507 Mechanical Movements PDF
507 Mechanical Movements PDF
507 Mechanical Movements PDF
Mr. E. P. Bradbury
XX X-gto6^ UCSb UBRf^fjY
MEisflANiCAL Movements,
\\ ALLV'^
1908 V
Copyright 1868,
Renewed 1896.
The want of a comprehensive collection of illustrations and descriptions of Me-
chanical Movements has long been seriously felt by artisans, inventors, and stu-
dents of the mechanic arts. It was the knowledge of this want which induced the
compilation of the collection here presented. The movements which it contains
have been already illustrated and described in occasional installments scattered
through five volumes of the American Artisan, by the readers of which their
publication was received with so much favor as was believed to warrant the ex-
pense of their reproduction with some revision in a separate volume.
The selection of the movements embraced in this collection has been made
from many and various sources. The English works of Johnson, Willcock, Wylson,
and Denison have been drawn upon to a considerable extent, and many other
— —
works American and foreign have been laid under contribution but more than
iv Mechanical Movements.
g^ In this INDEX the numerals do net indicate the pages, but they refer to the
engravings and the nmnbered paragraphs. Each page of the letter-press contains all
A Crank, substitutes for the, 39, 116, 123, 156, 157, 167, 394.
variable, 94. j
iEolipile, 474.
Cranks, 92, 93, 98, 100, 131, 145, 14O, 156, 158, 166, 175, 176,
Differential movements, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 260, 264.
Drag-link, 231.
Cams, 95, 96, 97, 117, 130, 13S, 149, 150, 165, 217, 272, 276. Drill, 359.
Capstans, 412, 491. fiddle, 124.
Centrolinead, 40S. Persian, 112.
Clutches, 47, 4S, 52, 53, 361. Drills, cramp, 379, 380.
Chasers, 375. Drop, 85.
Clamps, bench, 174, 180, 381. Drum and rope, J34.
screw, 190. Driver, pile, 251.
Cock, four-way, 395. Dynamometers, 2<<4, 372.
Column, oscillating, 445, 446.
Compasses, proportion, 40).
Counters of revolutions, 63, 64, 65, 6^ 67, 68, 6g, 70, 71. Eccentrics, 89, 90, 91, 135,' 137.
Engine, disk, 347. worm, 29, 31, 64, 66, 67, 143, 151, 202.
Engines, rotary, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429. Governors, 14/, 161, 162, 163, 170, 274, 287, 357. ~
steam, 175, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, Guides, 326, 327, 330, 331.
335. 336, 337> 338, 339. 34°. 34'. 342. 343. 344. Gyroscope, 355.
345. 346. 42". 422. 423. 424- - H.
valve gear for, 89, 90, 91, 117, 135, 137, 150, 171, Hammer, atmospheric, 471.
17Q, 181, 182, 183, 184, 1S5, 186, 187, 188, 189, bell, 420.
296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, Helicograph, 384.
306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 396, Hook, beat-detaching, 492.
402. releasing, 251.
Hooks, centrifugal check, 253.
Hyperbolas, instrument for drawing, 405.
Fountain, Hiero's, 464.
Fusees, 46, 358^
I. (
Intermittent movements, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 73.
Gasometers, 479, 480.
74. 75. 76. 88, 211, 235, 241, 364, 398.
Gauge, bisecting, 410. 1
eccentric, 219, 222. L.
• elliptical, 33, 35, 221. Ladder, folding, 386.
self-adjusting, 387.
face, 54.
friction, 28, 32, 45, 413.
Lazy-tongs, 144.
intermittent, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, Level, se"f-recording, 411. i
internal, 34, ss, 57-
knee, 164.
sector, 38. Machine, Bohnenberger's, 356.
spur, 24. drilling, 366.
step, 44. i polishing, 370, 393. !
sun and planet, 39. warp-dressing, 383.
vi Mechanical Movements.
Main, flexible water, 468. Pulleys, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 243, 255,
Maintaining power, 320, 321. 256. 257. 258, 259, 267.
Meter, gas (wet) 481 (dry) 483.
; anti-friction bearing for, 270.
rocking, 419. rotary, 455, 456.
self-reversing, 87. • Punching machine, 140.
shuttle, 397. R
Motions, feed, 99, 121, 153, 284, 388, 400.
Rack, mangle, 197, 198, 199.
link, 171, 185.
mutilated, 269.
parallel, 328, 329, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338,
Racks and pinions, 81, 113, 114, 115, ii8, 119, 127, 139,
339. 340. 341- 343-
197, 198, 199. 269. 283.
pump, 86, 127, 2S3.
Rain, Montgolfier's water, 444.
traverse, 350, 362.
Ratchets and pawls, 49, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 206, 225, 236,
variable traverse, 122, 125, 142, 17S.
Regulator, gas, 482.
watch, 318.
P Reversing motion, self, 87.
Mechanical Movements. Vll
8„ 9 10
Mechanical Movements.
1. Illustrates the transmission of power by up the slack, the belt transmits motion from
simple pulleys and an open belt. In this one of the larger pulleys to the other but ;
case both of the pulleys rotate in the same when it is not, the belt is so slack as not to
direction. transmit motion.
6. By giving a vibratory motion to the
2. Differs from i in the substitution of a
lever secured to the semi-circular segment,
crossed belt for the open one. In this case
the belt attached to the said segment imparts
the direction of rotation of the pulleys is re-
a reciprocating rotary motion to the two pul-
leys below.
By arranging three pulleys, side by side,
7. A method of engaging, disengaging,
upon the shaft to be driven, the middle one
and reversing the upright shaft at the left.
fast and the other two loose upon it, and
The belt is shown on the middle one of the
using both an open and a crossed belt, the
three pulleys on the lower shafts, a, which I/,
direction of the said shaft is enabled to be
pulley is loose, and consequently no move-
reversed without stopping or reversing the
ment is communicated to the said shafts.
driver. One belt will always run on the
When the belt is traversed on the left-hand
fast pulley, and the other on one of the loose
pulley, which is fast on the hollow shaft, b,
pulleys. The shaft will be driven in one di-
carrying the bevel-gear, B, motion is com-
rection or the other, according as the open
municated in one direction to the upright
or crossed belt is on the fast pulley.
shaft and on its being traversed on to the
n 1^
Mechanical Movements. II
1 1. Another method of effecting the same arate loose pulleys, or a series of grooves
12. Simple pulley used for lifting weights. rope ; that is, i, 3, and 5 for one block, and
In this the power must be equal to the weight 2, 4, and 6 for the other. Power as i to 7.
to obtain equilibrium.
tained by this contrivance is calculated as ments of pulley*:. The following rule applies
follows : Divide the weight by double the to these pu'leys : — In a system of pulleys
number of pulleys in the lower block ; the where each pulley is embraced by a cord at-
quotient is the power required to balance tached atone end to a fixed point and at the
the weight. other to the center of the movable pulley, the
1 5. Represents what are known as White's multiplied by itself as many times as there
pulleys, which can either be made with sep- are movable pulleys in the system.
12 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 13
23. A contrivance for transmitting rotary 27. " Multiple gearing " —a recent inven-
motion to a movable pulley. The pulley tion. The smaller triangular wheel drives
at the bottom of the figure is the movable the larger one by the movement of its at-
one ; if this pulley were raised or depressed, tached friction-rollers in tlie radial grooves.
accordingly. In order to keep a uniform 28. These are sometimes called '"brush-
tension on the belt, a pulley, A, carried in a wheels." The relative speeds can be varied
frame sliding between guides (not shown), by changing the distance of the upper wheel
hangs from a rope passing over the two from the center of the lower one. The one
guide-pulleys, B, B, and is acted upon by drives the other by the friction or adhesion,
the balance weight, C, in such manner as to and this may be increased by facing the lower
ters are termed " miter-gears." spur-gear, moving it the distance of one
and are only available for light work, as the speed. They were used on a printing-press,
teeth of the crown-wheel must necessarily be the type of which were placed on a rectangu-
thm. 1 lar roller.
H Mechanical Movements.
31 32 33
58 39
Mechanical Movements. 15
31. Worm or endless screw and a worm- from their application to mangles converts —
wlieel. This effects the same result as 29 ;
continuous rotary motion of pinion into re-
and as it is more easily constructed, it is ciprocating rotary motion of wheel. The
oftener used. shaft of pinion has a vibratory motion, and
works in a straight slot cut in the upright
32. Friction-wheels. The surfaces of
stationary bar to allow the pinion to rise and
these wheels are made rough, so as to bite
much fall and work inside and outside of the gear-
as as possible ; one is sometimes faced
with leather, or, better, with vulcanized india-
ing of the wheel. The slot cut in the face of
the mangle-wheel and following its outline is
to receive and guide the pinion-shaft and
33. Elliptical spur-gears. These are used keep the pinion in gear.
wiiere a rotary motion of varying speed is
required, and the variation of speed is de- 37. Uniform into variable rotary motion.
termined by the relation between the lengths The bevel-wheel or pinion to the left has
of the major and minor axes of the ellipses. teeth cut through the whole width of its face.
Its teeth work with a spirally arranged series
34. An internally toothed spur-gear and
of studs on a conical v/heel.
pinion. With ordinary spur-gears (such as
represented in 24) the direction of rotation is 38. A means of converting rotary motion,
opposite but with the internally toothed by which the speed is made uniform during
gear, thetwo rotate in the sarhe direction a part, and varied during another
part, of the
and with the same strength of tooth the revolution.
variation of length of radius of the elliptical rigidly attached to the connecting-rod, gives
gear. two to the sun-gear, which is keyed to the
36. Mangle-wheel and pinion — so called fly-wheel shaft.
i6 Mechanical Movements.
42 43 44
47 48 49
M 4
Mechanical Movements. 17
40 and 41. Rotary converted into rotary of the spring as it uncoils itself. The chain
motion. The teeth of these gears, being is on the small diameter of the fusee when
oblique, give a more continuous bearing the watch is wound up, as the spring has
42 and 43. Different kinds of gears for 47. A frictional clutch-box, thrown in and
transmitting rotary motion from one •shaft out of gear by the lever at the bottom.
45. Frictional grooved gearing —a com- 49. Alternate circular motion of the hori-
paratively recent invention. The diagram zontal shaft produces a continuous rotary
to the right is an enlarged section, which motion of the vertical shaft, by means of
can be more easily understood. the ratchet-wheels secured to the bevel-
gears, the ratchet-teeth of the two wheels
being set opposite ways, and the pawls act-
46. Fusee chain and spring-box, being ing in opposite directions. The bevel-gears
the prime mover in some watches, particu- and ratchet-wheels are loose on the shaft,
larly of English make. The fusee to the and. the pawls attached to arms firmly se-
right is to compensate for the loss of force cured on the shaft.
Mechanical Movements.
50 and 51. Two kinds ot universal joints. opposite directions by the bands, and at the
same time will impart motion to the inter-
Another kind of clutch-box.
52. The
mediate pinion at the bottom, both around
disk-wlieel to the right has two holes, corre-
its own center and also around the common
sponding to the studs fixed in the other
center of the two concentric gears.
disk ; and, being pres.sed against it, the
studs enter the holes, when the two disks 58. For transmitting three diff'erent speeds
ley— tlie left-hand one of the lower three.
56. for throwing in and out of gear The middle pulley is fixed on the same shaft
the speed-motion on lathes. On depressing
as the small pinion, and the pulley to the
the lever, the shaft of the large wheel is
right on a hollow shaft, on the end of which
drawn backward by reason of the slot in
When the band
is fixed the large spur-gear.
which it slides being cut eccentrically to the
is on the middle pulley a slow motion is
center or fulcrum of the lever,
transmitted to the shaft below but when it
57. The small pulley at the top being the is on the right-hand pulley a quick speed is
driver, the large, internally-toothed gear and given, proportionate to the diameter of the
the concentric gear within will be driven in gears
20 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 21
60. For transmitting two speeds by means of 64. Another arrangement of jumping motion.
belts. There are four pulleys on the lower shaft, Motion is communicated to worm-gear, B, by
the two outer ones being loose and the two inner worm or endless screw at the bottom, which is
ones fast. The band to the left is shown on its fixed upon the driving-shaft. Upon the shaft
loose pulley, the one to the right on its fast one ;
carrying the worm-gear works another hollow
a slow motion is consequently transmitted to shaft, on which is fixed cam, A. A short piece
lower shaft. When band to the right is moved of this hollow shaft is half cut away. A pin
on to its loose pulley, and left-hand one on to its fixed in worm-gear shaft turns hollow shaft and
fast pulley, a quicker motion is transmitted. cam, the spring which presses on cam holding
61. For transmitting two speeds, one a differ- hollow shaft back against the pin until it arrives
ential motion. The band is shown on a loose a little further than shown in the figure, when,
pulley on lower shaft. The middle pulley is the direction of the pressure being changed by
fast on said shaft, and has a small bevel-gear se- the peculiar shape of cam, the latter falls down
cured to its hub. Pulley on the right, which, suddenly, independently of worm-wheel, and re-
like that on the left, is loose on shaft, carries, mains at rest till the pin overtakes it, when the
transversely, another bevel-gear. A third bevel- same action is repeated.
gear, loose upon the shaft, is held by a friction- 65. The left-hand disk or w+ieel, C, is the driv-
band which is weighted at the end. On moving ing-wheel, upon which is fixed the tappet, A.
band on middle pulley a simple motion is the re- The other disk or wheel, D, has a series of equi-
sult, but when it is moved to right-hand pulley distant studs projecting from its face. Every ro-
a double speed is given to shaft. The friction- tation of the tappet acting upon one of the studs
band or curb on the third bevel-gear is to allow in the wheel, D, causes the latter wheel to move
it to slip a little on a sudden change of speed. the distance of one stud. In order that this may
62. For transmitting two speeds, one of which not be exceeded, a lever-like stop is arranged
is a different and variable motion.; This is very on a fixed center. This stop operates in a notch
similar to thelast, except in the third bevel-gear cut in wheel, C, and at the instant tappet. A,
being attached to a fourth pulley, at the right of strikes a stud, said notch faces the lever. As
the other three, and driven by a band from a wheel, D, rotates, the end between studs is thrust
small pulley on shaft above. When left-hand out, and the other extremity enters the notch ;
belt is on the pulley carrying the middle bevel- but immediately on the tappet leaving stud, the
gear, and pulley at the right turns in the same lever is again forced up in front of next stud, and
direction, the amount of rotation of the third is there held by periphery of C pressing on its
bevel-gear must be deducted from the double other qnd.
speed which the shaft would have if this gear 66. A modification of 64 a weight, D, attached
was at rest. If, on the contrary, the right-hand to an arm secured in the shaft of the worm-gear,
belt be crossed so as to turn the pulley in an op- being used instead of spring and cam.
posite direction, that amount must be added. 67. Another modification of 64 ; a weight or
63. Jumping or intermittent rotary motion, tumbler, E, secured on the hollow shaft, being
. used for meters and revolution-counters. The used instead of spring and cam, and operating
drop and attached pawl, carried by a spring at in combination with pin, C, in the shaft of
the left, are lifted by pins in the disk at the right. worm-gear.
Pins escape first from pawl, which drops into 68. The single tooth. A, of the driving-wheel,
next space of the star-wheel. When pin escapes B, acts in the notches of the wheel, C, and turns
from drop, spring throws down suddenly the the latter the distance of one notch in every
drop, the pin on which strikes the pawl, which, revolution of C. No stop is necessary in this
by its action on star-wheel, rapidly gives it a por- movement, as the driving-wheel, B, serves as a
tion of a revolution. This is repeated as each lock by fitting into the hollows cut in the cir-
pin passes. cumference of the wheel, C, between its notches.
Mechanical Movements. 23
69. B, a small wheel with one tooth, is tached to a fixed support. As the wheel,
the driver, and the circumference entering D, revolves, the spring, B, passes under the
between the teeth of the wheel, A, serves as strong spring, C, which presses it into a
a lock or stop while the tooth of the small tooth of the ratchet-wheel, A, which is thus
wheel is out of operation. made to rotate. The catch-spring, B, being
released on its escape from the strong
spring, C, allows the wheel. A, to remain
70. The driving-wheel, C, has a rim, shown at rest till D has made another revolution.
in dotted outline, the exterior of which serves The spring, C, serves as a stop.
as a bearing and stop for the studs on the
other wheel, A, when the tappet, B, is out
of contact with the studs. An opening in 74. A uniform intermittent rotary motion
this rim serves to allow one stud to pass in in opposite directions is given to the bevel-
and another t6 pass out. The tappet is op- gears, A and B, by means of the mutilated
posite the middle of this opening. bevel-gear, C.
bent spring, B ; another spring, C, is at- to pass the teeth of the ratchet-wheel.
24 Mechanical Movements,
TJ 79
"]"]. The vibration of the lever, C, on the 83. A nearly continuous rotary motion
center or fulcrum, A, produces a rotary is pjiven to the wheel, D, by two ratchet-
movement of the wheel, B, Dy means of the toothed arcs, C, one operating on each side
two pawls, which act alternately. This is of the ratchet-wheel, D. These arcs (only
almost a continuous movement one of which shown) are fast on the same
79. Reciprocating rectilinear motion of the rod, A. The arcs should have springs
the rod, B, produces a nearly continuous applied to them, so that each may be capable
rotary movement of the ratchet-faced wheel, of rising to allow its teeth to slide over those
A, by the pawls attached to the extremities of the wheel in moving one way.
of the vibrating radial arms, C, C.
84. The double rack-frame, B, is sus-
80. Rectilinear motion is imparted to the pended from the rod, A. Continuous rotary
slotted bar. A, by the vibration of the lever, motion is given to the cam, D. When the
C, through the agency of the two hooked shaft of the cam is midway between the two
pawls, which drop alternately into the teeth racks, the cam acts upon neither of them ;
82. On motion being given to the two 85. Intermittent alternating rectilinear mo-
treadles, D, a nearly continuous motion is tion is given to the rod. A, hy the continu-
imparted, through the vibrating arms, B, and ous rotation of the shaft carrying tlie two
their attached pawls, to the ratchet-wheel, A. cams or wipers, which act upon the projec-
A chain or strap attached to each treadle tion, B, of the rod, and thereby lift it. The
passes over the pulley, C, and as one treadle |
rod drops by its own weight. Used for ore-
is depressed the other is raised. stampers or pulverizers, and for hammers.
26 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 27
86. A method of working a reciprocating the perpendicular position, and thereby again
pump by rotary motion. A rope, carrying causes it to reverse the motion.
clutch into gear with B, thereby reversing in France for the valve motion of steam
the motion of the shaft, until the stud in the engines.
wheel, E, coming round in the contrary di-
rection, brings the weighted lever back past 92. Ordinary crank motion.
MechaxXical Movements. 29
93. Crank motion, with the crank- wrist are described through these points. The
working in a slotted yoke, thereby dispens- outside circle is then divided.into double
ing with the oscillating connecting-rod or the number of these divisions, and lines
groove is cut ; in the other a series of slots 97. This is a heart-cam, similar to 96, ex-
radiating from the center. On turning one cept that it is grooved.
of these plates around its center, the bolt
radial slots, is caused to move toward or by the rotation of the circular disk, in which
cating rectilinear motion is imparted by the 99. Spiral guide attached to the face of a
oblique disk to the upright rod resting upon disk ; used for the feed-motion of a drilling
its surface. machine.
102. Common screw bolt and nut; rec- in every revolution. A point inserted in the
tilinear motion obtained from circular mo- groove will traverse the cylinder from end
tion. to end.
104. In this, rotary motion is imparted to screw thread. The pitch of the screw to be
the wheel by the rotation of the screw, or cut may be varied by changing the sizes of
rectilinear motion of the slide by the rota- the wheels at the end of the frame.
and slide-lathes.
no. Uniform circular into uniform recti-
106 and 107. Uniform reciprocating rec- one a right and the other a left hand screw.
tilinear motion, produced by rotary motion The spindle parallel with the roller has^rms
of grooved cams. which carry two half-nuts, fitted to the
1 08. Uniform reciprocating rectilinearmo- roller. When one half-nut is in, the other
tion from uniform rotary motion of a cylin- is out of gear. By pressing the lever to the
der, in which are cut reverse threads or right or left, the rod is made to traverse in
32 Mechanical Movements.
1U //.f
116 w //ff
'—innrmr. innnj
Mechanical Movements. 33
111. Micrometer screw. Great power can rate pinion is used for each rack, the tv.o
be obtained by tliis device. The threads racks being in different planes. Both pinions
are made of different pitch and run in differ- are loose on the shaft. A ratchet-wheel is
ent directions, consequently a die or nut on the shaft outside of each pinion, and
fitted to the inner and smaller screw would a pawl attached to the pinion to engage in
traverse only the length of the difference be- it, one ratchet-wheel having its teeth set in
tween the pitches for every revolution of the one direction and the other having its teeth
outside hollow screw in a nut. set in the opposite direction. When the
racks move one way, one pinion turns the
112. Persian drill. The stock of the drill shaft by means of its pawl and ratchet and ;
has a very quick thread cut upon it and re- when the racks move the opposite way, the
volves freely, supported by the head at the other pinion acts in the same way, one pinion
top,which rests against the body. The but- always turning loosely on the abaft
ton or nut shown on the middle of the screw
is held firm in the hand, and pulled quickly 117. A cam acting between two friction-
up and down the stock, thus causing it to rollers in a yoke. Has been used to give
revolve to the right and left alternately. the movement to the valve of a steam en-
113. Circular into rectilinear motion, or
vice versa, by means of rack and pinion. 118. A mode of doubling the length of
stroke of a piston-rod, or the throw of a
114. Uniform circular motion into reci-
crank. A pinion revolving on a spindle at-
procating rectilinear motion, by means of
tached to the connecting-rod or pitman is in
mutilated pinion, whicii drives alternately
Another rack carried
gear with a fixed rack.
the top and bottom rack.
by a guide-rod above, and in gear with the
Rotary motion of the toothed wheels opposite side of the pinion, is free to tra-
1 1 5.
produces rectilinear motion of the double verse backward and forward. Now, as the
rack and gives equal force and velocity to connecting-rod communicates to the pinion
each side, both wheels being of equal size. the full length of stroke, it would cause the
top rack to traverse the same distance, if the
1 16. A substitute for the crank. Recip- bottom rack was alike movable ; but as the
rocating rectilinear motion of the frame car- latter is fixed, the pinion is made to rotate,
rying the double rack produces a uniform and consequently the top rack travels double
rotary motion of the pinion-shaft. A sepa- the distance.
34 Mechanical Movements.
119 i^^
m JL 124
Mechanical Movements. 35
119. Reciprocating rectilinear motion of the double rack gives a continuous rotary
the bar carrying the oblong endless rack, motion
to the center gear. The teeth on
produced by the uniform rotary motion of the rack act upon those of the two semi-cir-
the pinion working alternately above and cular toothed sectors, and the spur-gears at-
below the rack. The shaft of the pinion tached to the sectors operate upon the cen-
moves up and down in, and is guided by, the ter gear. The two stops on the rack shown
slotted bar. by dotted lines are caught by the curved
piece on the center gear, and lead the
toothed sectors alternately into gear with
120. Each jaw is attached to one of the the double rack.
two segments, one of which has teeth out-
and the other teeth inside. On turning
the shaft carrying the two pinions, one of 124. Fiddle drill. Reciprocating recti-
which gears with one and the other with the linear motion of the bow, the string of
other segment, the jaws are brought to- which passes around the pulley on the spin-
gether with great force. dle carrying the drill, producing alternating
rotary motion of the drill.
i29 ^ 130
Mechanical Movements. 37
128. A continuous rotary motion of the bars move toward perpendicular positions
shaft carrying the three wipers produces a and force the lower disk down. The top
reciprocating rectihnear motion of the rec- disk must be firmly secured in a stationary
tangular frame. The shaft must revolve in position, except as to its revolution.
132. This is a motion which has been 136. A cam-wheel — of which a side view
used in presses to shown
produce the necessary is —
has its rim formed into teeth, or
pressure upon the platen. Horizontal mo- made of any profile form desired. The rod
tion is given to the arm of the lever which to the right is made to press constantly
turns the upper disk. Between the top and against the teeth or edge of the rim. On
bottom disks are two bars which enter turning the wheel, alternate rectilinear mo-
holes in the disks. These bars are in ob- tion is communicated to the rod. The char-
lique positions-, as shown in the drawing, acter of this motion may be varied by alter-
when the press is not in operation but ing the shape of the teeth or profile of the
when the top disk is made to rotate, the edge of the rim of the wheel.
38 Mechanical Movements,
Mechanical Movements. 39
Expansion eccentric used in France continued, the spur-gear would make an en-
to work the slide-valve of a steam engine. tire revolution. During half a revolution
The eccentric is fixed on the crank-shaft, the traverse would liave been shortened a
and communicates motion to the forked vi- certain amount at every revolution of disk,
brating arm to the bottom of which the according to the size ot spur-gear and dur- ;
146. Continuous rotary motion of the disk that either may be made to act upon the
produces reciprocating rectilinear motion of lever to which the valve-rod is connected.
the yoke-bar, by means of the wrist or crank- A greater or less movement of the valve is
pin on the disk working in the groove of the produced, according as a cam of greater or
yoke. The groove may be so shaped as to less throw is opposite the lever.
obtain a uniform reciprocating rectihnear 151. Continuous circular into continuous
motion. butmuch slower rectilinear motion. The
147. Steam engine governor. The oper- worm on the upper shaft, acting on the
ation is as follows : — On engine starting toothed wheel on the screw-shaft, causes the
the spindle revolves and carries round the right and left hand screw-threads to move
cross-head to which fans are attached, and the nutr, upon them toward or from each
on which are also fitted two friction-rollers other according to the direction of rotation.
which bear on two circular inclined planes
152. An ellipsograph. The traverse bar
attached securely to the center shaft, the
(shown in an oblique position) carries two
cross-head being loose on the shaft. The
studs which slide in the grooves of the cross-
cross-head is made heavy, or has a ball or
piece. By turning the traverse bar an at-
other weight attached, and is driven by the
tached pencil is made to describe an ellipse
circular inclined planes. As the speed of
by the rectilinear movement of the studs in
the center shaft increases, the Resistance of
the grooves.
the air to the wings tends to retard the rota-
tion of the cross-head ; the friction-rollers 153. Circular motion into alternating rec-
therefore run up the inclined planes and tihnear motion. The studs on the rotating
raise the cross-head, to the upper part of disk strike the projection on the under side
which is connected a lever operating upon of the horizontal bar, moving it one direc-
the regulating- valve of the engine.
tion. The return motion is given by means
of the bell-crank or elbow-lever, one arm of
148. Continuous circular motion of the
spur-gears produces alternate circular mo-
which is operated upon by the next stud,
tion of the crank attached to the larger gear.
and the other strikes the stud on the front
of the horizontal bar.
149. Uniform circular converted, by the
cams acting upon the levers, into alternating 154. Circular motion into alternating rec-
rectilinear motions of the attached rods. tilinear motion, by the action of the studs on
150. A valve motion for working steam the rotary disk upon one end of the bell-
expansively. The series of cams of varying crank, the other end of which has attached
throw are movable lengthwise of the shaft so to it a weighted cord passing over a pulley.
42 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 43
155. Reciprocating rectilinear motion horizontal shaft and bevel-gears, and the
into intermittent circular motion by means*; lower gears control the rise and fall of the
of tiie pawl attached to the elbow-lever, and shuttle or gate over or through which the
operating in the toothed wheel. Motion is water flows to the wheel. The action is as
given to the wheel in either direction accord- follows: — The two beve]-"^ears on the lower
ing to the side on which the pawl works. part of the center spindle, which are fur-
This is used in giving the feed-motion to nished with studs, are fitted loosely to the
planing machines and other tools. said spindle and remain at rest so' long as
156. Circular motion into variable alter- the governor has a proper velocity but im-
nating rectilinear motion, by the wrist or mediately that the velocity increases, the
crank-pin on the rotating disk working in balls, flying further out, draw up the pin
the slot of the bell-crank or elbow-lever. which is attached to a loose sleeve which
slides up and down the spindle, and this
157. A modification of the movement last
pin, coming in contact with the stud on the
described a connecting-rod being substi-
out further from the center, and so raise the when the speed increases the belt is thrown
slide at the bottom and thereby reduce the on the lower pulley, and thereby caused to
opening of the regulating-valve which is act upon suitable gearing for raising the gate
connected with said slide. " A diminution of or shuttle and decreasing the supply of wa-
speed produces an opposite effect. ter. A reduction of the speed of the gover-
162.Water-wheel governor acting on the nor brings the belt on the upper pulley,
same principle as 161, but by different which acts upon gearing for producing an
means. The governor is driven by the top opposite effiect on the shuttle or gate.
44 Mechanical Movements.
J69 no
164. A knee-lever, differing slightly from crank. Intermediate between the first crank
the toggle-jointshown in 40. It is often and the moving power is a shaft carrying a
used for presses and stamps, as a great second crank, of an invariable radius, con-
force can be obtained by it. The action nected with the same pitman. While the
is by raising or lowering the horizontal first crank moves in a circular orbit, the pin
lever, end of the pitman is compelled to
at the
half of the groove having its pitch in one, two eccentric rods give an oscillating mo-
and the other half its pitch in the opposite tion to the slotted link whicii works the
direction. A stud on a reciprocating recti- curved sHde over the trunnion. Within the
linearly moving rod works in the groove, and slot in the curved slide is a pin attached to
so converts reciprocating into rotary motion. the arm of a rock-shaft which gives motion
This has been used as a substitute for the to the valve. The curve of the slot in the
crank in a steam engine. slide is an arc of a circle described from the
168. The hand of center of the trunnion, and as it moves with
slotted crank at the left
the figure on the main shaft of an engine, the cylinder it does not interfere with the
and the pitman which connects it with the stroke of the valve. The two eccentrics
reciprocating moving power is furnished and link are like those of the link motion
with a pin which works in the slot of the used in locomotives.
46 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 47
172. A mode of obtaining an egg-shaped turning the crank to which said ring is at-
ter has its slot in the position shown in 180. This only differs from 174 in be-
176. But when the ring is turned to bring ing composed of a single pivoted clamp
the slot in the position shown in 177, operating in connection with a fixed side-
the wrist passes through the slot without piece.
48 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 49
1 8,' and Diagonal catch or hanc^-gear slide and pin connected with an arrangement
used blowing and pumping engines. of levers terminating at the valve-stem. The
in large
In 181 the lower steam- valve and upper link, in moving with the action of the eccen-
eduction-valve are open, while the upper trics, carries with it the slide, and thence
steam-valve and lower eduction-valve are motion is communicated to the valve. Sup-
shut ; consequently the piston will be as- pose the link raised so that the slide is in
cending. In the ascent of the piston-rod the middle, then the link will oscillate on
the lower handle will be struck by the pro- the pin of the slide, and consequently the
jecting tappet, and, being raised, will be- valve will be at rest. If the link is moved
come engaged by the catch and shut the so that the slide is at one of its extremities,
upper eduction and lower steam valves ; at the whole throw of the eccentric connected
the same time, the upper handle being dis- with that extremity will be given to it, and
engaged from the catch, the back weight will the valve and steam-ports will be opened to
pull the handle up and open the upper steam the full, and it will only be toward the end
and lower eduction valves, when the pis- of the stroke that they will be totally shut,
ton will consequently descend. 182 repre- consequently the steam will have been ad-
sents the position of the catchers and han- mitted to the cylinder during almost the en-
dles when the piston is at the top of the tire length of each stroke. But if the slide
cylinder. In going down, the tappet of the is between the middle and the extremity of
piston-rod strikes the upper handle and the slot, as shown in the figure, it receives
throws the catches and handles to the po- only a part of the throw of the eccentric,
sition shown in 181. and the steam-ports will only be partially
opened, and are quickly closed again, so
183 and 184 represent a modiflcation of
that the admission of steam ceases some
181 and 182, the diagonal catches being su-
time before the termination of the stroke,
perseded by two quadrants.
and the steam is worked expansively. The
185. Link-motion valve-gear of a locomo- nearer the slide is to the middle of the slot
tive. Two eccentrics are used for one valve, the greater will be the expansion, and vice
one for the forward and the other for the versa.
backward movement of the engine. The 1 86. Apparatus for disengaging the eccen-
extremities of the eccentric-rods are jointed tric-rod from the valve-gear. By pulling up
to a curved slotted bar, or, as it is termed, a the spring hand'e below untii it catches in
link, which can be raised or lowered by an the notch, «, the pin is disengaged from the
arrangement of levers terminating in a han- gab in the eccentric-rod.
dle as shown. In the slot of the link is a 187 and 188. Modifications of 186.
so Mechanical Movements.
i8q. Another modification of i86. only one circle of teeth being provided on
the wheel. With all of these mangle-wheels
the pinion-shaft is guided and the pinion
190. A screw-clamp. On turning the
kept in gear by a groove in the wheel. The
handle the screw thrusts upward against the
said shaft is made with a universal joint,
holder, which, operating as a lever, holds
which allows a portion of it to have the vi-
down the piece of wood or other material
bratory motion necessary to keep the pinion
placed under it on the other side of its ful-
in gear.
191. Scroll-gears for obtaining a gradually 195. A mode of driving a pair of feed-
increasing speed., rolls, the opposite surfaces of which require
to move in the same direction. The two
wheels are preci.sely similar, and both gear
192. A variety of what is known as the
the into endless screw which is arranged be-
"mangle-wheel." One variety of this was
illustrated by 36. In this one the speed
tween them.one wheel only The teeth of
are visible, those of the other being on the
varies in every part of a revolution, the
back or side which is concealed from view.
groove, b, d, in which the pinion-shaft is
guided, as well as the series of teeth, being
eccentric to the axis of the wheel. 196. The pinion, B, rotates about a fixed
axis and gives an irregular vibratory motion
193. Another kind of mangle-wheel with to the arm carrying the wheel, A.
its pinion. With this as well as with that
in the preceding figure, although the pinion 197. What is called a "mangle-rack." A
continues to revolve in one direction, the continuous rotation of the pinion will give a
mangle-wheel will make almost an entire re- reciprocating motion to the square frame.
volution in one direction and the same in an The pinion-shaft must be free to rise and
opposite direction ; but the revolution of the fall, to pass round the guides at the ends of
v.'heel in one direction will be slower than the rack. This motion may be modified as
that in the other, owing to the greater radius follows :
— If the square frame be fixed, and
of the outer circle of teeth. upon a shaft made with
the pinion be fixed
a universal joint, the end of the shaft will
194. Another mangle- wheel. In this the de.scribe a line, similar to that shown in the
speed is equal in both directions of motion, drawing, aroimd the rack.
52 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 53
198. A modification of 197. In this the ment to the horizontal arm, and a variable
pinion revolves, but does not rise and fall reciprocating movement to the rod, A.
as in the former figure. The portion of
the square frame, which is guided by rollers rotary motion from one shaft to another, ar-
or grooves. The pinion has only teeth in ranged obliquely to it, by means of rolling
the ratchet-wheel, produced by the vibration
201. A continual rotation of the pinion !
of the lever carrying two pawls, one of which
(obtained through the irregular shaped gear engages the ratchet-teeth in rising and the
at the left) gives a variable vibrating move- other ! in falling.
54 Mfxhanical Movements,
two worms and worm-wheels. large wheel gives an intermittent rotary mo-
tion to the pinion-shaft. The part of the
208. A pin-wheel and slotted pinion, by pinion shown next the wheel is cut of the
which three changes of speed can be ob- same curve as the plain portion of the cir-
tion from rolling contact. The teeth are for curved part, «, b, of the wheel, B, serving as
figure. The forked catch is to guide the 213. Another kind of stop for the same
teeth into proper contact. purpose.
210. By turning the shaft carrying the 214 and 215. Other modifications of the
curved slotted arm, a rectilinear motion of stop, the operations of which will be easily
variable velocity is given to the vertical bar. understood by a comparison with 212.
56 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 57
is required to make one third a revolution frame which vibrates on a center. A, so that
backward, then two thirds of a revolution as C revolves the frame rises and falls to
forward, when it must stop until another enable pinion to remain in gear with it, not-
length of combed fiber is ready for delivery. withstanding the variation in its radius of
This is accomplished by the grooved heart- contact. To keep the teeth of C and B in
cam, C, D, B, e (217), the stud. A, working gear to a proper deptli, and prevent them
in the said groove from C to D it moves
from riding over each other, wheel, C, has
the roller backward, and from D to ^ it attached to it a plate which extends beyond
moves it forward, the motion being trans- it and is furnished with a groove, g, //, of
mitted through the catch, G, to the notch- similar elliptical form, for the reception of a
wheel, F, on the roller-shaft, H. When the pin or small roller attached to the vibrating
stud, A, arrives at the point, e, in the cam, a I
arm concentric with pinion, B.
projection at the back of the wheel which
carries the cam strikes the projecting piece
wheel described
222. If for the eccentric
notch in the wheel, F, so that, while the ing on an eccentric center of nrotion be sub-
stud is traveling in the cam from e to C, thestituted, a simple hnk connecting the center
catch is passing over the plain surface be- of the wheel with that of the pinion with
tween the two notches in the wheel, F, with- which it gears will maintain proper pitching
out imparting any motion of teeth in a more simple manner than the
but when stud,
dropped in another notch, and is again ready 223. An arrangement for obtaining vari-
to move wheel, F, and roller as required. able circular motion. The sectors are ar-
ranged on different planes, and the relative
219. Variable circular motion by crown-
velocity changes according to the respective
wheel and pinion. The crown-wheel is diameters of the sectors.
direction, but not in line with each other, by means of curved slots cut therein, thrusts
The revolution of either will communicate the studs fastened to arms of pulley outward
motion to the other with a varying velocity, or inward, thus augmenting or diminishing
for the wrist of one crank working in the the size oif the pulley.
58 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 59
225. Intermittent circular motion of the The links being in different planes, spaces
ratchet-wheel from vibratory motion of the are left between them for the teeth of the
226. This movement is designed to double 228. Another kind of chain and pulley.
are employed. The gear on the shaft, B, is 230. Circular motion into ditto. The con-
in gear with two others —one on the shaft, necting-rods are so arranged that when one
F, and the other on the same hollow shaft pair of connected links is over the dead
D, is carried by the frame, A, which, being other is at right angles ; continuous motion
on the shaft, F, and gears with D. Now, sup- 231. Drag-link motion. Circular motion
pose the two gears on the hollow shaft, C, is transmitted from one crank to the other.
on its axis ; one revolution given to the gear 232. Intermittent circular motion is im-
on B would cause the frame, A, also to re- parted to the toothed wheel by vibrating the
ceive one revolution, and as this frame car- arm, B. When the arm, B, is lifted, the
ries with it the gear, D, gearing with E, one pawl, C, is raised from between the teeth of
revolution wouid be imparted to E ; but if the wheel, and, traveling backward over
the gears on the hollow shaft, C, were re- the circumference, again drops between two
placed, D would receive also a revolution on teeth on lowering the arm, and draws with
234. Represents a verge escapement. On wheel, and C and B the pallets. A is the
235. The oscillation of the tappet-arm pro- ^39- An arrangement of stops for a spur-
the position
shown in the drawing as the ^^ ^ \- c . r
-4°- Represents varieties of stops for a
arm rises, yet allows it to pass the teeth on
the return motion.
Mechanical Movements. 63
243. Represents a mode of transmitting arm is attached to and turns on the fixed
power from a iiorizontal shaft to tv/o vertical point, C. B is an ivory tracing-point, and
ones by means of pulleys and a band. A the pencil. Arranged as shown, if we
trace the lines of a plan with the point, B,
244. A dynamometer, or instrument used the pencil will reproduce it double the size.
for ascertaining the amount of useful effect By shifting the slide attached to the fixed
given out by any motive-power. It is used point, C, and the slide carrying the pencil
as follows : —
A is a smoothly-turned pulley, along their respective arms, the proportion
secured on a shaft as near as possible to the to which the plan is traced will be varied.
motive-power. Two blocks of wood are fit-
ted to tills pulley, or one block of wood and
a series of straps fastened to a band or 247. A mode of releasing a sounding-
chain, as in the drawing, instead of a com- weight. When the piece projecting from
mon block. The blocks or block and straps the bottom of the rod strikes the bottom of
are so arranged that they may be made to the sea, it is forced upward relatively to the
bite or press upon the pulley by mean.s of rod, and withdraws the catch from under the
the screws and nuts on the top of the lever, weight, which drops off and allows the rod to
D. To estimate the amount of power trans- be lifted without it.
mitted through the sliaft, it js only necessary
to ascertain the amount of friction of the 248. Union coupling. A is a pipe with a
drum. A, when it is in motion, and the num- small flange abutting against the pipe, C,
ber of revolutions made. At the end of the with a screwed end B a nut which holds
A, it is released from the L-shaped slot in A, by which it is suspended, are pressed in-
the socket, B, when it can be withdrawn. ward by the sides of the slot, B, in the top
of the frame the weight is thus suddenly
246. Represents a pantograph for copying, released, and falls with accumulating force
enlarging, and reducing plans, etc. One on to the pile-head.
64 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 65
252. A and B are two rollers which require 255. A flanged pulley to drive or be driven
drum and stop the descent of whatever is bearing in the shorter standard, but prevent-
attached to the rope. The drum ought be- ed by the bearing from any lateral motion.
sides this to have a spring applied to it, The screw-shaft is secured in the wheel, D.
otherwise the jerk arising from the sudden The driving-shaft. A, carries two pinions,
stoppage of the rope might produce worse F and B. If these pinions were of such
effects than its rapid motion. size as to turn the two wheels, D and E,
witii an equal velocity, the screw would re-
265 266
270. Anti-friction bearing for a pulley. the bar. The cam is of equal diameter in
two pawls are attached, a nearly continuous 277. Col. Colt's invention for obtaining
rectilinear motion is given to the ratchet- the movement of the cylinder of a revolving
bar. fire-arm by the act of cocking the hammer.
As hammer
is drawn back to cock it, the
Rotary motion of the beveled disk dog, a, attached to the tumbler, acts on the
cam gives a reciprocating rectilinear motion ratchet, b, on the back of the cylinder. The
to the rod bearing on its circumference. dog is held up to the ratchet by a spring, c.
276. Continuous rotary motion of the cam ratchets and stops the descent of the plat-
279. Crank and slotted cross-head, with 283. By a vibratory motion of the handle,
Cbyton's sliding journal-box applied to the motion is communicated by the pinion to
crank-wrist. This box consists of two ta- the racks. This is used in working small
per lining pieces and two taper gibs adjust- air pumps for scientific experiments.
able by screws, which serve at the same
time to tighten the box on the wrist and to
284. Represents a feeding apparatus for
set it out to the slot in the cross-head as the
box and wrist wear.
the bed of a sawing machine. By the revo-
lution of the crank at the lower part of the
288 Z%9
288 and 289. The former is what is termed a balance-wheel the force lost during a vibration.
recoil, and the latter a repose or dead-beat escape- It willbe understood that only at one point is the
ment for clocks. The same letters of reference free movement of balance opposed during an os-
indicate like parts in both. The afickor, H, L, cillation.
K, is caused, by the oscillation of the pendulum,
to vibrate upon the axis, a. Between the two ex- 292.Stud escapement, used in large clocks.
tremities, or pallets, H, K, is placed the escape- One pallet, B,works in front of the wheel and
wheel, A, the teeth of which come alternately the other at the back. The studs are arranged
against the outer surface of the pallet, K, and in- in the same manner, and rest alternately upon
ner surface of pallet, H. In 289 these surfaces the front or back pallet. As the curve of the
are cut to a curve concentric to the axis, a ; con- ])allets is an arc described from F, this is a repose
sequently, during the time one of the teeth is or dead-beat escapement.
against the pallet the wheel remains perfectly at
rest. Hence the name repose or dead-beat. In 293. Duplex escapement, for watches, so called
288 the surfaces are of a differeent form, not ne- from partaking of the characters of the spur and
cessary to explain, as it can be understood that crown wheels. The axis of balance carries pallet,
any form not concentric with the axis, a, must B, which at every oscillation receives an impulse
produce a slight recoil of the wheel during the from the crown teeth. In the axis. A, of balance-
escape of the tooth, and hence the term recoil es- wheel is cut a notch into which the teeth round
capement. On the pallets leaving teeth, at each the edge of the wheel successively fall after each
oscillation of the pendulum, the extremities of one of tlje crown teeth passes the impulse pallet,
teeth slide along the surfaces, c, e, and d, b, and B.
give sufficient impulse to pendulum.
294 and 295. A cylinder escapement. 294
290. Another kind of pendulum escape-
shows the cylinder in perspective,and 295 shows
ment. part of the escape-wheel on a large scale, and re-
291. Arnold's chronometer or escapement,
free presents the different positions taken by cyl-
sometimes used in watches. A spring, A, is fix- inder, A, B, during an oscillation. The pallets,
ed or screwed against the plate of the watch at b. a, b, c, on the wheel rest alternately on the inside
To the under side of this spring is attached a and outside of cylinder. To the top of cylinder
small stop, d, against which rest successively the is attached the balance-wheel. The wheel pallets
teeth of the escape-wheel, B and on the top of
are beveled so as to keep up the impulse of bal-
spring is fixed a stud, /, holding a lighter and ance by sliding against the beveled edge of cylin-
more flexible spring which passes under a hook, der.
k, at the eytremity of A, so that it is free on being
depressed, but in rising would lift A. On the 296. Lever escapement. The anchor or piece,
axis of the balance is a small stud, a, which B, which carries the pallets, is attached to lever,
touches the thin spring at each oscillation of bal- E, C, at one end of which is a notch, E. On a
ance-wheel. When the movement is in the direc- disk secured on the arbor of balance is fixed a
tion shown by the arrow, the stud depresses the small pin which enters the notch at the middle
spring in passing, but on returning raises it and of each vibration, causing the pallet to enter in
the spring. A, and stop, d, and thus allows one and retire from between the teeth of escape -wheel
tooth of escape-wheel to pass, letting them fall The wheel gives an impulse to each of the pallets
immediately to arrest the next. At the same alternately as it leaves a tooth, and the lever
time, that this tooth escapes another strikes gives impulse to the balance-wheel in opposite
against the side of the notch, g, and restores to directions alternately.
74 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 75
297. An escapement with a lantern wheel. face of D, are concentric with the axis on
An arm, A, carries the two pallets, B and C. which the pallets vibrate, and hence there
is no recoU.
303. A dead-beat pendulum escapement, lets, the horizontal faces of which are dead
306. Three-legged pendulum escapement. raises one of the weighted pallets out of the
The pallets are formed in an opening in a wheel at each vibration. When the pendu-
plate attached to the pendulum, and the lum returns the pallet falls with it, and the
three teeth of the escape-wheel operate on weight of the pallet gives the impulse.
the upper and lower pallets alternately.
One tooth is shown in operation on the
upper pallet.
313. Chronometer escapement, the form now commonly right, the curb-pins are made to reduce the length of acting
constructed. As the balance rotates in the direction of the part of spring, and the vibrations of balance are made
arrow, the tooth, V, on the verge, presses the passing- faster ; and by moving it to the left an opposite eflfect is
spring against the lever, pressing aside the lever and re- produced.
moving the detent from the tooth of the escape-wheel. As
balance returns, tooth, V, presses aside and passes spring 319. Compensation balance. /, a, f, is the main bar of
without moving lever, which then rests against the stop, E. balance, with timing screws for regulation at the ends, t
P is the only pallet upon which impulse is given. and t' are two compound bars, of whicli the outside is
expansion of mercury in jar carries it to a greater height to the great wheel of the going part, and roughened, to
and so raises its center of gravity relatively to the prevent a rope or chain hung over it from slipping. A
downward expansion of similar pulley rides on another aibor,/t, which may be the
rod sufficiently to compensate for
As rod contracted by a reduction of tempera- arbor of the great wheel of the striking part, and attached
the rod. is
ture, coiUraction of mercury lowers it relatively to rod. In by a ratchet and click to that wheel, or to clock-frame, if
this way the center of oscillation is always kept in the same there is no striking part. The weights are hung, as may
place, and the effective length of pendulum always the be seen, the small one being only large engugh to keep the
rope or chain on the pulleys. If the part, 1^, of the rope
or chain is pulled down, the ratciiet-pulley runs under the
317. Compound bar compensation pendulum. C is a
click, and the great weight is pulled up by c, without tak-
compound bar of brass and iron or steel, brazed together
ing its pressure off the going-wheel at all.
with brass downward. As brass expands more than iron,
the bar will bendupward as it gels warmer, and carry the 321. Harrison's "going-barrel." Larger ratchet-wheel,
weights, W, W, up witlv,it, raising the center of the aggre- to which the click, R, is attached, is connected with the
gate weight, M, W, to raise the center of oscillation as great wheel, G, by a spring, S, S'. While the clock is
much as elongation of the pendulum-rod would let it
going, the weight acts upon the great wheel, G, through
down. the spring but as soon as the weight is taken off by wind-
318. Watch regulator. The balance-spring is attached ing, the click, T, whose pivot is set in the frame, prevents
at its outer end to a fixed stud, R, and at its inner end to the larger ratchet from falling back, and so the spring,
staff of balance. A neutral point is formed in the spring S, S', still drives the great wheel during the time the clock
at P by inserting it between two curb-pins in the lever, takes to wind, as it need only just keep the escapement
which is fitted on a fixed ring concentric with staff
to turn going, the pendulum taking care of itself for that short
of balance, and the spring only vibrates between this neu- time. Good watches have a substantially similar appa-
parallel ruler for drawing, made by cutting which is planed to a true surface.
a quadrangle through the diagonal, forming
327. Differs from 326 in having rollers
two right-angled triangles, A and B. It is
substituted for the slides on the cross-head,
used by sliding the hypothenuse of one tri-
said rollers working against straight guide-
angle upon that of the other.
bars, A, A, attached to the frame. This is
Parallel ruler consisting
used for small engines in France.
323. of a simple
straight ruler, B, with an attached axie; C, 328. A parallel motion invented by Dr.
and pair of wheels, A, A. The wheels, Cartwright in the year 1787. The toothed
which protrude but slightly through the un- wheels, C, C, have equal diameters and
der side of the ruler, have their edges numbers of teeth and the cranks, A, A,
nicked to take hold of the paper and keep have equal radii, and are set in opposite
the ruler always parallel with any lines directions, and consequently give an equal
331. An engine with crank motion like 336. An arrangement of parallel motion
that represented in 93 and 279 of this for side lever marine engines. The jjaral-
slotted cross-head, A. This cross-head the beams or side levers are also connected
works between the pillar guides, D, D, of with short radius arms on a rock-shaft
ticular cases.
The piston-rod is formed with a straight 339. Parallel motion for direct action en-
rack gearmg with a toothed segment on gines. In this, the end of the bar, B, C, is
the beam. The back of the rack works connected with the piston-rod, and the end,
against a roller, A. B, slides ir. a fixed slot, D. The radius
335. A parallel motion commonly used pivot, and at A, midway between the ends
340. Another parallel motion. Beam, D, C, The cylinder has trunnions at its
to the cylinder as the crank will work. B nected by two side connecting-rods with
is the radius-bar of the parallel motion. two parallel cranks on shaft under the
342. Old - fashioned single -acting beam
pumping engine on the atmospheric prin- 347. Section of disk engine. Disk piston,
ciple, with chain connection between piston- seen edgewise, has a motion substantially
rod and a segment at end of beam. The like a coin when it first falls after being
cylinder is open at top. Very low pressure spun in the air. The cylinder-heads are
steam is admitted below piston, and the cones. The piston-rod is made with a ball
weight of pump-rod, etc., at the other end to which the disk is attached, ""said ball
of beam, helps to raise piston. Steam is working in concentric seats in cylinder-
then condensed by injection, and a vacuum heads, and the left-hand end is attached
thus produced below piston, which is then to the crank-arm or fly-wheel on end of
forced down by atmospheric pressure there- shaft at left. Steam is admitted alternately
by drawing up purhp-rod. on either side of piston.
343. Parallel motion for upright engine. 348. Mode of obtaining two reciprocating
with the framing and at the other with a shaft, patented in 1836 by B. F. Snyder,
vibrating piece on top of 2:)istqn-rod. has been used for operating the needle of
a sewing machine, by J. S. McCurdy, also
344. Oscillating engine. The cylinder
for driving a gang of saws. The disk, A,
has trunnions at the middle of its length
on the central rotating shaft has two slots,
working in fixed bearings, and the piston-
a, a^ crossing each other at a right angle in
rod is connected directly with the crank, and
the center, and the connecting-rod, B, has
no guides are used.
attached to it two pivoted slides, c, c, one
345. Inverted oscillating or pendulum en- working in each slot.
Mechanical Movements. 87
349. Another form of parallel ruler. The 356. Bohnenberger's machine illustra-
arms are jointed in the middle and con- ting the same tendency of rotating bodies.
nected with an intermediate bar, by which This consists of three rings, A, A', A",
means the ends of the ruler, as well as the placed one within the other and connected
sides, are kept parallel. by pivots at right angles to each other.
350. Traverse or to-and-fro motion. The !
The smallest ring, A% contains the bear-
pin in the upper slot being stationary, and 1
ings for the axis of a heavy ball, B. The
the one in the lower slot made to move in ball being set in rapid rotation, its axis will
the direction of the horizontal dotted line, continue in the same direction, no matter
the lever will by its connection with the bar how the position of the rings may be
give to the latter a traversing motion in its altered ;and the ring, A^, which supports
guides, a, a. i
it will resist a considerable pressure tend-
358. Traverse of carriage, made variable 362. Alternating traverse of upper shaft
by fusee according to the variation in di- and its drum, produced by pin on the end
ameter where the band acts. of the shaft working in oblique groove in
the lower cylinder.
ratchet-wheel, the pawl being attached to two rollers, the axes -of which are oblique
drum and the ratchet-wheel fa!st on shaft. to each other. The rotation of the rollers
by causes the marking point to traverse it v/ill revolve with the vertical gear put in
from end to end of the cylinder. motion, and the amount of power recjuired
to hold it stationary will correspond wuh
369. Cycloidal surfaces, causing pendulum that transmitted from the first gear, and a
to move in cycloidal curve, rendering oscil- band attached to its periphery will indicate
lations isochronous or equal-timed. that power by the weight required to keep
it still.
376. Tread-wheel horse-power turned by to receive two wedges for clamping the
the weight of an animal attempting to walk piece or pieces of wood to be planed.
up one side of its interior ; has been used
for driving the paddle-wheels of ferry-boats 382. Adjustable stand for mirrors, etc.,
and other purposes by horses. The turn- by which a glass or other article can be
spit dog used also to be employed in such a raised or lowered, turned to the right or left,
wheel in ancient times for turning meat and varied in its inclination. The stem is
done. These elements are used in machines
for sizing warps, gig-mills for dressing
woolen goods, and in most machines for
379 and 380. Portable cramp drills. In
finishing woven fabrics.
379 the feed-screw is opposite the drill, and
in 380 the drill spindle passes through the
384. Helicograph, or instrument for de-
center of the feed-screw.
scribing helices. The small wheel, by re-
volving about the fixed central point, de-
381. Bowery's joiner's clamp, plan and scribes a volute or spiral by moving along
Oblong bed has, at one
transverse section. the screw-threaded axle either way, and
end, two wedge-formed cheeks, adjacent transmits the same to drawing paper on
sides of which an angle to each other,
lie at which transfer-paper is laid with colored
and are dovetailed inward from upper edge sidedownward.
94 Mechanical Movements.
m I
388 380
-<^^^<0'^i^' '^C^i(^-ii^^^'f^<^'x
3 1 392 393
385. Contrivance employed in Russia for crossed. The pulleys have attached to
shutting doors. One pin is fitted to and them pawls which engage with two ratchet-
turns in so.cket attached to door, and the wheels fast on the fly-wheel, shaft. One
other is similarly attached to frame". I n open- pawl acts on its ratchet-wheel when the
ing the door, pins are brought together, and piece, A, turns one way, and the other when
weight is raised. Weight closes door by de- the said piece turns the other way, and thus
pressing the joint of the toggle toward a a continuous rotary motion of the shaft is
straight line, and so widening the space obtained.
between the pins.
pawl, and ratchet. The upper pawl is a rotating upright shaft set concentric to the
body to be polished. The cup is set eccen-
trie, and bv that means is caused to have
390. Device for converting oscillating in- an independent rotary motion about its axis
to rotary motion. The semicircular piece, on the universal joint, as well as to revolve
A, is attached to a lever which works on a about the common axis of the shaft and the
fulcrum, a^ and it has attacb.ed to it the ends body to be polished. This prevents the
of two band.s, C and D, which run around parts of the surface of the cup from coming
two pulleys, loose on the shaft of the fly- repeatedly in contact with the same parts of
wheel, B. Band, C, is open, and band, D, surface of the lens or other body
96 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 97
403. Cyclograpli for describing circular arcs in drawings 408. Centrolinead for drawing lines toward an inaccessi-
where the center is inaccessible. This is composed of ble or inconveniently distant point ; chiefly used in per-
three straight rules. The chord and versed sine being spective. Upper or drawing edge of blade and back of
laid down, draw straight sloping lines from ends of former movable legs should intersect center of joint. Geometrical
to top of latter, and to these lines lay two of the rules diagram indicates mode of setting instrument, legs forming
crossing at the apex. Fasten these rules together, and an- it may form unequal angles with blade- At either end of
other rule across them to serve as a brace, and insert a pin dotted line crossing central, a pin is inserted vertically for
or point at each end of chord to guide the apparatus, which, instrument to work against. -Supposing it to be inconve-
on being moved against these points, will describe the arc nient to produce the convergent lines until they intersect,
by means of pencil in the angle of the crossinjr edges of even temporarily, for the purpose of setting the instrument
the sloping rules. as shown, a corresponding convergence may be found be-
404. Another cyclograpli. The elastic arched bar is tween them by drawing a line parallel to and inward from
made half the depth at the ends that it is at the middle, each.
and is formed so that its outer edge coincides with a true 409. Proportional compasses used in copying drawings
circular arc when bent to its greatest extent. Three points on a r;iven larger or smaller scale. Ihe iJvot of com-
in the required arc being given, the bar is bent to them by passes is secured in a slide which is adjustable in the longi-
means of the screw, each end being confined to the straight tudinal slots of legs, and capable of being secured by a
bar by means of a small roller. set screw, the dimensions are taken between one pair of
Mechanical means of describing hyperbolas, their points and transferred with the other pair, and thus en-
foci and vertices being given. Suppose the curves two larged or diminished in proportion to the relative distances
opposite hyperbolas, the points in vertical dotted center of the points from the pivot. A scale is provided on one
line their foci. One end of rule turns on one focus as a or both legs to indicate the proportion.
center through which one edge ranges. One end of {bread 410. Bisecting gauge. Of two parallel cheeks on the
being looped on pin inserted at the other focus, and other cross-bar one and the other adjustable, and held by
is fixed
end held to other end of rule, with just enough slack be- thumb-screw. In either cheek is centered one of two short
tween to permit height to reach vortex when rule coincides bars of equal length, united by a pivot, having a sharp
with ceiKer line. A pencil held in bight, and kept close to point for marking. This point is always in a cential posi-
rule while latter is moved from center line, describes one- tion between the cheeks, whatever their distance apart, so
half of parabola ; the rule is then reversed for the other that any parallel sided solid to which the cheeks are adjust-
with stock against the same, so that the blade is parallel 411. Self-recording level for surveyors. Consists of a
with the axis, and proceed with pendl in bight of thread, carriage, the shape of which is governed by an isosceles
as in the preceding. triangle having horizontal base. The circumference of
407. Instrument for describing pointed arches. Hori- each wheel equals the base of the triangle. A pendulum,
zontal bar is slotted and fitted with a slide having pin for when the instrument is on level ground, bisects the base,
loop of cord. Arch bar of elastic wood is fixed in horizon- and when on an inclination gravitates to right or left from
tal at right angles. Horizontal bar is placed with upper center accordingly. A drum, rotated by gearing from one
edge on springing line, and back of arch bar ranging with of the carriage wheels, carries sectionally ruled iiaper,
jamb of opening, and the latter bar is bent till the upper upon which pencil on pendulum traces profile corresponding
side meets apex of arch, fulcrum-piece at its base insuring with that of ground traveled over. The drum can be
its retaining tangential relation to jamb ; the pencil is shifted vertically to accord with any given scale, and hori-
secured to arched bar at its connection with cord- zontally, to avoid removal of filled paper.
lOO Mechanical Movements.
47S 416
418 419 ,^
''^S^l^J'^ '0"^-
Mechanical Movements. lOI
412. Wheel-work in the base of capstan. treadle motion over the dead-centers. The
Thus provided, the capstan can be used as helical spring. A, has a tendency to move
a simple or compound machine, single or the crank, B, in direction at right-angles to
triple purchase. The drumhead and barrel dead-centers.
rotate independently the former, being
417. Continuous circular motion into a
fixed on spindle, turns it round, and when
rectilinear reciprocating. The A, shaft,
locked to barrel turns it also, forming sin- bent on
working in a fixed bearing, D, is
gle purchase but when unlocked, wheel-
one-end, and fitted to turn in a socket at
work acts, and drumhead and barrel rotate the upper end of a rod, B, the lower end of
in opposite directions, .with velocities as
which works in a socket in the slide, C.
three to one.
Dotted lines show the position of the rod,
413. J. W. Howlett's patent adjustable B, and slide, when the shaft has made half
frictional gearing. This is an improvement a revolution from the position shown in
on that shown in 45 of this table. The bold lines.
upper wheel, A, shown in section, is com-
posed of a rubber disk with V-edge, clamp- 418. Buchanan & Righter's patent slide-
ed between two metal plates. By screwing valve motion. Valve, A, is attached to
up the nut, B, which holds the parts toge- lower end of rod, B, and free to slide hori-
ther, the rubber disk is made to expand
zontally on valve-seat. Upper end of rod,
radially, and greater tractive power may be B, is
attached to a pin which slides in verti-
produced between the two wheels. cal slots, and a roller, C, attached to the
said rod, slides in two suspended and verti-
414. Scroll gear and sliding pinion, to
cally adjustable arcs, D. This arrangement
produce an increasing velocity of scroll- is intended to prevent the valve from being
plate, A, in one direction, and a decreasing
pressed with too great force against its seat
velocity when the motion is reversed. Pin-
by the pressure of steam, and to relieve it
ion, B, moves on a feather on the shaft.
of friction.
415. Dickson's patent device for con-
verting an oscillating motion into intermit- 419. Continuous circular motion con-
tent circular, in either direction. Oscillat- verted into a rocking motion. Used in self-
ing motion communicated to lever. A, which rocking cradles. Wheel, A, revolves, and is
is provided with two pawls, B and C, hing-
connected to a wheel, B, of greater radius,
ed to its upper side, near shaft of wheel, D. which receives an oscillating motion, and
Small crank, E, on upper side or lever. A, wheel, B, is provided with two flexible
is attached by cord to each of pawls, so that
bands, C, D, which connect each to a stan-
when pawl, C, is let into contact with inte- dard or post attached to the rocker, E, of
rior of rim of wheel, D, it moves in one the cradle.
direction, and pawl, B, is out of gear. Mo- 420. Arrangement of hammer for striking
tion of wheel, D, may be reversed by lift- bells. Spring below the hammer raises it
ing pawl, C, which was in gear, and letting out of contact witli the bell after striking,
opposite one into gear by crank, E. and so prevents it from interfering with the
416. A device for assisting the crank of a vibration of the metal in the bell.
I02 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 103
421. Trunk engine used for marine purposes. trally through it. The piston, C, is simply an
The piston has attached to it a trunk at the lower eccentric fast on the shaft and working in contact
end of which the pitman is connected directly with the cylinder at one point. The induction
with the piston. The trunk works through a and eduction of steam take place as indicated
stutfing-box in cylinder-head. The effective area by arrows, and the pressure of the steam on one
of the upper side of the piston is greatly reduced side of the piston produces its rotation and that
by the trunk. To equalize the power on both of the shaft. The sliding abutment, D, between
sides of piston, high-pressure steam has been the induction and eduction ports moves out of
first used on the upper side and afterward ex- the way of the piston to let it pass.
hausted into and used expansively in the part
of cylinder below. 426. Another form of rotary engine, in which
there are two stationary abutments, D, D, within
422. Oscillating j)iston engine. The profile the cylinder, and the two pistons. A, A, in order
of the cylinder A, is of the form of a sector. to enable them to pass the abutments, are made
The piston, ]i, is attached to a rock-shaft, C, and to slide radially in grooves in the hub, C, of the
steam is admitted to the cylinder to operate on main shaft, B. The steam acts on both pistons
one and the other side of piston alternately, by at once, to produce the rotation of the hub and
means of a slide-valve, I), substantially like that shaft. The induction and eduction are indicated
of an ordinary reciprocating engine. The rock- by arrows.
shaft is connected with a crank to produce rotary :
the piston, C, is connected with the wrist, n, of 429. Holly's patent double-elliptical rotary
the crank on the main shaft, /'. The i)orts for engine. The two elliptical pistons geared to-
the admission of steam are shown black. The gether are operated upon by the steam entering
two pistons produce the rotation of the crank between them, in such manner as to produce
without dead points. their rotary motion in opposite directions.
425. One of the many forms of rotary engine. These rotary engines can all be converted into
A is the cylinder having the shaft, B, pass ceiv pumps.
I04 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 105
430. Overshot water-wheel. 436. Jonval turbine. The " shutes" are
433. Horizontal overshot water-wheel. casing, ^, confines the water in such a man-
ner that it acts against the vanes all around
the wheel. By the addition of the inclined
434. A plan view of the Fourneyron tur-
buckets, c, c, at the bottom, the water is
bine water-wheel. In the center are a num-
made to act with additional force as it
435. Warren's central discharge turbine, motion of central hollow shaft is obtained
plan view. The guides, «, are outside, and by the reaction of the water escaping at
the wheel, b, revolves within them, discharg- the ends of its arms, the rotation being in
ing the water at the center. a direction the reverse of the escape.
io6 Mechanical Movements.
Mechanical Movements. 107
439. A method of obtaining a reciprocating 444. Montgolfier's hydraulic ram. Small fall
motion from a continuous fall of water, by means of water made to throw a jet to a great height
of a valve in the bottom of the bucket which or furnish a supply at high level. The right-
opens by striking the ground and thereby empty- hand valve being kept open by a weight or
ing the bucket, which is caused to rise again by spring, the current flowing through the pipe in
the action of a counter-weight on the other side the direction of the arrow escapes thereby till
of the pulley over which it is suspended. its pressure, overcoming the resistance of weight
or spring, closes it. On the closing of this valve
440. Represents a trough divided transversely the momentum of the current overcomes the
into equal parts and supjjortcd on an axis by a pressure on the other valve, ojjens it, and throws
frame beneath. The fall of water filling one a quantity of water into the globular air-cham-
side of the division, the trough is vibrated on its ber by the expansive force of the air in which
axis, and at the same lime that it delivers the
the upward stream from the nozzle is maintained.
water the op])osite side is brought under the On equilibrium taking place, the right-hand
stream and filled, which in like manner produces valve opens and left-hand one shuts. Thus, by
the vibration of the trough back again. This the alternate action of the valves, a quantity of
has been used as a water meter. water is raised into the air-chamber at every
stroke, and the elasticity of the air gives uni-
441. Persian wheel, used in Eastern countries !
water. current keeping the wheel in motion, I the flow of water downward ; and the regular
the pots on its periphery are successively im- supply continuing from above, the column in the
filled, and emptied into a trough above ; upper tube rises until the cone on the circular
the stream. This action is renewed peri-
plate gives way.
443. Application of Archimedes's screw to rais-
odically and is regulated by the supply of water.
ing water, the supply stream being the motive
power. The oblique shaft of the vyheel has ex- I
447. This method of passing a boat from one
tending through it a spiral passage, the lower '
conveyed ujiward continuously through the spiral the center of w-hich is the anchor which holds
passage and discharged at the top. I
the boat from floating down the stream.
Mechanical Movements. 109
448. Common lift pump. In the up- rushes in at suction- valve, i, on upper end
stroke of j)iston or bucket tlie lower valve of cylinder, and that below piston is forced
opens and the valve in piston shuts air is ; through valve, 3, and discharge-pipe, B on ;
exhausted out of suction-pipe, and water the piston ascending again, water is forced
rushes up to till the vacuum. In down- through discharge-valve, 4, on upper end of
stroke, lower valve is shut anql valve in pis- cylinder, and water enters lower suction-
ton opens, and the water .simply passes valve, 2. " '
through the piston. The water above pis- 453. Double lantern-bellows pump. As
ton is lifted up, and runs over out of spout one bellows is distended by levejr, air is
at each up-strokfc. This pump cannot rarefied witliin it, and water passes up suc-
raise water over thirty feet high. tion-pipe to fill space at same time other
449. Modern lifting pump. This pump bellows is compressed, and expels its con-
operates in same manner as one in previ- tents through discharge-pipe valves work-
ous figure, except that piston-rod passes ing the same as in the ordinary force pump.
through stuffing-box, and outlet is closed 454. Diaphragm forcing pump. A flexi-
by a flap-valve opening upward. Water can ble diaphragm is employed instead of bel-
be lifted to any height above this pump. lows, and valves are arranged same as in
450. Ordinary force pump, with two preceding.
valves. The cylinder is above water, and 455. Old rotary pump. Lower aperture
is fitted with solid piston one valve closes
; entriince for water, and upper for exit. Cen-
outlet-pipe, and otiier closes suction-pipe. tral part revolves with its valves, which fit
When piston is rising suction-valve is open, accurately to inner surface of outer cylinder.
and water rushes into cylinder, outlet-valve The projection shown in lower side of cyl-
being closed. On descent of piston suction- ingier is an abutment to close the valves
valve closes, and water is forced up through when they reach that point.
outlet-valve to any distance or elevation. 456. Cary's rotary puni]). Within the
45 1. Force pump, same as above, with fixed cylinder there is placed a revolving
addition of air-chamber to the outlet, to pro- drum, B, attached to an axle, A. Heart-
duce a constant flow. The outlet from air- shaped cam, a, surrounding axle, is also
chamber is shown at two places, from either fixed. Revolution of drum causes sliding-
of which water may be taken. The air is pistons, c, c, to move in and out in obedi-
compressed by the water during the down- ence to form of cam. Water enters and is
ward stroke of the piston, and expands and removed from the chamber through ports,
presses out the water from the chamber L and M the directions are indicated by
no Mechanical Movements.
^fcap J '
= =(
nL' = ""-^ -
463 46
457 Common mode of raising water from 402. Chain pump ; lifting water by con-
wells of inconsiderable depth. Counter- tinuous circular motion. Wood or metal
balance equals about one-half of weight to be disks, carried by endless chain, are adapted
raised, so that the bucket has to be pulled to water-tight cylinder, and form with it a
down when empty, and is assisted in elevating succession of buckets filled with water.
it when full by counterbalance. Power is applied at upper wheel.
458. The common pulley and buckets for
and scouring sluice.
463. Self-acting weir
raising water the empty bucket is pulled
Two on pivots below centers
leaves turn ;
down to raise the full one. upper leaf much larger than lower, and turns
459. Reciprocating lift for wells. Top
in direction of stream, while lower turns
part represents horizontal wind-wheel on a
against it. Top edge of lower leaf overlaps
shaft which carries spiral thread. Coupling
bottom edge of upper one and is forced
of latter allows small vibration, that it may
against it by pressure of water. In ordinary
act on one worm-wheel at a time. Behind of stream,
states counteracting pressures
worm-wheels are pulleys over which passes
keep weir vertical and closed, as in the left-
rope which carries bucket at each extremity.
hand figure, and water flows through notcli
In center is vibrating tappet, against which
in upper leaf; but on water rising above
bucket strikes in its ascent, and which, by
ordinary level, pressure above from greater
means of arm in step wherein spiral and shaft
surface and leverage overcomes resistance
are supported, traverses spiral fromone wheel
below, upper leaf turns over, pushing back
to other so that the bucket which has de-
lower, reducing obstructions and opening at
livered water is lowered and other one raised.
bed a passage to deposit.
460. Fairbairn's bailing-scoop, for elevat-
464. Hiero's fountain. Water being poured
ing water short distances. The scoop is
into upper vessel descends tube on right
connected by pitman to end of a lever or of
into lower ; intermediate vessel being also
a beam of single-acting engine Distance
filled and more water poured into upper,
of lift may be altered by placing end of rod
confined air in cavities over water in lower
in notches shown in figure.
and intermediate vessels and in communi-
461. Pendulums or swinging gutters for
cation tube on left, being compressed, drives
raising waterby their pendulous motions.
by its elastic force a jet up central tube.
Terminations at bottom are scoops, and at
top open pipes intermediate angles are
; 465. Balance pumps. Pair worked re-
formed with boxes (and flap valve), each ciprocally by a person pressing alternately
connected with two branches of pipe. on opposite ends of lever or beam.
112 Mechanical Movements.
4 66 467 4-68
469 t- I liHM
410 47/
^ M
Mechanical Movements. n3
466. Hydrostatic press. Water forced by the Steam being alternately admitted below piston
pump through the small pipe into the ram cylin- and allowed to escape, raises and lets fall the
der and under the solid ram, presses up the ram. hammer.
The amount of force obtained is in proportion 471. Hotchkiss's atmospheric hammer ; de-
to the relative areas or squares of diameters of rives the force c-f its blow from compressed air-
the pump-plunger and ram. Suppose, for in- Hammer head, C, is attached to a piston fitted
stance, the pump-plunger to be one inch diameter to a cylinder, B, which is connected by a rod,
and the ram thirty inches, the upward pressure D, with a crank. A, on the rotary driving-shaft.
received by the ram would be 900 times the As the cylinder ascends, air entering hole, e, is
downward pressure of the plunger. compressed below piston and lifts hammer. As
467. Robertson's hydrostatic jack. In this cylinder descends, air entering hole, e, is com-
the ram is stationary upon a hollow base and the pressed above and is stored up to produce the
cylinder with claw attached slides upon it. The blow by its instant expansion after the crank and
pump takes the water from the hollow base and connecting-rod turn bottom center.
forces it through a pipe in the ram into the cylin- 472. Grimshaw's compressed air hammer.
der, and so raises the latter. At the bottom of The head of this hammer is attached to a piston,
pipe there is a valve operated by a thumb-screw A, which works in a cylinder, B, into which air
to let back the water and lower the load as is —
admitted like steam to a steam engine
gradually as may be desired. above and below the piston by a slide-valve on
468. Flexible water main, ])lan and section. top. The air is received from a reservoir, C, in
Two pipes of 15 and 18 inches interior diameter, the framing, supplied by an air pump, D, driven
having some of their joints thus formed, conduct by a crank on the rotary driving-shaft, E.
water across the Clyde to Glasgow Water-works. 473. Air-pump of simple construction. Smaller
Pipes are secured to strong log frames, hav- tub inverted in larger one. The latter contains
ing hinges with horizontal pivots. Frames and water to upper dotted line, and the pipe from
pipes were put together on south side of the shaft or space to be exhausted passes through it
.river, and, the north end of pipe being plugged, to a few inches above water, terminating with
they were hauled across by machinery on north valve opening upward. Upper tub has short
side, their flexible structure enabling them to pipe and upwardly-opening valve at top, and is
follow the bed. suspended by ropes from levers. When upper
469. French invention for obtaining rotary tub descends, great part of air within is expelled
motion from different temperatures in two bodies through upper valve, so that, when afterward
of water. Two cisterns contain water :that in raised, rarefaction within causes gas or air to
left at natural temperature and that in right ascend through the .lower valve. This pump
higher. In right is a water-wheel geared with was successfully used for drawing off carbonic
Archimedean screw in left. From spiral screw acid from a large and deep shaft.
of the latter a pipe extends over and passes to 474. /Eolipile or Hero's steam toy, described
the under side of wheel. Machine is started by by Hero, of Alexandria, 130 years B.C., and now
turning screw in opposite direction to that for regarded as the first steam engine, the rotary
raising water, thus forcing down air, which form 'of which it maybe considered to represent.
ascends in tube, crosses and descends, and im- From the lower vessel, or boiler, rise two pipes
parts motion to wheel ; and its volume increasing conducting steam to globular vessel above, and
with change of temperature, it is said, keeps the forming pivots on which the said vessel is
machine in motion. We are not informed how' caussd to revolve in the direction of arrows, by
the difference of temperature is to be maintained. the escape of steam through a number of bent
470. Steam hammer. Cylinder fixed above arms. This works on the same principle as
and hammer attached to lower end of oiston-rod. Barker's mill, 438 in this table.
114 Mechanical Movements,
475- B'lge ejector (Brear's patent) for discharging bilge- [
bottom of the tank. As gas enters, vessel, A, rises, and
water from vessels, or for raising and forcing water under |
vice versa. The pressure is regulated by adding to or
various circumstances. D is a chamber having attached a reducing the weights, C, C.
suction-pipe, B, and discharge-pipe, C, and having a steam- I
484. A spiral wound round a cylinder to sistance or lift, and while in the water are
convert the motion of the wind or a stream in the most effective position for propulsion.
in returning toward the wind, but to present the wheel, one end of the rope is wound on
their faces to the action of the wind, the and the other let off", and the tiller is moved
direction of which is supposed to be as in- in one or the other direction, according to
dicated by the arrow. the direction in which the wheel is turned.
487. Common paddle-wheel for propelling 491. Capstan. The cable or rope wound
vessels ; on the barrel of the capstan is hauled in by
the revolution of the wheel causes
the buckets to press backward against the turning the capstan on its axis by means of
water and so produce the forward move- hand-spikes or bars inserted into holes in
ment of the vessel. the head. The capstan is prevented from
488. Screw propeller. The blades are turning back by a pawl attached to its
sections of a screw-thread, and their revo- lower part and working in a circular ratchet
lution in the water has the same effect as on the base.
the working of a screw in a nut, producing 492. Boat-detaching hook (Brown & Lev-
motion in the direction of the axis and so el's). The upright standard is secured to
propelling the vessel. the boat, and the tongue hinged to its up-
489. Vertical bucket paddle-wheel. The per end enters an eye in the level which
buckets, rt, a, are pivoted into the arms, d, b, works on a fulcrum at the middle of the
at equal distances from the shaft. To the standard. A similar apparatus is applied at
pivots are attached cranks, c, c, which are each end of the boat. The hooks of the
pivoted at their ends to the arms of a ring, tackles hook into the tongues, which are
d, which is fitted loosely to a stationary ec- secure until it is desired to detach the boat,
centric, e. The revolution of the arms and when a rope attached- to the lower end of
buckets with the shaft causes the ring, d, each lever is pulled in such a direction as to
also to rotate upon the eccentric, and the slip the eye at the upper end of the lever
action of this ring on the cranks keeps the from of!" the tongue, which being then liberat-
buckets always upright, so that they enter ed slips out of the hook of the tackle and
the water and leave it edgewise without re- detaches the boat.
ii8 Mechanical Movements.
/J3 UJ9S
4^9 500 501
Mechanical Movements. 119
493. "Lewis," for I'ft.-ng stone in building. It tube, against which the scale is marked, is open
iscomposed of a central taper pin or wedge, with at top, the other leg connected with the steam-
two wedge-like packing-pieces arranged one on boiler or other apparatus on which the pressure
each side of it. The three pie-^e? are inserted is to be indicated. The i^ressure on the mer-
together in a hole diillcd hito the stone, and cury in the one leg causes it to be depressed in
when the central wedge is hoisted upon it wedges that and raised in the other until there is an
the packing-pieces out so tightly against the equilibrium established between the weight of
sides of the hole as to enable the stone to be mercury and pressure of steam in one leg, and
lifted. the weight of mercury and pressure of atmos-
494. Tongs for lifting stones, etc. The pull phere in the other. This is the most accurate
on the shackle which connects the two links gauge known but as high pressure requires so
causes the latter so to act on the upjjer arms of long a tube, it has given place to those which
the tongs as to make their points press them- are practically accurate enough, and of more
selves against or into the stone. The greater the convenient form.
weight the harder the tongs bite. 499. Aneroid gauge, known as the " Bourdon
495. Entwistle's patent gearing. Bevel-gear, gauge," from the name of its inventor, a French-
A, is fixed. B, gearing with A, is fitted to ro- man. B is a bent tube closed at its ends, secured
tate on stud, ¥., secured to shaft, D, and it also at C, the middle of its length, and having its
gears with bevel-gear, C, loose, on the shaft, D. ends free. Pressure of steam or other fluid ad-
On rotary motion being given to shaft, D, the mitted to tube tends to straighten it more or less,
gear, E, revolves around A, and also rotates according to its intensity. The ends of tube are
upon its own axis, and so acts upon C in two connected with a toothed sector-piece gearing,
ways, namely, by its rotation on its own axis and with a pinion on the spindle of a pointer which
by its revolution around A. With three gears indicates the pressure on a dial.
of equal size, the gear, C, makes two revolutions .500. Pressure gauge now most commonly used.
for every one of the shaft, D. This velocity of Sometimes known as the " Magdeijur^ gauge,"
revolution may, however, be varied by changing from the name of the place where first manufac-
the relative sizes of the gears. C is represented tured. Face view and section. The fluid whose
with an attached drum, C This gearing may
'. pressure is to be meas'ired acts upon a circular
be used for steering apparatus, driving screw-pro- metal disk. A, generally corrugated, and the de*
pellers, etc. By applying power to C, action may flection of the disk under the pressure giver
be reversed, and a slow motion ot D
obtained. motion to a toothed sector, e, which gears with a
496. Drawing and twisting in spinning cotton, pinion on the spindle of the pointer.
wool, etc. The front drawing-rolls, B, rotate 501. Mercurial barometer. Longer leg ot
faster than the back ones. A, and so produce a bent tube, against which is marked the scale of
draught, and draw out the fibers of the sliver or inches, is closed at top, and shorter one is open
roving passing between them. Roving passes to the atmosphere, or merely covered with some
from the front drawing-rolls to throstle, which, porous material. Column of mercury in longer
by its rotation around the bobbin, twists and leg, from which the air has been extracted, is
winds the yarn on the bobbin. held up by the pressure of air on the surface of
497. Fan-blower. The casing has circular that in the shorter leg, and rises or falls as the
openings in its sides through which, by the revo- pressure of the atmosphere varies. The old-
lution of the shaft and attached fan-blades, air is fashioned weather-glass is composed of a similar
drawn in at the center of the casing, to be forced tube attached to the back of a dial, and a float
out under pressure through the spout. inserted into the shorter leg of the tube, and
498. Siphon pressure gauge. Lower part of geared by a rack and pinion, or cord and pulley,
bent tube contains mercury. The leg of the with the spindle of the pointer.
I20 Mechanical Movements.
503 504
n inz
505 506 507
FNiiiii'i VniiiMiii.,,
:i^.i Miiiiiiiiiiirr
GiiinnTrM'iiiViiiiiiiiiiii.iiir . 'ih-Tmiwu
502. An " epicyclic train." Any train of I
the aggregate motion will thus be commu-
gearing the axes of the wheels of which re- I
nicated to the arm.
volve around a common center is pioperly [
503. A very simple form of the epicyclic
known by this name. The wheel at one train, in which F, G, is the arm, secured to
end of such a train, if not those at both the central shaft, A, upon which are loosely
ends, is always concentric with the revolv- fitted the bevel-wheels, C, D. The arm is
ing frame. C is formed into an axle for the bevel-wheel, B,
the frame or train-bearing
arm. The center wheel, A, concentric with which is fitted to turn freely upon it. Mo-
this frame, gears with a pinion, F, to the tion may be given to the two wheels, C, D,
same axle with which is secured a wheel, in order to produce aggregate motion of the
E, that gears with a wheel, B. If the first arm, or else to the arm and one of said
wheel, A, be fixed and a motion be given to wheels in order to produce aggregate mo-
the frame, C, tiie train will revolve around tion of the other wheel.
the fixed wheel and the relative motion of 504. " Ferguson's mechanical paradox,"
the frame to the fixed wheel will communi- designed to show a curious property of the
cate through the train a rotary motio'". to B epicyclic train. The wheel, A, is fixed upon
on its axis. Or the first wheel as well as a stationary stud about which the arm, C, D,
the frame may be made to revolve with dif- revolves. In this arm are two pins, M, N,
ferent velocities, with the same result ex- upon one of which is fitted loosely a thick
cept as to the velocity of rotation of B upon wheel, B, gearing with A, and upon the
its axis. other are three loose wheels, E, F, G, all
In the epicyclic train as thus described gearing with B. When the arm, C, D, is
only the wheel at one extremity is concen- turned round on the stud, motion is given
tric with the revolving frame ; but if the to the three wheels, E, F, G, on their com-
wheel, E, instead of gearing with B, be mon axis, viz., the pin, N ; the three form-
made to gear with the wheel, D, which like ing with the intermediate wheel, B, and the
the wheel, A, is wheel, A, three distinct epicyclic trains. Sup-
concentric with the frame,
we have an which the pose A to have twenty teeth, F twenty, E twen-
epicyclic train of
wheels at both extremities are concentric ty-one, and G nineteen as the arm, E, C, D, ;
with the frame. In this train we may either is turned round, F will appear not to turn on
communicate the driving motion to the arm its axis, as any point in its circumference
and one extreme wheel, in order to produce will always point in one direction, while E
an aggregate rotation of the other extreme will appear to turn slowly in one and G in
wheel, or motion may be given to the two the other direction, which an apparent para- —
extreme wheels, A and D, of the train, and dox ^gave rise to the name of the apparatus.
122 Mechanical Movements.
505. Another simple form of the epicyc- produces an aggregate motion of the arm,
lic train, in which the arm, D, carries a pin- k, I, and shaft, m, n.
ion, B, which gears both with a spur-wheel, This train may be modified ; for instance,
A, and an annular wheel, C, both concentric suppose the wheels, g zndf, to be disunited,
with the axis of the arm. Either of the g to be fixed to the shaft, m, n, and f only
wheels. A, C, may be stationary', and the running loose upon it. The driving-shaft,
revolution of the arm and pinion will give A, will as before communicate motion to
motion to the other wheel. the first wheel, c, of tlie epicyclic train by
means of the wheels, a and b, and will also
506. Another epicyclic train in which nei- by h cause the wheel, g, the shaft, m, «, and
ther the first nor last wheel is fixed. /«, «, the train-bearing arm, k, /, to revolve, and
is a shaft to which is firmly secured the the aggregate rotation will be given to the
tating upon the arm itself. The wheels, b signed for producing a very slow motion.
and c, are united and turn together, freely ;// is a fixed shaft upon which is loosely
upon the shaft, /«, n; the wheels, /"and g, fitted a long sleeve, to the lower end of
are also secured together, but turn together which is fixed a wheel, D, and to the upper
freely on the shaft, ;«, «. The wheels, c, d, end a wheel, E. Upon this long sleeve
e and f, constitute an epicyclic train of there |
is fitted a shorter one which carries
which c is the fi "st and f the last wheel. at its extremities the wheels, A and H. A
A shaft. A, is employed as a driver, and has wheel, C, gears with both D and A, and a
firmly secured to it two wheels, a and //, the train-bearing arm, ;//, n, which revolves
first of which gears with the wheel, b, and freely upon the shaft, w, p, carries upon a
thus communicates motion to the first wheel, stud at « the united wheels, F and G. If
c, of the epicyclic train, and the wheel, //, drives A have 10 teeth, C 100, D 10, E 61, F, 49,
the wheel, g, which thus gives motion to G 41, and H 51, there will be 25,000 revo-
the last wheel, f. Motion communicated lutions of the train-bearing arm, m, n, for
in this way to the two ends of the train one of the wheel. C.
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