Public Health Actions Linked To Information Obtained From Public Health Surveillance Activities in The Field of Tuberculosis Control
Public Health Actions Linked To Information Obtained From Public Health Surveillance Activities in The Field of Tuberculosis Control
Public Health Actions Linked To Information Obtained From Public Health Surveillance Activities in The Field of Tuberculosis Control
Routine quarterly case finding Trend of TB notification across space Investigating the reasons of any
reports from district, (geographical/centres) and time (over inconsistency in notification across
intermediate to national level quarter/years) space and time
and subnational analysis of data
Estimating the tuberculosis Progress towards the achievement of Enhanced programme activities in case
disease burden in a country and the Stop TB targets of slow progress
annual trend of infection or
Low rate of cases detected by Suboptimal engagement of the other Enhanced Public-Private Mix
other health care providers health care providers in tuberculosis Mobilization of resources for these
(non- NTP) whether by referral control activities.
of suspects or diagnosis,
treatment and notification
Disease prevalence Accurate revised estimates of TB Evaluating progress towards the targe
surveys; capture recapture burden and determining trends over with investigations to identify the cau
studies; VR / verbal time and space in TB burden increased TB transmission , if annual
autopsy studies increase was reported
Drug resistance surveys The burden and trends of drug Policy change: e.g. Change criteria fo
resistance determined as well as line DST testing in case of increased
predictors of drug resistance transmission; strengthen DOT, etc..
Active case finding among The incidence of TB among contacts To integrate ACD with PCD in the rou
contacts reported (3-5% in several reports) programme activities for the contacts
do not show up
Testing new PPM model Effectiveness and feasibility of the Expansion of the tested model in rout
model reported programme activities
1-M&E plan All GFATM supported countries have to develop an M&E plan
with technical support from WHO
2-Surveillance Level All NTPs have identified their reporting levels- but not yet
extended to all non-NTP and community
3-Technical standards: tools, All NTPs have developed their tools, guidelines, some have
guidelines, training manuals developed PPM guidelines and few developed tools for
community participation
4-Recording and reporting tools Few NTPs have introduced the revised R&R – commitment to
(revised system) introduce it by the end of 2009
5-Data flow All NTPs have identified their data flow systems- but not yet
extended to all non-NTP and community
6-Data quality assurance system Weak mechanisms of data verification, supervisory visits, and
quarterly meetings in