Igg4-Related Disease: An Orphan Disease With Many Faces: Review Open Access
Igg4-Related Disease: An Orphan Disease With Many Faces: Review Open Access
Igg4-Related Disease: An Orphan Disease With Many Faces: Review Open Access
Immunoglobulin G4- related disease (IgG4-RD) is a rare systemic fibro-inflammatory disorder (ORPHA284264).
Although patients have been described more than 100 years ago, the systemic nature of this disease has been
recognized in the 21st century only. Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis is the most frequent manifestation of IgG4-RD.
However, IgG4-RD can affect any organ such as salivary glands, orbits, retroperitoneum and many others. Recent
research enabled a clear clinical and histopathological description of IgG4-RD. Typically, lymphoplasmacellular
inflammation, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis are found in IgG4-RD biopsies and the tissue invading
plasma cells largely produce IgG4. Elevated serum IgG4 levels are found in many but not all patients. Consequently,
diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD have been proposed recently. Treatment is largely based on clinical experience and
retrospective case series. Glucocorticoids are the mainstay of therapy, although adjunctive immunosuppressive
agents are used in relapsing patients. This review summarizes current knowledge on clinical manifestations,
pathophysiology and treatment of IgG4-RD.
Keywords: IgG4-RD, Immunoglobulin 4, Storiform fibrosis, Lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
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Pieringer et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9:110 Page 2 of 14
day. She reported dry eyes and mouth, which had not concomitant retroperitoneal fibrosis) were documented by
changed during the last years. Otherwise, she was in the same group [6,7].
good condition. Upon physical examination, mild swelling These findings have been replicated in different co-
of the right submandibular gland was evident. On im- horts of patients with the above- described syndromes
aging, we found massive thickening of the ocular nerves [8,9]. Thus, a distinct disease entity comprising patients
(Figure 1A). Laboratory examination revealed negative anti- presenting with inflammatory and/or fibrosing single or
nuclear antibodies (ANA), extractable nuclear antigens multiple organ lesions in conjunction with elevated
(ENA), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), serum IgG4 levels and tissue IgG4 production became
rheumatoid factor, normal complement C3 and C4, and clear. While different names for this syndrome were
no cryoglobulins. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), used in the past 10 years, the term “IgG4- related disease”
C- reactive protein (CRP) and blood chemistry were within has recently evolved as most appropriate [10]. Con-
normal range. However, total IgG levels were slightly sequently, the organ manifestations of IgG4-RD were
elevated with IgG4 being strongly elevated (519 mg/dl, renamed and eponyms were abandoned (Table 1).
normal 5 – 125 mg/dl).
We retrieved biopsies of the ocular muscles, parotid Diagnosis and pathology
gland and the left submandibular gland and asked the IgG4-RD can affect any organ or tissue. Thus, the clin-
pathology department for re-evaluation of the specimens ical picture is highly heterogeneous. While some patients
and staining for plasma cells, IgG and IgG4. All speci- may present with a single site involved, others may have
mens revealed dense infiltration of IgG4- producing a few or many organs affected by IgG4-RD. These may
plasma cells with a highly increased tissue IgG4/IgG arise synchronously or metachronously. The disease may
ratio of >40% (Figure 1B). Further, tissue eosinophilia, manifest as a tumefactive lesion or a rather diffuse infil-
storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis were present, trative process, further contributing to a diverse clinical
thus confirming the diagnosis of IgG4- RD. picture. In addition, some organs show a distinct in-
volvement, as for instance lymphadenopathy, periaortitis,
History or a secondary form of membranous glomerulonephritis
The first descriptions of IgG4-RD organ manifestations (GN) [11-13].
were published in the late 19th century. In 1892, Johann Laboratory findings in IgG4-RD are often inconspicu-
von Mikulicz - a scholar of Theodor Billroth - first ous. Inflammatory markers such as ESR and CRP may
described a patient with an inflammatory disease of be highly elevated, but can be normal despite active dis-
the salivary glands (Mikulicz’ syndrome) [1]. Subse- ease in a substantial proportion of patients. Anti-nuclear
quently, Küttner described in 1896 a patient suffering antibodies, anti- SS-A as well as anti- SS-B antibodies
from a tumor-like lesion of the submandibular glands are negative in the majority of patients, while low com-
(Küttner’s tumor) [2]. In the same year, Riedel reported on plement levels (C3 and C4) are not uncommon [14,15].
“eisenharte Struma”, a condition characterized by a stone- Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia is often found in
hard, fibrous transformation of the thyroid gland and IgG4-RD. Increased serum IgE levels and allergic dis-
adjacent tissue [3]. However, the true nature of these eases are present in about one third of patients [16]. IgG
disease manifestations remained unclear for another subclass analyses reveal highly elevated serum IgG4
century. levels in many but not all patients. It should be under-
Many organ manifestations of IgG4-RD including among lined that IgG4 levels can be substantially misleading
others retroperitoneal fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, and when they are used as a sole criterion for diagnosis (or
sclerosing pancreatitis have since been described. Already exclusion) of IgG4-RD. On the one hand, a number of
decades ago, the systemic nature of the disease was recog- other diseases, such as cancer, infections and auto-
nized as evidenced by patients presenting with more than immune diseases, including vasculitis, are associated
one organ involvement. For instance, Bartholomew et al. with increased IgG4 levels [17]. On the other hand, a
reported in 1963 on two patients with a combination of number of IgG4-RD patients may have normal IgG4
Riedel’s thyroiditis, retroperitoneal fibrosis and sclerosing levels. Thus, the sensitivity of IgG4 in IgG4-RD was
cholangitis [4]. found to be 90% and the specificity 60% in one study
Significant progress was made in 1995, when a patient [18]. In another study the positive predictive value of an
with a steroid- responsive form of pancreatitis was re- elevated serum IgG4 for IgG4-RD was found to be as
ported of presumed autoimmune origin (autoimmune pan- poor as 10% [19].
creatitis, AIP) [5]. Later, in 2001 Hamano et al. reported In some patients with active IgG4-RD IgG4 levels were
elevated IgG4 levels in AIP patients and, finally, in 2002 found to be inappropriately low due to the prozone
infiltration of IgG4-bearing plasma cells in tissue samples effect, a situation where too many antibodies prevent
from patients with “sclerosing pancreatitis” (as well as in agglutination of antigenic particles in the test system. If
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Figure 1 A: IgG4- related disease with involvement of the orbits, ocular nerves and salivary glands. Contrast- enhanced T1 weighed
magnetic resonance coronal imaging of the head showing massive thickening of the infraorbital nerve (red arrow). B: Histopathological examination
of orbital muscle (upper panel) and parotid gland biopsies (lower panel) reveals dense lymphoplasmacellular infiltration and fibrosis (left pictures, HE
staining) with dense infiltration of IgG4- producing plasma cells (right pictures, anti-IgG4, rabbit monoclonal, 1:1000 a.r., Abcam, Cambridge, UK).
disease activity is high, but IgG4 levels are low, sample While the location of disease manifestation may vary,
dilution may lead to correction of the prozone effect and the histological pattern is – with some exceptions –
reveal – appropriately – much higher IgG4 levels in par- more or less uniform and shares particular features: (i)
ticular patients [20]. storiform fibrosis (resembling the spokes of a cartwheel),
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Table 1 Nomenclature for manifestations in different organ systems [adapted from Stone JH et al. A&R [10]]
Pancreas IgG4-related pancreatitis (Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis)
Bile ducts, gallbladder and liver IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
IgG4-related cholecystitis
IgG4-related hepatopathy
Thyroid gland IgG4-related thyroid disease
Salivary and lacrimal glands IgG4-related sialadenitis
IgG4-related parotitis
IgG4-related submandibular gland disease
IgG4-related dacryoadenitis
Orbits IgG4-related ophthalmic disease
IgG4-related orbital inflammatory pseudotumor
IgG4-related pan-orbital inflammation
IgG4-related orbital myositis
Retroperitoneal fibrosis, arteries IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis
IgG4-related aortitis/periaortitis
IgG4-related periarteritis
Intrapulmonary, mediastinal and pleural involvement IgG4-related lung disease
IgG4-related mediastinitis
IgG4-related pleuritis
Lymph nodes IgG4-related lymphadenopathy
Kidney IgG4-related kidney disease
tubulointerstitial nephritis secondary to IgG4-related disease
membranous glomerulonephritis secondary to IgG4-related disease
IgG4-related renal pyelitis
Miscellaneous IgG4-related perineural disease*
IgG4-related pachymeningitis
IgG4-related hypophysitis
IgG4-related mesenteritis
IgG4-related mastitis
IgG4-related prostatitis
IgG4-related epididymo-orchitis*
IgG4-related paratesticular pseudotumor*
IgG4-related skin disease
IgG4-related pericarditis
*Novel clinical IgG4-RD manifestations have been proposed since the original publication and were therefore included in this overview.
(ii) a dense lymphoplasmatic infiltrate with an increased proposed diagnostic criteria for IgG4-RD in general
number of IgG4+ plasma cells (at least > 10/high power (Figure 2) [22]. In addition, there have been proposals
field (HPF) – depending on the particular organ) and/or for diagnostic criteria of organ- specific IgG4-RD manifes-
an increased IgG4/IgG ratio (usually >40%) and (iii) an tations such as in kidney or pancreatic disease [23,24].
obliterative phlebitis. Tissue eosinophilia is also very
characteristic. The presence of neutrophils, granulomas, Epidemiology
neutrophilic microabscesses, and necrotizing vasculitis There are few studies reporting on the epidemiology of
strongly argues against IgG4-RD [21]. In some organs, IgG4-RD, mainly derived from Asian studies. A cross-
IgG4-RD can manifest with distinct histopathological sectional study in 2009 estimated that approximately
features, e.g. in kidney and lymph nodes (see section on 8000 individuals in Japan were suffering from IgG4-RD,
clinical manifestations). Recently, a Japanese study group thus accounting for a prevalence of approx. 60 affected
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1 + 2 + 3 = Diagnosis of IgG4-RD
Organ specific criteria for IgG4-RD (e.g. AIP, Mikulicz‘ disease) Definite
Figure 2 Comprehensive diagnostic criteria for IgG4- related disease (modified after Umehara et al. [22]). *Histopathology suggestive of
IgG4-RD, e.g. lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and fibrosis.
individuals per million inhabitants [25]. Slightly more IgG4-RD. The same is true for organ- specific autoanti-
males were affected and mean age was 58 years well in bodies to proteins expressed for instance in the pancreas
line with previous reports. There are no data on the or bile ducts [31].
prevalence of IgG4-RD in Europe or elsewhere, but In contrast to many autoimmune disorders, IgG4-RD
IgG4-RD is thought to be rarer in these areas. IgG4-RD seems to have a skewed T- cell response towards a TH2
usually affects middle-aged individuals and at least for phenotype. Increased tissue levels of TH2-cytokines such
some organ manifestations such as type 1 AIP a male as Interleukin-4 (IL-4), −5 (IL-5) and −13 (IL-13) were
predominance is evident. found in IgG4-RD [32]. Further, 40% of IgG4-RD pa-
tients have increased serum IgE levels and allergic dis-
Pathophysiology eases are common [16]. Moreover, tissue eosinophilia is
Little is known about the initiation process of IgG4-RD typical for IgG4-RD [33]. Some studies also suggested an
or how and why these specific organ infiltrations occur. increased activation of regulatory T cells (Treg), which
There is some evidence from Asian populations, that might be due to the over-expression of transforming
certain HLA alleles – particularly DRB1*0405 and growth factor β (TGF-β), an important regulator of Treg
DQB*0401 – increase the susceptibility to type 1 AIP [26]. development [34,35]. Previously it could be demon-
Further, few single- nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in strated that the expression of IgG4 class switch-related
genes related to immune system such as CTLA-4 and molecules is different in labial salivary glands and peri-
Fc- receptor-like 3 have been linked to IgG4-RD pheral blood mononuclear cells. In glands of IgG4-RD
[27,28]. In AIP, autoantibodies against the plasminogen- patients upregulated Treg cytokines such as IL-10 and
binding protein of H. pylori were found in the majority of TGF-β appear to play pathogenic roles in IgG4-specific
patients in one study [29]. Plasminogen- binding protein class-switch recombination and fibrosis. Activation-
of H. pylori shares homology to a protein expressed in induced cytidine deaminase (AID), as a marker of non-
pancreatic acinar cells. The authors hypothesized, that specific immunoglobulin class-switch recombination, was
through molecular mimicry this immune response could also found to be increased in labial salivary glands of
lead to IgG4-RD. IgG4-RD patients and could contribute to upregulation
It is suspected but unclear, whether IgG4-RD truly of IgG4-specific class-switch recombination. IgG4 class-
belongs to the group of autoimmune disorders. There is switch recombination seemed to be mainly upregulated in
evidence of autoantibodies such as ANA, rheumatoid affected organs [36].
factor, and others in some patients [30]. However, these Well-fitting to a TH2 immune response, IgG4-RD is
autoantibodies are far beyond from being specific for characterized by both systemic and localized IgG4
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production. It is currently unclear, whether these anti- In contrast, elevated levels of IgG4 are uncommon in
bodies are acting as pathogenic antibodies or are just type 2 AIP [46]. Obstructive jaundice is a common symp-
a bystander phenomenon. In healthy individuals, IgG4 tom at presentation, while pain may be absent [44,45]. In
is the least abundant IgG subclass molecule accounting addition, extra-pancreatic organ involvement is frequent
for less than 5% of total IgG [37]. In addition, IgG4 itself in type 1 AIP, thereby representing the systemic nature of
seems to be unable to activate the classic complement IgG4-RD.
pathway. Another characteristic feature of IgG4 antibodies Imaging techniques can provide clues to the diagnosis
is the possible occurrence of Fab arm exchange of these of AIP. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
antibodies [38]. This is due to weak bonds between the (MRCP) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreato-
heavy chain of the IgG4 antibodies thus allowing the Fab graphy (ERCP) may demonstrate pancreatic duct stric-
arm exchange and formation asymmetric bispecific anti- tures and/or stricture of the common bile duct as well as
bodies. This further hampers antigen cross-linking and irregular narrowing of intrahepatic ducts. Complete oblit-
immune complex formation of IgG4 antibodies. Nonethe- eration of the bile duct is unusual. Computed tomography
less, there is evidence of importance and pathogenicity of (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging show focal or
IgG4 antibodies in human diseases. Certain autoantibody diffuse pancreatic enlargement, a peripancreatic capsule-
immune mediated diseases such as membranous GN and like rim, and late phase contrast-enhancement, which is
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura seem to be medi- believed to correspond to peripheral inflammation and
ated by antibodies of the IgG4 type [39,40]. fibrosis [38,47].
Interestingly, low C3 and C4 complement levels can While radiological and serological studies as well as
be observed in one third of IgG4-RD patients with renal clinical symptoms may help to establish the diagnosis, in
involvement indicating immune complex formation [15]. less characteristic cases the final diagnosis needs to be
In type 1 AIP, tissue deposition of C3c, IgG4 and IgG based on histological tissue examination. In type 1 AIP a
can be observed at the basement membrane of pan- typical diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and a stori-
creatic and bile ducts and of acini [41]. C3 and IgG form fibrosis are evident. IgG4-positive plasma cells are
deposition can also be observed at the tubular basement usually found >50 per high-power field (HPF). Oblite-
membrane in IgG4- related tubulointerstitial nephritis rative phlebitis is common, but may be masked by the
(TIN) [15]. Thus, immune complex mediated tissue inflammatory infiltrate. In such cases, an elastic stain
damage may occur at least in some organ manifestations can be helpful. Tissue eosinophils are also frequently
of IgG4-RD. found. Of note, while there may be a periductal infiltrate,
Recent insights into the pathophysiology of IgG4-RD the ductal epithelium – in contrast to type 2 AIP - is pre-
suggest that one of the major drivers of the disease ap- served [48]. Diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of AIP
pear to be plasmablasts. Oligoclonal expanded plasma- have been published [24].
blasts with extensive somatic hypermutation were found Unfortunately, AIP shares many similarities with pan-
to be increased in IgG4-RD patients with active disease. creatic cancer, such as age, male predominance, painless
Of interest, depletion of B cells with rituximab leads to a jaundice or swelling of the pancreas [49]. This may be of
reduction of these plasmablasts and correlates with dis- special relevance in the case of “localized” AIP, which
ease remission [42]. Compared to other inflammatory can lead to a tumorous appearance of the pancreatic
diseases before treatment and healthy controls, circulat- head. In one large series 2.2% of patients undergoing
ing plasmablasts are elevated in patients with active pancreaticoduodenectomy were diagnosed retrospectively
IgG4-RD, even in those patients with normal serum with AIP (“lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis”).
IgG4 concentrations. This observation poses plasma- Of these cases the preoperative diagnoses were pancreatic
blasts as potential biomarkers for diagnosis and assess- cancer in 53%, periampullary neoplasm in 38%, and chol-
ment of treatment response [43]. angiocarcinoma in 9% [50]. Thus, a thorough work up is
essential before either surgery or steroid treatment is
Clinical manifestations planned. Of note, solely relying on elevated IgG4 levels
Pancreas may be misleading, as these may also be increased in pan-
Type 1 AIP is the classical presentation of IgG4-RD, creatic cancer. The notion that pancreatic cancer can
while type 2 AIP is not part of the IgG4 spectrum, has develop in patients with definitive AIP further complicates
distinct histopathological features such as ductal neutro- the management of these patients [51].
philic abscesses and ductal injury and is not reviewed
here in detail [44]. Type 1 AIP is rare, being the cause of Bile ducts, gallbladder and liver
chronic pancreatitis in less than 5% of cases. It typically The most characteristic clinical sign of IgG4- related
occurs in middle-aged males [45]. IgG4 serum levels are cholangitis at presentation is obstructive jaundice. IgG4-
usually elevated, but are normal in up to 20% of patients. related cholangitis typically affects large bile ducts, while
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in the ducts (formation of lymphoepithelial lesions) is penetrating the fibroinflammatory process surrounding
rare [73]. the aorta are usually patent [81]. Histopathology can show
Other diseases that need to be distinguished from typical features of IgG4-RD, but in long-standing disease,
IgG4-related sialadenitis and dacryoadenitis are lymph- fibrosis rather than inflammation may be the dominant
omas, sialolithiasis and carcinomas. The latter may be finding.
surrounded by an inflammatory infiltrate containing RPF is closely linked to inflammatory aortic aneurysm
IgG4 positive plasma cells complicating the exact diag- and thoracic aortitis and is therefore now being summa-
nosis [69]. rized as chronic periaortitis [83]. RPF itself seems to be
a heterogeneous group of diseases. Some patients show
Orbits signs of IgG4-RD but many patients have isolated RPF
Orbital tumors of the ocular adnexa consist of a hetero- [84]. Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms may also
geneous group. A large proportion of these tumors are be part of the IgG4-RD spectrum [85]. IgG4-RD mainly
lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). These LPDs repre- affects the aorta but also frequently involves its main
sent malignant lymphomas and a diverse group of orbital branches. In one study 9% of noninfectious aortitis cases
inflammations, such as reactive lymphoid hyperplasia or of the thoracic aorta were caused by IgG4-RD [86]. Of
infiltration [74]. Several structures within the orbital cavity interest, while both the thoracic aorta and the infrarenal
and adjacent structures such as extraocular muscles, aorta are predominant sites of involvement the supra-
nerves (including the supra- and inraorbital as well as renal abdominal aorta seems to be spared [81]. Besides
optic nerve), periorbital membrane and lacrimal sac can the aorta and its main branches, also peripheral arteries
be affected. Chronic lid swelling and proptosis are com- are sites of involvement of IgG4-RD [87]. IgG4-related
mon clinical signs. Pain is unusual. If extraocular muscles aortitis mainly involves the adventitia. However, the
are involved eye motility can be restricted. Visual distur- media can also be affected and the lamellar elastic fibers
bances can occur if the optic nerve is involved [75]. can be disrupted. The latter seems to be associated with
Lesions may appear as a tumefactive mass [76,77]. The aneurysmal transformation [12,81].
fibroinflammatory tissue can extend into the pterygo-
palatine fossa and cavernous sinus. Bone destruction is an Intrapulmonary, mediastinal and pleural involvement
unusual sign, but has been reported [78,79]. IgG4-RD can affect the airways, pleura and mediasti-
Pathohistologically, characteristic signs of IgG4-RD num. Patients may present with cough, dyspnea, chest
can be found, but obliterative phlebitis seems to be rare pain or frequently remain asymptomatic [88,89]. Intra-
[75]. Rather, fibrosis is a prominent feature, which may pulmonary manifestations include nodules and mass
relate also to duration of disease. However, the storiform lesions (“inflammatory pseudotumors”) but may also
pattern seems to be less common than in other organs present as interstitial lung disease. In the visceral and
affected by IgG4-RD [69]. parietal pleura, IgG4-RD can cause nodular lesions [90].
In the same patients, bronchial inflammation, edema,
Retroperitoneal fibrosis and large vessel involvement and stenosis may occur [91]. In addition, mediastinal
Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is a rare disease character- fibrosis is another clinical syndrome proposed to lie within
ized by the occurrence of fibrosis in the retroperitoneum. the spectrum of IgG4-RD.
RPF usually affects adult middle-aged males and is Imaging studies reflect the diverse nature of morpho-
strongly associated with smoking [80]. Clinical manifesta- logical manifestation of IgG4-related lung disease. A re-
tions can vary considerably. In some patients findings may cent study categorized lung findings on imaging into four
be incidental, other patients present with back pain. In major subtypes: solid nodular type (nodule or mass); (mul-
some cases manifestations of IgG4-RD in other organs tiple) round-shaped ground-glass opacity type; alveolar
leads to work up, thereby elucidating retroperitoneal interstitial type (bronchiectasis, honeycombing and diffuse
fibrosis and/or aortitis. Hydronephrosis due to ureteral ground-glass opacities); and bronchovascular type (with
entrapment is a common complication [81]. Periaortitis is thickening of bronchovascular bundles and interlobular
asymptomatic in most patients. In rare cases a rupture septa) [89].
after aneurysmal transformation can occur [82]. Diagnosis of IgG4-RD in the lungs can be challenging.
On CT imaging circumferential arterial wall thicken- The lung tends to show a stereotypic morphologic
ing, which is caused by sclerosing inflammation in the response to a variety of different injuries. Thus, diffe-
adventitia, is characteristic. Plaque-like lesions can also rential diagnostic considerations can be difficult. While
be seen. Of note, perivascular lesions are usually promin- fibrosis and obliterative vascular changes are common in
ent. Affected vessels demonstrate homogeneous enhance- solid areas, a characteristic storiform pattern may be lack-
ment at the late phase of contrast–enhanced CT. Some ing on tissue samples. While eosinophils are common
cases show dilated lumen of the affected vessels. Arteries as it is the case in other sites of IgG4-RD manifestations,
Pieringer et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9:110 Page 9 of 14
neutrophils may also be seen [88,92]. A characteristic fea- suspicion that immune complexes are involved in the
ture of IgG4-related lung disease is that pulmonary veins pathogenesis of IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis
as well as arteries can be affected [90]. A number of dis- [15]. Of interest, in some cases tubules are destroyed [98].
eases can mimic IgG4-related lung disease, including lung This seems to be somewhat in contrast to other mani-
cancer, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, LPD, and sar- festations of IgG4-RD, where the epithelium is usually
coidosis [89]. Thus, the field of differential diagnoses is preserved (e.g., salivary glands, bile ducts and pancreas).
broad. In some patients, a secondary form of membranous GN
develops lacking classical IgG4-RD histopathological fea-
Lymph nodes tures such as storiform fibrosis or obliterative phlebitis. Of
Localized or systemic involvement of lymph nodes is interest, a substantial proportion of patients with idio-
common in IgG4-RD [93]. Differential diagnosis is broad pathic membranous nephropathy have autoantibodies of
including lymphomas, metastatic disease, Castleman’s the IgG4 class that bind to the M-type phospholipase A2
disease and other immune mediated or hematological receptor. In contrast, patients with IgG4RD do not show
diseases. Fever, weight loss and night sweats, however, such antibodies, regardless of the presence or absence of
are uncommon in IgG4-RD [94]. Interestingly, histo- membranous nephropathy [13,99].
pathology of lymph nodes in IgG4-RD differs from the
usual findings. Storiform fibrosis and obliterative phle- Miscellaneous
bitis are usually absent in affected lymph nodes [11]. Several structures of the nervous system were found to
Findings include the following: multicentric Castleman’s be involved in IgG4-RD. Peripheral nerves have been re-
disease-like, reactive follicular hyperplasia-like, interfolli- ported to be affected by IgG4-RD. Common sites of
cular expansion and immunoblastosis; progressively manifestations are the orbital and spinal nerves with
transformed germinal center type; and inflammatory predominant infiltration of the epineurium (“perineural
pseudotumor-like IgG4-related lymphadenopathy [94]. disease”). Of interest, neurologic symptoms are seldom
It is important to recognize that the histopathology of which seems to be related to the fact that nerve fascicles
lymph nodes in suspected IgG4-RD is usually not are usually intact and not damaged [100]. In the pituary
straightforward when used as a sole criterion for diag- gland, IgG4-RD disease can cause hypophysitis [101,102].
nosis. Thus, it may be difficult to clearly distinguish IgG4- IgG4-related inflammatory pseudotumors may arise dir-
related lymphadenopathy from other disease. However, it ectly within the central nervous system [103]. Roughly
may be important to take lymph node biopsies to exclude one third of cases with hypertrophic pachymeningitis
e.g. malignancy. appear to be due to IgG4-RD [104].
Idiopathic cervical fibrosis, a rare sclerosing disease of
Kidney the neck, seems to be part of the IgG4-RD spectrum
The main manifestations of IgG4-RD in the kidney is [105]. A unusual form of mastitis, sclerosing mastitis,
tubulointerstitial nephritis and membranous GN [95,96]. which can present as painless masses in the breasts, has
The disease can clinically present as acute or chronic also been reported to be a manifestation of IgG4-RD
renal failure, renal mass lesions, or both. Contrast- [106]. In men, IgG4-RD can be the cause of prostatitis,
enhanced CT scans of patients with IgG4-related tubu- orchitis as well as paratesticular pseudotumors [107-109].
lointerstitial nephritis shows mostly bilateral and multiple In some cases IgG4-RD can involve the skin, presenting as
renal parenchymal lesions, predominantly involving the erythematous and itchy plaques or subcutaneous nodules
renal cortex. These lesions may appear as small periph- [110]. The pericardium has been reported to be a site of
eral cortical nodules, well defined or ill-defined round manifestation of IgG4-RD, resulting in constrictive peri-
lesions, wedge-shaped lesions or diffuse patchy. In some carditis [111,112]. Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis, a rare
cases a mass effect can be present. Extraparenchymal tumefactive lesion of the orbit and upper respiratory
involvement can be found in the form of a diffuse rim of tract, has also been supposed to be a manifestation of
soft tissue surrounding the kidney, irregular nodules in IgG4-RD [113].
the renal sinuses or diffuse wall thickening of the renal
pelvis [97]. Treatment
Histopathology shows typical fibrosis and a lymphoplas- Overall, there is no evidence for treatment options from
macytic infiltrate with a high number of IgG4 positive randomized controlled trials. Clinical experience is that
cells. IgG and/or C3 granular deposits on the tubular most IgG4-RD patients respond favorably to glucocortic-
basement membrane are present in a significant number oid (GC) treatment. The effect of GCs has been reported
of patients. In addition, a variety of glomerular lesions, for several sites of IgG4-RD manifestations in different
mainly different forms of glomerulonephritis, may be add- cohort studies. While it appears that spontaneous remis-
itionally present in such patients. All this has raised the sions do occur [114], the use of GCs induces remission
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in most patients and earlier than without treatment. have since been worked out [10,22]. However, as with
However, relapse is frequently seen after GCs are tapered every “new” disease a lot of enthusiasm might arise. This
or stopped [52]. Relapses may be confined to the ori- can lead to the situation that uncommon conditions are
ginally affected organs but also occur in other organs. not only underdiagnosed, but eventually also overdiag-
They may be preceded or accompanied by an increase nosed. While it is straightforward for most IgG4-RD
in IgG4 levels [115,116]. manifestations to be accepted as part of the IgG4-RD
Whether treatment in patients with IgG4-RD needs to spectrum, for other manifestations no final conclusions
be established depends on the localization and extent of can be drawn to date, as only few cases have been re-
disease manifestation. In some patients with minor ported, so far. Within the future it has to be clarified
involvement (e.g. asymptomatic and incidentally found whether all of the nowadays suspected diseases truly
IgG4-related lymphadenopathy or small, indolent nodu- belong to IgG4-RD spectrum.
lar lesions in IgG4-related lung disease), immediate Currently, GCs are considered the first line therapy,
treatment may not be indicated and follow-up may be but randomized trials to determine optimal dose and
more appropriate. In other cases with organ dysfunction duration are warranted. In addition, data on the effect of
or pseudotumors (e.g., renal involvement, AIP with bile other immunosuppressants are very limited. Further
duct obstruction and jaundice, lacrimal gland swelling, points that need to be addressed in the future are whether
pachymenigitis, etc.) rapid introduction of therapy is ne- all organ manifestations respond similar to treatment and,
cessary to avoid loss of organ function. Thus, treatment finally, it needs to be investigated whether non-Asian pop-
decision has to be individualized [117]. Most cohort ulations do behave similar to Asian patients, for whom
studies report on IgG4-RD patients with a particular most data are published to date.
organ involvement, which may not translate to other Further, it remains unclear, how IgG4-RD patients should
organ manifestations. Moreover, a substantial propor- be followed. IgG4 seems to have some characteristics of a
tion of publications are from Asian IgG4-RD patients, biomarker in patients with elevated IgG4 levels, but it is
questioning whether these data also apply to non- unclear whether IgG4 levels can be used to guide therapy
Asian patients. for instance [128]. Future research will include the search
In general, most experts would start with a dosage of for further biomarkers for diagnosis and/or follow up of
40 mg prednisolone or 0.6 mg/kg of body weight per IgG4-RD patients. One possible useful biomarker seem to
day and taper the dose over several months, starting be circulating plasmablasts [42,43]. Whether expensive
with a first dose reduction after 2–4 weeks [117-119]. imaging modalities such as PET-CT, will become part of
Treatment response is usually seen within two to four routine care of IgG4-RD patients or not, needs to be
weeks. Major drawbacks of GCs are side effects as well further investigated [129]. Finally, we do not understand
as the need for maintenance therapy. Thus, a number the pathophysiology of the disease, which could lead to the
of drugs such as azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil invention of specific therapies for this rare disease.
or methotrexate have been used as GC sparing agent
[119-123]. In addition, more intensive therapies such Competing interests
JZ received an unrestricted research grant for clinical research on IgG4-RD
as cyclophosphamide, fludarabine and bortezomib from Roche. JZ received honoraria for educational activities and advisory
have been reported to be of benefit in IgG4-RD pa- board participation from Roche.
tients [123-125].
Authors’ contributions
A promising treatment strategy in GC- dependent or HP and JZ conceived and designed the manuscript. IP, AW, BO and JZ
refractory patients is rituximab (RTX) [84,120,126]. RTX collected clinical and pathological data of the case vignette. All authors
has been used in a case series of 10 refractory IgG4-RD participated in the literature review process and drafted the final manuscript.
All authors and the Vasculitis and Orphan Diseases Working Group of the
patients. The duration of treatment effect is not Austrian Society of Rheumatology read the final manuscript and gave
established. Not surprisingly, relapse of IgG4-RD after approval for the version to be published.
rituximab treatment has been reported [127]. One
major interesting finding was that RTX specifically re- Acknowledgements
We thank Alexander Nader (Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Hanusch
duced IgG4 levels, while the other IgG subclasses Hospital, Vienna) for preparation of histological images. We thank Jörg Haller
remained stable. This has led to the hypothesis that (Department of Radiology, Hanusch Hospital) for providing MRI images.
short lived plasma cells producing IgG4 are involved in
the disease [84,120]. Vasculitis and Orphan Diseases Working Group of the Austrian Society
of Rheumatology
Christian Dejaco (Medical University of Graz), Herwig Pieringer, Andreas
Conclusions and future perspectives Kronbichler (Medical University of Innsbruck), Monika Mustak (SKA
Over the last decade a number of previously thought Rehabilitationszentrum Gröbming), Michael Schirmer (Medical University of
Innsbruck), Andrea Studnicka-Benke (Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg),
unrelated diseases have been recognized as a spectrum Edith Wipfler-Freißmuth (Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder, Graz), Jochen
of a single disease. Terminology and diagnostic criteria Zwerina.
Pieringer et al. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9:110 Page 11 of 14
Author details 18. Carruthers MN, Khosroshahi A, Augustin T, Deshpande V, Stone JH: The
Academic Research Unit, 2nd Department of Medicine, General Hospital diagnostic utility of serum IgG4 concentrations in IgG4-related
Linz, Linz, Austria. 2Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria. disease. Ann Rheum Dis 2014. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204907
Institute for Pathology and Microbiology, Hanusch-Hospital, Vienna, Austria. [Epub ahead of print].
Institute of Neurology, Department of Neuropathology, Medical University 19. Ngwa TN, Law R, Murray D, Chari ST: Serum Immunoglobulin G4 Level Is a
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 5Department of Internal Medicine 3, University of Poor Predictor of Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease. Pancreas 2014,
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. 6Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of 43:704–707.
Osteology at the Hanusch Hospital of WGKK and AUVA Trauma Centre 20. Khosroshahi A, Cheryk LA, Carruthers MN, Edwards JA, Bloch DB, Stone JH:
Meidling, 1st Medical Department, Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, Austria. Brief Report: spuriously low serum IgG4 concentrations caused by the
prozone phenomenon in patients with IgG4-related disease.
Received: 8 May 2014 Accepted: 3 July 2014 Arthritis Rheumatol 2014, 66:213–217.
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challenges. Semin Diagn Pathol 2012, 29:191–196.
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