Kanawha County Student Dress Policy Revisions

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Student Dress Policy Series: J36 ENCLOSURE 34

Issued: 11.17.2000
Revised: 05.15.2008

36.1 Policy and Purpose:

The appropriateness of a student's dress for the school environment should

dictate the s t u d e n t ’ s a p p e a r a n c e choice of clothing and grooming
practices on each given day. No attempt will be made to dictate fashion
styles as long as they are in keeping with district policies. It should be
noted, however, that it is the responsibility of the student and parent that
the student adhere to the Dress Code.

All students are expected to adhere to common practices of personal hygiene

and dress that modesty, cleanliness and neatness; to dress within the
acceptable standards of the community and in such a manner as to
contribute to the academic atmosphere, not detract from it. The student who
fails to comply with this dress code may be sent home, and be subject to
disciplinary actions.

Any clothing, accessories, symbols, jewelry, or other paraphernalia, which

depicts or suggests association with a gang shall not be brought to school,
worn at school, or in any way be present at any school related event. Oversized
or baggy clothing, which may present a safety hazard may not be worn.

Clarification regarding apparel should be obtained prior to wearing it to school;

this can be obtained from the School Administration. School Administration
shall have the right to consider any current fashion to determine its
acceptability for school wear. School Administration will also allow for
reasonable accommodations in dress and appearance for religious reasons or
medical need, which will be provided upon request.

Students in violation of this policy may be asked to change, sent home, and/or
otherwise be subjected to disciplinary actions as determined by the School's
Administration. School Personnel shall follow building procedure for discipline
referrals regarding dress code violations.

Any other considerations, i.e. religious, medical, et al., will be determined by

the individual school principal. The school administration shall have the
right to consider any current fashion to determine its acceptability for school

Clarification regarding apparel should be obtained PRIOR TO WEARING IT

TO SCHOOL; this can be obtained from the school administration. Students
in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as determined
Student Dress Policy Series: J36 ENCLOSURE 34
Issued: 11.17.2000
Revised: 05.15.2008

by the school's administration.

Teachers are charged with the responsibility of enforcing student dress code

policy in their classes as well as on campus. Administrators and other school

personnel share the same responsibility. Teachers shall follow building
procedure for discipline referral regarding dress code violations.

No attempt will be made to dictate fashion styles as long as they are in

keeping with district policies. It should be noted, however, that it is the
responsibility of the student and parent that the student adhere to the Dress
Code., as follows:

36.2 General Prohibitions:

a. Clothing which may present a safety hazard must not be worn. This
includes any clothing, jewelry, accessories, etc., that may be used as
weapons or present a risk of injury to the student or school personnel.
Additionally, Students may be required to change out of shoes that
present a safety concern during recess or gym class.

b. Any clothing, accessories, symbols, jewelry, or other paraphernalia,

which depicts or suggests association with a gang shall not be brought
to school, worn at school, or in any way be present at any school related
event. Oversized or baggy clothing, which may present a safety hazard
may not be worn.

c. Any clothing, jewelry or accessories with decorations, patches,

lettering, advertisements, etc., that may be considered obscene or
offensive are not to be worn to school. This includes any clothing,
jewelry, accessories, etc., that may be used as weapons, which have
drug emblems,; contain obscenities,; tobacco or alcoholic beverage
references,; which may be considered derogatory towards a race, culture
or religion,; or which may be considered any form of harassment.

Crop tops, tube tops and halters are unacceptable. Strapless dresses
without jackets are unacceptable.

d. Transparent and/or see through material is considered unacceptable.

Shirts or blouses must cover the entire torso at all times, even in
Student Dress Policy Series: J36 ENCLOSURE 34
Issued: 11.17.2000
Revised: 05.15.2008

e. No undergarments , i.e, bras, panties, briefs or boxers may be visible.

Also no o r body parts of a personal or private nature, i.e., buttocks.
genitalia or female breasts may be exposed plainly or by way of tears,
rips, holes, etc. in clothing. These personal and private body parts
include male and female chests, buttocks, and genitalia, etc.

At the secondary level, a boy's shirt should cover the entire crown of the

36.3 Dresses, Skirts and Shorts:

The length of a skirt, dress or shorts must extend to at least the student’s

36.4 Pants:

Form-fitting pants, such as spandex or bicycle pants, may only be worn

with another layer of clothing which meets the dress code. Any tears, rips or
cuts in trousers or pants must be below the knee exposed undergarments.

Students shall wear their trousers or overalls properly--the waist at the

waist; no sagging.

36.5 Accessories:

All students must wear shoes. Flip-flops, thongs or similar type shoe,
which fit between the toes, are considered unsafe and, therefore, are no
allowed at the elementary level. Such footwear may be worn in middle and
high schools.

Hair should be kept neat, clean, and reasonably styled.

f. Any type of head covering is unacceptable unless for religious purposes or

otherwise approved by School Administration.

Facial hair should be neat, clean, closely trimmed and not be a distraction
to the learning environment.

Chain or spike jewelry is unacceptable.

Student Dress Policy Series: J36 ENCLOSURE 34
Issued: 11.17.2000
Revised: 05.15.2008

Pierced body ornaments are restricted to the ear.

Tattoos, which would violate this policy if worn as clothing, must be


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