Final Gabiley RDP

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Republic of Somaliland

Ministry of National Planning and Development

Gabiley Regional Development Plan

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
List of Budget and Implementation Matrix ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Background of Gabiley Region ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1. SOCIAL PILLAR ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Education Sector ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Timacade University .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.3 Health Sector .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
1.4 Labour and Social affairs Sector ................................................................................................................................................ 26
1.5 Youth, sports and Culture sector ................................................................................................................................................ 29
1.6 Religious Affairs and Endowments Sector ................................................................................................................................ 32
1.7 Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement ...................................................................................................................... 35
2. ECONOMIC PILLAR ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
2.1 National Planning and Development Sector .............................................................................................................................. 39
2.2 Agricultural Sector ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.3 Livestock Sector ......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
2.4 Trade and International Investment............................................................................................................................................ 50
2.5 Industry Sector: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 55

3. INFRASTRUCTURE PILLAR ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
3.1 Water Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................... 58
4. GOVERNANCE PILLAR ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
4.1 Somaliland Quality Control Commission .................................................................................................................................. 64
4.2 Gabiley Regional Administration office .................................................................................................................................... 68
4.3 Gabiley Regional Police office .................................................................................................................................................. 70
4.4 Custodial Corps .......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
4.5 Gabiley District .......................................................................................................................................................................... 77
4.6 Arabsiyo District ........................................................................................................................................................................ 82
4.7 Geed Balaadh District ................................................................................................................................................................ 85
4.8 Agabar District ........................................................................................................................................................................... 86
4.9 Wajaale District .......................................................................................................................................................................... 88
4.10 Allay baday District ................................................................................................................................................................ 90
5. ENVIRONMENT PILLAR .............................................................................................................................................................. 92
5.1 Environment Sector .................................................................................................................................................................... 92
6. Financing............................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
6.1 Capital Requirement ....................................................................................................................................................................... 97
6.2. Sources of Financing...................................................................................................................................................................... 97
6.3 Implementation and Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................... 98

List of Tables

Table 1: Public Schools in Gabiley Region by district ............................................................................................................................................... 11

Table 2: Private Schools in Gabiley by district............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Table 3: UN/NGOs that support Gabiley health facilities ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 4: Gabiley Public water sources ..................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Table 5: RDP-Capital Investment Requirement by Pillar ............................................................................................................................................ 97

List of Budget and Implementation Matrix

Matrix 1: Education Sector budget and implementation matrix ............................................................................................................................ 13

Matrix 2: Timacade University Sector Budget and Implementation matrix ................................................................................................................ 19
Matrix 3: Health Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Matrix 4: Labour and Social Affairs Sector and Implementation Matrix .................................................................................................................... 28
Matrix 5: Youth, sports and cultural Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix........................................................................................................ 31
Matrix 6: Religious and Endowment Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ....................................................................................................... 34
Matrix 7: Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ........................................................ 37
Matrix 8: National Planning and Development Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ............................................................................. 40
Matrix 9: Agriculture Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix............................................................................................................................... 44
Matrix 10: Livestock Sector budget and Implementation Matrix ................................................................................................................................ 48
Matrix 11: Trade and International Investment Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ....................................................................................... 53
Matrix 12: Water Resource Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ..................................................................................................................... 61
Matrix 13: Somaliland Quality Control commission Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix .................................................................... 66
Matrix 14: Regional Administration office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix .................................................................................... 69
Matrix 15: Custodial Corps Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix ............................................................................................................. 76
Matrix 16: Gabiley Local Government Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix .......................................................................................... 80
Matrix 17: Arabsiyo district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix .................................................................................................. 83
Matrix 18: Geed balaadh district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix.......................................................................................... 85

CAHWS Community-Based Animal Health Workers
D.A.O District Administration Office
EU European Commission
FGM/C female genital mutilation/cutting
GAVI/HSS GAVI Health System Strengthen
GoSL, Government of Somaliland
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IDPs Internal Displaced People
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development
MCHs Maternal and Child Health
MoA Ministry of Agriculture
MoE&HE Ministry of Education and Higher Education
MoH Ministry of Health
MoI Ministry of Interior
MoJ Ministry of Justice
MoL Ministry of Livestock
MoLSA Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

MoNPD Ministry of National Planning and Development
MoT&II Ministry of Trade and International Investment
MoWR Ministry of Water Resources
MoYS&T Ministry of Youth, Sports and tourism
MRA&E Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowment
MRR&R Ministry of Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement
NDP National Development Plan
NGOs Non Governmental Organization
PPP Public Private Partnership
PPR Peste des Petites Ruminants
RDP Regional Development Plan
SQCC Somaliland Quality Control Commission
TB Tuberculosis
UNHABITAT The United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Unicef United Nations Children's Fund
WHO World Health Organization

The Ministry of National Planning and Development (MoNPD) in fulfilling its mandate has now developed, for the first
time, a three year (2014-2016) Regional Development Plan (RDP) for Gabiley Region that focuses on sustainable
development and poverty reduction in the region

The RDP addresses Regional challenges in order to achieve the public, social and economic transformations required to
attain the prosperity we aspire to.

During the three-year plan period, public investment priorities will include: construction and rehabilitation of our road
network, development of water sectors, development of agriculture, human resource development, environmental protection
and the promotion of Health. The achievement of these goals will be pursued in cooperation with the private sector which
will remain the engine of growth and development. The government will also seek to reach out to and engage the
Somaliland Diaspora who is already an important source of assistance, investment and know-how.

I call upon all the people of Gabiley Region to embrace and support the RDP and its principles. I urge our Regional public
institutions to adopt and implement the policies, programs and projects provided by the plan. I urge the Regional private
sector, the Regional Diaspora, and the civil society to combine their efforts and work with Government, and I call upon the
international community to support us and align their assistance to the priorities of the Gabiley RDP so that we can achieve
our goals and 2030 vision aspirations.

I wish to express my appreciation to Ministry of Finance and Gabiley Local Government for their financial support in the
formulation of this RDP, and all those who worked tirelessly to produce it.




The development of the Gabiley Regional Development Plan has been challenging but enriching experience. The
Ministry of National Planning and Development (MoNPD) is grateful to Mr. Mustafe Abdi Esse the Regional
Governor of Gabiley, for his leadership and foresight. We are deeply indebted to the government Ministers,
Regional coordinators of the ministries and staff in every department and agency in the region we covered for their
cooperation and contribution.

I would like to express unreserved gratitude to the Gabiley RDP team at my Ministry for the sleepless nights they
endured to have this Plan researched, developed and written up. I would like to mention in particular Mr. Ahmed
Abdillahi Nadiif, Planning Department Director, Mr. Mustafe Farah Ali- the Development Department Director
and Mr. Abdifatah Sul.Adem Farah My secretary and Gabiley regional staff of the MoNPD. I would also like to
thank Mr. Abdirashid Ahmed Guuleed, the Director General for his support.

Please also allow me also to expresses my gratitude to Ministry of Finance and Gabiley Local government for their
financial support.

I would like also to thank all government Regional Coordinators for their cooperation and contribution to the core
components of the Regional Development Plan




Background of Gabiley Region

Gabiley Region locates on the Somaliland‘s western fertile regions known as ―Dhul-beereed‖, Gabiley Region is
called the bread basket of Somaliland because of its agricultural productivity level compared to the other Regions
of the country. Gabiley city is the administrative center of the new region, and the region has 6 districts including
Gabiley and they are: Gabiley, Wajaale, Arabsiyo, Agabar, Geed-balaadh and Alay baday.

The new region is bounded on the west by Awdal Region and on the north by the Gulf of Aden. On the east it is
bordered by the nation‘s capital Hargeisa, and on the south Gabiley region is bounded by the fifth-Somali –State in
the Ethiopian Federation.


Gabiley Region has a mild climate throughout the year. In the summer (April through September) the average
temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius, while in the winter it drops to 5 degrees Celsius. Humidity varies from 63
percent in the dry season to 82 percent in the rainy season.

Economic Activities

The primary economic sector (harvesting and production) is by far the most dominant economic sector in Gabiley
region, followed by the tertiary sector (services); however, the secondary sector does not exist, as there is no
manufacturing or industrial production. The economy of Gabiley region largely depends on agricultural production
and livestock rearing. This is followed by Kalabayd customs and petty trade in Wajale, the hub for Somaliland‘s
commercial activities. Remittances and khat activities are also economically important for Gabiley residents.
Gabiley region is considered the most important agricultural area in Somaliland.

1.1 Education Sector
Situation analysis

The Ministry of education started operations in Gabiley region at 1991. At that there were only primary schools
and there were no secondary schools, but now the region has both primary and secondary schools. Not only that,
but also the tertiary education is available for the region.

Currently, there are 85 schools (primary and secondary). And the school distribution by district is shown the below

Table 1: Public Schools in Gabiley Region by district

District No. of Primary No. Of Students PS No. Of No. Of students in No. Of Teachers
Schools Secondar SS
y Schools

Male Female Male Female Primary Secondary

Gabiley 25 3529 2356 1 755 302 195 24

Arabsiyo 12 686 599 1 226 74 70 11

Wajaale 17 2244 1784 2 112 30 86 15

Alaybaday 16 651 444 1 44 31 65 5

Total 70 7110 5183 5 1137 437 416 55

Table 2: Private Schools in Gabiley by district
District No. of Primary No. Of No. Of No. Of students No. Of Teachers
Schools Students PS Secondary in SS

Male Female Male Female Primary Secondary

Gabiley 3 745 544 2 68 49 28 8

Arabsiyo 2 288 227 0

Wajaale 0 0

Alaybaday 0 0

Total 5 1033 771 2 68 49 28 8


 Shortage of offices
 Shortage of class rooms for the schools
 Lack of proper trainings for the sector staff
 Absence of transportation
 Insufficient salaries for the teachers
 There is Rehabilitation for the old schools
 Absence of fences for most of the schools


 Construction of Regional office for the Ministry

 Construction of new schools
 Increase number of class rooms for the existing schools
 Provision of trainings and capacity building for the staff
 Provision of transports to carryout evaluation activities and supervision
 Provision of adequate salaries for the teachers
 Rehabilitation of the old schools
 Construction of fences for the schools

Programs and Projects

 Construction of Regional office for the Ministry

 Construction of new schools
 Increase number of class rooms for the existing schools
 Provision of trainings and capacity building for the staff
 Provision of transports to carryout evaluation activities and supervision
 Provision of adequate salaries for the teachers
 Rehabilitation of the old schools
 Construction of fences for the schools
Matrix 1: Education Sector budget and implementation matrix

Goal To build regional sector capacity, increase school children enrolment, and improve accessibility and relevance
of education at Gabiley Region
Strategic  To build regional education capacity

Objectives  New construction, extension, and improve quality education through the acquisition of labs and libraries
 Build technical schools, boarding schools, and expand feeding centers to widen school intake and forestall
No Project/program Project Project outputs Sources of Implemen Yearly budget Total
s Objectives Funds ting 2014 2015 2016 budget
agency (USD
1 Construction of -To get a regional -Regional office is Donors, MoE&HE 0.042 0.042
Regional office education office constructed Government
for the Ministry

2 Construction of -To increase the - one new schools is Donors, MoE&HE 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.126
new schools at accessibility of constructed each of these Government
xuunshalay, education for the villages
boocda kabaab childrens
and baliga cas

2 Increase number -To have enough -Additional Classes are Donors, MoE&HE 0.1 0.2 0.3
of class rooms for space for learning built
the existing -To increase the - Enrollment is increased
schools enrolment rate

3 Provision of -To improve the -Trainings is conducted Donors, MoE&HE 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.12
trainings and capacity of sector for the staff Government
capacity building human resource ,
for the staff Community

4 Provision of -To coordinate the -Two vehicles is Donors, MoE&HE 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.075
transports to supervision purchased for the region Government

carryout acticities to carry out supervision
evaluation activities
activities and

5 Provision of -To improve the -salaries is provided for Government MoE&HE

adequate salaries quality and to the teachers
for the teachers enhance the
morality of the
6 Construction of -To protect the -A fence is constructed Donors, MoE&HE 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6
fences for the school for schools Government

8 Rehabilitation of -To increase the -old schools is Donors, MoE&HE 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.7
the old schools lifetime of the rehabilitated Government
Total 0.355 0.707 0.775 1.837

1.2 Timacade University

Situational Analysis

Timacade University (TU) is a not-for-profit, fully accredited, coeducational institution. TU established and
inaugurated on 4th November, 2009, it is one of the higher education institutions in Somaliland, and it lies in the
western green region (Gabiley). It‘s a community owned higher education entity which came into being as a direct
response to a long cherished desire, on the part of the region‘s community to have its own university.

TU is well known for innovation and quality in both regular and distance education. The university serves large
numbers of adult students and a growing population of traditional undergraduates.
The university awards Diploma‘s and bachelor‘s degrees in a wide range of fields, including business
Administration, information technology, education, medicine, Agriculture, Islamic studies, Nursing, economics
and other social sciences.
In the last year (2013), TU held its first graduation ceremony which 103 students have graduated from different
fields like agriculture, business administration, Islamic studies and business information technology.

The Sector strengths include:

 Qualified and committed staff.
 Availability of land upon which Timacade University shall be developed
 Good working relationship with other institutions
 Government support
 Internal income generation
 Legal status of the University
 Access to fertile productive land

Likewise the strengths the sector also has some weaknesses include:
 Low enrolment of students.
 Lack of administration offices
 Lack of transportation facilities
 Inadequate funding for research
 Inadequate applications of ICT in teaching, learning and research
 Limited space for library.
 Lack of computer lab, No science and soil lab.

 Shortages of academic staff.
 on competitive remuneration for University staff
 Inadequate funding.
 Lack of sport and recreational
 Lack of gender mainstreaming policy
 Lack of opportunity of graduate jobs.

The below chart shows Intake Statistics 2009-2013:


 Lack of secondary schools which can attend the university.

 Lack of financial problems in the local families and they cannot pay tuition fees regularly.
 Lack of opportunity for job in the region. And it affects to our current graduate and future graduates.

 Very limited Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure to support the administrative
work and to enhance teaching, learning and research
 Law speed of internet that available in this city
 Primary and secondary need local teacher training programs.
 Local secondary students prefer to go universities in Hargeisa to get part time jobs.


 A large Graduation hall which can hold minimum 1000 participants.

 Transportation facilities (minibuses which allows carrying the professors from/to other cities. And 4wd car
to facilitate distance programs and office works.)
 A multifunctional research laboratory which will be able to serve the research needs in the fields of life
sciences, agriculture, food science etc. It is expected that through this general purpose laboratory, new
knowledge shall be generated.
 Establishment of Research and publications section
 Construction of University Auditorium annex
 Provision of in-house trainings
Projects and Programs
 A large Graduation hall which can hold minimum 1000 participants.

 Transportation facilities (minibuses which allows carrying the professors from/to other cities. And 4wd car
to facilitate distance programs and office works.)

 A multifunctional research laboratory which will be able to serve the research needs in the fields of life
sciences, agriculture, food science etc. It is expected that through this general purpose laboratory, new
knowledge shall be generated.
 Developing information and communication systems entire university
 Establishment of Research and publications section
 Provision of in-house trainings

Matrix 2: Timacade University Sector Budget and Implementation matrix

Goal To build regional sector capacity, increase university enrolment, and improve accessibility and relevance of
education at Gabiley Region
Strategic  To build regional education capacity
Objectives  New construction, extension, and improve quality education through the acquisition of labs and libraries
 Build technical schools, boarding schools, and expand feeding centers to widen school intake and forestall
No Project/program Project Project outputs Sources Implementi Yearly budget Total
s Objectives of Funds ng agency 2014 2015 2016 budget
1 A large -To get suitable -Auditorium hall is built GoSL, TU 0.06 0.06
Graduation hall hall for the city -Seats and other Commun
which can hold and university for necessary equipments is ity,
minimum 1000 the large provided Donors
participants. ceremonies and

2 Transportation -To take lecturers -One Minibus is GoSL, TU 0.025 0.05 0.05 0.125

facilities from the other purchased
cities -One 4wd is purchased
-To carryout
university distance
3 A -To serve the -a large and well GoSL, TU 0.05 0.1 0.15
multifunctional research needs in equipped laboratory for Commun
research the fields of life practical is constructed ity,
laboratory sciences, Donors
agriculture, food
science etc.
4 Developing -To improve the -Improved system is GoSL, TU 0.1 0.1
information and work and activities developed for the Commun
communication inside the university ity,
system entire university by
university. transforming it
into online system
5 Establishment of -To carryout -Research and GoSL, TU 0.9 0.9
Research and scientific publication section is Commun
publications researches and to established ity,
section produce Donors
6 Provision of in- -To give the -Regular trainings is 0.04 0.04 0.8
house trainings lecturers proper in- provided once each four
house upgrading month
Total 0.085 0.04 0.105 1.175

1.3 Health Sector
Situation Analysis

Gabiley region consist of 6 districts; Gabiley, Arabsiyo, Wajaale, Allay baday, Agabar, Geed balaadh. The
population of the region is estimated 200,000 where population relies on agro/pastor in the term of health the
region have two hospitals; General hospital and TB hospital with the total beds 180 patients. The other facilities
that regional health have include two standardized laboratories one for general hospital, one for TB hospital,
theatre, pharmacy, wards and kitchen services

The region has 6 MCHs and the total health staff number are 78 staff with different titles: 3 doctors, 10 nurses, 35,
Auxiliaries and 30 subordinate staff all these number are in the payroll of ministry of health.

Apart from the above, there are 55 staff members working in the Gabiley region health facilities as voluntary and
not yet recruited.

Table 3: UN/NGOs that support Gabiley health facilities

Name of supporting agency Type of support Where
World vision TB and MCHs Gab TB and MCH Arabsiyo
ICRC MCH Alaybaday
GAVI/HSS/Unicef WHO Training of ladies and MCH Training center

PROGRESSIO Integration and preventing and Gabiley, Wajaale

treating services
IGAD HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment Wajaale

IFAD Health post drug supply ambulance Allay baday



For the strengthening of primary health care in the areas of nomadic village living in harsh conditions with the
possibility access to health facilities, especially health posts activation and properly functioning in order to sustain
referral system practice.

31 female health workers are recently trained and deployed to their original village and 9 of health post this project
is conducted and enabled by Gavi/Hss.


 Lack of full region

 Lack of skilled staff
 Inadequate of health facilities
 Unavailability of ART Center
 Inadequate coordination mechanism for public private partnership in health
 Inadequate follow up on implementation of policies, guidelines, standards and protocols
 More health staff are under unpaid
 Weak relation with NGOs and regional medical officer
 Inadequate vehicles for immunization and transportation
 One MCH with 50, 000 inhabitants in the capital


 Two MCHs building in the capital one in the south and one in the west

 Building Wajaale hospital
 Building of MCHs at GeedBalaadh, Xuunshalay and Boocda Kabaab
 Health posts expansion
 Use of Research and health information outcomes
 Coverage of immunization in all villages of region
 Community first to serve and satisfy commitment and collaboration
 An increase of technical staff such as doctors, nurses and technicians
 Realization of region
 Establishment of large pharmacy
 Fence between the two hospital mental and general
 Completion of mental hospital

Projects and Programs

 Two MCHs building in the capital one in the south and one in the west
 Building Wajaale hospital
 Building of MCHs at Geedbalaadh, xuunshalay and Boocda Kabaab
 Health posts expansion
 Coverage of immunization in all villages of region
 Community first to serve and satisfy commitment and collaboration
 An increase of technical staff such as doctors, nurses and technicians
 Establishment of large pharmacy
 Fence between the two hospital mental and general
 Completion of mental hospital

Matrix 3: Health Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

Goal To strengthen the institutional capacity of regional health sector

Strategic To provide essential health services at regional level
Objectives To improve availability and quality of essential drugs
To improve regional maternal health and child nutrition
No Project title Project Objectives Project outputs Sources Implementin Yearly budget Total
(priorities) of Funds g agency 2014 2015 2016 budget
1. Two MCHs -To reduce maternal -Maternal and childhood GoSL, MoH 0.05 0.05 0.1
building in the ,parental, infant, and mortality rate is reduced Commun
capital one in the childhood mortality -Access to health is ity,
south and one in -To Improve access to improved Donors
the west health system -New MCHs is constructed
-To reduce the overload and equipped and their staff
work of the existing MCH is recruited
2. Building Wajaale - To provide efficient -Medical services of Wajaale GoSL, MoH 0.2 0.2
hospital medical services to the community is improved Commun
Wajaale community through the construction of ity
Hospital Donors
3. Building of - To reduce maternal - Maternal and childhood GoSL, MoH 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.15
MCHs at ,parental, infant, and mortality rate is reduced Commun
Geedbalaadh, childhood mortality -New MCHs is constructed ity
xuunshalay and and equipped and their staff Donors
Boocdakabaab is recruited

4. Health posts -To increase the -New health posts is GoSL, MoH 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.35
expansion availability basic health constructed at the rural Commun
care system through all villages ity
the region Donors

5. Coverage of - To reduce and prevent -an immunization covered all GoSL, MoH 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15
immunization in the spread of diseases the region is carried out Commun
all villages of among the regional ity,
region Donors

6. Community first -To improve the -An awareness campaigns is GoSL, MoH 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.08
to serve and collaboration between the carried out through all the Commun
satisfy community and the health region ity,
commitment and care authorities Donors

7. An increase of -To provide the best -Qualified health workers is GoSL, MoH
technical staff service delivery to the recruited Commun
such as doctors, community ity,
nurses and -To enhance the quality of Donors
technicians service provision

8. Establishment of -To get an enough space -Improved pharmacy is GoSL, MoH 0.08 0.08
large pharmacy to store drugs constructed Commun
9. Fence between -to separate each other -a fence between the two GoSL, MoH 0.04 0.04
the two hospital from the two hospitals hospitals is constructed Commun
mental and ity,
general Donors

10. Completion of -To Assist people - Mental hospital is GoSL, MoH 0.07 0.07
mental hospital with mental illness in completed Commun
leading more productive ity,
and autonomous lifestyles Donors

Total 0.21 0.55 0.46 1.22

1.4 Labour and Social affairs Sector

Situational Analysis:

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is relatively a new ministry. Before 2010, the mandates of Labour and
Social Affairs were previously part of the Ministry of Health and Labour and Ministry of Family and Social Affairs
mandates respectively. Currently, Labour and Social Affairs programs are not only prioritized in the current new
system of government as important but are organized together in one program for a single Ministry. Starting from
2010, the labour and social development programs will be coordinated and pursued under the responsibility of the
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The MoLSA office of Gabiley region was firstly established in October

 Lack of district offices
 Shortage of Professional staff
 Insufficient Budget for the office
 Lack of capacity building for the staff
 Absence of transportation
 Weak enforcement of Somaliland Labour/Employment Law
 Weak implementation of Gender policy
 Weak coordination among the Regional Ministries
 Lack of community awareness in human rights
 Widespread youth and women unemployment
 Lack of protection of vulnerable community groups (e.g. disabilities)
 Huge practice of FGM/C in the region
 Lack of orphanage centre in the region
 Construction of district offices
 Recruitment of additional professional staff (8)
 Increase Budget for the office
 Provision of trainings and seminars for the staff
 provision of transportation
 Enforcement of Somaliland Labour/Employment Law
 Proper implementation of Gender policy
 Enhancing the coordination among the Regional Ministries
 human rights community awareness raising
 Job creation for youth and women
 protection for vulnerable community groups (e.g disabilities)
 Elimination of FGM/C practice in the region
 Construction of orphanage centre in the region

 Recruitment of additional professional staff (16)
 Increase Budget for the office
 Provision of trainings and seminars for the staff
 provision of transportation
 Proper implementation of Gender policy
 Enhancing the coordination among the Regional Ministries
 Job creation for youth and women
 protection for vulnerable community groups (e.g disabilities)
 Elimination of FGM/C practice in the region
 Construction of orphanage centre in the region
Matrix 4: Labour and Social Affairs Sector and Implementation Matrix

No Goal To contribute to poverty reduction through decent work with the focus on youth

Strategic Objectives To increase employment creation for poverty alleviation

To promote the socio-economic rights of marginalized groups

To assist the disabled a decent and honorable living in the region

Project title Project Objectives Project Sources of Implementi Yearly Budget Total
outputs Funds ng agency budget
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 (USD

1 Construction of Gabiley To strength the 1 office GoSL, MoLSA 0.042 0.042

regional office capacities of the constructed in Community
regional office Gabiley , Donors

2 Provision of trainings and To promote the 2 trainings GoSL, MoLSA 0.01 0.02
seminars for the staff quality of the staff provided staff Community
of the sector , Donors

3 Construction of orphanages To construct Orphanages GoSL, MoLSA 0.1 0.1 0.2

and street children centers orphanages for and street Community
in the region protecting children's , Donors
vulnerable children centre be
constructed in

4 provision of transportation To provide 3 3 vehicles GoSL, MoLSA 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.075
vehicles to regional provided to Community
office and districts regional and , Donors
district offices

5 Recruitment of To recruit adequate Staff of 16 GoSL, MoLSA 4 staff 4 staff 8 staff

additional professional staff and training persons Community
staff (16) them on the recruited and , Donors
necessary skills trained

Total 0.125 0.135 0.067 0.337

1.5 Youth, sports and Culture sector

Situational Analysis
According to Somaliland‘s National Development Plan (NDP), unemployment among youth stands at 75 per cent,
which is much higher than the nation‘s average of 61.5 per cent in urban areas and 40.7 per cent in rural and
nomadic areas.

One of the main sector challenges identified was the difficulty of obtaining new playgrounds. Since the collapse
of Somali regime in 1991, public lands were grabbed and claimed by individuals


 Lack of regional office premises for youth and sports in Gabiley region
 Shortage of sports staff for the sector
 Absence of training opportunities for sports Staff and Referees in the region
 Absence of sporting facilities and goods for all types of sports in the region

 Lack of Transportation for the sector
 Absence of awareness-raising on dangers of illegal migration
 Ease of accessibility of drugs and increase of drug addictions
 Absence of vocation training opportunities

 Construction of regional office premises for youth and sports in Gabiley region
 Increase the number of sports staff for the sector(12)
 Conduct training opportunities for sports Staff and Referees in the region
 Provision of sporting facilities and goods for all types of sports in the region
 Provision of sufficient Transportation for the sector
 Conduct of awareness-raising on dangers of illegal migration
 Ease of accessibility of drugs and increase of drug addictions
 Creation of vocation training opportunities
 Construction of football and basketball playgrounds in all of the 6 districts of the region
Projects and Programs

 Construction of regional office premises for youth and sports in Gabiley region
 Increase the number of sports staff for the sector(12)
 Conduct training opportunities for sports Staff and Referees in the region
 Provision of sporting facilities and goods for all types of sports in the region
 Provision of sufficient Transportation for the sector (3)

Matrix 5: Youth, sports and cultural Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

GOAL To create favorable environment for youth development

Strategic  To enhance the capacities of youth and sports sector

Objectives  To promote peace education through sports

NO Project title Project objectives Project outputs Sources of Implementin Yearly budget Total
funds g agency budge(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 Millions)

1 Construction of regional To assist youth and 1 office GoSL MoYS&C 0.042 0.042
office premises for youth sports officers have constructed in
and sports in Gabiley office spaces to Donors
Region work, plan. Gabiley Community

Increase the number of To recruit skilled 12 officers for GoSL MoYS&C 2 staff 6 staff 4 12 staff
sports staff for the and motivated youth and sports staff
sector(12) officers for district are hired for the
2 offices sector

Conduct training train youth on 5 trainings GoSL MoYS&C 0.02 0.03 0.05
opportunities for sports different sports skills conducted to
Staff and Referees in the Referees hired Donors
region Community

4 Provision of sporting To provide assorted Assorted GoSL MoYS&C 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.1
facilities and goods for all sporting goods to sporting goods

types of sports in the region sporting youth provided to Donors
sporting youth Community

5 Provision of sufficient To provide sufficient 3 vehicles GoSL MoYS&C 0.025 0.05 0.075
Transportation for the transportation for purchased
sector (3) the sector Donors

6 Creation of vocation To establish a Vocational GoSL MoYS&C 0.05 0.06 0.11

training opportunities furnished and training center
equipped regional established for Donors
vocational training unskilled youth Community
center for youth.

7 Construction of football To purchase land for 6 football GoSL MoYS&C 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.25
and basketball playgrounds playgrounds for playgrounds
in all of the 6 districts of youth to play obtained for Donors
the region youth: Gabiley Community
(3) Wajaale (1)
Alaybaday (1)

Total 0.555 0.262 0.26 0.627

1.6 Religious Affairs and Endowments Sector

Situational Analysis

One of the main mandates of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowment is to execute all religious values in the
region, to register mosques, imams, list Quranic schools, to coordinate between Culimos (religious leaders) in the
region and the Ministry.

 Poor institutional capacity for the sector
 Shortage of staff
 Absence of trainings and seminars
 Lack of office equipment and furniture
 Lack of transportation
 Lack of collaboration between the Ministry and Islamic charity organisations
 Lack of incentives for Culimos in the region


 Enhance institutional capacity for the sector

 Recruitment of additional staff
 Conducting trainings and seminars (specify type of training)
 Provision of office equipment and furniture
 Provision of transportation
 Enhance the collaboration between the Ministry and Islamic charity organisations
 Provision of incentives for Culimos in the region
Programs and Projects
 Enhance institutional capacity for the sector
 Recruitment of additional staff
 Conduct trainings and seminars

 Provision of office equipment and furniture
 Provision of transportation
 Enhance the collaboration between the Ministry and Islamic charity organisations
 Provision of incentives for Culimos in the region
Matrix 6: Religious and Endowment Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

Goal  To improve the proper safeguard for Islamic faith and culture tradition
Strategic  To build the capacity of the regional office of the Ministry of Religion
Objective  To rehab and monitor Koranic schools in Gabiley region
 To supply materials and equipment to mosques
No Project title Project Project outputs Sources Implementing Yearly budget Total
Objectives of Funds agency 2014 2015 2016 budget
1 Enhance -to improve the -provision of capacity GoSL, MRA&E 0.02 0.03 0.05
institutional capacity of the building for the sector Donors,
capacity for the office Communit
2 Recruitment of -To improve the -Five addional staff is GoSL MRA&E 5staff 5staff
additional staff services and recruited
functionality of the
regional office
3 Conduct of -To increase the -two seminars is GoSL MRA&E 0.01 0.01 0.02
trainings and knowledge and conducted annually
seminars capacity of the
Sector Human
4 Provision off -To improve the -office is furnished and GoSL, MRA&E 0.01 0.03 0.04
office equipments used equipped with Donors,
equipment and for work furnitures,computers and Communit
printers y

5 Provision of - to improve the -two vehicles is provided GoSL, MRA&E 0.025 0.025 0.05
transportation coordination and for the Regional office Donors,
(2) communication of
the regional offices
6 Enhance the -to create smooth -Meetings is organized GoSL, MRA&E 0.01 0.01
collaboration environment and conducted
between the enabling proper
Ministry and
Islamic charity
organizations between the
Ministry and the
7 Provision of -To increase their -Incentives is provided GoSL, MRA&E 0.03 0.03
incentives for motivation for the culimos
Culimos in the
Total 0.095 0.095 0.01 0.2

1.7 Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement

Situational Analysis:

MRR&R office in Gabiley was established in 1998 when Somaliland Refugees were coming back to their country
from Ethiopia camps (Harta sheika and Dul'ad), Somaliland Government and UNHCR helped them to come back.


 Lack of Rehabilitation of regional office

 Absence of sufficient staff
 Lack of transportation
 Lack of housing of IDPs
 Lack of IDPs Restocking
 Lack of clean and drinkable water
 Lack of sufficient Latrines for IDPs

 Rehabilitation and equipment of regional office

 Recruitment of sufficient staff (10)
 Provision of transportation (2)
 Construction of 1500 housed for IDPs
 Restocking of IDPs
 Construction of 1000 Barkets for IDPS
 Construction of sufficient Latrines for IDPs (1000)
Projects and Programs

 Rehabilitation and equipment of regional office

 Recruitment of sufficient staff (10)
 Provision of transportation (2)
 Construction of 1500 housed for IDPs
 Restocking of IDPs
 Construction of 1000 Barkets for IDPS
 Construction of sufficient Latrines for IDPs (1000)

Matrix 7: Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Resettlement Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

GOAL To enable IDPs and Refugees become self-reliant and socially re-integrated

Strategic To build the capacity of the offices of MRR&R in the region

Objectives To enable IDPs to return and re-settle

To enable returnees re-integrate back into the society

Project title Project Project Sources of funds Implementing Yearly budget Total
objectives outputs agency budge(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 Millions)

1 Rehabilitation of To Regional GoSL MRR&R 0.042 0.042

MRR&R regional office Rehabilitate office fully
Gabiley rehabilitated Donors
regional office Community

Construction of 1500 To provide 1500 houses GoSL MRR&R 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
houses of IDPs in major housing to constructed
camps IDPs for IDPs in Donors
the region Community

Recruitment off To recruit 10 officers GoSL MRR&R 3 staff 4 staff 3 staff 10 staff
additional Staff for the skilled and for youth
sector (10) motivated and sports
3 officers for are hired for
district offices the sector

4 Construction of 1000 To increase the 1000 water GoSL MRR&R 0.1 0.2 0.3

Barkets for IDPS accessibility of Barkets Donors
clean water constructed Community

5 Provision of To provide 3 strong GoSL MRR&R 0.05 0.05

Transportation sufficient vehicles
transportation purchased Donors
means for the for the Community
sector sector

6 Construction of To improve 1000 latrine GoSL MRR&R 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.14
sufficient Latrines for sanitation and provided to
IDPs (1000) eliminate vulnerable Donors
transmitted IDPs Community

Total 1.15 1.142 1.24 3.532


2.1 National Planning and Development Sector

Situational Analysis

The regional Ministry of National Planning and Development is responsible for the implementation of national
development policy in the region. The mandate of the ministry includes:

 Collection and analysis of data and other relevant information in collaboration with the regional offices and
other sectors
 Establishing Regional development oversight committee.
 Ensuring the implementation and supervision of three year regional development plan of sectors.

 Lack of Regional office

 Lack of regional transportation office
 Lack of sufficient staff
 Poor coordination among the regional coordinators

 Construction of Regional office

 To purchase a vehicle for the regional office activities.
 Recruitment of additional staff (5)
Projects and Programs

 Construction of Regional Office

 Purchase a vehicle for the regional office activities.(1)

 Recruitment of 5 additional staff

Matrix 8: National Planning and Development Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

NO GOAL To realize regional development plan by building on National Development Plan

Strategic To build the capacities of the MoNPD offices in the region

Objectives assist development sectors on planning developmental activities

Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 Millions)

1 Rehabilitation of Regional To construct 1 fully GoSL MoNPD 0.042 0.042

Office MoNP&D equipped
regional office office Donors
constructed Community
for the sector

Purchase a vehicle for the To provide 1 strong GoSL MoNPD 0.025 0.025
regional office activities.(1) transportation vehicle
2 for MoNP&D purchased for Donors
regional office the sector Community

3 Recruitment of 5 staff MoNPD 2 staff 3 staff 5 staff

Total 0.067 0.067

2.2 Agricultural Sector
Situational Analysis

The economy of the region depends on livestock rearing and agriculture production. Majority of the population in
the region area agro-pastoral that use cereals such as maize, sorghum and barley to supplement their daily living
and serve as a food security for the families.

Gabiley has a total land area of about 4,328 square km of this 37% is suitable for rain fed agriculture, 11% has
potential for irrigated agriculture.

The estimated number of rain fed farms is 37,000 farms and the estimated number of irrigated farms is 6,700
farms. Average farm size of the rain fed farms 8ha – 12ha and the irrigated farms is 2-4ha.
Rain fed farms is the main agricultural production system and is used for cereal crop production mainly sorghum
and maize. Sorghum is the dominant crop production of the rain fed agricultural land, maize is the second cereal
grown as food for human consumption. Other crops such as sesame, cowpea, watermelon and barley are rarely
grown in scattered marginal levels.

Irrigation farming farmers mainly grow vegetables and fruit crops. The harvested of this type of production are
destined for commercial use.

Agriculture with the application of new system, technology and new methods for farming it is generally noticeable
that the region's agricultural productivity is increasing year after year, even though the demand for the agricultural
products in the country is far greater than the supply in this sector of the economy. Only huge public and private
investment in this sector will increase the productivity and the supply of the Region.


 Inadequate Rainfall

Rainfall, which ranges from 500mm to 600mm p.a. and is characterized by erratic distribution, is the major
constraint on agricultural production in Somaliland. This constraint has limited cropping activities in the arable
lands of the country, affecting even drought-tolerant cereal crops such as sorghum, which has traditionally been
produced in much larger quantities than other cereals. The farmers also try to grow maize, but as it has lower
drought resistance, good harvests are assured in only good rainfall years, for which the reliably predictive figure
would be only 3 out of 5 years.

 Degradation of Agricultural Land through Soil Erosion

Most of the crop land has been subjected to soil erosion partly due to poor farming practices. This problem has
been aggravated by a combination of indiscriminate de-vegetation, intensive downpours, and overgrazing. The
seriousness of the erosion problem is evidenced by the presence of huge gullies around and within many farms.

 Poor Agronomic and Cultural Practices

With respect to rain-fed agriculture, this deficiency pertains to mono-cropping or dual-cropping. Currently, farmers
grow mainly two cereal crops, namely sorghum and maize, a practice that contributes to the depletion of soil
fertility. Other problems include untimely sowing, lack of seed selection, seed broadcasting, lack of crop rotation,
and inadequate weed control.

 Lack of Appropriate Technology

Farmers lack appropriate technologies matching those used in neighboring countries, which meet international
standards. Even where the technologies are available, the farmers lack the financial capacity to procure and apply
them. In addition to these shortcomings, farmers lack the knowledge and skills necessary for the improvement of
agricultural performances.

 Farm Inputs

Although farm inputs are available to some extent, they are unaffordable to the majority of farmers. The quality of
imported inputs, such as seed and agro-chemicals, cannot be assured

 Loss of Farm Labor through Rural-urban Migration

Over the last three to four decades, there has been a great deal of migration by agro-pastoral labor to urban areas, a
trend which has resulted in a shortage of labor in terms of both quantity and quality. This has been mainly due to:
 Low farm incomes
 Civil strives
 Recent urbanization with opportunities of a better pay for unskilled labour

 Poor Marketing Infrastructure and Services

Poor marketing has affected agricultural production and the income levels of farm families. This is particularly the
case in the horticulture sub-sector, which has been impacted by a combination of factors: inadequate market
information, competition for the local market with neighboring countries, poor feeder roads, lack of marketing
organizations, and lack of capacity for agro-processing.

 High Cost of Irrigation

The high cost of irrigation is related to the high cost of fuel, inefficient irrigation methods, and frequent repairs and
reconstruction of shallow wells, the main (and in many cases the only) source of water for irrigation.

 Prevention of degradation on agricultural land through a Soil erosion by teaching the farmers the best
practice of farming
 Avoidance of Poor Agronomic and Cultural Practices
 Provision of appropriate farm technologies for the farmers in order to be competitive
 Provision of quality Farm Inputs to the farmers such as seed and agro-chemicals
 Overcoming Loss of Farm Labor through Rural-urban Migration by encouraging the farmers and preparing
them a suitable market for their product
 Strengthen the Marketing Infrastructure and Services
 Supporting the farmers to prevent the high cost of irrigation.

Projects and Programs

 Teaching the farmers the best practice of farming to prevent degradation on agricultural land through soil
 Provision of appropriate farm technologies for the farmers in order to be competitive
 Provision of quality Farm Inputs to the farmers such as seed and agro-chemicals
 Overcoming Loss of Farm Labor through Rural-urban Migration by encouraging the farmers and preparing
them a suitable market for their product
 Strengthen the Marketing Infrastructure and Services
 Supporting the farmers to prevent the high cost of irrigation.
Matrix 9: Agriculture Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

Goal To ensure food security and sustainable agricultural development

Strategic Objective To build the institutional capacity of the sector at the district level
To coordinate the sector activities in the districts
To improve agricultural production and productivity at the regional level

To improve the agricultural support services
No Project title Project Objectives Project outputs Sources Implemen Yearly budget Total
(priorities) of Funds ting 201 201 201 budget(US
agency 4 5 6 D)
1 Prevention of Soil -To overcome combination of -Farmers GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14
erosion by teaching indiscriminate de-vegetation, understood the Donors 4 5 5
the farmers the best intensive downpours, and best practice of
overgrazing farming
practice of farming

2 Provision of -To increase the Agricultural -Appropriate GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14
appropriate farm productivity farm 4 5 5
technologies for the -and to develop sustainable technologies is
agricultural system provided for the
farmers in order to
be competitive

3 Provision of quality -To improve the agricultural - Agricultural GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.12
Farm Inputs to the products inputs is Donors, 3 5 4
farmers such as seed provided for the Commun
farmers ity
and agro-chemicals

4 Overcoming Loss of -To overcome loss of farm -suitable market GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.11
Farm Labor through labors through Rural-urban for farmer‘s Donors, 5 6
Rural-urban migration and to provide products is Commun
encouragement to the farmers prepared ity
Migration by
encouraging the
farmers and
preparing them a
suitable market for
their product

5 Strengthen the -To reduce the infrastructure -Infrastructure GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.012
Marketing caused delays to the like roads is Commun 3 4 5
Infrastructure and agricultural products improved ity
-To provide improved
infrastructure for the farmers
6 Supporting the -To increase the productivity -Free hours is GoSL, MoA 0.0 0.0 0.07
farmers to prevent of farmers by supporting provided for the Donors, 3 4
the high cost of providing them irrigation farmers Commun
services ity

Total 0.2 0.2 0.2

2 3 5 0.592

2.3 Livestock Sector

Situational Analysis

Livestock production has been the mainstay for the people of Somaliland. Livestock production is predominantly
pastoral and agro pastoral employing over 70% of the population.

Livestock production contributes 60%of GDP and about 85% of foreign earnings. Livestock is the source of
pastoral livelihood, contributes to government revenues and provides employment to a wide range of professionals
and service providers. Somaliland has had a long history of live animals export to the Arabian Gulf states through
the Berbera port. These exports have experienced a series of trade embargos due to suspicions of diseases like Rift
valley fever, Peste des Petites Ruminants (PPR) and suspected presence of render pest. The bans have adversely
affected the income and livelihoods of the pastoralist‘s families sand national economy in general.

Livestock staffs in Gabiley are 10 permanent staffs and 6 working volunteers. 3 females and the rest are males
most of workers work in Tog-Wajaale which is the biggest oxen market in Somaliland.

 Livestock production constraints:

 Livestock diseases.
 Range degradation such as –qadhaadhe/car-itaabo/tiin/garan-waa/cali-garoob.
 Improper range and land use.
 Insufficient and Irregular rainfall.
 Institutional weakness.
 Weak institutional framework and lack of control coordination.
 Weak law enforcement schemes.
 Lack of adequate services and coordination.
 Poor and inadequate laboratory.
 Lack of export livestock services.
 Limited human resources both public and private.
 Financial constraints:
 Low government budgetary allocations.
 Donor funds are mostly relief or emergency and not development orient.
 Absence of private sector investments.


 Construction regional office equipping and furnishing it.

 Purchase of one four drive vehicles for office use in Gabiley.
 Formation of solar cold-chain for keeping vaccines.
 Formation vet. Pharmacy which supply low drug price to assistance and CAHWS working in villages.

 Development of forage production for feeding animals during winters.
 Formation holding ground in tog-Wajaale which the biggest market in east Africa.
 Development of more meat factories in Somaliland which import chilly meat instead of live animals.

Projects and Programs

 Construction regional office equipping and furnishing it.

 Purchase of one four drive vehicles for office use in Gabiley.
 Formation of solar cold-chain for keeping vaccines.
 Formation vet. Pharmacy which supply low drug price to assistance and CAHWS working in villages.
 Development of forage production for feeding animals during winters.
 Formation holding ground in tog-Wajaale which the biggest market in east Africa.
 Development of more meat factories in Somaliland which import chilly meat instead of live animals.
Matrix 10: Livestock Sector budget and Implementation Matrix

Goal To create enhanced livestock productions that contribute to sustained growth

Strategic Objective To increase livestock productivity
To eradicate major livestock diseases
To improve livestock marketing infrastructure and increase export earnings
No Project title Project Project Sources Implementi Yearly budget Total
(priorities) Objectives outputs of Funds ng agency 2014 2015 2016 budget(USD
1 Construction To enhance Regional GoSL, MoL 0.042 0.02 0.062 0.042
regional office the offices Donors,
equipping and institutional constructe Communit
furnishing it. capacity of d
the sector

2 Purchase of one 4wd To One 4wd GoSL, MoL 0.025
vehicles for office supervise vehicles Donors, 0.025 0.025
use in Gabiley. the work provided Communit
sustainably to
and to carry Livestock
out regional
activities by office at
using it gabiley

3 Formation of solar -To protect -Solar GoSL, MoL 0.05 0.05

cold-chain for vaccines cold-chain Donors,
keeping vaccines. is Communit
establishe y
4 Formation vet. -support -Vet GoSL, MoL 0.05 0.09 0.05
Pharmacy which CAHWS pharmacy Donors,
supply low drug working in is Communit
the villages constructe y
price to assistance
d and
and CAHWS equipped
working in villages. with drugs
at gabiley
5 Development of -To feed -Forage GoSL, MoL 0.06 0.06 0.06
forage production animals productio Donors,
for feeding animals during n sites is Communit
winter establishe y
during winters.
d and
6 Formation holding -To prevent Holding GoSL, MoL 0.08

ground in tog- the spread ground is Donors,
Wajaale which the of livestock establishe Communit
biggest market in diseases d at y
east Africa.

7 Development of -To increase -Meat GoSL, MoL 0.2 0.2

more meat factories our imports factories Communit
in Somaliland which over the is y
world developed
import chilly meat
instead of live

Total 0.177 0.27 0.567 0.177

2.4 Trade and International Investment

Situational Analysis

The Ministry of commerce and international has the responsible to facilitate and enhance sustainable trade and
commerce development in the state as well as promotion of Investment, including provision of business support
service through the use of highly motivated, efficiency and effective workforce . The existence of the ministry is
committed to sustaining the tempo of commerce and investment activities. It has also the responsibility of
organizing trade fairs, exhibitions and export promotion activities which allows manufactures to display their
product , goods and service to local , international investors and patrons .

Gabiley region is one of the density populated regions in Somaliland. It is the leading Agriculture region and the
second to Sahil region in terms of Government revenue.

In Gabiley region, this sector has recently acquired one office but no equipments provided. there are 16 Employees
in the sector (2 female and 14 male ), One of them is Grade ‗A‘, ten of them are grade B and the rest are grade
C. No vehicle is available for the sector.


 Lack of transport
 No enough training and development programs for the staff
 Marketing constraints, Including access to regional and International Markets and diversification of
 Low trading skills among merchants competing over a narrow spectrum of goods
 Problem of license classification deterring wholesalers competing with retailers, such law was adopted in
2004 but not enforced.
 Weak awareness among traders and general public on commercial and Investment laws and regulations.
 Lack of Entrepreneurship skills among youth and fresh graduates.
 Access to credit by small business.
 Absence of regional Chamber of Commerce office in the region.
 Sector and professional Business Forums are not well organized.


 Economic development is a National priority

 Public support on Infrastructure development
 Construction of Kalabaydh-Wajaale road.
 Investment Promotion portfolio added to the Ministry of Commerce.
 Somaliland Special Arrangement Framework


 Construction of regional office and Furnishing it.

 One Stop Shop Implementation
 Purchase of 4 vehicles for office use
 Explore marketing options and overcoming marketing constraints.
 Conduct awareness among traders (15days) and general public (30days) on commercial laws and
 Developing Sector, Regional and Professional bodies among the Business Community.
 Access to credit for Small Business in the region.
 Develop entrepreneurship skills in the region.
 Staff Training.
 Foreign Investment promotion
 Engaging Public Private Partnership.
 Business Demarcation (Re-enforcement of license classification into importers, wholesalers and retailers)

Project and programs

 Construction and providing equipments to the regional office

 Recruitment of new staff
 Purchase of 4 vehicles for the regional office
 Conducting training for traders as well as general public on commercial laws and regulation
 One stop Shop
 Risk Assessment on Foreign Investments and Mitigation mechanisms.
 Business Demarcation

Matrix 11: Trade and International Investment Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

GOAL To achieve saver and effective commercial development for enhancing regional economic growth

Strategic To implement the set regulatory frame fork for commercial enterprises for enhancing save and effective
commercial growth
To enhance the internet regional trade for increase d the social wellbeing of the society

NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 Millions)

1 Construction and To construct 1 office GoSL MoT&II 0.025 0.025

equipment of regional and equip constructed
office regional office and Donors
for the sector equipped Community
for the

To recruit 5 staff GoSL MoT&II 2 staff 3 staff 5 staff

skilled and recruited
Recruitment of new staff support staff for for
2 the sector Commerce

To provide 4 4 vehicles GoSL MoT&II 0.025 0.05 0.025 0.1

vehicle for the purchased
Purchase of 4 vehicles of regional office Donors
regional office Community


Provision of training To train traders 2 trainings GoSL MoT&II 0.02 0.03 0.05
among traders and and general provided
general public on public to the for traders Donors
4 commercial laws and appliance of and general Community
regulation commercial public

5 One stop Shop enterprise To speed up the One stop GoSL MoT&II 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06
registration registration shop
Implementation process of implementa Donors
Implementation tion office Community
partners opened

6 Capacity on Risk To assess the foreign GoSL MoT&II 0.04 0.05 0.09
Assessment on Foreign risk of foreign investment
Investments and investment risk Donors
Mitigation mechanisms. assessed Community

7 Developing Business To increase 4 trainings GoSL MoT&II 0.01 0.02 0.03

Community capacity and business conducted
Encouraging Business Community to Business Donors
Community organizations ‘s community Community
organizations. capacity

Total 0.09 0.12 0.145 0.355

2.5 Industry Sector:

 Absence of regional offices

 Absence of sufficient skilled staff
 insufficient financial resources
 Lack of mobility and transportation for monitoring and sampling
 Poor understanding of small business and entrepreneur


 The Government intends to put in place measures to create opportunities for investment in small scale
businesses and industries that use local inputs
 The government voluntary ready to contribute the land appropriate for the industries
 Gabiley is the region of production at the side of sorghum, maize, wheat , etc so
 Its good opportunity to build this kind of industries


 Construction of Gabiley regional office

 Recruitment of 5 additional skilled staff
 Allocation of sufficient financial resources
 Provision of 2 vehicles for the sector
 Conduct trainings to enhance understanding of small business and entrepreneurship

Projects and Programs
 Construction of Gabiley regional office
 Recruitment of 5 additional skilled staff
 Allocation of sufficient financial resources
 Provision of 2 vehicles for the sector
 Conduct trainings to enhance understanding of small business and entrepreneurship

Matrix 12: Industries Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

No Goal To invigorate the growth and development of existing and potential industries

Strategic Objectives To build the institutional capacities of sectors in the region

To create financing sources for existing and potential small and medium enterprises
To improve the entrepreneurial skills of owners/investors of small scale enterprises
To explore and promote potential tourism sites in the region
Project title Project Objectives Project Sources of Impleme Yearly budget Total
outputs Funds nting 2014 2015 2016
(priorities) USD

1. Construction of Gabiley To equip the regional Erigavo office GoSL MoI 0.01 0.01
regional office offices in Erigavo equipped Donors
2. Recruitment of 5 additional To recruit additional 5 additional staff GoSL MoI 3 2 5 staff
skilled staff staff to increase the recruited for the Donors staff staff
productivity sector Community

3. Provision of 2 vehicles for the To provide 2 vehicle GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05
sector transportation for purchased in

management order to increase Donors
the accessibility

Total 0.01 0.025 0.025 0.06

3.1 Water Resources
Gabiley is the head quarter of Gabiley Region which lies 56km in the west direction of Hargeisa. The Gabiley
region consists of six districts which are as flows:

1. Gabiley, 2.wajaale

3. Arbsiyo 4.Agabar

5. Geed-balaadh 6.Alay baday

The approximate altitude from the sea level is 1240-1610m. The region have 50km long boundary with the
neighboring country of Ethiopia, east side Gabiley, west and north Awdal region. The usual rainfall perception
average reaches 300mm-583mm according to the metrological dates.

The population of Gabiley region is estimated up to 250,000 persons plus the daily comers from the nearby agro
pastoral communities‘ villages.

Gabiley region is common in farming of crops and has every long background that goes back up to early 1890 th.
There are three parallel dry rivers those meet in the north area of Gabiley town and it is where the name of Gabiley
comes from, where there are very old shallow wells, some of them are prehistoric age, those are the Gabiley town
water consumption depends on up to now, with the estimation of 30 percent – where the other 70 % get the
consumption water from Botor wells west direction of Gabiley, pore hole that was drilled during 2008 by the EU
funded and Arabian donated, which is managed by SAMSAM company as PPP.

Considering the daily water consumption of per 20 liters per person will be 900m.cubic per day and it is the last
estimation during the last year.

Those other five districts in the region there are no Water Supple System or adequate and clean water but it well be
the main priority for the next year.

 Wajaale district ( on going by Unicef, UNHABITAT )

 Arabsiyo district (on going by Islamic relief )
 Geed-balaadh
 Agabar
 Alay baday

The current situation of water supply and water requirement

There are four pore holes in the west of Gabiley town is working continue, minimum capacities are 3600m3 a day.
to connected water system of kalabaydh ,Boqor, and Gabiley the total house hold used clean water from Botor up
to 1465 house Geedbalaadh and Damero-boob areas three boreholes is working seasonal time

Table 4: Gabiley Public water sources

District Barked Dam Shallow Pore hole Function Abendent Total
Gabiley 17 15 50 8 6 2
Wajaale - 20 - - - 4
Arabsiyo 7 10 80 1 1 -
Allay Baday 20 105 - 2 2 -
Agabar - - 40 - - 1
Geed Balaadh - 15 - 2 2 -


 The dissemination of national water act.

 Regulatory frame work
 Water policy
 Water strategy
 Water act
 Water regulation


1. Limited government budget

2. Land conflicts
3. Lack of heavy equipment like drilling rig maintenance crane and bulldozer

 Poor institutional capacity of the sector
 Shortage of staff
 Lack of transportation
 Shortage of staff
 water shortage
 Lack of Regional Master plan
 low monitory and evaluation
 lack of awareness
 Enhancement of institutional capacity of the sector
 Recruitment of additional staff (6)
 Provision of one vehicle for the sector
 Explore of new water sources
 Prepare regional master plane
 Tog-Wajaale water construction
 Arabsiyo water extension
Projects and Programs

 Construction of Regional office

 Recruitment of additional staff (6)
 Provision of one vehicle for the sector
 Explore of new water sources
 Prepare regional master plane
 Tog-Wajaale water construction
 Arabsiyo water extension
Matrix 13: Water Resource Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

NO GOAL Improvement of easy accessibility, affordability, and equitable distribution of water in sustainable way

Strategic  To build the capacity of water sector offices

Objectives  To enable rural communities and livestock have an easy access to constant supply of water at
affordable prices

Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 Millions)

1 Construction of Gabiley To establish 1 office GoSL MoWR 0.042 0.042
Regional office water constructed Donors
resources in Community
offices in
Hargeisa Hargeisa

Provide vehicles for To build the 1 vehicle GoSL MoWR 0.025 0.025 0.05
facilitation of the regional capacity of provided to
office activities( 1) Water Hargeisa Donors
resource office Community
office by
them 2

Recruit sufficient and well To recruit 12 water GoSL MoWR 2 staff 2 staff 2 staff 6 staff
qualified office staff and skilled and staff
3 technicians (6) support staff recruited
for Water

4 Prepare regional master To explore All water GoSL MoWR 0.3 0.3
plane water source source areas
areas should be Donors
recognized Community

5 Tog-Wajaale water To construct Wajaale GoSL MoWR 0.3 0.3

construction Wajaale water
water supply system Donors
system constructed Community

6 Arabsiyo water extension To enlarge Fully GoSL MoWR 0.2 0.2
Arabsiyo functioning
water system water Donors
supply Community
To complete system
water completed

Total 0.867 0.025 0.892 0.867

4.1 Somaliland Quality Control Commission
Situation Analysis

SQCC was legally established on the 26th of September in 2010, Somaliland lacks a structure or a mechanism for
testing consumer goods and ensuring the health and safety of its people. This opens the door to all types of
products being imported from all corners of the world without any regulations whatsoever;

Consequently, the markets are flooded with low quality products some of which are not safe for consumption. Such
goods range from foodstuffs, clothing, building materials, cleaning and sanitation products, children‘s products,
electronic goods, home appliances, electrical accessories, fuels and car accessories, toothpaste, chewing gum, soft
drinks and the list goes on. The health and safety of the consumer market in Somaliland is evidently bleak when
one looks at the overall picture for no area can be considered safe enough

The markets need to be brought to the level of other markets in the world in terms of safety and quality. The rights
of consumers can no longer be ignored, complacency must be discarded away and product safety and quality must
be of high priority. Peoples‘ lives should be protected, and businesses should be informed of the fact that some of
the products they are being sold (by different companies around the world) are poor in quality and not fit for
consumption. It is this need for consumer protection that leads to the creation of Somaliland Quality Control
Commission (SQCC) whose purpose is to safeguard the rights and wellbeing of the consumers

The SQCC is working to put into place a set of standards that should be met by all importers, manufacturers and
distributors of products such as food products, drugs and medicines, cosmetics, agricultural products and veterinary
products. These consumer products must adhere to a defined set of quality criteria and meet the requirements of the
SQCC. With regard to products that are donated, the SQCC is required to meet with and carry out discussions with
all organizations and aid groups that are involved with the distribution of donated food and medical supplies. The

commission has its headquarters based in Hargeisa, and has 9 other regional offices located in Berbera, Burao,
Borama, Erigavo, Laas Anod, Zeila, Gabiley and Wajaale. And also Ainabo

The SQCC has 2 employees of grade B and operates Gabiley and Wajaale


 The drug/food importers association has agreed to cooperate and work closely with the SQCC on matters
regarding drug quality standards
 The SQCC has established preliminary guidelines for the regulation and supervision of both food safety and
drug quality standards
 Most of the community satisfy or rupture our service so these things lead us to double or work


The main challenges to be dealt include:

 Lack of Regional office

 Lack of trained staff with the necessary technical skills
 Lack of Quality Control lab
 Lack of adequate financial resources
 Lack of mobility and transportation for monitoring and sampling
 Inability to assist consumers in evaluating the safety of consumer products
 Poor understanding of the duties of the commission from the community
 Lack of offices and stores


 Construction of regional office

 Hiring consultants, qualified professionals and other experts in the field
 Planning and developing a framework for maintaining QC methods and practices
 Establishing relations with relevant institutions inside and outside the country
 providing training programs and carrying out public awareness campaigns
 Establishing specifications for all consumer products
 Promoting research and investigation into the causes and prevention of product related deaths, illness and
Projects and Programs

 Construction of regional office

 Hiring consultants, qualified professionals and other experts in the field
 Establishing specifications for all consumer products
 providing training programs and carrying out public awareness campaigns
 Promoting research and investigation into the causes and prevention of product related deaths, illness and
 Construction and equipment of stores
 Provision of Quality Control lab

Matrix 14: Somaliland Quality Control commission Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
GOAL Protect the safety of Regional consumers from unnecessary injuries caused by defective, substandard, or
expired consumer products

Strategic To stop dangerous products from entering the stream of Trade and identify hazardous products

Objectives To Implement national standards for imported and locally manufactured consumer products

Protect the safety of Regional consumers from unnecessary injuries caused by defective, substandard, or
expired consumer products

NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of Regional To construct 1 office GoSL SQCC 0.03 0.03

Office and equip constructed
regional office and equipped Donors
for the sector for the sector Community

Purchase a vehicle for the To provide 1 vehicle GoSL SQCC 0.025 0.025
regional office activities.(1) vehicle for the purchased
2 regional office

Recruitment of 5 staff To recruit 5 staff GoSL SQCC 1 4 staff 5 staff

skilled and recruited for staff
support staff for Commerce
3 the sector offices

4 providing training To develop the 6 trainings GoSL SQCC 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.12
programs and carrying out understanding provided to
public awareness of SQCC in public people Donors
campaigns public people Community

5 Construction and To increase 4 big stores GoSL SQCC 0.05 0.2 0.25
equipment of stores expired food constructed
items storage Donors
spaces Community

6 Provision of Quality To improve the Quality GoSL SQCC 0.1 0.1 0.2
Control lab quality of control lab
imported goods provided Donors

Total 0.09 0.17 0.365 0.625

4.2 Gabiley Regional Administration office

Situation Analysis

Gabiley Region locates on the Somaliland‘s western fertile regions known as ―Dhul-beereed‖, Gabiley Region is
called the bread basket of Somaliland because of its agricultural productivity level compared to the other Regions
of the country, and Gabiley city is the administrative centre of the new region.
The new region is bounded on the west by Awdal Region and on the north by the Gulf of Aden. On the east it is
bordered by the nation‘s capital Hargeisa, and on the south Gabiley region is bounded by the fifth-Somali –State in
the Ethiopian Federation.

The region consists of six main districts, which are as follows:

 Gabiley
 Tog Wajaale
 Allay baday
 Arabsiyo

 Agabar
 Geed-Balaadh


 Lack of proper regional offices

 Shortage of transportation
 Land conflict and disputes

 Construction of proper regional offices

 Provision of transportation (2)
 Conduct awareness in land usage
Projects and programs

 Construction of proper regional offices

 Provision of transportation (2)
 Conduct awareness in land usage
Matrix 15: Regional Administration office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

GOAL To improve the capacity of Gabiley Governor‘s office

Strategic To enhance the capacity of governor‘s office

Objectives To enlarge meeting hall building of the office

NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total
objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of Regional To construct 1 fully GoSL MoI 0.042 0.042

Office R.A.O office equipped
including office Donors
meeting hall constructed Community
for the sector

Purchase a vehicle for the To provide 2 strong GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05
regional office activities.(2) transportation vehicles
for R.A.O office purchased for Donors
the sector Community

Recruitment of 10 To recruit 10 skilled GoSL MoI 3 staff 4 staff 3staff 10 staff

additional staff skilled and staff staff
recruited for
3 R.A.O

Total 0.025 0.042 0.025 0.092

4.3 Gabiley Regional Police office

Situation analysis

Gabiley Regional Police office consist of four district police stations and ten sub Police stations, the police forces
of Gabiley region has six buildings, six vehicles, 4 communication tools and twelve horses.


 Shortage of equipments and Furniture for the sector

 Inadequacy of knowledge of police skills
 Physical deterioration and lack equipment and furniture of the Borama Police Station
 Congested prisons and poor hygiene of temporary prisons
 Absence of Regional traffic department
 Absence of Meeting Hall and food store
 Shortage of police stations
 Lack of Anti demonstration tools ( hats, tear gas)
 Absence of finger print Machines
 Shortage of IT equipments ( Computers, Printers, Laptops and Digital cameras


 Provision of equipments and Furniture for the sector

 Training of 800 police force on proper ethics and discipline
 Improvement of the hygiene situation of temporary prisons
 Rehabilitation and equipping of existing police stations,
 Construction of Regional traffic department
 Construction of Meeting Hall and food store
 Construction of police stations ( Gabiley, Agabar and Damasha )
 Provision of Anti demonstration tools ( hats, tear gas)
 Purchase of finger print Machines
 Provision of IT equipments ( Computers, Printers, Laptops and Digital cameras

Projects and programs

 Provision of equipments and Furniture for the sector

 Training of 800 police force on proper ethics and discipline
 Improvement of the hygiene situation of temporary prisons
 Rehabilitation and equipping of existing police stations,
 Construction of Regional traffic department
 Construction of Meeting Hall and food store
 Construction of police stations ( Gabiley, Agabar and Damasha )
 Provision of Anti demonstration tools ( hats, tear gas)
 Purchase of finger print Machines
 Provision of IT equipments ( Computers, Printers, Laptops and Digital cameras

Matrix 16: Gabiley Regional Police Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
Goal To enhance the capacity, infrastructures, and efficiency of institution

Strategic  To improve the capacity of the Police forces

Objectives  To build more prisons and make them accessible to people
 To obtain adequate regular budget for
 To improve the quality of life of prisoners
S/N Project title Project Objectives Project outputs Sources of Implement Yearly budget Total
Funds ing agency budget(USD
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 MILLION)

1 Provision of To provide -office is fully GoSL MoJ 0.03 0.03

equipments sufficient equipped
equipment and Community
and Furniture
for the sector furniture for the Donors

2 Training of To improve the 3 trainings GoSL MoJ 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.12
800 police police skills and provided to
knowledge police member Community
force on
proper ethics Donors

and discipline
Im Improvements To increase Sanitation is GoSL MoJ 0.06 0.07 0.13
of the cleanness of improved inside
temporary prisons temporary Community
prisons Donors
situation of
4 Rehabilitation To renovate rehabilitate the GoSL MoJ 0.5 0.1 0.15
and equipping Gabiley police Gabiley Police
station stations
of existing
police Donors

5 Construction To improve the Building the GoSL MoJ 0.07 0.07
of Regional usage of public traffic police
roads department Community
traffic police
department Reduce the risk of Donors

traffic movement

6 Construction To provide space 1 meeting hall GoSL MoJ 0.05 0.05 0.11
of Meeting for meetings and and 1 food store
food storing space constructed Community
Hall and food
store Donors

7 Construction To increase the 3 additional GoSL MoJ 0.09 0.09 0.18

of police number of police police stations
stations in the constructed Community
stations (
region Donors
Agabar and
Damasha )
8 Provision of To provide suitable Sufficient tools GoSL MoJ 0.08 0.08
Anti tools for illegal provided
demonstration Community
tools ( hats, Donors

tear gas)

Total 0.1 0.85 0.36 0.87

4.4 Custodial Corps

Gabiley Prison was rehabilitated in 1994-1996, after that long period, the prison was not extended.


 Gabiley prison is too small for the region
 Lack of transport
 Inadequate budget allocation
 Absence of medicine kits
 Lack of fencing of Wajaale Projects
 Absence of Juvenile section
 Lack of Vocational trainings for prisoners


 Extension and equipment of Gabiley prison

 Provision of transportation
 Increase budget allocation
 Provide sufficient medicine kits
 Fencing of Wajaale Project
 Construction of Juvenile section in Gabiley Prison
 Establishment of Vocational training center for prisoners

Projects and Programs

 Extension and equipment of Gabiley prison

 Provision of transportation (4)
 Increase budget allocation
 Provide sufficient medicine kits
 Fencing of Wajaale Project

 Construction of Juvenile section in Gabiley Prison
 Establishment of Vocational training center for prisoners

Matrix 17: Custodial Corps Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

NO GOAL To enhance the capacity, infrastructures, and efficiency of institution

Strategic  To improve the capacity of the custodial corps

Objectives  To build more prisons and make them accessible to people

Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 To extend Gabiley GoSL MoJ 0.1 0.2 0.3

Extension and equipment Gabiley Prison prison
of Gabiley prison extension Donors
built Community

2 To build the 4 vehicles GoSL MoJ 0.025 0.05 0.05 0.1

Provision of transportation capacities of the provided to
custodial corps custodial Donors
corps Community

To increase the Elimination GoSL MoJ 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.09

Provide sufficient supply of of diseases
medicine kits medicine kits among Donors
prisoner Community

4 To reduce the Wajaale GoSL MoJ 0.1 0.2 0.3
Fencing of Wajaale interruption farming
farming Project from the project project Donors
fenced Community

5 To separate Juvenile GoSL MoJ 0.4 0.4

Construction of Juvenile children from section
section in Gabiley Prison adults constructed Donors
and equipped Community

6 To improve the One GoSL MoJ 0.5 0.5

Establishment of necessary skills vocational
Vocational training center of prisoners training Donors
for prisoners centre Community
and equipped

Total 0.155 0.78 0.78 1.69

4.5 Gabiley District

Situation Analysis

Gabiley District was one of the nine districts in Maroodi-jeeh Region of Somaliland, but recently became a
separate region called Gabiley. Gabiley town is the capital of Gabiley Region. It is located on the arterial highway
connecting most parts of the west side of Somaliland and is 52 km west of Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.
Gabiley is classified as an A type district in the district grading system of Somaliland. It is governed by 21 district
councils headed by the Mayor and a regional government body led by the Governor. The district shares borders
with Baki in Awdal Region to the west, Hargeisa and Farawayne of Hargeisa Region to the east, Aden Bay to the

north, and Ethiopia to the south. Gabiley is the second densest populated area of the nine districts in Maroodi-jeeh
Region, and occupies a land area of approximately 4,300 km2.

Gabiley city is the capital of both the district and Gabiley Region. The district has an estimated current population
of 104,000. Nearly half of the population is aged less than 15 years. Youth (15–24 years of age) constitute 19
percent of the population. The working-age population (25–54) accounts for 29 percent and the elderly population
(55 years or more) makes up 6 percent.

In Gabiley District there is no public-owned transport system. Private minibuses known as Noah and small
motorcars connect rural villages to Gabiley town and work as taxis within Gabiley.

Gabiley district was constructed in 1958, at that time the services provided by the district was very limited,


 Shortage of transportation
 Insufficient office space
 Lack of Garbage dumps
 Lack of Meat/slaughter house
 Poor drainage system
 Absence of garage for vehicles maintenance
 Absence of master plan tools
 Lack of Heavy equipments (grader, bull-dozer, shovel, compressors, etc
 Lack of fire control distinguisher-mounted vehicles
 Lack of Security lumps in the district
 In proper water reservoir tanks
 Lack of sufficient bridges within the district
 Lack of Recyclable left-out materials and remnants, such as plastic bags and containers

 Poor roads between the districts


 Provision of waste collection dump tracks (8)

 construction of office rooms (extension 3 rooms
 Explore new Garbage dumps (300)
 Construction of Meat/slaughter house within the district
 Construction of proper drainage system
 Construction of garage for vehicle maintenance
 Provision of master plan tools
 provision of heavy equipments (grader, bull-dozer, shovel, compressors, etc) plus their hauling lorries (3
dump trucks for both garbage and loading)
 Purchase of fire control distinguisher-mounted vehicles (2 well-equipped)
 Installation of Security lumps in the district
 Construction of water reservoir Berked
 Construction of sufficient bridges within the district ( Town-Warmo laliye)
 Provision of Asphalt tanker(1)
 Construction of one meeting hall (for whole town) with capacity of 1000 seats
 Provide Garbage big containers (10) with their dump trucks (3), equipped with lifters
 Recyclable left-out materials and remnants, such as plastic bags and containers, tin cans, rubber, metal, etc.
shall be re-processed and renewed to use

 Construction of roads between the districts ( Gabiley-Isha Gudban and Gabiley-Geed Balaadh)

Projects and Programs

 Provision of waste collection dump tracks (8)

 construction of office rooms (extension 3 rooms
 Explore new Garbage dumps (300)
 Construction of Meat/slaughter house within the district
 Construction of proper drainage system
 Construction of garage for vehicle maintenance
 Provision of master plan tools
 provision of heavy equipments (grader, bull-dozer, shovel, compressors, etc) plus their hauling lorries (3
dump trucks for both garbage and loading)
 Purchase of fire control distinguisher-mounted vehicles (2 well-equipped)
 Installation of Security lumps in the district
 Construction of water reservoir Berked
 Construction of sufficient bridges within the district ( Town-Warmo laliye)
 Construction of one meeting hall (for whole town) with capacity of 1000 seats
 Provide Garbage big containers (10) with their dump trucks (3), equipped with lifters
 Recyclable left-out materials and remnants, such as plastic bags and containers, tin cans, rubber, metal, etc.
shall be re-processed and renewed to use
 Construction of roads between the districts ( Gabiley-Isha Gudban and Gabiley-Geed Balaadh

Matrix 18: Gabiley Local Government Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
GOAL To improve the capacity of Arabsiyo administrators office

Strategic  To enhance the capacity of administrators office
 To improve the main roads of the city

 To maintain the primary service centers for the city

NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

(priorities) objectives outputs funds agency 2014 2015 2016 budge(US
D Millions)
1 Provision of waste To improve 8 dump tracksGoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.25
collection dump tracks (8) waste collection purchased Donors
system Community
2 Construction of office To provide 3 additional GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.02 0.02
rooms (extension 3 rooms) sufficient space rooms Donors
for addition staffconstructed Community
3 Explore new Garbage To increase 300 waste GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.09
dumps (300) waste collection dumps Donors
dumps explored Community
4 Construction of To construct 1 1 market GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.06 0.06
Meat/slaughter house additional market centres Donors
within the district centres in
constructed Community
Erigavo for Erigavo
5 Construction of proper To reduce Drainage GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.1 0.2 0.3
drainage system deterioration of system Donors
roads constructed Community
for better road
6 Purchase of fire control To obtain fire 2 fire GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.045 0.045 0.09
distinguisher-mounted extinguishers for extinguishers Donors
vehicles (2 well-equipped) safety purchased Community
7 Installation of Security To improve the Security GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.07 0.07
lumps in the district security lamps Donors

conditions of the installed for Community
district streets district street s
8 Construction of water To increase 1 Berked GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.1 0.1
reservoir Berked water reservoir constructed Donors
water system Community
9 Construction of sufficient To 0.06 0.06
bridges within the district (
Town-Warmo laliye
10 Provide Garbage big To provide heavy 4 heavy GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.6
containers (10) with their equipments to equipment Donors
dump trucks (3), equipped ease work purchased for Community
with lifters performance Erigavo LG
11 Construction of garage for To increase 1 garage GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.2 0.2
vehicle maintenance sustainability of constructed Donors
vehicle and equipped Community
12 Provision of waste To improve 8 dump tracks GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.08 0.1 0.07 0.25
collection dump tracks (8) waste collection purchased Donors
system Community
13 Construction of office To provide 3 additional GoSL Gabiley Mun. 0.02 0.02
rooms (extension 3 rooms) sufficient space rooms Donors
for addition staff constructed Community
0.335 0.94 0.835 2.11

4.6 Arabsiyo District

Situational Analysis

Arabsiyo district was nominated in June, 2010; the main economic source of the district is the agriculture.


 Lack of office equipment and furniture

 Absence of transportation
 Insufficient slaughter houses
 Lack of garbage collection dams
 Lack of sufficient police stations
 Provision of equipment and furniture for district administration office
 Provision of transportation including trucks (3)
 Construction of slaughter houses
 Establishment of garbage collection dams
 Construction of sufficient police stations (3)
Projects and programs

 Provision of equipment and furniture for district administration office

 Provision of transportation including trucks (3)
 Construction of slaughter houses
 Establishment of garbage collection dams
 Construction of sufficient police stations (3)

Matrix 19: Arabsiyo district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
GOAL To improve the capacity of Arabsiyo administrators office

Strategic  To enhance the capacity of administrators office

Objectives  To Improve the development growth of Arabsiyo city

NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total
objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Provision of equipment To equip District office GoSL MoI 0.032 0.032

and furniture for district district office equipped
administration office office Donors

2 Provision of transportation To provide 3 strong GoSL MoI 0.025 0.05 0.075

including trucks (3) transportation vehicles
for D.A.O purchased for Donors
the sector Community

4 Construction of slaughter To improve the 1 slaughter GoSL MoI 0.1 0.1

houses sanitation of house
meat constructed Donors

5 Establishment of garbage To develop the One garbage GoSL MoI 0.04 0.04
collection dams hygiene of the collection
district dam Donors
established Community

6 Construction of sufficient To improve 3 police GoSL MoI 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15
police stations (3) security in stations
district village constructed Donors

Total 0.115 0.182 0.1 0.397

4.7 Geed Balaadh District

 Absence of District administration office

 Lack of Police stations
 Absence of Transportation

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (2)
 Provision of Transportation (2)
Projects and Programs

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (2)
 Provision of Transportation (2)

Matrix 20: Geed balaadh district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
NO GOAL To improve the capacity of Geedbalaadh administrators office

Strategic  To enhance the capacity of administrators office


Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of District To construct District office GoSL MoI 0.052 0.052
administration office and equip constructed
district office and equipped Donors

Provision of transportation To provide 2 vehicles GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05

(2) transportation purchased for
for D.A.O the sector Donors

3 Construction of sufficient To improve 2 police GoSL MoI 0.05 0.05 0.1

police stations (2) security in stations
district village constructed Donors

Total 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202

4.8 Agabar District

The district consists of 25 villages; the district has no sufficient health facilities.


 Absence of District administration office

 Lack of Police stations
 Absence of Transportation

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (1)

 Provision of Transportation (3)
Projects and Programs

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (1)
 Provision of Transportation (3)
Matrix: Agabar district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
NO GOAL To improve the capacity of Agabar administrators office

Strategic To enhance the capacity of administrators office


Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of District To construct District office GoSL MoI 0.052 0.052

administration office and equip constructed
district office and equipped Donors

Provision of transportation To provide 2 vehicles GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05

(2) transportation purchased for
for D.A.O the sector Donors

3 Construction of sufficient To improve 2 police GoSL MoI 0.05 0.05 0.1
police stations (2) security in stations
district village constructed Donors

Total 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202

4.9 Wajaale District

Wajaale is the second largest city in Gabiley Region, after the Gabiley. Wajaale has health centers and schools
(primary and Secondary), but still there some basic social infrastructures that district lacks.


 Absence of District administration office

 Lack of Police stations
 Absence of Transportation

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (1)
 Provision of Transportation (3)
Projects and Programs

 Construction of District administration office

 Construction of Police stations (1)
 Provision of Transportation (3)
Matrix: Agabar district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix

NO GOAL To improve the capacity of Agabar administrators office

Strategic To enhance the capacity of administrators office


Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of District To construct District office GoSL MoI 0.052 0.052

administration office and equip constructed
district office and equipped Donors

Provision of transportation To provide 2 vehicles GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05

(2) transportation purchased for
2 for D.A.O the sector Donors

3 Construction of sufficient To improve 2 police GoSL MoI 0.05 0.05 0.1

police stations (2) security in stations
district village constructed Donors

Total 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202

4.10 Allay baday District
The district located the south west of Gabiley district (43 km), the district consists of 24 villages. The residents of
the district comprise traders and agro pastoralists.


 Lack of sufficient police stations and police forces

 Absence of transportation
 Lack of trainings for district staff
Matrix: Allay baday district office Sector Budget and Implementation Matrix
GOAL To improve the capacity of Alaybaday administrators office

Strategic  To enhance the capacity of administrators office


NO Project title Project Project Sources of Implementing Yearly budget Total

objectives outputs funds agency budge(US
(priorities) 2014 2015 2016 D Millions)

1 Construction of District To construct District office GoSL MoI 0.052 0.052

administration office and equip constructed
district office and equipped Donors

Provision of transportation To provide 2 vehicles GoSL MoI 0.025 0.025 0.05

(2) transportation purchased for

for D.A.O the sector Community

3 Construction of sufficient To improve 2 police GoSL MoI 0.05 0.05 0.1

police stations (2) security in stations
district village constructed Donors

Total 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202


5.1 Environment Sector

Situational Analysis

The regional office was established at Gabiley in 1996. The number of employees is 5 people; 3 are men and 2 are
women. The office works only two districts and they are Gabiley and Wajaale. The strength of the sector includes
the sector:

 Collects enough amount of revenue

 Fights desertification
 Fight charcoal consumption

Though all the above points are strengths of the sector but there also some weaknesses over the sector include the

Do not reach and cover all districts in the Gabiley region

Do not have a vehicle to reach every district in the region
Do not have well equipped and enough office
Do not have enough labour to send every place

In the region we are recorded 500 persons for charcoal wholesalers and 1600 person charcoal producers. Also 70%
of the trees were cut and all the grazing farms become personal owned property.


 lack of operational cost

 The office do not have vehicle for transport

 Shortage of qualified skilled labour
 Insufficient budget to carryout activities
 Absence of nursery farm
 Huge consumption of charcoal.
 Consumption of plastic bags that damages the live of the animals
 New established villages in grazing areas.
 Hunting all the kinds of wild animals from the big to the small for trade purpose


 Construction of new regional office for the sector

 Getting a vehicle to carryout activities
 Recruitment of qualified skilled labour
 Provision of sufficient budget to carryout activities
 Establishment of nursery farm
 Decreasing the charcoal consumption.
 Prevention of usage of plastic bags that damages the live of the animals
 Reduce of illegal(unauthorized) settlements and villages
 Protecting the wild animals from hunting

Projects and Programs

 Construction of new regional office for the sector

 Provision of vehicle to carryout activities such as supervision
 Recruitment of qualified skilled labour
 Establishment of nursery farm
 Decreasing the charcoal consumption, by exploring alternative sources of energy
 Awareness raising for environmental protection
 Increase the efforts against soil erosion
 Reduce of illegal settlements
 Establishment of environmental guards to prevent those hunting wild animals for trade purpose and to
reduce environmental hazards resulted from the activities of the people
Matrix 21: Environment Sector budget and implementation matrix

Goal Environmental protection and conservation for securing ecologically sustainable economic
development in the region

Strategic Objectives To implement policies and regulatory framework for environmental protection and conservation of
the region

To improve community awareness towards protection and conservation of natural resources

No Project title Project Project Sources Implemen Yearly budget Total

Objectives outputs of Funds ting budget(US
(priorities) agency 2014 2015 2016 D

1 Construction of new To increase Regional office GoSL, MoE&RD 0.042 0.042

regional office for the office is constructed
sector productivity and Donors,
efficiency Communit

2 Provision of vehicle to To enhance 2 vehicles GoSL, MoE&RD 0.025 0.025 0.05
carryout activities such as office purchased
supervision performance and Donors,
efficacy and to Communit
improve the y

3 Recruitment of qualified To improve the -Is recruited GoSL, MoE&RD

skilled labour sector human and trained
resource Donors,


4 Establishment of nursery -to get where -Nursery farm GoSL, MoE&RD 0.2 0.2
farm plants are is established
propagated and at Gabiley Donors,
grown to usable Communit
size. y

5 Decreasing the charcoal -to prevent the -other energy GoSL, MoE&RD 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.15
consumption, by environmental sources are
exploring alternative degradation explored Donors,
sources of energy Communit

6 Awareness raising for -to teach the -awareness GoSL, MoE&RD 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.07
environmental protection community the raising is
importance of conducted at Donors,
different places

the environment of the region Communit

7 Increase the efforts -to improve and -destruction of GoSL, MoE&RD 0.04 0.06 0.1
against soil erosion protect the soil unnecessary
fertility roads is taken. Donors,
performance Communit
-steps against
soil erosion is y

8 Reduce of illegal To prevent new Suitable GoSL, MoE&RD 0.05 0.05 0.1
settlements illegal environment
settlements for illegal Donors,
villages Communit

9 Establishment of -to protect the -environmental GoSL, MoE&RD

environmental guards environment guards is
from those established Donors,
damaging Communit

Total 0.14 0.197 0.405 0.712

6. Financing
6.1 Capital Requirement
The Regional Development Plan is basically a public investment program (PIP) that stretches over a three year
period and organized under five-pillar headings as the following tables show: (see also appendix 1).

Table 5: RDP-Capital Investment Requirement by Pillar

Year Total (US millions) % of total requirement

Economy 1.191 7
Infrastructure 0.867 5
Governance 4.124 25
Social 9.49 59
Environment 0.712 4
Total 16.384 100

6.2. Sources of Financing

In order to ensure adequate financing of the RDP, the Government intends to optimize and mobilize all the
resources—both domestic and foreign—which are needed for the attainment of RDP investment targets, and to
ensure rigorous and effective management of these resources.
The main potential sources are:
Domestic Sources
 Government Revenues (from budget)
 Domestic Private sector investments

External Sources

 Diaspora Contribution
 Aid
 Bilateral
 Regional institutions (IGAD)
 Private donors and trust funds
 UN agencies
 International financial institutions (ADB, WB, IDB)
 Direct Foreign Investment

6.3 Implementation and Monitoring

The implementation of RDP 2014-2016 will be overseen by Regional Development Committee (RDC). The RDC
is lead by the Regional Governor and consist of the following 35 members:

1. Regional Governor
2. Regional Governor Deputy
3. Regional District mayors (6)
4. Regional Coordinators (19)
5. President of Timacade University (1)
6. Regional Elders (2)
7. Regional intellectuals and educates (3)
The functions and duties of the RDC are:

 To set Regional priorities and goals and bring about consensus among government agencies,

 To undertake periodic review and appraisal of the Regional Development Plan as well as the human and
material resource capabilities of the region with a view to advancing their development, efficiency and
effective utilization;
 To co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate development plans, policies and programmes.
 To advise on changes and adjustments in institutions and management techniques necessary for the
alignment of actions with plan targets and goals;
 To conduct research into various issues of interest to the Regional Development Plan
 To mobilize popular support for Government development policies and programs;
 To mobilize resources for the National Development Plan.
 To deal with matters relating to regional economic co-operation,
 To carry out such other duties as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all or any of the
functions conferred on the Commission

The RDC is supported by a secretariat office within the MoNPD regional office. The functions and responsibilities
of the Secretariat are as follows:

 To convene the meetings of the Regional Development Committee ,

 To prepare agenda for its consideration
 To act as the Secretariat of the various committees which RDC may constitute to carry out its functions?
 To prepare quarterly progress reports for RDC

Appendix 1: Financing required by Sector

No Sector 2014 2015 2016 Total 3years

1. Health 0.21 0.5 0.41 1.12
2. Education 0.355 0.707 0.775 1.837
3. Timacade University 0.085 0.04 0.105 1.175
4. Labour and Social Affairs 0.125 0.135 0.067 0.337
5. Youth and Sports 0.555 0.262 0.26 0.627
6. Religious Affairs 0.095 0.095 0.01 0.2
7. Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Reconstruction 1.15 1.142 1.24 3.532
Total Budget for Social Pillar 2.575 2.881 2.867 8.828
8. National Planning and Development 0.067 0.067
9. Agriculture 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.592
10. livestock 0.177 0.27 0.567 0.177
11. Trade Sector 0.09 0.12 0.145 0.355
Total Budget for Economic Pillar 0.487 0.687 0.962 1.191
12. Water 0.867 0.025 0.892 0.867
Total Budget for Infrastructure Pillar 0.867 0.025 0.892 0.867
13. Custodial Corps 0.025 0.042 0.025 0.092
14. Gabiley Regional Administration Office 0.025 0.042 0.025 0.092
15. Quality Control Commission 0.09 0.17 0.365 0.625
16. Gabiley District 0.335 0.94 0.835 2.11
17. Arabsiyo District 0.115 0.182 0.1 0.397
18. Geed Balaadh District 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202

19. Agabar District 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202
20. Wajaale District 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202
21. Allay baday District 0.025 0.102 0.075 0.202
Total Budget for Governance Pillar 0.69 1.784 1.65 4.124
22. Environmental and Rural Development 0.14 0.197 0.405 0.712
Total Budget for Environment Pillar 0.14 0.197 0.405 0.712


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