M58Lwxxc and M58Lwxxd: ST Introduces A New Family of Flash Memories For High Performance Applications
M58Lwxxc and M58Lwxxd: ST Introduces A New Family of Flash Memories For High Performance Applications
M58Lwxxc and M58Lwxxd: ST Introduces A New Family of Flash Memories For High Performance Applications
The M58LWxxD and C series have all the assets software to access all of its parameters and data
to replace competitors' solutions (see Table 1 in real-time while executing the code.
below). The applications served by the C and D
series are consumer (set-top box), communica- Flash memories from the M58LWxxxC and
tions (cellular phones, PDA), networking (LAN M58LWxxD series solve this problem by providing
cards, routers), computer peripherals (printers), enough memory space (32 Mbits to 64 Mbits) to
automotive (car multimedia equipment) and store both the required code (executable code and
industrial applications (GPS systems, medical operating system) and user's and application data.
equipment). However, some devices, thanks to
the fact that they are industry standard or are In addition, all the devices are equipped with a fast
endowed with advanced features, are best Program/Erase Suspend capability. By enabling
adapted for specific applications. read operations in one block while programming
has been suspended in the rest of the blocks, it
Storing Code and Data on a Single Device allows code execution and data storage to be
An increasing number of systems are relying on performed on the same device. Typically, a program
multi-tasking applications where it is critical for the operation can be suspended in 10µs or less.
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