M58Lwxxc and M58Lwxxd: ST Introduces A New Family of Flash Memories For High Performance Applications

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M58LWxxC and M58LWxxD:

ST Introduces a New Family of Flash
Memories for High Performance Applications
Ruggero De Luca, Roberto Incerto, Marc Guedj,
Flash Memory Division,
Agrate, Italy

To meet designers' needs for Flash memories for

storing code and data in advanced applications,
STMicroelectronics has developed a new family
of high performance devices: the M58LWxxD and
the M58LWxxC series. Launched to supplement
the existing M58LWxxA and M58LWxxB families,
they are manufactured in the leading-edge
0.15µm process technology, offer fast read modes
and state-of-the-art data security mechanisms at
optimized cost.

The memory capacity ranges from 32 Mbits to

64 Mbits. The memory arrays of the 32-Mbit and
64-Mbit devices are divided into 32 and
64 uniform blocks of 1 Mbit each respectively. The M58LW032D and M58LW064D are 8-bit or
16-bit wide data bus industry standard devices
The devices' common features are: targeting applications requiring Flash memories
for code and data storage without the additional
• Program/Erase Suspend capability supporting cost of enhanced features.
simultaneous code and data storage
• Write to Buffer capability speeding up program- The M58LW032C and M58LW064C, equipped
ming with a fast synchronous Burst Read capability, are
• Fast read access mode: Asynchronous Page best suited for digital consumer applications. The
Read mode minor differences from the D series are:
• Block protection allowing data to be stored in a
protected area • Single 16-bit data bus width configuration
• Core power supply from 2.7V to 3.6V. • 1.8V to VDD I/O power supply.

October 2002 1/4


The M58LWxxD and C series have all the assets software to access all of its parameters and data
to replace competitors' solutions (see Table 1 in real-time while executing the code.
below). The applications served by the C and D
series are consumer (set-top box), communica- Flash memories from the M58LWxxxC and
tions (cellular phones, PDA), networking (LAN M58LWxxD series solve this problem by providing
cards, routers), computer peripherals (printers), enough memory space (32 Mbits to 64 Mbits) to
automotive (car multimedia equipment) and store both the required code (executable code and
industrial applications (GPS systems, medical operating system) and user's and application data.
equipment). However, some devices, thanks to
the fact that they are industry standard or are In addition, all the devices are equipped with a fast
endowed with advanced features, are best Program/Erase Suspend capability. By enabling
adapted for specific applications. read operations in one block while programming
has been suspended in the rest of the blocks, it
Storing Code and Data on a Single Device allows code execution and data storage to be
An increasing number of systems are relying on performed on the same device. Typically, a program
multi-tasking applications where it is critical for the operation can be suspended in 10µs or less.

Parameter/Function M58LW032C M58LW032D Intel StrataFlash®

M58LW064C M58LW064D 28F320J3A and 28F640J3A
Core Power Supply VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V VDD = 2.7 to 3.6V VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V
I/O Power Supply VDDQ = 1.8V to VDD VDDQ = 2.7 to 3.6V VCCQ = 2.7 to 3.6V
Data Bus Width x16 x8 or x16 x8 or x16
Block Organization Uniform blocks of 1Mbit
Random Access 110ns 90, 110ns 110, 120ns
Burst Read Mode First 16-bit read: 72ns No No
Subsequent read: 18ns
Page Read Mode Yes
Fast Read Access 4-Word pages
Time in Page Mode 25ns
Max Standby Current 40µA 40µA 50µA
Program Operation 16-Word Write Buffer
Word Effective Program Time 12µs/Word 12µs/Word 13.6µs/Word
Typical Program Suspend 10µs 25µs
Latency Time
Typical Erase Suspend 10µs 26µs
Latency Time
Data Security: Block Yes
Protection/Unprotection 128-bit Protection register
Packages TSOP56,TBGA64 TSOP56, EasyBGA64,
Table 1: Benchmarking M58LWxxC, M58LWxxD and Intel StrataFlash® 28F320J3A and 28F640J3A
(ST evaluation based on the Intel document 290667-011, April 2002)


Designing Portable Applications with • Reduced power consumption in standby mode

M58LWxxC and D devices thanks to a standby current lower than 40µs.
Portable applications such as personal digital
assistant (PDAs), hand-held computers and M58LWxxC Assets for Consumer Application
mobile phones are quickly evolving to handle Consumer applications such as set-top boxes
more and more photos, video, multimedia (STBs), digital video disks (DVDs), digital still
messages and interactive games, thus driving cameras, PDAs and camcorders are supporting
requirements for higher data storage capacities more and more complex application codes while
and higher memory bandwidth. To be successful handling faster streams of data (MPEG files for
in the marketplace, portable applications must STBs). They are therefore driving the demand for
meet key consumer criteria including high perfor- higher density, faster read access and cost-opti-
mance, affordable pricing, compact size and mized memories for both data storage and code
reduced power consumption in standby mode. execution.Furthermore, increased data security
For memory devices, these demands result in fast remains one of the major criteria that memories
read access, optimized memory bandwidth, cost- must comply with for consumer applications.
efficiency, space-saving packages, low standby
current and power consumption. For these applications, the M58LW032C and
M58LW064C are ideal since they offer all the
ST Flash memories from the M58LWxxC and D features required by advanced consumer equip-
family have all the assets to be used in hand-held ment:
• Data security
• Fast read access In many applications, the boot code, the appli-
All devices perform high-speed asynchronous cation code and some critical data have to be
Page Read operations. The page size is 4 protected from accidental programming or eras-
Words. In a Page Read operation, the first read ing. The Block Protection/Unprotection capabil-
operation takes 90 or 110ns but subsequent ity allows any combination of memory blocks to
read operations in the same page take only be locked, disabling program and erase opera-
25ns tions. All blocks can be unlocked simultane-
ously to allow changing data or updating code
The M58LW032C and M58LW064C can inter-
face with new generation high-bandwidth • High density
microprocessors that support Burst mode. This The M58LWxxC series is available with densi-
allows the data output to be synchronized with ties of up to 64 Mbits allowing code and data to
the 56MHz clock. In a Burst Read operation, be stored on a single device, thus minimizing
the first 16-bit Word Read takes about 72ns (4 the chip count and total component cost
clock cycles) but subsequent sequential read
operations take only 18ns • Fast read access
The 56MHz synchronous Burst Read mode of
• Cost-efficiency and space-saving packages the M58LWxxC series allows code execution
Since they provide a single-device solution for from the Flash memory without the need for an
both code and data storage, designing with ST additional RAM for indirect execution.
Flash memories from the M58LWxxD and C
series allows the chip count to be reduced thus M58LWxxD Pervading Networking Applications
saving space and optimizing cost. In addition, The new generation of networking equipment
all devices are available in small TSOP56 must support multimedia services at ever higher
(14x20mm) and TBGA64 (10x13mm) packages speeds. They therefore demand higher-density
and higher-bandwidth Flash memories. Among


the new applications, LAN modules (LAN cards,

routers and switches) is the ones that require
higher Flash memory density. In order to gain
significant market share, ST has developed the
M58LW032D and M58LW064D that can boast a
full pin-out and software compatibility with indus-
try standard devices.

Assets and Perspectives

With the M58LW032D, M58LW064D,
M58LW032C and M58LW064C, ST has launched
a new family of high performance competitive
Flash memories. This set of products includes
many features that will contribute to designing
leading-edge applications at optimized cost.

To meet the requirements of future applications,

the M58LWxxD the M58LWxxC series will be
enriched with 128-Mbit devices in the near future.

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the matters raised in this document please send them to the follow-
ing electronic mail address:

[email protected] (for general enquiries)

Please remember to include your name, company, location, telephone number and fax number.

Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences
of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is gran-
ted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are
subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products
are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.

The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics

® StrataFlash is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
All other names are the property of their respective owners

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