Tourism Innovation SIDA
Tourism Innovation SIDA
Tourism Innovation SIDA
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685
CITIES 2015 International Conference, Intelligent Planning Towards Smart Cities, CITIES 2015,
3-4 November 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia
Pringgabaya is one of the districts on the East Lombok. There are a lot of potential developments on the districts that have been
not explored yet. One of the most potential developments is the sustainable and renewable energy development based on sea
waves. This mega project near to reach an agreement among the stakeholder and might be execute soon. However, it is need to
consider improving added value for the community that affected by the projects. The SIDa development is a nomenclature on the
Ministry of Research and Higher Education Indonesia (Indonesia: Menristekdikti) that aimed to improve the added value with
stakeholder (University-Government-Private) initiative. One of the recommendations is to build museum of energy as a tourism
object (DTW) that further will be develop into multipurpose tourism activities that benefit community in Pringgabaya.
© 2016
2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by by
Published Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015
Keywords: Innovation system ; SIDa ; sea waves tourism.
1877-0428 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CITIES 2015
Karina Pradinie et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685 681
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
District of Pringgabaya is located on the West Nusa Tenggara that electrification ratio is still lower compared
with the provinces in Java and Bali, which is 63.4%. From 1.300.700 of households number, only 824.665
households that have had access to electricity, so there are still about 476 035 households which have not been able
to enjoy access to electric energy.
Moreover, as much as 81% of the installed
power capacity in West Nusa Tenggara
sourced from diesel [1].
Research results conducted by the
Agency for the Assessment and
Application of Technology (BPPT) and the
Indonesian Ocean Energy Association
(INOCEAN)[2] prove that the Alas Strait
is one potential site for implementation of
marine current energy development. Based
on data modeling, the potential of marine
current energy in the Alas Strait (Figure 1),
it is known that areas with a high power
distribution are located closer to the East
Lombok, compared with the West
Sumbawa Regency.
Fig. 1. The Potential Site Based Sea Waves Energy
Nationally, the tourism industry is positioned as one of sources of revenue for major countries so that the
government set up a Tourism Destination Region (DTW) including the Province of West Nusa Tenggara and East
Lombok. It is in order to increase tourist visit to Indonesia. Determination of DTW is motivated by the regional
tourism resources which are so many and be a good prospective, although East Lombok is still not exploited
As one of DTW, East Lombok is not yet able to create a condition for tourism that could be proud of since some
inhibiting factors have not been solved. External factors are not conducive, and internal socio Ǧ cultural factors, the
low tourism object exploitation level, availability and quality of supporting facilities, participation of investors, and
others, which seem not optimal yet and it implies the low activity of tourism in general. Thus the motion to revive
the tourism industry in East Lombok Regency need revitalization on the entire series of programs related to the
approaches in organizing all activities integrated.
Until now the tourists to visit East Lombok (seen from the number of guests staying at the hotel / inn) is still
relatively small. In 2010 the number of tourists increased compared why did the previous years, the number of
tourists in the year 2011 decreased slightly. It is expected that external factors getting better along with the internal
factors that increasingly supportive so that in the following years the number of tourists visit increases much more
than previews year, mainly for overseas tourists. Their visit is also expected to indirectly acting as agents of
information about hospitality and culture of East Lombok that is one of the polite societies in the world [3].
The idea of this research is to combine between the sea waves energy development in Pringgabaya with the
tourism innovation development to gain benefit for local community in Pringgabaya. Museum of sea waves energy
planned to be one of main DTW on the Pringgabaya, which innovation system (SIDa) aimed to multiply the impacts
of the tourism development.
682 Karina Pradinie et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685
Responding to global competition, to improve the regional and national competitiveness, now Indonesia emerge
an understanding of the development of innovations that are arranged in a system of innovation. This approach is
then known as the regional innovation system (Indonesia: Sistem Inovasi Daerah – SIDa) which is a system of
institutions that should be intertwined to create and empower the knowledge or skills that determine the new
technology in local to regional levels [4].
SIDa, is a complex system that must consider a lot of aspects in the application. However, every complex system
has a basic essential core to build
upon, i.e. the inner system. Every
SIDa has to have actors or
institutions that play role on
developing technology and others
that use the technology produced,
and unavoidable third institution
that regulate, mediate, and
facilitate communication and
interaction among the first two
(Figure 2) [5].
The Figure 2, shown that there
are a party that act as a
technology developer, facilitator Fig. 2. SIDa System and Stakeholder Role
and technology user. All of the institution should be on one vision for the development and there must be a
relevance and sensitivity for the technology developer and there must be a trust and enough capacity to absorb the
technology within the technology users. Last, but not least there always need a strong commitment and good
political will from the government to encourage the SIDa keep on the track. SIDa won’t be ready in an instant way,
it take time and a lot of patient and nurture from all of the stakeholder involving in the project.
2. Study Methods
The regional innovation system can’t be analyzed if there is no depth survey about the location and the database
that provide by the region itself. Since these research is applied research and conducted on the short time, the
researchers choose to use the most appropriate survey method that including; 1). Online survey for the potential East
Lombok tourist (this including; online in –depth interview), 2). Focus group discussion (FGD) with the stakeholder
that including the Mayor, University (ITS) and the private sectors to reach future agreement of the Pringgabaya
The basic condition of districts Pringgabaya tourism, explained in the potential development and the development
problem below;
Potential Tourism Development Of Pringgabaya
1) Pringgabaya is located on the strategic area that near to Bali and a Gili Trawangan as an International
DTW Objects. The Pringgabaya is about 1 hours and 40 minute using flight from Bali – Lombok Praya
– Pringgabaya and the estimated cost is only $100 - $120, which is quite cheap for an international
travel. If the tourist have a plenty time they can use scout ferry, the estimated travel and cost is about 8-9
hours and $75-$80. Gili Trawangan is about an hour away from Pringgabaya using a motor boat.
Karina Pradinie et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685 683
2) The sea waves museum potentially attracts the international and national tourist which have a specifics
interest on science or technology, which are usually have a higher social economic status (middle- high
income tourist), so the attraction can be set up as an expensive one.
3) The community has a potential development on its culture (e.g. Rebo Buntung), the local industrial
crafts & arts (woven fabrics with unique pattern) that can be one of the tourism attraction to prolonged
the tourist stay. In many tourism areas, a definite factor that succeeded tourism development is a tourist
length of stay. Even though there are a lot of people come to the area, if the length of stay is relatively
short, then the community won’t gain any benefits opportunity to sell their products or their services.
4) The Tanjung Menangis Beach, is one of the potential beach recreation opportunity. This beach has a
blue ocean and tidy shore. This beach is currently uses for local recreational purposes.
With the current condition in Pringgabaya Districts, there are a lot of think to consider in order to establish the
innovation system within the area. Some of the stage that must achieve by regional SIDa according to the law no 03
about encouragement of SIDa by Ministry of Research and Technology 2012 are: 1). Knowing the current SIDa
condition on the region, 2). Challenges and opportunities face in SIDa development, 3). The Ideal condition SIDa
expected, 4). The policy guidelines and SIDa’ encouragement strategy, 5). Focus and program priority in SIDa 6).
SIDa’s action plan.
All of these process could not be achieved on short terms and few FGD, these process will need some further
development to response the SIDa policy in the region. However, the focus group discussion manage to recommend
some following results:
1) The ideal condition expected for development of SIDa in Pringgabaya.
There are some ideal condition expected on the tourism development in Pringgabaya, which are:
x Encouragement of SIDa Structure (this is including; a roadmap of SIDa development with the
tourism thematic, synchronization the roadmap with the vision and mission on RPJMD)
x Initiate the industrial cluster that encourage local product (training for marketing local the woven
fabrics, english course, the study of techno-politan development for local woven fabrics, national
week of woven fabrics event planning, home based enterprise for artisanal development in
x Harmonize with the green economy development (IPAL development for the industrial cluster,
temporary waste management program for the home scale industrial cluster)
x Smart & creative city synchronization (join the creative city UNESCO award for arts & folks
category, innovation parade for HARTEKNAS (national day for technology day), promotion
through local television streaming, data center establishment).
2) The point of policy guideline that need to be sharpen in the future.
684 Karina Pradinie et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685
At least there are five years development guidelines for tourism innovation system that can be agreed with
the stakeholder, they are:
Policy guideline (Year 1) : Establish and preparing SIDa Infrastructure.
Policy guideline (Year 2) : Research and innovation exploration on tourism.
Policy guideline (Year 3 & 4): Synchronize and establish partnership between government, private
sector and the university to develop and maintenance SIDa development.
Policy guideline (Year 5) : Encoraging SIDa networking and starting tourism innovation cluster.
3) Some of the program priority for SIDa development.
There are 10 priority program of the SIDa development, they are :
x Establish BPPD and SIDa supporting institution.
x Preparing the SIDa personnel, community and NGO capabilities
x Study and explore chance to elevate destination, marketing and the institutional development
x Establish DTW management
x Establish marketing networks based on suitable segmented market
x Tourism facility built environment
x Good quality of tourism society
x There are good partnership and communication within the stakeholder
x There are some rules/law to protect the on going SIDa.
The physical development will be built on the sea and on ground. If we build on sea, technology support
systems for the implementation of this program is:
1. The system of renewable electrical energy generation technologies
2. Technology pontoon (Floating) is strong and durable.
3. The mooring system (Anchor)
4. Electrical Control & Distribution.
To enhance and give the incentive to local government, The ITS team try to make a visualization as a stimulus
and envisioning the further development of tourism based on sea wave energy initiatives. There are some of
important aspects of physical development and will be designed with futuristic but need diffusion with local aspects
Demarcation line for the coast development based on tide mark;
x Zone for sea waves energy development devices on the potential location on the sea;
x Zone for operation plant for energy generator;
x Zone for the local community space to develop and offering the local product and services;
x Zone for recreational of the beach;
x Zone for mix use : The museum of energy will be the main attraction and artificial tourism to increase the
recreational value of Pringgabaya Districts;
With some principal design the ITS team try to envision the development on the satellite photo for one spot in
Pringgabaya as seen on figure 3 and figure 4.
Buffer area
Culture Ecovillage
tourism Tourism
zone zone
Karina Pradinie et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 227 (2016) 680 – 685 685
Buffer area
o er plant Housing
Sea Waves zone And
devices settlement
zone zone
Mixed uses
Museum, hotel,
Shopping centre
Tide mark
Culture Ecovillage
tourism Tourism
zone zone
4. Conclusions
The role of the SIDa in the Pringgabaya development will be significant if there is strong commitment and good
political will within the stakeholder. The visualization needed to improve within the exact location and also redesign
using the professional design. The SIDa process itself need to be adjusted with the law that exist about SIDa and
there will be need to establish the SIDa roadmap and master plan for tourism innovation system.
This research was supported by The Institute For Research and Community Service (LPPM) Sepuluh
Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) from the scheme for community services (BOPTN Funding) 2015. We
thank to our colleagues for full support related with preparation and finishing this paper.