Employee Questionnaire For Corporate Governance
Employee Questionnaire For Corporate Governance
Employee Questionnaire For Corporate Governance
In India, since the nationalization procedure banks rose as an apparatus of monetary improvement alongside
social equity. Corporate Governance has turned out to be vital for banks to perform and stay in rivalry in this
period of advancement and globalization.
Dear Employee, I kindly request you to give away your valuable opinions for my Ph.D research topic
mentioned above. The data collected shall be kept confidential and used for academic purposes only.
Demographic Profile:
4. Educational Qualification:
Undergraduate Post Graduate
Graduate Above Post graduate
5. Official Cadre:
Senior Manager Officer
Manager Clerical
1. What do you think about the recent propagation of Codes of Corporate Governance?
3. In your organisation, to the best of your knowledge, is risk management mostly concerned with:
Questionnaire Bank Employees
4. Do you believe that having a statement of values and behaviours that applied to everyone in your
organisation (including Directors, Executives and Suppliers) would help promote good governance
Yes No Not Sure
5. Do you believe that your organisation has high standards of Corporate (Good) Governance?
Yes No
6. Where do you think that ultimate accountability for Corporate (Good) Governance should lie?
Developing an incentive structure Fostering interaction between board and senior management
1 2 3 4 5
The written code of Corporate Governance has been put in place because of the:
The rights of shareholders
Duties of the Boards
Rules of disclosure
Government Regulations
The code of conduct takes into account the following issues:
Ethical standards in dealing with customers, vendors and other relevant
Company expectations of management and employees
The privacy of information about outsider companies
The privacy of information about employees
The importance of Compliance with laws and regulations
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagree,5=Strongly Disagree
Questionnaire Bank Employees
Employee Involvement In Corporate Governance
1. On a scale of 1 to 5 rate your opinion for the following statements in relation to corporate governance
at your bank
Attributes Statements 1 2 3 4 5
Commitment The basic formalities of corporate governance are in place
including: Board of Directors with non-executive directors
and management; General Meeting of Shareholders;
High-level company executive explicitly charged with
responsibility for improving corporate governance practices.
The company has a written articulated set of policies
addressing, at a minimum, the rights and treatment of
shareholders, the role of the Board of Directors and
transparency and disclosure.
Board By-laws in place regulating duties and responsibilities of the
Practices Board of Directors.
Board Meetings held according to a regular schedule,
agenda prepared in advance, minutes prepared and
approved. The Board meets regularly, and the NEDs meet
independently of the executive management
The Control The company has an Audit Committee responsible for
Environment assisting the BOD with the oversight and preparation of
financial statements, internal controls and internal audit
function, as well as setting procedures for hiring the
independent external auditor
Compliance Investors and financial analysts are treated equally regarding
with all information disclosure.
disclosure The company prepares and presents financial statements and
reporting in accordance with IFRS.
Shareholders’ All shareholders are provided with adequate notice and
Rights agenda, and permitted to participate and vote at all
shareholder meetings.
The company treats all shareholders of the same class
equally with respect to voting rights, subscription rights and
transfer rights, and all are treated equally regarding
information disclosure (fair disclosure).
2. To what extent do you participate in corporate governance decision making in the following areas.
Questionnaire Bank Employees
Statements 1 2 3 4 5
3. State the extent to which you agree to the following statements employee satisfaction
Statements 1 2 3 4 5
The employees rights are protected by the department and have
effective redress for violation of their rights
There is encouragement of professionalism, integrity and excellence in
the Department.
There is team work in the Department and employees are able to tap
positive energies from each other.
I enjoy high standards of security and safety within the Department.
Questionnaire Bank Employees