National Institute of Technology Rourkela Mid - Semester Examination, 2018

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SESSION: 2018 – 2019 (Autumn)
M. Tech. 1st Year/ Dual Degree M. Tech./Ph.D. Course Work

Subject code: EE 6103 Subject Name: Advanced Signal Processing Dept. Code: EE
No. of pages: 1(both sides) Full Marks: 60 Duration: 2 Hours
Figures at the right hand margin and below questions indicate marks
All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Answer brief & to the point
Answer all

1. (a) The following network has six currents … (the arrows show the positive direction, each
could be positive or negative). Find the four equations = 0 using Kirchhoff’s Current Law at
the four nodes in the following graph. Find three special solutions in the Nullspace of A.

Figure 1
(b) Find the orthonormal vectors , , by Gram-Schmidt from , , : = (1, −1, 0, 0),
= (0, 1, −1, 0), = (0, 0, 1, −1). Show { , , } and { , , } are bases for the space of
vectors perpendicular to = (1, 1, 1, 1).
(c) Find the complete solution of the following equations.


2. (a) Prove that condition number of correlation matrix of a zero-mean WSS is bounded by

( )= ≤

(b) Consider the process ( ) = ( − 1) + ( ), where ( ) ∼ (0, ). Show that the

× correlation matrix of the process is symmetric Toeplitz and is given by
1 ⋯
1 ⋯
1− ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
⋯ 1
3. A causal LTI system, which is described by the difference equation
1 1
( ) = ( − 1) + ( ) + ( − 1)
2 3
is driven by a zero-mean WSS process with autocorrelation ( ) = 0.5| | .
(a) Determine the PSD and the autocorrelation of the output sequence ( ) and sketch it.
(b) Determine the cross-correlation ( ) and cross-PSD ( ) between the input and output signals.

4. Find a two-coefficient Wiener filter for the communication channel shown in the following Figure. Assume
( ) and ( ) are white noises with zero mean, uncorrelated with each other and with
( ), and have the variances = 0.31 and = 0.12.

Figure 2


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