01c - Getting Ready For 3rd Grade

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Name Lesson 1

Find Sums on an Addition Table

Essential Question How do you find sums on an addition table?
Model and
and Draw
0 1 2 3 4
The sum for 3 + 4 is found 0 0 1 2 3 4
where row 3 and column 4 meet. 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 3 4 5 6
row 3 3 4 5 6 7
3145 _
7 4 4 5 6 7 8

Share and
and Show

1. Write the missing

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
sums in the addition
table. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11
2 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 12
3 3 4 5 6 9 11 12 13
4 4 5 6 9 11 12 13 14
5 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 15
6 6 9 11 12 13 14 15 16
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Math Talk Describe a pattern in the addition table.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 one GR1

On Your
Your Own

2. Write the missing sums in the addition table.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15
6 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 16
7 7 8 9 10 12 15 16 17
8 8 9 10 12 15 16 17 18
9 9 10 12 15 16 17 18 19
10 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 20

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

3. Natasha has 13 apples. Some
apples are red and some are
green. She has more red apples
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than green apples. How many

red apples and how many green
apples could she have?

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to explain how to use the addition
table to find the sum of 8 + 6.

GR2 two
Name Lesson 2
Estimate Sums: 2-Digit Addition
Essential Question How can you estimate the sum
of two 2-digit numbers?

Model and
and Draw

Estimate the sum of 24 + 38.

Find the nearest ten for each number.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

__ 40 = __
20 + __ 60
60 .
An estimate of the sum is __

Share and
and Show

Find the nearest ten for each number.

1. Estimate the sum of 18 + 29.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Add the tens to estimate.

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__ + __ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

Math Talk How did you know which

ten is nearest to 18?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 three GR3

On Your
Your Own

Find the nearest ten for each number.

Add the tens to estimate.
2. Estimate the sum of 13 + 28.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

__ + __ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

3. Estimate the sum of 31 + 22.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

__ + __ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

4. Mark has 34 pennies. Emma has 47 pennies. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

About how many pennies do they have


about __ pennies

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to use the number line for Exercise 2
and describe how to estimate the sum of 27 + 21.

GR4 four
Name Lesson 3
Estimate Sums: 3-Digit Addition
Essential Question How can you estimate the sum
of two 3-digit numbers?

Model and
and Draw
Estimate the sum of 189 + 284.
Find the nearest hundred for each number.

100 150 200 250 300

189 284

__ 300 = __
200 + __ 500
500 .
An estimate of the sum is __

Share and
and Show

Find the nearest hundred for each number.

Add the hundreds to estimate.

1. Estimate the sum of 229 + 386.

200 250 300 350 400

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__ + __ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

Math Talk How do you know which two hundreds

a 3-digit number is between?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 five GR5

On Your
Your Own

Find the nearest hundred for each number.

Add the hundreds to estimate.
2. Estimate the sum of 324 + 218.

200 250 300 350 400

__ + __ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

3. Estimate the sum of 468 + 439.

300 350 400 450 500

__ +__ = __

An estimate of the sum is __.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

4. There are 375 yellow fish and 283 blue fish © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

swimming around a coral reef. About

how many fish are there altogether?

about __ fish

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to use the number line for
Exercise 2 and describe how to estimate the sum of 215 + 398.

GR6 six
Name Lesson 4
Estimate Differences: 2-Digit Subtraction
Essential Question How can you estimate the difference of two 2-digit

Model and
and Draw

Estimate the difference of 62 − 48.

Find the nearest ten for each number.

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

__ 50 = __
60 − __ 10

10 .
An estimate of the difference is __

Share and
and Show

Find the nearest ten for each number.

Subtract the tens to estimate.
1. Estimate the difference of 42 2 29.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

__ − __ = __
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An estimate of the difference is __.

Math Talk How do you know which two tens

a number is between?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 seven GR7

On Your
Your Own

Find the nearest ten for each number.

Subtract the tens to estimate.
2. Estimate the difference of 51 − 39.

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

__ − __ = __

An estimate of the difference is __.

3. Estimate the difference of 79 − 56.

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

__ − __ = __

An estimate of the difference is __.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

4. A farmer has 91 cows. 58 of the cows © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

are in the barn. About how many of the

cows are not in the barn?

about __ cows

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to use the number line for Exercise 2
and describe how to estimate the difference of 57 − 41.

GR8 eight
Name Lesson 5
Estimate Differences:
3-Digit Subtraction
Essential Question How can you estimate the difference
of two 3-digit numbers?

Model and
and Draw
Estimate the difference of 382 2 265.
Find the nearest hundred for each number.

200 250 300 350 400

265 382

__ 300 = __
400 − __ 100
100 .
An estimate of the difference is __

Share and
and Show

Find the nearest hundred for each number.

Subtract the hundreds to estimate.

1. Estimate the difference of 674 − 590.

500 550 600 650 700

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__ − __ = __

An estimate of the difference is __.

Math Talk How did you know which

hundred is nearest to 674?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 nine GR9

On Your
Your Own

Find the nearest hundred for each number.

Subtract the hundreds to estimate.
2. Estimate the difference of 791 2 612.

600 650 700 750 800

__ − __ = __

An estimate of the difference is __.

3. Estimate the difference of 487 2 309.

300 350 400 450 500

__ − __ = __

An estimate of the difference is __.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

4. A mail carrier had 819 letters to deliver.
Then she delivered 687 letters. About how
many letters does she still have to deliver? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

about __ letters

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to use the number line for Exercise 2
and describe how to estimate the difference of 786 − 611.

GR10 ten
Name Lesson 6
Order 3-Digit Numbers
Essential Question: How does place value help you order
3-digit numbers?

Model and
and Draw
You can order 249, 418, and 205 from Hundreds Tens Ones
least to greatest. First, compare the 2 4 9
hundreds. Next, compare the tens and 4 1 8
then the ones, if needed.
2 0 5
I compare the Which is less, 249
hundreds. 249 or 205? I compare
and 205 are both the tens. 205 is less
less than 418. than 249, so 205 is
the least.

205 < __
__ 249 < __
least greatest

Share and
and Show

Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.

1. 2.
672 787
515 683
532 564
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__ < __ < __ __ < __ < __

Math Talk Do you always need to compare the ones

digits when you order numbers? Explain.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 eleven GR11

On Your
Your Own

Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.

3. 4.
359 959
715 915
608 908
__ < __ < __ __ < __ < __

5. 6.
343 165
341 746
348 764
__ < __ < __ __ < __ < __

Problem Solving

7. Brenda, Jean, and Pam play a

video game. Brenda scores the
highest. Jean scores the lowest. 767 < _ < 863
Brenda 863
Jean 767 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Pam ?
On the line, write a 3-digit
number that could be Pam’s

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Write three 3-digit numbers. Have your child tell you
how to order the numbers from least to greatest.

GR12 twelve

Concepts and
and Skills

1. Write the missing sums in the addition table.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
2 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 12
3 3 4 5 7 9 11 12 13
4 4 5 7 9 11 12 13 14
5 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 15

Find the nearest ten.

2. Estimate the sum of 24 and 36.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

_ +_ =_
An estimate of the sum is _.

Find the nearest hundred.

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3. Estimate the sum of 285 and 122.

100 150 200 250 300

_ +_ =_
An estimate of the sum is _.
Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirteen GR13
Find the nearest ten.

4. Estimate the difference of 72 – 59.

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

_ −_ =_
An estimate of the difference is _.

Find the nearest hundred.

5. Estimate the difference of 792 and 619.

600 650 700 750 800

_ −_ =_
An estimate of the difference is _.

6. Which of the following numbers will make this true?

350 < 413 < .

l 403

l 398 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

l 430

l 331

GR14 fourteen
Name Lesson 7
Equal Groups of 2
Essential Question: How can you find the total number in
equal groups of 2?

Model and
and Draw
I can count the
The pet store has 3 fishbowls in the equal groups by
window. There are 2 goldfish in each bowl. twos—2, 4, 6—to find
How many goldfish are there in all? how many in all.

Make 3 groups
of 2 counters.

2 is _
3 groups of _
_ 6 in all.

Share and
and Show

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.
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_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Math Talk How can you use counters to find

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 fifteen GR15

On Your
Your Own

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

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8. Coach Baker keeps 2 basketballs

in each bin. There are 5 bins.
How many basketballs are
stored in the bins? _ basketballs

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child draw groups of two Xs and tell you
how to find how many there are in all.

GR16 sixteen
Name Lesson 8
Equal Groups of 5
Essential Question: How can you find the total number in equal
groups of 5?

Model and
and Draw
I can count the
Luke made 3 cube trains. equal groups by
He connected 5 cubes in fives—5, 10, 15—to
each train. How many find how many
cubes did he use in all? in all.

Make 3 groups of 5 cubes.

5 is _
3 groups of _
_ 15 in all.

Share and
and Show

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.

1. 2.

_ groups of _ is _ in all. _ groups of _ is _ in all.

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_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Math Talk How can you use addition to find how

many in all in Exercise 2?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 seventeen GR17

On Your
Your Own
Complete the sentences to show how many in all.

_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

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7. Gina fills 6 pages of her photo

album. She puts 5 photos on
each page. How many photos
does Gina put in her album? _ photos

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Place your hands next to your child’s hands. Ask how
many groups of 5 fingers. Have your child tell you how to find how many in all.
How many fingers in all?

GR18 eighteen
Name Lesson 9
Equal Groups of 10
Essential Question: How can you find the total number in equal
groups of 10?

Model and
and Draw
Draw I can count the
There are 4 packs of juice. Each pack has 10 juice equal groups by
boxes. How many juice boxes are there in all? tens—10, 20, 30,
40—to find how
Make 4 groups of 10 cubes. many in all.

_ 10 is _
4 groups of _ 40 in all.

Share and
and Show

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.

1. 2.

_ groups of _ is _ in all. _ groups of _ is _ in all.

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_ groups of _ is _ in all.
Math Talk How many groups of ten are in 70?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 nineteen GR19

On Your
Your Own

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

7. To count his pennies, Travis puts

10 pennies in a stack. He makes
4 stacks. How many pennies
does Travis have? _ pennies

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Give your child 30 pieces of macaroni or other small
objects. Have your child make groups of 10. Ask how many groups there are. Ask your
child to tell you how to find how many in all. How many pieces in all?

GR20 twenty
Lesson 10
Size of Shares
Essential Question How can you place items in equal groups?

Model and
and Draw
When you divide, you place items in equal groups.
Joel has 12 carrots. There are 6 rabbits. Each
rabbit gets the same number of carrots. How
many carrots does each rabbit get?

Place 12 counters in 6 equal groups.

2 counters in each group So, each rabbit gets 2 carrots.

Share and
and Show

Use counters. Draw to show your work.

Write how many in each group.
1. Place 10 counters in 2 equal groups.

counters in each group

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2. Place 6 counters in 3 equal groups.

counters in each group

Math Talk How did you know how many counters to
place in each group for Exercise 2?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 twenty-one GR21

On Your
Your Own

Use counters. Draw to show your work.

Write how many in each group.
3. Place 9 counters in 3 equal groups.

counters in each group

4. Place 12 counters in 2 equal groups.

counters in each group

5. Place 16 counters in 4 equal groups.

counters in each group

Problem Solving

Solve. Draw to show your work.

6. Mrs. Peters divides 6 orange slices
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between 2 plates. She wants to have

4 orange slices on each plate. How many
more orange slices does she need?
more orange slices

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to place 15 pennies into

3 equal groups, and then tell how many pennies are in each group.

GR22 twenty-two
Lesson 11
Number of Equal Shares
Essential Question How can you find the number of equal groups
that items can be placed into?

Model and
and Draw

There are 12 cookies. 3 cookies fill

a snack bag. How many snack bags
can be filled?
Place 12 counters in groups of 3.

4 groups

So, 4 snack bags can be filled.

Share and
and Show

Use counters. Draw to show your work.

Write how many groups.
1. Place 8 counters in groups of 4.

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2. Place 10 counters in groups of 2.


Math Talk Describe how you could find the number

of groups of 2 you could make with 12 counters.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 twenty-three GR23

On Your
Your Own

Use counters. Draw to show your work.

Write how many groups.
3. Place 4 counters in groups of 2.


4. Place 12 counters in groups of 4.


5. Place 15 counters in groups of 3.


Problem Solving

Draw to show your work. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

6. Some children want to play a board

game. There are 16 game pieces.
Each player needs to have 4 pieces.
How many children can play? children

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Use small items such as pennies or cereal. Have your
child find out how many groups of 5 are in 20.

GR24 twenty-four
Name Lesson 12
Solve Problems with Equal Shares
Essential Question: How can you solve word problems that
involve equal shares?

Model and
and Draw
You can draw a picture to help you
solve problems with equal shares.
There are 10 marbles in each bag.
How many marbles are in 3 bags? 10 10 10

3 groups of _
_ 10 is _
30 in all.
30 marbles.
There are _

Share and
and Show

Solve. Draw or write to show what you did.

1. There are 5 oranges in each
sack. How many oranges are in
4 sacks?

_ oranges

2. Sandy can plant 2 seeds in a

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pot. How many pots will Sandy

need in order to plant 6 seeds?

_ pots

Math Talk Explain how you solved Exercise 2.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 twenty-five GR25

On Your
Your Own

Solve. Draw to show what you did.

3. Ben gives each friend 2 crackers.

How many crackers does he
need for 6 friends?

_ crackers

4. Mrs. Green can pack 5 books in

a box. How many boxes will she
need in order to pack 15 books?

_ boxes

Problem Solving

5. Franco used 12 connecting cubes

to build towers. All the towers
are the same height. Draw a
picture to show the towers he
could have built.
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TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to make up a word problem about
3 boxes of toys with 3 toys in each box. Have your child tell you how to solve
the problem.

GR26 twenty-six

Concepts and
and Skills

Complete the sentence to show how many in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.


_ groups of _ is _ in all.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

_ groups of _ is _ in all.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 twenty-seven GR27

Use counters. Draw to show your work.
Write how many in each group.

4. Place 14 counters in 2 equal groups.

_ counters in each group

Use counters. Draw to show your work.

Write how many groups.

5. Place 12 counters in groups of 2.

_ groups

Solve the problem.

6. Mrs. Owen puts 3 flowers in each vase.

How many flowers are in 4 vases?

l 7

l 9

l 12
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l 16

GR28 twenty-eight
Name Lesson 13
Hour Before and Hour After
Essential Question: How do you tell the time 1 hour before and 1
hour after a given time?

Model and Draw

For these times, the minute hand 1 hour before 11 12 1
points to the same place. The 10 2
hour hands point to different 7:00
_ 9 3
numbers. 8 4
The time is _.
The hour hand
points to 7.
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3 1 hour after
8 4 11 12 1
7 6 5 9:00
_ 10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
The hour hand The hour hand
points to 8. points to 9.

Share and
and Show
Write the time shown on the clock. Then
write the time 1 hour before and 1 hour after.

1. 2.
11 12 1 _ 11 12 1 _
10 2 10 2
9 3 1 hour before 9 3 1 hour before
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

8 4 8 4
7 6 5 _ 7 6 5 _
1 hour after 1 hour after

Math Talk How are the hands on a clock that shows 8 o’clock the
same as the hands on a clock 1 hour after? How are they different?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 twenty-nine GR29

On Your
Your Own
Write the time shown. Then write the time 1 hour
before and 1 hour after.
3. _ 4. _
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 1 hour before 10 2 1 hour before
9 3 9 3
8 4 _ 8 4 _
7 6 5 7 6 5
1 hour after 1 hour after

5. _ 6. _
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 1 hour before 10 2 1 hour before
9 3 _ 9 3 _
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 1 hour after 7 6 5 1 hour after

Problem Solving

7. Tim feeds the cat 1 hour after 7:00.

11 12 1
Draw the hour hand and the minute 10 2
hand to show 1 hour after 7:00. Then 9 3
8 4
write the time. 7 6 5
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Tim needs to feed the cat at _.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child what the time will be 1 hour after
3:30. What time was it 1 hour before 3:30? Have your child tell you how he or
she knows.

GR30 thirty
Name Lesson 14
Elapsed Time in Hours
Essential Question How do you find the number of hours between
two times?

Model and
and Draw
Baseball practice starts at 2:00. Everyone
leaves practice at 4:00. How long does 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
baseball practice last? 9 3 9 3
Use the time line to count how many 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5
hours passed from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.

_ hours Starts at 2:00 Ends at 4:00

9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M.

10:00 A.M. Noon 2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.

Share and
and Show
Use the time line above. Solve.

1. The game starts at 3:00 P.M. It 2. The plane leaves at 10:00 A.M. It
ends at 6:00 P.M. How long does arrives at 2:00 P.M. How long is
the game last? the plane trip?
_ hours _ hours
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3. Max goes out at 2:00 P.M. He 4. Art class starts at 9:00 A.M. It
comes back in at 5:00 P.M. For ends at 11:00 A.M. How long is
how long was Max out? the art class?
_ hours _ hours

Math Talk Describe how you used the time line for
Exercise 2.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirty-one GR31

On Your
Your Own
Use the time line below. Solve.

9:00 A.M. Noon 3:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.

5. Paul’s baby sister goes to sleep 6. Julia goes to a friend’s house at
at 4:00 P.M. She wakes up at noon. She comes home at
6:00 P.M. How long does the 3:00 P.M. How long is Julia gone?
baby sleep?
_ hours _ hours

7. Jeff starts raking leaves at 8. Mom and Carrie arrive at the

11:00 A.M. He stops at 1:00 P.M. shopping mall at 1:00 P.M. They
How long does Jeff rake leaves? leave at 5:00 P.M. How long are
they at the mall?

_ hours _ hours

Problem Solving

Solve. Draw or write to explain.

9. Mr. Norton writes the time for
classes on the board.
Class Time
Math 8:30 A.M.
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Reading 9:30 A.M.

Music 11:30 A.M.

How long will reading class last? _ hours

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child how much time passes between
4:30 and 7:30. Have your child explain how he or she arrived at the

GR32 thirty-two
Name Lesson 15
Elapsed Time in Minutes
Essential Question How do you find the number of minutes
between two times?

Model and
and Draw
You can use subtraction if the times
are within the same hour. 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
Ken starts cleaning his room
at 3:15 P.M. He finishes at
35 9
8 4
3 9
8 4

3:35 P.M. How long does it 215

7 6 5 7 6 5

take Ken to clean his room? 20 Starts at 3:15 P.M. Ends at 3:35 P.M.
20 minutes.
So it takes Ken _

Share and
and Show
Subtract to solve. Show your work.
1. Leah starts eating lunch at 2. Kwan gets on the school bus at
12:10 P.M. She finishes at 8:10 A.M. He gets to school at
12:25 P.M. How long does it take 8:55 A.M. How long is Kwan’s
for Leah to eat lunch? bus ride?

_ minutes _ minutes
3. Carla takes her dog to the park 4. Ethan starts his spelling
at 2:05 P.M. She gets back at homework at 6:25 P.M. He
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2:40 P.M. How long does Carla finishes at 6:45 P.M. How long
walk her dog? does Ethan work on his spelling?

_ minutes _ minutes
Math Talk How could you check your answers by looking at a clock?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirty-three GR33

On Your
Your Own

Subtract to solve. Show your work.

5. Mrs. Hall puts a pizza in the 6. The reading test starts at
oven at 6:10 P.M. She takes it out 1:10 P.M. Everyone must stop
at 6:30 P.M. How long does the at 1:25 P.M. How long do the
pizza bake? children have to take their test?
_ minutes
_ minutes
7. Kelly starts drawing at 8:15 P.M. 8. Tony starts reading at 4:30 P.M.
She finishes her picture at 8:40 He stops reading at 4:45 P.M.
P.M. How long does Kelly draw? How long does Tony read?

_ _

_ minutes _ minutes

Problem Solving

Show how to use subtraction to solve.

9. Mr. West gets to the bus stop at
9:05 A.M. He looks at the bus
Bus Arrival Times
8:30 A.M.
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9:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M.

How long will Mr. West need

to wait for a bus? _ minutes

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child track how many minutes it would
take to do math homework if he or she starts at 5:15 P.M. and stops at 5:45 P.M.

GR34 thirty-four
Lesson 16
Capacity • Nonstandard Units
Essential Question How can you measure how much a container
Model and
and Draw
Use a scoop and rice to estimate and
measure how much a can holds.
• Estimate how many scoops the can holds.
• Fill a scoop with rice or water.
• Pour it into the can.
• Repeat until the can is full. Keep track
of the number of scoops.

Share and
and Show
How many scoops does the container hold?
Estimate. Then measure.
Container Estimate Measure

about scoops about scoops


about scoops about scoops

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company


about scoops about scoops

paper cup

Math Talk Explain how you can tell which of the

containers on this page is the largest.

Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirty-five GR35

On Your
Your Own

How many scoops does the container hold?

Estimate. Then measure.

Container Estimate Measure


about scoops about scoops


about scoops about scoops

milk carton

about scoops about scoops


Problem Solving

7. The red bowl holds 5 scoops of
rice. The blue bowl holds twice
as much rice as the red bowl.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

How many scoops of rice do the

two bowls hold in all?

scoops in all

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child use a paper cup to estimate how
much various containers hold. Then check his or her estimate by measuring how
much each container holds.

GR36 thirty-six
Name Lesson 17
Describe Measurement Data
Essential Question What measurement data can a line plot show?

Model and
and Draw
A line plot shows data on a number line.

Each X on this line plot stands for the

length of 1 desk. X X

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Lengths of Our Desks in Inches

12 desks were measured.

_ 27 inches
The longest desk is _
24 inches long.
Two desks are _ long.
21 inches
The shortest desk is _

Share and
and Show

Write 3 more sentences to describe

what the line plot above shows.
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Math Talk Suppose you measured another desk. If the desk

was 23 inches long, how could you show this on the line plot above?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirty-seven GR37

On Your
Your Own

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lengths of Our Classroom Books in Inches

Use the line plot to answer the questions.

4. How many books are 9 and 5. What is the difference in length
10 inches in length? between the shortest and
longest book?
_ books _ inches
Write another question you can answer by looking
at the line plot. Answer your question.
6. Question


Problem Solving

7. Look at the table to the right. It Book Length

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

shows Tom’s books and their Reading 11 inches

lengths. Add the data for the books Math 12 inches
to the line plot at the top of the page. Spelling 9 inches

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to explain how to read the line plot on
this page.

GR38 thirty-eight

Concepts and
and Skills

Write the time shown on the clock. Then write the time 1 hour
before and 1 hour after.

1. 11 12 1 1 hour before ___

10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
1 hour after ___

2. 11 12 1
10 2 1 hour before ___
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

1 hour after ___

2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M.
Use the time line above. Solve.
3. A movie begins at 2:00 P.M. It is over at 5:00 P.M.
How long is the movie?
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

_ hours

4. Madison arrives at a friend’s house at 3:00 P.M.

She leaves at 7:00 P.M. How long does she stay?

_ hours
Getting Ready for Grade 3 thirty-nine GR39
Subtract to solve. Show your work.

5. Will arrives at the library at 1:15 P.M.

He leaves at 1:50 P.M. How long is
Will at the library?

_ minutes

6. Andrew begins reading at 3:20 P.M.

He stops reading at 3:45 P.M.
How long did Andrew read?

_ minutes

How many scoops does the container hold? Estimate. Then measure.


Estimate: about _ scoops

Measure: about _ scoops

plastic cup

8. What is the difference in height between the

shortest and tallest plants? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

X l 3 inches
X X X l 4 inches
X X X X X l 5 inches

4 5 6 7 8 l 6 inches
Heights of Plants in Inches
GR40 forty
Name Lesson 18
Fraction Models: Thirds and Sixths
Essential Question How can you identify thirds and sixths?

Model and
and Draw

3 equal parts or _
_ 3 thirds 6 equal parts or _
_ 6 sixths

1 part of 3 equal parts or

_ 1 part of 6 equal parts or
1 third
_ 1 sixth

Share and
and Show

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 1 third.

1. 2.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 1 sixth.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

3. 4.

Math Talk How are 3 thirds and 6 sixths alike?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 forty-one GR41

On Your
Your Own

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 2 thirds.

5. 6.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 2 sixths.

7. 8.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 3 sixths.

9. 10.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

11. A sub sandwich is cut into
sixths. Tim eats two parts of
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

the sandwich. How many parts

are left?
parts left

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child draw a picture that shows a slice of
cheese divided into thirds.

GR42 forty-two
Name Lesson 19
Fraction Models: Fourths and Eighths
Essential Question How can you identify fourths and eighths?

Model and
and Draw

4 4 fourths
equal parts or _ 8 equal parts or _
_ 8 eighths

1 part of 4 equal parts or

_ 1 part of 8 equal parts or
1 fourth
_ 1 eighth

Share and
and Show

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 1 fourth.

1. 2.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 1 eighth.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

3. 4.

Math Talk How are 4 fourths and 8 eighths alike?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 forty-three GR43

On Your
Your Own
Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 2 fourths.
5. 6.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 3 eighths.

7. 8.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 5 eighths.

9. 10.

Problem Solving

Solve. Write or draw to explain.

11. A loaf of bread is cut into
eighths. Jake uses 2 parts to
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

make his lunch. Fran uses 3

parts to make her lunch. How
many parts of the loaf are left? parts left

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Have your child draw a picture to show a slice of
cheese divided into fourths.

GR44 forty-four
Name Lesson 20
Compare Fraction Models
Essential Question How can you use fraction models to make comparisons?

Model and
and Draw

fourth fourth fourth fourth

half half

1 fourth < 1 half

Share and
and Show

Color to show the fractions. Write <, 5, or >.

1 half half half

2 fourths fourth fourth fourth fourth

1 half 2 fourths

1 fourth fourth fourth fourth fourth
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

1 eighth eightheightheightheightheightheightheightheighth

1 fourth 1 eighth

Math Talk Look at the strips above. Is 1 half greater

than or less than 3 fourths? How do you know?

Getting Ready for Grade 3 forty-five GR45

On Your
Your Own

Color to show the fractions. Write ,, 5, or ..

1 third third third third

1 sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth

1 third 1 sixth

3 sixths sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth

1 half half half

3 sixths 1 half

Problem Solving

Solve. Draw to show your answer.

5. Barry cut a cheese stick into
halves and ate a half. Marcy © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

cut a cheese stick into fourths

and ate a fourth. Which child
ate more cheese?
ate more.

TAKE HOME ACTIVITY • Ask your child to draw a picture that shows a square
divided into fourths.

GR46 forty-six

Concepts and
and Skills

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 1 third.

1. 2.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 2 sixths.

3. 4.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 2 fourths.

5. 6.

Color the strips. Show two different ways to show 4 eighths.

7. 8.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Getting Ready for Grade 3 forty-seven GR47

Color to show the fractions. Write >, <, or =.

9. 1 half
half half

3 fourths
fourth fourth fourth fourth

1 half 3 fourths

10. 1 third
third third third

2 sixths
sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth sixth

1 third 2 sixths

11. A pizza has 6 slices. Six friends share the pizza equally.
What fraction of the pizza does each friend eat?

l 1 third

l 2 thirds

l 1 sixth © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

l 2 sixths

GR48 forty-eight

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