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Answer SCJP Drag and Drop

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Ques: 186

public int update(int quantity, int adjust){

quantity = quantity + adjust;
return quantity;
public void callUpdate() {
int quant = 100;
quant = update(quant, 320);
System.out.println(“The quantity is: ”+ quant);

Ques : 281,258

public class Flags2 {

private boolean isReady = false;
public synchronized void produce() {
isReady = true;
public synchronized void consume() {
while(!isReady) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {}
isReady = false;

Ques: 259

(no more output)

Ques: 260

class Alpha {
public void bar( int… x ) {}
public void bar( int x ) {}
public class Beta extends Alpha {
public void bar(int x) {}
public int bar(String x) {return 1;}
public void bar(int x, int y) {}

Ques: 261

interface Reloadable
public void reload();

class Edit
public void Edit(){}

interface Displayable extends Reloadable

public void display();

Ques: 262

package alpha;
public class Alpha{
private String alpha;
public Alpha(){this("A");}
protected Alpha(String a){alpha = a;}

package beta;
public class Beta extends alpha.Alpha{
public Beta(String a){super(a);}

Ques: 263

1. class A{List<B> b} - car is vechile and car is a collectible

2.class A{} - car has a steering wheel
3.class A{B b;} - car has wheels
4.class A extends B,C{} - Mini is a car
5.class A{B b;C c;} - car is an object
6.class A implements B,C{}
7.class A extends B{}
class A{ List<B> b; }
Now here A has multiple Bs, so we can match it to - 3. car has wheels - because car has multiple
wheels and here A can have multiple Bs. So here Car symbolizes A and wheels symbolizes B.

class A extends B,C{}

This Implementation structure won't be used as it depicts multiple inheritance and this is not
supported by java

class A {}
Well here A doesn't extend any class so by default it will extend Object class, so option 5 suits it
- 5.car is an object
class A{ B c; C c; }
Here A has an object of B and C. There is no option matching this one

class A{ B b;}
Here A has one object of B. So option 2 suits it - 2.car has a steering wheel as a car can have
only one steering wheel

class A implements B,C{}

Here A is-a B and A is-a C. So option 1 suits this - 1.Car is a vehicle and car is a collectable
class A Extends B{}
Here A is-a B. So option 4 suits it - 4.Mini is a car.

Ques: 264

Pi approximately 3.141593
and E is approximately true

Ques: 265
1).ArrayList<String> x1 = new ArrayList<String>();
foo(x1); ---- Compilation of the first statement succeeds, but
compilation fails due to error in the second statement.

2). ArrayList<Object> x2 = new ArrayList<String>();

foo(x2); ---- Compilation fails due to an error in the first statement

3). ArrayList<Object> x3 = new ArrayList<Object>();

foo(x3); -- Compilation succeeds

4). ArrayList x4 = new ArrayList ();

foo(x4); -- Compilation succeeds

Ques: 266

public class Gen<T> {

private T object;
public Gen(T object){
this.object = object;
public T getObject() {
return object;

public static void main(String[] args) {

Gen<String> str = new Gen<String>("answer");
Gen<Integer> intg = new Gen<Integer>(42);
System.out.println(str.getObject() + "=" + intg.getObject());

Ques: 267

public void takeList(ArrayList list){} - Compilation Succeeds

public void takeList(ArrayList<Animal> list){} - Compilation Fails
public void takeList(ArrayList<? extends Animal> list){} - Compilation Succeeds
public void takeList(ArrayList<?> list){} - Compilation Succeeds
public void tkeList(ArrayList<Object> list){} - Compilation Fails
Ques: 268

public class myint implements comparable

public string toString()
public int compareTo(object o)
myint i2=(myint)o;
return i-i2.i;

Ques: 269

java.util.Map --------> defines the method : V get(Object key)

java.util.Set --------> contains no pair of elements e1 and e2, such that e1.equals(e2)

java.util.List --------> allows access to elements by their integer index

java.util.Queue --------> is designed for holding elements prior to processing

Ques: 270

class A has name A

class B has name A

Ques: 271

public class Single{

private static Single instance;
public static Single getInstance() {
return instance;
// next 2 line alone changes... ( instead of private protected and instead of protected static )
protected Single() { }
static Single cerate() { return new Single(); }
class SingleSub extends Single {

Ques: 272

public class ReadFile{

public static void main(String argv[]){
File x1 = new File("MyText.txt");
FileReader x2 = new FileReader(x1);
BufferedReader x4 = new BufferedReader(x2);
String x3 = null;
while((x3 = x4.readLine()) != null){
}catch(Exception ex){

Ques: 273

public class Doubler {

public static int doubleMe(int h)
return h*2;

public class Holder {

int amount=10;
public void doubleAmount(){amount=Doubler.doubleMe(amount);}

public int getAmount(){return amount;}

Ques: 274

Ques: 275

m1(listA); Compiles and runs without error.

m1(listB); Compiles and runs without error.
m1(listO); Does not Compile.

m2(listA); Compiles and runs without error.

m2(listB); Does not Compile.
m2(listO); Does not Compile.

Ques: 276

public class NumberNames{

private HashMap<String,Integer> map= new HashMap<String,Integer>();
public void put(String name,int value){
public Set<String> getNames() {
return map.keySet();
Ques: 277

java.util.SortedSet->>>>>defines base methods for an ordered set..

java.util.Arrays->>>>>provide array manipulation utilities..

java.util.Iterator-->>>>>>defines methods for leniar access to a collection...

java.util.TreeSet->>>>> provide concrete implementaion of an ordered set..

java.util.Collection->>>>>defines base methods for all collection objects...

Ques: 278

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in"));

PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("out")));

Ques: 279

enum Element
public String info(){
return "Hot";
public String info()
return "element";

Ques: 280

run() java.lang.Thread
wait() java.lang.Object
notify() java.lang.Object
sleep() java.lang.Thread
start() java.lang.Thread
join() java.lang.Thread
Ques: 281

public class Test {

private Boolean isReady = false;
public synchronized void produce() {
isReady = true;
public synchronized void consume() {
while ( ! isReady ) {
try {
}catch(Exception ex) {}
isReady = false;

Ques: 282

public boolean doesFileExist(String []dirs,String filename)

String path="";

for(String dir:dirs)


File file = new File(path,filename);
return file.exists();

Ques: 283


(IOException e){

Ques: 284


Ques: 285

Dog is a Animal

Forest has a Tree

Rectangle has a side

Java Book is a programming Book

Ques: 286

Refractor this class to use generics without changing the cods’s behavior.
import java.util.*;
public class TestGenericConversion {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();

Ques: 287

public class GenericB< T extends Pet> {

public T foo;
public void setFoo ( T foo) {
public T getFoo() {
return foo;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GenericB<Cat> bar = new GenericB< Cat> ();
bar.setFoo(new Cat());
Cat c= bar.getFoo();
interface Pet{ }

class Cat implements Pet { }

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