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Republic of the Philippines


Alaminos City Campus
Bolaney, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

Assignment #2

Using the table below, Select at least 5 examples of the different art forms studies in this lesson.
Provide ways on how these art form express and unmask creativity from the artist.

How Does This Unmask

Type of Art Expression Example How Does This Express
the Artist’s Creativity?
THEATER Ang Huling El Bimbo It express through the It unmask the artist's
used of vocal music and creativity through the
a dramatic sequence used of their own vocal
that can help the voice and some actions
audiences to to their drama which is
understand and relate very necessary for a
on the show/story. movie theater and also
to express their own
feelings which can
impact the emotions of
the audiences.
ARCHITECTURE Taj Mahal It express through the It unmask the artist's
love of a husband for creativity through the
his wife. Emperor Shah used of white marbles
Jahan built the most for the ideal vision of
fantastic and the most heaven and the passion
beautiful monument for in his heart to built the
his deceased wife architecture for his
Mumtaz Mahal. The wife.
whole building covered
in white marbles,
depicting architecturally
the ideal vision of
Film Hello Love Goodbye It express through the It unmask the artist
used of artists like creativity through the
Kathrine Bernardo and help of the
Alden Richards who actresses,writers,
colored and give life of director and the other
the film and through producers (vice-
the help of versa)which is very
director,writers,and important in a film
other producers. industry because I
believe one of them are
missing you can't
produce a great film. In
the actors/actress they
need to be good in their
characters they need to
prove that they deserve
that movie and they can
impact the audience's
feelings. The most
important on it is to
have a passion in doing
the movie.
DANCE Folk Dance It express through the It unmask the artist
movement of the body creativity through
which can help to dancing and using
identify their cultural different movement in
heritage,ethnic history their
and daily life in their hands,arms,legs,head
region. and other parts of the
body.They can also
used props to identify
which region they came
VISUAL ARTS Planting Rice by The artist express his It unmask the artist's
Fernando Amorsolo feelings through creativity by using his
paintings. mastery in the use of
the Chiaroscuro

Scale Description
5 points Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant. Uses correct
spelling and grammar effectively almost all of the time. Addresses the
question completely.
4 Points Most facts are detailed/precise and relevant. Uses spelling and grammar
with considerable accuracy and effectiveness. Addresses the question, but
left out few details.
3 points Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and
grammar require moderate editing. Addresses the question, but provided
few details.
2 -1 points More specific details and examples are needed to support opinions. Spelling
and grammar require considerate editing. Addresses the question, but in
very few details.

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