers for income-generating projects, district, semi-annual,
annual general membership assemblies, attendance to public hearings called by
the ERC, DOE, even LGUs, active participation in elections at the coop level, and
even in the regular government political elections, among others
Of the national center of the Electric Cooperative Consumers
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 4
4. Carry out Rural Development Program thru Rural Electrification Program
a. Exploration and development of Renewable Energy either by ECs or private sector
b. Employment of the rural residents to programs and projects such as river basin
and watershed protection and management, planting and growing of trees, as
well as, planting, growing and production of materials for biomass fuel, among
c. Electrification of the farms, not just the houses, towards greater production of
agricultural goods, not just basic food, but to process agricultural products, such
as rubber, palm oil, cassava, banana, fruits, among others
d. Organization of production groups or producers cooperatives to complement
productivity and skills of the rural folks
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 4
4. Carry out Rural Development Program thru Rural Electrification Program
e. Organization of NGOs that will provide social and economic services to the Electric
Consumers and will undertake the following:
• Implementation of livelihood program for the Electric Consumers in cooperation
with the government agencies at the local and national levels
• Maximization of post harvest mechanism to sustain the livelihood program
• Maximization of existing trade and industry initiatives and programs to
complete the cycle in the production of agricultural products and goods
• Other projects that will generate additional or increased income to the Electric
Consumers to be carried out by the NGOs as the arm of the ECs for their
respective CSRs
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 5
5. Carry on the current Corporate Governance Program of the NEA
a. As a GOCC Towards sustaining NEA being an excellent institution relative to good governance, among other
feats due the agency, as a supervisory agency towards sustaining its relevance in the EC sector
b. As a financial From fund mobilization/accessing to appropriate management of its funds and/or corporate
intermediary resources
c. As a quasi-judicial Towards resolution of cases and disputes in the EC sector at the quickest possible time thereby
body preventing disruption in the management and operations of the ECs ultimately affecting the
electric consumers
d. As a network and With the Electric Cooperatives as the major NEA With the private sector such as NGCP and
linkage builder to partner similar entities at the locality
primarily benefit With the electric consumers thru their With the financial intermediaries such as
the electric associations or organizations at all levels banks thru the LGU-GC, REFC, among others
consumers With the national government agencies such as With the international organizations and
ERC, NPC, TRANSCO, PSALM, PEMCI, DBM, DOF, institutions such as the NRECA, USAID, WB,
With the Philippine Congress for its legislative agenda
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 6
6. Strengthen networking and linkage building with the policy-makers to
ensure that the Legislative agenda beneficial to the NEA, Electric
Cooperatives, and Electric Consumers are given attention
a. Review and recommend amendments to the EPIRA Law or RA 9136
b. Review further the NEA Charter or PD 269 as amended by RA 10531 and recommend
for its further enhancement
c. Propose bills, like Lineman Training Academy, Electric Consumers Social Fund, Magna
Carta for the Workers in the Energy/Power Sector, among others
d. Conduct consultative conferences with the ECs and Electric Consumers for the crafting
of administrative policies within the NEA institution and for the drafting and
submission of legislative measures to Congress
e. Review of NEA policies, systems and procedures (obsolete, outdated, irrelevant,
inconsistent with the EPIRA, RA 10531, among others
NEA and AERM’s 7-Point Agenda No. 7
7. Introduce the paradigm shift from central NEA to Federal State
Electrification Administration or carry out a transition period towards the
creation of the National Center of ECs (Electric Cooperative Consumers) to
self-govern the rural electrification movement
a. Attendance to lectures and seminars on FEDERALISM
b. Facilitate consultations on how to sustain the electrification program under the Federal form of
c. Participate in the drafting and passage of the constitutional reforms amending the constitution
to a Federal form of government ensuring that the electrification program will always be a
d. Formation of aggrupation of ECs in accordance to the grouping of the provinces/cities towards
Federal States
e. Transition towards a National Center of ECs to self-govern the movement thru a National Center
for the EC Consumers (with regional, provincial, city/municipal, barangay chapters)
VISION A dynamic and responsive NEA that is a vanguard of sustainable
NATIONAL rural development in partnership with globally-competitive Electric
Cooperatives and empowered Electricity Consumers
To empower member-consumers as
responsible owners of the Electric
the rural areas through rural electrification To generate peak performance To ensure that the Electric Cooperatives
among the Electric Cooperatives provide accessible, adequate, quality
• To empower and strengthen NEA to pursue to ensure competitiveness and reliable service
the electrification program and bring
electricity, through the Electric
Cooperatives as its implementing arm, to To enhance networking to gain support
the countryside even in missionary or for program implementation
To sustain the organization’s
economically unviable areas viability and ensure accountability
and transparency
• To empower and enable Electric
Cooperatives to cope with the changes
brought about by the restructuring of the To upgrade
electric power industry organizational infrastructures
Absolute Honesty
78 &
Fate of B,C ECs and
D (ailing) ECs?
(C2C) approach
NEA in partnership with the foreign funded development
programs, projects and activities
Implementation of the NEA Web Portal and Business Intelligence
Systems Project in partnership with WB through INDRA
Implementation of the NEA RE4RE least cost GIS planning tool
for renewable energy and rural electrification
Geographic Information
System (GIS)
Renewable Energy for
Rural Electrification
• The NEA Administrator’s response to EC Management and Board of
Directors (BODs) concerns such as:
• Review of parameters for the grant of incentives to EC employees
• Review of parameters for no term limits to members of the EC
• Other NEA policies, guidelines and advisories
• The ECs to adapt the necessary paradigm shift from PD 269 to RA 9136,
and RA 10531 towards competence, competitiveness, viability and
sustainability, reliability and efficiency
• The ECs to position itself in adapting to the “new normal” in the
prevailing climate and environmental changes such as but not limited to
mitigation but towards adaptation, resiliency, sufficiency and
• An MCO in particular and the Electricity Consumers’ Movement in
general towards advocacies in the legislative and executive branches
of government at the local and national levels beneficial to the NEA,
ECs and the power sector itself
• A movement that serves as the foundation of the ECs in the
conceptualization, development and implementation of initiatives
and programs on social services, such as:
Health and education Banking and finance
Protection of the natural resources and Agricultural production to agro-
environment industries
Promotion and development of Tourism industry, among others
business enterprises
Compliance: 94%
114 out of 121 ECs
(March 31, 2017)
What an Electric Cooperative
should be in 2017 and Beyond
• Clearly verbalize the ECs dreams, vision, flagship programs and
projects, paradigm shift of the ECs, in 2017 and beyond
• Contribute in powering the EC through sustaining its Flagship
Programs, Projects And Activities; and, to make this a major
subject of discussion during the AGMA
• Shift from the old to an EPIRA-responsive and adaptive paradigm
• Reinforce the EC vision of being a reliable, viable and efficient
electric distribution utility operated and managed by competent,
honest and responsive human resources towards satisfied
consumers or MCOs
• Dream big and aspire to meet the demands of the economic,
social, political, cultural, moral and environmental aspects of
its stakeholders to address the 5 basic human yearnings of
life, love, freedom, responsibility and solidarity
• Observe the 1st EC law of protecting the rights and interests of
all the MCOs in absolute honesty, maximum efficiency and
total solidarity; made manifest by adhering to, internalizing
and practicing the EC corporate/cooperative culture of
discipline, teamwork, hard work, honesty, thrift, cleanliness,
generosity and palabra de honor
• Understand further the appropriate concept of what Electric Cooperative
should be, that:
• It is first and foremost a Distribution Utility
• It is a Business Enterprise, and therefore, should be run or managed in
a business-like manner
• It is a cooperative, and so it is a Social Development Agency
• As a cooperative, it must be a People’s Movement, where the very
foundation of the EC, the MCOs, shall always be the center-piece of
any endeavor
Towards 1. Re-ORGANIZATION through Organization Development and Human
Sustainability Engineering, including Special RETIREMENT Program;
2. Corporate Culture Development;
of its 3. Corporate GOVERNANCE by the Leadership and Management;
4. Advocacy and Movement Building through the Member Consumer
Flagship Empowerment Program;
5. Fiscal Management through cost-saving measures, reduction of
Programs SL, increased CE, RSEC-WR, CAPEX Project, rate recovery,
imposition of other revenue income, increased Sales and
Revenues, engage in power related business enterprises;
6. Automation by optimizing the advancing Computer Engineering
and Information Technology;
7. CAPEX Projects, continuing Engineering and Technical Planning;
8. Consortium for the Sub-transmission assets;
9. Foundation for the ECs Electric Consumers; and
10. Power generation conceptualization, development and operation.
Towards a Paradigm Shift Because of EPIRA
From PD 269 To RA 9136
From Rural Electrification To EPIRA
From Missionary Electrification To Competitiveness through Competence
From Monopoly To Open Access, Competition, Deregulation
From Finance- Institutional-Technical- Audit ( or FITA) To Wire and Metering Services
From NEA-initiated associations, e.g. PHILRECA, To Movement and Party building, e.g. ECAP, NCECCO,
Regional Association, NaGMec, FITA Association, etc. NL-EC-MCO, Party-list for the Electric Consumers,
MSEAC, BMCEC, League of MSEAC and Directors
From typical Member-Consumers To dual roles as Member-Consumers and Member-
From Associations for Advocacy, e.g. AMRECO To AMRECO-PSAG, Local RES, Consortium,
Foundation, among others
The ECs shall be operated for the following mission:
The only way towards viability and sustainability of the ECs in the competitive environment is
to simultaneously perform all of the missions through various groupings in the EC operating
The National Movement of Electric
Cooperative Consumers: NCECCO
RATIONALE: Why there’s a need for an empowered EC and MCOs?
• PRRD’s stand: anti-elitism, anti-oligarchs, anti-monopolist and anti-
• Control of the Elite and Oligarchs (LIC) over the Power Industry
• Issue on the conversion of ECs into GOCC or Stock Cooperatives
• Resolution of LASURECO-like, DANECO-like, ABRECO-like, ALECO-like,
stock cooperative/corporation
• Non-renewal of EC franchise by Congress in the next 10 years or after
PRRD’s presidency
• NEA’s step-in rights as a tool to sell-out of ECs to the private investors
• Threat of NEA abolition, Federalized –ERC
• Maximize representation of the ECs and MCOs through a National
Movement in situation like overhaul of EPIRA in the 17th Congress
I noticed already that Administrator Masongsong did some briefing with some cooperatives, some of
them were ailing, based on your presentation, but I’d like all GMs to undergo, as part of our
communication program in understanding this thing. We have to realize it. Para tayong loko nito,
naggawa tayo ng goal natin, tapos inilagay lang natin sa folder at natulog na tayo. That’s why all
of this will depend on the action that we have to put. We communicate it, we understand it and
we give it our full support. Then, we can make the change. “
“So, I’d like to congratulate
management for having this, and I,
as the Secretary of DOE, I will be
monitoring what kind of effort, what
kind of action you’ll be doing, and I’ll
give you full support. Thank you.