A Kinetic Study of The Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate
A Kinetic Study of The Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate
A Kinetic Study of The Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate
2311-2327 (1973)
The emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate was studied a t 50°C. It was found that
the rate of polymerization was proportional to the 0.5 power of the initiator concentra-
tion and the 0.25 power of the number of particles. The number of particles was propor-
tional to the power 0.5 f 0.05 of the emulsifier concentration, but independent of the in-
itiator concentration. The limiting viscosity number of the polymers produced waa
independent of the initiator concentration and number of polymer particles. It is sug-
gested that the mechanism of vinyl acetate emulsion polymerization is similar to that of
vinyl chloride. The linearity of the conversion-versus-time curve is explained as being
due partly to a decrease in the desorption rate of radicals from the polymer particles and
partly t o a decrease in the termination rate constant.
I n the literature i t is generally concluded that the emulsion polymerization
of vinyl acetate does not fall within the classic theories proposed by Smith
and Ewart.' It is believed that this is due partly t o the high transfer
constant to monomer in vinyl acetate polymerization and partly to the
relatively high solubility of vinyl acetate in water. In vinyl acetate
emulsion polymerization, it is often observed that the rate of polymerization
remains constant until 85% conversion, although the separate monomer
phase has vanished already at or before 30%. This anomaly has caused
much speculation concerning the mechanism of vinyl acetate emulsion
polymerization, and during the past decade several investigations have been
performed in order t o explain this behavior.*-'
Some investigators4t6have proposed a mechanism in which most of the
polymerization takes place in the water phase. The constant rate behavior
is thus explained by assuming the monomer-polymer particles to act like
reservoirs, keeping the monomer concentration in the water phase constant.
However, the water phase hypothesis is not compatible with the high rates
of polymerization usually found in emulsion systems. Thus, Gershberg6
had to assumc a termination rate constant in the water phasr several orders
of magnitude lower than that reported for vinyl acetate in bulk polymeriza-
tion. Furthermore, in a study of the polymerization of vinyl acetate in
aqueous media, Napper and Partss have observed a marked increase in
@ 1973 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Vinyl acetate was distilled 24 hr prior to use on a 2-ft column filled with
glass helices. The initiator used in the emulsion experiments was an
analytical-grade potassium persulfate obtained from Merck, and in the bulk
experiments an analytical-grade a,a'-azoisobutyronitrile obtained from
Fluka AG. The emulsifier was a purified-grade sodium lauryl sulfate
(Quolac ON WD), obtained from the American Alcolac Corporation.
Polymerization Procedure
The polymerization was carried out in a 2-liter Pyrex vessel provided
with stirrer, thermometer, and Nz inlet. The emulsion was purged with
nitrogen 30 min proir t o the addition of initiator. The nitrogen was
obtained from a standard cylinder and deprived of any oxygen by passing
through a 5% solution of pyrogallol in 2N NaOH. The temperature was
controlled within *0.2"C.
I n all experiments the emulsion was composed of 550 ml vinyl acetate,
1150 ml redistilled water, and varying amounts of emulsifier and initiator.
The degree of conversion was determined from samples withdrawn a t
regular intervals. The emulsion was broken by freezing in liquid nitrogen.
The precipitated polymer was washed thoroughly with distilled water and
dried t o constant weight a t 50°C. Elemental analysis proved that the
dried polymer contained less than O.Ol~oinitiator and emulsifier.
The number of polymer particles was determined by light scattering and
electron microscopy. High-quality micrographs were obtained by using
the hardening technique developed by Vanzo.
Disappearance of the Separate Monomer Phase
I n order t o establish the point of which the separate monomer phase
disappears, latex samples were withdrawn a t various conversions early in
0 020-
0.15 -
.g 0.x) -
the polymerization. The samples were centrifuged for 15 min a t 2000 rpm.
The amount of vinyl acetate separated in this way was measured by a grad-
uated scale and taken to equal the amount of vinyl acetate present as
monomer droplets in the emulsion. Figure 1 shows a plot of this quantity,
in ml vinyl acetate/ml emulsion, as a function of conversion. From this
curve it appears that the separate monomer phase vanishes at 20% conver-
Further evidence of the validity of the results obtained by this technique
is the fact that extrapolation of the straight line gives a value of 0.32 ml
vinyl acetate/ml emulsion, which is the initial composition of the emulsion.
It should be mentioned that results from similar investigations reported
in the literature are somewhat scattered. Thus, French'O has found that
the separate monomer phase disappeared a t 13.5y0 conversion, while
Vanzo2 on the basis of vapor pressure measurements has found a value of
32%. Recently, Nomura et al.' have reported a value of 0.23.
The disappearance of the separate monomer phase should be reflected
in the conversion-versus-time curve. The data obtained in the present
work show that the curves become linear between 15Qj,and 20% conversion,
and a value of 20% is therefore not unreasonable.
Shape of the Polymerization Curve
Figure 2 shows typical conversion-versus-time plots obtained a t different
initiation rates. It appears that the rate of polymerization is constant in
the interval 20-90% conversion and that the shape of the curves is inde-
pendent of the initiation rate.
Fig. 4. Bulk polymerization of vinyl acetate at 50°C. [AIBN] = 4 X moles/l.
HpO: ( 0 )experimental; (-) theoretical.
02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 I
Fig. 5. Termination rate constant vs. conversion in bulk polymerization of vinyl acetate
a t 50°C.
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50
g l l H20 sodium lauryl sulphate
Fig. 6. Effect of emulsifier concentration on polymerization rate at different rates of
initiation: ( 0 )4 X (0)2 X (8) moles KBzOJ. HzO.
s! 10
1 I , , , I
2 3 L 5 10 15 20 25
g l l H 2 0 sodium lauryl sulphate
Fig. 7. Effect of emulsifier concentration on number of polymer particles.
2.4 - 0
01 2 2 -
fi 20 -
, I I
t ,rnin
Fig. 10. Effect of addition on extra amount of initiator.
[K2S20$= 5 ~ 1 0 moledl
-~ H20
2.8 . [K2S20& ld3 molesll H 2 0 .0
0 2.2
\ 0
2.0 0 0
I I I I 1 I I 1 I I
0.1 Q2 03 0.4 0.5 06 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. 12. Limiting viscosity number of poly(viny1 acetate) as function of conversion: 9.5 g
sodium lauryl sulfate/l. HzO.
Effect of Electrolytes
Stannett et al.5 have investigated the effect of adding electrolytes.
They have found that both phosphate buffer and potassium sulfate in-
creased the rate of polymerization. Furthermore, they have found that in
the presence of electrolytes the dependence of rate on initiator was de-
decreased. An attempt to reproduce these effects failed. In our experi-
ments, the presence of electrolytes in concentrations of 0.05 moles/l. H,O
did not affect the rate of polymerization, nor the dependence on initiator
From the data presented here, the following points can be established
concerning vinyl acetate emulsion polymerization :
1. The average concentration of radicals per particle increases with
increasing initiator concentration.
2. The rate of polymerization is approximately proportional to the
square root of the initiator concentration.
3. The rate of polymerization is proportional to the 0.25 power of the
number of particles.
4. The number of polymer particles remains constant in the interval
10% to 100~o conversion.
5. The number of polymer particles is independent of the initiator
6. The number of polymer particles is proportional to the 0.5 power of
the emulsifier concentration.
7. The limiting viscosity number is independent of the initiator con-
centration, emulsifier concentration, and number of polymer particles.
This picture does not resemble that of styrene emulsion polymerization,
but rather that of vinyl chloride emulsion polymerization. Ugelstad13
has recently presented a model for vinyl chloride emulsion polymerization,
and it is suggested that the same model could be applied to the vinyl acetate
Presentation of the Model
For vinyl chloride, Ugelstad18has deduced the rate expression
0.0 I I I I I
I 1 I I I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ID
Fig. 13. Plot of log ( D , / D p o )vs. conversion. Computed from experimental data with
aid of eqs. (3) and ( 5 ) .
To fit the rate expression given in eq. (3) t o experimental data, Ugelstad
defined the desorption rate constant k d as
-Pxdm(l - a )
D, Dp0exp
(1 - ~ ) d , axd,
Substituting eq. (8) into eq. (5) and eq. (5) into eq. (3), the values of a and P
necessary t o describe the obtained data are found t o be a = 0.3 and /3 =
3.2. I n this computation, the following values of the constants were used:
k, = 3500 l./mole-sec, 2k$ = 10-6/sec, k,, = 0.75 l./mole-sec, d , = 1150
g/l., d , = 900 g/l., and DPo = dm2/sec. [M,] was calculated from
eqs. (9) and (10) :
where i,is the conversion a t which the separate monomer phase disappears;
lc,, was calculated from eq. (2).
The and P values cannot be calculated theoretically with great accu-
racy. However, comparison with data from the literature18 shows that the
values computed here are not unreasonable. One should expect the value
of a to lie within 0.15 and 0.40.
With the values of a and fi obtained by fitting eq. (3) to a single experi-
mental curve, we were able to simulate all our experimental data (more than
40 experiments) in the range of conversion from 0% to 100%. Figure 14
02 4 . 5 ~1017
I n conclusion, we may say that the emulsion polymerization of vinyl
acetate is similar to that of vinyl chloride. In both systems, transfer
to monomer seems t o play an important role in comparison with styrene
emulsion polymerization.
However, one important problem still remains to be solved in the
emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride, namely,
the mechanism by which the particles are formed. I n styrene emulsion
polymerization, the number of particles is proportional t o the 0.4 power of
initiator concentration. In the vinyl acetate system, there is no effect of
initiator concentration on the final number of particles.
In accordance with the classic theory for styrene emulsion polymeriza-
tion, the polymer particles are generated solely by the primary initiator
radicals. In the vinyl acetate system the ability of radicals to escape the
particles must give rise to formation of particles by such radicals in addition
to the particles being generated by the primary initiator radicals. This
difference might be contributory to the different effect of initiator concen-
tration on particle formation in the two systems.
density of monomer
density of polymer
self-diffusion coefficient of monomer radicals in pure monomer
self-diffusion coefficient of monomer radicals in monomer-swollen
initiator efficiency factor
volume fraction of monomer in monomer-swollen polymer
initiator concentration
desorption rate constant
transfer rate constant t o nionomcr
decomposition rate constant of potassium persulfate
propagation rate constant
decomposition rate constant of a,a'-azoisobutyronitrile
termination rate constant in monomer-swollen polymer
monomer concentration in bulk polymerization
monomer concentration in polymer particles
Avogadro's number
total number of polymer particles
average radius of polymer particles
rate of polymerization
reaction time
volume of the polymer phase
critical free volume fraction
free volume fraction of monomer
free volume fraction of polymer
degree of conversion
ratio between volume fraction of polymer and monomer in monomer-
swollen polymer
degree of conversion when the separate monomer phase disappears
Greek Symbols
a! Vfn/VIm
P V*/Vf7n
[v J limiting viscosity number
The authors wish to thank Professor A. E. Hamielec and Peter Bo for valuable discus-
sions on emulsion polymerization and for their criticism of the manuscript.
1. W. V. Smith and R. H. Ewart, J . Chem. Phys., 16,592 (1948).
2. E. Vanzo, Ph.D. Thesis, State University College of Forestry a t Syracuse Univer-
sity, Syracuse, N.Y., 1962.
3. R. A. Patsiga, Ph.D. Thesis, State University College of Forestry a t Syracuse
University, Syracuse, N.Y., 1962.
4. V. Stannett, M. Litt, and R. Patsiga, J . Phys. Chem., 64,801 (1960).
5. V. Stannett, &I. Litt, and R. Patsiga, J . Polym. Sci. A-l,8,3607 (1970).