Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Tenth Edition Chapter 5: Determination of Forward and Futures Prices Multiple Choice Test Bank
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Tenth Edition Chapter 5: Determination of Forward and Futures Prices Multiple Choice Test Bank
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Tenth Edition Chapter 5: Determination of Forward and Futures Prices Multiple Choice Test Bank
2. An investor shorts 100 shares when the share price is $50 and closes out the position six months
later when the share price is $43. The shares pay a dividend of $3 per share during the six
months. How much does the investor gain?
A. $1,000
B. $400
C. $700
D. $300
3. The spot price of an investment asset that provides no income is $30 and the risk-free rate for all
maturities (with continuous compounding) is 10%. What is the three-year forward price?
A. $40.50
B. $22.22
C. $33.00
D. $33.16
4. The spot price of an investment asset is $30 and the risk-free rate for all maturities is 10% with
continuous compounding. The asset provides an income of $2 at the end of the first year and at
the end of the second year. What is the three-year forward price?
A. $19.67
B. $35.84
C. $45.15
D. $40.50
5. An exchange rate is 0.7000 and the six-month domestic and foreign risk-free interest rates are
5% and 7% (both expressed with continuous compounding). What is the six-month forward rate?
A. 0.7070
B. 0.7177
C. 0.7249
D. 0.6930
8. The spot price of an asset is positively correlated with the market. Which of the following would
you expect to be true?
A. The forward price equals the expected future spot price.
B. The forward price is greater than the expected future spot price.
C. The forward price is less than the expected future spot price.
D. The forward price is sometimes greater and sometimes less than the expected future spot
9. Which of the following describes the way the futures price of a foreign currency is quoted by the
CME group?
A. The number of U.S. dollars per unit of the foreign currency
B. The number of the foreign currency per U.S. dollar
C. Some futures prices are always quoted as the number of U.S. dollars per unit of the
foreign currency and some are always quoted the other way round
D. There are no quotation conventions for futures prices
10. Which of the following describes the way the forward price of a foreign currency is quoted?
A. The number of U.S. dollars per unit of the foreign currency
B. The number of the foreign currency per U.S. dollar
C. Some forward prices are quoted as the number of U.S. dollars per unit of the foreign
currency and some are quoted the other way round
D. There are no quotation conventions for forward prices
11. Which of the following is NOT a reason why a short position in a stock is closed out?
A. The investor with the short position chooses to close out the position
B. The lender of the shares issues instructions to close out the position
C. The broker is no longer able to borrow shares from other clients
D. The investor does not maintain margins required on his/her margin account
13. What should a trader do when the one-year forward price of an asset is too low? Assume that
the asset provides no income.
A. The trader should borrow the price of the asset, buy one unit of the asset and enter into
a short forward contract to sell the asset in one year.
B. The trader should borrow the price of the asset, buy one unit of the asset and enter into
a long forward contract to buy the asset in one year.
C. The trader should short the asset, invest the proceeds of the short sale at the risk-free
rate, enter into a short forward contract to sell the asset in one year
D. The trader should short the asset, invest the proceeds of the short sale at the risk-free
rate, enter into a long forward contract to buy the asset in one year
14. Which of the following is NOT true about forward and futures contracts?
A. Forward contracts are more liquid than futures contracts
B. The futures contracts are traded on exchanges while forward contracts are traded in the
over-the-counter market
C. In theory forward prices and futures prices are equal when there is no uncertainty about
future interest rates
D. Taxes and transaction costs can lead to forward and futures prices being different