Hall (1978)
Hall (1978)
Hall (1978)
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of Political Economy.
Stochastic Implications of the Life
Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis:
Theory and Evidence
Robert E. Hall
for AdvancedStudyin theBehavioralSciencesandNationalBureauof EconomicResearch
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation. I am grateful to Marjorie
Flavin for assistance and to numerous colleagues for helpful suggestions.
[Journal of Political Economy, 1978, vol. 86, no. 6]
?) 1978 by The University of Chicago. 0022-3808/78/8606-0005$01.44
are actually little different from the simple Keynesian consumption func-
tion where consumption is determined by contemporaneous income alone.
Much empirical research is seriously weakened by failing to take proper
account of the endogeneity of income when it is the major independent
variable in the consumption function. Classic papers by Haavelmo (1943)
and Friedman and Becker (1957) showed clearly how the practice of
treating income as exogenous in a consumption function severely distorts
the estimated function. Even so, regressionswith consumption as the depen-
dent variable continue to be estimated and interpreted within the life cycle-
permanent income framework.'
Though in principle simultaneous-equationseconometric techniques can
be used to estimate the structural consumption function when its major
right-hand variable is endogenous, these techniques rest on the hypothesis
that certain observed variables, used as instruments, are truly exogenous
yet have an important influence on income. The two requirementsare often
contradictory, and estimation is based on an uneasy compromise where the
exogeneity of the instruments is uncertain. Furthermore, the hypothesis of
exogeneity is untestable.
This paper takes an alternative econometric approach to the study of
the life cycle-permanent income hypothesis by asking exactly what can be
learned from a consumption regressionwhere it is conceded from the outset
that none of the right-hand variables is exogenous. This proceeds from a
theoretical examination of the stochastic implications of the theory. When
consumersmaximize expected future utility, it is shown that the conditional
expectation of future marginal utility is a function of today's level of con-
sumption alone-all other information is irrelevant. In other words, apart
from a trend, marginal utility obeys a random walk. If marginal utility is a
linear function of consumption, then the implied stochastic properties of
consumption are also those of a random walk, again apart from a trend.
Regression techniques can always reveal the conditional expectation of
consumption or marginal utility given past consumption and any other past
variables. The strong stochastic implication of the life cycle-permanent
income hypothesis is that only consumption lagged one period should have a
nonzero coefficient in such a regression. This implication can be tested
rigorously without any assumptions about exogeneity.
Testing of the theoretical implication proceeds as follows: The simplest
implication of the hypothesis is that consumption lagged more than one
period has no predictive power for current consumption. A more stringent
testable implication of the random-walk hypothesis holds that consumption
is unrelated to anyeconomic variable that is observed in earlier periods. In
particular, lagged income should have no explanatory power with respect
to consumption. Previous research on consumption has suggested that
I. Theory
Consider the conventional model of life-cycle consumption under uncer-
tainty: maximize Et I` (1 + 3) -u(ct+,) subject to ET_`7 (1 + r) -(ct+, -
Wt+r) = At. The notation used throughout the paper is:
Et = mathematical expectation conditional on all information available
in t;
3 = rate of subjective time preference;
r = real rate of interest (r _ 3), assumed constant over time;
T = length of economic life;
u() = one-period utility function, strictly concave;
ct= consumption;
t= earnings;
At= assets apart from human capital.
Earnings, wt. are stochastic and are the only source of uncertainty. In
each period, t, the consumer chooses consumption, ct, to maximize expected
lifetime utility in the light of all information available then. The consumer
knows the value of wt when choosing ct. No specific assumptions are made
about the stochastic propertiesof wt except that the conditional expectation
of future earnings given today's information, Et wt+ , exists. In particular,
successive we'sare not assumed to be independent, nor is wt required to be
stationary in any sense.2
The principal theoretical result, proved in the Appendix, is the following:
Theorem. Suppose the consumer maximizes expected utility as stated
above. Then Et u'(ct+ 1) = [(1 + 3) /(1 + r)]u'(ct).
The implications of this result are presented in a series of corollaries.
Corollary1. No information available in period t apart from the level of
consumption, ct. helps predict future consumption, ct+1, in the sense of
affecting the expected value of marginal utility. In particular, income or
wealth in periods t or earlier are irrelevant, once ct is known.
Corollary2.-Marginal utility obeys the regression relation, u'(ct+ ) =
yu'(ct) + et+,, where y = (1 + 6)/(1 + r) and et+1 is a true regression
disturbance; that is, Et Et+1 = ?.
Corollary3. If the utility function is quadratic, u(ct) = -2(-c
(where c is the bliss level of consumption), then consumption obeys the
exact regression, ct+1 = P3o + yct - et+ , with fl = c(r - 3)/(1 + r).
Again, no variable observed in period t or earlier will have a nonzero
coefficient if added to this regression.
Corollary4.-If the utility function has the constant elasticity of substitu-
tion form, u(ct) = cta-1)1', then the following statistical model describes
the evolution of consumption: cT+'11" - 1y /a + t+i1
The rate of growth, i, exceeds one because u"is negative. It may change
over time if the elasticity of marginal utility depends on the level of con-
sumption. However, it seems likely that constancy of A, will be a good
approximation, at least over a decade or two. Further, the factor 1/u"(C,)
in the disturbance is of little concern in regressionwork-it might introduce
a mild heteroscedasticity, but it would not bias the results of ordinary least
squares. From this point on, Et will be redefined to incorporate I/u"(ce)
where appropriate.
This line of reasoning reaches the conclusion that the simple relationship
Ct = ict- 1 + Et where 1, is unpredictable at time t - 1, is a close approxi-
mation to the stochastic behavior of consumption under the life cycle-
permanent income hypothesis. The disturbance, E, summarizes the impact
of all new information that becomes available in period t about the con-
sumer's lifetime well-being. Its relation to other economic variables can be
seen in the following way. First, assets, A,, evolve according to A, =
(1 + r)(At,1 - c1 + wt_1). Second, let Ht be human capital,
defined as current earnings plus the expected present value of future
earnings: HL = I[`o (1 + r)-T Et wt+ where Et wt = wt. Then Ht evolves
according to Ht = (1 + r)(II_1 -Hwt 1) + I' -7 (1 + r)-'(Et wt~ -
Etw 1 Wt+T). Let qt be the second term, that is, the present value of the set
of changes in expectations of future earnings that occur between t - 1 and
t. Then by construction, Et_ 1 qt = 0. Still, the first term in the expression
for Ht may introduce a complicated intertemporal dependence into its
stochastic behavior; only under very special circumstances will it be a ran-
dom walk. The implied stochastic equation for total wealth is At + Ht =
(1 + r)(At-1 + H,1 - ct-1) + rtt The evolution of total wealth then
depends on the relationship between the new information about wealth, It,
and the induced change in consumption as measured by Et. Under certainty
equivalence, justified either by quadratic utility or by the small size of Et,
the relationship is simple: Et = [1 + i/l(l + r) + *.. + T t/l(l + r)T-t]17t
= Xtqt This is the modified annuity value of the increment in wealth. The
3Granger and Newbold (1976) present much stronger results for a similar problem but
assume a normal distribution for the disturbance.
4 The nature of the hypothesis being tested and the statistical tests themselves are essentially
the same as in the large body of research on efficient capital markets (see Fama 1970). Sims
(1978) treats the statistical problem of the asymptotic distribution of the regression coefficients
of x,- 1 in this kind of regression, with the conclusion that the standard formulas are correct.
tion is made linear in xt- 1, so the tests are the usual F-tests for the exclusion
of a group of variables from a regression. Again, regression is the appro-
priate statistical technique for estimating the conditional expectation, and
no claim is made that the true structuralrelation between consumption and
its determinants is revealed by this approach.
What departures from the life cycle-permanent income hypothesis will
this kind of test detect? There are two principal lines of thought about
consumption that contradict the hypothesis. One holds that consumers are
unable to smooth consumptionover transitoryfluctuationsin income because
of liquidity constraints and other practical considerations. Consumption is
therefore too sensitive to current income to conform to the life cycle-per-
manent income principle. The second holds that a reasonable measure of
permanent income is a distributed lag of past actual income, so the consump-
tion function should relate actual consumption to such a distributed lag.
A general consumption function embodying both ideas might let consump-
tion respond with a fairly large coefficient to contemporaneous income and
then have a distributed lag over past income. Such consumption functions
are in widespread use and fit the data extremely well. But their estimation
involves the very substantial issue that income and consumption arejointly
determined. Estimation by least squares provides no evidence whether the
observed behavior is consistent with the life cycle-permanent income
hypothesis or not. Simultaneous estimation could provide evidence, but it
would reston crucial assumptionsof exogeneity. Regressionsof consumption
on lagged consumption and lagged income can provide evidence without
assumptions of exogeneity, as this section will show.
Consider firstthe issueof excessive sensitivityof consumption to transitory
fluctuations in income, which has been emphasized by Tobin and Dolde
(1971) and Mishkin (1976). The simplest alternative hypothesis supposes
that a fractionof the population simply consumesall of its disposable income,
instead of obeying the life cycle-permanent income consumption function.
Suppose this fraction earns a proportion ji of total income, and let c' = puyt
be their consumption. The other part of consumption, say ct, follows the
rule set out earlier: C"= W'_ 1 + 6t. The conditional expectation of total
consumption, ct. given its own lagged value, and, say, two lagged values of
income, is E(ct ICt- 1,Yt- l,Yt- 2) = E(ct I Ct- 1,Yt- 1,Yt- 2 ) + E(c' I c, 1,
Yt-1,Yt-2) = HE(yt It- IYt1,Yt- 2) + A(ct1 - /PYt-l). Suppose that
disposable income obeys a univariate autoregressiveprocessof second order,
so E(yt Ct-1,Yt-1,Yt-2) = PlYt-l + P2Yt-2. Then E(ct Ict,1,yt-l,
Yt- 2) = Act- 1 + !(P1 -i) Yt-I + PP2Yt-2. The life cycle-permanent
income hypothesis will be rejected unless P -i= and P2 = 0, that is,
unless disposable income and consumption obey exactly the same stochastic
process. If they do, permanent income and observed income are the same
thing, and the liquidity-constrained fraction of the population is obeying
the hypothesis anyway, so the hypothesis is confirmed. The proposed test
5 Lucas (1976) argues convincingly that the stochastic process for income will shift if
policy rules change.
-Ila= ycl/a + g
Equation a Constant y SE R2 Statistic
lagged marginal utility for current marginal utility is extremely high; that is,
the typical information that becomes available in each quarter, as measured
by et, has only a small impact on consumption or marginal utility. Of course,
this is no more than a theoretical interpretation of the well-known fact that
consumption is highly serially correlated. The close fit of the regressionsin
table 1 is not itself confirmation of the life cycle-permanent income hy-
pothesis, since the hypothesis makes no prediction about the variability of
permanent income and the resultant variance ofsE. The theory is compatible
with any amount of unexplained variation in the regression.
There is no usable statistical criterion for choice among the three equa-
tions in table 1. The transformationof the dependent variable rules out the
simple principle of least squares. Under the assumption of a normal distri-
bution for et, there is a likelihood function with an extra term, theJacobian
determinant, to take account of the transformation. However, for this
sample, it proved to be an increasing function of a for all values, so no
maximum-likelihood estimator is available. This seems to reflect the opera-
tion of corollary 5 the yet'sare small enough that any specification of
marginal utility is essentially proportional to consumption itself, and the
effective content of the life cycle-permanent income theory is to make con-
sumption itself evolve as a random walk with trend. From this point on,
the paper will discussonly equation 1.3 and its extensions to other variables.
The principal stochastic implication of the life cycle-permanent income
hypothesis is that no other variables observed in quarter t - 1 or earlier
can help predict the residuals from the regressionsin table 1. Before formal
statistical tests are used, it is useful to study the residuals themselves. The
pattern of the residuals is extremely similar in the three regressions,but the
residuals themselves are easiest to interpret for equation 3, where they have
the units of consumption per capita in 1972 dollars. These residuals appear
in table 2.
The standard error of the residuals in 14.6, so roughly six of the observa-
tions should exceed 29.2 in magnitude. There are in fact six. Three are
drops in consumption, and of these, one coincides with the standard dating
of recessions: 1974:4. Five milder recessions contribute drops of less than
two standard deviations: 1949:3, 1953:4, 1958:1, 1960:3, and 1970:4.
The other major decline in consumption is associated with the Korean
War, in 1950:4. Most of the drops in consumption occurred quickly, in one
or two quarters.The only important exception was in the period from 1973:4
to 1975: 1, when six straight quarters of consecutive decline took place. On
the expansionary side, there is little consistent evidence of any systematic
tendency for consumption to recover in a regular pattern after a setback.
The largest single increase occurred in 1965:4. This, together with three
successive increases in 1964, accounts for all of the increase in consumption
relative to trend associated with the prolonged boom of the mid- and late
C4 014
00 v
co "I-T
H0 om s
0li 0)
(O dz CO o
0 : C CL. I m.~~~~CD
m. C'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c
0 CZ
.9 I*
X - co I
.' ..I
0 ~ C I~ r
0 r-CO
0 .
Q e -98
For example, table 3 should not be read as implying that income has a
negative effect on consumption. The effect of a particular change in income
depends on the change in permanent income it induces, and this can range
anywhere from no effect to a dollar-for-dollareffect, depending on the way
that consumers evaluate the change. In any case, the regressionsunderstate
the true structural relation between the change in income and the change in
consumption because they omit the contemporaneous part of the relation.
1. Theorem
If a consumer maximizes Et '= o (1 + 3) -tu(c,), subject to E' o (1 + r) -t(ct - i)
= A0, sequentially determining c, at each t, then Etu'(c,+1) = [(1 + 6)/(1 + r)]
x u' (ct).
Proof.-At time t, the consumer chooses ct so as to maximize (1 + 6) -tu(cq) +
Et -r'=,+1 (1 + 3)-tu(c,) subject to I' , (1 + r)(T-t)(c, - w,) = A,. The optimal
sequential strategy has the form c, = g, (wt,. w .-. , ., wO, AO). Consider a variation
from this strategy: ct = gtw, . * **) + x: t +1 = gt + I (w + 1, wt,. * (1 + r)x.
Note that the new consumption strategy also satisfies the budget constraint. Now
consider maxx{(1 + 6)-tu(g, + x) + Et [(1 + 6)-t-u(g,,, - (1 + r)x) +
,?=t+2 (1 + c) yu(gr)]}-
The first-order condition is (1 + 6) -tu'(gt + x) - Et (1 + 6>)t'(l + r)
U'(g, + I - ( 1 + r)x) = 0 as asserted.
2. Proof of Corollary 5
Recall that u'(ct+,) = [(1 + 6)/(1 + r)]u'(ct) + et+l and At = [(1 + 3)/
(1 + r) ]u'(ct)I(ctu"(ct)].Expand the implicit equation for ct+ 1 in a Taylor series at the
point At = 1 (r = 6) and et + 1 = :ct + 1 = ct + (t - 1) (act + 1/aAt) + et + 1(act + I /
08t + 1) + higher-order terms. At the point A, = 1 and et + 1 = 0, ct+ 1 equals ct, and
it is not hard to show that act+1/IAt = ct and act+1it+1 = l/u"(c,). Thus c,+1 =
c, + (i - l) c + et + 1/u"(ct) = tct+ + et+ 1l/u"(ct), as asserted.
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