Sample Format of Letter Request

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Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

Contract I.D : 19KF0026

Contract Name : Preventive Maintenancew along Sta. Felomina-
Bonbonon-Digkilaan Rogongon Road, K1523+000-
Location of the Contract :_ Brgy. Digkilaan, IligaCity___________________________


I, SALAMAN D. MANGCA of Legal age, Married, Filipino and residing at 015 Alonto Village
Brgy. Moncado kadingilan Marawi City under oath and Hereby depose and say:

1. That I am the Proprietor/Gen. Manager of the SDM VENTURES with office at 015 Alonto Village
Brgy. Moncado Kadingilan Marawi City;
2. That I have inspected the Project site for 19KF0026- Preventive Maintenancew along Sta.
Felomina-Bonbonon-Digkilalaan-Rogongon Road, K1523+000-k1523+707,k1528+000-K1528+205,
K1541+420- K1542+000 located at Brgy. Digkilaan, Iligan City;
3. That during this inspection, I was accompanied by representative/s of a) DPWH and b) the local
Government Unit (LGU)/Barangay/s where the Project will be located;
4. That during tis inspection, I thoroughly invested the ground terrain , existing structures, access and
found the project site to be appropriate and complain to the advertised Plans/Drawings and Program
of Works;
5. That 19KF0026- Preventive Maintenancew along Sta.Felomina-Bonbonon-Digkilaan-Rogongon
Road, K1523+000-k1523+707,k1528+000-K1528+205, K1541+420-k1542+000 located at Brgy.
Digkilaan, Iligan City,if awarded the contract, can immediately commence work on the project,
without complaints on being impeded by adverse actual site conditions;
6. That attached to this affidavit is a printed geo-tagged photograph of my self, together with
representative/s of DPWH and pertinent LGU, taken during the said inspection;
7. That I am making this statement as part of the requirement for the Technical Proposal of the SDM
VENTURES for 19KF0026- Preventive Maintenancew along Sta.Felomina-Bonbonon-Digkilaan-
Rogongon Road, K1523+000-k1523+707,k1528+000-K1528+205, K1541+420-k1542+000 located at
Brgy. Digkilaan, Iligan City,

(Contractor’s technical personnel)

Brgy. Captain/Representative

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________ at _______Philippines affiant exhibited to

me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. 03866891 issued on January 18, 2018 at Marawi City,

Doc. No.____
Page No.____
Book No.____
Series of 2018

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