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where  is the minimum of tan'r, tan'f or (for continuous reinforcement) tan as

discussed in Section 4.5.6.a and V is the summation of the vertical forces as follows:

V = W + PAEsin + permanent nominal surcharge loads within the limits of the
reinforced soil mass

The sliding stability capacity to demand ratio (CDR) is calculated as follows:

CDRsliding = R / THF

If CDRsliding > 1, the design is satisfactory and go to Step 11 otherwise go to Step 9.

Step 9 Determine the wall yield seismic coefficient, ky, where wall sliding is initiated. This
coefficient is obtained by iterative analysis as follows:

a. Determine values of PAE as a function of the seismic coefficient k (< kmax) as shown
in Figure 7-3a.

b. Determine horizontal driving and resisting forces as a function of k (using

spreadsheet calculations) and plot as a function of k as shown in Figure 7-3b. The
value of ky corresponds to the point where the two forces are equal, i.e., the CDR
against sliding equals 1.0.

Force Resisting
Horizontal Force


k k

Figure 7-3. Procedure for determination of ky (Anderson et al., 2008).

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MSE Walls and RSS – Vol I 7–7 November 2009
Step 10 Determine the wall sliding displacement, d, in inches based on the following
relationships between d, ky/kmax, kmax, and PGV based on whether the site is located in
Western United States (WUS) or Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) as per
Figure 7-4:

 For WUS soil and rock sites and CEUS soil sites
log(d) = -1.51 – 0.74log(ky/kmax) + 3.27log(1- ky/kmax) –
0.80log(kmax) + 1.59log(PGV)

 For CEUS rock sites

log(d) = -1.31 – 0.93log(ky/kmax) + 4.52log(1- ky/kmax) –
0.46 log(kmax) + 1.12log(PGV)

Figure 7-4. Boundary between WUS and CEUS (Anderson et al. 2008).

Step 11 Evaluate the limiting eccentricity and bearing resistance using the same principles
discussed in Chapter 4. Include all applicable loads for Extreme Event I. If M-O
method is used then add other applicable forces to PAE. If GLE method is used then no
additional forces need to be added to PAE since the slope stability analysis includes all
applicable forces. Check the limit states using the following criteria:

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1. For limiting eccentricity, for foundations on soil and rock, the location of the
resultant of the applicable forces should be within the middle two-thirds of the wall
base for EQ = 0.0 and within the middle eight-tenths of the wall base for EQ = 1.0.
Interpolate linearly between these values as appropriate.

2. For bearing resistance compare the effective uniform bearing pressure to the
nominal bearing resistance that is based on the full width of the reinforced zone. A
resistance factor of 1.0 is used per Article (AASHTO, 2007).

Step 12 If Step 11 criteria are not met, adjust the wall geometry and repeat Steps 6 to 11 as

Step 13 If Step 11 criteria are met, assess acceptability of sliding displacement, d. The amount of
displacement which is tolerable will depend on the nature of the wall and what it
supports, as well as what is in front of the wall. Typical practice is to limit the lateral
displacement in the range of 2.0 in. (50 mm) to 4.0 in (100 mm) assuming that structures
on top or at toe of the wall can tolerate such displacements.

7.1.2 Internal Stability

For internal stability, the active wedge is assumed to develop an internal dynamic force, Pi, that is
equal to the product of the mass in the active zone and the wall height dependent average seismic
coefficient, kav. Thus, Pi is expressed as follows:

Pi = kav Wa (7-10)

where Wa is the soil weight of the active zone as shown by shaded area in Figure 7-5 and kav given
by Equation 7-3. The force Pi is assumed to act as shown in Figure 7-5. If the weight of the facing
is significant then include it in Wa computation.

The supplementary inertial force, Pi, will lead to dynamic increases in the maximum tensile forces
in the reinforcements. Reinforcements should be designed to withstand horizontal forces generated
by the internal inertia force, Pi, in addition to the static forces. During the internal stability
evaluation, it is assumed that the location and the maximum tensile force lines do not change during
seismic loading.

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Figure 7-5. Seismic internal stability of a MSE wall.

The inertial force is distributed to the reinforcements equally as follows:

Tmd  i (7-11)
Tmd = factored incremental dynamic intertia force at layer i
Pi = internal inertia force due to the weight of backfill within the active zone, i.e., the
shaded area in Figure 7-5
n = number of soil reinforcement layers within the reinforced soil zone,

The load factor for seismic forces is equal to 1.0. Therefore, the total factored load applied to the
reinforcement on a load per unit of wall width basis is determined as follows:

Ttotal  Tmax  Tmd (7-12)

where Tmax is the factored static load applied to the reinforcements determined using the appropriate
equations in Chapters 4 and 6. The reinforcement must be designed to resist the dynamic
component of the load at any time during its design life. This includes consideration of both tensile
and pullout failures as discussed next.

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7.1.2.a Tensile Failure

Design for static loads requires the strength of the reinforcement at the end of the design life to be
reduced to account for corrosion for metallic reinforcement, and for creep and other degradation
mechanisms for geosynthetic reinforcements. The adjustment for metallic corrosion losses are
exactly the same described in Chapter 4 for static analysis. For metallic reinforcements, use the
following resistance factors while evaluating tensile failure under combined static and earthquake
loading (per Table 11.5.6-1 of AASHTO {2007}):

 Strip reinforcements: 1.00

 Grid reinforcements: 0.85

In contrast, the procedures for geosynthetic do not require a creep reduction for the short duration
seismic loading condition and only reductions for geosynthetic degradation losses are required.
Strength loss in geosynthetics due to creep requires long-term, sustained loading. The dynamic
component of load for seismic design is a transient load and does not cause strength loss due to
creep. Therefore, the resistance of the reinforcement to the static component of load, Tmax, must be
handled separately from the dynamic component of load, Tmd. The strength required to resist Tmax
must include the effects of creep, but the strength required to resist Tmd should not include the
effects of creep. Thus, for geosynthetic reinforcement rupture, the reinforcement is designed to
resist the static and dynamic components of the load determined as follows:

For the static component:

S rs  max (7-13)

For the dynamic component:

S rt  md ID D (7-14)

 = resistance factor for combined static/earthquake loading = 1.20 from Table 11.5.6-1 of
AASHTO (2007)
Srs = ultimate reinforcement tensile resistance required to resist static load component
Srt = ultimate reinforcement tensile resistance required to resist dynamic load component
Rc = reinforcement coverage ratio

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RF = combined strength reduction factor to account for potential long-term degradation
due to installation damage, creep, and chemical aging, equal to RFCR x RFID x RFD
(see Chapter 3)
RFID = strength reduction factor to account for installation damage to reinforcement
RFD = strength reduction factor to prevent rupture of reinforcement due to chemical and
biological degradation

Using the above equations, the required ultimate tensile resistance of the geosynthetic reinforcement
is determined as follows:

Tult = Srs + Srt (7-15)

7.1.2.b Pullout Failure

For pullout of steel or geosynthetic reinforcement, the following equation is used:

Le  (7-16)
 (0.8F * ασ v CR c )

Le = length of reinforcement in resisting zone
Ttotal = maximum factored reinforcement tension from Equation 7-12
 = resistance factor for reinforcement pullout = 1.20 from Table 11.5.6-1 of AASHTO
F* = pullout friction factor
α = scale effect correction factor
σv = unfactored vertical stress at the reinforcement level in the resistant zone
C = overall reinforcement surface area geometry factor
Rc = reinforcement coverage ratio

For seismic loading conditions, the value of F*, the pullout resistance factor, is reduced to 80
percent of the value used for static design, unless dynamic pullout tests are performed to directly
determine the F* value.

7.1.3 Facing Reinforcement Connections

Facing elements are designed to resist the total (static + seismic) factored load, i.e., Ttotal. Facing
elements should be designed in accordance with applicable provisions of Sections, 5, 6, and 8 of
AASHTO (2007) for reinforced concrete, steel, and timber, respectively.

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For segmental concrete block faced walls, the blocks located above the uppermost reinforcement
layer should be designed to resist toppling failure during seismic loading.

For geosynthetic connections subjected to seismic loading, the factored long-term connection
strength, Tac, must be greater than Ttotal (i.e., Tmax + Tmd). If the connection strength is partially or
fully dependent on friction between the facing blocks and the reinforcement (e.g., MBW facing), the
connection strength to resist seismic loads should be reduced to 80 percent of its static value as

For the static component of the load:

Tmax RFD
S rs  (7-17)
0.8  ( CR cr ) R c

For the dynamic component of the load:

S rt  (7-18)
0.8  (CR u ) R c

Srs = ultimate reinforcement tensile resistance required to resist static load component
Tmax = applied load to reinforcement
RFD = reduction factor to prevent rupture of reinforcement due to chemical and biological
degradation from Chapter 3
 = resistance factor = 1.20 applied to both the static and the dynamic components, from
Table of AASHTO (2007)
CRcr = long-term connection strength reduction factor to account for reduced ultimate
strength resulting from connection
Rc = reinforcement coverage ratio
Srt = ultimate reinforcement tensile resistance required to resist dynamic load component
Tmd = factored incremental dynamic inertia force
CRu = short-term reduction factor to account for reduced ultimate strength resulting from

For mechanical connections that do not rely on a frictional component, the 0.8 multiplier is removed
from Equations 7-17 and 7-18.

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The required ultimate tensile resistance of the geosynthetic reinforcement at the connection is:

Tult-conn = Srs + Srt (7-19)

The connection capacity of a facing/reinforcement connection system that is fully dependent on the
shear resisting devices for the connection capacity will not be significantly influenced by the normal
stress between facing blocks. The percentage of connection load carried by the shear resisting
devices relative to the frictional resistance to meet the specification requirements should be
determined based on past successful performance of the connection system.

For cases where seismic analysis is required as per Section 4 of AASHTO, facing connections in
MBW unit faced walls should use shear resisting devices between the facing blocks and soil
reinforcement such as shear keys and structural pins (i.e., pins manufactured from material meeting
the design life of the structure, e.g., steel and HDPE) and should not be fully dependent on frictional
resistance between the soil reinforcement and facing blocks.

For steel reinforcement connections, AASHTO (2007) recommends that the resistance factors for
combined static and seismic loads as follows:

 Strip reinforcements: 1.00

 Grid reinforcements: 0.85


Traffic railing impact loads are analyzed under Extreme Event II limit state as per Article A13.2
(AASHTO, 2007). Traffic railing impact events tend to affect only the internal stability of MSE
walls. Guidance for traffic barrier analysis presented in this section is based on NCHRP 22-20
(Bligh et al., 2009), which is an extension of the previous FHWA (Elias et al., 2001) method based
on laboratory and full-scale field tests. Guidance for post and beam railings is based upon
AASHTO (2007).

7.2.1 Traffic Barriers

The impact traffic load on barriers constructed over the front face of MSE walls, must be
designed to resist the overturning moment by their own mass per Article (AASHTO,

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Static Impact Load
The recommended static impact force is 10,000 lb (45 kN) applied on a barrier with a minimum
height of 32 in. (810 mm) above the roadway. Bligh et al. (2009) found that a 10,000 lbs (45
kN) static impact load is equivalent to a dynamic TL-4 railing test level of 54,000 lb (240 kN), as
illustrated in Figure 7-6.

The wall design should ensure that the reinforcement does not rupture or pullout during the
impact event. Where the impact barrier moment slab is cast integrally with a concrete pavement,
the additional force may be neglected. The recommended static impact forces for rupture and for
pullout are based upon the recent NCHRP 22-20 project (Bligh et al., 2009) and past practice.

Load Combination and Load Factors

The load factors and load combination for an Extreme Event II are summarized in Table 4-1. A
load factor, P-EV = 1.35 is used for the static soil load. The traffic surcharge, modeled as an
equivalent soil height of 2 ft, also uses the load factor P-EV = 1.35 (and not  = 0.50), for internal
stability analysis. The static equivalent impact loads are multiplied by a load factor, CT =1.00.

Figure 7-6. Comparison of static and dynamic impact force with 1-inch (25 mm) maximum
displacement (Bligh et al., 2009). (1 kip = 4.44 kN; 1 ft = 0.3 m)

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Reinforcement Rupture
The static impact force, adds an additional horizontal force to the upper 2 layers of soil
reinforcement. It is recommended that the upper layer of soil reinforcement be designed for a
rupture impact load equivalent to a static load of 2,300 lb/lft (33.5 kN/m) of wall; and the second
layer be designed with a rupture impact load equivalent to a static load of 600 lb/lft (8.8 kN/m).
A distribution of stresses, as discussed in Article and illustrated in Figure
(AASHTO, 2007), is not recommended.

The load factor for impact is equal to 1.0. Therefore, the total factored load applied to the
reinforcement on a load per unit of wall width basis is determined as follows:

Ttotal  Tmax  TI (7-20a)

TI = factored impact load at layer 1 or 2, respectively
TMAX = reinforcement tension from static earth and traffic loads

With terms defined, this equation is:

Ttotal  S V K r γ r [(Z  h eq ) γ EV -MAX ]  t i (γ CT ) (7-20b)

ti = equivalent static load for impact load at layer i, (t1 = 2,300 lb/lft and t2 = 600 lb/lft)
and other terms as previously defined (Chapter 4 and/or 7).

An example calculation is presented in Appendix E.6. Note that for geosynthetic reinforcements,
the nominal strength used to structurally size the reinforcements to resist the impact load is not
increased by eliminating the reduction factor for creep, as was done for internal seismic design in
Section 7.2.1. This is recommended because full-scale traffic barrier impact testing with
geosynthetic soil reinforcement has not been performed to date.

Reinforcement Pullout
The pullout resistance of the soil reinforcement to the impact load is resisted over the full-length
of the reinforcements (i.e., L). The traffic surcharge, modeled as an equivalent soil height of 2 ft,
is included in the nominal vertical stress, v, for pullout resistance calculation. Pullout is resisted
over a greater length of wall than the reinforcement rupture loads. Therefore, for pullout, it is
recommended that the upper layer of soil reinforcement be designed for a pullout impact load

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