Internship Report Format For BS and MHRM

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1- The following format of Internship Report is to be EXACTLY followed by all students

graduating from the degree programs of BS(hons) in Management and MHRM. The
Maximum Page Limit for report is 20-25 Pages including all the chapters.
2- The Report should be either Tape Bind or Ring Bind for submission.
3- Important Note:
In Chapter 2 of your report, please pick the relevant section according to the department of
the organization where you have done your internship. For instance, if you have majors in
Public Management but you did your Internship in HR Department of an organization, you
are required to write only HRM section in Chapter 2 regardless of your major/minor subject.
Same goes for all the other specialization students.
4- It is mandatory to attach, at the end of report, the copy of your Internship Completion
Certificate (on the letter head of the organization) and Internship Evaluation Form (provided
in format) duly filled by your Internship Supervisor at your Internship Organization.
5- Internship Reports should be submitted to Office of Career Advisory & External Linkages as
soon as you are done with your internship.
6- Please note that Final Transcripts are not issued unless the reports are submitted and
checked. The usual checking time for Reports is 1 week after submission.
7- Internship Reports that will not include complete details as on the First title Page in Format
and Page numbers in report shall NOT be marked and will be returned back to the student.
8- The Grading criterion for report is mentioned as follows. Please note that Grades are
mentioned on your final Transcript based on the evaluation of your report by Internship
Evaluation Committee along with your Internship Evaluation as received from Internship

Grading Criterion:

Percent Marks Letter Grade

85-100 A
80-84 A-
75-79 B+
70-74 B-
65-69 C+
58-60 C
55-57 C
50-54 D
Below 50 F
Withdrawal W
Incomplete I

9- For any QUERY regarding your Internship/Internship Report, please write an email to
[email protected] mentioning your Complete Name/Degree Program/Roll No. /Contact no.

We shall be glad to be at your service , Stay connected!

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Roll No:
Degree Program:
Internship Organization Name:
Branch and Address:
Internship Supervisor:
Internship Supervisor Contact Number:
Internship Supervisor Email ID:

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Title Page

Sr. No. CONTENTS Pg. No.

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Organization
1.1 Brief History
1.2 Nature of the organization
1.3 Organogram & Number of Employees
1.4 Vision
1.5 Mission
1.6 Values
1.7 Goals & Objectives of Organization
1.8 Business of Organization (Products and/or Services)
Chapter 2: Management Practices at [Organization Name]
Write this chapter according to your department of Internship regardless of your Specialization
(major/minor) in degree program
HR Human Resource Management Practices at [Organization Name]
Section (for HRM Internship only)
2.1 HR Division – a Review
2.2 Job analysis
2.3 Human Resource Planning
2.4 Recruitment and Selection Procedures
2.5 Orientation of new hires
2.6 Training & Development of employees
2.7 Appraising & Managing Performance
2.8 Compensation & Benefits Policies
2.9 Labor Relations

2.10 Procedures of Record keeping of Employees

MKT Marketing Management Practices at [Organization Name]

Section (for Marketing Internship only)
2.1 Marketing Division – a Review
2.2 The Marketing Environment (Micro & Macro)
2.3 Marketing Mix at [Organization Name]
2.3.1 People
2.3.2 Product
2.3.3 Pricing
2.3.4 Place (Distribution): Marketing channels and Supply Chain Management
2.3.5 Promotion (sales & communication)
2.3.6 Performance

FIN Financial Management Practices at [Organization Name]

Section (for Finance Internship only)
2.1 Finance Division – a Review
2.2 Financial Planning & Provision of Capital
2.3 Administration of Funds
2.4 Accounting & control mechanisms

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2.5 Protection of Assets
2.6 Tax Administration
2.7 Investor Relations
2.8 Financial Evaluation & Consulting
2.9 Financial Information Systems
PM Public Management Practices at [Organization Name]
Section (for Public Sector Internship only)
Public Management Division – A Review
2.1 Organization & Management ( Planning, Organizing, Leading & controlling)
2.2 Staffing/ human Resources
2.3 Financial Resources & Budgeting
2.4 Stakeholders
2.5 Organizational Culture

2.6 Donors/ Donor Driven Projects

2.7 Community/ Citizen Engagement

Chapter 3: Tasks and Duties at Internship
3.1 Function(s)/Department(s) of Internship
3.2 Week 1
3.3 Week 2
3.4 Week 3
3.5 Week 4
3.6 Week 5
3.7 Week 6 (add more weeks according to duration of your internship)
3.8 Learning and Achievements at Internship (Write a paragraph or week wise activities)
Chapter 4: SWOT Analysis of [Organization Name]
Chapter 5: Research Project
Note: Research has to be conducted on any Managerial Aspect of your interest and should be related
to the organization where you have done your internship.
It is NOT mandatory to use SPSS for data analysis. Students can draw results in MS Excel.
5.1 Introduction to the topic
5.2 Literature Review
5.3 Research Problem Statement
5.4 Explanation of Key Terms
5.5 Significance / Rationale of the study
5.6 Objectives
5.7 Research Questions/ Hypothesis
5.8 Methodology
5.8.1 Research Design
5.8.2 Population
5.8.3 Sample description (sample size, sampling method)
5.8.4 Tool/Instrument of Data Collection
5.8.5 Method of data collection
5.9 Limitations of Research
5.10 Results and Data Analysis (Tables/Figures with Interpretations)
Key Findings and Conclusions
Summary of Research Work
Appendices (include a copy of your Tool of data Collection)
Internship Completion Certificate (copy)
Internship Evaluation Form (copy)

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Institute of Administrative Sciences (IAS)
University of the Punjab
Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore Pakistan.
Web site:
Email: [email protected]


(To be filled by the Internship Supervisor)

Intern’s Name:
Father’s/ Guardian’s Name:
Class Roll No.
Telephone No. (Res.) (Cell no.)
To be filled by the internship Supervisor
Supervisor’s Name:
Internship Organization:

Telephone No:
Internship Joining date of the intern:
Internship Completion date of the intern:
Internship duration:
Attendance of the intern in days:

Specific Tasks assigned during internship:

 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________

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Please evaluate the intern on the five point scale ranging from Satisfactory to Excellent
based on the following key attributes.

Sr. No. Attributes Satisfactory Excellent

1. Punctuality & regularity 1 2 3 4 5
2. Commitment to work 1 2 3 4 5
3. Productivity Level 1 2 3 4 5
4. Meeting the Deadlines 1 2 3 4 5
5. Team Work 1 2 3 4 5
6. Quality of work 1 2 3 4 5
7. Initiative in taking new assignments 1 2 3 4 5
8. Communication Skills-Writing 1 2 3 4 5
9. Communication Skills-Speaking 1 2 3 4 5
10. Communication Skills-Comprehending 1 2 3 4 5
11. Adaptability to the organizational environment 1 2 3 4 5
12. Overall Conduct & behavior 1 2 3 4 5
13. Other, Pl. Specify: 1 2 3 4 5

General Remarks regarding Intern’s Performance during Internship:

Areas of Learning & Improvement:

Evaluator/Internship Supervisor Office Stamp

Name: ________________
Designation: ________________
Signature: ___________________
Dated: _____________________

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