Perioperative Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Types of Surgery
• Optional—Surgery is scheduled completely at the preference
of the patient (eg, cosmetic surgery).
• Elective—The approximate time for surgery is at the
convenience of the patient; failure to have surgery is not
catastrophic (eg, a superficial cyst).
• Required—The condition requires surgery within a few
weeks (eg, eye cataract).
• Urgent— The surgical problem requires attention within 24
to 48 hours (eg, cancer).
• Emergency—The situation requires immediate surgical
attention without delay (eg, intestinal obstruction).
Ambulatory surgery (same-day surgery, outpatient surgery) is a
common occurrence for certain types of procedures. The office
nurse is in a key position to assess patient status; plan perioperative
experience; and monitor, instruct, and evaluate the patient.
• Reduced cost to the patient, hospital, and insuring and
governmental agencies
• Reduced psychological stress to the patient
• Less incidence of hospital-acquired infection
• Less time lost from work by the patient; minimal disruption
of the patient's activities and family life
• Less time to assess the patient and perform preoperative
• Less time to establish rapport between the patient and health
care personnel
• Less opportunity to assess for late postoperative
complications. This responsibility is primarily with the
patient, although telephone and home care follow-up is
Patient Selection
Criteria for selection include:
• Surgery of short duration (varies by procedure and
• Noninfected conditions
• Type of operation in which postoperative complications are
predictably low
• Age usually not a factor, although too risky in a premature
• Examples of commonly performed procedures:
o Ear-nose-throat (tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy)
o Gynecology (diagnostic laparoscopy, tubal ligation,
dilatation and curettage)
o Orthopedics (arthroscopy, fracture or tendon repair)
o Oral surgery (wisdom teeth extraction, dental
o Urology (circumcision, cystoscopy, vasectomy)
o Ophthalmology (cataract)
o Plastic surgery (mammary implants, reduction
mammoplasty, liposuction, blepharoplasty, face lift)
o General surgery (laparoscopic hernia repair,
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, biopsy, cyst removal)
Nursing Management
Initial Assessment
• Develop a nursing history for the outpatient; this may be
initiated in the health care provider's office.
• Ensure availability of a signed and witnessed informed
consent that includes correct surgical procedure and site.
• Explain any additional laboratory studies needed and state
• Determine the following during initial assessment of the
patient's physical and psychological status: Calm or agitated?
Overweight? Disabilities or limitations? Allergies (be sure to
include medication, food, and latex allergies)? Medications
being taken (also include herbal medications because certain
herbs, such as St. John's wort [a mild antidepressant] and
feverfew, can affect clotting)? Condition of teeth (dentures,
caps, crowns)? Blood pressure problems? Major illnesses?
Other surgeries? Seizures? Severe headaches? Smoker?
Cardiac or respiratory problems?
• Begin the health education regimen. Instructions to the
o Notify the health care provider and surgical unit
immediately if you get a cold, have a fever, or have any
illness before the date of surgery.
o Arrive at the specified time.
o Do not ingest food or fluid before surgery according to
institution protocol. Less strict guidelines for fasting
have been advocated, but are controversial. The
American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) guidelines
for preoperative fasting are available at
o Do not wear makeup or nail polish.
o Wear comfortable, loose clothing and low-heeled shoes.
o Leave valuables or jewelry at home.
o Brush your teeth in morning and rinse, but do not
swallow any liquid.
o Shower the night before or day of the surgery.
o Follow health care provider's instructions for taking
o Have a responsible adult accompany you and drive you
home—have someone stay with you for 24 hours after
the surgery.
Prolonged fasting before surgery may result in undue thirst,
hunger, irritability, headache; and even dehydration,
hypovolemia, and hypoglycemia. Make sure that patients
understand preoperative fasting instructions per institution
protocol. Nothing by mouth after midnight may not be necessary
for surgeries scheduled later in the morning or afternoon.
Preoperative Preparation
• Administer preprocedure medication; check vital signs.
• Escort the patient to surgery after the patient has urinated.
• Review the patient's chart for witnessed and informed
consent, laterality (if applicable), lab work, and history and
• Verify correct person, correct site, and correct procedure.
Postoperative Care
• Check vital signs.
• Administer oxygen if necessary; check temperature.
• Change the patient's position and progress activity—head of
bed elevated, dangling, ambulating. Watch for dizziness or
• Ascertain, using the following criteria that the patient has
recovered adequately to be discharged:
o Vital signs stable for at least 1 hour
o Stands without dizziness and nausea; begins to walk
o Comfortable and free of excessive pain or bleeding
o Able to drink fluids and void
o Oriented as to time, place, and person
o No evidence of respiratory depression (2 hours after
o Has the services of a responsible adult who can escort
the patient home and remain with patient
o Understands postoperative instructions and takes an
instruction sheet home (see Patient Education
• To ensure that the patient understands the nature of the
treatment, including potential complications
• To indicate that the patient's decision was made without
• To protect the patient against unauthorized procedures, and to
ensure that the procedure is performed on the correct body
• To protect the surgeon and hospital against legal action by a
patient who claims that an unauthorized procedure was
• Increases the difficulty involved in technical aspects of
performing surgery (eg, sutures are difficult to tie because of
fatty secretions); wound dehiscence is greater
• Increases the likelihood of infection because of compromised
tissue perfusion
• Increases the potential for postoperative pneumonia and other
pulmonary complications because obese patients chronically
• Increases demands on the heart, leading to cardiovascular
• Increases the possibility of renal, biliary, hepatic, and
endocrine disorders
• Decreases the ability to conserve heat due to radiant heat loss
• Alters the response to many drugs and anesthetics
• Decreases the likelihood of early ambulation
Therapeutic Approach
• Encourage weight reduction if time permits.
• Anticipate postoperative obesity-related complications.
• Be extremely vigilant for respiratory complications.
• Carefully splint abdominal incisions when moving or
• Be aware that some drugs should be dosed according to ideal
body weight versus actual weight (owing to fat content), or
an overdose may occur (digoxin [Lanoxin], lidocaine
[Xylocaine], aminoglycosides, and theophylline [Theo-Dur]).
• Avoid intramuscular injections in morbidly obese individuals
([I.V. or subcutaneous routes preferred).
• Never attempt to move an impaired patient without assistance
or without using proper body mechanics.
• Obtain a dietary consultation early in the patient's
postoperative course.
Poor Nutrition
• Preoperative malnutrition (especially protein and calorie
deficits and a negative nitrogen balance) greatly impairs
wound healing.
• Increases the risk of infection and shock.
Therapeutic Approach
• Any recent (within 4 to 6 weeks) weight loss of 10% of the
patient's normal body weight should alert the health care staff
to poor nutritional status.
• Attempt to improve nutritional status before and after
surgery. Unless contraindicated, provide a diet high in
proteins, calories, and vitamins (especially vitamins C and
A); this may require enteral and parenteral feeding. Reinforce
that the postoperative period is not the appropriate time to
• Recommend repair of dental caries and proper mouth
hygiene to prevent respiratory tract infection.
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance
Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances can have adverse effects in
terms of general anesthesia and the anticipated volume losses
associated with surgery, causing shock and cardiac dysrhythmias.
Patients undergoing major abdominal operations (such as
colectomies and aortic repairs) often experience a massive fluid
shift into tissues around the operative site in the form of edema
(as much as 1 L or more may be lost from circulation). Watch for
the fluid shift to reverse (from tissue to circulation) around the
third postoperative day. Patients with heart disease may develop
failure due to the excess fluid “load.”
Therapeutic Approach
• Assess the patient's fluid and electrolyte status.
• Rehydrate the patient parenterally and orally as prescribed.
• Monitor for evidence of electrolyte imbalance, especially
Na+, K+, Mg++, Ca++.
• Be aware of expected drainage amounts and composition;
report excess and abnormalities.
• Monitor the patient's intake and output; be sure to include all
body fluid losses.
• Potential for injury is greater in older people.
• Be aware that the cumulative effect of medications is greater
in the older person.
• Note that medications such as morphine and barbiturates in
the usual dosages may cause confusion, disorientation, and
respiratory depression.
Therapeutic Approach
• Consider using lesser doses for desired effect.
• Anticipate problems from chronic disorders such as anemia,
obesity, diabetes, hypoproteinemia.
• Adjust nutritional intake to conform to higher protein and
vitamin needs.
• When possible, cater to set patterns in older patients, such as
sleeping and eating.
Therapeutic Approach
• Frequently assess heart rate and blood pressure, and
hemodynamic status and cardiac rhythm if indicated.
• Avoid fluid overload (oral, parenteral, blood products)
because of possible myocardial infarction, angina, congestive
failure, and pulmonary edema.
• Prevent prolonged immobilization, which results in venous
stasis. Monitor for potential deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or
pulmonary embolus.
• Encourage position changes but avoid sudden exertion.
• Use antiembolism stockings along with sequential
compression device intraoperatively and postoperatively.
• Note evidence of hypoxia and initiate therapy.
Therapeutic Approach
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of ketoacidosis and
hypoglycemia, which can threaten an otherwise uneventful
surgical experience.
• Monitor blood glucose and be prepared to administer insulin
as directed, or treat hypoglycemia.
• Reassure the diabetic patient that when the disease is
controlled, the surgical risk is no greater than it is for the
nondiabetic person.
Most diabetic medication should be continued right up until
surgery despite nothing by mouth status; however, metformin
(Glucophage) should be suspended due to the risk of lactic
acidosis when food and fluids are stopped.
Presence of Alcoholism
The additional problem of malnutrition may be present in the
presurgical patient with alcoholism. The patient may also have an
increased tolerance to anesthetics.
Therapeutic Approach
• Be prepared for rapid sequence induction to lessen the chance
of vomiting and aspiration.
• Note that the risk of surgery is greater for the person who has
chronic alcoholism.
• Anticipate the acute withdrawal syndrome within 72 hours of
the last alcoholic drink.
Therapeutic Approach
• Patients with chronic pulmonary problems such as
emphysema or bronchiectasis should be treated for several
days preoperatively with bronchodilators, aerosol
medications, and conscientious mouth care, along with a
reduction in weight and smoking, and methods to control
• Opioids should be used cautiously to prevent
hypoventilation. Patient-controlled analgesia is preferred.
• Oxygen should be administered to prevent hypoxemia (low
liter flow in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Therapeutic Approach
• An awareness of drug therapy is essential.
• Notify the health care provider and anesthesiologist if the
patient is taking any of the following drugs:
o Certain antibiotics may interrupt nerve transmission
when combined with a curariform muscle relaxant. This
may cause respiratory paralysis and apnea.
o Antidepressants, particularly MAO inhibitors and St.
John's wort, an herbal product, increase hypotensive
effects of anesthesia.
o Phenothiazines increase hypotensive action of
o Diuretics, particularly thiazides, may cause electrolyte
imbalance and respiratory depression during anesthesia.
o Steroids inhibit wound healing.
o Anticoagulants such as warfarin or heparin; or
medications or herbals that may affect coagulation such
as aspirin, feverfew, ginkgo biloba, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and
clopidogrel (Plavix). Unexpected bleeding may result.
MAO inhibitors, such as tranylcypromine (Parnate), phenelzine
(Nardil), and selegiline (Eldepryl), must be discontinued before
surgery or used with extreme caution due to danger of
hypotension. St. John's Wort must also be discontinued.
Patient education is a vital component of the surgical experience.
Preoperative patient education may be offered through
conversation, discussion, the use of audiovisual aids,
demonstrations, and return demonstrations. It is designed to help
the patient understand the surgical experience to minimize anxiety
and promote full recovery from surgery and anesthesia. The
educational program may be initiated before hospitalization by the
physician, nurse practitioner or office nurse, or other designated
personnel. This is particularly important for patients who are
admitted the day of surgery or undergo outpatient surgical
procedures. The perioperative nurse can assess the patient's
knowledge base and use this information in developing a plan for
an uneventful perioperative course.
Teaching Strategies
Obtain a Database
• Determine what the patient already knows or wants to know.
This can be accomplished by reading the patient's chart,
interviewing the patient, and communicating with the health
care provider, family, and other members of the health team.
• Ascertain the patient's psychosocial adjustment to impending
• Determine cultural or religious health beliefs and practices
that may have an impact on the patient's surgical experience,
such as refusal of blood transfusions, burial of amputated
limbs within 24 hours, or special healing rituals.
General Instructions
Preoperatively, the patient will be instructed in the following
postoperative activities. This will allow a chance for practice and
Incentive Spirometry
Preoperatively, the patient uses a spirometer to measure deep
breaths (inspired air) while exerting maximum effort. The
preoperative measurement becomes the goal to be achieved as
soon as possible after the operation.
• Postoperatively, the patient is encouraged to use the incentive
spirometer about 10 to 12 times per hour.
• Deep inhalations expand alveoli, which prevents atelectasis
and other pulmonary complications.
• There is less pain with inspiratory concentration than with
expiratory concentration such as with coughing.
Coughing promotes the removal of chest secretions.
Instruct the patient to:
• Interlace his fingers and place his hands over the proposed
incision site; this will act as a splint during coughing and not
harm the incision.
• Lean forward slightly while sitting in bed.
• Breathe, using the diaphragm.
• Inhale fully with the mouth slightly open.
• Let out three or four sharp “hacks.”
• With his mouth open, take in a deep breath and quickly give
one or two strong coughs.
• Secretions should be readily cleared from the chest to prevent
respiratory complications (pneumonia, obstruction). Note:
Certain position changes may be contraindicated after some
surgeries (eg, craniotomy and eye or ear surgery).
Changing positions from back to side-lying (and vice versa)
stimulates circulation, encourages deeper breathing, and relieves
pressure areas.
• Help the patient to move onto his side if assistance is needed.
• Place the uppermost leg in a more flexed position than that of
the lower leg and place a pillow comfortably between the
• Make sure that the patient is turned from one side to the back
and onto the other side every 2 hours.
• Human skin normally harbors transient and resident bacterial
flora, some of which are pathogenic.
• Skin cannot be sterilized without destroying skin cells.
• Friction enhances the action of detergent antiseptics;
however, friction should not be applied over a superficial
malignancy (causes seeding of malignant cells) or areas of
carotid plaque (causes plaque dislodgment and emboli).
• It is ideal for the patient to bathe or shower using a
bacteriostatic soap (eg, Hibiclens) on the day of surgery. The
surgical schedule may require that the shower be taken the
night before.
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend
that hair not be removed near the operative site unless it will
interfere with surgery. Skin is easily injured during shaving
and often results in a higher rate of postoperative wound
• If required, shaving should be performed as close to the
time of the operation as possible. The longer the interval
between the shave and operation, the higher the incidence
of postoperative wound infection.
o Use of electric clippers is preferable. Hair should be
removed within 1 to 2 mm of the skin to avoid skin
abrasion. Thorough cleaning of the clippers after use is
o A sharp disposable razor with a recessed blade may be
used as long as a “wet shave” is done. It is important
that the shave be done in the direction of hair growth.
o Depilatory creams (hair-removing chemicals) offer the
advantage of eliminating possible abrasions and cuts
and producing clean, smooth, intact skin. Many patients
even find this form of skin preparation relaxing. The
depilatory creams may cause transient skin reactions in
some patients, especially when used near the rectal and
scrotal areas.
o Scissors may be used to remove hair greater than 3 mm
in length.
• For head surgery, obtain specific instructions from the
surgeon concerning the extent of shaving.
Gastrointestinal Tract
• Preparation of the bowel is imperative for intestinal surgery
because escaping bacteria can invade adjacent tissues and
cause sepsis.
o Cathartics and enemas remove gross collections of stool
(eg, “GoLYTELY”).
o Oral antimicrobial agents (eg, neomycin, erythromycin)
suppress the colon's potent microflora.
o Enemas “until clear” are prescribed the evening of
elective surgery. No more than three enemas should be
given because of negative effects on fluid and
electrolyte balance. (It is also exhausting to the patient.)
Notify the health care provider if the enemas never
return clear.
• Solid food is withheld from the patient for 6 hours before
surgery. Patients having morning surgery are kept nothing by
mouth (NPO) overnight. Clear fluids (water) may be given
up to 4 hours before surgery if ordered, to help the patient
swallow medications.
Genitourinary Tract
A medicated douche may be prescribed preoperatively if the
patient is to have a gynecologic or urologic operation.
With the increase of ambulatory surgery and same-day admissions,
preanesthetic medications, skin preps, and douches are seldom
However, medication may be prescribed preoperatively to
facilitate the following goals:
• To aid in the administration of an anesthetic
• To minimize respiratory tract secretions and changes in heart
• To relax the patient and reduce anxiety
• Opiates—such as morphine (Roxanol) and meperidine
(Demerol) are given to relax the patient and potentiate
• Anticholinergics—such as atropine, scopolamine, and
glycopyrrolate (Robinul) are given primarily to reduce
respiratory tract secretions and to prevent severe reflex
slowing of the heart during anesthesia. Typically given in
conjunction with an opiate less than 1 hour before the
patient's trip to the operating room.
• Barbiturates/tranquilizers—such as pentobarbital
(Nembutal) and other hypnotic agents are given the night
before surgery to help ensure a restful night's sleep. It is
important to note that reassurance from the nurse,
anesthesiologist, and health care provider can do much to
alleviate the patient's anxiety and insomnia.
• Prophylactic antibiotics—administered just before surgery to
be effective when bacterial contamination is expected;
preferably 1 hour before an incision is made.
Preanesthetic medication, if ordered, should be given precisely at
the time it is prescribed. If given too early, the maximum potency
will have passed before it is needed; if given too late, the action
will not have begun before anesthesia is started.
Final Checklist
The preoperative checklist is the last procedure before taking the
patient to the operating room. Most facilities have a standard form
for this check.
Identification and Verification
This includes verbal identification by the perioperative nurse while
checking the identification band on the patient's wrist and written
documentation (such as the chart) of the patient's identity, the
procedure to be performed (laterality if indicated), the specific
surgical site marked by the surgeon with indelible ink, the surgeon,
and the type of anesthesia.
Consent Form
All nurses involved with patient care in the preoperative setting
should be aware of the individual state laws regarding informed
consent and the specific hospital policy. Obtaining informed
consent is the responsibility of the surgeon performing the specific
procedure. Consent forms should state the procedure, various risks,
and alternatives to surgery, if any. It is a nursing responsibility to
make sure the consent form has been obtained and the signature
witnessed and that it is in the chart.
Patient Preparedness
• NPO status
• Proper attire (hospital gown)
• Skin preparation, if ordered
• I.V. started with correct gauge needle
• Dentures or plates removed
• Jewelry, contact lenses, and glasses removed and secured in a
locked area or given to a family member
• Allow the patient to void
General Anesthesia
• A reversible state consisting of complete loss of
consciousness that provides analgesia, muscle relaxation, and
sedation. Protective reflexes are lost.
• Consists of three major phases: induction, maintenance,
and emergence.
o Induction is accomplished by I.V. or respiratory routes.
Common parenteral agents are ultra-short-acting
barbiturates such as ketamine, etomidate, or
benzodiazepines. Potent inhalation agents can be given
by mask. These include nitrous oxide, halothane,
enflurane, isoflurane, and desflurane. During induction
it is important to assist with monitoring devices and
help to maintain the airway.
o Maintenance is accomplished through the use of
inhalation agents or I.V. technique. Neuromuscular
blockade is also used. I.V. agents include sodium
thiopental, methohexital, etomidate, diazepam,
lorazepam, midazolam, ketamine, and propofol. Agents
used for neuromuscular blockade include the short-
acting agent succinylcholine; intermediate-acting agents
mivacurium, atracurium, vecuronium, rocuronium; and
the long-acting agents d-tubocurarine, pancuronium,
metocurine, pipecuronium, and doxacurium. During
maintenance, nursing responsibilities include obtaining
fluid, drugs, and blood products as requested; sending
blood specimens to the lab; monitoring blood loss; and
monitoring urine output.
o Emergence and extubation of the trachea is done when
the patient maintains adequate ventilation and responds
to verbal commands. The peripheral nerve stimulator,
head lifting, and squeezing a hand are convenient ways
to assess the patient's readiness for extubation. During
emergence it is important to assist with airway control,
help to prevent shivering, and facilitate transport to the
• A laryngeal mask may be used in place of an endotracheal
(ET) tube for short, uncomplicated or peripheral procedures.
Regional Anesthesia
• Production of anesthesia in a specific body part
• Achieved by injecting local anesthetics in close proximity to
appropriate nerves
• Agents used are lidocaine and bupivacaine
• Nursing responsibilities include understanding the type and
dose of anesthetic and its physiologic response; positioning
the patient; helping to monitor blood pressure, heart rate,
oxygen saturation, pain relief, equipment; preparing adjunct
drugs for sedation; maintaining a comfortable environment
for the conscious patient
Spinal Anesthesia
• Local anesthetic is injected into the lumbar intrathecal space
• Anesthetic blocks conduction in spinal nerve roots and dorsal
ganglia; paralysis and analgesia occur below level of
• Agents used are procaine, tetracaine, lidocaine, and
Epidural Anesthesia
• Achieved by injecting local anesthetic into epidural space by
way of a lumbar puncture
• Results similar to spinal analgesia
• Agents used are chloroprocaine, lidocaine, and bupivacaine
Intraoperative Complications
• Hypoventilation (hypoxemia, hypercarbia)—inadequate
ventilatory support after paralysis of respiratory muscles and
ensuing coma
• Oral trauma (broken teeth, oropharyngeal, or laryngeal
trauma)—due to difficult ET intubation
• Hypotension—due to preoperative hypovolemia or untoward
reactions to anesthetic agents
• Cardiac dysrhythmia—due to preexisting cardiovascular
compromise, electrolyte imbalance, or untoward reactions to
anesthetic agents
• Hypothermia—due to exposure to a cool ambient operating
room environment and loss of normal thermoregulation
capability from anesthetic agents
• Peripheral nerve damage—due to improper positioning of the
patient (eg, full weight on an arm) or use of restraints
• Malignant hyperthermia
o This is a rare reaction to anesthetic inhalants (notably
enflurane, fluroxene, halothane, isoflurane) and the
muscle relaxant succinylcholine (Anectine).
o Such drugs as theophylline (Theo-Dur), aminophylline
(Aminophyllin), epinephrine (Adrenalin), and digoxin
(Lanoxin) may also induce or intensify this reaction.
o This deadly complication is most likely to occur in
younger people with an inherited muscle disorder (eg,
forms of muscular dystrophy) or a history of
subluxating joints, scoliosis.
o Malignant hyperthermia is due to abnormal and
excessive intracellular accumulations of calcium with
resulting hypermetabolism and increased muscle
o Clinical manifestations—tachycardia, pseudotetany,
muscle rigidity, high fever, cyanosis, heart failure, and
central nervous system (CNS) damage.
o Treatment—discontinue inhalent anesthetic; dantrolene
(Dantrium), oxygen, dextrose 50% (with extra insulin
to enhance its utilization), diuretics, antiarrhythmics,
sodium bicarbonate (for severe acidosis), and
hypothermic measures (eg, cooling blanket, iced I.V.
saline solutions, or iced saline lavages of stomach,
bladder, or rectum).
It is important for the nurse to be able to communicate in the
patient's language to provide an accurate assessment.
Interpreters must be sought through the patient's family, hospital
registry, Red Cross, or other agency.
Postanesthesia care unit (PACU) care is geared to recognizing the
signs and anticipating and preventing postoperative difficulties.
Many seriously ill patients return from the operating room with
an ET tube in place; this may be left in place for hours or days
and requires special management.
Maintaining Safety
• Keep the side rails up until the patient is fully awake.
• Protect the extremity into which I.V. fluids are running so the
needle will not become accidentally dislodged.
• Avoid nerve damage and muscle strain by properly
supporting and padding pressure areas.
• Recognize that the patient may not be able to complain of an
injury such as the pricking of an open safety pin or a clamp
that is exerting pressure.
• Check the dressing for constriction.
• Determine the return of motor control following anesthesia—
indicated by how the patient responds to a pinprick or a
request to move a body part.
Transfer Criteria
Each facility may have an individual checklist or scoring guide
used to determine a patient's readiness for transfer from the
PACU based on the following:
• Uncompromised cardiopulmonary status
• Stable vital signs
• Adequate urine output (at least 30 mL/hour)
• Orientation to person, place, and time
• Satisfactory response to commands
• Movement of extremities after regional anesthesia
• Control of pain
• Control or absence of vomiting
Transfer Responsibilities
• Relay appropriate information to the unit nurse regarding the
patient's condition; point out significant needs (eg, drainage,
fluid therapy, incision and dressing requirements, intake
needs, urine output).
• Physically assist in the transfer of the patient.
• Orient the patient to the room, attending nurse, call light, and
therapeutic devices.
Most patients experience some discomforts postoperatively. These
are usually related to the general anesthetic and the surgical
procedure. The most common discomforts are nausea, vomiting,
restlessness, sleeplessness, thirst, constipation, flatulence, and pain.
Nursing Interventions
• Encourage the patient to breathe deeply to facilitate
elimination of anesthetic.
• Support the wound during retching and vomiting; turn the
patient's head to the side to prevent aspiration.
• Discard vomitus and refresh the patient—provide mouthwash
and clean linens.
• Small sips of a carbonated beverage such as ginger ale, if
tolerated or permitted.
• Report excessive or prolonged vomiting so the cause may be
• Maintain an accurate intake and output record and replace
fluids as ordered.
• Detect the presence of abdominal distention or hiccups,
suggesting gastric retention.
• Administer medications as ordered. Antiemetic medication
such as prochlorperazine (Compazine), ondansetron (Zofran),
or promethazine (Phenergan) may be given; be aware that
these drugs may potentiate the hypotensive effects of opioids.
Suspect idiosyncratic response to a drug if vomiting is worse
when a medication is given (but diminishes thereafter).
• Inhibition of secretions by preoperative medication with
• Fluid lost by way of perspiration, blood loss, and dehydration
due to preoperative fluid restriction
Preventive Measures
Unfortunately, postoperative thirst is a common and troublesome
symptom that is usually unavoidable due to anesthesia. The
immediate implementation of nursing interventions is most helpful.
Nursing Interventions
• Administer fluids by vein or by mouth if tolerated and
• Offer sips of hot tea with lemon juice to dissolve mucus if
diet orders allow.
• Apply a moistened gauze square over lips occasionally to
humidify inspired air.
• Allow the patient to rinse mouth with mouthwash.
• Obtain hard candies or chewing gum, if allowed, to help in
stimulating saliva flow and in keeping the mouth moist.
Preventive Measures
• Encourage early ambulation to aid in promoting peristalsis.
• Provide adequate fluid intake to promote soft stools and
• Advocate proper diet to promote peristalsis.
• Encourage the early use of nonopioid analgesia because
many opiates increase the risk of constipation.
• Assess bowel sounds frequently.
Nursing Interventions
• Ask the patient about any usual remedy for constipation and
try it, if appropriate.
• Insert a gloved, lubricated finger and break up the fecal
impaction manually, if necessary.
• Administer an oil retention enema (180 to 200 mL), if
prescribed, to help soften the fecal mass and facilitate
• Administer a return-flow enema (if prescribed) or a rectal
tube to decrease painful flatulence.
• Administer GI stimulants, laxatives, suppositories, and stool
softeners, as prescribed.
Pain is a subjective symptom in which the patient exhibits a feeling
of distress. Stimulation of, or trauma to, certain nerve endings as a
result of surgery causes pain.
General Principles
• Pain is one of the earliest symptoms that the patient expresses
on return to consciousness.
• Maximal postoperative pain occurs between 12 and 36 hours
after surgery and usually diminishes significantly by 48
• Soluble anesthetic agents are slow to leave the body and
therefore control pain for a longer time than insoluble agents;
the latter produce rapid recovery, but the patient is more
restless and complains more of pain.
• Older people seem to have a higher tolerance for pain than
younger or middle-age people.
• There is no documented proof that one gender tolerates pain
better than the other.
Clinical Manifestations
• Autonomic
o Elevation of blood pressure
o Increase in heart and pulse rate
o Rapid and irregular respiration
o Increase in perspiration
• Skeletal muscle
o Increase in muscle tension or activity
• Psychological
o Increase in irritability
o Increase in apprehension
o Increase in anxiety
o Attention focused on pain
o Complaints of pain
• The patient's reaction depends on:
o Previous experience
o Anxiety or tension
o State of health
o Ability to be distracted
o Meaning that pain has for the patient
Preventive Measures
• Reduce anxiety due to anticipation of pain.
• Teach patient about pain management.
• Review analgesics with patient and reassure that pain relief
will be available quickly.
• Establish a trusting relationship and spend time with patient.
Nursing Interventions
Use Basic Comfort Measures
• Provide therapeutic environment—proper temperature and
humidity, ventilation, visitors.
• Massage patient's back and pressure points with soothing
strokes—move patient gently and with prewarning.
• Offer diversional activities, soft music, or favorite television
• Provide for fluid needs by giving a cool drink; offer a
• Investigate possible causes of pain, such as bandage or
adhesive that is too tight, full bladder, a cast that is too snug,
or elevated temperature indicating inflammation or infection.
• Instruct patient to splint the wound when moving.
• Keep bedding clean, dry, and free from wrinkles and debris.
Pharmacologic Management
The patient who remains sedated due to analgesia is at risk for
complications such as aspiration, respiratory depression,
atelectasis, hypotension, falls, and poor postoperative course.
Opioid “potentiators,” such as hydroxyzine (Vistaril), may
further sedate the patient.
Patient-Controlled Analgesia
• Benefits
o Bypasses the delays inherent in traditional analgesic
administration (the “demand cycle”).
o Medication is administered by I.V., producing more
rapid pain relief and greater consistency in patient
o The patient retains control over pain relief (added
placebo and relaxation effects).
o Decreased nursing time in frequent delivery of
• Contraindications
o Generally patients under age 10 or 11 (depends on the
weight of the child and facility policy).
o Patients with cognitive impairment (delirium, dementia,
mental illness, hemodynamic or respiratory
• A portable patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) device delivers
a preset dosage of opioid (usually morphine). An adjustable
“lockout interval” controls the frequency of dose
administration, preventing another dose from being delivered
prematurely. An example of PCA settings might be a dose of
1 mg morphine with a lockout interval of 6 minutes (total
possible dose is 10 mg per hour).
• Patient pushes a button to activate the device.
• Instruction about PCA should occur preoperatively; some
patients fear being overdosed by the machine and require
Epidural Analgesia
• Requires injections of opioids into the epidural space by way
of a catheter inserted by an anesthesiologist under aseptic
conditions (see Figure 7-2).
• Benefits
o Produces effective analgesia without sensory, motor, or
sympathetic changes
o Provides for longer periods of analgesia
• Disadvantages
o The epidural catheter's proximity to the spinal nerves
and spinal canal, along with its potential for catheter
migration, make correct injection technique and close
patient assessment imperative.
o Adverse effects include generalized pruritus (common),
nausea, urinary retention, respiratory depression,
hypotension, motor block, and sensory or sympathetic
block. These adverse effects are related to the opioid
used (usually a preservative-free morphine
[Duramorph] or fentanyl [Sublimaze]) and catheter
• Strict sterile technique is necessary when injecting the
epidural catheter.
• Opioid-related adverse effects are reversed with naloxone
• The nurse ensures proper integrity of the catheter and
• Occasionally, concurrent use of low-dose anesthetics, such as
bupivacaine (Marcaine), may be added to potentiate the
efficacy of epidural analgesia.
Epidural catheter placement.
Postoperative complications are a risk inherent in surgical
procedures. They may interfere with the expected outcome of the
surgery and may extend the patient's hospitalization and
convalescence. The nurse plays a critical role in attempting to
prevent complications and in recognizing their signs and symptoms
immediately. (See Standards of Care Guidelines.) Implementing
nursing interventions at an early stage of a complication is also of
utmost importance.
Shock is a response of the body to a decrease in the circulating
volume of blood; tissue perfusion is impaired culminating,
eventually, in cellular hypoxia and death.
Preventive Measures
• Have blood available if there is any indication that it may be
• Accurately measure any blood loss and monitor all fluid
intake and output.
• Anticipate the progression of symptoms on earliest
• Monitor vital signs per institution protocol until they are
• Assess vital sign deviations; evaluate blood pressure in
relation to other physiologic parameters of shock and the
patient's premorbid values. Orthostatic pulse and blood
pressure are important indicators of hypovolemic shock.
• Prevent infection (eg, indwelling catheter care, wound care,
pulmonary care) because this will minimize the risk of septic
Hemorrhage is copious escape of blood from a blood vessel.
• General
o Primary—occurs at the time of operation.
o Intermediary—occurs within the first few hours after
surgery. Blood pressure returns to normal and causes
loosening of some ligated sutures and flushing out of
weak clots from unligated vessels.
o Secondary—occurs some time after surgery due to
ligature slip from blood vessel and erosion of blood
• According to blood vessels
o Capillary—slow general oozing from capillaries
o Venous—bleeding that is dark in color
o Arterial—bleeding that spurts and is bright red in color
• According to location
o External (evident)—visible bleeding on the surface
o Internal (concealed)—bleeding that cannot be seen
Clinical Manifestations
• Apprehension; restlessness; thirst; cold, moist, pale skin; and
circumoral pallor
• Pulse increases, respirations become rapid and deep (“air
hunger”), temperature drops
• With progression of hemorrhage:
o Decrease in cardiac output and narrowed pulse pressure
o Rapidly decreasing blood pressure, as well as
hematocrit and hemoglobin
o The patient grows weaker until death occurs
Numerous, rapid blood transfusions may induce coagulopathy
and prolonged bleeding time. The patient should be monitored
closely for signs of increased bleeding tendencies after
• Injury to the intimal layer of the vein wall
• Venous stasis
• Hypercoagulopathy, polycythemia
• High risks include obesity, prolonged immobility, cancer,
smoking, estrogen use, advancing age, varicose veins,
dehydration, splenectomy, and orthopedic procedures
Clinical Manifestations
• Most patients with DVT are asymptomatic
• Pain or cramp in the calf or thigh, progressing to painful
swelling of the entire leg
• Slight fever, chills, perspiration
• Marked tenderness over the anteromedial surface of the thigh
• Intravascular clotting without marked inflammation may
develop, leading to phlebothrombosis
• Circulation distal to the DVT may be compromised if
sufficient swelling is present
Preventive Measures
• Report evidence of upper respiratory infection to the surgeon.
• Suction nasopharyngeal or bronchial secretions if the patient
can't clear his own airway.
• Use proper patient positioning to prevent regurgitation and
• Recognize the predisposing causes of pulmonary
o Infections—mouth, nose, sinuses, throat
o Aspiration of vomitus
o History of heavy smoking, chronic pulmonary disease
o Obesity
• Avoid oversedation.
Pulmonary Embolism
• Pulmonary embolism (PE) is caused by the obstruction of
one or more pulmonary arterioles by an embolus originating
somewhere in the venous system or in the right side of the
• Postoperatively, the majority of emboli develop in the pelvic
or iliofemoral veins before becoming dislodged and traveling
to the lungs.
Clinical Manifestations
• Sharp, stabbing pains in the chest
• Anxiousness and cyanosis
• Pupillary dilation, profuse perspiration
• Rapid and irregular pulse becoming imperceptible—leads
rapidly to death
• Dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia
• Pleural friction rub (occasionally)
Massive PE is life-threatening and requires immediate
interventions to maintain the patient's cardio- respiratory status.
Urinary Retention
• Occurs postoperatively, especially after operations of the
rectum, anus, vagina, or lower abdomen
• Caused by spasm of the bladder sphincter
• More common in male patients due to inherent increases in
urethral resistance to urine flow
• Can lead to urinary tract infection and possibly renal failure
Clinical Manifestations
• Inability to void
• Voiding small amounts at frequent intervals
• Palpable bladder
• Lower abdominal discomfort
Recognize that when a patient voids small amounts (30 to 60 mL
every 15 to 30 minutes), this may be a sign of an overdistended
bladder with “overflow” of urine.
Intestinal Obstruction
Bowel obstructions result in a partial or complete impairment to
the forward flow of intestinal contents. Most obstructions occur in
the small bowel, especially at its narrowest point—the ileum. (See
page 664 for a full discussion of intestinal obstruction.)
Hiccups (Singultus)
Hiccups are intermittent spasms of the diaphragm causing the
sound (“hic”) that results from the vibration of closed vocal cords
as air rushes suddenly into the lungs.
Irritation of the phrenic nerve between the spinal cord and terminal
ramifications on undersurface of diaphragm
• Direct—distended stomach, peritonitis, abdominal distention,
pleurisy, tumors pressing on nerves
• Indirect—toxemia, uremia
• Reflex—exposure to cold, drinking very hot or very cold
liquids, intestinal obstruction
Clinical Manifestations
• Audible “hic”
• Distress and fatigue
• Vomiting
• Wound dehiscence in severe cases
Wound Infection
Wound infections are the second most common nosocomial
infection. The infection may be limited to the surgical site (60% to
80%) or may affect the patient systemically.
• Drying tissues by long exposure, operations on contaminated
structures, gross obesity, old age, chronic hypoxemia, and
malnutrition are directly related to an increased infection rate.
• The patient's own flora is most commonly implicated in
wound infections (Staphylococcus aureus).
• Other common culprits in wound infection include
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Proteus.
• Wound infections typically present 5 to 7 days
• Factors affecting the extent of infection include:
o Type, virulence, and quantity of contaminating
o Presence of foreign bodies or devitalized tissue.
o Location and nature of the wound.
o Amount of dead space or presence of hematoma.
o Immune response of the patient.
o Presence of adequate blood supply to wound.
o Presurgical condition of the patient (eg, age,
alcoholism, diabetes, malnutrition).
Clinical Manifestations
• Redness, excessive swelling, tenderness, warmth
• Red streaks in the skin near the wound
• Pus or other discharge from the wound
• Tender, enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary region or groin
closest to the wound
• Foul smell from the wound
• Generalized body chills or fever
• Elevated temperature and pulse
• Increasing pain from the incision site
Elderly people do not readily produce an inflammatory response
to infection, so they may not present with fever, redness, and
swelling. Increasing pain, fatigue, anorexia, and mental status
changes are signs of infection in elderly patients.
Mild, transient fevers appear postoperatively due to tissue
necrosis, hematoma, or cauterization. Higher sustained fevers
arise with the following four most common postoperative
complications: atelectasis (within the first 48 hours); wound
infections (in 5 to 7 days); urinary infections (in 5 to 8 days);
and thrombophlebitis (in 7 to 14 days).
• Commonly occurs between the fifth and eighth day
postoperatively when the incision has weakest tensile
strength; greatest strength is found between the first and third
postoperative day.
• Chiefly associated with abdominal surgery.
• This catastrophe is commonly related to:
o Inadequate sutures or excessively tight closures (the
latter compromises blood supply).
o Hematomas; seromas.
o Infections.
o Excessive coughing, hiccups, retching, distention.
o Poor nutrition; immunosuppression.
o Uremia; diabetes mellitus.
o Steroid use.
Preventive Measures
• Apply an abdominal binder for heavy or elderly patients or
those with weak or pendulous abdominal walls.
• Encourage the patient to splint the incision while coughing.
• Monitor for and relieve abdominal distention.
• Encourage proper nutrition with emphasis on adequate
amounts of protein and vitamin C.
Clinical Manifestations
• Dehiscence is indicated by a sudden discharge of
serosanguineous fluid from the wound.
• The patient complains that something suddenly “gave way”
in the wound.
• In an intestinal wound, the edges of the wound may part and
the intestines may gradually push out. Observe for drainage
of peritoneal fluid on dressing (clear or serosanguineous
Psychological Disturbances
• Cause—perceived loss of health or stamina, pain, altered
body image, various drugs, and anxiety about an uncertain
• Clinical manifestations—withdrawal, restlessness, insomnia,
nonadherence to therapeutic regimens, tearfulness, and
expressions of hopelessness
• Nursing interventions and management
o Clarify misconceptions about surgery and its future
o Listen to, reassure, and support the patient.
o If appropriate, introduce the patient to representatives
of ostomy, mastectomy, or amputee support groups.
o Involve the patient's family and support people in care;
psychiatric consultation is obtained for severe
• Cause—prolonged anesthesia, cardiopulmonary bypass, drug
reactions, sepsis, alcoholism (delirium tremens), electrolyte
imbalances, and other metabolic disorders
• Clinical manifestations—disorientation, hallucinations,
perceptual distortions, paranoid delusions, reversed day-night
pattern, agitation, insomnia; delirium tremens often appears
within 72 hours of last alcoholic drink and may include
autonomic overactivity—tachycardia, dilated pupils,
diaphoresis, and fever
• Nursing interventions and management
o Assist with the assessment and treatment of the
underlying cause (restore fluid and electrolyte balance,
discontinue the offending drug).
o Reorient the patient to environment and time.
o Keep surroundings calm.
o Explain in detail every procedure done to the patient.
o Sedate the patient as ordered to reduce agitation,
prevent exhaustion, and promote sleep. Assess for
o Allow extended periods of uninterrupted sleep.
o Reassure family members with clear explanations of the
patient's aberrant behavior.
o Have contact with the patient as much as possible;
apply restraints to the patient only as a last resort if
safety is in question and if ordered by the health care
Wound Classification
Mechanism of Injury
• Incised wounds—made by a clean cut of a sharp instrument,
such as a surgical incision with a scalpel
• Contused wounds—made by blunt force that typically does
not break the skin but causes considerable tissue damage with
bruising and swelling
• Lacerated wounds—made by an object that tears tissues
producing jagged, irregular edges; examples include glass,
jagged wire, and blunt knife
• Puncture wounds—made by a pointed instrument, such as an
ice pick, bullet, or nail
Degree of Contamination
• Clean—an aseptically made wound, as in surgery, that does
not enter the alimentary, respiratory, or genitourinary tracts.
• Clean-contaminated—an aseptically made wound that enters
the respiratory, alimentary, or genitourinary tracts. These
wounds have slightly higher probability of wound infection
than do clean wounds.
• Contaminated—wounds exposed to excessive amounts of
bacteria. These wounds may be open (avulsive) and
accidentally made, or may be the result of surgical operations
in which there are major breaks in sterile techniques or gross
spillage from the gastrointestinal tract.
• Infected—a wound that retains devitalized tissue or involves
preoperatively existing infection or perforated viscera. Such
wounds are often left open to drain.
Many factors promote wound healing, such as adequate nutrition,
cleanliness, rest, and position, along with the patient's underlying
psychological and physiologic state. Of added importance is the
application of appropriate dressings and drains. See Procedure
Guidelines 7-1. See also Procedure Guidelines 7-2, page 130.
Purpose of Dressings
• To protect the wound from mechanical injury
• To splint or immobilize the wound
• To absorb drainage
• To prevent contamination from bodily discharges (feces,
• To promote hemostasis, as in pressure dressings
• To debride the wound by combining capillary action and the
entwining of necrotic tissue within its mesh
• To inhibit or kill microorganisms by using dressings with
antiseptic or antimicrobial properties
• To provide a physiologic environment conducive to healing
• To provide mental and physical comfort for the patient
Changing Surgical Dressings
• The procedure of changing dressings, then examining and
cleaning the wound, uses the principles of sterility.
• The initial dressing change is usually done by the surgeon,
especially for craniotomy, orthopedic, or thoracotomy
procedures; subsequent dressing changes are the nurse's
• Gloves-disposable
• Scissors, forceps (disposable packs available)
• Appropriate dressing materials
• Sterile saline solution
• Cotton-tipped swabs
• Culture tubes (if infection suspected)
• For draining a wound: add extra gauze and packing material,
absorbent pads, and an irrigation set
• Gloves
• Plastic bag for discarded dressings
• Tape, proper size and type
• Pads to protect the patient's bed
• Gown for the nurse if the wound is purulent or infected
Using Portable Wound Suction
• A calibrated collection container
• Nonsterile gloves
Nursing Action Rationale
1. When the evacuator is full (200 to 1. Negative pressure is dissipated as
800 mL—depending on size of the evacuator fills.
evacuator), it is time to empty it. A
good rule is to empty every 8 hours,
or more frequently if necessary.
2. Carefully remove the plug, 2. To minimize risk of wound
maintaining its sterility. infection.
3. Empty the contents of the evacuator3. To measure drainage.
into the calibrated container.
4. Place the evacuator on a flat 4. To permit adequate compression.
5. Clean the opening and the plug 5. To maintain cleanliness of outlet.
with an alcohol sponge.
6. Compress the evacuator 6. To remove air.
completely. (See accompanying
Types of Dressings
• Dry-to-dry dressings
o Used primarily for wounds closing by primary intention
o Offers good wound protection, absorption of drainage,
and esthetics for the patient and provides pressure (if
needed) for hemostasis
o Disadvantage—they adhere to the wound surface when
drainage dries (Removal can cause pain and disruption
of granulation tissue.)
• Wet-to-dry dressings
o These are particularly useful for untidy or infected
wounds that must be debrided and closed by secondary
o Gauze saturated with sterile saline (preferred) or an
antimicrobial solution is packed into the wound,
eliminating dead space.
o The wet dressings are then covered by dry dressings
(gauze sponges or absorbent pads).
o As drying occurs, wound debris and necrotic tissue are
absorbed into the gauze dressing by capillary action.
o The dressing is changed when it becomes dry (or just
before). If there is excessive necrotic debris on the
dressing, more frequent dressing changes are required.
• Wet-to-wet dressings
o Used on clean open wounds or on granulating surfaces.
Sterile saline or an antimicrobial agent may be used to
saturate the dressings.
o Provide a more physiologic environment (warmth,
moisture), which can enhance the local healing
processes as well as ensure greater patient comfort.
Thick exudate is more easily removed.
o Disadvantage—surrounding tissues can become
macerated, the risk of infection may rise, and bed linens
become damp.
Purpose of Drains
• Drains are placed in wounds only when abnormal fluid
collections are present or expected.
• Drains are placed near the incision site:
o Usually in compartments (eg, joints and pleural space)
that are intolerant to fluid accumulation
o In areas with a large blood supply (eg, the neck and
o In infected draining wounds
o In areas that have sustained large superficial tissue
dissection (eg, the breast)
• Collection of body fluids in wounds can be harmful in the
following ways:
o Provides culture media for bacterial growth
o Causes increased pressure at surgical site, interfering
with blood flow to area
o Causes pressure on adjacent areas
o Causes local tissue irritation and necrosis (due to fluids
such as bile, pus, pancreatic juice, and urine)
Wound Drainage
• Drains are commonly made of Silastic and placed within
either wounds or body cavities.
• Drains placed within wounds are typically attached to
portable (or, rarely, wall) suction with a collection container.
o Examples include the Hemovac, Jackson-Pratt, and
Surgivac drainage systems.
• Drains may also be used postoperatively to form hollow
connections from internal organs to the outside to drain a
body fluid, such as the T-tube (bile drainage), nephrostomy,
gastrostomy, jejunostomy, and cecostomy tubes.
• Drains act as foreign bodies; granulation tissue forms around
them, walling them off rapidly.
• Drains within wounds are removed when the amount of
drainage decreases over a period of days or, rarely, weeks.
• Fistula-forming tubes are often left in for longer periods of
o Careful handling of these drains and collection bags is
o Accidental early removal may result in caustic drainage
leaking within the tissues.
o The risk is reduced within 7 to 10 days when a wall of
fibrous tissue has been formed.
• The amount of drainage will vary with the procedure. Most
common surgical procedures (eg, appendectomy,
cholecystectomy, abdominal hysterectomy) have minimal
wound drainage by the third or fourth postoperative day.
Drains are not commonly used after these operations.
The greatest amount of drainage is expected during the first 24
hours; closely monitor dressing and drains.
Nursing Assessment
The wound should be assessed every 15 minutes while the patient
is in the PACU. Thereafter, the frequency of wound assessment is
determined by the nature of the wound, the degree of drainage, and
the hospital protocol. Assessment and documentation of the
wound's status should occur at least every shift until patient
Nursing Diagnoses
• Risk for Infection related to surgical wound
• Impaired Tissue Integrity related to surgical wound
• Acute Pain related to wound dressing procedures
Nursing Interventions
Preventing Infection
• Ensure sterile technique during dressing changes.
• Reinforce or change dressings promptly when saturated with
• Keep drainage tubing away from the actual incision site.
• Instruct the patient to avoid touching the incision to minimize
wound contamination and injury.
Relieving Pain
• Give the patient prescribed medication before painful
dressing changes.
• Continue to assess for pain from incision site.
• Consider nonpharmacologic pain relief, such as use of music
therapy, relaxation exercises, and acupressure as indicated.
Patient Education
Before discharge, instruct the patient and his family on techniques
and rationale for wound care.
• Report immediately to the health care provider if the
following signs of infection occur:
o Redness, marked swelling surrounding the incision
site), tenderness, and increased warmth around wound
o Pus or unusual discharge, foul odor from wound
o Red streaks in skin near wound
o Chills or fever (over 100° F [37.8° C])
• Follow the directives of the health care provider regarding
activity allowances.
• Keep the suture line clean (the patient may shower unless
contraindicated by the health care provider; avoid tub bathing
until wound heals); never vigorously rub near the suture line;
pat dry.
• Report to the health care provider if after 2 months the
incision site continues to be red, thick, and painful to
pressure (probable beginning of keloid formation).
Rest and Activity
• It is common to feel tired and frustrated about not being able
to do all the things you want; this is normal.
• Plan regular naps and quiet activities, gradually increasing
your exercise over the following weeks.
• When you begin to exercise more, start by taking a short
walk two or three times per day. Consult your health care
provider if more specific exercises are required.
• Climbing stairs in your home may be surprisingly tiring at
first. If you have difficulty with this activity, try going
upstairs backward (“scooching”) on your “bottom” until your
strength has returned.
• Consult your health care provider to determine the
appropriate time to return to work.
• Follow dietary instructions provided at the hospital before
your discharge.
• Your appetite may be limited or you may feel bloated after
meals; this problem should lessen as you become more
active. (Some prescribed medications can cause this.) If
symptoms persist, consult your health care provider.
• Eat small, regular meals and make them as nourishing as
possible to promote wound healing.
• If sleeping is difficult because of wound discomfort, try
taking your pain medication at bedtime.
• Attempt to get sufficient sleep to aid in your recovery.
Wound Healing
• Your wound will go through several stages of healing. After
initial pain at the site, the wound may feel tingling, itchy,
numb, or tight (a slight pulling sensation) as healing occurs.
• Do not pull off any scabs because they protect the delicate
new tissues underneath. They will fall off without any help
when ready. Change the dressing according to the surgeon's
• Consult your health care provider if the amount of pain in
your wound increases or if you notice increased redness,
swelling, or discharge from wound.
• Irregular bowel habits can result from changes in activity and
diet or the use of some drugs.
• Avoid straining because it can intensify discomfort in some
wounds; instead, use a rocking motion while trying to pass
• Drink plenty of fluids and increase the fiber in your diet
through fruits, vegetables, and grains, as tolerated.
• It may be helpful to take a mild laxative. Consult your health
care provider if you have any questions.
Bathing, Showering
• You may get your wound wet within 3 days of your operation
if the initial dressing has already been changed (unless
otherwise advised).
• Showering is preferable because it allows for thorough
rinsing of the wound.
• If you are feeling too weak, place a plastic or metal chair in
the shower so you can be seated during showering.
• Be sure to dry your wound thoroughly with a clean towel and
dress it as instructed before discharge.
• Avoid tight belts and underwear and other clothes with seams
that may rub against the wound.
• Wear loose clothing for comfort and to reduce mechanical
trauma to wound.
• Ask your health care provider when you may resume driving.
Safe driving may be affected by your pain medication. In
addition, any violent jarring from an accident may disrupt
your wound.