Part 5 MT Drives and Mechanisms 1
Part 5 MT Drives and Mechanisms 1
Part 5 MT Drives and Mechanisms 1
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MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015 MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015
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Control System
Coolant System
© Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib 3 © Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib 4
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Determination of the maximum and the minimum
Recommendations for the design of a drive system
cutting and feed speeds
Depending on the type of the machine tool and the motions required etc. the
requirement of a drive system can vary. But the following points should be kept in Maximum and minimum spindle speeds can be calculated using the following
view, while designing a drive system. expressions:
1) It should be possible to produce variable cutting speed to match the economic cutting
2) There should not be any marked variation in the speed, if the cutting condition
suddenly changes.
3) The cutting speed should be reversible (rotated in both directions).
4) The transient time for starting, reversing or stopping the drive should be a minimum.
5) The efficiency (mechanical) should be as high as possible. /
6) The lost energy should not heat up the drive systems and/or the machine tool beyond /
a reasonable limit.
7) Availability of the technology and of the material of the system The Speed Range ratio is defined as
8) Minimum cost of production. .
9) Dimensional constraints. The machine tool has designed dimensions. The drive
system has to fit within these dimensions.
10) Aesthetic aspects. 5 6
© Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib © Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib
MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015 MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015
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Determination of the maximum and the minimum
cutting and feed speeds
For straight line cutting motion (as in slotting, shaping etc.) Rn depends only upon Rv. But for
rotary cutting motions (as in drilling, turning, milling), Rd must also be taken into consideration.
Cutting speed range varies widely depending on the operating conditions. For example, while
machining metals, the economic cutting speed for a tool life of 240 min. may vary from
18m/min to 1800 m/min. Thus the value of Rv is 1800/18 =100. If the diameter range varies
from dmax = 200 mm to dmin = 10 mm (for example, on a center lathe), Rd becomes 20. It is quite
difficult and uneconomic to design a gearbox for a speed range ratio, Rn = 100x20 = 2000.
Consequently the operating range of the machine will have to be limited to reduce the value of
Rn within an economically feasible limit. Once this is done, the values of speed range ratio (Rn) Figure 1: (a) Economic cutting speed (b) Saw diagram
and the extreme cutting speeds (for example, nmin and nmax) can be set.
1000 1000
Figure 1(a) shows the (economic) cutting speed for the minimum manufacturing cost. This … … … … …
economic cutting speed can be replaced , without loosing significant economy, by a range of 1000 1000
cutting speeds Vu and Vl (Vu = upper limit and Vl = the lower limit of the range). Figure 1(b) The stepped speeds constitute a Geometric Progression (GP)
shows the cutting speed as a function of diameter (for example, diameter of a job on a lathe, series with the progression ratio of
1000 1000
diameter of a drill in a drilling machine) for different rotational speeds.(n1, n2 … … … n5).
If the machine is to operate economically for all the diameters (d1 to d6) and if a particular speed
(say. n2) cuts at surface speed, Vu at a certain diameter (d2). the next speed (n1) should also …………………… Two other methods for the distribution of the spindle speeds
1000 1000 are:
theoretically cut at surface speed, Vl at the same diameter (d2). This logic holds good for all
other speeds. Thus, a) Arithmetic Progression (AP)
© Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib 7 © Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib b) Logarithmic Progression (LP). 8
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Analysis of the geometric progression (GP) series Layout of speeds in GP series:
If V is the limiting cutting speed for a given set of cutting conditions and economy and Vj is the In a G. P. series, .
corresponding actual cutting speed, because the speed, n corresponding to the cutting speed. V is .
not available (Figure 2).
The loss of cutting speed (∆ ) and the relative speed loss (SL) are given in equation:
100 % 100 % 1
Figure 2: Analysis
of speed loss in a
We know, ,
stepped drive
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MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015 MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 19 Aug, 2014
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Standard Values of Geometric Progression Ratio and
Guidelines for Selecting a Proper Value
5. If any two terms of a GP series, which contains a term with the value of 1, are
multiplied by each other, the product is again a term of the same GP series. The standard values of are established from the following two main
6. Because the speeds are uniformly distributed over the saw diagram (log - log scale): considerations:
The max. relative losses of (a) the cutting speed, (b) the formative capacity and (c) the In machine tool drives two speed motors are often used; the ratio of the two speeds is
production rate are constant over the whole range of the speed layout. generally equal to 2 (e.g., motors have rpm values of 3000 and 1500, or 1500 and 750,
Average speed loss is independent of the speed. etc.). If the spindle rpm values constitute a geometric progression for the lower rpm of
The speed loss can be calculated with respect to the mean speed bet between two steps the motor, then according to the property of geometric progression, the spindle speeds
(Figure 4) should increase two times when the motor speed is switched to the higher one. This
means that if there is a spindle rpm value , then after a certain number of steps
6. Average speed loss is there must occur a spindle rpm value 2
The relative average speed loss is: . . ,
The geometric progression (decimal) should be developed by keeping the standards of
preferred numbers and preferred series in mind. The geometric progression should then
satisfy the condition
Figure 4 . . ,
7. A GP series of spindle speeds can be easily obtained by arranging basic speed The standard values of are obtained from the above two equation that they must
changing units in series. simultaneously satisfy
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Selection of the progression ratio, of spindle It is evident that for a given , the number of steps, z increases rapidly with the
speeds, strokes and feeds reduction of the value of . In selecting the values of and Z it is thus necessary
to make a compromise between the efforts to reduce the losses in cutting speeds
After the determination of n1 and
by increasing the number of steps (thereby making the design complicated and
n2 (i.e. minimum and maximum
costly) and the effort to reduce the cost of the machine tool by keeping its
speeds) for a machine tool, it is
construction as simple as possible.
necessary to establish z, the
number of speeds (which is again It is a good practice to select a number of speed steps, Z having the factors 2 and
related to choosing of the 3 so that. , where p and q are zero or any integer number. Hence, z = 2,
progression ratio, ). The relation 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18,24, 27, 32, 36 etc. The most frequently used number of
between z, and is given by : steps are z = 3,4, 6, 8, 12, 18 and 24.
If. however, is not a whole number, then suitable adjustment should be made to
Kinematic diagram get the desired value of z. For example in a three stage 12 speed gearbox.
. 12 2.3
Again, if there are r stages in the mechanism which is not practical. It may be hence adjusted as follows:
. . . … … … … … 3 2 2 12
example in Figure 6; r = 2, 3 and 3 hence 3 3 9
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MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015 MCE 4627 Machine Tools Tue, 23 Jun, 2015
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Structural Diagrams and Their Analysis to Select the
Best Possible Version
Suppose a speed on one shaft yields two speed values on the next shaft, i.e., The
A transmission group may thus be conveniently denoted as , where p is the
number of speed steps of the particular transmission group is p = 2. If the transmission
number of speed steps in the transmission group and X its characteristic. The
is through gears, the transmission ratios that provide the two new speed values must
transmission range of the group can be calculated from the expression:
lie in the following range:
The maximum reduction of speed is limited to four times to keep the radial
where is the number of speed steps in the group and its characteristic.
dimensions of the speed box within reasonable limits, while the maximum increase of
speed is restricted to two times due to limitations of the pitch line velocity. The
transmission range of the group is given by,
Suppose there are z speed steps , , ,……… in a particular transmission group
such that
Since the speeds on the last shaft of the speed box must constitute a geometric
progression, the following relationship must be satisfied: .
Here X is known as the characteristic of the transmission group and it denotes the
number of steps of the spindle rpm geometric progression by which two adjacent rpm
values of the particular group are separated. 23 24
© Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib © Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Habib
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